
OerHeksphone, plug in phone, Dylan___  56k600:23
EriC^^hi pauljw , fine thanks, yourself?00:38
daftykinsOerHeks: did dylan seriously plug a phone cable into his LAN port? i have him on ignore so couldn't see :>00:43
OerHeksHe seems not to understand it, yes.00:44
OerHeksbut he got connected, but no network and such00:44
OerHeksuncertain what is he making up now00:45
pauljwdoing fine EriC^^ :)00:45
Ben64i couldn't get an answer out of him00:52
Ben64at first he said it "didn't fit"00:53
Ben64but then he said that ubuntu didn't say it was connected00:53
Ben64so... who knows00:53
pauljwwell, time to call it a night.  see ya all tomorrow.01:06
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:17
* nicomachus checks clock06:21
nicomachusyes, good morning I suppose. ha06:21
nicomachusbeen trying to track down a .css file that's making my system menu fonts the same color as the system menu background. :/06:23
nicomachusHmmm... the only place the hex code for that color appears is in /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/totem/style.css, and I don't think that's it.06:46
rwwso, heads up08:30
rwwat the same time as r0x had Ubuntu wifi issues:08:30
rww08:23 --> r0x (~r0x@ has joined ##windows08:30
rww08:23 < r0x> Hi08:30
rww08:24 < r0x> I had a big problem with windows 1008:30
rww08:24 < r0x> the start button doesn't work anymore08:30
rwwnothing definite, but it's odd08:30
lotuspsychjerww: crosspost suspect?08:30
rwwhelp vampire suspect08:30
lotuspsychjenice job on the !mac renew trigger08:41
lordievaderGood morning.10:21
=== popey_ is now known as popey
BluesKajHiyas all12:58
nicomachusfinally fixed my panel menu colors! \o/15:45
Bashing-omAway from keyboard for an hour and a bit . Be back soonest . :)18:00
=== tgm4883_ is now known as tgm4883
* slidinghorn is just now learning the joys of reading the #u-ops log21:18
lotuspsychjethat channel is publicly logged also?21:19
lotuspsychjetnx for the tip :p21:19
lotuspsychjelets c what all the angry ones discuss all day :p21:20
ubot5Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/21:20
daftykinswell they have another secret chan for that21:22
* lotuspsychje feels like intruding :p21:22
OerHekslolz, i just read todays log too, ilhami and an3k :-D21:38
slidinghornIs it frowned upon to go into #u with two nicks simultaneously?22:00
nicomachuswhat's with all the +/-j in #ubuntu today?22:00
OerHeksslidinghorn, some do, with 2 machines, but it is unwanted to act like 2 people22:04
slidinghorngotcha...just saw that eks & eks_ enter earlier & wondered what that was about22:05
OerHeksohhh, maybe the user crashed/netsplit, so the 2nd name you can set is used22:07
OerHekssome clients have that option22:08
rwwnicomachus: netsplits23:07
rwwjoin restriction + flood of people joining because of netsplit-related churn = bad23:07
rwwso the bot sets -j on netsplit detect, and then sets +j when it's been over for a while. and in the meantime netsplit resolution sometimes resets +j23:08
nicomachusahhh I see. thanks.23:09
DosTuMaiHmm, good way to control rejoin floods.23:10
slidinghornwhat is _nemesys on about?23:15
rwwthat's not what it's controlling. +j is usually set to stop problematic people from joining a craptonne of clients to the channel for spam purposes. it's unset during netsplits so that legitimate users don't get issues joining23:15
Bashing-omback from power outage .23:27
slidinghornBashing-om: rough weather?23:28
Bashing-omslidinghorn: No, rain is all ... no idea where in the power grid the failure ocurred . I have learned the valie of frequent 'saves' on my working data; so a quick 'fsck' and all looks good , and relogin to internet connections, and restart all applications. Back up and running !23:32

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