mdeslaur | infinity: happy new year! | 16:59 |
slangasek | happy new year | 17:00 |
mdeslaur | slangasek: happy new year! | 17:00 |
infinity | *grunt* | 17:00 |
mdeslaur | hehe | 17:00 |
pitti | o/ | 17:00 |
mdeslaur | hi pitti! | 17:00 |
pitti | happy new year everyone! | 17:01 |
infinity | pitti: You too. | 17:02 |
pitti | not that we'd have much of an agenda, but let's still wait a bit on stgraber, slangasek, and kees | 17:04 |
slangasek | I have always been here ;) | 17:04 |
pitti | hey slangasek, how are you? | 17:05 |
slangasek | pitti: not too bad! out of the eggnog coma | 17:05 |
slangasek | pitti: you? | 17:05 |
pitti | slangasek: quite well, had a really nice time in Dresden; replacing IRC with lots of walks, museums, spending time with family & friends etc :) | 17:06 |
pitti | then again, what are we doing here, we all timed out :) | 17:06 |
pitti | so, *shrug* | 17:06 |
pitti | #startmeeting | 17:06 |
meetingology | Meeting started Tue Jan 5 17:06:35 2016 UTC. The chair is pitti. Information about MeetBot at | 17:06 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 17:06 |
pitti | #topic action review | 17:06 |
pitti | ACTION: slangasek to document juju, docker exceptions on | 17:06 |
pitti | ACTION: infinity to follow up with maas SRU exception | 17:06 |
pitti | the usual? | 17:06 |
* pitti doesn't suspect any progress over the holidays | 17:07 | |
infinity | Yeah, not so much. | 17:07 |
slangasek | indeed not, sorry :) | 17:07 |
pitti | no worries, just following the protocol | 17:07 |
pitti | nothing on the ML either except for being on the CC checkup meeting | 17:07 |
pitti | so I guess that leaves us to | 17:07 |
pitti | #topic tech board re-election | 17:08 |
pitti | I notified Mark about our timeout and asked for re-adding all of us for another month | 17:08 |
slangasek | does anyone have any experience running the election? | 17:08 |
pitti | does anyone remember what we did two years ago for the election? | 17:08 |
pitti | I know someone set up a poll, maybe Mark himself, maybe someone from CC | 17:09 |
slangasek | we had an email from dholbach back at the beginning of December, pointing to which suggests that the board itself "usually" runs the election | 17:09 |
pitti | ok, that doesn't tell much about the operational details of setting up the voting, but before that Mark needs to appoint candidates anyway | 17:12 |
slangasek | ok | 17:12 |
pitti | TBH, my motivation for doing a fourth 2-year term is relatively low -- we haven't really been that useful in the last two years IMHO | 17:14 |
infinity | I'd like to see us get more useful, but I'm not sure how to magically make that happen. | 17:16 |
mdeslaur | was there a call for nominations last time? I can't seem to find it | 17:16 |
slangasek | my recollection was that Mark hand-picks? | 17:17 |
pitti | yeah, mine to | 17:18 |
mdeslaur | ok | 17:18 |
pitti | | 17:19 |
pitti | is what I found from the last time | 17:19 |
sabdfl | hello all | 17:19 |
infinity | Oh hey, look. | 17:19 |
slangasek | sabdfl: hi! | 17:19 |
sabdfl | happy new year to you too, infinity | 17:19 |
mdeslaur | sabdfl: hi! happy new year | 17:19 |
sabdfl | hey slangasek, pitti, mdeslaur, good to see you all | 17:19 |
pitti | and | 17:19 |
pitti | oh, hello sabdfl! happy new year! | 17:20 |
sabdfl | i believe i and to you too pitti, i hope you guys all had a very restful and happy holiday | 17:21 |
sabdfl | well, that came out all wrong | 17:21 |
* pitti reorders :) | 17:21 | |
sabdfl | s/i believe i// | 17:21 |
sabdfl | pitti, was the link re cor-dev membership as a requirement, or staggering terms? | 17:22 |
pitti | sabdfl: the mails from two years ago above were just about procedural issues and pretty much the same questions that we have now | 17:22 |
pitti | sabdfl: but ISTR that core-dev should be a rather strong requirement | 17:22 |
sabdfl | yes, i think so too, though i would tend to filter nominations that way in any event | 17:24 |
pitti | sabdfl: so what are the next steps? should we sent out a public call for nominations, or do you want to ponder that and nominate yourself? | 17:24 |
sabdfl | am i interrupting or can we talk about elections? | 17:24 |
sabdfl | cool | 17:24 |
pitti | sabdfl: it's our only topic and it's going on right now | 17:24 |
sabdfl | public call for nominations please, i just shortlist | 17:24 |
pitti | ack | 17:24 |
infinity | I nominate the current board. *cough* | 17:26 |
sabdfl | i'd like to discuss nominations with the T, but i believe your only list is public? | 17:26 |
sabdfl | TB | 17:26 |
pitti | right, it is | 17:26 |
pitti | so that'd be individual mails | 17:26 |
sabdfl | will do | 17:26 |
sabdfl | may i ask that the current TB extend for 3 weeks to cover a 2-week call for nominations and a 1-week election? | 17:27 |
pitti | sabdfl: I mailed you the other day with proposing an extension by one month | 17:27 |
infinity | I don't think any of us have issues with that, so long as you click the buttons in LP. | 17:27 |
mdeslaur | I'm fine with that | 17:27 |
infinity | (The lack of permissions has already caused some issues :P) | 17:28 |
sabdfl | i'll ask folks to ack if they want me to do the clicky click | 17:28 |
pitti | (FTR, ack from me as well) | 17:28 |
infinity | pitti: You're chairing, startvote +1mo and clicky clicky? :P | 17:29 |
infinity | Or 3wk. | 17:29 |
infinity | Or whatever. | 17:29 |
pitti | as for the nominations, mail to u-devel-announce@? who should the nominees be sent to? I'm happy enough to collect them in private, or should they go to u-devel-discuss@? | 17:29 |
pitti | #vote extend current TB term by one month for the re-election | 17:29 |
meetingology | Please vote on: extend current TB term by one month for the re-election | 17:29 |
meetingology | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) | 17:29 |
pitti | +1 | 17:29 |
meetingology | +1 received from pitti | 17:29 |
mdeslaur | +1 | 17:29 |
meetingology | +1 received from mdeslaur | 17:29 |
infinity | +1 | 17:29 |
meetingology | +1 received from infinity | 17:29 |
pitti | need slangasek for quorum | 17:30 |
infinity | pitti: If they're being filtered, they should be sent privately. No one needs the public embarrassment of self-nominating and being rejected. | 17:30 |
pitti | yes, that's what I thought | 17:30 |
pitti | when I collect them privately, I won't do any replies or discussion, just assemble the list and send them to sabdfl after 2 weeks | 17:31 |
slangasek | +1 | 17:31 |
meetingology | +1 received from slangasek | 17:31 |
pitti | (FTR, if anyone else wants to, I happily hand that over :) ) | 17:31 |
pitti | #endvote | 17:31 |
meetingology | Voting ended on: extend current TB term by one month for the re-election | 17:31 |
meetingology | Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 | 17:31 |
meetingology | Motion carried | 17:31 |
pitti | sabdfl: thanks in advance for the button pushing | 17:31 |
infinity | pitti: You're the most trusted of all of us, happy to let you be the man behind the curtain. :P | 17:32 |
sabdfl | love the voting thing, it's such a good idea! | 17:33 |
pitti | sabdfl: while we are at it, who has experience with setting up the actual voting in two weeks? | 17:33 |
sabdfl | dholbach | 17:33 |
pitti | ack, thanks | 17:33 |
sabdfl | istr he just ran the process for the CC | 17:33 |
pitti | ok, so we have a plan now? | 17:34 |
sabdfl | only thing to be sure of is the voters roll | 17:34 |
pitti | #action pitti to send out call for nominations to u-d-a@, collect proposals for two weeks, and send to sabdfl | 17:34 |
meetingology | ACTION: pitti to send out call for nominations to u-d-a@, collect proposals for two weeks, and send to sabdfl | 17:34 |
sabdfl | i'll take nominations by direct email (can be cc'd to TB@ if folks want a nomination on the record) | 17:34 |
pitti | sabdfl: ah, you collect the votes? WFM too, then I don't proxy | 17:34 |
sabdfl | pls cc the nominee (and if public pls check with them before nominating them :) | 17:34 |
pitti | ack | 17:34 |
sabdfl | i'll double-check with nominees | 17:34 |
sabdfl | and then discuss nominations with current TB, just to give the conspiracy theorists a head start | 17:35 |
sabdfl | then we'll have a shortlist, and a vote, and a TB | 17:35 |
infinity | \o/ | 17:35 |
mdeslaur | \o/ | 17:35 |
pitti | whee! | 17:36 |
sabdfl | hmm, i might have overclicked - kees is correct yes? | 17:36 |
infinity | Yes. | 17:36 |
sabdfl | phew | 17:36 |
infinity | But you're missing stgraber. | 17:37 |
sabdfl | otherwise that might have been surprising to him | 17:37 |
sabdfl | reload | 17:37 |
infinity | Oh, there he is. I refreshed. | 17:37 |
infinity | ;) | 17:37 |
sabdfl | alrighty then | 17:37 |
sabdfl | AOB? | 17:37 |
pitti | thanks sabdfl | 17:37 |
pitti | #topic AOB | 17:37 |
mdeslaur | thanks sabdfl | 17:37 |
infinity | I was wondering if the size of the TB is something to discuss for this election too. | 17:37 |
pitti | good point | 17:37 |
infinity | Namely that, minus sabdfl, who isn't usually present for votes, we are an even number. | 17:37 |
infinity | Which is awkward. | 17:37 |
pitti | TB tasks have dramatically reduced over the years | 17:37 |
infinity | 5 might be better than 6. | 17:37 |
pitti | sabdfl: ^ | 17:38 |
infinity | Not that we often disagree, but if someone poses the right question, it could happen. :P | 17:39 |
pitti | infinity: FWIW, +1 from me | 17:43 |
pitti | AOB #2? | 17:43 |
mdeslaur | I have nothing | 17:43 |
infinity | I haven't had breakfast yet, and that's a dire issue. | 17:44 |
infinity | (So, no, nothing else) | 17:44 |
pitti | #endmeeting | 17:44 |
meetingology | Meeting ended Tue Jan 5 17:44:24 2016 UTC. | 17:44 |
meetingology | Minutes: | 17:44 |
pitti | thanks everyone! | 17:44 |
mdeslaur | thanks pitti! | 17:44 |
mdeslaur | thanks everyone | 17:44 |
slangasek | thanks! | 17:44 |
pitti | slangasek, sabdfl, infinity, mdeslaur: ← does that look ok? | 17:54 |
slangasek | pitti: lgtm | 17:55 |
infinity | pitti: wfm | 17:55 |
pitti | thx | 17:56 |
pitti | and out it is | 17:56 |
* pitti waves good night | 17:56 | |
infinity | pitti: Moderated. | 17:56 |
pitti | infinity: oh, I thought I did :) | 17:57 |
infinity | Oh, well, one of us did. | 17:57 |
pitti | the listadmin race is on! | 17:57 |
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