[01:28] balloons, any idea what has happened here https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/adt-krillin/49/console for this mp https://code.launchpad.net/~fazerlicourice/music-app/test-empty-library/+merge/280794 [01:34] ahayzen, I may be playing with adt-krillin atm [01:35] lol, I saw the failure and thought you might ask [01:35] oops, can you re-approve ahayzen? [01:35] it will work this time [01:35] balloons, ah :-) it just passed and failed again :-) [01:35] okies [01:39] balloons, yey it landed, thanks :-) [01:40] yw. Working on the AP stuff. It should work, but the click's aren't copying [01:41] and that's the confusing bit for me.. [01:53] :-/ === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === shuduo is now known as shuduo-afk === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === _salem is now known as salem_ === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [13:53] Elleo: the Download Manager API docs are fixed in production now: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04.1/Ubuntu.DownloadManager.SingleDownload/ [13:55] mhall119: awesome, thanks :) [13:55] mhall119: now people don't have to guess how to get file paths for their finished downloads :P [13:56] \o/ [13:59] oh nice, I just realized that the API docs also imports this: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04.1/UbuntuUserInterfaceToolkit.ubuntu-whatsnew/ [14:03] very nice === greyback__ is now known as greyback [15:19] ahayzen: I confirmed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1531016 [15:19] Launchpad bug 1531016 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "GridView that is inside tabs or pagestack on desktop judders when the header scrolls in/out" [High,In progress] [15:19] ahayzen: it is a tricky one. The issue is not there with a ListView or Flickable, and also not without the Tabs [15:20] t1mp, thanks, it does exist with PageStack as well [15:20] so Tabs or PageStack [15:20] in the example program, if I set the width and height of the Page to the width and height of the MainView, it works fine. But probably you cannot do that in all actual apps [15:21] oh interesting [15:21] does it need like anchors { fill: parent; } or something? [15:22] the page already tries to do that by itself [15:22] maybe that's where it goes wrong [15:22] and why it doesn't happen with ListView is intriguing as well lol :-) [15:49] ahayzen: it seems like the difference is the 'moving' property of the GridView [15:49] it becomes false and true when you are using the scrollwheel.. :s [15:49] doesn't happen for the ListView [15:49] ah [15:49] I'm not sure why it happens [15:50] hmm.. when I set the width and height of the Page, 'moving' also only changes when needed.. so not multiple times === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand [19:42] ahayzen, nudge nudge on those tasks for GCI :p [20:25] balloons, ah yes :-) sorry been busy with qtubuntu-media stuff :-) [20:32] appdevs: I have the sdk ppa installed; I've just created a brand new app, given it the "Ubuntu SDK Desktop" kit, and tried running it, and I get this error: /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/bin/qmlscene: symbol lookup error: /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/bin/qmlscene: undefined symbol: _ZN7QString18toLocal8Bit_helperEPK5QChari. anyone have any idea what that means or what I can do about it? [20:37] aquarius, the only time i've seen something like that is when trying to run something from a future version of Qt on an older one [20:37] ahayzen, it's possible that that's what's happening, but I haven't done anything to make that so: I've just added the SDK PPA and then installed the SDK from it [20:37] note that it's running /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/bin/qmlscene, which is the SDK PPA version [20:38] so... surely the SDK isn't currently broken? [20:38] yeah weird, blame the SDK folks ? ;-) [20:38] aquarius: I'm sure one of the SDK guys (? bzoltan_?) mentioned that the desktop kit is incomplete [20:38] you're joking [20:38] * ahayzen tries it [20:39] so even having the SDK installed from a PPA and it parallel-installing a whole bunch of extra Qt stuff and whatnot *still* doesn't mean that I can run an Ubuntu app on my desktop? [20:39] * aquarius sobs [20:39] $ /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/bin/qmake -v [20:39] QMake version 3.0 [20:39] Using Qt version 5.4.1 in /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/lib [20:40] aquarius: I wouldn't take my word on it, as it is a dim recollection of a previous conversation. But, AFAI remember, the desktop kit isn't fit for purpose [20:40] OK. If that's honestly the case, then maybe I'll just have to step back to Ubuntu.Components 1.2 or whatever [20:41] writing an app from scratch when it can only be tested on a device is a complete nightmare [20:41] aquarius: I tend to use the native desktop approach, rather than using the desktop kit. Not sure if that brings more or less breakage [20:42] mcphail, that's my plan, but i'm not running an interim release; I'm running 14.04, because it's the LTS [20:42] aquarius: yes, it isn't pretty, is it? [20:43] heh, the desktop only has Ubuntu.Components 1.1 [20:43] still, that's probably OK for the app I'm making [20:48] aquarius, sigh. Sad to hear another victim [20:49] balloons, ya. So, I'm developing with version 1.1 of the components, because that works at least [20:49] and I do not want to upgrade to 15.10 [20:59] mcphail: aquarius: tell me in brief what is the problem [20:59] bzoltan_: appdevs: I have the sdk ppa installed; I've just created a brand new app, given it the "Ubuntu SDK Desktop" kit, and tried running it, and I get this error: /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/bin/qmlscene: symbol lookup error: /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/bin/qmlscene: undefined symbol: _ZN7QString18toLocal8Bit_helperEPK5QChari. anyone have any idea what that means or what I can do about it? [20:59] * bzoltan_ watching ice hockey championshop [21:00] aquarius: would you please give a bit more details :) Like versions, release, apt-cache policies and stuff like that [21:02] bzoltan_, certainly. What would you like version numbers of? OS: Ubuntu 14.04. /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/bin/qmake -v says "Using Qt version 5.4.1 in /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/lib". "apt-cache policy ubuntu-sdk-dev" says it's "3.5.0+16.04-0ubuntu1~109+201512221317~ubuntu14.04.1". [21:03] Happy to provide any other version numbers you may find useful, if you tell me how. === salem_ is now known as _salem [21:47] I'm having trouble getting an app to compile for armhf with the Ubuntu SDK. I'm getting the error: Could not find compiled binaries for architecture 'armhf'. Any ideas for what I should check?