
kalon33Thanks for your help, Unit193 , nhandler , hggdh :)00:00
=== popey_ is now known as popey
EmerlingHi,I lost my cloack Ubuntu Member, my laucnhpad is:  https://launchpad.net/~emerling16:38
rwwPici: ^ LP checks out16:39
PiciEmerling: looks good to me. Let me wrangle a taffer and get it reapplied.16:41
Piciwow, I mangled that sentence.16:42
EmerlingPici,  thanks, yes I want to thank effectively reapply16:42
PiciEmerling: poof16:42
Emerlingsorry, my English is bad16:44
PiciEmerling: well, you are cloaked, so enjoy :)16:46
Emerling:) thanks16:48
mariogripHi, i was wondering if I could get a cloak? https://launchpad.net/~mariogrip21:11
Unit193Pici, hggdh, Tm_Tr: ↑ Everything looks up to par.21:11
* Pici looks21:12
Picimariogrip: poking a staffer now, congrats on membership :)21:14
mariogripPici: Thanks! :)21:14
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne

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