
greybacktsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/qtmir/unlikelyResetStartTime/+merge/280569 is not merging into trunk, deliberate?11:41
tsdgeosgreyback: nah i messed up merge into with prerequisite i guess11:41
tsdgeosgreyback: give me a min to fix it11:42
tsdgeosgreyback: done11:43
greybackdandrader: hey, I've a few old reviews I need you to quickly look at again, can I add to your todo list:11:50
dandradergreyback, ok11:51
greybackand this one needs another go-over: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/dpr/+merge/25751411:51
greybackI'm in review mode today too11:51
Saviqgreyback, got people looking at the DPR silo yet? mzanetti maybe you could spend some time with it?12:18
greybackSaviq: at the silo, no.12:19
mzanettikk, can give it a test12:19
greybackhttps://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/776 <- docs in desc12:19
greybackmzanetti: ^12:19
mzanettiack, ta12:22
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Saviq@unity, btw, you can already access https://unity8-jenkins.ubuntu.com/ and see what's happening there if you like13:13
mzanettidandrader, hey, I just came by this https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1517133 and then there is: https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/unity8/mouse_touchpad_schema/+merge/28164313:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1517133 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[regression] Mouse speed in Unity8 is much lower than elsewhere (to the point of useless)" [High,Incomplete]13:17
mzanettidandrader, what is the plan for mouse speed settings?13:18
mzanettishould unity8 read them from config and tell values to Mir?13:18
dandradermzanetti, afaik, no plan yet. that sounds ok to me. wonder if libinput has its own config file or something13:20
mzanettidandrader, well, we need more than just speed and accel. ken's branch also prepares things like changing button order for left-handers etc13:20
mzanettiso unless libinput can do all that stuff on its own, I guess we want dconf & unity8 to handle it. if libinput can, we might want to talk to ken so the settings app controls that?13:21
dandradermzanetti, also maybe mir wants to hide libinput as an implementation detail13:22
dandradermzanetti, so mir users should be oblivious to it13:22
mzanettiyes, fair point13:22
mzanettikk, thanks13:23
mzanettilets go with unity8 controlling things then13:23
dandradermzanetti, don't even know if mir already exposes a way for use to tweak those things13:23
dandraderanpok_, ^^13:23
dandraders/for use/for us13:24
greybackdandrader: there is, see include/server/mir/input/device.h13:42
ltinklmzanetti, dandrader: there is and libinput has an API to control this: http://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/group__config.html13:45
ltinkleven the left/right handedness stuff etc13:46
greybackltinkl: libinput isn't exposed through mir though, it's internal only - instead mir has apis which we can use (hopefully all we need)13:46
ltinklmzanetti, so maybe system settings should set this directly?13:46
ltinklgreyback, yeah, that's what I meant13:46
greybackah ok13:47
ltinklbut I don't see the need for unity8 to control these things (if we don't have any config UI)13:47
ltinklsystem settings has13:47
ltinklor will have13:47
greybackltinkl: ordinary apps can't use libinput to configure stuff tho (unless they're root), it has to be via mir then13:47
greybackunless I'm very mistaken ofc13:48
* greyback a bit wobbly on this tbh13:48
ltinklgreyback, yup, so am I correct in thinking system settings should drive this via Mir?13:48
greybackltinkl: yes13:48
greybackwe'll need to create a quick dbus api in unity8 which uses these Mir apis13:48
seb128ltinkl, system settings is the wrong place imho13:49
seb128it's not a service13:49
seb128it's not going to be active on boot/login13:49
seb128something needs to read the config and apply it on session start13:49
ltinklright, so we need that DBUS bridge13:49
seb128something should be unity8 imho13:49
seb128or we needs a settings daemon...13:49
ltinklseb128, ye what gerry wrote, a DBUS service13:49
seb128a service, I don't care much if it's a dbus one13:50
ltinklwhich gets started together with u8 and reads/applies those settings13:50
seb128or a systemd unit or whatever13:50
greybackdbus handy as quick, and appArmor can manage permissions13:50
greyback(quick to implement with Qt that is)13:50
ltinklgreyback, yeah and there might come a moment when we actually use the stuff to read some config from within the shell :)13:51
greybackltinkl: whoa, let's not get too optimistic! :D13:52
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Saviqltinkl, greyback, seb128, won't we need a keyboard indicator at some point anyway, shouldn't that be who drives it?14:08
seb128Saviq, the way it currently works on unity7 is that the indicator changes the gsettings config and the settings daemon watch the config and apply it to the server14:09
seb128but I guess the indicators could to that themselve14:10
seb128I don't have a strong preference either way14:10
greybackSaviq: I think it's pointless to make a real keyboard indicator. All the relevant state for keymap is in unity8 anyway. We'd just be export that state to separate indicator process, for it to send that state back14:10
Saviqgreyback, right, in that sense we could inject a dummy indicator we, in fact, own14:11
Saviqthe UI for it, I mean14:11
Saviqwhich roughly coincides with what Wellark_ wants us to talk about for indicators, where they would supply us with QML instead of us interpreting the ever-growing GMenuModel approach14:12
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mzanettigreyback, testing the dpr silo. when disabled, I couldn't spot any issues. when enabled, I can confirm your finding. not exactly sure why the terminal would behave like that15:04
mzanettiif I change font size in the terminal settings to make it look normal, things get quite blurry15:04
mzanettiI like how the scrolling speed is fixed15:06
Saviqmzanetti, terminal likely deals in real pixels, and gets scaled up, similar to canvas15:10
mzanettiI wonder if we shouldn't fix the shell rotation animation at least15:10
mzanettigiven that's in our hands15:10
mzanettibut apart from that, I guess we should land it, and we should push for fixes for the rest15:11
greybackmzanetti: that's my strategy15:11
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greybackmzanetti: I found another issue that occasionally locks up the shell at DPR2 (indicator image scaling x2 for infinity), so until I've that fixed, we're leaving it disabled15:12
mzanettigreyback, ah, the Icon in the indicator is still an issue?15:15
mzanettigreyback, the Icon is a bit broken anyways, it frequently prints binding loops about implicitHeight without DPR too15:16
greybackmzanetti: yep15:16
mzanettigreyback, I've update th issues description15:17
mzanettie.g. UbuntuShape is fine, but ProportionalShape isn't15:17
mzanettiall ActitivyIndicators are too big15:17
mzanettibut I've ran the test plan with DPR=1, couldn't spot an issue there15:18
ltinklSaviq, I did a (successful) indicator injection in my desktopBrightness branch (brightness slider)15:20
anpok_i will be back next week..15:20
anpok_usc in 0.18 has a DBUS API to confgure input devices.. the interface is com.canonical.Unity.Input..15:21
anpok_it coves everything u-s-s exposes in the gsettings schema..15:21
anpok_for 0.19 or 0.20 I will add a mir client API so nested servers and clients can change the input settings too .. additionally they will be able to notice which devices are plugged unplugged ...15:22
anpok_dandrader, mzanetti, greybac ^15:23
mzanettianpok_, I think the speed config stuff is gaining priority now... but lets talk next week when you're back15:24
ltinklanpok_, I guess it doesn't cover (yet) the new stuff proposed in https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/unity8/mouse_touchpad_schema/+merge/281643 ?15:24
anpok_ltinkl: it does .. double click times are a toolkit thing15:30
anpok_the other ones should map directly15:30
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