
damasceneHi, I'm on Lubuntu 14.04, I started it in virtual machine but it does not accept my keyboard input.07:42
lotuspsychjedamascene: you mean 16.04?07:42
lotuspsychjedamascene: what happens exactly?07:43
damasceneit does not take keyboard input07:43
lotuspsychjedamascene: you mean cant type nothing?07:43
lotuspsychjedamascene: maybe its a virtualbox issue?07:44
lotuspsychjedamascene: could ask in #vbox perhaps07:44
damascenemaybe, is there a keyboard package with Lubuntu?07:44
lotuspsychjedamascene: was you able to install lubuntu on virtualbox? or still stuck on setup?07:45
damasceneI'm on the live cd07:45
lotuspsychjedamascene: and you got to the desktop?07:45
lotuspsychjedamascene: so keyboard worked at liveusb try/install hmm weird07:46
lotuspsychjedamascene: can you move the mouse?07:47
damasceneyes, I was able to chose start without installing. And yes I can use the mouse07:47
lotuspsychjedamascene: can you look into your settings, to add a keyboard or language in lubuntu?07:48
damascenelet me check07:48
lotuspsychjedamascene: maybe also ask #vbox if you did guest additions07:50
damasceneI did nothing yet07:51
damascenethere is Keyboard & mouse but there is nothing about layout settings there07:51
damasceneis there some command to check the keyboard settings from command line?07:52
lotuspsychjedamascene: maybe ask the #lubuntu guys, i didnt use for ages07:52
damasceneok, before that there is galculator when I try to type number and then select it. it disappear07:53
lotuspsychjedamascene: if you cant get straight, add a bug07:53
lotuspsychje!bug | damascene07:54
ubottudamascene: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:54
damascenelotuspsychje, just like this? should not be better if someone confirm it first?07:54
lotuspsychjedamascene: yeah sure, doublecheck everything first07:54
damascenethe keyboard is working after a restart08:32
lordievaderGood morning.08:45
damascenehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/galculator/+bug/1532117 the first bug in 16.0408:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1532117 in galculator (Ubuntu) "Numbers disappear when selected in galculator calculation field" [Undecided,New]08:51
yahnSo there was a pretty large update that landed for the Ubuntu Software Center in Xenial today. Does anyone know if it's still planned to drop it in favour of GNOME Software?12:53
=== uaa is now known as damascene
tgm4883In 16.04, does systemd's journal also output to /var/log/syslog ?16:02
tgm4883cause I'm having a heck of a time trying to get my service logs to only go to journal16:02
lordievaderYou can configure it that way.16:05
tgm4883lordievader: but is it configured that way? I've set it to redirect both standardout and standarderror to journal16:11
tgm4883but I'm still seeing stuff in syslog16:11
lordievaderNo, idea. You can check in /etc/systemd/journal.conf (or something like that)16:12
tgm4883lordievader: nothing special in the config there16:14
tgm4883I'll continue investigating. thanks16:14
lordievaderSo it is most likely not configured to go to the syslog too.16:15
skoe_Hi, I'm trying to investigate an audio problem on Xenial Xerus. For this I want to change and recompile the alsa driver. 1) Am I right here with the question? 2) I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS. It points to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/alsa-daily/+packages - but there is none for Xenial Xerus. Can anybody give me a pointer?21:40

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