McKor | hallo, ik heb xampp geinstalleerd, ik schrijf 'sudo schmod +x in de terminal en hij antwoordt vindt het dossier niet! | 09:17 |
SCHAAP137 | schmod is fou | 09:19 |
SCHAAP137 | *fout | 09:19 |
SCHAAP137 | zou chmod moeten zijn | 09:19 |
lordievader | McKor: Is het niet handiger om hem uit de repo te trekken? | 09:19 |
SCHAAP137 | McKor: kijk aub uit met zomaar dingen copypasten van internet he | 09:19 |
McKor | ok, bedankt! | 09:24 |
ingrid | Ik heb even hulp nodig. Ik heb ubuntu succesvol geinstalleerd op mijn nieuwe computer. Ik kan hem bij het inloggen selecteren, maar dan kom ik net echt ver. | 13:07 |
ingrid | Ik krijg even een donker scherm en dan een pagina waar ik opnieuw kan opstarten of een bios-achtig iets uitkom waar ik vrijwel niets aan mag passen. | 13:08 |
ingrid | Kan iemand me helpen? Mijn vraag staat al een tijdje open. | 14:42 |
Kebabfish | ingrid: zie het niet als onwil, maar het probleem komt me niet 123 bekend voor | 14:44 |
ingrid | I need some help getiing Ubuntu running on my new computer. It has been succesfully installed. When I login I can choose Ubuntu. It seems to start, I get a blackish screen. But then a little later a window pops up that allows me to restart or go to UEFI. But there I can not really adjust anything much. | 15:53 |
dzho | ingrid: can you get a prompt if you hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 | 15:57 |
dzho | ? | 15:57 |
dzho | pardon, ik spreek Nederlands niet zo goed | 15:58 |
ingrid | ik spreek nederlands | 15:58 |
ingrid | but also english if that is easier | 15:58 |
dzho | for me it is, dank u wel | 15:59 |
ingrid | you are welcome | 15:59 |
dzho | Ctrl-Alt-F1 may allow you to get to what is called a "virtual terminal" | 15:59 |
dzho | if the problem is with the graphics settings, this can allow some debugging and reconfiguration | 15:59 |
dzho | it is much more tolerant of graphics misconfiguration | 16:00 |
dzho | which version of Ubuntu are you using? | 16:00 |
ingrid | I am now using 14.04 lite 32-bits | 16:00 |
ingrid | I don't get a virtual terminal but some Intel graphics window | 16:01 |
dzho | hmm. | 16:02 |
dzho | perhaps restart, and instead of logging in, try Ctrl-Alt-F1 at that point? | 16:02 |
ingrid | I did find a dos-terminal and a Window supershell | 16:02 |
dzho | are you sure it's windows? | 16:03 |
ingrid | window 8 | 16:03 |
dzho | so, you've made this dual-boot | 16:03 |
ingrid | yes | 16:03 |
* dzho is unfamiliar with the "lite" version. | 16:03 | |
dzho | is that Xubuntu? | 16:03 |
ingrid | No just a minimum installation | 16:04 |
dzho | did you pass through a grub boot prompt? | 16:06 |
ingrid | I am not sure what that is, but I see nothing more than a blackish screen until the window pops up | 16:07 |
ingrid | but it takes some time before that happens | 16:08 |
dzho | are you at the Ubuntu log in window again? | 16:12 |
dzho | or at the "restart or go to UEFI" window? | 16:13 |
dzho | we can worry about grub later :-) | 16:13 |
ingrid | I can only go there at the moment when I re-start the computer, but then I loose this connection | 16:13 |
dzho | ok, perhaps I misunderstand what you mean by "when I login" | 16:14 |
dzho | are you entering a username and password? | 16:14 |
ingrid | you are correct I should say when I start the OS | 16:14 |
dzho | aha, thanks. | 16:15 |
dzho | I suspect the ubuntu installation is incomplete or damaged in some way | 16:15 |
dzho | the part where you choose Ubuntu may be the grub window. grub is a bootloader, which allows you to choose amongst operating systems shortly after starting the computer. | 16:15 |
ingrid | Can I uninstall it and download again? | 16:15 |
dzho | does the window where you choose ubuntu look like this? | 16:16 |
dzho | (some of the words may be different, but that is the general look) | 16:16 |
ingrid | I did switch back from 64-bits to 32-bits which I had on my old computer | 16:17 |
ingrid | I start my computer I get the HP-logo and the I can choose between Windows and Ubuntu, that is where I select Ubuntu | 16:18 |
dzho | and does the window in which you make the selection look like the screenshot at the URL above? | 16:19 |
ingrid | Not really | 16:19 |
dzho | hmm. it might be the windows bootloader, then, about which I know very little anymore :( | 16:20 |
ingrid | I get two blue buttons to select the OS | 16:20 |
dzho | sorry, unless someone else in this channel has a better idea, the best I can do now is suggest you try to get help from a local linux user group or hackerspace. | 16:20 |
dzho | or from Canonical | 16:21 |
ingrid | I have already contact the Ubuntu support point | 16:21 |
ingrid | Anyway thank you very much for your advice and time, much appreciated | 16:23 |
dzho | ingrid: graag gedaan. | 16:23 |
dzho | I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. | 16:23 |
ingrid | well it also reassures me somewhat, I was really getting frustrated I could not get it to work myself..... | 16:24 |
zippo^ | hoi, weet iemand welke programma kan ik meerdere pdf's in één pdf samenvoegen? | 17:29 |
Maikel | pdfmod | 17:29 |
Maikel | | 17:29 |
=== marshal0605 is now known as marshal0505 | ||
zippo^ | Yeah, pdfunite works it great under the terminal, I have a got a tips from another MATE'er :-D | 18:04 |
ramiof | hallo | 20:49 |
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