
wgrantxnox: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/primary-xenial-s390x-release.html00:20
wgrant(shows a package only if it has an FTBFS in release, but will also show proposed for the package if it exists)00:25
wgrantcjwatson: What is conceptually odd about https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/ppa-admins-private/+merge/281647?00:27
cjwatsonwgrant: just the way I had to use launchpad.Moderate as a spare permission00:28
cjwatsonwait, that was a different MP00:29
cjwatsonwgrant: ok, I think I just meant that setting privacy is not quite what I'd originally envisioned PPA admins as doing00:29
cjwatsonbut it seems acceptable00:29
wgrantThe original idea of ppa-self-admins was that they have commercial-admin privs but only over PPAs they own, so it makes sense to me.00:30
wgrantI don't know how I missed the breakage.00:30
cjwatsonI probably just didn't understand it quite well enough.00:31
wgrantcjwatson: Does my comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/reject-not-accepted/+merge/281435 satisfy you?00:31
cjwatsonwgrant: Yes - commented00:37
wgrantYeah, the test is weird.00:38
wgrantwas, rather.00:38
cjwatsonThanks for the db-git-recipe review, will look tomorrow.  I have the corresponding code branch nearly done.00:38
wgrant"We rely on it to not store, so let's test that it is stored"00:38
cjwatsonJust need to do matrix branch/gitrepository testing for the existing sourcepackagerecipe tests00:39
cjwatsonAnd split it up into reviewable-sized pieces00:39
cjwatson(it's about 1300 lines at the moment)00:40
wgrantNot too bad.00:40
wgrantHow much of git-build-recipe is lifted from bzr-builder, or is it a rewrite?00:40
cjwatsonInitially lifted, with relatively extensive "porting".01:14
cjwatsonIf you look at the structure it's pretty similar, which was because I doubted I'd get it to be compatible otherwise.01:14
cjwatsonJust as well since I only noticed in the last couple of days that LP expects to be able to use bzr-builder to parse recipes directly.01:15
cjwatsonBut I started by copying it and then mangling until it worked, basically.01:15
xnoxwgrant, \o/ thank you09:57

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