[00:04] daftykins: thinking i'll tail it in tty and log in to session, [00:04] oh nothing adds to it after X starts really [00:05] oh, so my guest session works, but my user logs in and has no decoration [00:05] so how do i debug that? [00:06] first check ~ for any files not owned by the user, anything owned by root after the use of "sudo startx" would've trashed it [00:07] then the ~/.Xsession-errors i think it's called may provide some clue [00:16] argh, got distracted by mock the week [00:17] hmm, somethng called ~/core in home dir, 24MB [00:17] owned by root [00:18] directory? usually obvious when components are DE related and could have some impact [00:18] you could just pastebin ls -al ~/ too, if the contents isn't personal. [00:19] hmm, what's that cli paste tool [00:19] pastebinit [00:20] http://paste.ubuntu.com/14406212/ [00:21] i've so much junk in there :P [00:22] pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors [00:22] ? [00:23] http://paste.ubuntu.com/14406231/ [00:23] gnome3? [00:23] pass :D [00:24] ooh the stamp on the file was 5 mins ago though, so that could be your most recent login [00:24] have a quick play with the session chooser on your account, is it possibly on the wrong thing? [00:24] yeh, no login gets a working unity for this user [00:24] bit of a stretch [00:25] can you still open a terminal with ctrl+alt+T? [00:27] i've dropped a .desktop file for a terminal [00:27] so i can click open a terminal, [00:27] ctrl+alt+t doesn't work no,, [00:27] "compiz --replace" in it do anything to give you unity back? [00:29] i think what i'd first do is check ~/.Xauthority too as i think that's important for these issues, then i'd create a new user and log into that to confirm what the guest session implies, then #3 i'd try renaming ~.config ~.gconf to see what clean tries do, but that's the extreme idea [00:29] daftykins: .Xauthority just has a bit of unreadable binary in it. [00:30] ah [00:32] compiz --replace output http://paste.ubuntu.com/14406323 [00:33] hmm [00:33] there's an .nvidia-settings-rc file [00:37] dont see what that will affct [00:37] nah nor me [00:37] i'd go the above route with a wholly separate user for confirmation first [00:40] how do i logout of this user when i've no top bar? :( [00:41] restart lightdm from TTY [00:53] ok, created new user, login works. [00:53] unity comes up a-ok? guess it's home config renaming time [00:54] yup,,, arrg [00:55] well, is there some other way to debug it. [00:56] what's the big deal about renaming a couple o' folders? [00:57] oh, so you're saying just go into .config and just pull out a few directories? [01:00] nah rename .config to .configold to start [01:00] you're just isolating the problem, you can be more detailed later [01:01] yup, did that [01:01] user can login now [01:01] grrr. [01:01] now need to go see how much config i'm missing. ;) [01:01] XD [01:01] it'll be most software [01:02] but you can add back in to spot the culprit, it'll probably be something DE related still [01:02] i don't know what'd be in .config for a desktop user as i don't use ubuntu [01:02] oh doesn't compiz live in .config? [01:03] those would probably be #1 candidates [01:06] hmm, could drop .config back in place minus compiz specific config. [01:06] might try that. [01:06] *nod* [01:17] found the culprit [01:17] the ~/.config/dconf file [01:17] rm that file and login works fine. [01:17] not sure how much stuff i loose in that file [01:18] the backup seems to be quite a dense bunch of text that's readable but unclear it's meaning. [01:19] sorry, it's just ~/.config/dconf/user [01:19] hmm, never mind, sublime sees it as binary. [01:26] it'll be all GUI params i think [01:26] but you don't rm it, you just rename XD [01:26] ah well, that's pretty successful [01:27] indeed, kept everything else in .config [02:39] we live in the future! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-35230043 [02:57] i remember the sci fi show with the pull out screen pdas from the 90s... i thought they looked cool then. could be nice wearable on wrist that extends to larger screen if wanted [02:58] that'll be gene roddenberry's "Earth: Final Conflict" [02:58] yup [02:58] the show that went through more cast members than actors in LA [02:59] took away from the usual trek 3 bridge crew and an unknown land on a planet... goodbye ensign ricky... :-) [03:01] at least the ensigns in star trek were bit-part roles. the cast of earth final conflict regularly had to replace lead roles [03:01] it was a farce [03:01] it did lack a bit... we were a bit spoiled for decent sci fi in 90s [03:02] i'd watch it now [03:04] this is an interesting view on the cast changes: http://www.trekbbs.com/showpost.php?s=b5c7b89e1d01cfe6bb6324feae474f09&p=8786578&postcount=4 [06:37] hola [06:37] ;] === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [07:24] as usua;l anoher overrated tarantino film imo [07:46] morning boys and girls. [07:46] Moin [07:48] morning [07:50] moin [07:52] morning all [07:52] morning MooDoo [07:52] howdy :) [07:52] 15mins left of the hateful eight;] [07:53] film? [07:54] ya [07:54] tarantino film [07:54] samuel l jackson , kurt russel and the dude from the shield/justified [07:56] yeah i know it. [08:33] sleep time;D [08:57] davmor2: yeah i'm grumpy this morning :) [09:06] MooDoo: how's that different from every other morning, by the way complain every day that your virgin service is faulty they wound up paying for my internet for 3 months :) [09:06] Morning all [09:15] davmor2: it was shocking last night.... [09:17] MooDoo: seriously complain everyday it is bad, also mention that you work from home so it is affecting your ability to work and you'd hate to have to move to the now faster BT ;) [09:19] davmor2: I'd bitch and moan if I was hosting at home, but as i'm not doing that any more I don't know if I can be bothered :) I know it's down to them preparing for upgrades later in the year.... [09:25] hey diplo you around? [09:39] Good morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Golden Gate Bridge Day! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ [09:39] howdy JamesTait :) [09:40] Morning, MooDoo! https://youtu.be/wYCpWblDKok [09:42] JamesTait: stop makeing me smile :p [09:42] andylockran: That I am [09:43] Although 20 min lag :D [09:44] Sorry, MooDoo, I should leave that to davmor2. ๐Ÿ˜‰ [09:44] diplo, did you get around to trying bacon, brie and avocado? [09:46] JamesTait: this seems topical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryF9p-nqsWw [09:49] JamesTait: Tried avocado and was a bit meh, although I didn't try the combination if I'm honest, something to try for definite [09:54] davmor2, better than yesterday's effort. โ˜บ [09:55] diplo, it's also good in salads. [09:59] Yeah, me and the kids are going to try more stuff this year, one of my boys put on a fair bit of weight, want them ( and me ) trying more fruits/veg's [09:59] Guy I work with eats it most days on its own [10:00] willcooke: Thanks for the brain dump, its great thanks! Spent ยฃ60 yesterday on my initial play kit :) [10:00] May need to buy a bit more soon [10:28] morning guys [10:33] morning [10:34] diplo, \o/ [13:10] hey peeps === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [13:14] hi knightwise [13:14] word [13:14] hey brobostigon , SuperMatt [13:14] all cool up in this bizzle? [13:14] Yep , [13:15] ready to rumble and remodel some of my home network tongi [13:15] tonight [13:15] wh00p [13:16] got me an acer revo rl85 [13:16] popping in some spare laptop drives i have lying around [13:17] Install ubuntu server on it, plex and boom , media server ready [13:17] that's a desktop pc? [13:17] gosh, oems are getting creative with the case designs these days [13:18] yep , its sweet and it fits 3 drives รจ [13:18] you can also use it as a supository [13:19] then its a RAS drive (Rectal attached storage) [13:23] but since its a celeron (i got the cheapest one) i might just forgo a graphical user interface [13:31] well it's not going to need a gui if it's in a place where the sun doesn't shine [13:33] Badbing ! [13:33] gonna see if it can schedule power-on in the bios, then i can schedule a power down in cron. [13:33] that way I can take the server down during the night. [13:33] and boot it back up in the afternoon [13:36] good plan [13:47] anyone ever have problems with handbrake where it doesn't scan the titles? [13:47] have to choose the individual VOB files [13:47] what's a handbrake? [13:48] dvd ripper [13:48] ah, I see [13:48] i've got rather behind in my dvd->plex transfer [13:48] I don't use it, so I clearly can't answer your questions === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [14:34] foobarry: I think that's where it can't read the file/disc properly. I've started ripping them with makemkv first and then re-encoding after [15:20] diplo: i ripped the vobs individually though :S [15:20] diplo: gots any scripts, tutorial to share? [15:24] I used to have, I now have gone billy basics, I do wonder whether when ripping them it's not ripping them correctly ? [15:25] I basically rip with makemkv to a unencrypted mkv file the size of the source then select high def output ( can't remember the setting ) as mkv and encode, 5GB to about 1.3gb files [15:28] i shove the disc in and press the green button to make a m4v in HB [15:28] although plex is fussy about names [15:30] Yeah I had issues with that myself, that's why I pre-ripped them [15:31] Works everytime, takes about 3-4 minutes to 10 mins depending on the film to rip with makemkv [15:45] i also have an hpc cluster at my disposal for transcoding if needed :D [16:03] My machine is soooooo slow, keep meaning to do it on my dads [16:09] unity can be painful on older hardware [16:19] yeah I found that too bashrc, on mate now for now [16:21] anyone on an xmpp server? [16:27] diplo: do you have a copy of the usual commands you run pls? [16:35] I'll let you know when I get home, don't have access to it at work [16:35] is makemkv linux? [16:35] ah, its on the forum page [17:46] foobarry: yes [17:47] foobarry: from memory you have to rebuild it every month or something like that === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:43] do we know if php7 is going to be packaged for xenial at all? [19:19] diddledan: no idea [19:21] debian unstable has php7 packages, so my hope is that it's going to be pulled before the 16.04 LTS lands [19:21] the folks in #ubuntu+1 have any clue? [19:22] it would be really sucky to leave php at v5 for another two years === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte === MooDoo is now known as Guest88069 === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [23:07] hi:D [23:12] evenin'