
josemarcoceppi: is there anyone who's got op access to this channel to fix ^?01:18
marcoceppijose: fix what?01:19
josemarcoceppi: there's someone who's joining and parting massively due to ping timeouts, been like that for almost a week now01:19
marcoceppiapuimedo, you mean? What would you like me to do about it?01:19
joseyep, /mode +b$##fix_your_connection01:20
marcoceppijose: I'm not a channel operator, I'll find out who01:22
josesays niemeyer but there's probably someone else01:22
niemeyerjose, marcoceppi: have you tried talking to him?01:24
joseniemeyer: he won't get messages, he's pinging timeout just after he connects01:25
lazyPowerI speak to apuimedo_  bi-weekly give or take. probably a bouncer issue01:25
niemeyerLet's try that first..01:27
lazyPowerniemeyer: i've got a reminder set, i'll reacho ut in the AM01:27
lazyPowerEU hours01:27
niemeyerlazyPower: Thanks!01:27
lazyPowercargonza - so your messages aren't coming through?01:31
lazyPowermbruzek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/153206302:49
mupBug #1532063: Unit seems unable to proceed after watcher died in the middle of hook execution <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532063>02:49
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philip_stoevHi, I wanted to ask if there is a trick that would serialize the execution of the hooks so that they run sequentially across the entire environment, rather than just within a machine?09:54
philip_stoevIn other words, only one hook is running at any given time within the environment09:55
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tiagogomes_Hello! Is it possible to use JuJu with multiple providers? Or use Juju on an OpenStack installation with multiple regions?12:02
stubtiagogomes_: I don't know about multiple regions. But for multiple providers, you currently need choose one and add vms from the user provider manually (using 'juju add-machine ssh:... ')12:31
stubtiagogomes_: It works, but you need to handle networking stuff yourself. I use it for hybrid OpenStack/MAAS deployments.12:31
tiagogomes_stub cool, and does the JuJu GUI support multiple environments as well?13:27
tiagogomes_looks like no :(13:32
coreycbjamespage, gnuoy:  can one of you review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/charm-helpers/git-1531612/+merge/28199413:39
gnuoycoreycb, ack, I can take a look13:41
coreycbgnuoy, thanks13:41
lazyPowertiagogomes_ the gui will support multiple environments (the term will change to models soon) ~ when juju 2.0 lands14:25
lazyPowertiagogomes_: we debut'd this feature at the last ODS, the videos are still floating around on youtube :)14:25
tiagogomes_lazyPower nice! is there an expected release date?14:27
lazyPowertiagogomes_ dont quote me on this but i think its in march14:29
lazyPowerits coming soon, but i forget the dates. a hair preoccupied with the work leading up to that launch :)14:30
tiagogomes_lazyPower thanks!14:31
rick_h_tiagogomes_: lazyPower the GUI will be out this month14:41
rick_h_tiagogomes_: lazyPower but the multi-models support in Juju is 2.0 in 16.04 in april (testable in alphas currently)14:41
lazyPowero/ d4rks1d314:41
lazyPowerrick_h_ fan-tastic!14:41
lazyPowerrick_h_ correct me if i'm wrong, but hte new gui is currently bet-able as well right?14:42
rick_h_lazyPower: yes14:42
rick_h_lazyPower: there's a charm in the store to test14:42
lazyPowerwhen i'm not buried in TLS libraries, i'm soooo on board14:42
rick_h_search the juju mailing list for title "Juju GUI 2.0 - public beta"14:43
rick_h_with various insturctions on getting/testing/filing bugs and such14:43
lazyPowerflagged, and earmarked14:45
lazyPowerthanks rick14:45
rick_h_lazyPower: np14:45
coreycbgnuoy, I have another little follow-on mp for charm-helpers if you could take a look: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/charm-helpers/depth-clone-only/+merge/28201615:13
coreycbgnuoy, it's a corner case so I don't think we need to pick it up in the openstack charms until the next larger sync15:14
Odd_BlokelazyPower: Forgive my ignorance, but where can I find the test code that produced the failure in https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/ubuntu-repository-cache/+bug/1526928 ?16:37
mupBug #1526928: Test fails due to peer having rsync cron job <ubuntu-repository-cache (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1526928>16:37
Odd_BlokelazyPower: Oh, it's in the charm.  *hangs head*16:37
lazyPowerOdd_Bloke <#16:37
lazyPowerand <3 as well16:37
natefinchrogpeppe: first off, lemme say, holy crap, charm upload is awesome. First time I tried it I thought something was broke because it worked so fast and flawlessly.18:24
natefinchrogpeppe: however, I can't actually deploy the charm... I keep getting "resolved charm URL has no series"18:26
pmatulistrying to test 1.26-alpha3 with LXD. anyone know what's going on here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14440220/19:30
marcoceppipmatulis: you're not on wily or xenial, probably trusty20:29
marcoceppipmatulis: it does not work on trusty20:29
marcoceppiunless you do a whole lot of hacks20:29
kwmonroeis personal namespace ingestion working? ~ibm-charmers had a few revs to ibm-db2/README.md in the last 3 weeks.. none of them are showing on https://jujucharms.com/u/ibmcharmers/ibm-db2/trusty/20:40
kwmonroecharm proof shows 5 info issues, but no W or E.20:42
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aisraelkwmonroe: I'm wrapping up a review of that charm now. I didn't think it was promulgated?21:06
aisraelOh, just in their namespace21:06
lazyPowerkwmonroe: this is the second report of an issue w/ ingestion. :( we had one yesterday from natefinch about his charm, but it had proof errors21:06
lazyPowerprobs should file an ingestion bug so they take a look21:07
natefinchlazyPower: btw, my charm proof blows up with an exception (dumping a stack trace to the command line no less... bad form).  How do I update it?  I presume I have some ancient version21:13
lazyPowernatefinch: the charm-tools package has that21:14
natefinchhmm... say it's already at the newest version21:14
natefinchlazyPower: thoughts? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14440929/21:15
lazyPowernatefinch can i get a bug filed for that? https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues21:16
lazyPowerbecause i have no idea why pyopenssl is barfing :(21:16
natefinchwill do21:17
lazyPowernatefinch looks like you need to update requests though21:18
natefinchlol... exception uninstalling the old requests21:19
natefinchoh, permission denied.... someone couldn't have put in a catch for that? geez21:20
natefinchoh man, charm proof is way too strict, geez21:23
natefinchE: Unknown root metadata field (series)21:23
lazyPowernatefinch: thats a relatively new thing21:23
natefinchthe check isn't, though21:23
natefinchwho cares if I put unknown stuff in the root of the yaml?21:24
lazyPowerobviously proof does21:24
natefinchsure, make it a warning... but don't prevent me from putting it in the charm store under my own namespace :/21:24
lazyPowerI disagree21:24
lazyPowerit should prevent you from putting garbage in the metadata21:24
lazyPowerbut the lack of ingestion was a bummer, sure21:25
natefinchif it deploys to juju, it should be able to exist in the store21:25
natefinchperhaps not promulgated, but geez, in my own namespace?21:25
lazyPowernatefinch: juju doesn't validate policy though21:25
lazyPowerproof is our only line of automatically enforcing policy21:25
lazyPowerwhen charm2 lands, and you can just upload your charm - this issue goes away21:26
lazyPowerand it will only be enforceable on ~recommended21:26
natefinchwhich makes me happy :)21:26
lazyPowerjust a friendly reminder, that whats frustrating you, is a source of frustration for the ~charmer team as well :)   Imagine the correspondences we have when proof just lets things go and we nack a review on many many items that proof could, and should, be catching.21:27
natefinchlazyPower: btw, thanks for the tip, updating requests fixed charm proof (perhaps this was obvious by my complaining about charm proof ;)21:37
lazyPowernp :)21:37
lazyPowergoogle-fu ftw21:38
kwmonroelazyPower: ingestion issue filed - you reckon this is the best place? https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com/issues/18921:45
lazyPowerkwmonroe yep, thats where we were directed to file any store related bugs21:45
kwmonroeand while i'm grumping around, *my* charm hasn't ingested either :/  (but it's only been a few hours)21:46
lazyPowerkwmonroe: rattle cages! shake trees!21:46
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pmatulismarcoceppi: does not work on trusty? oh wow ok22:13
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