=== shuduo is now known as shuduo-afk [16:13] cycliam: That link you gave yesterday 22:08 UTC does not work. It says the page has been removed. [16:16] Does anybody know why the Ubuntu mainline PPA ( http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=N;O=D ) has not had kernel 4.4-rc8 added? Typically it follows kernel.org by an hour or two, but not this week. [16:17] uhm [16:17] dsmythies, odd [16:48] dsmythies, ok i have found a bad builder in the pool which has been junking its results, doh [16:49] dsmythies, it should be resolved now and the lost results requeued, so they will come out in due course [16:54] apw: O.K. thanks for looking into it. (Myself, I am O.K. because I compile myself. However, I know others have been looking for the pre-compiled one.) [17:14] hello, sorry to bother. I want to know the URL to Git-clone the latest alpha/beta version of Ubuntu 16.04 kernel [17:14] Thanks in advance! [17:20] dsmythies: thanks for the heads up. here's that snippet again. http://pastie.org/10671760 [17:20] The only hit for the error message on Google is a link to another pastebin made 7 days ago. Any pointers? [17:22] gpiccoli, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial.git/ [17:22] gpiccoli, git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial.git [17:22] kamal, thanks very much!! [17:22] Do you know which tag corresponds to the alpha 1 kamal? [17:24] gpiccoli, hmmm. that's a good question. [17:25] hehehe [17:25] apw, rtg, where's the mapping between distro alpha/beta versions and kernel versions, as gpiccoli is asking here? ^^ [17:25] it's not fundamental for my work, it's more a curiosity. I never understood why there are no Ubuntu-alpha1 tag or something [17:25] The map is always so hard to figure [17:25] apw, rtg, why don't we tag those? [17:26] thanks for the help kamal! [17:26] kamal, we don't for sure, the only way to find out is the manifest of the A1 image [17:27] apw, we would certainly tag them "after the fact" ... we should. [17:27] apw, what info do I need to look in the manifest? [17:27] it's already a great hint to make the map easier to figure [17:27] apw, because downloading, extracting, and parsing the image seems like an awful lot of work [17:27] gpiccoli, heh not sure [17:28] ouch lol [17:28] kamal, indeed do feel free to create some kind of tag, though we should be careful of tooling assuming Ubuntu-* formats [17:28] kamal, the release kernel would also be nice, though that is clearly in -release [17:28] gpiccoli, the manifest would have the package names and versions, right? i.e. linux-image-generic (some version number) [17:29] kamal: ok, so if installing the distro, we can check it via uname? [17:29] I noticed some confusions in the past, like 3.19.0-33 and in git we have only -31 and -37 [17:30] gpiccoli, oh, sure if you've actually got it installed, uname will tell. git should certainly have a tag for every version we've ever released [17:32] great kamal, thanks very much! =) [17:32] Thanks apw too [17:32] gpiccoli, happy to help [17:33] =] [17:33] gpiccoli, you should never find git with only -31 and -37, unless htis is a rebase tree and you didn't say git fetch --tags origin [17:33] so you miss some of the interviening tags [17:34] 2497037 (tag: Ubuntu-3.19.0-33.38) UBUNTU: Ubuntu-3.19.0-33.38 [17:34] ^ looks okay to me :-) [17:34] ok, my fault them. Probably i got confused with that . [17:34] 3.19.0-X.Y [17:34] kamal, apw: what this .Y means? [17:35] gpiccoli, its mostly historical ... almost always, we increment both X and Y for each release, but in some circumstances ... [17:35] gpiccoli, that is nominally an upload numvber within the series [17:36] when we only need to apply a very small number of patches, and the stars line up right, we will only increment Y. [17:36] upshot: don't worry about it ... consider the whole version number to be a discreet entity. [17:37] gpiccoli, notice that uname -a does also show you the Y value, but strangely, its after the "#" i.e. [17:37] Linux fourier 3.13.0-73-generic #116-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 4 15:31:30 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [17:38] the corresponding tag would be e.g. "Ubuntu-3.13.0-73.116" (the 116 there is the Y) [17:38] wow, what a nice info kamal [17:38] Thanks very much both of you for the help [17:39] there is also /proc/version_signature which has the real versions iirc [17:39] Now I figured how to do the mapping between Ubuntu version and git tag =) [17:39] Great apw, ty [17:39] Will use this new "toolset" in my work =) [17:48] kamal, I have only ever understood the number after the # to be the build number. I.E. for this: [17:48] Linux s15 4.4.0-rc7-stock #143 SMP Mon Dec 28 08:08:16 PST 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [17:49] I have done 143 kernel compiles since the last time I started from a brand new git pull. [17:49] dsmythies, right that is the kernel build number in the kernel makefile sense, we abuse that to indicate the upload number and whether it was built on a buildd or not [17:50] apw, O.K. thanks. [17:55] apw, the kernel 4.4-rc8 directory has appeared ( http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4-rc8-wily/ ), but all the builds failed. Was that what you expected? It seems odd for so late in the release candidate cycle, where changes are supposed to be minimal. My build on Sunday night completed fine, but I do not compile via the same method (or so I think). [17:56] dsmythies, no, that is a different failure due to a lack of tools on a new builder, grr, fixed and rerunning [18:08] apw, hi, just a curious question while xenial will target 4.4, are there going to be immediate unstable ppa builds of 4.5+ for xenial [18:13] ricotz, I'll have a 4.5 based build around 4.5-rc2. However, it will be targeted for Y as soon as the release opens for business. [18:13] ricotz, the unstable ppa on ~canonical-kernel-team you mean? that is for test builds of the next kernel for the next series before it appears, typically in xenial [18:15] rtg, alright, good, I feared that this gets stalled due focus on xenial [18:15] apw, yes, that one, using those seems more appropriate than the mainline builds [18:18] dsmythies, fyi, those v4.4-rc8 builds just completed successfully [18:20] kamal, hi, for how long will the utopic-lts-kernel (3.16) on trusty receive updates? [18:26] ricotz, until August 2016, per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support [18:26] ricotz, after April 2016, it will be "CVE/Critical fixes only" though [18:28] kamal, ah thanks, I should bookmark that wiki page :) [19:20] kamal, thanks. I see them (the kernel 4.4-rc8) completed builds. [19:20] * apw goes and beats on the instructions for building a builder === jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand