
* Sebastien hugs rww00:53
bazhangmy usb running main/d/dkms then /mains/restricted/b/bcmwl09:42
bazhangis that a possible command?09:42
ikoniaI don't understand why he's plugging in a usb wifi dongle, when the mac he's installing it on has wifi built in09:43
bazhangtethering without the required jailbreak09:45
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts09:54
valorieone might even say wonky10:03
DJonesIs www.ubottu.com working for you? I'm getting webpage not available10:04
ikoniathe bot is working10:04
DJonesYeah, I can see the bot working, just web page seems awol10:04
DJonesAh works if I use https10:05
DJones !tahr is aliased to !trust, rather than !trusty10:06
ubottuBut tahr already means something else!10:06
ubottubaizon called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:46
Picibot: okay13:51
Unit193DJones: Don't use 'www.' and it's fine.15:02
rww!no, tahr is <alias> trusty16:28
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm16:28
rww!no, tahr is <alias> trusty16:28
rwwi hate that feature16:28
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts16:28
rww!no, tahr is <alias> trusty16:28
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm16:28
rww!no, tahr is <alias> trusty16:28
rww!no, tahr is <alias> trusty16:28
rww!no, tahr is <alias> trusty16:28
rww!no, tahr is <alias> trusty16:28
ubottutahr is <alias> trust - added by Pici on 2013-10-18 19:43:39 - last edited by rww on 2016-01-06 16:28:3516:28
rwwPici: halp16:28
rwwnvm i remembered, gotta do it in PM because lol broken bot16:29
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes16:29
rww16:29:46 < ubottu> | You've given me 10 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 2 minutes.16:30
rwwlol ilu2 ubottu16:30
Unit193I did it.16:30
rww16:29:44 < ubottu> | tahr is <alias> trusty - added by Pici on 2013-10-18 19:43:39 - last edited by rww on 2016-01-06 16:29:3616:30
Unit193Awwh, it seemed to take!16:30
Unit193[11:29:36] <ubottu> I'll remember that Unit19316:30
ubottutahr is <alias> trusty - added by Pici on 2013-10-18 19:43:39 - last edited by rww on 2016-01-06 16:29:3616:31
rwwwell too bad, i won :P16:31
ubottunicomachus called the ops in #ubuntu (vroomvrooom)19:57
genii@comment 70717 Continued profanity and abusive behaviour after warnings20:11
ubottuComment added.20:11
genii@comment 70718 Ban evading of 7071720:12
ubottuComment added.20:12
genii@comment 70719 Continued ban evading of 7071720:12
ubottuComment added.20:12
genii@comment 70720 Continued ban evading of 70717, 70718, 70718, 7071920:13
ubottuComment added. 70720 will be removed after 19 hours and 38 minutes.20:13
* genii blinks20:13
geniiIs it supposed to do that?20:14
Pici70K seconds is around 19 hours20:15
geniiThats really weird20:15
PiciI think it got confused.20:15
vroomvroomvroomyou banned me because i called you out on your trolling20:17
vroomvroomvroomthat's cute20:17
elkythat is an interesting interpretation of today's events.20:19
vroomvroomvroomyou still continue trolling20:20
vroomvroomvroomi hope it works out for you20:20
elkyit usually does.20:20
elkythough, i must point out, i'm not the op that banned you.20:20
elkyso "continue" is not really the case here.20:20
geniiHarassing users, for instance "invalid:are you an invalid?" and putting "/mode +b ekin*@*!*" after being warned to knock it off is more what it's about20:21
vroomvroomvroomwhy would you choose that name unless you're an invalid?20:21
geniiAlso purposeful profanity20:21
vroomvroomvroomyou need to learn the english language i suggest you study a dictionary20:22
geniiThe bans will not be removed anytime soon. Try asking agin in perhaps 3 or 4 days.20:22
vroomvroomvroomi am already in the channel20:23
vroomvroomvroomyou don't think i rejoined? you are stupid if you think that20:23
elkyI also suggest _not_ using the bot to ask about genitalia. #ubuntu doesn't provide sex ed, thankfully.20:23
elkyvroomvroomvroom: if we can't notice you, our job here is done.20:24
vroomvroomvroomelky: you're mad because you're still a virgin20:24
elkyoh i'm pretty certain i'm not a virgin. you could check with my husband if you like though.20:24
elky(she says, thus traumatizing the entire channel)20:25
vroomvroomvroombeing raped by a fat pig doesn't count20:25
elkyi'm not sure you understand at least one of those words.20:26
vroomvroomvroomi'm sure you don't understand the repercussions of bestiality20:27
* Pici yawns20:27
tonyyarussoYeah....that's enough of that.20:28
vroomvroomvroomkicking me won't change the fact you're fucking a pig20:29
tonyyarussoSlow learner.20:29
Unit193I saw the kick on his nick, and my brain added "ride around the room" for some reason...20:30
Jordan_UI'm leaning toward depricating "-d" for update manager and requiring "--devel-release" or possibley --no-I-really-do-want-an-unreleased-unstable-os . People have been improperly recommending the use of -d for the better part of a decade.21:44
ikoniaJordan_U: yes !21:44
Myrttioh, do you remember back when Automatix was the sliced bread?21:46
Myrttifeel old yet?21:46
Jordan_UMyrtti: How dare you? I had those memories successfully repressed!21:48
MyrttiI remember back in the day when there wasn't automatix and people just pasted instructions from a website21:50
* Pici thinks about Ubuntu Ultimate21:50
geniiI vaguely recall something called envy or envy-ng21:54
Jordan_Ugenii: I think that was actually somewhat decent.21:55
geniiJordan_U: Heh, I was going to quiet them for a little while22:28
ubottustevendale called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()22:29
geniiI'm just not understanding why this guy requires an install without /home22:59
tonyyarussoWait, what?  Without /home *existing*?23:08
* tonyyarusso goes to read23:08
tonyyarussoTo be fair, /home is specified as "optional" by the FHS.23:10
tonyyarussoaww, he left23:12
geniiReally weird, at any rate23:19

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