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dholbach | good morning | 08:20 |
zzarr | hello! and happy new year | 08:52 |
zzarr | I have upgraded qt-creator under Ubuntu 15.10 with following ppa https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/backup-qt551?field.series_filter=wily | 08:53 |
zzarr | but now there's no Ubuntu on the left in Tools -> Options | 08:54 |
zzarr | it seams to be the qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu package that's missing | 08:57 |
zzarr | I'm running a dist-upgrade, hope this solves the problem | 08:58 |
mcphail | zzarr: that isn't the standard Ubuntu dev PPA, is it? I suspect fixing things is going to take more than a dist-upgrade... | 09:14 |
zzarr | mcphail, I think you're right, I have run a ppa-purge now | 09:16 |
zzarr | I found the link to it from this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/QtTesting | 09:18 |
zzarr | when I run a dist-upgrade with the PPA I linked to, it requests to remove following liboxideqt-qmlplugin libqt53d5 qt3d5-dev qt3d5-examples qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras-browser-plugin | 09:26 |
zzarr | qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin ubuntu-html5-container ubuntu-html5-theme-examples ubuntu-html5-ui-toolkit-examples ubuntu-sdk | 09:26 |
zzarr | ubuntu-sdk-libs ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev webapp-container webbrowser-app | 09:26 |
mcphail | zzarr: You are going down a rabbit hole but mixing PPAs. Individual PPAs are often a bad idea. Multiple PPAs are a nightmare. | 09:28 |
zzarr | I need the 5.5.1 framework, is there a way to upgrade it without tempering with ubuntu-sdk? | 09:28 |
mcphail | *by | 09:28 |
zzarr | okey | 09:29 |
mcphail | zzarr: the package manager isn't going to help you with this. You can manually install a different version of Qt to another path, and set PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc appropriately when you want to use it. But that is a lot of work and you'd be on your own | 09:31 |
zzarr | mcphail, okey, but I don't have a choice | 09:33 |
zzarr | I have tried compiling qt 5.5.1 for armhf without any success for some time (once it worked, but there was a alinking error) | 09:36 |
zzarr | mcphail, there isn't a way to install a ppa side by side? | 10:00 |
zzarr | like a chroot or something? | 10:01 |
mcphail | zzarr: not automatically, if they have conflicting packages, no. You can chroot | 10:01 |
mcphail | or virtualise | 10:01 |
mcphail | or containerise | 10:01 |
zzarr | I'll try a chroot | 10:01 |
mcphail | zzarr: DanChapman had a docker setup for the SDK which might help with the kind of thing you are trying to do. Perhaps you could ask him for the link? | 10:02 |
zzarr | I will, thanks | 10:05 |
zzarr | ahh.... it's the guy that made dekko, the mail client, I thought I recognized the name | 10:11 |
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zzarr | hello! | 13:53 |
zzarr | in what package do I find the qml module? | 13:53 |
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momken | appdevs | 14:56 |
kalikiana | zzarr: which qml module? there's dozens of them :-) | 15:05 |
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Randy_O | I'm having an issue uploading an app to myapps on developer.ubuntu.com , it is being rejected with this error: found binaries for architecture 'all', it's a new error, my code hasn't changed much between versions. Any ideas? | 16:27 |
davidcalle | beuno ? Any idea ^ | 16:31 |
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beuno | davidcalle, Randy_O, it should tell you which binaries | 18:19 |
ogra_ | i wonder if there is an issue with click-review-tools ... | 18:25 |
* ogra_ heard people complain more often about the above recently | 18:25 | |
ogra_ | (even for webapps which shouldnt ship any binaries) | 18:25 |
Randy_O | beuno, yes, it's all my translations, it's the only thing that gets compiled, the rest is JS and QML code, but these translatipons arent new, I've had them in the click for a while | 18:45 |
Randy_O | ogra_, everything locally builds just fine, and I can manually install on devices, but the online store trips on this error, so I can't get the app into the store | 18:46 |
beuno | Randy_O, we'll fix that soon, in the mean time | 18:55 |
beuno | you can ask for a manual review and it'll go through | 18:56 |
Randy_O | beuno, thanks, I'll take care of that | 18:59 |
ilhami | hey! | 19:19 |
ilhami | Where can I read about requests from users for Ubuntu Touch apps? | 19:20 |
ilhami | I want to see a list of the apps requested by users | 19:20 |
ilhami | I'd argue that Ubuntu Touch is already better than Windows 10 Mobile. | 19:21 |
ilhami | I regret so much that I bought a Windows Phone. :/ | 19:22 |
JanC | ilhami: https://uappexplorer.com/wishlist | 19:22 |
ilhami | great. | 19:23 |
JanC | it's probably not the only place to find app requests, and it's not official, but it's a start :) | 19:24 |
ilhami | So Firefox does not exist yet? Which browser is the native one in Ubuntu Touch? | 19:24 |
davmor2 | ilhami: webbrowser app which uses oxide which is a chromium/chrome derivative | 19:25 |
JanC | Ubuntu Web Browser, which is based on Oxyde, which is based on the Chrome/Chromium engine | 19:25 |
ilhami | An app like Firefox has to be written by Firefox devs, no? | 19:25 |
JanC | :) | 19:25 |
ilhami | or am I mistaken? | 19:25 |
ilhami | How well does it run? Is it smooth? Edge is pretty crappy on Windows Phone at least. | 19:26 |
JanC | ilhami: you could try to port Firefox Mobile yourself, but I think it would be a lot of work | 19:27 |
davmor2 | ilhami: If you have ubuntu on the desktop there is a version on there not sure if it is as up-to-date as the one on the phone but it mostly works fine | 19:27 |
JanC | the main problem with the browser is lack of memory in a phone really | 19:27 |
ilhami | davmor2, pretty cool. :) | 19:27 |
JanC | so don't open too many tabs :P | 19:28 |
ilhami | so I want to know what is the next Ubuntu phone? Does anybody know? any plans? Any plans about improving the hardware? | 19:28 |
JanC | oh, and the browser has no adblocker, which makes many sites almost unusable | 19:29 |
ilhami | ouch. | 19:29 |
ilhami | The Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition looks like the best Ubuntu phone hardware-wise, right? | 19:30 |
davmor2 | there is no flash player so that blocks most stuff :) | 19:30 |
JanC | you just get full-screen html+image+javascript+MPEG4 ads then | 19:31 |
ilhami | Adblocker is high on the list then.. | 19:32 |
JanC | and they still track you, of course | 19:32 |
ilhami | would be cool with a dropbox client as well. | 19:32 |
JanC | https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.bobo1993324.udropcabin ? | 19:33 |
ilhami | oh ok.. https://uappexplorer.com/wishlist?page=1 it is here on page 2 | 19:34 |
ilhami | that's why I thought it hadn't been developed. | 19:34 |
JanC | (I don't use dropbox so not sure it works) | 19:34 |
JanC | but it has good reviews, it seems | 19:34 |
ilhami | yeah | 19:35 |
JanC | ilhami: maybe they want an official app, or a more featureful one | 19:35 |
ilhami | could be. | 19:36 |
ilhami | so basically apps can be written in 3 languages, JS, Go and C++ ? | 19:38 |
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davmor2 | JanC: ilhami it works really well, it's just not an official app which is what I think people were asking for | 19:41 |
ilhami | I see. | 19:42 |
ilhami | Is Ubuntu Touch stable yet? | 20:07 |
ilhami | or still in alpha/beta? | 20:08 |
davmor2 | ilhami: depends what you mean by stable, it crashes very little, it makes calls and texts, telegram is good, internet works, send and receive emails, is it perfect no, can it be used daily depends how you use your phone | 20:13 |
davmor2 | ilhami: it's been stable since we had products shipping with it, it has also improved greatly over that time too | 20:15 |
ilhami | can you elaborate on "how you use your phone" ? | 20:15 |
ilhami | sounds promising. | 20:15 |
davmor2 | ilhami: the biggest limiting factor is if there are apps available that you use on other plaforms that are not available on ubuntu that can hinder you daily usage more than the phone having issues | 20:17 |
ilhami | how often does it get updates? every month? every week? | 20:17 |
ilhami | you have a log over updates somewhere? | 20:17 |
davmor2 | roughly every 6 weeks | 20:18 |
ilhami | I can live without most of those apps. :) | 20:18 |
ilhami | but of course there is a lot of work ahead of Ubuntu devs. :) but I think we can succeed | 20:19 |
ilhami | what is your goal? how much market share do you aim for? | 20:19 |
ilhami | 5%? 10%? | 20:19 |
davmor2 | ilhami: we have no number goals currently, our biggest aim is to keep the return to manufacturer to a minimum | 20:22 |
davmor2 | ilhami: our goal is to just build up slowly and improve with each release | 20:23 |
* balloons may have broken jenkins for core apps | 20:26 | |
* balloons whistles quietly | 20:26 | |
ilhami | davmor2, well I hope you succeed. | 20:28 |
ilhami | my next phone will hopefully be a Ubuntu Phone.. :) I also want to be able to test my apps hehe.. | 20:29 |
ilhami | hahaha dude | 20:30 |
ilhami | :D why did you do that? | 20:30 |
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