
k1lSebastien (~hi@freenude/staff/sebastien)  ?00:14
Unit193k1l: Do a double take on that.00:15
=== Unit193 is now known as Hypnotoad
=== Hypnotoad is now known as Unit193
cartwrightI forgot who banned me from #ubuntu-offtopic anyone remember?00:33
cartwrightI just remember why and it's necessary to discuss something relevant00:34
cartwrightwhere he @ doe?00:35
cartwrightwhere they @ doe?00:35
k1ldoes it really matter or are you just bored again and what to have "some fun" with waisting other peoples lifetime?00:35
cartwrightyeah it does matter00:35
cartwrightit's of severe importance00:35
rwwcartwright: he's Guest6264600:35
cartwrightNickServ (NickServ@services.): Last seen  : (about 0 weeks ago)00:36
Unit193Eg, not here.00:36
cartwrightnot even about A WEEK AGO.00:36
k1lcartwright: here are other #ubuntu-offtopic ops who can look into the issue if its important00:36
rww0 weeks ago is usually secret code for "currently logged in"00:36
cartwrightnah it's not so much the issue of me getting banned but the social implications of why he banned me00:36
cartwrightlike I'm fine with still being banned00:36
cartwrightand in fact if it's possible I'd like to be rebanned on #ubuntu too00:37
rwwyou were banned two years ago. I'm not sure what would be relevant to this channel after two years that needs IdleOne and not another op00:37
cartwrightnot just the muting pansy garbage00:37
cartwrightthat's for me and him to discuss00:37
cartwrightin public00:37
cartwrightin front of an audience00:37
rwwyou should probably get to the point, then.00:37
cartwrightGuest62646: are you here mang?00:38
cartwrightwell idle for an hour and change00:38
cartwrightguess that's why he's idleone00:38
cartwrightanother time then, I'll bbl00:38
rww@mark #ubuntu-ops cartwright usual waste of time00:38
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:38
Sebastienthere is nothing to resolve really05:11
Sebastienand i told the person who muted me about it05:11
rwwso... you knew you were quieted and joined the channel anyway?05:12
rwwthis is not very smart.05:12
Sebastieni was in there all along...05:12
rwwokay, spoke in*05:12
Sebastiendon't judge my level of intelligence.05:12
Sebastienim not rood to you dont be root to me05:12
Sebastienkinda simple05:12
rwwdon't evade quiets that you know are set against you?05:12
Sebastienrood *05:12
rwwtelling an op who's afk that you know you're evading a quiet doesn't really mean that you're not evading the quiet05:12
Sebastiendid you see his reason for the quiet05:13
Sebastien[17:34:43] <Sebastien> daftykins, im not a teen, im 31 yrs old. and im fucking pissed that nothing i try or attempt works, even with all the commands everyone gave me here, it still does not work. i tried to add a new user, add it to a group (www-data) i trhied to chmod the files, i tried to to it manually, with 3 different sFTP clients.05:15
Sebastien[17:34:46] <Sebastien> none of it works05:15
Sebastien[17:34:57] <Sebastien> so before starting to fucking insult me for no fucking reasons, shut the fuck up05:15
Sebastien[17:34:58] <Sebastien> thanks05:15
Sebastien[17:34:59] <k1l_> i think we should not put Sebastien into defence too much. lets move on05:15
Sebastien[17:35:11] <Razzdoll> Sebastien, that isnt nice. i think they are trying to help05:15
Sebastien[17:35:26] <Sebastien> no, he is insulting me for trying ( daftykins is )05:15
Sebastien[17:35:32] <Sebastien> everyone else is friendly, and helpful05:15
Sebastien[17:35:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o k1l_05:15
Sebastien[17:35:53] * k1l_ sets mode: +q *!*@botters/Sebastien05:15
Sebastienim getting bashed at05:15
Sebastienand i can't defend myself?05:15
Sebastienpretty pathetic05:15
Sebastientry this face to face05:15
rwwthat is not acceptable behavior for #ubuntu. if you think that's acceptable behavior, please find another support venue.05:15
Sebastienits not an acceptable behavior to me to insult me05:16
Sebastienand try to taunt me for no fucking reason05:16
Sebastienyou wont stand for it yourself05:16
Sebastiensame rights applies to me05:16
rwwtwo wrongs don't make a right.05:16
Sebastiensho what05:16
Sebastienso what05:16
Sebastienits not like i evaded a ban05:16
Sebastienhe forced me to shutthefuckup at that time05:17
Sebastiennobody said it was forever till i come here.05:17
Sebastienhence, nothing to resolve05:17
Sebastienyall panicking too much for nothing here all the damm time05:17
rwwYou got quieted. You knew you were actively quieted. You chose to talk in the channel anyway.05:17
Sebastientake a chill pill05:17
Sebastiento be 100% honest, i forgot for a few minutes while having an issue and asked a question05:17
Sebastienthe new cloak was not to evade shit05:18
Sebastienlike i have time to waste with people crying for big words05:18
Sebastienyall grown ups right?05:18
rww"crying for big words" means what?05:18
Sebastieni dropped a fbomb05:18
Sebastienand got muted for it05:19
Sebastienread up or i can paste again if needed05:19
rwwYep. The channel rules in our entrymsg and the topic specifically say not to do that.05:19
Sebastiena fuse has so much lenght05:19
rwwIf you're not able to abide by #ubuntu's rules, don't go in #ubuntu. If you're in #ubuntu and find yourself unable to continue following #ubuntu's rules, part.05:19
Sebastiendont be a robot rww.05:19
Sebastienlife don't work that way05:20
rwwIt sounds robotic because it's very obvious common sense.05:20
Sebastienstop doing that05:20
Sebastienso, i dropped an fbomb, i got muted for a day, came back and accidentally spoke when i forgot. (didn't drop any fbombs or trolled, i had a legitimate question)05:22
Sebastiendid you get over it now, because i did05:23
rww"for a day" is inaccurate05:23
Sebastienhow long is it for so i can set a darn timer05:23
rwwyou got muted. you're still muted. you being unmuted because a staffer got bored and changed your cloak was something that k1l wasn't expecting when he muted you, so it was by cloak and not accountname05:24
rwwsince your cloak isn't stable, your mute is now by accountname05:24
rwwand it'll stay set until chanops have confidence in your ability to be in #ubuntu without getting frustrated and them blaming other people for cussing05:24
Sebastienhow long for yall to get over it05:25
rwwwhich comments like "get over it" are not helping with05:25
Sebastienim cussing because im fucking pissed, push the right buttons and it happens05:25
Sebastienits normal05:25
Sebastienin a functioning society05:25
rwwand yet a thousand or so people manage to filter what their fingers type in #ubuntu05:25
Sebastienwell dude, are you a prince or something. do i need to bow05:25
rwwit's just a handful of people who insist it's "normal" to not be able to stop themselves cussing. hrm.05:25
Sebastienim sorry if you got raised in a church05:26
Sebastieni was not05:26
Sebastienlets just get over it?05:26
Sebastienfor the 3rd time?05:26
rwwhow about you come back when you're not going to repeatedly deflect everything that's said to you05:26
Sebastienomg dude05:26
Sebastienwhere do you think this is, court?05:26
Sebastienlike pls05:26
rwwgood example, not that05:27
Sebastienill try not to swear05:27
Sebastienhow about that?05:27
rwwhow about you come back tomorrow and we'll talk about it then05:27
rwwhi [Mew2]05:28
rww@mark #ubuntu-ops Sebastien05:28
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:28
rww(that last message about tomorrow was directed at someone else who left just after you joined)05:28
[Mew2]yes hi05:29
[Mew2]actually never mind05:29
[Mew2]sorry and thanks05:29
=== Guest62646 is now known as IdleOne
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu ([Mew2] trolling the volunteers over and over)07:14
[Mew2]any ops available?07:16
Ben64can someone please slap [Mew2]07:22
[Mew2]can i ask why?07:22
Ben64you're being incredibly dense, you ask how to add a user, i tell you, you ask something weird, i ask why, and you say because you want to know how to add a user, which was already answered07:23
[Mew2]and how do i define the priveldges for that user?"07:23
[Mew2]this is what i asked07:23
Ben64supporting you is quite a monumental amount of effort, you seem to oppose anyone who tries, and then get an attitude when someone asks you a question about your motives07:24
[Mew2]i asked how to define priveldges and you go on a personal attack?07:24
Ben64i'm asking what you're trying to accomplish by "defining privileges on a user"07:25
Ben64because that doesn't make sense07:25
[Mew2]it makes complete sense, a user can be root or non root, i want to know how to manages my users priveledges...07:25
Ben64so instead of trying to solve what you think is the problem, i'm trying to get you to explain the actual issue07:25
[Mew2]there is no issue07:25
[Mew2]i am learning07:25
Ben64right, so explain what you want07:26
[Mew2]""""and how do i define the priveldges for that user?""""07:26
Ben64explain what you want07:26
[Mew2]ok maybe i am not making sense07:26
[Mew2]that command you gave me07:26
[Mew2]sudo adduser ...07:26
[Mew2]is this user root or not root07:26
Ben64not root07:26
[Mew2]how do i change it to root or vice versa07:27
Ben64only root is root07:27
[Mew2]that is what im trying to say07:27
[Mew2]but i dont have a root user on my account07:27
[Mew2]i only have user ubuntu07:27
Ben64root is disabled by default07:27
Ben64it's not wise to use, and definitely not wise to open up to the internet07:27
[Mew2]so how do i add user "xyz" with the same priveledges that "root" would have07:28
Ben64you don't07:28
[Mew2]of course this is not something i would open to the internet07:28
[Mew2]i am going to test this on a virtual machine07:28
Ben64you've been talking about using ftp to write to anywhere as root07:28
[Mew2]ive talked about at least a dozen topics in the past week07:29
[Mew2]as i said07:29
[Mew2]im learning07:29
[Mew2]can i get an appology for the witch hunt that you are on?07:32
Ben64no, but you should be less combative when someone asks you a fairly simple question about your goals07:32
[Mew2]i bare understand what you guys ask/tell me07:32
[Mew2]and then ten people jump at me07:32
Ben64then ask for an explanation for anything you don't understand07:32
[Mew2]and people start making remarks against me for being a newb07:33
Ben64nobody has said that to you at all07:33
[Mew2]some guy told me to move evrythign to the home directory earlier?07:34
[Mew2]i didnt even know this was bad avice untill you guys said it07:34
Ben64nobody is out to get you, you just need to accept advice07:36
[Mew2]i do, and thats how i got to where i am today, more knowledgeable then a week ago07:37
[Mew2]but i am asking how to change user priveledges07:38
[Mew2]and you keep askign why07:38
[Mew2]im just trying to learn07:38
Ben64i asked what you're trying to accomplish by doing that07:38
[Mew2]well i said "learning" but you didnt accept that, so lets try "managing users"?07:39
FlannelHi folks.  I see that the two of you seem to have some issue with each other.07:39
Ben64no but you did answer my question in here, <[Mew2]> how do i change it to root or vice versa07:39
Ben64which i told you is not possible07:39
FlannelGive me a minute to read a whole bunch of scrollback.  In the mean time, please stop poking each other with sticks (even if that means not talking at all).  Thanks.07:40
[Mew2]i am not trying to change the added user to the username root07:40
Ben64yes i understand that, but only root has root permissions07:40
[Mew2]i am trying to change the priveledges of the added user07:40
FlannelBen64, [Mew2]: Hi.  Please stop talking for the moment.07:40
Ben64you can't do that, which is why the question doesn't really make sense, which is why i asked for clarification on your goals07:40
FlannelBen64, [Mew2]: Hi.  Please stop talking for the moment.07:40
[Mew2]i dont get how it "doesnt make sense tho"07:41
FlannelBen64, [Mew2]: Hi.  Please stop talking for the moment.07:41
FlannelThanks :)07:41
FlannelAlright.  I think I'm more or less caught up.07:46
FlannelSo, what's the issue here?  not the technical question, but why are you each here?07:47
[Mew2]Ben64 is here to get me "slapped"07:47
[Mew2]i am here to defend my self07:47
Flannel[Mew2]: I'd rather have Ben64 answer for himself.  And I imagine I'll end up talking to each of you separately (I just don't know which order/what I'm talking about, etc).  What are you here to defend yourself from?  As you joined first.07:48
moonman[Mew2]: did you get banned too?07:49
[Mew2]what no07:49
[Mew2]who are you07:49
Flannel[Mew2]: Just ignore him please.07:49
[Mew2]i joined freenode a few weeks ago07:49
[Mew2]i am what is considered before a noob07:49
moonmanFlannel: fuck you07:50
[Mew2]i ask question in #ubuntu07:50
[Mew2]and i realize they may sound silly07:50
Flannel[Mew2]: Gotcha.07:50
[Mew2]but i dont realize that they do07:50
Flannel[Mew2]: I'm going to take this into a query with you, if you don't mind.07:50
[Mew2]because most of the time i dont know what im doing07:50
[Mew2]moonman arnt you the guy who was flaring the n****r word all up in the main channel?07:51
moonmanno i wasn't07:52
moonmani never said nigger07:52
moonmannow i did07:52
moonmanFlannel: are you a nigger?08:03
Tm_Tmoonman: is there something you need from this channel?08:10
moonmancan you suck my dick?08:10
k1l_<ertyup> but i can't wait until you grow up12:13
k1l_that is the same user as zertyu, erop, ipkaf etc. the host was banned several times now. but then he came in here to play the innocent other user and requested a ban removal12:14
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
ubottugav called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()21:40

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