
dholbachballoons, davidcalle, dpm, mhall119, popey: do we know who's doing the Q&A today?12:46
dholbachI still have a cold, so I'd prefer if I'd get away with not being part of it today, but maybe nex week?12:50
dpmdholbach, no worries, you better get well12:57
dpmwho did the last one?12:58
dholbachMike and Alan I think12:58
dpmyeah, looks like it12:58
dpmballoons, davidcalle, are you up for doing the Q&A today? Happy to join in too12:59
davidcalledpm: can do13:07
* dholbach relocates to the office, bbiab13:13
mhall119I'll do the Q&A13:27
* davidcalle relocates before meeting, brb14:52
dpmmhall119, davidcalle, so you were up for the Q&A?15:26
mhall119I am, yes15:26
dpmok, cool15:27
mhall119davidcalle: are you back?15:33
davidcalledpm, mhall119 : still up for the Q&A, yes15:42
* davidcalle calls it a day, see you tomorrow all o/17:27
dholbachI call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:28

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