ozbrk | guys need assistance with a few programs. Gogole desktop remote pc says the main machine doesn't respond the connection attempts ( trying to remote from my tablet) and I need a solution for one drive here | 00:00 |
daftykins | fxh: seen https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16394518/nist-sphere-format-files ? | 00:01 |
daftykins | ozbrk: google what? | 00:02 |
fxh | daftykins: that's how I found the download link | 00:02 |
daftykins | !pm | 00:03 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 00:03 |
Jahm | daftykins: when I install Windows, I'll make one partition. Once booted, I'll then proceed to `Disk Management` and shrink the entire partition to my likings? | 00:03 |
daftykins | fxh: ah ok so it's that one you're trying, nevermind then | 00:03 |
daftykins | Jahm: sounds good - and shutdown with "shutdown -s -t 1" before disabling fast boot in the BIOS if there is an entry of that type. | 00:03 |
ozbrk | how to send a menti | 00:04 |
ozbrk | mention to someone here | 00:04 |
daftykins | you just type the nick and hit tab | 00:05 |
ozbrk | daftykins: oh well this is new. Ok Google Remote desktop it allows you to remote your pc from your ttablet-phone or anything you want | 00:05 |
Jahm | daftykins: I'll be following this guide http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2015/11/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-alongside.html | 00:06 |
daftykins | ozbrk: that likely won't exist on ubuntu then, try something else | 00:06 |
=== step21 is now known as step21_ | ||
ozbrk | daftykins: well I tried team wiever anyway this is not my issue ubuntu is not my primary it is my secondary os for having some fun I missed my good old linux days since ı'am a photographer linux has no use for me indeed :( | 00:07 |
daftykins | not much point remoting into it from a tablet then indeed ;) | 00:08 |
ozbrk | yeaah | 00:08 |
ozbrk | still it is fun :D , | 00:09 |
daftykins | i've seen teamviewer work fine. | 00:09 |
fxh | Why didn't I have this problem on 32-bit ubuntu | 00:10 |
daftykins | maybe you're lacking a 32-bit library | 00:10 |
ozbrk | it used to work with wine I don't know still it is | 00:10 |
purplehorror | /boot, /, /home, /swap --- primary, primary, logical, logical? (Sounds good?) | 00:10 |
daftykins | teamviewer or the google one? | 00:10 |
daftykins | wine is never the answer | 00:10 |
ozbrk | teamwiever | 00:11 |
daftykins | no it works natively | 00:11 |
k1l | purplehorror: why /boot ? | 00:11 |
ozbrk | it runs a wine emulator firs :/ | 00:11 |
ozbrk | first* | 00:11 |
ozbrk | then runs the client well maybe | 00:11 |
daftykins | i doubt the ubuntu packages for teamviewer do | 00:11 |
purplehorror | k1l, why not? (I have 2 HDDs, 1 w10, and 1 for linux) | 00:12 |
ozbrk | well | 00:12 |
ozbrk | dunne just telling what I saw 3 years ago | 00:12 |
purplehorror | k1l, i'm a newbie to the linux community :-D | 00:12 |
ozbrk | maybe new versions runs natively | 00:12 |
k1l | purplehorror: a /boot is just causing issues to most users because it runs full of kernels. so if you dont know why exactly you need that (like lvm, luks etc) then i suggest you dont add that layer of problems. | 00:13 |
daftykins | ozbrk: yeah we can only go forward, not back ;) | 00:13 |
purplehorror | k1l, oh I want to use luks! | 00:13 |
k1l | purplehorror: then dont make /boot too small | 00:13 |
purplehorror | k1l, so I guess I have to make /boot unencrypted, right? | 00:14 |
purplehorror | k1l, 512 sounds abour right? | 00:14 |
ozbrk | daftykins: like I said I'm new but I used to use ubuntu and other distros I was something like a distroer ( a guy who tries linux distros constantly) | 00:14 |
k1l | purplehorror: 512 sounds better than the 200mb most people have and have problems with that | 00:15 |
TJ- | purplehorror: /boot/ can be encrypted; GRUB can unlock LUKS/dm-crypt file-system | 00:15 |
purplehorror | TJ-, someone suggested I leave /boot unencrypted | 00:15 |
TJ- | purplehorror: all it needs is "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" in /etc/default/grub | 00:16 |
ozbrk | daftykins: my favoruites are ummmmm 1)Ubuntu 1a)Xubuntu 1b)Kubuntu 1c)Elementary 1d) Mint 2)Arch 2a)Manjaro 3)Fedora | 00:16 |
daftykins | ozbrk: support here only really, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic. | 00:16 |
ozbrk | daftykins: ok | 00:17 |
TJ- | purplehorror: /boot/ contains the kernel and initial ramdisk images; if you're protecting against a possible physical interference, having them encrypted too is a great improvement | 00:17 |
purplehorror | TJ-, is there a point in encrypring it though? | 00:17 |
purplehorror | TJ-, good to know! | 00:17 |
TJ- | purplehorror: otherwise it's trivial to add a root-kit or other snooping tools to those if the attacker has physical access | 00:17 |
Lep2 | When I install ubuntu I have to manualy select the UEFI file every time when reboot, is there a fix? | 00:17 |
Lep2 | It's the only os on the ssd | 00:17 |
Lep2 | HP | 00:17 |
purplehorror | TJ-, I'm experimenting really but it's nice to know a couple more things beforehand - thanks for mentioning | 00:19 |
TJ- | purplehorror: also, instead of using multiple partitions for different file-systems, use LVM (Logical Volume Management) | 00:19 |
TJ- | purplehorror: with LVM you can trivially resize block devices and file-systems as needed | 00:20 |
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TJ- | purplehorror: you can also add additional space to an existing volume-group, using another physical device, if needed | 00:20 |
purplehorror | TJ-, LVM (/boot, /, /home, /swap) | 00:20 |
purplehorror | TJ-, I suppose I can find similar information in the wiki, right? (I'd like to read more about how things work) | 00:22 |
TJ- | purplehorror: I generally partition so I've got (GPT) BIOS-boot partition (for legacy/bios boot GRUB core.img), EFI-System Partition (for UEFI boots), 512MiB for /boot/ (encrypted), and the remaininder in one partition for LVM, which then has the Logical Volumes (LVs) I desire: / /home/ /var/ etc.) and I leave 15% of space unallocation to begin with, to allow those LVs to be extended at will | 00:22 |
TJ- | purplehorror: if you want to be able to hibernate, a swap partition that is at least 1.25 x size of RAM would be required in addition | 00:23 |
purplehorror | TJ-, I have 4gb and usually allocated 4, because I wouldn't have many apps running. | 00:24 |
TJ- | purplehorror: with 8GiB RAM I reserve 8.3GiB for hibernation | 00:25 |
purplehorror | TJ-, with LVM can you reduce the size of some volume and add it to another? or is it locked | 00:25 |
TJ- | purplehorror: as long as the file-system inside the LV has unallocated space, and can be shrunk first, then the LV can be shrunk to. I prefer to do the opposite. I allocate a minimal amount to each file system and extend them as needed. It only requires 2 commands and can be done online: "lvextend -L +4G VG/LV; resize2fs /dev/VG/LV" | 00:26 |
TJ- | purplehorror: that's an example using ext3 or ext4 file-systems; other file-system may require additional work | 00:27 |
purplehorror | TJ-, ah that's good to know - makes things easier | 00:27 |
TJ- | purplehorror: the total space belongs to the Volume Group as 'extents' (each usually about 4MiB). Extents are then allocated to Logical Volumes (LVs) | 00:28 |
purplehorror | TJ-, I was thinking of btrfs but I've heard it's unstable. (And I guess it won't serve me much anyway - as a simple user) | 00:28 |
TJ- | purplehorror: you'd be taking on complexity you probably don't need | 00:28 |
purplehorror | true | 00:28 |
TJ- | purplehorror: we've had a few btrfs bugs recently with compression | 00:28 |
TJ- | purplehorror: plus, you can always play with btrfs in a spare LV that doesn't contain vital data | 00:30 |
TJ- | LVs are block device containers just like raw disks; they still need a file-system inside | 00:30 |
purplehorror | TJ-, really appreciate the replies. Thank you. (going for the install in a couple minutes) | 00:31 |
anabain | TJ-, do you know if kerberos is a technology currently widespread (sorry for my ignorance)? | 00:32 |
lenswipe | Hey guys | 00:32 |
TJ- | anabain: widely used with Windows/AD | 00:33 |
Nikola_Tesla | hi guys | 00:33 |
lenswipe | Would I be correct to say that lubuntu and Ubuntu are the same cake with different frosting on? | 00:33 |
TJ- | anabain: used in enterprises quite extensively for *nix too in places | 00:33 |
Nikola_Tesla | i have a problem about to install printer (canon lbp 6020b ubuntu 14.04) | 00:34 |
Nikola_Tesla | can u help me about that | 00:34 |
anabain | TJ-, and what are the alternatives? | 00:34 |
lenswipe | I have a borked machine and I'm trying to use lubuntu to rescue the files off it | 00:34 |
Nikola_Tesla | http://random0musings.blogspot.com.tr/2014/06/ubuntu-1404-and-canon-lbp6020b-laser.html i did everthing in this page | 00:34 |
TJ- | lenswipe: nice analogy :) | 00:34 |
Nikola_Tesla | can u help me ? | 00:34 |
lenswipe | I want o mount a remote samba share to copy. The files to from the command line. However, I can't figure out how to mount a samba share such that it's accessible from the command line | 00:35 |
lenswipe | TJ- thanks | 00:35 |
Nikola_Tesla | is there any one =? | 00:35 |
Nikola_Tesla | help me ? | 00:35 |
daftykins | lenswipe: sudo mount -t cifs //IP/share /mount/point -o username=blah,password=blah,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000 | 00:36 |
lenswipe | draftykinstried tried that, I grit a message sayings that it can't find /home/Robert in stab | 00:36 |
TJ- | !samba | lenswipe this might help | 00:36 |
ubottu | lenswipe this might help: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html | 00:36 |
lenswipe | Fstab* | 00:36 |
lenswipe | TJ- not really, it's a bit general | 00:36 |
Nikola_Tesla | heyyyy | 00:37 |
Nikola_Tesla | _? | 00:37 |
daftykins | lenswipe: show what you're actually typing, likely you'r trying to do something wrong | 00:37 |
lenswipe | draftykins, sudo mount -t cifs user=user, password=password //c03 /homes/Robert | 00:38 |
lenswipe | That gives me the mount help page | 00:38 |
Nikola_Tesla | anybody hear me ? | 00:38 |
lenswipe | draftykins even | 00:39 |
lenswipe | I hate this iPad | 00:39 |
daftykins | Nikola_Tesla: i can see lots of spammy messages that are annoying me, with no sign of a support question. | 00:39 |
daftykins | lenswipe: no that's wrong, -o user=username,password=password... | 00:39 |
daftykins | lenswipe: you can't put spaces in the options and must prefix the options with -o | 00:40 |
daftykins | !pm | Nikola_Tesla | 00:40 |
ubottu | Nikola_Tesla: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 00:40 |
lenswipe | Oh. | 00:40 |
Nikola_Tesla | i have a printer install problem. http://random0musings.blogspot.com.tr/2014/06/ubuntu-1404-and-canon-lbp6020b-laser.html i did everthing in this page | 00:41 |
Nikola_Tesla | but it is not working | 00:42 |
Nikola_Tesla | not printing | 00:42 |
lenswipe | Thanks daftykins, now I can image this drive! | 00:43 |
lenswipe | Thank you | 00:43 |
daftykins | np | 00:43 |
Nikola_Tesla | daftykins dou know someting about install lbp6020 canon ? | 00:44 |
daftykins | no i don't really do printers. | 00:44 |
daftykins | i'd bet "sudo service ccpd status" is a good starting point however | 00:46 |
FuZi0N | Does Ubuntu offer relro, fortify, pic/pie? | 00:47 |
daftykins | http://packages.ubuntu.com <-- knock yourself out | 00:47 |
[Mew2] | how do i get all incoming connections on a port, forwarded to another port? | 00:51 |
[Mew2] | on the same machine | 00:51 |
Sebastien | . | 00:54 |
notalentgeek | daftykins, I know right, but I have to meet deadline tomorrow. Thank you for helping tho :). | 00:55 |
xdaimon | hello | 01:27 |
xdaimon | Does a default installation of ubuntu 15.04 support mixing audio from different applications? | 01:28 |
daftykins | xdaimon: as in can more than one thing play at once? yes | 01:29 |
xdaimon | does ubuntu use alsa + pulseaudio combination by default? | 01:30 |
daftykins | yep | 01:31 |
xdaimon | ok | 01:31 |
=== RaptorJesus is now known as Majesticles | ||
LaserAllan | Hey there guys, I just did a "sudo reboot" on my server and now it seems to not accept any SSH connections at all | 02:09 |
LaserAllan | Anyone have any clue why this might be happening? | 02:09 |
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lost1nfound | LaserAllan: How long have you waited? Connection refused or Connection timed out? | 02:14 |
LaserAllan | lost1nfound: Half an hour | 02:15 |
LaserAllan | I can give you a pastebin of what it says or a screen shot | 02:15 |
LaserAllan | I can give you a pastebin of what it says or a screen | 02:15 |
LaserAllan | Network Error Connection Refused is all I get | 02:15 |
LaserAllan | I have tried to ping the local IP which seems to respond | 02:15 |
lost1nfound | LaserAllan: ah ok. so thats an indication that the system is running but sshd failed to start or didnt start. do you have access to the machines console? | 02:16 |
LaserAllan | lost1nfound: I do have access to the machines console but I don't have a spare screen right now becuase I mvoed today | 02:16 |
LaserAllan | So this kinda cought me offguard really | 02:16 |
LaserAllan | I will have to talk toa enighbour tomorrow and see if they have a spare screen laying around | 02:16 |
LaserAllan | I just did a regular "sudo reboot" It has never failed before | 02:17 |
lost1nfound | also just try waiting longer. its possible its doing an fsck file system check on a large filesystem? which good take a bit. or something could have failed during boot, in which case we'd want to see the console | 02:18 |
LaserAllan | True | 02:18 |
lost1nfound | you could also give it a couple of hours, and if you still cant connect, hard-reboot the system and see if it comes back up correctly. ideally though, youd want to have a look at the console before just rebooting it, since you dont know what its doing | 02:19 |
LaserAllan | Someting must have failed since I can do a "ctrl alt delete" and it will restart the machine | 02:19 |
lost1nfound | ah ok, so you already tried that. but it doesnt come back up with ssh working? | 02:19 |
LaserAllan | I used to have that issue before where I would start it and it wouldnät give me the sshd login prompt, and if i then did a ctrl delete it would restart and work properly but ok ill do that | 02:20 |
LaserAllan | Nope | 02:20 |
lost1nfound | also is it possible the ip changed, and sshd was listening only on a specific ip? since you just moved... | 02:20 |
LaserAllan | It's just really confusing I havent touched it for like 6 months | 02:20 |
LaserAllan | Its been running fine | 02:20 |
LaserAllan | and now this happens | 02:20 |
lost1nfound | yeah i think you need a just need a console screen :) | 02:20 |
LaserAllan | no the ip is stll the same according to the router | 02:20 |
LaserAllan | I can ping the ip which is but i cannot access apache in the webbrowser for example | 02:20 |
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LaserAllan | I am just worried my whole system is going away including the data on my drives, but hopefully this has oting to do with that and in worst case it will be the system drive who gets wiped | 02:21 |
LaserAllan | But okay, I'll try to chill for now and see if any of my enighbours has any spare screen, hopefully they do so i can get sort this mess out | 02:22 |
LaserAllan | and i hopefully won't end up with all my data lost in the process. | 02:22 |
unfiswift | i deleted my partion with linux on it | 02:23 |
unfiswift | hello? | 02:23 |
cfhowlett | unfiswift, ask your ubuntu questions | 02:24 |
unfiswift | i deleted my partion with linux on it | 02:24 |
unfiswift | bc i didnt want it anymore | 02:25 |
bazhang | unfiswift, ubuntu related how | 02:25 |
unfiswift | it had ubuntu | 02:25 |
unfiswift | and im stuck in grub | 02:25 |
cfhowlett | do you have any other OS on that computer unfiswift ? | 02:26 |
bazhang | unfiswift, so you want to use the windows tools to fixmbr | 02:26 |
unfiswift | windows | 02:26 |
unfiswift | what tools? | 02:26 |
cfhowlett | unfiswift, use windows tools. ask ##windows | 02:26 |
unfiswift | ok | 02:26 |
bazhang | ##windows unfiswift | 02:26 |
LaserAllan | ok, an update to my server problem, I went down into the basement and I saw that one of the cables fo the one of the external drives had fallen out of place | 02:35 |
LaserAllan | No wonder it got so mad since the script that autommounts the drives every boot probably wasn't happy that it couldn't find the drive | 02:36 |
LaserAllan | Lesson learned, do try to avoid using external drives in linux | 02:36 |
LaserAllan | :P | 02:36 |
c_nick | How to change the mysql data directory from C:\Program Data to\\remote-server\. Will that work or is it better to just install mysql on that remote box | 02:36 |
ash66 | anyone good at hacking? | 02:41 |
cfhowlett | ash66, wrong channel ask elsewhere | 02:41 |
cfhowlett | !hacking | ash66 | 02:42 |
ubottu | ash66: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy | 02:42 |
GenericNode | Not since wargames, ubottu :-) | 02:51 |
GenericNode | The media took control of those labels and hasn't quite let go yet unfortunately... | 02:52 |
davidh | Hello hello...am I connected? | 02:55 |
cfhowlett | !test | davidh | 02:55 |
ubottu | davidh: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) | 02:55 |
davidh | !test | 02:56 |
ubottu | Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) | 02:56 |
Sebastien | #test is +i and can't be joined | 03:03 |
rww | !test =~ s/ ( .*// | 03:10 |
ubottu | Malformed regex | 03:10 |
rww | !test =~ s/ \( .*// | 03:10 |
ubottu | I'll remember that rww | 03:10 |
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=== aquaphile is now known as Silurian | ||
jhouse | Hi, I've installed ubuntu 15.10 on my lenovo y70 laptop (dual boot with windows 10) but have been seeing severe instability with both Ubuntu and Windows. I'm not sure how to figure out what is going wrong. Can I get some tips on figuring out the issue(s)? I've seen lots of scrolling errors when I boot sometimes. I'm not sure how to actually read them etc... | 03:22 |
mengbiping | I seem to be in the middle of the infamous unity-control-center package dependency issue while trying to install ubuntu-desktop after I found I lost desktop for some reason I don't know: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14407685/ | 03:24 |
[Mew2] | how do i bind znc to port 80 without giving it root? | 03:24 |
mengbiping | I tried approaches searched from google, but none of them really worked. | 03:24 |
EriC^^ | [Mew2]: which port will you use internally? | 03:25 |
[Mew2] | 80 | 03:25 |
EriC^^ | i mean internally, something above 1024 | 03:25 |
[Mew2] | i dont know what that meeans | 03:25 |
[Mew2] | currently its on a high port | 03:25 |
EriC^^ | which port? | 03:25 |
[Mew2] | 6000 | 03:26 |
EriC^^ | sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 6000 | 03:26 |
[Mew2] | what does this do? | 03:26 |
EriC^^ | redirects connections on port 80 to whatever is running on port 6000 on the server | 03:27 |
[Mew2] | thank you so much | 03:27 |
Sebastien | oh cool | 03:27 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 03:27 |
Sebastien | so you don't have to use domain.tld:6000 | 03:27 |
[Mew2] | can you please also give me the command to undo this in case i need to in the futture please? | 03:27 |
gas | set font sze in hexchat | 03:27 |
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EriC^^ | [Mew2]: use -D instead of -A i think | 03:28 |
nicomachus | gas: check with the guys in #hexchat | 03:28 |
[Mew2] | EriC^^ thanks <3333 | 03:29 |
[Mew2] | Sebastien | 03:29 |
EriC^^ | [Mew2]: np | 03:29 |
mengbiping | Could someone help me with the package dependency issue? | 03:29 |
mengbiping | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14407685/ | 03:29 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: perhaps a "sudo apt-get clean" and a "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 03:30 |
mengbiping | nicomachus, that didn't help | 03:31 |
mengbiping | or if there is any approaches to try to get back desktop instead of installing the ubuntu-desktop | 03:32 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: what's your ubuntu version? | 03:32 |
mengbiping | 14.04 | 03:33 |
mengbiping | Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS | 03:33 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: what happened to your desktop? | 03:34 |
mengbiping | it's filled with a purple color. Nothing else on it. | 03:35 |
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mengbiping | I type cmd via ssh | 03:35 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: ok, can you possibly paste the log located at /var/log/apt/term.log? | 03:36 |
c31r2g | anyone to guide to help me learn basics on linux via a book and some advice? | 03:37 |
somsip | !manual | c31r2g | 03:37 |
ubottu | c31r2g: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 03:37 |
c31r2g | somsip, thank you very much for your guidance | 03:38 |
mengbiping | nicomachus, it's over 1800 lines, any suggestions to paste it? | 03:39 |
somsip | !paste | mengbiping | 03:39 |
ubottu | mengbiping: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 03:39 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: sudo apt-get install pastebinit , and then "cat /var/log/apt/term.log" | 03:40 |
EriC^^ | * pastebinit /var/log/apt/term.log | 03:40 |
nicomachus | ^ yes, that. mengbiping | 03:40 |
nicomachus | I forgot my pipe. | 03:41 |
mengbiping | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14407802/ | 03:41 |
jhouse | I have frequent boot failures. I was able to successfully boot tonight. Are any of these errors/failures from dmesg particularly alarming? http://pastebin.com/VMckZUjF | 03:42 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: did you remove "libgl1-mesa-glx"? | 03:43 |
EriC^^ | jhouse: they'd all be of the current boot, you can check older boots in /var/log/dmesg.0 | 03:43 |
mengbiping | I didn't do that on purpose, probably it's after I lost desktop and typed auto remove | 03:44 |
mengbiping | and upgrade | 03:44 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: ok, go ahead and reinstall that. apt threw quite a few errors when that was removed. | 03:44 |
jhouse | EriC^^: that file doesn't exist | 03:45 |
fooobarrr | /var/log/messages ? | 03:45 |
mengbiping | The following packages have unmet dependencies: libgl1-mesa-glx : Depends: libglapi-mesa (= 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.5) Recommends: libgl1-mesa-dri (>= 7.2) | 03:45 |
mengbiping | it didn't complete successully | 03:45 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: yep, just found that one in here as well. eek. | 03:46 |
nicomachus | Lots of "vivid" packages in here as well... hmm... | 03:47 |
EriC^^ | jhouse: the i/o error on /dev/sdb doesn't look too good | 03:47 |
mengbiping | i never tried to remove some package on purpose, but why it's happening. :( | 03:48 |
BackOne | hello | 03:48 |
=== Sebastien- is now known as Sebastien | ||
nicomachus | mengbiping: so how did desktop get removed? | 03:51 |
mengbiping | i get back from supper, it just does not show up | 03:51 |
nicomachus | that doesn't just happen... | 03:52 |
mengbiping | i reboot it, it gives me purple screen | 03:52 |
serfgh | Hi, if i have AMD A4-4000 APU with AMD Radeon HD 7480D , how to install it driver for ubuntu | 03:54 |
serfgh | for video | 03:54 |
mengbiping | after supper, i click my keyboard and my mouse but it didn't wake up, so I have to reboot. | 03:55 |
serfgh | sudo apt-get install fglrx ? | 03:55 |
jhouse | EriC^^: foobar: /var/log/syslog.1 and /var/log/kern.log.1 look like candidates | 03:56 |
mengbiping | i use it for developing and some gpu computing. it happens sometime ubuntu runs out of ram and stuck there. But often reboot can get it back | 03:56 |
mengbiping | but not this time | 03:56 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: have you done a memtest to make sure the RAM isn't failing? | 03:56 |
mengbiping | i think ram is ok | 03:57 |
cfhowlett | mengbiping, "I think ..." dude. DO THE TEST! | 03:57 |
mengbiping | give me a cmd | 03:58 |
mengbiping | i can try it | 03:58 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: https://askubuntu.com/questions/591488/how-do-i-run-memtest86/591502 | 03:59 |
mengbiping | btw i use chrome a lot with a lot of tabs open. I think it's the reason why OOM happens (chrome leaks a lot) | 04:00 |
mengbiping | running the test now | 04:01 |
cfhowlett | mengbiping, well then ... don't chrome or don't multi-tab? | 04:01 |
mengbiping | dude, it's work | 04:01 |
jhouse | EriC^^: foobarrr: /var/log/syslog.1 from previous boot: http://pastebin.com/Tmcep5TJ | 04:02 |
happyface | hi, i am getting six error messages when i boot up. I can either cancel it or report problem. But whatever i do it always comes up when i start the computer. | 04:02 |
mengbiping | nicomachus, while ram testing is running, could you help me understand why it complains the error that unity-control-center have unmet dependencies while libcheese7 has already been installed with a version higher that required? | 04:04 |
nicomachus | well my main concern is that you seem to have a lot of Vivid packages installed on a Trusty system. which is never a good idea. | 04:04 |
mengbiping | why cannot we just reinstall them? | 04:06 |
nicomachus | because you shouldn't have vivid packages (from 15.04) on a Trusty OS (14.04) | 04:06 |
nicomachus | but I could be wrong about those packages. | 04:06 |
cfhowlett | mixing releases like that *will* cause things to break | 04:07 |
nicomachus | cfhowlett: did you see his apt log? I'd like a second opinion on them. | 04:07 |
mengbiping | it seems to be a result of following some guideline searched from google | 04:07 |
cfhowlett | nicomachus, pastebin is blocked in China. | 04:08 |
nicomachus | cfhowlett: even ubuntu paste? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14407802/ | 04:08 |
cfhowlett | reading now nicomachus | 04:08 |
cfhowlett | mengbiping, nicomachus let's confirm: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999 | 04:09 |
mengbiping | it's doing ram test now | 04:10 |
cfhowlett | mengbiping, later than | 04:10 |
cfhowlett | *then* | 04:10 |
cfhowlett | mengbiping, also: #ubuntu-cn for assistance in putanghua | 04:12 |
mengbiping | never mind :) | 04:12 |
mengbiping | http://termbin.com/qp4s | 04:12 |
nicomachus | well, no vivid sources... | 04:12 |
mengbiping | it does not even should google chrome source I believe I have | 04:13 |
mengbiping | s/should/show | 04:13 |
nicomachus | that is likely in sources.list.d/ | 04:13 |
mengbiping | http://termbin.com/y4tr | 04:14 |
mengbiping | any clues? | 04:15 |
cfhowlett | you are not mixing trusty/vivid -- just wanted confirmation | 04:15 |
DivineAmnesia | Hello | 04:16 |
cfhowlett | mengbiping, how much ram do you have? | 04:16 |
cfhowlett | DivineAmnesia, greetings. ask ubuntu questions | 04:16 |
mengbiping | 6G | 04:16 |
DivineAmnesia | I would like to have a nice IRC channel where i can communicate with fellow hacktivists | 04:17 |
nicomachus | !coc > DivineAmnesia | 04:17 |
ubottu | DivineAmnesia, please see my private message | 04:17 |
cfhowlett | DivineAmnesia, this is ubuntu support --- hacking it is not | 04:17 |
nicomachus | DivineAmnesia: you won't find that on Freenode. | 04:17 |
DivineAmnesia | The previous one i used ran out of funding... | 04:17 |
cfhowlett | !ot | DivineAmnesia | 04:18 |
ubottu | DivineAmnesia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 04:18 |
mengbiping | guess i have to reinstall it? | 04:18 |
DivineAmnesia | ok excuse me | 04:18 |
DivineAmnesia | let me read ur msg | 04:18 |
DivineAmnesia | Ok | 04:18 |
DivineAmnesia | I shall agree to it :) | 04:19 |
DivineAmnesia | Thank you | 04:19 |
DivineAmnesia | So how are everyone here? | 04:19 |
cfhowlett | DivineAmnesia, again: support channel. socializing chit chat is elsewhere. if you have ubuntu specific questions, ask | 04:20 |
DivineAmnesia | Oh ok then please give me a lekke channel? | 04:20 |
nicomachus | DivineAmnesia: no. | 04:21 |
cfhowlett | !alis | DivineAmnesia search for yourself with this | 04:21 |
ubottu | DivineAmnesia search for yourself with this: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 04:21 |
nicomachus | mengbiping: if it's possible to back up your important stuff and reinstall the OS, then that would probably be the easiest way to fix everything that is broken in one fell swoop. | 04:28 |
mengbiping | it's not a problem for backup my data(/home is on another disk), the only trouble is that i have to reinstall a lot of packages. | 04:34 |
mengbiping | nicomachus, i now managed to install ubuntu-desktop | 04:35 |
mengbiping | but still purple screen | 04:35 |
mengbiping | what else do you suggest to install | 04:35 |
Ben64 | mengbiping: so make a list of the packages you have installed, then install them later | 04:42 |
Sebastien | how come from my main user account i don't have permission to edit files in www/? | 04:43 |
Ben64 | Sebastien: because normally users don't have permission to edit files outside of their home directory | 04:44 |
tgm4883 | Sebastien: because it's not in your home directory | 04:44 |
Sebastien | how do i fix this then ? | 04:44 |
Sebastien | i would like this user to be able to also use ftp to upload files | 04:45 |
Sebastien | into /www/ | 04:45 |
Ben64 | you could - 1) put your web stuff into your home directory somewhere and make that the documentroot for the website...... or 2) add the user to the www-data group | 04:45 |
[Mew2] | why cant winscp just login with sudo tho? | 04:46 |
Sebastien | hmm | 04:46 |
Sebastien | ^ | 04:46 |
Sebastien | good Q | 04:46 |
[Mew2] | i dont know if im phrasing that question correctly | 04:47 |
Sebastien | Ben64 tgm4883: http://i.imgur.com/D2SGvQi.png this is the error i keep having when trying to upload those html files.. | 04:47 |
Ben64 | Sebastien: you should not use ftp | 04:48 |
[Mew2] | sftp*? | 04:48 |
Sebastien | its the only option available. | 04:48 |
Sebastien | look at the screenshot i posted | 04:48 |
Ben64 | its never the only option. | 04:49 |
Sebastien | it is with this program | 04:49 |
Ben64 | so use another program | 04:49 |
Sebastien | no | 04:49 |
Sebastien | why would i want to do this | 04:49 |
Sebastien | nothing wrong with ftp | 04:50 |
Ben64 | there is plenty wrong with ftp | 04:50 |
Sebastien | ok | 04:50 |
Sebastien | maybe for the NASA | 04:50 |
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Ben64 | it's ancient, it's not secure, it's horrible | 04:50 |
Sebastien | i host stats, nothing else | 04:50 |
ihm | what irc clients do you guys recommend? | 04:50 |
Sebastien | mirc, weechat | 04:50 |
ihm | all right | 04:51 |
tomreyn | mirc? i dont think this is packaged for ubuntu | 04:51 |
[Mew2] | so to confirm, winscp cant login with sudo? | 04:51 |
Sebastien | wine can run it | 04:51 |
Ben64 | Sebastien: use sftp instead, it's secure (runs over ssh), and all you need is an ssh server | 04:51 |
Sebastien | just not the COM events and Sockets | 04:51 |
ihm | irssi? | 04:51 |
Sebastien | Ben64, the thing is, you didn't look at my screenshot | 04:51 |
Sebastien | i can't use sftp with it | 04:51 |
Ben64 | ihm: better topic for #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:51 |
Sebastien | i paid for it | 04:51 |
Ben64 | Sebastien: so use a different program | 04:51 |
Sebastien | i cant | 04:51 |
Sebastien | wow | 04:51 |
ipitydaf00 | irrsi is good for command line | 04:51 |
Ben64 | you really can. it is not hard to upload a file with a different program | 04:52 |
[Mew2] | Sebastien Ben64 is an ass who passively has trolled me for the last month | 04:52 |
[Mew2] | just a warning | 04:52 |
tomreyn | uuh yes probably you can run some proprietary windows irc client through wine, but why not use some native client instead? | 04:52 |
Ben64 | [Mew2]: not true | 04:52 |
tomreyn | ihm: i'd look into irssi (if you don't mind it running on a temrinal), hexchat, weechat, chatzilla | 04:54 |
tomreyn | oh quassel, too | 04:56 |
Guest7367 | hey guys, a volunteer was helping me chmod my install because of a upgrade failure but I had to leave for work | 04:57 |
Guest7367 | is there anyone who can help me pick it back up where we left off? | 04:57 |
[Mew2] | <[Mew2]> so to confirm, winscp cant login with sudo? | 04:59 |
Ben64 | [Mew2]: you can log on with any user with ssh access | 04:59 |
[Mew2] | i completely understand what that means | 05:00 |
Ben64 | ok great | 05:01 |
Guest7367 | who here can help me? | 05:04 |
locksmith | hi | 05:05 |
Ben64 | Guest7367: you'll need to explain whats going on completely | 05:05 |
[Mew2] | if you do it partially Ben64 will give a passive agressive remark | 05:05 |
Ben64 | [Mew2]: i don't know what your problem is with me, but please keep it out of the support channel | 05:05 |
[Mew2] | my problem is your unhelpfull comments every time i ask for help | 05:07 |
somsip | [Mew2]: what is your real question here - stop the personal comments | 05:07 |
tgm4883 | alright enough you two | 05:07 |
[Mew2] | im just trying to find out who to make winscp execute the file transfers with sudo access | 05:08 |
[Mew2] | who=how* | 05:08 |
rww | sudo on the server side? | 05:08 |
[Mew2] | um | 05:08 |
somsip | [Mew2]: what does winscp run on? | 05:08 |
[Mew2] | windows | 05:08 |
rww | or on the client side? | 05:08 |
somsip | [Mew2]: so that's nothing to do with ubuntu. Did you want to use sudo after you were connected? | 05:08 |
[Mew2] | the user sinscp logs in with doesnt have permissions on some files | 05:08 |
[Mew2] | winscp* | 05:08 |
tgm4883 | [Mew2]: are you trying to upload files to the /www directory? | 05:09 |
somsip | [Mew2]: what user is it connecting with? | 05:09 |
rww | so server. you don't. either enable root and copy using that account (not supported) or copy as a normal user and them move them using sudo over ssh or something | 05:09 |
[Mew2] | user ubuntu | 05:09 |
somsip | [Mew2]: so you need to either change the user being used by winscp, or give ubuntu the correct permissions | 05:09 |
[Mew2] | i want winscp to use sudo so i dont have to chmod a file/flder every time i need to modify it | 05:09 |
somsip | [Mew2]: winscp does not *use* sudo in any way. It logs in as the user you tell it to. That user may have sudo access | 05:09 |
rww | Sebastien: your cute new cloak notwithstanding, you've been quieted from this channel for a few days. Please /join #ubuntu-ops and get that resolved instead of evading, thanks | 05:10 |
[Mew2] | hmm | 05:11 |
somsip | [Mew2]: which is where you were with Ben64 12 minutes ago. | 05:11 |
mengbiping | nicomachus, i finally find back my desktop, without reinstalling ubuntu. :) thank you very much. | 05:11 |
[Mew2] | thanks for giving me the time lapse there | 05:12 |
[Mew2] | i still have not resolved my issue tho | 05:12 |
somsip | [Mew2]: drop the sarcasm or go straight in the ignore list. You have not solved the issue because you are not addressing it. You're just restating the problem, and getting the same information | 05:12 |
[Mew2] | what is it that you want me to do exactly to get help | 05:13 |
[Mew2] | i have phrased my issue 2 different ways | 05:13 |
rww | [Mew2]: either enable root and copy using that account (not supported) or copy as a normal user and them move them using sudo over ssh or something | 05:13 |
[Mew2] | and i think you realize that im a noob | 05:13 |
tgm4883 | [Mew2]: you need to use an account that has permissions to the directory you want to write to. Which means you need to give the correct permissions to the directory you want to write to. | 05:13 |
somsip | [Mew2]: 12:09 < somsip> [Mew2]: so you need to either change the user being used by winscp, or give ubuntu the correct permissions | 05:13 |
somsip | [Mew2]: the consensus is pretty clear | 05:14 |
[Mew2] | so go into sshd_config and give user ubuntu root permission? | 05:14 |
Guest7367 | Ben64: I attempted to upgrade from 14.04 to the next newest version. Now the furthest I can get in boot is to Grub2 | 05:14 |
rww | [Mew2]: neither of those things are the two things i just suggested | 05:14 |
waters33637 | hi .. anyone got a sec to point me in the right direction for adding dns to a tinc vpn | 05:15 |
tgm4883 | [Mew2]: What is the final destination folder you are trying to write to? | 05:15 |
Abe_ | hi | 05:15 |
[Mew2] | i want to be able to ftp in winscp in any folder without having to chmod files | 05:15 |
[Mew2] | not just a single fodler | 05:15 |
[Mew2] | folder* | 05:15 |
rww | [Mew2]: then either enable root and copy using that account (not supported) or copy as a normal user and them move them using sudo over ssh or something | 05:16 |
[Mew2] | so what im tryign to do is not possible rww? | 05:16 |
Guest7367 | Ben64: At first it wouldn't allow me past login, now I can't even get that far. When I try to boot from Grub I get stck on a blank purple screen | 05:16 |
tgm4883 | [Mew2]: what are you trying to copy over? Why do you need to copy to a bunch of folders not in your home directory? | 05:16 |
rww | [Mew2]: if you don't enable root and copy using that account (not supported) or copy as a normal user and then move using sudo over ssh, then no. | 05:16 |
somsip | [Mew2]: sanity check - do you mean FTP or SSH? | 05:17 |
[Mew2] | i have to constantly go in different folders because i prefer to configure over winscp notepad rather than nano | 05:17 |
Abe_ | [Mew2]: put all you crap in your home directory | 05:17 |
[Mew2] | i dont want to make these directory changes | 05:17 |
somsip | !behlpful | Abe_ (he's clearly learning - dont complicate it) | 05:17 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 05:17 |
[Mew2] | and i dont want to transfer over ssh | 05:17 |
somsip | !behelpful | Abe_ (he's clearly learning - dont complicate it) | 05:18 |
ubottu | Abe_ (he's clearly learning - dont complicate it): As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 05:18 |
[Mew2] | i just want to ftp | 05:18 |
[Mew2] | its never been so difficult | 05:18 |
waters33637 | tincd ... anyone? | 05:18 |
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon | ||
Abe_ | somsip: I was actually serious | 05:18 |
tgm4883 | [Mew2]: well there is a lot of security in place to prevent you from doing exactly what you want to do | 05:18 |
somsip | Abe_: you maybe don't have the backstory as you only joined a couple of minutes ago - more complicated than what you see | 05:18 |
[Mew2] | this is a freshly installed instance | 05:19 |
Abe_ | oh ok sorry i keep out of it | 05:19 |
somsip | Abe_: np - I appreciate the willingness to help :) | 05:19 |
waters33637 | sftp ... with a rsa key? | 05:19 |
[Mew2] | i dont try to piss off half the room which apparently i have done | 05:19 |
[Mew2] | just asking a question | 05:20 |
ededed | Hello! | 05:20 |
tgm4883 | [Mew2]: what you want to do can't be done without disabling security that nobody in this room is going to help you do | 05:20 |
[Mew2] | why not? | 05:20 |
tgm4883 | [Mew2]: because we don't support bad security practices | 05:20 |
[Mew2] | ok | 05:21 |
somsip | [Mew2]: *that* attitude will annoy people, not asking questions | 05:21 |
[Mew2] | but i have always been able to ftp freely | 05:21 |
[Mew2] | on other servers | 05:21 |
[Mew2] | without these issues | 05:21 |
rww | That's nice. Is there anything else we can help you with today? | 05:21 |
tgm4883 | [Mew2]: then someone broke the security model on those systems | 05:21 |
somsip | [Mew2]: if ftp is set up loosely (insecurely) you may have been able to. You say this is a new instance of server so it's been setup differently | 05:22 |
[Mew2] | so what i am experiencing now, this is the norm, rather then my previous ability to ftp freely? | 05:22 |
somsip | [Mew2]: yes - ftp restricts access | 05:22 |
[Mew2] | i guess this is where my frustration was, my previous ftp experiences (for the last 5 years) have never been through this and so assumed that was the norm | 05:23 |
waters33637 | Hey .. .so ... anyone know anything about tinc-vpn? | 05:24 |
[Mew2] | i just want to express that coming here as a newb it is not easy to get help | 05:24 |
[Mew2] | but i do thank you for the help i have recieved | 05:24 |
[Mew2] | i appriciate it greatly | 05:24 |
[Mew2] | i know you guys dont get paid to do this | 05:25 |
[Mew2] | but you also dont have to be rude about it | 05:25 |
ededed | Hey guys, I need a little help with terminology.i am running 14.10 (while latest on the website is .04) - what is it that I am running? what do you call that | 05:26 |
Abe_ | people help me actually very good here in my opinion | 05:27 |
Abe_ | much* | 05:27 |
tgm4883 | ededed: you're running a non-LTS version. 14.04 is the latest LTS version (long term support). The latest version if 15.10 | 05:28 |
ededed | aha | 05:28 |
ededed | thanks! | 05:28 |
ededed | is it something i control as a config in my pc? or is this based on an ISO i got | 05:29 |
tgm4883 | ededed: well it's based on the version you installed. You can upgrade to new versions | 05:29 |
ededed | thanks. I wonder why i did this? then i messed with my apt-sources so this is all whacky. | 05:30 |
Abe_ | well* f | 05:30 |
ededed | and i did this like months ago so i dont remember :) | 05:30 |
serfgh | Hi. I had install STEAM on ubuntu, where this folder is located?? | 05:31 |
serfgh | FOUND it | 05:32 |
serfgh | thanks | 05:32 |
=== noteness- is now known as noteness | ||
qassem | after installing foo2zjs printer driver on Ubuntu 14.04, printer doesn't print. It looks like it recognizes the printer. the output for lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy hplip is | 05:42 |
qassem | No LSB modules are available. | 05:43 |
qassem | Distributor ID:Ubuntu | 05:43 |
qassem | Description:Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS | 05:43 |
qassem | Release:14.04 | 05:43 |
qassem | Codename:trusty | 05:43 |
qassem | Linux raffi-X550EA 3.16.0-50-generic #66~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 10 17:05:00 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 05:43 |
qassem | I'm trying to get hp laserjet 1020 installed. The hplip package has not worked at all after installing and uninstalling multiple versions of that package. | 05:44 |
=== Guest62646 is now known as IdleOne | ||
Rave1 | qassem, that printer may require that the additional plugin be installed from Hp via the HPLIP interface did you try to do that? | 05:46 |
ezequiel_ | hi | 05:48 |
qassem | how would i do that? | 05:48 |
ezequiel_ | are you alive? | 05:49 |
qassem | the directions here - if i read them correctly- don't say anything about installing something from the hplip interface https://mark911.wordpress.com/2014/10/31/how-to-install-printer-drivers-for-hp-laserjet-1020-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts-without-needing-access-to-openprinting-org-website/ | 05:49 |
Rave1 | qassem, on the HPLIP look for a green colored button marked .. Install required plugin | 05:50 |
Rave1 | I have a 1025 that will not function without that installed | 05:50 |
qassem | when you say on the hplip do you mean here http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install_wizard/index.html | 05:51 |
qassem | i don't see any green colored button... | 05:52 |
Rave1 | qassem, no I mean on the GUI for hplip that you should have installed | 05:53 |
acetakwas | How do I use Bibledit-Xiphoz? | 05:53 |
acetakwas | It shows a screen like this: http://imgur.com/HkXy2tb | 05:53 |
qassem | so by following this procedure https://mark911.wordpress.com/2014/10/31/how-to-install-printer-drivers-for-hp-laserjet-1020-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts-without-needing-access-to-openprinting-org-website, hplip should be installed? | 05:55 |
qassem | my understanding was that procedure removes hplip from the system | 05:55 |
Rave1 | qassem, and that is not much help as far as I know | 05:56 |
qassem | the GUI doesn't show an hplip application (there are hplip folders though | 05:56 |
qassem | what is not much help? | 05:56 |
Rave1 | qassem, why not just get hplip gui from synaptic | 05:56 |
qassem | hplip has not worked at all with ubuntu 14.04 | 05:57 |
jack__ | Xchat gone after click mini | 05:57 |
Rave1 | qassem, you are going about this the hard way | 05:57 |
qassem | are saying i should just try the ubuntu software center and install it that way? | 05:57 |
jack__ | how to fix it ? | 05:57 |
Rave1 | qassem, if the ubuntu version give you problem get the new one from HP from the link you posted | 05:58 |
Rave1 | qassem, i would try the one from ubuntu first though | 05:58 |
qassem | none of those hplip versions have worked with ubuntu 14.04. | 05:58 |
jack__ | I can open a new xchat window. But I can't open the old one. | 05:58 |
Rave1 | qassem, i use them on 1404 | 05:59 |
Rave1 | the new one from HP site that is | 05:59 |
qassem | ok, would that mean that I should uninstall the foo2zjs drivers, or fine to leave them? | 05:59 |
ezequiel_ | #sex | 05:59 |
Rave1 | qassem, no idea sorry | 05:59 |
qassem | ok, thanks! | 06:00 |
jack__ | anybody who know how to solve this problem? | 06:00 |
ezequiel_ | im new in ubuntu can you help me? | 06:00 |
jack__ | How can i help you? | 06:01 |
ezequiel_ | how can i emulate 2 desktops | 06:02 |
jack__ | what is your desktop? | 06:02 |
ezequiel_ | i dont know | 06:03 |
jack__ | so you just flow the install and didn't install any other desktop? | 06:04 |
ezequiel_ | i just install ubuntu | 06:05 |
locksmith | ____ __ | 06:05 |
locksmith | / __ \_ _____ ___ ___/ / | 06:05 |
locksmith | \____/|__,__/_//_/\__/\_,_/ | 06:05 |
ezequiel_ | nothing else | 06:05 |
jack__ | ubuntu 15.10;14.04;12.04;15.04 . which one is your system? | 06:05 |
rodney77 | hi, i'm trying to set up some rtirq rules to give my external audio card the highest priority, for low latency recording. | 06:06 |
ezequiel_ | version? | 06:06 |
jack__ | yes | 06:06 |
ezequiel_ | 15,10 | 06:07 |
rodney77 | so anyway, i want to add the usb port to my rules, the one i'm using for my sound card | 06:07 |
jack__ | the same to my system. | 06:07 |
rodney77 | but i don't know how to find out what port a device is on. How do i do this? | 06:07 |
rodney77 | the instructions say to use ehci_hcd:usb2 if you're using port 2. but I don't know if my device is plugged into port 2, or 1, 3, or something else | 06:08 |
jack__ | fdisk -l to find where is your usb port. often it begin sdb. | 06:09 |
rodney77 | ok, jack__, i will try now | 06:10 |
rodney77 | jack__, fdisk -l didn't return anything. I thought fdisk was for listing hard drives? | 06:11 |
jack__ | you can try. | 06:12 |
elan | heyy | 06:15 |
elan | any one ther e | 06:15 |
jack__ | yes | 06:16 |
elan | hows all going there | 06:16 |
elan | ? | 06:16 |
jack__ | that isn't a question. | 06:16 |
elan | hah ya | 06:16 |
elan | any new updates on backbox u got ?/ | 06:17 |
jack__ | nope for me. | 06:18 |
elan | ok . | 06:18 |
jack__ | do you know how to open the old xchat after you mini tray it. | 06:18 |
=== NightKhaos_ is now known as NightKhaos | ||
elan | clk on the tab at your right | 06:19 |
elan | thers a x mark | 06:19 |
jack__ | no, I didn't see anything. | 06:20 |
elan | the mini tray should b right there | 06:21 |
jack__ | ubuntu 15.10 doesn't show it. | 06:21 |
elan | ok .m using backbox 4.4 though | 06:22 |
jack__ | I didn't use it, so I can't see it? | 06:22 |
elan | hmm ya | 06:22 |
elan | thers shold b some other option u got there | 06:23 |
Shadyz | I installed ubuntu as priMary OS on mine system | 06:23 |
elan | nice shady . | 06:24 |
Shadyz | and is draining the battery like hell | 06:24 |
jack__ | yeah | 06:24 |
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elan | hah .no itshoulddbt | 06:24 |
elan | bye gtg | 06:24 |
Shadyz | any advice on that | 06:24 |
jack__ | I don't know how to open it. | 06:24 |
elan | yes try using it by dual boot | 06:24 |
Shadyz | <elan> if if dual boot it won't drain it | 06:25 |
elan | ya think so | 06:25 |
Shadyz | I will try and see | 06:26 |
elan | ok ....dont blame me if it wont ork | 06:26 |
elan | work* | 06:26 |
Shadyz | all the same...anyone heard about cfufreqd | 06:27 |
elan | nope . | 06:27 |
jack__ | how to install backbox. I want to try it. | 06:27 |
elan | download backbox.iso | 06:28 |
elan | boot into a bootabe usb | 06:28 |
elan | and google is there for ur help | 06:28 |
jack__ | ok | 06:29 |
elan | bye .i have to update me backbox | 06:29 |
jack__ | bye | 06:29 |
azizLIGHT | i mtrying to install a program, but when i try "sudo pip install https://github.com/chrisspen/freekey/zipball/master" i get errors. i pasted them here: https://bpaste.net/show/20edf6814adf am i missing some packages? | 06:38 |
rodney77 | ok so i ran tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugged in my sound card. the log said 'usb 1-2: New USB device found' does 'usb 1-2' mean port 2, or ehci_hcd:usb2? | 06:44 |
rodney77 | (which is what i'm looking for) | 06:45 |
beladona | My mic is not giving a clear and lound voice. Do I need to install any drivers or apps? | 06:48 |
FredFlinstone | Hey guys. New to Ubuntu. Someone said that new releases were going to not be systemd anymore. | 06:49 |
annon100101 | check if proprietary driver is needed from software updater | 06:49 |
FredFlinstone | Is that true and if so what will they become? | 06:49 |
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=== Tronsha is now known as [UPA]Stefan | ||
[Mew2] | Guys I want to follow up on my question from earlier | 07:01 |
[Mew2] | Can I add a root user who would be able to ftp all files on the system without restrictions? | 07:02 |
[Mew2] | I think easier I asked from the perspective of my user being able to do it | 07:03 |
[Mew2] | Earlier* | 07:03 |
lotuspsychje | [Mew2]: be carefull with ftp, its a security danger | 07:04 |
somsip | lotuspsychje: save yourself some time - check the logs for what was discussed earlier - it's all been done already | 07:05 |
beladona | My mic is not giving a clear and lound voice. Do I need to install any drivers or apps? | 07:05 |
lotuspsychje | somsip: ok tnx for the headsup | 07:05 |
somsip | np | 07:05 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | beladona have you checked? | 07:05 |
ubottu | beladona have you checked?: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 07:05 |
[Mew2] | Wel after I am done ftp'ing I can just delete the user right? | 07:06 |
lotuspsychje | [Mew2]: ive already pointed you to the #pfoftpd channel yesterday, please stop spamming questions into the ubuntu channel | 07:08 |
lotuspsychje | #proftpd | 07:08 |
[Mew2] | Im asking about adding a user | 07:09 |
[Mew2] | Stop trolling me bro | 07:09 |
somsip | [Mew2]: and here you go with the attitude again. *This* is why I'm not helping you, and I suspect it goes for others too. For goodness sake learn. | 07:09 |
[Mew2] | somsip why do you feel that you need to announce multiple times that you are not helping me? additionally why do you go out of your way to ensure that other users dont help me either? your very behaviour suggests the definition of a troll | 07:14 |
lotuspsychje | !ops | [Mew2] trolling the volunteers over and over | 07:14 |
ubottu | [Mew2] trolling the volunteers over and over: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 07:14 |
[Mew2] | ? | 07:15 |
[Mew2] | so | 07:17 |
[Mew2] | how do i add a root user | 07:17 |
[Mew2] | sudo adduser ...something? | 07:18 |
[Mew2] | what defines the priveldges in that command | 07:18 |
Ben64 | [Mew2]: use sudo when needed to copy a file to a protected area | 07:19 |
[Mew2] | thanks Ben64 | 07:20 |
[Mew2] | but how do i add a user tho | 07:20 |
Ben64 | sudo adduser <username> | 07:20 |
[Mew2] | and how do i define the priveldges for that user? | 07:20 |
Ben64 | what are you trying to accomplish | 07:20 |
[Mew2] | to learn how to add a user | 07:20 |
Ben64 | and i just told you | 07:21 |
[Mew2] | and how do i define the priveldges for that user?" | 07:21 |
Ben64 | what are you trying to accomplish | 07:21 |
[Mew2] | to learn how to add a user | 07:21 |
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ns5 | How can I find out which packages depend on isc-dhcp-client? | 07:35 |
Beladona | lotuspsychje: the quality of sound is not so clear | 07:38 |
Beladona | what could be the issue? | 07:38 |
Beladona | I mean my mic | 07:38 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: wich ubuntu version is this? | 07:38 |
Beladona | lotuspsychje: lts | 07:38 |
Beladona | lotuspsychje: 14.04 kubuntu lts | 07:39 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: did your mic play clear in any other Os before? | 07:39 |
Beladona | lotuspsychje: yes | 07:39 |
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lotuspsychje | Beladona: ok maybe you should investigate syslog and dmesg about sound errors? | 07:39 |
Beladona | lotuspsychje: ok, any drivers or packages like kubuntu-restircted-extras? | 07:40 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: your sound should work by default without other installs | 07:40 |
Beladona | hm | 07:40 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: what kind of graphics card do you have? | 07:41 |
Beladona | dont know. how to check | 07:41 |
Beladona | its a laptop | 07:41 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: sudo lshw -C video | 07:41 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: we need the chipset and the driver= | 07:42 |
Beladona | product: Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller vendor: Intel Corporation | 07:42 |
Beladona | lotuspsychje: sound of mic depends on video card? | 07:43 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: in some cases it can be related yes | 07:43 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: ok i would investigate your logs first for sound errors | 07:43 |
Beladona | which logs? | 07:43 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: if nothing found try a 15.10 liveusb and test your mic from a livesession | 07:44 |
lotuspsychje | Beladona: just told you, scroll up please | 07:44 |
azizLIGHT | i mtrying to install a program, but when i try "sudo pip install https://github.com/chrisspen/freekey/zipball/master" i get errors. i pasted them here: https://bpaste.net/show/20edf6814adf am i missing some packages? | 07:44 |
Beladona | lotuspsychje: ok. let me read things. I will come back. thanks! | 07:44 |
lotuspsychje | azizLIGHT: ask the maintainer of this package, seems not an official ubuntu package | 07:45 |
azizLIGHT | ah crap its like 4 years old | 07:46 |
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sam_yan | HI! In ubuntu 15.04 ,there is no irqbalance unit with systemd.Does ubuntu give up irqbalance ? | 07:47 |
ns5 | I tried to purge many packages, many failed because they have packages depend on them. Now when I run dpkg --get-selection, they are all marked as purge. Is this a problem? How to restore the status to install? | 07:47 |
lotuspsychje | ns5: lets start from the beginning, did you add ppa's of any kind? | 07:48 |
ns5 | lotuspsychje: no ppa added | 07:48 |
donnib | Hi | 07:48 |
donnib | i have exec /usr/bin/node /usr/local/atlasboard/BKSV/start.js >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1 in my upstart conf | 07:48 |
donnib | i need a yourprogram.pid for monit, what is it in my case ? | 07:49 |
lotuspsychje | ns5: could you add pastebin of the purge trying? | 07:49 |
donnib | is it /usr/bin/node ? | 07:49 |
ns5 | lost1nfound: http://paste.debian.net/359813/ | 07:50 |
iAmerikan | donnib: rephrase | 07:50 |
lotuspsychje | ns5: no i dont mean dpkg command, but the errors showing when try to purge | 07:51 |
ns5 | lotuspsychje: oh ok, then http://paste.debian.net/359814/ | 07:52 |
ns5 | lotuspsychje: this is just an example, there are many errors, but all similar | 07:52 |
donnib | iAmerikan: i made an upstart file to launch my node.js app | 07:52 |
lotuspsychje | ns5: wich ubuntu versions is this? | 07:53 |
donnib | iAmerikan: now i want to use monit to monitor my node.js if it crashes and i see monit asks for yourprogram.pid which i am asking what that is ? | 07:53 |
ns5 | lotuspsychje: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS | 07:53 |
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lotuspsychje | ns5: updated to latest 14.04.3 please | 07:53 |
iAmerikan | the pid. I don't think that's ubuntu related. 'monit' should have documentation somewhere | 07:54 |
ns5 | lotuspsychje: after upgrading to .3, will all the 'purge' status be gone? | 07:54 |
iAmerikan | pid = process id | 07:54 |
auronandace2 | donnib: process id of your running program. look for it with ps aux | 07:54 |
lotuspsychje | ns5: try | 07:54 |
ns5 | lotuspsychje: ok | 07:54 |
donnib | iAmerikan: i was following this guide http://howtonode.org/deploying-node-upstart-monit | 07:54 |
akik | donnib: yes it's the pid of the node process | 07:57 |
donnib | akik: but what is the pid ? I mean i can find it with PS but that would change | 07:57 |
sam_yan | HI! In ubuntu 15.04 ,there is no irqbalance unit with systemd.Does ubuntu give up irqbalance ? | 07:58 |
lotuspsychje | !info irqbalance | sam_yan | 07:58 |
ubottu | sam_yan: irqbalance (source: irqbalance): Daemon to balance interrupts for SMP systems. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.6-3ubuntu3 (wily), package size 28 kB, installed size 83 kB | 07:58 |
iAmerikan | donnib: the pid wont change randomly when the app is running | 07:58 |
akik | donnib: you should write the pid into a file after it has started | 07:59 |
donnib | iAmerikan: yes exactly my point so why would monit ask to mintor a pid which will change, does not make sense, i must misunderstand something | 07:59 |
akik | donnib: look into /var/run | 07:59 |
sam_yan | In vivid.there is no irqbalance. | 08:00 |
lotuspsychje | !info irqbalance vivid | sam_yan yes there is | 08:00 |
ubottu | sam_yan yes there is: irqbalance (source: irqbalance): Daemon to balance interrupts for SMP systems. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.6-3ubuntu1.1 (vivid), package size 28 kB, installed size 117 kB | 08:00 |
donnib | akik: to look for ? i don't see my program there | 08:00 |
iAmerikan | it wont change. | 08:00 |
akik | donnib: after your node process has started, write its pid number into a file under /var/run | 08:01 |
donnib | akik: ok so if i do that then after it crashes first time and it's restarted the process will have a new id so i have to change the file everytime ? | 08:01 |
iAmerikan | also check out any of the modern tutorials that aren't 6 years old. | 08:02 |
akik | donnib: you should of course automate the process of creating that file | 08:02 |
iAmerikan | searching 'deploy node app' brought up multiple options for me | 08:02 |
iAmerikan | or 'how to deploy node app' | 08:02 |
donnib | iAmerikan: well i have deployed it, it's just about the monitoring part | 08:03 |
sam_yan | I can not see any configure files about irqbalance except .conf .but with systemd ,irqbalance is running | 08:03 |
sam_yan | so I want to know who start the irqbalance | 08:04 |
iAmerikan | I saw multiple with crash resistance | 08:04 |
iAmerikan | otherwise what specific monitoring are you looking for | 08:04 |
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mikhael_k33hl | I'm using Ubuntu 14.04, and it seems to be intermittently resolving my hostnames. Made sure that network-manager is set up using the correct NameServer using the nmcli command. | 08:11 |
greenerr | anyone know of any gpl or other available (even commercially) scripts or code that run on ubuntu or any other linux distro, that are intended to perform various SEO tasks, like crawling, tracking, posting, link building, managing (fixing or deleting) links, etc? as most of the commercial ones only work on pc and/or mac, and i know linux folks usually code their own, i'm interested in finding some sample for linux that i can learn in | 08:11 |
greenerr | order to make my own. | 08:11 |
akik | donnib: reading the page you linked, the pid file is created in the upstart config file | 08:13 |
akik | donnib: "echo $$ > /var/run/yourprogram.pid" | 08:13 |
yinflying | Ha | 08:15 |
akik | donnib: not sure if $$ is actually the pid of node, according to the comment by Nguyen Duc Phuong | 08:17 |
yinflying | 呃 | 08:19 |
yinflying | can't I connect to server? I hear nobody..... | 08:20 |
nooke4000 | I guess you just did | 08:21 |
[Mew2] | !ops for the record <somsip> lotuspsychje: save yourself some time - check the logs for what was discussed earlier - it's all been done already | 08:22 |
ubottu | [Mew2]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:22 |
yinflying | Ha,But I have saw what you said.. | 08:22 |
[Mew2] | !ops for the record <somsip> [Mew2]: and here you go with the attitude again. *This* is why I'm not helping you, and I suspect it goes for others too. For goodness sake learn. | 08:22 |
ubottu | [Mew2]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:22 |
putska | Привет)) | 08:22 |
[Mew2] | !ops not only announcing that hes not helping me but getting others users to not help me as well | 08:22 |
ubottu | [Mew2]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:22 |
Flannel | [Mew2]: Stop. | 08:22 |
yinflying | what happened? | 08:23 |
[Mew2] | sorry i just want to put that on record | 08:23 |
putska | russian girl soo aloone(( | 08:24 |
iAmerikan | putska: brat'ya po kiska | 08:25 |
yinflying | Terrible,I just see that many individuals get in and go out... | 08:25 |
iAmerikan | [Mew2]: I think the ops have a channel you can bring up your issues in | 08:25 |
putska | ahahahah, ohuennoo | 08:26 |
magnetik | Hi | 08:26 |
magnetik | I'm openning a ssh tunnel with : ssh -M -S /tmp/ssh_tunnel_%h.sock -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -f -N -L "$LOCAL_PORT:localhost:$DISTANT_PORT" "$HOST" | 08:27 |
=== noteness- is now known as noteness | ||
magnetik | But I'd like to close all ssh tunnels, without knowing the host | 08:27 |
magnetik | but doing like lsof on the /tmp/ssh_tunnel... file return nothing | 08:27 |
magnetik | even when the ssh process is running | 08:27 |
iAmerikan | magnetik: they must open some sort of process no? | 08:27 |
magnetik | yep the ssh process | 08:28 |
iAmerikan | why not kill that | 08:28 |
magnetik | eh, that's the idea =) | 08:28 |
putska | <iAmerikan> r u from? | 08:28 |
iAmerikan | pkill, killall etc | 08:29 |
Ben64 | magnetik: shows up on lsof when I do it | 08:30 |
magnetik | damn | 08:30 |
putska | <iAmerikan> эммм,эт ты мне? | 08:31 |
yinflying | 。。。。 | 08:31 |
ns5 | what is /usr/sbin/gshelld? I have this process running in my box | 08:32 |
ns5 | and dpkg -S /usr/sbin/gshelld shows nothing | 08:32 |
Ben64 | ns5: googling it comes up with a bunch of chinese stuff, no idea man | 08:33 |
magnetik | Here lsof, even in sudo, returns nothing for this file, even when the ssh process is running | 08:34 |
Ben64 | magnetik: what exactly are you typing for lsof | 08:34 |
magnetik | lsof /tmp/ssh_tunnel_myhost.sock | 08:35 |
magnetik | or sudo.. | 08:35 |
iAmerikan | look in htop? | 08:35 |
[Mew2] | hey guys, i am on ubuntu shell, trying to find out how i can manage users? and thier priveldges? | 08:36 |
Ben64 | magnetik: well theres your problem, its not being accessed as a file so much, its a socket. i'm no lsof expert, so there might be an easier way, but this should work for you... "lsof | grep ssh_tunnel" | 08:36 |
iAmerikan | [Mew2]: that's linux specific? | 08:37 |
magnetik | When running lsof -p <pid of the ssh process> I see that it's has the file, but with a suffix that I don't see in the file name | 08:37 |
[Mew2] | ubuntu soecific | 08:37 |
[Mew2] | specific | 08:37 |
magnetik | Thanks for the input anyway | 08:38 |
iAmerikan | whats the suffix and why haven't you tried my suggestions | 08:38 |
Ben64 | magnetik: well yeah, because its not a file | 08:38 |
[Mew2] | more specifically im trying to find out if i add a user how i can give him admin root priveldges, and revoke those priveledges if need be? | 08:39 |
ikonia | [Mew2]: add/remove the user from / to the sudo group | 08:40 |
cfhowlett | [Mew2], if HE is a root, he could just as easily delete you ... | 08:40 |
ikonia | [Mew2]: if you look at the groups your default system user is in you can add/remote him from the admin/sudo group | 08:40 |
iAmerikan | if you give someone sudo he can try to keep sudo | 08:40 |
Flannel | [Mew2]: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/user-management.html has some general info (and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/index.html is a generally reasonable starting place for a lot of common questions for servers) | 08:40 |
iAmerikan | maybe you can lock down the wheel group idk | 08:41 |
[Mew2] | cfhowlett im not actually giving it to anyone right now, just learning, ikonia interesting i didnt know that sudo was a group | 08:41 |
[Mew2] | Flannel thank you going to read up on that now | 08:41 |
[Mew2] | thank you everyone :) | 08:41 |
Flannel | [Mew2]: sudo is *also* a group (it used to be the 'admin' group, you may run into documentation that still refers to that). If a user is a member of said group, that user can use sudo to do elevated stuff. (With the default configs) | 08:42 |
moonman | 25 | 08:42 |
moonman | 33 | 08:42 |
iAmerikan | [Mew2]: the thing is that someone can install something bad to keep root if they have the chance | 08:43 |
[Mew2] | Flannel is it defined somewhere who is allowed to use sudo? or only users in the sudo group can use sudo? | 08:43 |
yinflying | the permission problem is a big problem .... | 08:43 |
[Mew2] | i know this sounds stupid im sorry lol | 08:43 |
Ben64 | [Mew2]: doesn't sound stupid at all, you got it exactly right. only users in the sudo group can use sudo | 08:44 |
Flannel | [Mew2]: By default (sudo is a very flexible thing, you can configure it to do a lot of non-default things), only people in that group can sudo. | 08:44 |
ikonia | you can even create a new group to assign only specific commands | 08:45 |
ikonia | thus making your machine more secure and limiting root access to specific commands | 08:45 |
[Mew2] | wow interesting | 08:45 |
[Mew2] | ok i will read those docs now | 08:45 |
[Mew2] | thank you so much everyone <333 :) | 08:45 |
[Mew2] | this makes sense now | 08:45 |
[Mew2] | guys i also want to just thank everyone for dealign with my extreme noobishness over the past week, i know if probably frustrating working wiht me but i am learning quickly wiht your help :-d | 08:48 |
cfhowlett | [Mew2], no apologies needed. enjoy ubuntu. | 08:48 |
yinflying | Is there some available way to ignore the quit and enter message about IRC | 08:50 |
DJones | !quietirc | yinflying | 08:50 |
ubottu | yinflying: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages | 08:50 |
[Mew2] | thanks cfhowlett | 08:50 |
iAmerikan | yinflying: sure. look at your irc client | 08:50 |
yinflying | Xchat ,of course | 08:51 |
cfhowlett | yinflying, xchat is abandonware. replace it with hexchat | 08:51 |
yinflying | Really? OK ,I will change noew | 08:52 |
yinflying | now | 08:52 |
redegelde | hi, have someone made a allready look a like W8 works space with tiles in Ubuntu. it is for school use to give litle children easy acces to learning websites | 08:52 |
ikonia | redegelde: there are tiling window managers | 08:53 |
cfhowlett | !edubuntu | redegelde, | 08:53 |
ubottu | redegelde,: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org | 08:53 |
redegelde | and does edubuntu have the tiles | 08:53 |
ikonia | no | 08:53 |
ikonia | not by default | 08:53 |
iAmerikan | redegelde: it is designed for schools and can be customized as well. | 08:53 |
redegelde | okay ikonia is there an tutorial present for this solution | 08:54 |
ikonia | redegelde: you can look at things like i3 window manager | 08:54 |
ikonia | redegelde: that is a tiled window manager environment | 08:54 |
redegelde | okay cool, thank you | 08:54 |
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yahn | yinflying, in HexChat you can hide join and part messages by going into Preferences -> General (under Chatting) -> Tick 'Hide join and part messages' under the Miscellaneous tab | 08:55 |
magnetik | Ben64, okay do doing lsof -U /tmp/controlsockfile works well :) | 08:55 |
yinflying | Haha, Acutully, What i have installed is hexchat , although I use commend "sudo apt-get install xchat" | 08:56 |
yinflying | got it , thank you | 08:57 |
iAmerikan | yinflying: sp its fixed? | 09:00 |
redegelde | well i wil look in to it dont want to make a mickeysoft clone but simply want to add tile on desktop for easy use children. any other ideas now system(s) running on ubuntu mate | 09:07 |
iAmerikan | its about wms and des | 09:07 |
iAmerikan | wm's and de's. edubuntu just has programs preinstalled | 09:08 |
iAmerikan | there are a number of options. | 09:08 |
=== yf_flying is now known as yinflying | ||
yinflying | Good,I have changed into hexchat,wow, I have just found that there are so may IRC clients ,what a shame... | 09:12 |
nuke[HU] | lol, not touchd IRC since...not even remeber. Anywo weechat is nice | 09:13 |
redegelde | @iAmerikan thank you, so i know allready | 09:14 |
jay__ | Ben64 : r u there | 09:14 |
Ben64 | jay__: yes | 09:15 |
jay__ | i got another vulnerability regarding proftpd-basic | 09:16 |
yinflying | What mean "lol" ? what I realized is computer game which is similar to Dota.... | 09:16 |
jay__ | default proftpd version is 1.3.4a | 09:16 |
jay__ | i need to upgrade to proftpd 1.3.5a or 1.3.6 | 09:16 |
Ben64 | ftp is general is a vulnerability | 09:16 |
jay__ | ok | 09:17 |
jay__ | Ben64 : so i should not do anything about it | 09:17 |
Ben64 | i'd strongly recommend using sftp over ftp | 09:18 |
jay__ | ok Using sftp over ftp will cover the vulnerability in 1.3.4a without patching ? right | 09:19 |
Ben64 | well sftp is not really related to ftp at all, doesn't use proftpd, uses ssh to transfer files | 09:19 |
jay__ | but, i guess the client iis using proftpd | 09:20 |
jay__ | i work in hosting environment | 09:20 |
nuke[HU] | lol stands for "laughing out loud" @yinflying | 09:20 |
Ben64 | jay__: ok, well what makes you think 1.3.4a has a vulnerability | 09:20 |
kgjd | wot | 09:21 |
jay__ | its not my thinking, its from nessus scan | 09:21 |
Ben64 | jay__: which we told you before has a lot of false positives | 09:21 |
jay__ | yes i agree | 09:21 |
jay__ | i checked the openssl it was really false positive, but this is vulnerable | 09:22 |
Ben64 | whatever it is "finding" has almost assuredly already been patched | 09:22 |
jay__ | Ben64 :http://www.tenable.com/plugins/index.php?view=single&id=84215 | 09:22 |
jay__ | Ben64 : http://bugs.proftpd.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4169 this is from proftpd site itself | 09:23 |
ubottu | bugs.proftpd.org bug 4169 in mod_copy "Unauthenticated copying of files via SITE CPFR/CPTO allowed by mod_copy" [Critical,Closed: fixed] | 09:23 |
SCHAAP137 | the solution is simple | 09:23 |
SCHAAP137 | "Upgrade to ProFTPD 1.3.5a / 1.3.6rc1 or later." | 09:23 |
jay__ | yes it was fixed in | 09:23 |
jay__ | proftpd 1.3.5a | 09:23 |
Ben64 | ah, proftpd is a universe package | 09:24 |
ExtremeGHz | Hey ppl | 09:24 |
elan | HEY | 09:24 |
ExtremeGHz | what was the offtopic ubuntu channel? | 09:25 |
cfhowlett | !ot | Extreme | 09:25 |
ubottu | Extreme: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 09:25 |
ExtremeGHz | thaaankks ;) cya | 09:25 |
jay__ | hmm i will check in ubuntu security | 09:25 |
Ben64 | jay__: you could use sftp, since it's way way better, tell your clients to use that, you could install vsftpd, since it's in main and receives patches, or you could find a ppa for proftpd for precise with the appropriate version, or you could compile your own. the last two options are unsupported | 09:26 |
jay__ | hmm ok , ppa and compilation are unsupported got it | 09:27 |
jay__ | bad luck , it was patched in ubuntu 15 http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2015/CVE-2015-3306.html | 09:28 |
ubottu | The mod_copy module in ProFTPD 1.3.5 allows remote attackers to read and write to arbitrary files via the site cpfr and site cpto commands. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3306) | 09:28 |
Ben64 | jay__: why is that bad luck | 09:29 |
jay__ | thank you ubottu | 09:29 |
jay__ | Ben64 : bcause i cant use ubuntu 15 repos in ubuntu 12 | 09:29 |
jay__ | Ben64 : bad luck for ubuntu 12 users | 09:30 |
Ben64 | that's what happens when you're running a nearly 4 year old release | 09:30 |
serfgh | HI, Anyone know how to resolve this problem with Steam and Dota 2 | 09:31 |
serfgh | when i try to lunch game, it says Missing executable :S | 09:31 |
HEXCHATTER | Hey guys. | 09:31 |
HEXCHATTER | I'm live on my new Unity install. Absolutely loving it. | 09:32 |
llldino | serfgh, Is it missing some sort of .so file? I recall having to make a sym link to another directory to resolve that but I can't remember exactly how | 09:32 |
serfgh | llldino , maybe the problem is bescouse of 32-bit ubuntu version | 09:33 |
serfgh | :D | 09:33 |
serfgh | Just to install ubuntu 64-bit .. | 09:33 |
jay__ | can you see my text | 09:34 |
Ben64 | jay__: yep | 09:34 |
jay__ | Ben 64 : ohh yes yes you are right, i guess i should inform to client | 09:34 |
llldino | serfgh, If you do a google search and include the game and the exact binary thats missing you might come up with something, wish I could help more | 09:34 |
cfhowlett | !manual | HEXCHATTER, welcome. | 09:35 |
ubottu | HEXCHATTER, welcome.: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 09:35 |
sam_yan | why in ubuntu15.04 the initctl is also efficacious under systemd? | 09:38 |
yinflying | who is ubottu ? Is it an artificial intelligence? | 09:38 |
cfhowlett | !ubottu | 09:39 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone | 09:39 |
Xano | Is there a simple way to type special characters like on Mac OS, where alt+diacritic-modifier+letter results in said letter with the diacritic? Example: alt+u+a becomes ä. | 09:39 |
yinflying | !ubottu | 09:39 |
Xano | I've never been a fan of remembering character codes | 09:39 |
cfhowlett | Xano, you can edit your keyboard codes | 09:39 |
Xano | cfhowlett, Sure, just wondering about out-of-the-box solutions. I can hardly believe I'm the only one who dislikes character codes :) | 09:40 |
serfgh | llldino: i will install ubuntu 64 i think it can fix this | 09:41 |
serfgh | :D | 09:41 |
llldino | serfgh, It may, it may not, what is the exact error it throws? | 09:41 |
mcphail | Xano: does "Shift + AltGr then U then A" work? | 09:43 |
* mcphail is reading from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey | 09:44 | |
serfgh | llldino: http://i67.tinypic.com/w162ag.png | 09:45 |
serfgh | :D | 09:45 |
Xano | mcphail, Yup, got that! It'll take some time getting used to the specific key setup, but it's essentially similar to what I was used to under Mac OS. Thanks :) | 09:45 |
mcphail | Xano: excellent! Good to know | 09:45 |
Xano | Oh, this has been around for a while, I see. Interesting :) | 09:47 |
HEXCHATTER | That manual is 150 pages. | 09:51 |
HEXCHATTER | Would be better if I could purchase it from Amazon. | 09:51 |
llldino | serfgh, Hmm, it doesn't specify if it needs 64 / 32 bit | 09:51 |
llldino | serfgh, According to this post: https://steamcommunity.com/app/570/discussions/0/523897277912736099/ It looks like you need a 64 bit build | 09:52 |
serfgh | it seems so, i need ubnutu 64 | 09:56 |
serfgh | ubuntu* | 09:56 |
yinflying | It is said that ubuntu 16.04a have been released. And the developer said that there would be some big changes... | 10:00 |
FrankChen | Yee | 10:01 |
llldino | Geez 16 is going to be LTS? It felt like yesterday 14 just came out q: | 10:01 |
mcphail | yinflying: join #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 discussion | 10:01 |
DJones | yinflying: There's an announcement at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2016-January/001163.html The best place to ask about it will be #ubuntu+1 though, the people there are the ones testing it | 10:02 |
yinflying | I should be | 10:03 |
yinflying | It should be LTS | 10:03 |
memoryleak | Hi, anyone able to give me some hints on that one: http://askubuntu.com/questions/703081/merge-mst-stream-monitor-into-one-virtual | 10:04 |
yinflying | but 14.04 have also about two-year support... | 10:04 |
xmj | moin | 10:04 |
Ben64 | yinflying: 14.04 has 5 years of support, ending in April 2019 | 10:04 |
xmj | we're having a fun issue on a cluster of 12.04.1 machines where they all report " | 10:05 |
xmj | It's an odd one that can be "fixed" with hitting CTRL-ALT-F1 -- | 10:05 |
xmj | er | 10:05 |
xmj | * Stopping System V runlevel compatibility [OK] | 10:05 |
xmj | the machines are all running normally, with services up & performing as expected, but for the guy that drove out to the DC in the middle of the night that was a bit of an unexpected "feature" | 10:06 |
xmj | Is that a known issue? | 10:06 |
mcphail | xmj: haven't heard anyone else report it on here, although you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server (and include information about what changed on your cluster before the current issue) | 10:08 |
xmj | hah, the latter will be more or less impossible to figure out ;-) | 10:09 |
xmj | i'll try. thought asking because the web is full of bug reports regarding some x server startup not quite working | 10:10 |
mcphail | xmj: unlikely anyone is still running 12.04 here, as the #ubuntu channel tends to be desktop-orientated and 12.04 has been EOL'd on the desktop for a while now. I think #ubuntu-server would be your best bet, as someone there might know | 10:11 |
barryshitpeas | hey everyone, new to ubuntu. I'm having trouble accessing a directory. Tried /home/myusername etc and just get no dir found | 10:11 |
xmj | ah derp | 10:12 |
xmj | mcphail: tyvm! | 10:12 |
mcphail | xmj: good luck | 10:12 |
barryshitpeas | any ideas where I'm going wrong? I am trying to access a folder in my home dir (alongside Documents). tried cd /home/myusername/directory name but nada. tried just /home/myusername still nada | 10:12 |
* xmj waves | 10:13 | |
DJones | mcphail: 12.04 desktop is still ok, it still gets maintenance updates until 2017 as long as the HWE has been installed | 10:16 |
DJones | If it hasn't then it would have been August 2014 | 10:17 |
barryshitpeas_ | yinflying: sorry not sure what happened there | 10:17 |
mcphail | DJones: aah - didn't realise that. The LTS ubottu factoid mentions desktop support for 12.04 in the past tense | 10:18 |
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valtrip | VMware workstation 11 , virtual network device error during compilation on 15.10 ,, found this , UnAnswered http://askubuntu.com/questions/690645/vmware-workstation-11-virtual-ethernet-kernel-update-fails-on-ubuntu-15-10 | 10:40 |
mcphail | valtrip: You'll need to obtain a copy of vmware which supports the current kernel, I'm afraid. These are the perils of closed-source commercial products | 10:43 |
Skyrider | yay, got temp sudo on dreamhost... :-\ | 10:50 |
uupz | hello all, is there a way to forward any connections i get on port 2222 to port 22? | 10:50 |
cfhowlett | !ports | uubz | 10:51 |
ubottu | uubz: For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall | 10:51 |
[Mew2] | sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 6000 <-- is this the correct command to forward all traffic from port 80 to 6000? | 10:55 |
uupz | [Mew2] so that would forward anything connecting to port 22 to port 2222 ? | 10:57 |
[Mew2] | I'm not sure, I'm asking? | 10:58 |
* uupz hrugs | 10:59 | |
* uupz shrugs | 10:59 | |
=== ^cj^ is now known as ^CJ^ | ||
valtrip | mcphail ,, thnx , one more , which is better on willy virtualbox or xen | 11:01 |
mcphail | valtrip: it all depends on your hardware, guest OS, usage and philosophy. Try virtualbox, xen and kvm and see if they fit your needs | 11:04 |
k1l | virtualbox is easier to use for beginners | 11:05 |
mcphail | Yes. I've tended to use kvm, but I tried virtualbox a couple of months ago and it was very slick, clever and pretty | 11:10 |
mcphail | valtrip: another option, if you only need a "containerised server" rather than "full guest desktop" would be LXD on 15.10. It seems to be very fast and capable, although the documentation was somewhat lacking when I was experimenting | 11:13 |
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akik | mcphail: does ubuntu now ship with both lxc and lxd ? | 11:17 |
mcphail | akik: 15.10 does. Don't think older versions do | 11:17 |
valtrip | mcphil : i am thinking to go with virtual box. just need to run win for some exp.. hey i just installed willy and my terminal history is not getting saved,, once i reboot its gone | 11:18 |
valtrip | lxc and lxd returning not currently installed on 15.10 | 11:20 |
magnetik | How do you execute a command as www-data on ubuntu ? | 11:20 |
magnetik | All solution I found online doesn't work | 11:20 |
magnetik | "sudo su - www-data" gives "This account is currently not available.", and sudo -u www-data ask for the password of www-data | 11:20 |
Ben64 | magnetik: what command | 11:20 |
magnetik | Any command ? | 11:21 |
Ben64 | magnetik: but why | 11:22 |
k1l | magnetik: what do you want to do? | 11:22 |
k1l | iirc www-data doesnt have a login shell due to security reasons. so what you want to do might be not a good idea. | 11:23 |
magnetik | i'd like to execute a command as www-data. As it's a command executed by the webserver and it's having permission issues | 11:23 |
Ben64 | magnetik: it would really help us help you if you would explain what you're trying to accomplish from this. It sounds like you're going down a path of reducing security and there is likely a better way to do what you're trying to achieve | 11:24 |
k1l | sudo -u www-data <command> should work | 11:24 |
magnetik | It's indeed working. Dunno what I did wrong before | 11:25 |
mcphail | magnetik: "sudo -u www-data" should ask for your password, not www-data's. That will then be cached for a while | 11:27 |
magnetik | Yep indeed; in fact I was executing a command that was calling sudo | 11:28 |
magnetik | That where I got confused | 11:28 |
mcphail | aah. Dangerous stuff if www-data is calling sudo | 11:29 |
magnetik | yep it was blocked but I was calling the wrong script | 11:30 |
magnetik | but this is a nasty part of the app that will be rewritten without having to call any script via www-data | 11:30 |
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k1l | that sounds like a broken setup. | 11:32 |
akik | magnetik: if you need to change to www-data uid you could try "sudo su -s /bin/bash - www-data" | 11:32 |
k1l | you dont want your webserver to get root permissions | 11:32 |
ertyup | hi there | 11:58 |
ertyup | i m running under ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l | 11:58 |
yinflying | so do I | 11:59 |
LostSoul | Hello | 11:59 |
ertyup | but i always got a reporting of cron for this error : | 11:59 |
ertyup | /etc/cron.daily/apt: | 11:59 |
ertyup | FATAL -> Failed to fork. | 11:59 |
ertyup | so do you ? | 12:00 |
LostSoul | I haven't met it so far | 12:02 |
cfhowlett | ertyup, time to upgrade to the latest version: sudo apt full-upgrade will get you to 14.04.3 | 12:02 |
ertyup | but i can't wait until you grow up | 12:03 |
mirco_ | ciaoooo | 12:03 |
LostSoul | ertyup: ? | 12:05 |
Xano | I formatted a flash drive as FAT32 GPT, but Windows 8 says it must format the drive before it can use it. What did I do wrong? | 12:10 |
ertyup | how to solve this issue ? | 12:10 |
knob | Good morning all. Downloading Xenial Xerus now for testing =) | 12:10 |
bazhang | ertyup, first upgrade to point release three | 12:10 |
cfhowlett | !xenial | knob | 12:13 |
ubottu | knob: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 12:13 |
knob | cfhowlett, nice nice! On my way! =) | 12:13 |
pa | hi | 12:19 |
pa | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/993868 <--- does anyone have a workaround? | 12:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 993868 in udev (Ubuntu) "udev creates dvb directory with wrong permissions" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:19 |
pa | i added my user to video, audio and a bunch of other groups, but kaffeine still cant see the device | 12:19 |
pa | unfortunately in the bugreport the workaround is not disclosed | 12:20 |
Billyzekid | hi, I try to shrink a part on gparted but it wont do anythin | 12:21 |
Billyzekid | can it be a hardware issue? | 12:22 |
dev_ | hi all | 12:22 |
Billyzekid | hello | 12:22 |
dev_ | i have installed ibus on my ubuntu system | 12:22 |
huehue | where i get uck support? | 12:23 |
dev_ | i can see entry when i do im-config | 12:23 |
cfhowlett | pa look in the kaffeine help menu for support options | 12:23 |
k1l_ | Billyzekid: did you press the green checkmark to make it do the tasks? do you get an error message? is this s alive system and the partitions are not mounted? | 12:24 |
huehue | http://pastebin.com/3hds65rH | 12:25 |
ioria | pa "the permissions and ownership of the /dev/dvb and /dev/dvb/adapter0 directories are wrong (root:root instead of root:video)." I think the script is all there.... | 12:25 |
Billyzekid | @k1l when I cannot use resize/move option | 12:25 |
huehue | uck stop my network manager | 12:25 |
huehue | and i won't finish remaster! | 12:26 |
k1l_ | Billyzekid: look at what i wrote. you need a live system to resize systempartiions. | 12:26 |
pa | ioria, then i guess if ls says root video, in 14.04, the bug is fixed? | 12:26 |
huehue | http://pastebin.com/xDGLi0gQ | 12:26 |
ioria | pa and it's not ? | 12:27 |
mcphail | pa: running "sudo chown -R root:video /dev/dvb" may resolve group ownership issues, but is there some (possibly security) reason Ubuntu adds the devices as root:root? Maybe worth investigating that first. | 12:27 |
yinflying | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER yinflying dgdvfpqnblei | 12:27 |
DJones | yinflying: New password time | 12:27 |
pa | ioria, well, i added my second user to video and audio, but i still cant access those devs | 12:27 |
k1l_ | yinflying: do such things in the server window. and hoose another passwort :) | 12:27 |
ioria | pa and for the first user ... ? it's working ? | 12:28 |
Billyzekid | @k1l it is not a live system | 12:28 |
k1l_ | Billyzekid: you cant resize the system partitions while running that system. so boot a ubuntu-cd/-dvd/-usb. then you can do that | 12:28 |
yinflying | I am registering... | 12:28 |
DJones | yinflying: Yeah, but in trying to register, you put the command in the channel giving away your password | 12:29 |
pa | ioria, yes, but that user is also sudo, adm, and whatnot | 12:29 |
ioria | pa and you second use cannot be part of those gropus ? | 12:30 |
ioria | *r | 12:30 |
pa | i'd rather not make that user admin | 12:30 |
ioria | pa i see | 12:30 |
mcphail | pa: has your second user logged out then back in after being added to the video group? | 12:31 |
pa | mcphail, yes i rebooted | 12:31 |
yinflying | ha,I just put a blank space before the /msg .....but I have registered successfully | 12:31 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:33 |
yinflying | And then I will try the Ubuntu Pidgin for IRC.... | 12:33 |
yinflying1 | :-D | 12:36 |
yinflying1 | :-D | 12:40 |
mcphail | yinflying1: please stop that, and keep this channel for Ubuntu support. Thanks | 12:41 |
ExtremeGHz | Hey | 12:42 |
ExtremeGHz | anyone with trouble? | 12:42 |
yinflying1 | nothing,I am just trying Ubuntu Pidgin | 12:42 |
huehue | uck help! | 12:42 |
huehue | ? | 12:42 |
ExtremeGHz | yinflying1: do you like terminal programs? or prefer a GUI? | 12:42 |
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Apachez | hexchat is nice if you prefer gui in ubuntu for ircing | 12:58 |
ExtremeGHz | Apachez: i like irssi :p | 12:58 |
Apachez | whatever floats your boat ;) | 12:59 |
jay__ | thank you for today Ben64 ubottu | 13:03 |
jay__ | c ya. | 13:04 |
Sbur | How do I burn a DVD with multiboot capacities? Like putting several Ubuntus on a single DVD eventually a 8.5GB variety. Considering that at least one, but not all are in ISOs | 13:09 |
Sbur | and providing the possibility to do Live CD (DVD) for each) | 13:10 |
bananaman23 | can someone help out with installing grub to a usb | 13:13 |
bananaman23 | i'm attempting to do sudo grub-install --target=1386-pc --root-directory=/media/name/usbname/boot /dev/sdc ,whenst running this, it returns an error of 'unrecognize option --target=1386-pc', why is this? | 13:15 |
florin | hhhh | 13:18 |
=== florin is now known as Guest66716 | ||
Guest66716 | florin | 13:18 |
BluesKaj | bananaman23: think the "--target=1386-pc" syntax isn't necessary, nor is "--root-directory=" | 13:18 |
ExtremeGHz | bananaman23: run it without target | 13:22 |
BluesKaj | sudo grub-install /dev/sdc should work | 13:24 |
p4trix | What do ppl use for "virtual conferences" at work. I also need screen share functionality. Skype is crap on linux though :(. | 13:24 |
BluesKaj | p4trix: google talk ? | 13:25 |
p4trix | BluesKaj, it's possible. But it doesnt work as nice as I would like to... | 13:28 |
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BluesKaj | p4trix: search for skype static. it might exist somewhere ...it was best skype for linux before MS bought skype | 13:30 |
p4trix | I ll look for it | 13:30 |
Guest2538 | Hi | 13:30 |
p4trix | BluesKaj, Static binary support has been removed and won't come back, sorry. (source: http://community.skype.com/t5/Linux-archive/Static-binaries-for-Skype-4-1/td-p/1209918) | 13:32 |
p4trix | Thx guys | 13:32 |
Guest2538 | I have a question regarding an error. Today php7.0.5 got released and I ran apt-get upgrade. Unfortunately I am an idiot and didn't noticed it removed php7.0-fpm, cli and dev. If I want to install them again I get the following error "php7.0-cli : Depends: libssl1.0.2 (>= 1.0.2d) but it is not installable". There is no such package on ubuntu. Anybody has a clue? | 13:32 |
BluesKaj | p4trix: bummer, that's because MS doesn't want skype to work on linux | 13:32 |
p4trix | I assume... | 13:33 |
akik | p4trix: the skype deb microsoft shares is a 32-bit version. so just install the 32-bit libs and then you can install it. works on 14.04 and 15.10 | 13:34 |
=== step21_ is now known as step21 | ||
p4trix | I do have it akik. But the screen sharing funktionalities doesnt work good enough to read anything. | 13:35 |
p4trix | And I need it for work. | 13:36 |
akik | p4trix: i think i remember experiencing that :) | 13:36 |
p4trix | Hahah :) | 13:36 |
p4trix | I'm going to try to force the others away from skype :D | 13:36 |
akik | but yea google hangouts screen sharing works fine | 13:36 |
p4trix | It works close to fine. I have 2 screens, and you cant share only 1 single screen :S | 13:37 |
p4trix | Only 2 screens or a window program. | 13:37 |
sameeraaron | hi | 14:01 |
bencc | I have a dedicated server with 2x2TB drives. can someone explain the partitions? http://pastebin.com/raw/h42aAM8f | 14:06 |
bencc | sda and sdb are the main drives? sda1, sda2, sda5 are the partitions of the first drive? | 14:06 |
bencc | what is sr0? | 14:06 |
bencc | how do I access the second drive? | 14:06 |
EriC^^ | bencc: sudo mount /dev/sdbX /mnt | 14:07 |
bencc | EriC^^: that mounts the second drive as /mnt? | 14:07 |
k1l_ | benbetter use a "sudo parted -l" or a "sudo lsblk" | 14:07 |
bencc | what is sdbX ? | 14:07 |
IdleOne | X being the number of the partition | 14:08 |
IdleOne | so sdb2 for example | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | bencc: sr0 is your cdrom drive | 14:08 |
pa | is it possible to add entries to the user-dirs.dirs file? | 14:08 |
pa | so that they appear in the places section of nautilus | 14:09 |
stns | Hey, what's the process name for a terminal in Ubuntu? I'm trying to kill one terminal from another one like "pkill terminal".. Or at least get the pid of that terminal and then do "kill -9 id" | 14:09 |
DJones | The way I read that, sdb isn't partitioned, so there's no sdbX | 14:09 |
llldino | stns, I use xfce, so for me it's "xfce4-terminal" | 14:09 |
llldino | I dunno what gnome or ldxe etc.. is though | 14:10 |
stns | llldino: I use the default terminal, the one that comes with ubuntu.. Any idea? | 14:10 |
momomo | anyone knows the implication of turning off the "Unknown: Unknown" vs on ? | 14:10 |
bencc | k1l_: http://pastebin.com/raw/f7fdDrtE | 14:10 |
momomo | http://postimg.org/image/6wciykbmv/ | 14:10 |
llldino | stns, Do "ps -e | grep *terminal" see what happens | 14:10 |
k1l_ | bencc: so sdb is new? it doesnt have any paritions on it | 14:11 |
BluesKaj | bencc: you have 4 partitions under sda , and none on sdb | 14:11 |
llldino | With a terminal open of course | 14:11 |
stns | llldino, nothing!! :( | 14:11 |
bencc | k1l_: yes, probably | 14:11 |
bencc | luesKaj: why it's 1,2,5,6? why not 1,2,3,4? | 14:11 |
llldino | stns, Sorry, you can omit the wildcard, try "ps -e | grep terminal" | 14:11 |
k1l_ | bencc: new hdds come without partitions. | 14:11 |
k1l_ | bencc: because there is a extended partition. | 14:12 |
EriC^^ | bencc: type sudo gdisk /dev/sdb and make a new gpt partition | 14:12 |
BluesKaj | bencc: because sda3 and 4 have been removed | 14:12 |
stns | llldino, Ah, "gnome-terminal"! Thank you!! | 14:12 |
llldino | stns, Figures huh q: | 14:12 |
k1l_ | bencc: 1,2,3,4 are only for primary paritions. but since sdb2 is a extended one 5 and 6 are logical parititons inside sdb2 | 14:12 |
bencc | is it ok that partition 1 is ext2 and partition 5 is ext4? | 14:12 |
BluesKaj | bencc: yes | 14:13 |
k1l_ | bencc: its the /boot partition. that is ok. | 14:13 |
BluesKaj | partiton 5? | 14:13 |
BluesKaj | sda is whole drive , sda1,2 etc are partitions on sda | 14:13 |
bencc | ok | 14:14 |
bencc | can I setup software raid now or do I need to re-install? | 14:14 |
BluesKaj | !pm | sagdatk | 14:15 |
ubottu | sagdatk: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 14:15 |
nealian | hello | 14:16 |
silma | question...in trusty tahr with unity desktop I'm trying to de-emphasize the "alt" key on my keyboard. Is there a package that contains a program for changing the GNOME keyboard mapping so that "alt" doesn't map to so many different things? | 14:17 |
sagdatk | what might be a reason of sudden high CPU load? | 14:17 |
BluesKaj | sagdatk: file indexer maybe | 14:18 |
sagdatk | okay... | 14:20 |
positive | Hello all | 14:20 |
BluesKaj | sagdatk: run htop in the terminal to check your processes | 14:21 |
silma | htop will tell me what? I just don't like how "hot" the alt key is in GNOME it triggers too many events and I lose access to my function keys because alt turns them into media keys | 14:22 |
silma | my keyboard has a separate key for turning function keys into media keys but its not implemented in GNOME | 14:22 |
iszak | Is there a mysql 5.6 backport to ubuntu 12.04 (precise)? | 14:23 |
sagdatk | I am not sure that graphics driver installed correctly, I have dual graphics on laptop (intel hd and nvidia gt630m). The running driver is nouveau display driver and on NVidia website it is said that it is not recommended to use the proprietary driver. But I am pretty sure that system fails to switch between two video cards. | 14:23 |
BluesKaj | silma: my answer wasn't directed at you | 14:23 |
silma | sry im using a console mode client hard to filter the noise...ill prob switch to empathy see ya later all | 14:23 |
akik | silma: i don't know how gnome handles those keys but you can use xmodmap to change key mappings | 14:23 |
silma | xmodmap...thanx | 14:24 |
daemon | hey all when I run: 'sudo postmap sasl_passwd' I keep getting | 14:24 |
daemon | postmap: fatal: open sasl_passwd: No such file or directory | 14:24 |
BluesKaj | sagdatk: which nvidia gpu ? and make sure you have nvidia-prime installed, | 14:24 |
daemon | does that mean sasl_passwd is missing? | 14:24 |
BluesKaj | sagdatk: the proprietary drivers available from the repos should work fine | 14:26 |
sagdatk | BluesKaj, GT630M, I'll check the nvidia-prime now | 14:26 |
BluesKaj | sagdatk: install the nvidia-352 driver,...it's the recommended driver for your gpu | 14:30 |
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pierre_ | hello everybody, does someone know why directories and files have the permission 775 (minus the x bit for files) excepting certain directories (not files) at 755 !? | 14:33 |
pierre_ | inside the home directory | 14:34 |
pierre_ | my umask is 002, it's weird | 14:35 |
nealian | i don't know | 14:36 |
CrummyGummy | pierre_: it's hard to tell with so little info but some apps override the umask when they run. Some users can have their own umask set on their login script etc, etc | 14:41 |
sagdatk | bumblebee, nvidia-prime or nouveau-prime. which is better? | 14:43 |
pierre_ | thank you, I don't have enough data. I remember of all defaults directories in the home set to 755 at the installation of ubuntu, and new files set to 775 (664 without the x bit) | 14:47 |
Zed` | Hello :) - Is http://www.xrdp.org/ a good choice in order to use RDP to access an Ubuntu Desktop? Other suggestions - VNC is not a good option for this use case. | 14:47 |
Jazz0301 | hi | 14:48 |
Jazz0301 | any body? | 14:49 |
cfhowlett | Jazz0301, ask your ubuntu questions | 14:49 |
bonkers | Hi, can anyone help me with megaraid storage manager for a lsi card? cant get it working | 14:50 |
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Jazz0301 | How to completely uninstall all unused dependency packages? I used "apt-get" but it did not delete all packages | 14:51 |
cfhowlett | Jazz0301, sudo apt-get autoremove | 14:51 |
pierre_ | <sagdatk> : I have bumblebee installed and the primusrun command works but not the optirun command, this will not help you I suppose. | 14:52 |
Jazz0301 | I did,but not all packages are removed | 14:52 |
cfhowlett | then they are dependent on something else | 14:53 |
joan_ | in a NFSv3 filesharing scenario, what is the best way to avoid client hanging (using automounter) when the server is shutdown? | 14:53 |
blackflow | Hello. I work in the terminal a lot. The mouse cursor disappears when I start typing in a term. Comes back when I click. How do I disable that? | 15:00 |
somsip | joan_: "Mount the NFS-share on the clients using the mount-options "bg,intr,hard"." from http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/29196/automount-nfs-autofs-timeout-settings-for-unreliable-servers-how-to-avoid-han | 15:01 |
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jhad | efg | 15:08 |
chrisss123456 | anyone use spotify on ubuntu? i can't seem to play local files, and can't figure out why. | 15:14 |
Ashtasu | Chris, I only stream music from it. Any errors? | 15:15 |
apepe | 111 | 15:15 |
squeakytoy2 | Hey all. I have a newbie question. I use DigitalOcean for some of my side projects, but I am not savvy with Ubuntu. What would be the easiest way to back up files on the digital ocean, to another remote location? Any advice of tools or solutions, etc? | 15:19 |
debug0x1 | squeakytoy2: I could be wrong, but ssh'ing into the device and downloading it maybe? | 15:21 |
squeakytoy2 | i want it automatic though, some how | 15:22 |
chrisss123456 | Ashtasu: streaming works great, even playing downloaded files from spotify, but it just doesnt like playing the mp3's that i have | 15:22 |
chrisss123456 | im guessing it's some missing library, but i have all of the ones that online forums say to get | 15:22 |
Ashtasu | Chris, I'm gonna give it a shot myself, will let you know hwat happens. | 15:23 |
Ashtasu | what* | 15:23 |
joan_ | somsip, thanks | 15:23 |
chrisss123456 | Ashtasu: cheers! | 15:23 |
Skyrider | How well does ubuntu work with.. ehm.. | 15:24 |
Skyrider | What was it again.. | 15:24 |
Skyrider | ATI drivers | 15:24 |
Ashtasu | Skyrider, in my experience, good if you stick to what you can get from the driver manager. | 15:25 |
Skyrider | Last time I tried linux (currently on windows again) | 15:25 |
Skyrider | I had quite a few issues with the driver set, especially with kodi | 15:25 |
Skyrider | eg, lag in video play. | 15:26 |
Ashtasu | You can get into a rough spot if you download the drivers from their website, in my experience. | 15:26 |
TJ- | squeakytoy2: use rsync, which will work over an SSH connection, or it using source-code maybe use a DVCS like git with some post-commit hook script that pushes to a remote location | 15:26 |
Skyrider | I never d/led ati drivers I believe, used ubuntu's default. | 15:27 |
squeakytoy2 | TJ-, the DVCS sounds good | 15:28 |
Ashtasu | The open source drivers have been good in my experience, just not for gaming. | 15:28 |
Ashtasu | Chriss, give me a few minutes, Spotify isn't even launching. XD | 15:28 |
Skyrider | I have to check which RADEON it is. | 15:28 |
TJ- | squeakytoy2: I use git with a "published" branch for maintaining web-sites for example; I work locally on 'master' and 'feature' branches, testing those directly locally on the dev server, and then push (locally) to the published branch when the changes are mature, then i push the 'published' branch to the public server for immediate deployment. | 15:30 |
TJ- | squeakytoy2: correction: "then push (locally)" should read "then merge feature/master into published branch locally" | 15:31 |
squeakytoy2 | TJ-, i want to do nightly backups of a file on the digital ocean | 15:31 |
TJ- | squeakytoy2: sounds like a job for rsync and a cron a job | 15:31 |
TJ- | squeakytoy2: assuming the file isn't something that is in-use, like a database, in which case use the database manager's own export functionality | 15:32 |
squeakytoy2 | TJ-, i wish there was an easy service i could download, like dropbox | 15:33 |
squeakytoy2 | but dropbox is overkill to setup on a digitalocean instance | 15:33 |
Ashtasu | chrisss123456: Yep, same thing for me. Do you have the latest gstreamer packages installed? If I play it with the default video player, it prompts me to install them. | 15:33 |
TJ- | squeakytoy2: a one-line crontab entry is hardly difficult :) | 15:33 |
squeakytoy2 | i will try crontab | 15:34 |
TJ- | squeakytoy2: see for example https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync | 15:34 |
squeakytoy2 | crontab + git add, git push, is what you recommend, right? | 15:34 |
Ashtasu | Anyone know if rsync supports owncloud? | 15:34 |
HEX0X0E01 | ls | 15:35 |
TJ- | squeakytoy2: it depends on what you're doing. if you're using git then that would work | 15:36 |
squeakytoy2 | TJ-, crontab + sftp sounds easy too though, hmm! | 15:36 |
chrisss123456 | Ashtasu: I do have all the gstreamer i think i need... i can play all the files from other players, be it system defaults or other music players. | 15:36 |
ubuntuser13 | How to solve no space left on device error? | 15:37 |
Ashtasu | chrisss123456: Do you have another file format you could try? | 15:37 |
joan_ | in a NFSv3 filesharing scenario, what is the best way to avoid client hanging (using automounter) when the server is shutdown? this response is not conlcusive enough: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/29196/automount-nfs-autofs-timeout-settings-for-unreliable-servers-how-to-avoid-han | 15:38 |
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chrisss123456 | Ashtasu: I've tried mp3 and aac and something else i dont remember... i'm not sure what the problem could be | 15:39 |
ioria | chrisss123456, Ashtasu do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed ? | 15:39 |
link0802 | Hello. How I can change keyboard layout in gnome shell from terminal? Like simulate change keyboard layout from indicator. | 15:39 |
net2014 | hello | 15:39 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: what's the quickest way to check? | 15:39 |
squeakytoy2 | TJ-, thanks :) | 15:39 |
joan_ | I wonder if there is anything that can be done at the server side (running some script/command) just before shutting down that informs the client about the ending of the service, so they can unmount the share and avoid hanging | 15:40 |
ioria | chrisss123456, dpkg -l ubuntu-restricted-extras | 15:40 |
somsip | link0802: setxkbmap | 15:40 |
net2014 | suppose you need to install various servers, a web server, git server, email server and so on. how do you calculate what kind of hardware you need? e.g. the amount of ram that you need? | 15:40 |
somsip | net2014: it depends on load | 15:41 |
net2014 | somsip so, load per server? | 15:41 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: i do have it | 15:41 |
chrisss123456 | :( | 15:41 |
somsip | net2014: load in general. A website nobody visits will need less resources than an Alexa top-500 site. Etc... | 15:41 |
Ashtasu | They do actually support local files on linux, right? | 15:41 |
net2014 | somsip gitlab site, lists hardware requirements per load, so, e.g. 100 users require 2 gb of ram, but if I also need a web server and that requires 2 gb per 100 visitors, then it means that in total I need a 4 gb ram machine? | 15:43 |
link0802 | somsip: When I change with setxkbmap indicator in panel not change and sometimes it even broke and don't work after that+ gnome shell rewrite setxkbmap | 15:43 |
dencaval | hey guys, is there a mitaka release at cloud-archive? | 15:44 |
ioria | chrisss123456, what version of ubuntu ? 14.04 ? | 15:44 |
chrisss123456 | 15.04 | 15:44 |
blackflow | Any suggestions how to disable mouse cursor hiding when working in terminal? I there a non-obvious, hidden, gnome tweak or something? | 15:44 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: ^ | 15:44 |
ioria | !info ffmpeg vivid | 15:45 |
ubottu | ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.5.9-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 1147 kB, installed size 1751 kB | 15:45 |
somsip | net2014: the requirements may well come down in aggregrate, but you may need a more flexible approach than you're suggesting. And you're in the realms of systems architecture consultancy on this, and that's not supported here | 15:45 |
ioria | chrisss123456, you can try to install ffmpeg .... | 15:45 |
somsip | link0802: it's what I use. Sorry I have no other ideas | 15:45 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: already have ffmpeg too... is it possible that there are conflicting codecs? | 15:46 |
net2014 | somsip ok, thanks | 15:46 |
designbybeck | am I correct saying VIM is VI ? | 15:46 |
ioria | chrisss123456, i'm reading this long thread .... https://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Windows-Web/Linux-Local-files-do-not-play-on-Ubuntu-14-04/td-p/758497/page/3 | 15:46 |
designbybeck | like a new VI? | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | chrisss123456: ffmpeg is not a codec | 15:47 |
chrisss123456 | BluesKaj: fair, but doesn't it install a bunch of codecs ? | 15:48 |
k1l_ | designbybeck: its Vi IMproved. | 15:48 |
designbybeck | but in modern distros k1l_ when people say vi, they are saying vim correct? because isn't it vim that is installed? or both? | 15:49 |
k1l_ | most times vim is shipped. | 15:49 |
BluesKaj | chrisss123456: ffmpeg isa program for transcoding multimedia files | 15:50 |
designbybeck | and most of the commands are the same...just improved in areas i'm guessing k1l_ ? thanks | 15:50 |
chrisss123456 | BluesKaj: Doesn't it come with a bunch of codecs when you install it? | 15:50 |
Ashtasu | I'm using Terminator for my terminal atm, and when i open it, it opens on the top left of the screen. How can I make it center by default? | 15:50 |
mauro_ | hi | 15:53 |
BluesKaj | chrisss123456: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FFmpeg, you're partly correct , but there are no conficting codecs as such | 15:53 |
chrisss123456 | BluesKaj: Awesome :) thanks. But then there's still no reason why spotify shouldn't play local files :P | 15:55 |
pippo333 | hi to everyone | 15:55 |
ioria | chrisss123456, you may read the last 3 posts : https://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Windows-Web/Linux-Local-files-do-not-play-on-Ubuntu-14-04/td-p/758497/page/9 | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | chrisss123456: spotify as a player of local files, never heard that before | 15:56 |
chrisss123456 | BluesKaj: I just want one program to have all the songs, and also be able to listen to spotify. It theoretically can do that but i'm just running into errors. ioria thanks! will try it out | 15:57 |
ioria | chrisss123456, you are already vivid so you don't need deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid main | 15:58 |
ioria | chrisss123456, but change libavutil51, with libavutil54 | 15:59 |
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chrisss123456 | ioria: hhm... i already had libavutil54 and it doesnt find libavcodec53 or libavformat53 | 16:00 |
chrisss123456 | thoughts? | 16:00 |
ioria | !info libavutil54 vivid | 16:01 |
ubottu | libavutil54 (source: libav): Libav utility library. In component universe, is optional. Version 6:11.2-1 (vivid), package size 132 kB, installed size 476 kB | 16:01 |
ioria | sorry | 16:01 |
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ioria | !info libavcodec56 vivid | 16:02 |
ubottu | libavcodec56 (source: libav): Libav codec library. In component universe, is optional. Version 6:11.2-1 (vivid), package size 4648 kB, installed size 16133 kB | 16:02 |
ioria | chrisss123456, libavcodec56 | 16:02 |
chrisss123456 | installing | 16:03 |
ioria | !info !info libavformat56 vivid | 16:04 |
ubottu | 'libavformat56' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed | 16:04 |
ioria | !info libavformat56 vivid | 16:04 |
ubottu | libavformat56 (source: libav): Libav file format library. In component universe, is optional. Version 6:11.2-1 (vivid), package size 1027 kB, installed size 3103 kB | 16:04 |
ioria | chrisss123456, libavformat56 | 16:04 |
chrisss123456 | already had that one | 16:04 |
chrisss123456 | still doesn't work. just bugs out and quits the program | 16:05 |
ioria | chrisss123456, did you install libvpx1 ? | 16:06 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: i already had it | 16:06 |
chrisss123456 | :/ | 16:06 |
ioria | chrisss123456, sorry the, maybe a reboot | 16:07 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: i'll try... if that doesnt work? | 16:07 |
ioria | chrisss123456, you play your mp3 with your default player ? | 16:08 |
ioria | chrisss123456, check this before dpkg -l libmp3lame0 | 16:09 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: got that one | 16:11 |
chrisss123456 | but it works with all other players | 16:11 |
chrisss123456 | it's very strange | 16:11 |
ioria | chrisss123456, if you read the link i posted you'll note how several people solved with ubuntu-extras... | 16:12 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: ok, i'll try and see if i can work it out from that :) thanks for all the help | 16:12 |
ioria | chrisss123456, no problem .... but vivid is going to die soon, remember it ! | 16:13 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: hahah i thought it was lts! | 16:13 |
ioria | chrisss123456, ho no, it's not .... 14.04 is | 16:13 |
ioria | brb | 16:13 |
chrisss123456 | ioria: ahhh well | 16:14 |
loistrength | Hi all | 16:19 |
loistrength | Hi all | 16:20 |
ExtremeGHz | hey | 16:21 |
ExtremeGHz | what's up? | 16:21 |
Ubuntu2330 | Can someone help me with pulseaudio or JACK? I'm trying to get a VLC music stream and my mic stream into one stream that I can use for Skype/Teamspeak/etc. I've seen guides, but you might as well be showing me Wingdings. I need some step-by-step instruction. | 16:30 |
pizzaguy | I have space on a hard drive that is "unrecognized or unused". I most likely have never used it but the devils advocate in me wants to know if there is any way I can reassure myself that it was indeed likely to be unused. | 16:31 |
llldino | Ubuntu2330, I tried using JACK one time, most confusing piece of software I've ever used in my life. From what I understand running pulse and JACK at the same time causes issues, I was able to get jack working somewhat by disabling pulse but that's a bad scene man | 16:32 |
Ubuntu2330 | Supposedly there's a way to do what I want with just PulseAudio, but I don't understand the process. Something about sinks and loopbacks? | 16:32 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: that kind of thing is usually done using some kind of loopback that takes the output (sink) of the master mixer as an input (source) for the microphone | 16:32 |
llldino | Yeah that's where I got lost. I ended up getting a hardware mixer to be able to do what you want to do | 16:33 |
Ubuntu2330 | Yeah, I've been able to get a sink to take loopback, I think, but my problem is that I can't figure out how they turned it into a source/input | 16:33 |
pizzaguy | llldino ^any ideas? (let me know if you dont understand the question) | 16:33 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: I used to do that years ago with ALSA, and PA, but not done it in ages | 16:33 |
Ubuntu2330 | and googling keeps giving me people saying "use JACK" | 16:34 |
llldino | pizzaguy, What's reporting that it''s unused? | 16:34 |
rikonor | Is there a way to override `node` with a different binary, so in scripts that I run calls to `node` will use the custom binary? | 16:34 |
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rikonor | assuming the binary is a known location | 16:34 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: have you seen http://askubuntu.com/questions/257992/how-can-i-use-pulseaudio-virtual-audio-streams-to-play-music-over-skype#258369 | 16:35 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: yeah, I followed that, except it doesn't give me anything that shows up as a source | 16:35 |
TJ- | pizzaguy: what tool reports "unrecognised or unused" ? | 16:35 |
pizzaguy | llldino TJ- : palimpsest | 16:36 |
Ubuntu2330 | Either I'm doing it wrong, or I'm missing a step that a basic linux user would usually know | 16:36 |
llldino | pizzaguy, I only trust fdisk or gparted myself, but palimpsest is probably correct | 16:38 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: Basically, I think I did what it wanted me to, but the result shows up as a playback device option, not a capture device option | 16:38 |
TJ- | pizzaguy: it depends on how large the 'unused' space is; it isn't unusual for there to be small gaps of up to say 4MiB between partitions | 16:38 |
Ubuntu2330 | I found a plugin for Teamspeak that at least lets me play music, but it mutes my mic when the music plays, so that's not a solution | 16:39 |
pizzaguy | TJ- the unused space is half the 1TB drive. | 16:39 |
pizzaguy | i must have purposely partitioned with the intention of having two partitions | 16:40 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: well, that 'askubuntu' answer looks pretty much as I used to do it. | 16:40 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: Can you walk me through it and see if I'm screwing something up? | 16:40 |
TJ- | pizzaguy: what does "parted -l" report for that device ? | 16:40 |
pizzaguy | llldino: do those two tools come preinstalled in ubuntu? | 16:41 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: I mean, looping signals into a stream is pretty obvious-soudning, but I don't know what I'm missing that turns Virtual1 into a source instead of just a receptor/playback thing | 16:43 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: well, there's the 5 pactl commands to set-up the null devices and loopbacks, then using pavulcontrol to link the (running,active) music output application to the first Null device, and then setting up the Recording loopback from the Null Output to the headset/microphone input | 16:43 |
llldino | pizzaguy, fdisk does, gparted might too, you can always just grab it using apt-get | 16:43 |
pizzaguy | I dont have internet access on this machine | 16:43 |
llldino | pizzaguy, Yeah check what sudo parted -l reports | 16:44 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: it might help to use the 2nd answer's pactl commands since they show you how to add descriptions to the null devices so you can pick them apart in the combo boxes | 16:44 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: So wait, what is teh device I'm setting as recording the Null, and how do I set it? | 16:44 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: start an application playing your music source. Then, on the Playback tab, direct its output to the first Null device. | 16:45 |
pizzaguy | TJ-, llldino: the corresponding space -- sdb2 -- has no filesystem | 16:45 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: then, with Skype/whatever running and connected to inputs, configure the Loopback to use that first Null Output as its input (the loopback is to the active microphone channel) | 16:45 |
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llldino | pizzaguy, Yeah, so it's free for you to use as you wish | 16:46 |
TJ- | pizzaguy: oh, so you've got a partition there, but haven't allocated it for use by anything (no LVM, no file-system, no swap, etc.) | 16:46 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: Yeah, understand all of those looping stuff | 16:46 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: The problem is, Teamspeak/Skype doesn't recognize Null as a capture device option | 16:47 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: So how do I set that up? | 16:47 |
pizzaguy | llldino, TJ-: fdisk reports fat16 | 16:47 |
pizzaguy | yes i do have a partition | 16:47 |
pizzaguy | and actually palimpsest reports fat16 too | 16:47 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: I know that my Null being #27 on this pactl list must be useful somehow | 16:47 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: nor should it; as that askubuntu article shows, the application input device is the microphone device | 16:48 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: Wait.. what? | 16:48 |
falcom | i wanna tail the latest modified file in my current directory. is it possible to dynamically tail a file? | 16:49 |
TJ- | pizzaguy: fdisk is only telling you what the partition type code represents, it has no bearing on what is actually contained in that partition | 16:49 |
rory | I need some help with a funky ssh tunnel. bear with me while I write it out | 16:51 |
pizzaguy | TJ- I dont understand... | 16:51 |
rory | I have a database "database" which can only be accessed by a particular app server "appserver". I don't have direct ssh access to appserver, I have to go via an intermediate server "bastion" | 16:52 |
rory | How can I set up an ssh tunnel from here, such that I can mysql to localhost, and have it go VIA the bastion, to the app server and to the database | 16:52 |
rory | is that even possible? | 16:52 |
nicomachus | dist-upgrade is stuck on ": Unable to find an initial ram disk that I know how to handle. | 16:53 |
nicomachus | Will not try to make an initrd. | 16:53 |
Braybaut | rory, login via other server ? | 16:53 |
Braybaut | login not direct ? | 16:53 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: I'm clearly not understanding something. Isn't my goal to make VLC/Built-In Audio loop into Virtural1 and my mic loop into Virtual1, then set Virtual1 as the capture source? | 16:53 |
rory | Braybaut: I need to use local database utilities | 16:54 |
Braybaut | rory, use Database as local ? from other server ? | 16:54 |
rory | Braybaut: Yeah I want to connect to localhost, but have it really go via an ssh tunnel through the bastion | 16:55 |
rory | Braybaut: But the local tools will think they're connecting to localhost | 16:55 |
rory | Found it never mind. Thanks rubber ducks. https://github.com/csbrown/blog/blob/master/archive/RDS_from_localhost.md | 16:55 |
pizzaguy | llldino: Do you understand why parted shows no filesystem but diskutility/fdisk say fat16 | 16:56 |
rory | OK no. But this is a big clue and I'm sure somewhere here can answer this one | 16:56 |
rory | In the example there, it uses the following command to tunnel to the database through a single intermediate | 16:57 |
rory | ssh -N -L [localPort]:[dbEndpoint]:[dbPort] [ec2User]@[ec2Domain] -i [keyFilePath] | 16:57 |
rory | How can I set up such a tunnel, in a situation where ec2Domain is only accessible behind a bastion? | 16:57 |
llldino | rory, I think i'm way out of my league here, but can you ssh into bastidon, and then invoke a command as soon a s you connect to that server that biounces you over to where you want to go? | 16:58 |
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friendofkiwi | hello everyone, i have problem with installing viber app on ubuntu 15.10? anyone encounter same one? | 16:59 |
akik | rory: here's another option https://github.com/apenwarr/sshuttle | 16:59 |
genii | friendofkiwi: For PC or for phone? | 16:59 |
friendofkiwi | @genii for PC | 16:59 |
llldino | pizzaguy, Sorry i'm really not sure, If you don't know what's on it I wouldn't be too concerned though | 17:00 |
genii | friendofkiwi: did you install it first on your phone, as per the instructions? | 17:00 |
genii | ooo lunch | 17:00 |
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friendofkiwi | @genii yes, i have it on my phone | 17:01 |
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friendofkiwi | on previous version of ubuntu it was quite easy to install, but now, it seems to have somekind of problem | 17:02 |
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joyce__ | Is there any application like connectify in ubuntu for making a wifi as hotspot? | 17:05 |
banyar | hello | 17:08 |
genii | friendofkiwi: You have downloaded the package from http://download.cdn.viber.com/cdn/desktop/Linux/viber.deb and used: sudo dpkg -i viper.deb on it? | 17:10 |
genii | friendofkiwi: Please excuse lag, I am trying to eat and IRC simultaneaously here | 17:11 |
friendofkiwi | @genii will try that option now :) happy meal | 17:12 |
yahn | joyce__, this might be useful for you: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html | 17:12 |
joyce__ | yahn: thanks | 17:13 |
sab_ | Hey all, i killed my Ubuntu box. /boot /bin and /etc are gone. Is there a possibility to regain these files? If not, if I custom-reinstall the box is it possible to manually create a link to /home (there is the Data which will be used again)? | 17:13 |
joyce__ | yahn: But the thing what I wanted when I referred conectify was that I want to make a wireless wifi connected to my system as hotspot | 17:14 |
joyce__ | yahn: This works only with wired networks | 17:14 |
sab_ | And, yeah, part of /dev is gone too | 17:15 |
yahn | joyce__, ah I see. So it creates a 'virtual' router | 17:15 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: I've just tested it on 15.10, with a single Null device which i called MUSAK, and 2 loopbacks, Playback set from Amorak to MUSAK, and Recording "Loopback to MUSAK" from "Built-in Audio ...". The application's Recording stream "<APPLICATION NAME> " on "Monitor of MUSAK" contains both the microphone and muisic sources | 17:16 |
genii | sab_: The best option is probably to boot to a liveCD/DVD/USB, copy the files in the old /home directory off someplace safe, reinstall, then copy the files back | 17:17 |
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joyce__ | yahn: Yea. | 17:17 |
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Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: And can you still hear from Amorak somehow, yourself? | 17:17 |
sab_ | genii: yeah.. i kinda feared that option | 17:17 |
yahn | joyce__, I've never tried this before but hostapd might help. http://askubuntu.com/questions/126545/i-would-like-to-make-a-virtual-router-on-ubuntu-12-04 | 17:17 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: I've gotten it able to send music and voice justa moment ago, but I can't hear anything now | 17:18 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: no; that'd have caused local feedback | 17:18 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: but in the askubuntu article, with the *two* Null devices in use, the 2nd one can be used to play the music source locally | 17:19 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: ensure in pavucontrol you have the "Show:" set to "All Streams" (located at the bottom of the window) | 17:20 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: Ok, I'm not understanding how to make taht happen. I'm using exactly what teh article has - two Nulls and three loops | 17:20 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: I've got it working here now; On Recording tab configure "Loopback to Built-in Audio.." set to "Monitor of MUSAK"; on Playback tab set "Loopback of Monitor MUSAK on" to "Built-in Audio..." | 17:26 |
rypervenche | sab_: If you had a separate /home partition you would be able to reinstall and be fine, but if you don't then yeah, do what the others have suggested. | 17:27 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: on the Playback tab I now have *two* sources targeted at the MUSAK sink: The audio-player, and the "Loopback of Built-in Audio..." | 17:28 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: I don't have monitor of MUSAK on playback, it's all monitoring of my mic | 17:29 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: All 3 | 17:29 |
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TJ- | Ubuntu2330: on the Recording tab I have *two* sinks: "Loopback to Built-in Audio..." set to "Monitor of MUSAK", and "<APPLICATION NAME> from" set to "Monitor of MUSAK" | 17:30 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: the Playback monitor won't appear *until* you're configured the Recording loopback | 17:31 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: On Recording I have Loopback to Null Output (3 times) | 17:31 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: And on Playback I have 3 monitors of my mic | 17:31 |
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Ubuntu2330 | so.. something obviously isn't working | 17:31 |
TJ- | Ubuntu2330: If I were you I'd start again; looks like you've loaded the null module too many times | 17:32 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: I only did the 5 commands listed on the page :[ | 17:32 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: OK wait, now I have 2 monitors fo Mic,a nd one monitor of Null | 17:33 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: I see, I think.. ko... but it won't let em monitor Null #1 | 17:34 |
Ubuntu2330 | TJ-: Yeah, it's refusing to let me monitor the Null for VLC | 17:35 |
benskey | guyss | 17:35 |
benskey | i got into a little problem | 17:36 |
benskey | i wanted to start dual booting again and i downloaded ubuntu, created the usb drive etc, went to installation and it didnt have the ´install alongside windows´ option so i figured i would just install it on another drive | 17:37 |
benskey | i did that and | 17:37 |
benskey | now i cant choose between the OS to boot into | 17:37 |
genii | friendofkiwi: Any progress (or lack of progress) on trying to install Viber? | 17:40 |
mayhew | benskey: if you have windows on one drive and ubuntu on another, you'd need to go into your BIOS/EFI and select which drive you want to boot from | 17:45 |
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benskey | mayhew: its on the same ssd | 17:47 |
benskey | but on different partitions | 17:48 |
benskey | any advice? | 17:48 |
mayhew | benskey: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair | 17:49 |
nicomachus | benskey: you don't need boot-repair yet. | 17:49 |
nicomachus | did you try pressing/holding shift during boot to bring up Grub? | 17:49 |
nicomachus | and do you know if your windows partition was EFI or Legacy? and did you install ubuntu as EFI or Legacy? | 17:50 |
tripod_pod | sve bi dao samo kad bi mogo postat srbib | 17:51 |
tripod_pod | srbin* | 17:51 |
tripod_pod | tako vas volim | 17:51 |
benskey | im sure i installed ubuntu as uefi | 17:51 |
benskey | nicomachus: didnt hear of that.. i know that grub wouldve installed automaticly via ´ínstall alongside windows´´ | 17:52 |
benskey | so just hold shift when booting up? | 17:52 |
proog | i'm having a problem with ubuntu on a medion laptop/tablet hybrid: the integrated keyboard stops working after i boot from grub | 17:58 |
proog | anyone got any ideas? | 17:59 |
TJ- | proog: maybe the keyboard is connected using USB internally, and the BIOS/firmware Setup menus don't have "USB Legacy" support enabled | 17:59 |
proog | the touchpad works, and an external usb keyboard works as well. It's all connected through some sort of docking mechanism where the base of the laptop is a dock for the tablet part | 17:59 |
TJ- | proog: oh, integrated KB *stops* working once the kernel starts? | 18:00 |
proog | yes | 18:00 |
TJ- | proog: can you "pastebinit <( dmesg )" | 18:00 |
proog | sure | 18:00 |
Omnipotent | For a second I thought proog is a bot with an awful syntax. | 18:01 |
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m_ | s.a | 18:04 |
m_ | hi | 18:04 |
Vapez | it's there an OP here? | 18:05 |
BluesKaj | Vapez: why? | 18:05 |
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proog | TJ-, http://pastebin.com/aPZPWgCL | 18:05 |
proog | the Logitech Logitech USB keyboard is my external keyboard (which works) | 18:06 |
m_ | selamın aleyküm | 18:07 |
linuxnoob | hello people | 18:08 |
linuxnoob | revived my father's ubuntu box after a long time | 18:08 |
linuxnoob | wifi doesn't seem to work | 18:08 |
linuxnoob | the latest problem being the gcc version mismatch between the kernel and the one installed on system | 18:09 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, hi! What version of Ubuntu is it? | 18:09 |
linuxnoob | 14.04 | 18:09 |
TJ- | proog: lines 670 onwards seem to indicate a USB port failure that affects an HID (Human Interface Device) which may be the keyboard | 18:10 |
linuxnoob | how is it possible that a kernel in repo is compiled using a different gcc version!! | 18:10 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, oh... so not that old then. Can you temporarily connect it with a network cable? | 18:10 |
linuxnoob | how I know it's the problem: https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8188eu/issues/102 | 18:10 |
linuxnoob | I am on the same system | 18:11 |
proog | yes TJ-, i noticed that. Not sure what to do about it though? | 18:11 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, okay. What kernel version is it running? | 18:11 |
linuxnoob | 3.19.0-43-generic | 18:11 |
linuxnoob | from lts enablement stack | 18:12 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, newer than mine :-) So which gcc version is it saying is older? | 18:12 |
Sillycat | Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning "I can't configure Debian." :( | 18:13 |
irctc119 | I have a headless server running on 12.04lts, I am having really odd networking issues, I am getting a no route to host when using git, but the address nslookups and digs just fine. Git is fine on the same network using the same dns on my laptop | 18:13 |
irctc119 | any ideas? | 18:13 |
OpenSorce | Sillycat, lol! | 18:13 |
linuxnoob | cat /proc/version | 18:13 |
linuxnoob | Linux version 3.19.0-43-generic (buildd@lgw01-16) (gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) ) #49~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 31 15:44:49 UTC 2015 | 18:13 |
linuxnoob | gcc --version | 18:14 |
linuxnoob | gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 4.8.4 | 18:14 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, ouch... the one in the kernel is older :-( | 18:14 |
linuxnoob | yes :( | 18:14 |
linuxnoob | and that is supposedly the problem | 18:15 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, problematic but not impossible to fix. If it were me, I would remove gcc, grab the .deb for the version in the kernel and install it. | 18:15 |
linuxnoob | is that the only way? | 18:15 |
linuxnoob | can I pin gcc to this version goign forward? | 18:16 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, probably not. But it's what I would do. | 18:16 |
linuxnoob | let me try that | 18:16 |
linuxnoob | thanks for being so kind and helpful OpenSorce :) | 18:16 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, sure! Just glad it was something I could offer some help with :-) | 18:17 |
rschnck | I'm trying to get ipmitool to work. I downloaded the package from the repos and then tried to modprobe the IPMI kernel modules (modprobe ipmi_devintf; modprobe ipmi_si). Impi_devintf worked fine, but when I try ipmi_si I get "no such device". I tried manually doing it using insmod and the .ko modules in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/char/ipmi/ but I go the same error. Any ideas? | 18:19 |
moot | Islo56 spamming anyone else? | 18:20 |
Hackwar1 | hi folks, I got an ubuntu server and somehow when doing sudo apt-get update, I get lots of 404s for the sources. When I do apt-get upgrade, it fails due to missing dependencies | 18:21 |
proog | TJ-? | 18:21 |
Bashing-om | !eol | Hackwar1 ??? | 18:22 |
ubottu | Hackwar1 ???: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 18:22 |
TJ- | proog: it seems from reading a kernel-thread on devices with similar issues, the cause is a faulty USB descriptor data block returned by the device. Better report it to the manufacturer | 18:22 |
Hackwar1 | thx | 18:22 |
proog | okay, that's too bad. Thanks for your help though | 18:22 |
Bashing-om | Hackwar1: Mean as only to verify the release you are on at this time . | 18:23 |
proog | TJ-, can you link me to a thread that i can send along? | 18:23 |
bithon | hey guys im trying to compile some code that requires libavdevice. i downloaded it (dpkg -l shows its there), yet when I do apt-get install libavdevice (I did that before I figured out I had it) it says that libavdevice package is not found. | 18:24 |
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linuxnoob | OpenSorce: can't seem to figure out how to do it | 18:24 |
Hackwar1 | Bashing-om: I'm on Utopic Unicorn... I was under the impression that that wasn't EOL yet... | 18:25 |
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genii | !utopic | 18:26 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic | 18:26 |
Hackwar1 | genii: thx | 18:27 |
linuxnoob | forcing gcc version from synaptic is not doing anything | 18:28 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, apt-get remove should do it. | 18:28 |
OpenSorce | linuxnoob, then re-installing from the deb | 18:28 |
TJ- | proog: it appears from this, the issue is caused when a manufacturer has a composite device. http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-input/msg36975.html | 18:29 |
proog | okay, thanks TJ- | 18:32 |
TJ- | proog: you have to follow that thread to the new thread titled "HID: Add driver for synaptics keybard with broken rdesc" http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-input/msg36123.html to get more detail about the background | 18:32 |
proog | TJ-, i actually found this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2247265 | 18:32 |
proog | it suggests recompiling the kernel with HID_MAX_USAGES turned way up | 18:33 |
Guest43360 | ubuntu making a noise in hd | 18:33 |
proog | that seems like a pretty daunting task though | 18:33 |
BadCodSmell | Is there a guide anywhere to building a custom core image for snappy? | 18:33 |
Guest43360 | what it can be | 18:33 |
TJ- | proog: that's not fixing the issue the correct way though | 18:33 |
TJ- | proog: it looks that "ITE" manufacturer is a common cause of these issues; presumably their USB firmware developers are useless | 18:34 |
proog | absolutely not, but i feel like i'm out of options here. It's either that or going back to windows | 18:34 |
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TJ- | proog: if you look at Simon Wörner's patches they create a synthetic keyboard descriptor that is used in palce of the one the keyboard receives; and in the synthetic descriptor that value is corrected. | 18:36 |
rahul | hi | 18:37 |
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proog | oh cool TJ-, how do i apply it to my installation? | 18:37 |
jeffreylevesque | i need to rewrite my upstart (https://bpaste.net/show/357cbdcbf550), to systemd, anyone provide suggestions | 18:37 |
irctc119 | where are the network config files in 12.04lts, I think I have eth0 set as static but there is nothing in /etc/interfaces or /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf | 18:37 |
TJ- | proog: you'd need to take an existing patch as a basis for creating a new patch specific to that keyboard | 18:38 |
TJ- | irctc119: for ifupdown /etc/network/interfaces{,.d/*} | 18:38 |
TJ- | irctc119: for Network Manager, /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* | 18:38 |
proog | TJ-, how would i do that? | 18:39 |
proog | i have no experience with customizing the kernel | 18:39 |
bithon | does anyone know if its save to have libav and ffmpeg at the same time. running ubuntu 14.04 here ?? | 18:39 |
bithon | it's safe** | 18:40 |
[Mew2] | Hey guys, how do I view all ip tables rules? | 18:40 |
irctc119 | thanks TJ- it was the latter | 18:40 |
sgtnasty | iptables -L -n | 18:41 |
[Mew2] | Thanks sgtnasty :) | 18:41 |
TJ- | proog: best to report the bug, possibly to the linux-input mailing list as those links show, and see if the mainline developers can work with you to create a fix | 18:41 |
sgtnasty | http://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=iptables+-L+-n | 18:41 |
PauloHNeves | hd making noise in Ubuntu, which could be | 18:42 |
sgtnasty | anyone know how to get electron to make in 15.10? it seems the npm package is too old | 18:42 |
llldino | PauloHNeves, It might be spinning down to save power when not in use | 18:42 |
sgtnasty | wanted: {"node":">=0.10.32"} (current: {"node":"0.10.25","npm":"1.4.21"}) | 18:42 |
[Mew2] | Nice website^^^ Ty | 18:42 |
proog | not gonna happen TJ-, but thanks a lot for helping me out :) | 18:43 |
TJ- | proog: open a bug report on https://bugzilla.kernel.org/ with that dmesg attached and references to those mailing-list threads I gave you, then subscribe and email linux-input mail-ing list, reference the b.k.o bug report with a concise overview and ask for help | 18:44 |
PauloHNeves | is normal Ubuntu do the hd makes more noise than the windows, or not | 18:44 |
llldino | PauloHNeves, I answered your question above | 18:45 |
PauloHNeves | ok | 18:45 |
OerHeks | PauloHNeves, check the disks utility, and s.m.a.r.t. to see if there is something wrong. | 18:46 |
OerHeks | else no, windows makes more noise :-D | 18:46 |
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finn | hi | 18:47 |
PauloHNeves | OerHeks I checked and will not appear any error | 18:47 |
frank__ | Alter was geht ? | 18:47 |
akik | !de | 18:48 |
ubottu | In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 18:48 |
oussama | hello | 18:52 |
finn_ | hi | 18:55 |
finn_ | hi | 18:55 |
finn_ | hi | 18:55 |
LostSoul | Hello finn_ | 18:56 |
Gustav_ | test | 19:08 |
daftykins | Gustav_: don't do that in here. | 19:10 |
milquinhentosset | who likes kubuntu? | 19:13 |
Bashing-om | milquinhentosset: Ask your real question, as many like kubuntu - else it would not be . | 19:14 |
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milquinhentosset | Bashing-om is it possible to install xchat or bitchx in an ubuntu server? | 19:14 |
nicomachus | milquinhentosset: Do you have X on that server...? | 19:16 |
Bashing-om | milquinhentosset: Sure ... but but but ... a server is my nature GUI-less .. why pollute ? irssi is one CLI alternative . | 19:16 |
nicomachus | irssi or weechat | 19:16 |
milquinhentosset | i had | 19:17 |
milquinhentosset | hmmm but i really diddt know about irssi or weechat | 19:17 |
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milquinhentosset | im gonna install one of them | 19:18 |
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toggy | I have a raid1 question | 19:27 |
toggy | anyone out there? | 19:27 |
marcello | quit | 19:28 |
toggy | I am wondering if I can use half of a drive for raid partition and half as a regular ext4 partition | 19:28 |
toggy | anyone done that? | 19:28 |
nacc | toggy: why would you want to do that? also raid1 is disk mirroring, iirc? | 19:32 |
toggy | mirroring yes | 19:32 |
debug0x1 | hahahaha | 19:32 |
toggy | I'd like to have the root drive protected by raid1 yet have extra space that would survive a reinstall/reconfig | 19:33 |
artois | raid is technically for access redundancy, not data redundancy | 19:33 |
toggy | I like raid1 so when a drive dies I keep going and add another in yes | 19:34 |
toggy | and I assume I can leave another partition at the end of each drive that can be formatted as ext4 normally | 19:34 |
toggy | or maybe a better questions is. if I configure a md1 and a md2 both as raid1 | 19:35 |
toggy | after a reinstall can I leave md2 as it was | 19:35 |
toggy | with it's data intact | 19:36 |
nacc | toggy: I believe mdadm supports mirroring of volumes and/or disks | 19:37 |
nacc | toggy: but unless you're putting different data on the "two" md2 mirrors, why not just do a normal raid1 of the entire disk? | 19:37 |
toggy | because I like to have a "data" drive to keep my stuff. if I do a re-install, the data stays there on that partition | 19:38 |
toggy | the root drive gets wiped and a new OS | 19:38 |
akik | toggy: yes, you can have a plain partition on the same disk | 19:39 |
toggy | I can take thesee two 1TB drives and have (for example) 500GB for root and 500GB for data | 19:39 |
toggy | but I am thinking I might just do the whole thing | 19:39 |
toggy | raid1 the whole thing | 19:39 |
Hackwar1 | hi, how can I remove old kernels? I got a little problem where my /boot is full... | 19:39 |
Bashing-om | Hackwar1: What results | 19:40 |
nacc | Hackwar1: did you try `apt-get autoremove` ? | 19:40 |
genii | nacc: Doesn't work with kernels | 19:41 |
Bashing-om | Hackwar1: What results ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' ? If the package manager is in a consident state, this will also remove the old kernels . | 19:41 |
TJ- | toggy: as well as RAID-1, sounds like you should be using LVM. With that you can install multiple OSes if you want, just requiring an additional Logical Volume. You can also assign minimal space to the LVs to begin with and extend them as the need arises | 19:41 |
Hackwar1 | Bashing-om: I'm doing an apt-get upgrade and it fails while updating the kernel because /boot is full. | 19:41 |
Hackwar1 | ok, I will try autoremove | 19:41 |
Hackwar1 | Bashing-om: sudo apt-get autoremove fails with unfulfilled dependenices... | 19:44 |
Hackwar1 | I'll delete a few kernels manually.. | 19:44 |
nacc | genii: hrm? autoremove works fine with kernels, if they really aren't used and were installed by the package manager? | 19:45 |
genii | nacc: Kernel things usually will not be removed automatically, unless it's something like kernel headers or kernel extra packages and the kernel they belong to has already been removed | 19:46 |
deaa | hi | 19:46 |
TJ- | genii: nacc I think it's nuanced; autoremove will work if the system is using the default linux{,-image,-headers}-{generic,lowlatency} meta-packages | 19:46 |
nacc | TJ-: ah yes, that could be it, sorry | 19:47 |
Katronix | Hi all, on Ubuntu 14.04 how do I install spice-gtk? I tried to follow the directions here: https://launchpad.net/~bderzhavets/+archive/ubuntu/lib-usbredir3 but I'm told that https://launchpad.net/~bderzhavets/+archive/ubuntu/lib-usbredir3 (as well as the 386 versions) return 404s | 19:47 |
TJ- | genii: by default the installer uses the meta packages so autoremove should work; if the user has removed those meta packages and/or installed kernel packages manually, it won't | 19:48 |
MonkeyDust | !find spice | 19:49 |
ubottu | Found: libspice-protocol-dev, libspice-server-dev, libspice-server1, libspice-server1-dbg, qemu-kvm, easyspice, ngspice, ngspice-doc, tclspice, browser-plugin-spice (and 21 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=spice&searchon=names&suite=wily§ion=all | 19:49 |
Katronix | Thanks MonkeyDust | 19:50 |
OerHeks | Katronix, that https://launchpad.net/~bderzhavets/+archive/ubuntu/lib-usbredir3 has only Oneiric packages. | 19:50 |
happy____ | Hi | 19:50 |
happy____ | Any software for translation? | 19:51 |
toggy | TJ: I won't be doing multiple OSs, just the occasional rdo | 19:52 |
toggy | redo | 19:52 |
Katronix | OerHeks, ah okay | 19:52 |
toggy | so I am content with simple raid | 19:52 |
happy____ | How do I add translation to this program? GoldenDict. | 19:52 |
toggy | and perhaps extra ext4 drives are unneeded. It was an idea | 19:52 |
OerHeks | happy____, tons of translation software and services, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_machine_translation_applications | 19:54 |
[Mew2] | guys whats the location of the iptabels rules file? | 19:54 |
TJ- | [Mew2]: it's up to you | 19:55 |
[Mew2] | where is default | 19:55 |
MonkeyDust | [Mew2] there's /usr/share/ufw/iptables | 19:56 |
OerHeks | time to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | 19:56 |
MonkeyDust | [Mew2] there's /usr/share/ufw/iptables/ <-- correction | 19:56 |
[Mew2] | thanks MonkeyDust and OerHeks and TJ- | 19:56 |
TJ- | [Mew2]: there isn't one. iptables is a binary tool; other packages may use it but they will decide where to put rules files. if you edit /etc/network/interfaces manually you set the path/file you prefer | 19:56 |
OerHeks | you need to save and restore them yourself, afaik | 19:57 |
TJ- | [Mew2]: if you're working with iptables that implies IPV4; I hope you're also aware of ip6tables for IPv6 | 19:57 |
[Mew2] | im just looking for one rule | 19:57 |
TJ- | [Mew2]: rules file location will be dictated by whatever firewall management package you've enabled | 19:58 |
[Mew2] | ok let me ask this | 19:58 |
[Mew2] | how do i view all rules pertaining to a certain port | 19:58 |
[Mew2] | is it possible | 19:58 |
[Mew2] | using grep | 19:59 |
Hackwar1 | ok, so after cleaning up a bit, running apt-get upgrade again and then running apt-get autoremove, I still have 6 kernels installed. apparently autoremove does not remove older kernels. ;-) | 20:00 |
MonkeyDust | Hackwar1 try sudo apt-get clean; sudo aptitude purge ~c; | 20:01 |
[Mew2] | do i need to restart iptables after adding a rule? | 20:01 |
TJ- | [Mew2]: "iptables -vnL | grep 80" might show all rules related to port 80, but you'll probably want the context of which chain the rule is in (due to default policy) | 20:01 |
TJ- | [Mew2]: iptables is just a program that tells the kernel to do something with the kernel's internal rules; there's no restart involved. | 20:01 |
mkultra | I'd keep them just in case. Many one time have I had to use an older kernel in order to boot cuz an update mess something up | 20:01 |
[Mew2] | ok | 20:02 |
[Mew2] | thank you | 20:02 |
[Mew2] | reboot brb | 20:03 |
mkultra | old habits die hard | 20:03 |
Hackwar1 | MonkeyDust: that is cleaning up a lot. Looks interesting. :-) | 20:05 |
MonkeyDust | Hackwar1 glad i could help | 20:06 |
[Mew2] | guys | 20:09 |
[Mew2] | sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 6000 | 20:09 |
[Mew2] | this doesnt work for some reason | 20:09 |
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[Mew2] | wait | 20:11 |
[Mew2] | sorry | 20:11 |
[Mew2] | it just worked | 20:11 |
cdavis | When I install Samba it is ignoring smb.conf shares and auto sharing anything in /exports, can someone tell me where that is configured to do that? | 20:11 |
cdavis | anything in /etc/exports is what I meant to say | 20:11 |
exospecies | hi, i have ubuntu server with ufw, and i don't see any deny rules... does it mean everything is allowed? | 20:12 |
[Mew2] | ok so heres the problem | 20:12 |
compdoc | cdavis, you use zfs or something that can share on its own, without samba | 20:12 |
[Mew2] | sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 6000 | 20:12 |
[Mew2] | now its connectable on both 80 and 6000 | 20:12 |
[Mew2] | instead of just 80 | 20:12 |
happy____ | How do I add translation to this program? GoldenDict. | 20:14 |
TJ- | [Mew2]: well, if port 6000 isn't otherwise blocked, that is expected | 20:14 |
[Mew2] | how do i make it connect only on 80 and not 6000? | 20:15 |
zippo^ | I have a problem with extern HDD, some files work no good. Have Ubuntu a special application example research and or is possible repair to extern HDD? | 20:15 |
OerHeks | happy____, http://goldendict.org/dictionaries.php | 20:15 |
happy____ | I'm not talking about dictionaries | 20:17 |
happy____ | I want him to be a translator | 20:17 |
MonkeyDust | happy____ what is your ubuntu question? | 20:17 |
ioria | zippo^, what you mean exactly with "some files work no good" ? | 20:17 |
OerHeks | "How do I add translation" sounds different to me than how to use goldendict | 20:18 |
zippo^ | some files on my extern hdd doesn't reaction | 20:18 |
zippo^ | a wait, i copy text, ioria | 20:18 |
happy____ | How do I add translation to this program? GoldenDict. | 20:18 |
ioria | zippo^, ok, it'a a data storage disk ? | 20:18 |
MonkeyDust | happy____ to what program? | 20:18 |
ioria | zippo^, or you have an OS installed ? | 20:19 |
MonkeyDust | !find goldendict | 20:19 |
ubottu | Found: goldendict, goldendict-wordnet | 20:19 |
happy____ | GoldenDict | 20:19 |
Chicken_Wrap | Hello. | 20:19 |
happy____ | or any program | 20:19 |
zippo^ | ioria, : Fout bij splicen van bestand: Invoer-/uitvoerfout | 20:19 |
zippo^ | this si dutch | 20:20 |
MonkeyDust | happy____ what's wrong with the link OerHeks gave you? | 20:20 |
zippo^ | my intern hdd works great (os works great too). data example images on my extern hdd, ioria | 20:20 |
ioria | zippo^, Error splicing of file: Input / output error | 20:20 |
zippo^ | yes this | 20:20 |
Pici | happy____: Are you looking for something like this? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ | 20:20 |
zippo^ | can I do something? | 20:20 |
ioria | zippo^, so you have ubuntu installed on that external hhd ? | 20:21 |
zippo^ | nope, ioria | 20:22 |
clement | trr | 20:22 |
clement | trt | 20:22 |
clement | hh | 20:22 |
clement | h | 20:22 |
clement | h | 20:22 |
clement | h | 20:22 |
ioria | zippo^, it'a storage data disk ? | 20:22 |
zippo^ | images, docs, etc. are on my external hdd | 20:22 |
ioria | zippo^, ok | 20:22 |
zippo^ | Can I fix this or must I format this, ioria ? | 20:22 |
happy____ | I want to add Google translation | 20:22 |
ioria | zippo^, which file system ? ext4 or ntfs ? | 20:23 |
zippo^ | no idea, i go see | 20:23 |
zippo^ | I cannot find, where can I see the way that I see which file system is this, ioria ? | 20:24 |
ioria | zippo^, df -t | 20:24 |
reinaldo | boa tarde | 20:24 |
ioria | zippo^, sorry, df -T | 20:24 |
zippo^ | in terminal? | 20:25 |
ioria | zippo^, yes | 20:25 |
OerHeks | zippo^, that splice error sounds like there is a space in the filename you want to copy | 20:26 |
zippo^ | lord4163, : fuseblk | 20:26 |
zippo^ | ioria, | 20:26 |
ioria | zippo^, can you paste the filename you're copyng ? | 20:27 |
zippo^ | ioria, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/14413825/ | 20:29 |
ioria | zippo^, ntfs | 20:30 |
OerHeks | see, /media/ekremkoc/ekrem koc with a space... | 20:30 |
zippo^ | yes | 20:31 |
ioria | zippo^, can you paste the filename you're copying and gives you troubles ? | 20:31 |
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zippo^ | how, ioria ? | 20:32 |
zippo^ | yes indeed, oerheks | 20:32 |
ioria | zippo^, you got that error when you try to copy some files or what ? | 20:33 |
OerHeks | The guy who invented that is a millionaire :-D .. use "/media/ekremkoc/ekrem koc" or /media/ekremkoc/ekrem\ koc | 20:33 |
ioria | zippo^, keep also in mind that the file could be damaged .... | 20:33 |
ioria | zippo^, or the drive could be | 20:34 |
zippo^ | ioria, : http://picpaste.com/pics/Schermafdruk-Naamloos_venster-U8wsjp73.1452026164.png | 20:36 |
OerHeks | also spaces in names | 20:36 |
pero | hello, i am having trouble updating my 14.04 install - i am getting a 'your install is likely broken' message running apt http://pastebin.com/uVt4NEj4 | 20:37 |
ioria | zippo^, too long to translate .... | 20:37 |
ioria | zippo^, try to copy that file with quotes cp "filename" etc. etc . | 20:38 |
zippo^ | thx for help, but i go search via google | 20:38 |
aph3x | i'm having trouble configuring courier mta to work with spamassassin on ubuntu server, is this the correct place to seek help? | 20:38 |
zippo^ | my english is no so good | 20:38 |
ioria | zippo^, connected to usb2 or 3 ? | 20:38 |
Braybaut | zippo^ speaks spanish ? | 20:39 |
pero | and running the suggested command from that output produces the following string of events http://pastebin.com/aAkR06tp | 20:41 |
OerHeks | pero, looks like there is a PPA problem with liblove:amd64 0.9.2ppa1 | 20:43 |
pero | OerHeks, i just removed love and liblove and apt-get upgrade seems to be running | 20:44 |
OerHeks | :-) | 20:44 |
pero | no idea what it is anyway | 20:44 |
OerHeks | never heard of it before too: LÖVE is an awesome framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua | 20:45 |
kevinfish | how much of a concern should a lot of usage of virtual memory be by applications? Like right now I see nemo running with a 1.4GB VM size and bash running with a 1.3GB size and I know for a fact bash is just logged in and not doing ANYTHING! | 20:46 |
kevinfish | and basically right now I don't have much running at all and my total memory usage is 1.4GB | 20:47 |
tsapii | apt-get sure has a frozen heart | 20:47 |
kevinfish | I'm concerned cuz my system only has 2GB and I'm constantly having it hang up when I try and do several things at once. | 20:47 |
Ben64 | kevinfish: pastebin the output of free -m | 20:48 |
stephan__ | good evening, my first time here and i am a beginner, wanted to install cuda on ubuntu but it tells me to close x server first.. when i do that.. my screen just get black with a blinking bar... anyone knows what to do ? | 20:48 |
Ben64 | stephan__: how are you trying to install cuda | 20:49 |
stephan__ | i downloaded the run file from the offical website of nvidia | 20:49 |
stephan__ | they give you like the command to install it | 20:49 |
stephan__ | which i did | 20:49 |
Ben64 | you shouldn't do that | 20:49 |
stephan__ | i posted before and they told me thats the way to go | 20:49 |
stephan__ | so thats what i did :( | 20:50 |
Ben64 | installing software from outside the ubuntu repositories is unsupported here | 20:50 |
compdoc | if theres an existing package, use apt-get | 20:50 |
stephan__ | i am sorry | 20:50 |
kevinfish | Ben64: http://pastebin.ca/3318291 | 20:50 |
compdoc | someone sets it up for you, that way | 20:50 |
Ben64 | bunch of results if you search for "cuda" in the software center | 20:50 |
stephan__ | i was told it is a bug with 14.04 that you can only install it with the run file :( | 20:51 |
Ben64 | kevinfish: well you got 555MB free.... upgrade ram if you can | 20:51 |
stephan__ | if i type in cuda in my software center, i only get 2 results, both magazines i can buy | 20:51 |
stephan__ | weird.. | 20:51 |
kevinfish | Ben64: I can't. That's a big part of the problem. So VM size isn't really related to the actual amount of Ram and Swap the program is hogging? | 20:52 |
kevinfish | Ben64: I mean, why would nemo be wanting 1.4G? | 20:52 |
Calahat | Any alternatives to Skype (that actually support skype?) - PS. don't kill me | 20:52 |
kevinfish | Ben64: isn't that just the file manager that manages my desktop icons? | 20:52 |
nacc | kevinfish: virt is the virtual memory allocation for a program, which can be potentially huge; rss is the more relevant measure often | 20:53 |
compdoc | stephan__, at the bottom of software center, theres text you can click to show technical items | 20:53 |
compdoc | on the left side | 20:54 |
kevinfish | nacc: ok, thanks | 20:56 |
nacc | kevinfish: what is the nature of your hang? system stalls? is the disk getting hit hard (swapping?) | 20:58 |
Zundap | Hi... where are the channels list? I closed him than i don't see where i can choose a chanel damm! | 20:59 |
Zundap | Thanks in advance! | 20:59 |
kevinfish | Zundap: try /list | 20:59 |
kevinfish | nacc: I think I'm running out of memory. Also though sometimes an app will start hogging all the cpu time | 21:00 |
Zundap | thanks kevin, but nothing... | 21:01 |
Zundap | im a noob in this kind of | 21:01 |
kevinfish | nacc: I was getting chromium doing that so I removed it. Seems I've had it happen with firefox too though | 21:01 |
kevinfish | Zundap: what client you using? | 21:02 |
nacc | kevinfish: are you using flash or anything in the browser? | 21:02 |
kevinfish | nacc: almost certainly | 21:02 |
Zundap | kubuntu | 21:02 |
nacc | kevinfish: tends to be a memory hog :) | 21:02 |
TJ- | kevinfish: which Ubuntu release is that? and which architecture (i386, amd64, armhf, etc.) ? | 21:02 |
kevinfish | Zundap: that's your distro. Do you know what IRC client its using? Is there a help->about menu entry? | 21:03 |
Zundap | wow.. whait! | 21:03 |
kevinfish | TJ-: I'm actually on the latest peppermint with amd4 | 21:03 |
kevinfish | 3.16.0-57-generic #77~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 17 23:20:00 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 21:04 |
TJ- | kevinfish: peppermint? That's not Ubuntu, and not supported here | 21:04 |
jeffreylevesque | how can I replace `start on runlevel [2345]`, in context with systemd syntax - https://github.com/jeff1evesque/drupal-demonstration/blob/4583a0d88d154b2892cd566e5c207148e4f776cf/puppet/environment/development/manifests/vagrant_mounted.pp#L19? | 21:06 |
kevinfish | TJ-: way to blow me off. :\ | 21:06 |
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TJ- | kevinfish: we can't support things we have no experience of | 21:07 |
TJ- | kevinfish: we have no idea what differences there may be in the build, or linkage, of packages on that distro | 21:07 |
kevinfish | TJ-: its ubuntu with a slightly improved installer and mostly stylistic differences | 21:07 |
Zundap | Thanks Kevin! It's simple like select some lines in the chat and choice a chanel! | 21:08 |
thebwt | jeffreylevesque: you're going to need to write a systemd unit for vagrant | 21:08 |
mknawabi | does anyone have an issue with nvidia 352 and multimonitor setup where | 21:08 |
mknawabi | a) lightdm starts -> b) login to unity w xorg.conf generated by nvidia-settings -> c) after a minute, xorg conf ignored, and monitors' res is set by something else | 21:08 |
Zundap | Thanks, thanks! It's so niiice trie the vintage of the netzzz! | 21:08 |
kevinfish | Zundap: glad to hear it. I think your client is kde telepathy for future reference | 21:09 |
TJ- | kevinfish: no, it' isn't Ubuntu, that's the point. You have multiple processes apparently reporting use of extreme amounts of memory. That suggests their common loaded shared library usage may be the culprit, which points to issues with some low-level libraries linking in more SOs than they should be doing (or something statically linked). | 21:09 |
Zundap | Thanks one more time man!! ;) | 21:09 |
jeffreylevesque | thebwt: yea i was looking at the "a template unit" - http://askubuntu.com/questions/626771/migrate-basic-upstart-script-to-systemd, but only got as far as `Description` | 21:10 |
kevinfish | TJ-: ok, criticism taken. I'll go post that on one of the forums. Thanks. | 21:10 |
thebwt | jeffreylevesque: I've seen more on writing docker units, my google fu is retuning nothing on doing the same with vagrant | 21:11 |
thebwt | returning* | 21:11 |
TJ- | kevinfish: my suggestion would be to focus diagnostics on the 'bash' process; since 1.4GiB is obviously too much there. Look at its /proc/$$/ nodes | 21:14 |
kevinfish | TJ-: Ok, I appreciate it. I'll pass that along too. I'm probably not the best to be delving into the libraries at this level | 21:16 |
TJ- | kevinfish: check /proc/$$/statm which prints the status of memory. To decode the fields you'll need to see the Linux kernel's Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt Table 1.3 | 21:17 |
anticore | hey dudes. i'm having a problem with my raspi. trying to ssh but it times out. the web server running on the pi is still up, as is the cmus. why can't i ssh into it? | 21:18 |
TJ- | kevinfish: this link should get you started: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt#n263 | 21:18 |
TJ- | anticore: because the sshd isn't running, or there's a firewall rule blocking you | 21:19 |
TJ- | anticore: are you sure the ssh client doesn't make a connection but that gets dropped by the sshd? ("ssh -vvv ..." will help debug connection issues like that) | 21:20 |
kevinfish | TJ-: ok, thanks. I take it you're pretty sure ubuntu doesn't have this problem? | 21:21 |
TJ- | kevinfish: I've only ever seen those symptoms with systems where they've either used statically linked binaries, or else custom installed a self-built set of core system libraries (using the wrong build flags) | 21:21 |
Pici | also /50 | 21:22 |
TJ- | kevinfish: .../statm and also .../stat should help you pinpoint which memory count is excessive, which should help narrow down the possibilities | 21:22 |
Bray90820 | So ubuntu is giving me a read only error on a MicroSD card | 21:22 |
kevinfish | TJ-: okay, well, I'm sure this will be good info for the devs over there. | 21:23 |
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Bray90820 | Ubuntu is saying my MicroSD card is read only when it's not | 21:25 |
Ben64 | Bray90820: can you elaborate | 21:25 |
slifeet | Make sure that little tab on the SD card is not switch to RO | 21:26 |
Bray90820 | When I try to copy files to the SD card it says destination is read only | 21:27 |
Bray90820 | It's a micro SD card so there is no tab | 21:27 |
OerHeks | Bray90820, so what partitiontype is on that card? sudo fdisk -l # can give a clue | 21:30 |
Ben64 | Bray90820: pastebin the output of "mount" | 21:30 |
TJ- | Bray90820: that's a common issue for some cheap/bad/fake SD-cards where the device firmware locks out writes to the device. check /var/log/kern.log for clues on the device state (as opposed to any file-system state) | 21:31 |
Bray90820 | Ben64: http://pastebin.com/raw/Y0JmY7Ym | 21:35 |
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nimble29 | Hey there. How do fix? :P http://paste.ubuntu.com/14414358/ | 21:39 |
nimble29 | I need the 32bit SDL package to compile this: https://github.com/Hinsbart/koku-xinput-wine | 21:40 |
Pici | /mode +b *!*@ | 21:40 |
Pici | oops, you saw through the magic | 21:40 |
nimble29 | heh | 21:41 |
bgardner | Bless you Pici. | 21:41 |
nimble29 | NUCKFIGGERS:, what a neat guy huh | 21:41 |
nimble29 | such good time he had, to spread his message of love | 21:41 |
nicomachus | nimble29: move on. | 21:41 |
nimble29 | ? | 21:41 |
nimble29 | nicomachus: I'm waiting for help, I'm just sitting here | 21:41 |
nicomachus | he's gone, back to support topic. | 21:41 |
nimble29 | But yeah, I think it's just a missing package. How would I go about installing that? | 21:44 |
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bgardner | nimble29: See if this relates to your issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/949606 | 21:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 949606 in mesa (Ubuntu) "64 bit dev packages should include 32 bit .so library file" [Medium,Triaged] | 21:44 |
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llldino | Anyone know offhand what is the "proper" directory to put user made shell scripts in to conform to POSIX/Linux FS goodness? | 21:46 |
Ben64 | ~/bin/ maybe? | 21:46 |
llldino | Ben64, That's what I've always done, yeah | 21:46 |
MonkeyDust | llldino /usr/bin/ and /usr/sbin/ are common | 21:47 |
genii | llldino: /usr/local hierarchy, either in /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin | 21:47 |
genii | llldino: As per recommendations at http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/usr.html | 21:48 |
Bray90820 | Ben64: did you look at my paste | 21:48 |
llldino | MonkeyDust, genii , For user scripts? Non admins/staff don't have write access to anything in /usr I thought | 21:48 |
Ben64 | Bray90820: ok, so its not mounted read only | 21:49 |
Bray90820 | But... | 21:49 |
genii | llldino: If it is only for the one user only to run, then in a bin directory under their home directory | 21:50 |
Bray90820 | Ben64: http://pastebin.com/raw/i9w6anRg | 21:50 |
llldino | genii, Right, okay, thanks! | 21:50 |
genii | llldino: If it's a script multiple users will use, then /usr/local hierarchy | 21:50 |
Ben64 | Bray90820: not seeing a problem, vfat doesn't support linux file permissions | 21:51 |
OerHeks | Bray90820, sudo chmod 777 does not work on not-posix partitions like fat ntfs vfat and such | 21:51 |
OerHeks | maybe you just run out of space | 21:51 |
OerHeks | df -h # would tell | 21:52 |
Bray90820 | Ben64: OerHeks that's good to know | 21:52 |
TJ- | Bray90820: as I said earlier... that's a common issue for some cheap/bad/fake SD-cards where the device firmware locks out writes to the device. check /var/log/kern.log for clues on the device state (as opposed to any file-system state) | 21:53 |
Bray90820 | TJ-: it copy on other systems to i don't think it's the SDcard | 21:53 |
Bray90820 | OerHeks: http://pastebin.com/raw/NXmp4B8X | 21:53 |
TJ- | Bray90820: check the logs for clues | 21:54 |
TJ- | Bray90820: the device is 120GB? how are you connecting it to the PC - via a USB<>SD-Card reader? | 21:55 |
OerHeks | unclean filesystem perhaps .. but then again it would not mount rw | 21:55 |
OerHeks | uh oh, limited sdcard reader to 32/64 gb ... | 21:55 |
TJ- | OerHeks: device firmware boched, or USB bridge capacity exceeded, usually | 21:56 |
bgardner | Bray90820: "Ubuntu is saying my MicroSD card is read only when it's not" - where is it saying that? | 21:56 |
Bray90820 | bgardner: Idk why but it's copying now | 21:59 |
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Zulu_Too | Greetings folks. I am in the process of installing Ubuntu 15.10 server. It states near the end of installation that there are about 1667 packages. Should I skip these or do they matter? Would the apt-get update be better. Also there is a selection for Manual Package Selection. I chose all in that dialogue box. Was that a good idea? | 22:35 |
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b00 | Hi, anyone around that could help me install drivers for an LSI raid card? | 22:40 |
b00 | ive installed 10 different once but none seems to bite | 22:40 |
TJ- | Zulu_Too: selecting 'all' sounds like the wrong thing to do; is that the selector where you can choose 'tasks' like install LAMP stack, mail server, DNS server, etc., | 22:41 |
TJ- | b00: what Ubuntu release, and what is the PCI-ID of the device ("lspci -nn") ? | 22:42 |
b00 | ubuntu 12.04 | 22:42 |
Zulu_Too | Yes. | 22:42 |
Zulu_Too | TJ- Yes. | 22:42 |
TJ- | Zulu_Too: I think you should *not* select 'all' there. Only install what you know you need. You can add packages later as you realise the need | 22:43 |
b00 | 0b:00.0 RAID bus controller [0104]: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 2208 [Thunderbolt] | 22:43 |
Zulu_Too | I wanted all features but didn't know about Manual Package Selection. If I exit it I suppose I can go back to that box and either uncheck it or just exit the installer and do an apt-get update later. | 22:44 |
TJ- | b00: that output doesn't show the PCI-ID, which is inside [...] brackets near the end of the line | 22:44 |
TJ- | b00: e.g. "[1180:0592]" | 22:44 |
genii | b00: Thats what the -nn part of the command will give us, the vendor:device | 22:45 |
Zulu_Too | Thanks for the input TJ- If all else fails a reinstall is easy. :) | 22:45 |
b00 | [1000:005b] | 22:45 |
Zulu_Too | It is on a Vitural Box install. | 22:46 |
TJ- | b00: that device is managed by the megaraid_sas module | 22:46 |
Zulu_Too | Thanks again. | 22:46 |
TJ- | b00: I think, with that PC on 12.04, the module may not be available | 22:46 |
MWM | Im trying to use soundconverter and the plugin I need for ubuntu leads to a 404 error, any ideas? | 22:46 |
b00 | but lsi have drivers for 12.04 | 22:47 |
b00 | so thats what i dont understand | 22:47 |
MWM | Im trying to pull the make an mp3 from an mpeg BTW | 22:47 |
TJ- | b00: Can you show us in a pastebin what "modinfo -F alias megaraid_sas" reports ? | 22:48 |
sab_ | rypervenche, I've got a seperate home partition! | 22:48 |
b00 | modinfo -F alias megaraid_sas | 22:48 |
b00 | ERROR: modinfo: could not find module megaraid_sas | 22:48 |
TJ- | b00: Looks like you need the appropriate linux-image-extra package for the installed kernel | 22:49 |
TJ- | b00: oh, not even that. It should be there. What does "uname -r" report? | 22:50 |
b00 | 3.11.0-15-generic | 22:50 |
b00 | ive been dabbling with kernels all day, upgrading and downgrading | 22:50 |
TJ- | b00: that might have upset the apple-cart a bit, too. I was expecting to see v3.10 there | 22:51 |
TJ- | b00: OK, so that 3.11.0-15-generic will be for the LTS enablement for 12.04.4 | 22:52 |
b00 | allright? | 22:52 |
TJ- | b00: that kernel went out of support in August 2014; the system should have been updated to 12.04.5 and have the 3.13 kernel from 14.04) | 22:54 |
b00 | it only gives me the option to upgrade to 14.04 | 22:55 |
TJ- | b00: but all those kernels do have the megaraid_sas module; so if it isn't there that's a worrying issue. Once found, the 2nd issue is whether it declares an alias for the ID linux-image-extra | 22:55 |
TJ- | b00: s/linux-image-extra/1000:005b/ | 22:56 |
b00 | bash: s/linux-image-extra/1000:005b/: No such file or directory | 22:56 |
Cissaa | Hey! Are there any Ubuntu versions (or even other distros with a GUI) that would fit on a 700MB CD? | 22:56 |
sab_ | ubuntu server lts fits on a cd | 22:57 |
iAmerikan | Cissaa: you can install a minimal distro from a cd then install a gui as well. | 22:57 |
genii | Cissaa: Lubuntu ISO still fits on a normal CD | 22:57 |
Cissaa | sab_: iAmerikan: genii: I need a LIVE CD thing. Lubuntu still the best option? | 22:58 |
genii | Cissaa: If you need it under 700M with GUI, then yes | 22:58 |
Cissaa | genii: All Lubuntu versions? | 22:58 |
iAmerikan | that would make sense. | 22:59 |
genii | Cissaa: At least 14.04.3 64 and 32 bit x86 ones | 22:59 |
Cissaa | Then that's what I'll use. | 22:59 |
Cissaa | Thanks and see ya! | 22:59 |
genii | Cissaa: You can check the others at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/ | 22:59 |
genii | ... | 22:59 |
b00 | TJ- do the 3.11 kernel have that module? | 23:01 |
=== shawniverson is now known as Guest89034 | ||
szmq | Wifi keeps disconnecting. card: Broadcom BCM43142. Can You help me with problem? :/ | 23:03 |
szmq | wifi works only over very short distances.. When it is larger, after about 20 seconds keeps disconecting | 23:03 |
szmq | the longer it means that the signal strength indicator is about 45% | 23:03 |
szmq | on Windows, everything worked so the netrowrk card is ok; / | 23:04 |
szmq | i have lenovo g510 | 23:04 |
TJ- | b00: On a 12.04 system here, megaraid_sas isn't in the 3.11 kernel | 23:04 |
pantato | hihi, i'm trying to test a feature of an app that's supposed to be triggered by doing control-option-s | 23:04 |
SonikkuAmerica | !b43 | szmq | 23:04 |
ubottu | szmq: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 23:04 |
pantato | anyone know the equavalent for "option" on ubuntu? | 23:04 |
b00 | figures, how do i upgrade to 12.04.5? | 23:04 |
SonikkuAmerica | pantato: Use the Alt key. | 23:05 |
pantato | SonikkuAmerica: doesn't do it | 23:05 |
SonikkuAmerica | pantato: Are you on a Mac now? | 23:05 |
pantato | negative | 23:05 |
SonikkuAmerica | pantato: Then what the heck is "Option" then. | 23:05 |
=== Gabbo is now known as Guest40982 | ||
pantato | on windows, it's supposed to be alt | 23:05 |
Guest40982 | Hi. 14.04 server. two part question... part 1 I am forgetting a command. I think it is called at. I want to issue a command(as root) at a certain time tomorrow morning. | 23:05 |
pantato | not sure what is going on with ubuntu | 23:06 |
SonikkuAmerica | !details | pantato: Can I have specifics? I don't even know what you are doing. | 23:06 |
ubottu | pantato: Can I have specifics? I don't even know what you are doing.: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 23:06 |
TJ- | b00: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade linux-image-generic-lts-trusty" | 23:06 |
TJ- | b00: but I've not confirmed it is in that kernel either; give me a mo | 23:06 |
pantato | cntrl-alt-s does what it's supposed to on windows | 23:07 |
pantato | with the same keyboard | 23:08 |
pantato | ubottu: i'm being obscure for a reason, sorry. | 23:08 |
iAmerikan | why is it the option key | 23:08 |
ubottu | pantato: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:08 |
pantato | derp derp | 23:08 |
pantato | iAmerikan: it's supposed to be | 23:08 |
pantato | what's the option key supposed to be in ubuntu | 23:08 |
iAmerikan | non mancs have ctrl, alt, fn, and the win or mod key | 23:08 |
iAmerikan | pantato: what are you trying to accomplish with this key combo | 23:09 |
szmq | lets ping | 23:09 |
pantato | iAmerikan: trying to trigger a feature of a web app i'm testing | 23:09 |
pantato | and it just closes the tab if i do cntrl-alt-s | 23:09 |
iAmerikan | that may have to do with your browser. | 23:10 |
szmq__ | ehhh | 23:10 |
szmq__ | iwconfig wlan0 power off | 23:10 |
pantato | iAmerikan: I think cntrl-alt-s just closes any window on ubuntu | 23:10 |
szmq__ | sry | 23:10 |
TJ- | b00: Yes, the -trusty 3.13 kernel has megaraid_sas and it supports it: "pci:v00001000d0000005Bsv*sd*bc*sc*i*" | 23:10 |
iAmerikan | nope | 23:10 |
szmq__ | http://scr.hu/30by/w8b7h | 23:10 |
* iAmerikan just tried ;) | 23:10 | |
pantato | minimizes, rather | 23:10 |
b00 | upgrading now | 23:10 |
iAmerikan | I am on openbox.. | 23:11 |
pantato | hmm perhaps if i disable the binding | 23:11 |
pantato | yeah, haha | 23:11 |
iAmerikan | pantato: map it to something else or change the binding | 23:11 |
pantato | iAmerikan: that worked, thank you | 23:14 |
iAmerikan | good news o/ | 23:14 |
=== TuxTek is now known as nuno_nunes | ||
klimt | hello all - I have a question regarding VBOX networking. I have connected a USB ethernet interface on the Host PC/ added the interface on my VM/ selected Bridged Mode/ booted the VM/ ensured that the DHCP server running on the router to which the VM is connected to through the USB adapter is working properly. After running ifconfig I see a random IP address on that IFACE. I tried changing the routing table on | 23:21 |
klimt | my VM's OS/ set static IP ensuring that it's within the subnet range provided by the router but I am unable to ping the router. Any ideas? trying to obtain IP automatically did not work as what I am seeing is a random IP address that has nothing to do with the router's subnet. Finally from the router's web interface it looks like I have a valid ip address, but when i issue "ifconfig eth1" i don't see that. | 23:21 |
cfhowlett | klimt, might want to ask #vbox or #networking | 23:21 |
klimt | i did and noone is available | 23:21 |
klimt | i believe this may be OS specific | 23:22 |
klimt | as I am sure VBOX and the Router are fine. but the OS fails to report/give the correct IP | 23:22 |
klimt | dhclient hangs when I try to run it on that IFACE | 23:23 |
pedrola | hi guys, i have a geforce 540m video card and it working fine, but it is running as second card cuz i have a intel video card (optimus).. I just need to use only the nvidia vga instead of INTEL. (the games can I run via optirun) i need to put nvidia as primary card to it stays always on. ty guys... | 23:23 |
klimt | for the record I have 2 IFACES/ the first taking the correct IP from another Router. | 23:23 |
OerHeks | klimt, that usb network interface should be handled by the host, not the VM. just enable bridged networking, not NAT, in the vbox settings of your vm | 23:24 |
OerHeks | !virtualbox | 23:24 |
ubottu | Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 23:24 |
klimt | I have used bridged networking 0erHeks | 23:24 |
Rapture | I accidentally installed a package (nagios-nrpe-plugin) which installed a bunch of other stuff. I removed it by doing apt-get remove nagios-nrpe-plugin but all the other things it installed are still showing up | 23:25 |
Rapture | do I have to reinstall it and do an auto-remove? | 23:25 |
klimt | Rapture type "sudo apt-get autoremove" | 23:25 |
klimt | no need to reinstall | 23:25 |
pedrola | hi guys, i have a geforce 540m video card and it working fine, but it is running as second card cuz i have a intel video card (optimus).. I just need to use only the nvidia vga instead of INTEL. (the games can I run via optirun) i need to put nvidia as primary card to it stays always on. ty guys... | 23:25 |
Rapture | klimt: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 138 not upgraded. | 23:25 |
Rapture | it installed the apache web server which this doesn't need | 23:26 |
bekks | Rapture: run sudo apt-get purge nagios-nrpe-plugin as well | 23:26 |
klimt | Rapture : "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 23:26 |
klimt | 0erHeks : I use that adapter in order to connect VMs through a second router that I have. It has worked in the past, not sure what's the issue now | 23:28 |
OerHeks | Rapture, did you stop naigos before you performed this action? | 23:28 |
Rapture | bekks & klimt - I did both those commands and still see the extra packages it installed | 23:29 |
Rapture | OerHeks: it's not running nagios, only the nagios-nrpe client | 23:29 |
klimt | Rapture : can you please paste into pastebin what you see and provide the link? | 23:30 |
Rapture | klimt: http://pastebin.com/raw/sysKHWtF | 23:31 |
Rapture | basically I just want all those 'extra' packages removed | 23:32 |
[Mew2] | so just a noob questions, why do some apps have to run as root? like mysql, apache etc? | 23:32 |
klimt | 0erHeks : http://pastebin.com/hJELJpg6 | 23:32 |
someguy | any one experienced in using LXD? | 23:33 |
klimt | Rapture : why don't you just do "sudo apt-get remove apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils bsd-mailx fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap libfontconfig1 libgd3 libjbig0 libjpeg-turbo8 libjpeg8 libjs-jquery libtiff5 libvpx1 libxpm4 nagios-images nagios3 nagios3-cgi nagios3-common nagios3-core php5-cli php5-common php5-json | 23:34 |
klimt | php5-readline postfix ssl-cert" | 23:34 |
klimt | aren't all these packages that that plugin installed? | 23:34 |
bluesnow | Hi, what's a good MIME type / file format for structured text on Ubuntu / Linux that would also be easily cross platform with Windows? | 23:34 |
[Mew2] | so just a noob question, why do some apps have to run as root? like mysql, apache etc? | 23:34 |
klimt | Rapture : I assume that you havent been using apache or nagios before... | 23:35 |
Skyrider | Well my laptop appears to be using AMD Radeon HD 6480G | 23:35 |
Rapture | klimt: correct, this is a new server totally unrelated to apache | 23:35 |
ovidiug | Hey guys, I've stumbled upon a bit of a problem. I currently run Win7 and I made a bootable USB with the 14.04 Ubuntu .iso file since I want to dual-boot. But, when I tried to install it alongside Windows, it seems that it doesn't detect I have another operating system. So, I proceeded to free up space from Windows and try to create the root and swap partitons myself, but apparently Ubuntu sees as free space all of my hard disk, it completely ignores | 23:35 |
ovidiug | Windows' files. How can I fix this? Thanks. | 23:35 |
Algebr` | I am seeing in my sys log: "Not enough host controller resources for new device state". Is there something I can change via sysctl or something to up the resources available to the kernel? | 23:36 |
Rapture | klimt: thanks I was looking for a way to auto-remove but the command you suggested works as well | 23:37 |
Bashing-om | ovidiug: MBR partitioning ? AND Windows uses all 4 of the primary partitions ? | 23:37 |
llldino | Where are file permission bits stored? Is it in the file ehader? | 23:37 |
digitalboy01 | Hi guys, how can I find out in which way the Ubuntu ubiquity installer installs GRUB2 on my systems? Eg. commands, flag etc.. | 23:38 |
digitalboy01 | Can I find the required information in the Ubuntu live CD/USB? | 23:39 |
klimt | Rapture : glad I helped | 23:39 |
digitalboy01 | I have found that in /usr/lib/ubiquity there are some Python scripts | 23:39 |
Bashing-om | digitalboy01: ' sudo debconf-show grub-pc ' ?? | 23:40 |
digitalboy01 | Could someone point me in the right direction? | 23:40 |
digitalboy01 | Bashing-om What that command is supposed to do? | 23:40 |
Bashing-om | digitalboy01: Lots of info about grub install . | 23:42 |
ovidiug | Bashing-om: I only have 2 partitions. | 23:42 |
Bashing-om | ovidiug: Pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' so we see what we are working with . | 23:42 |
digitalboy01 | Bashing-om Thank you for the info but I would like to know how (the exact command, various flags) the GRUB2 bootloader is installed whenever the installation procedure finish | 23:44 |
ovidiug | Bashing-om: I can't run that command, I'm on Windows... | 23:44 |
Guest25371 | hi | 23:44 |
Guest25371 | can i install ubuntu on a hardware raid? | 23:45 |
Bashing-om | ovidiug: You are attempting to install ubuntu desktop, no ? Then boot the installr in "try ubuntu " mode . Key combo ctl+alt+t to gain a terminal interface . | 23:46 |
Seveas | Guest25371: it is possible to do so. Whether you personally can depends on your skills :) | 23:46 |
ovidiug | Bashing-om: Oh, yes, I'm sorry, I'll do it now. | 23:47 |
digitalboy01 | Is that kind of information publicy available? | 23:47 |
Bashing-om | digitalboy01: Grub is a deep subject. It parses several files and has a lot of hooks into the kernel and kernel space . | 23:47 |
digitalboy01 | Bashing-om So you are telling me that the final installation command depends on the hardware of my PC that get "scanned" during the installation phase? | 23:48 |
bekks | digitalboy01: thats correct so far. | 23:48 |
digitalboy01 | bekks Thank you | 23:49 |
Guest25371 | Seveas where can i find information how to install ubuntu on a "hardware raid"? | 23:49 |
Bashing-om | digitalboy01: Yes and no ... MBR installs one way, EFI another . There exist limited direction of where grub gets installed using the wizard to conduct the install . | 23:50 |
EriC^^ | digitalboy01: why are you asking anyways? | 23:50 |
bekks | digitalboy01: basically, the installation process "scans" your hw, and proposes to install grub onto a) the mbr/boot sector of the first disk detected, and b) onto the partition where /boot resides | 23:50 |
digitalboy01 | Bashing-om Ok, thank you for the info but there is a script that I can look at to grasp the basic information about the structure of the installation command? | 23:52 |
Umeaboy | !Firefox | 23:52 |
ubottu | firefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins | 23:52 |
digitalboy01 | Also thank you guys, EriC^^, bekks | 23:52 |
bekks | digitalboy01: no, there is no such script. | 23:53 |
Bashing-om | digitalboy01: Not that I am aware of .. it pulls from a lot of places .. many of these "placs" I am not aware of . maybe start -> | 23:53 |
Bashing-om | !grub2 | digitalboy01 | 23:54 |
digitalboy01 | I'm trying to reinstall GRUB2 (MBR) to a disk that has the MBR wiped by the Windows PE bootloader | 23:54 |
ubottu | digitalboy01: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 23:54 |
EriC^^ | digitalboy01: why do you want the command ubiquity uses? | 23:54 |
digitalboy01 | Bashing-om That should fit! | 23:54 |
digitalboy01 | Thank you! | 23:54 |
slacko_25105 | Does anyone know a way I can burn this ubuntu iso from within Puppy Linux? | 23:55 |
slacko_25105 | Puppy linux is a piece of shit. | 23:55 |
genii | digitalboy01: You can apt-get download ubiquity, ar -x <debfilename> , then mkdir data, tar -xvf data.tar.xz data/ then examine the scripts in data/usr/share/grub-installer directory | 23:55 |
Bashing-om | dig ;) glad to help . | 23:55 |
digitalboy01 | EriC^^ To approach the nearest possible to the "standard" Ubuntu way of installing the bootloader | 23:56 |
digitalboy01 | genii Thank you! | 23:56 |
EriC^^ | slacko_25105: you can use dd | 23:56 |
digitalboy01 | Sorry for my bad english btw.. | 23:56 |
genii | digitalboy01: Not sure it will help you much, but that's the stuff ubiquity does when it installs | 23:57 |
Seveas | Guest25371: your hardware vendor's documentation will tell you how to create raid arrays. Ubuntu will just recognize them and install. | 23:57 |
Seveas | genii: or you can open the .deb with file-roller :) | 23:58 |
genii | Seveas: Ssshhh! :) | 23:58 |
=== shawniverson is now known as Guest98611 | ||
digitalboy01 | genii The link that you posted uses Ubuntu 11.10 and 11.04 as examples, do you think that the guide is still valid for current versions of Ubuntu? | 23:59 |
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