
nhainesGood morning!08:14
tsimonq2o/ guys22:03
ubot5`The LoCo Council is coolbhavi, PabloRubianes, nhaines, wxl, and lunapersa - they are here to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com22:53
tsimonq2This should be updated for 2016: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour22:53
wxlyes tsimonq2 ?22:54
pleia2tsimonq2: it's a wiki, you can update it :)22:54
tsimonq2wxl, pleia2: Well it links to http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2979/ and I don't know how to create another one22:55
pleia2tsimonq2: there is already another one22:56
tsimonq2pleia2: well can you link me?22:56
pleia2tsimonq2: go to loco.ubuntu.com and click on "Events"22:56
pleia2Ubuntu Hours 2016 is in the list22:56
tsimonq2oh ok thanks pleia2 22:56
nhainesGlad I could help.23:01
tsimonq2hey it's nhaines 23:01
tsimonq2nhaines: what's up?23:02
nhainestsimonq2: not much!  Been busy editing, threw out my back Sunday and couldn't walk yesterday.  Can walk today!  About to put on a podcast and do some book formatting.23:03
nhainesTrying not to think about SCALE until tomorrow, but I'll probably have to write a blog post soon.  :)23:04
nhainesThis close to getting Firefox running on Ubuntu on my Nexus 7.23:04
nhainesOh, and loving my new Android Wear watch.23:04
pleia2which one do you have?23:05
nhainesFirefox 43!23:05
pleia2the watch :)23:05
nhainesHehe, just kidding.  ASUS Zenwatch 2.23:05
pleia2don't think I've seen that one yet23:05
nhainesIt had the distinct advantage of costing $150, which was the maximum I'm willing to pay for a second screen for my phone.23:06
nhainesBut also the only things that set it apart form the $350 watches was the square screen and the no LTE that I wasn't going to pay T-Mobile for anyway.23:08
tsimonq2nhaines: ooh a podcast?23:12
tsimonq2nhaines: ohhh is that LUP?23:13
tsimonq2nhaines: why couldn't you walk? :(23:13
nhainesIt will probably be The Nerdist from a couple years back when they interview Joel Hodgson.23:14
tsimonq2ohh ok23:14
nhainesI couldn't walk because I threw out my back.  The best part was that it was probably 7 hours before that started to manifest, so I didn't realize it was actually bad until the next morning.23:14
tsimonq2nhaines: well yeah I heard you on a LUP a couple weeks ago23:14
pleia2Joel <323:15
tsimonq2ohh that sucks23:15
* tsimonq2 doesn't know who Joel is23:15
tsimonq2oh ok I see23:16
tsimonq2nhaines: oh yeah BTW, since you are organizing UbuCon, it would be pretty awesome if you could explain to our LoCo a bit about it during our meeting on Friday. Although it might be a little late to sign up, it might be a good idea for them to learn about what an UbuCon is.23:19
tsimonq2nhaines: if you are willing I can put you on the agenda23:20
tsimonq2nhaines: it's on Friday from 7:00 - 8:00 CST23:20
tsimonq2same time, different day :)23:20
nhainesIf it's AM I'm not so sure about that!23:20
tsimonq2lol no, PM23:21
tsimonq2yeah we wouldn't do that :)23:21
tsimonq2I have school! :P23:21
tsimonq2nhaines: ^23:21
nhainesI can probably spare a bit of time for that on Friday.23:22
tsimonq2nhaines: so is that a yes to put you on the agenda?23:22
tsimonq2ok, cool :D23:23

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