
Bashing-omI here, better late than never .00:19
daftykinshallo o/00:23
daftykinsthe day didn't bring you any troubles, i hope :)00:23
Bashing-omNo. not al all .. just busy with wiring - a good day . Tired and is good to sit down before this terminal . Your world daftykins ?00:27
daftykinsooh yes the wiring jobs too. yep all good here thanks! though i did get a text from the place i'm cabling up to say they lost their phone dial tone and broadband for 1hr earlier today o0 can't for the life of me think what that is, other than the bad weather we've been having00:30
TJ-mice in the machine :O00:31
* TJ- recalls the photo of daftykins patch panels00:31
daftykinsTJ-: it's not even in use yet :D00:31
daftykinsthe telco claimed they had no issue, allegedly00:32
daftykinsbut maybe they just lied and fixed it00:32
TJ-is the CPE entry-point underground or overhead ?00:32
daftykinsgot their little plastic box on the front elevation, then cat6 into the basement where the master socket is00:33
TJ-could be groundwater in a distribution point00:33
daftykinsi'll have to hope the retired engineer pal has some contacts he can ask to check00:34
daftykinsbut the guys wife does a lot of online learning and skype client calls so they need a good reliable service :S00:34
lotuspsychjegood morning to all07:03
sam_yanHI! In ubuntu 15.04 ,there is no irqbalance unit with systemd.Does ubuntu give up irqbalance ?07:53
lotuspsychjesam_yan: not here, this is the discuss channel07:53
cfhowlettsam_yan, wrong channel ...07:53
sam_yanwhich channel should i  go ?07:55
cfhowlettsam_yan, #ubuntu.  ask your question.  be patient.07:55
sam_yanok thanks07:57
Ben64i wish i could wipe ftp from existence09:28
BluesKajHiyas all12:33
Bashing-omGuys, getting settled in . Hoz it been going ?18:05
nicomachusinstalling MS Office on Ubuntu feels so... wrong.19:11
daftykinswhy's it happening D:19:11
daftykinsBashing-om: o/ ah you beat me today ;)19:11
* daftykins strolls in19:11
nicomachusneed Excel for work... LibreCalc just isn't cutting it on the formatting.19:12
Bashing-om\o .. Hay daftykins , been slow ,,, I loggi on @ 18.02 GMT .19:12
nicomachusoh man I forgot how bad Office 2007 looked.19:20
daftykins2013 looks like someone poured bleach all over it19:20
daftykinswhite... everywhere!19:20
nicomachus2007 is just a crappy blue color.. and curves. curves everywhere.19:45
TJ-syntax error: "2007" is not a valid CSS color :P19:48
nicomachusTJ-: :P20:27
nicomachusthis color *shouldn't* be a valid color... it's just...bad20:27
Bashing-omSometimes like pulling teeth .. for something so simple to do .23:55

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