
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
dobeyanyone have any ideas as to why intel driver might cause X BadMatch/BadPixmap crashes, but only in Nautilus?05:41
larsugood morning!06:25
pittiGood morning06:46
larsumorgen pitti!06:51
pittihey larsu, how are you?06:52
seb128good morning desktopers06:52
seb128hey larsu pitti06:52
pittibonjour seb128 !06:52
larsupitti: good thanks! How are you?06:52
pittilarsu: gut, danke!06:58
didrocksgood morning07:03
seb128hey didrocks ;-)07:04
larsuhi didrocks!07:04
didrockshey larsu!07:04
didrocksre seb12807:04
seb128dobey, thanks for transitioning software-center to CI landing and merges the ubuntu changes back to the upstream vcs08:33
dobeyseb128: sure. was glad to finally get that done yesterday :)08:35
* seb128 starts wondering if upgrading nautilus was good idea08:45
didrocksseb128: for the icon size or something else?08:46
didrocksI still find the move action to be confusing btw (especially if you move files to a network share)08:47
seb128quite some of the changes feel like regressions08:47
seb128upstream is reverting some of those in 3.20 so they seem to agree08:47
seb128like they dropped the context menu to delete and are restoring it08:47
seb128same for the one to create symlinks08:47
seb128the "in toolbar" copy dialog is less obvious08:48
seb128the icons are too big08:48
seb128the menubar patch is way more work that I was expecting08:48
didrocksthe copy icon is clearly not obvious08:48
seb128like larsu has been on it for almost a month, I think we could have worked on more useful things08:48
seb128they change in trunk to open the popup copy dialog automatically08:48
didrockseven after knowing where it is, I do the action and always have this 0.5s "did I really start copying/moving?"08:48
seb128to workaround a bit the fact that it's not obvious08:49
seb128I'm going to backport that and see how it feels08:49
didrocksyeah, that one (and icon size) are the most obvious issues to me08:49
seb128but yeah, the icons size and the copy UI are the ones that concerns me most atm08:49
didrocksI even didn't notice about the delete removal08:49
didrocksbut I either use del or command line08:50
seb128same here08:50
didrocksso not a good example :)08:50
seb128same for symlinks08:50
seb128I never use those08:50
seb128or at least not in nautilus08:50
didrocksyeah, I wonder if people use this08:50
seb128they are more "tech" work to me08:50
seb128and I use nautilus to manage my datas a bit08:50
seb128like move photos around08:50
seb128or clean up my downloads folder08:51
didrocksyeah, I wonder about the delete in context menu08:51
didrocksI never see "regular users" using the context menu08:51
dobeyi just want my nautilus to not crash arbitrarily08:51
seb128dobey, does it do that in xenial for you?08:51
dobeyseb128: haven't tried xenial. it does in trusty, i think because of intel drivers. i sometimes get BadPixmap crashes in it :(08:52
seb128I'm not aware of that one08:54
willcookemorning desktoppers09:00
willcookeseb128, how did the CC catch up go?  All ok?09:00
dobey         buf = "BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)", '\000' <repeats 15 times>09:01
seb128dobey, :-/09:02
didrocksgood morning willcooke09:02
seb128willcooke, hey, it went very well, thanks09:02
seb128willcooke, didrocks and Laney joined09:02
seb128didrocks gave some updates on the online dash status and the code in09:02
seb128and Laney discussed a bit gnome-software09:02
willcookesuper, thanks seb128, didrocks Laney09:02
willcookeI will go find the logs actually...09:03
seb128otherwise they seemed happy to know that we have active contributors on GNOME and other things and not much frictions09:03
dobeyi don't know where the crash reports are going though :(09:03
didrockshey Laney09:03
Laneyhappy first friday!09:03
dobeyhmm, nautilus package has 1800 open bugs :(09:04
larsuLaney: happy end of first week!09:06
dobeyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1071155 is similar anyway09:06
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1071155 not found09:06
seb128hey Laney, happy friday!09:07
dobeyhrmm, 9 open bugs in nautilus for sig 5 in _XReply()09:07
dobeyand 5 of them have bug heat > 16009:07
dobeyother 4 are at 1009:07
seb128I think the issue is that not many people know how to deal with those bugs09:08
seb128they don't feel like gtk/gnome issues09:08
dobeythey are a bit of a pain to debug, yeah09:08
dobeyreally needs someone who knows X well enough, to poke at them09:09
dobeynot sure who's working on X for us any more though09:10
seb128not many people, that's part of the issue09:11
seb128tjaalton is but I don't think he has enough free slots to look at those09:11
willcookewhat seb128 said09:11
tjaaltondobey: happens only on intel? install the xenial driver, works fine in wily09:14
davmor2willcooke: the phone has a phone icon now when you connect it oh pretty :D09:15
dobeytjaalton: i'm running the wily kernel already. also it works fine on my intel laptop. it only crashes on my workstation09:16
tjaaltondobey: no, intel X driver09:16
tjaaltonor try forcing uxa in xorg.conf09:16
tjaaltonwhat generations are those?09:17
dobeywhen's the wily xorg going to end up in trusty for HWE?09:17
tjaaltononce libdrm is past NEW09:17
dobeyworkstation is haswell09:17
tjaaltonis when the rest is getting pushed09:17
dobeynot sure on the laptop, i think also haswell09:18
dobeymaybe ivybridbge09:18
tjaaltonmy desktop is ivybridge, no issues there09:18
tjaaltonon wily09:18
dobeyi don't recall if it was crashing for me when i had ivybridge in my workstation09:19
willcookedavmor2, nice!!09:19
tjaaltonwhat's the resolution on workstation?09:19
tjaaltonthat could be it09:20
dobeyi had an nvidia card in for a week, and nautilus didn't crash on it09:20
dobeybut had enough other problems with that, that i just returned it09:20
tjaaltonso try forcing uxa, or pull the X driver from xenial09:21
seb128Laney, is there anything keeping gnome-calendar in main? it doesn't seem to be on the current iso yet?09:22
seb128I guess it's on your todolist?09:22
LaneyI seeded it09:24
Laneyso the Task presumably09:24
* Laney runs ./update09:26
Laneyyou can't do that until after the promotion09:27
Laneyso easy to lose it if there is a gap09:27
seb128that's a bit backward09:27
seb128because usually we do the promotion once something tries to pull the binary in09:27
Laneyseed -> component mismatch -> promote -> ./update09:27
seb128but oh well, it's minor09:28
seb128mitya57, hey, thanks for updating nautilus in decembre, you didn't use the packaging vcs though? (there was commit/not released work that you seem to not have included and your version is not in there) or did you just forgot to push?10:02
seb128larsu, I'm working on a nautilus update, how is the menubar change coming? can I give it a test build even if it's not ready it to be proposed? just to see how it's working10:06
larsuseb128: I'm done with the action rewiring and am writing xml right now10:10
larsuyou'll need a gtk patch too10:10
larsulet me open a bug for that one first10:10
seb128is that something upstream is likely to agree on?10:10
seb128or an ubuntu hack?10:10
larsuwell, depends on desrt ;)10:11
Laneyhi desrt!!!10:13
willcookemorning desrt10:13
larsumorning desrt :)10:14
desrtwillcooke: g'morn10:14
desrthihi larsu10:14
desrtand hello didrocks and seb128 :)10:14
seb128hey desrt10:14
didrocksgood morning desrt10:15
larsudesrt: since you're here - care to look at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=760312 ?10:15
ubot5Gnome bug 760312 in .General "gtkapplication: export windows directly as action groups" [Normal,New]10:15
larsuseb128: that's the patch I was talking about ^10:16
seb128bzr bd-do doesn't like lp:~ubuntu-desktop/nautilus/ubuntu it seems10:16
seb128grrrr at python10:16
seb128larsu, thanks10:16
didrocksthe usual :)10:16
desrtlarsu: 'hi' was a subtle way of saying "i hope i get a bug link" :)10:17
larsudesrt: oh. I read it as "hi"10:17
pittihey desrt, how are you? (and where?)10:17
desrtlarsu: and yet i got my bug link =)10:19
larsudesrt: totally unrelated :P10:19
desrtpitti: good morning :D10:19
desrtpitti: i am before coffee, so i have difficulty answering "how are you" :)10:19
desrtand i am in toronto, where it is still very dark indeed10:20
Laneyisn't it 05:20?10:20
desrtthat is correct.10:21
* Laney screams10:21
desrtlarsu: are you sure this patch correctly handles the remoteactiongroup/platform_data stuff?10:21
larsudesrt: why would that have anything to do with it?10:22
desrtbecause GtkApplicationWindow doesn't wire that through, iirc10:22
desrti'll do the review in the bug...10:22
larsuugh, are you sure?10:22
desrtfairly sure, yes.10:23
* desrt hopes that 5am pre-coffee reviewing doesn't come back to bite her10:25
larsudesrt: UNITY!10:26
larsu(thanks for the review)10:26
desrt"needs word" is certainly less dangerous than "accepted-commit_now"10:26
larsudesrt: the gist: I want to export additional actions from inside a subclass of GtkApplicationWindow10:29
desrtamusing story of the day: (due to various online posts drawing equivalences between them) google translate is now confusing "russian federation" with "mordor", "russians" with "occupiers" and "sergey lavrov" with "sad little horse"10:30
desrtlarsu: why can't the subclass simply add the actions like everyone else does?10:30
larsudesrt: that sounds horribly inefficient...10:32
desrtwhat kind of actions are we talking here, and how many?10:32
larsubut I'd rather do that than deal with the platform data mess10:32
larsudesrt: normal amount, nothing fancy10:32
desrtuse action entries?10:33
desrtreimplementing the actiongroup infra is annoying and awkward and you're probably going to get it wrong10:33
desrt(for reasons like platform_data...)10:33
larsudesrt: hm? The actions already exist10:39
larsuin some widget deeper down10:39
larsuI don't like that reimplementing the interface doesn't work10:39
larsuseems like something that totally should work10:40
desrtwe could possibly detect if you also reimplement RemoteActionGroup for yourself...10:41
desrtor we could implement it directly on the window itself, as well10:41
desrtthat almost makes sense, in fact10:41
larsuyeah.... clearly10:41
* larsu shall not shave this yak now though to not make seb128 more impatient ;)10:42
larsudesrt: thanks for catching this anyway10:42
desrtif you want to do the remoteactiongroup impl on the window itself and do a patch for that, i'd be happy to look at it... provided you give a better answer on the "why can't you just use actions" question10:42
desrtbecause i agree that it would be theoretically nicer10:43
desrtsame argument could be made for GApplication itself10:43
larsuwhy didn't you do it this way in the first place i wonder?10:43
desrtit used to be possible to provide your own action group10:44
desrtmaybe still is, although very much deprecated, and for a long time10:44
desrtit was the early days before we figured out what was really a good pattern here10:44
larsuah, right10:44
desrtand before GActionMap existed10:44
andyrockmorning all11:02
willcookehey andyrock11:05
hikikoI have a question11:19
hikikowithout any of my code11:20
hikikothe old shadows update all the time11:20
hikikoit's like a busy loop11:20
hikikodo you know that it was intentional or there's something that marks regions as dirty etc?11:21
hikikoi mean11:21
hikikothat shouldn't happen anyway11:21
andyrocki don't think it's intentional11:21
hikikobut do you know why it happens?11:21
andyrockmaybe it's a workaround for something11:21
andyrockto be honest nope11:22
hikikommm then I have to fix this first, otherwise unity will calculate the shape (and perform convolution) at almost every frame with the new shadows...11:22
hikikoandyrock, Trevinho|OFF ignore :) it was a program I left open that was causing the frequent updates!12:05
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didrockspitti: probably a very stupid question, but how can I trigger an autopkgtests using the test request format?12:19
pittididrocks: ah, ATM you can't, I'm afraid; firewall limits that to snakefruit (or do you have access there?)12:21
didrockspitti: I do have access here, ~ubuntu-archive12:21
pittididrocks: ah12:21
didrocksbut I don't see anything handy in run-autopkgtest --help12:21
pittididrocks: now, I didn't yet expose those in run-autopkgtest12:21
didrocksah, I'm not that crazy :)12:21
pittiamqp-publish -u amqp://autopkgtest-worker:SECRET@ -r  debci-trusty-amd64 -b 'ubuntu-make-master {"test-git": "https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make.git", "ppas": ["ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make-builddeps", "ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make"]}'12:22
pittididrocks: that's what I used for testing back then12:22
pittididrocks: shoudl be straightforward to add it to run-autopkgtest, similar to --ppa12:22
didrocksSECRET will be replaced by the right thing in amqp-publish?12:23
pittididrocks: if you want to have a go at it, please do; otherwise I'll try to do that on Monday12:23
pittididrocks: no, I just edited it out for pasting into public IRC :)12:23
didrockspitti: well, I can have a look, but let me ensure it can runs properly first :)12:23
didrocksok ;)12:23
didrockspitti: also, that I can play with the env variables and such, let's see12:23
didrocksbetween that and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/AutopkgtestInfrastructure#Test_request_format, should be workable :)12:24
pittididrocks: for experiments it would be good if you could skip armhf for now, as that's horribly swamped12:24
pittididrocks: go nuts on x86, they have plenty of capacity12:24
pitti. o O { me is *sooo* happy to be able to say that now, since Tuesday ☺ }12:24
didrockshaha! ok :) I just need one arch anyway for testing this12:25
* didrocks looks fot amqp-publish12:29
didrockspitti: amqp-tools isn't installed on snakefruit, though?12:31
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pittididrocks: no, it's not; I ran that from my adt control instance13:18
pittididrocks: I can run stuff for you if you wwant13:18
didrockspitti: well, it was easier for me to implement the options, I did this :p13:18
didrocksI saw the job running in the web ui, but then, it seems to fail13:19
pittididrocks: ah, just got a worker failure mail13:19
didrocksthe issue is that I can't find the logs back13:19
pittiW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make-builddeps/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/source/Sources  404  Not13:19
pittididrocks: right, sorry; this counts as a "tmpfail", i. e. it thinks that this is a temporary glitch13:19
didrocksyeah, I think if test-git or test-bzr are provided, we shouldn't force a ppa or trigger13:19
pittididrocks: so it retries instead of posting the log13:19
pittididrocks: you don't need a trigger, but you need a PPA13:20
didrocksno, it's a real failure, I don't have anything in the ppa for the current devel serie13:20
pittilet's please not clutter the ubuntu result container for these13:20
didrocksso the archive doesn't exit13:20
pittiah, makes sense13:20
didrockshum, should I do a dummy upload in the ppa then?13:20
pittididrocks: usual workaround is to copy (or upload) a package into it and delete it again13:21
pittididrocks: upload, or copy-package with binaries13:21
didrockscan do this13:21
didrocksanyway, I tried on trusty then13:21
didrockswith the ppas13:21
didrocksand same, seems to have failed quite quickly13:21
didrocks(the 2 archives exists here)13:21
didrocksbut I don't see anything in the ui13:21
pittiadt-run [13:19:34]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ apt-source ubuntu-make-master13:21
pittiE: Unable to find a source package for ubuntu-make-master13:21
didrocksmaking sense :)13:22
pittithis looks like this didn't get the git argument13:22
didrocksbut the doc says it won't try to use the "pkg" as a "pkg"13:22
* didrocks check for typos13:22
* pitti looks at the full log13:22
pittiReceived request for package ubuntu-make-master on trusty/amd64; params: {u'ppas': [u'ubuntu-d13:24
pittiesktop/ubuntu-make-builddeps', u'ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make'], u'test_git': u'https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make.git'}13:24
pittididrocks: s/test_git/test-git/13:24
pittidid I typo that on the wiki?13:24
didrocksI guess you did13:24
pittino, it's ok there13:25
didrocksI can't read13:25
didrocksindeed, I reopened the page and it's there13:25
pittiwell, to be fair these pretty well look the same :)13:25
* pitti hugs didrocks13:25
* didrocks hugs pitti back13:26
didrocksok, so running on trusty13:26
didrockslet's see13:26
pittididrocks: I killed all adt-runs for u-make for now, to break the infinite retry loop13:27
pittiseems for this kind of operation this needs to become more clever13:27
didrocksurgh, sorry for the retry loop on this then :)13:30
didrocksdid you kill last one?13:30
* didrocks looks13:30
didrocksno, so looking at http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml#pkg-ubuntu-make-master :)13:30
pittididrocks: no need to be sorry; it's  my ongoing quest for minimizing human activity in a system where everything can (and does) fail all the time13:31
pittididrocks: killed that too13:31
didrockspitti: oh?13:31
didrocksthat one wasn't with the correct parameters?13:31
didrocks(my last retry after the fix)13:31
pittididrocks: oh sorry, I thought you said "this one is also old"13:32
pittididrocks: as it already ran for 11 mins13:32
didrockspitti: well, it's installing ubuntu-desktop! :p13:32
* didrocks reruns13:32
pittiok, running again13:32
didrockspitti: so, then, I should see it stored in http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/, right?13:33
didrocks(after the first run)13:33
pittihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/14437805/ .. totally trivial command line, eh!13:33
pittididrocks: no, there's no web UI frontend for PPAs right now13:33
didrockspitti: ahah, and that's without the --env parameter still! :p13:34
pittididrocks: if you run it against the ubuntu archive, it'll appear there, but not for PPAs; so far we haven't needed one,  but we could set up something13:34
pittididrocks: no problem -- just start another one with env and let them run in parallel13:34
didrockspitti: oh right, the *cloud*13:34
* didrocks tries13:34
didrocksthis one should only run a pep8 test13:35
pittididrocks: it's fine if you run 10 in parallel occasionally; if you need much more, and it starts blocking things, we need to ask for moar powah13:35
didrocksindeed, it will still takes time though until we have real ubuntu-desktop images13:36
didrockspitti: I don't remember, the ppas artefacts archive in swift will be per ppa per release, right?13:36
didrocks(so we can remove the vivid one at some point, right?)13:37
pittididrocks: correct13:37
didrockssounds good :)13:37
pittididrocks: oh, you don't have "ubuntu-desktop" in d/t/control Depends:, but call apt-get yourself?13:37
pittididrocks: do you call it with $(which eatmydata 2>/dev/null) apt-get ?13:37
pittididrocks: if not, it'll be awfully slow (test Depends: do that automatically)13:38
didrockspitti: ah, I don't, I guess I should. There was a reason I minimize the deps in d/t/control (that was before the holidays…)13:38
didrockspitti: ok, adding eatmydata13:38
didrocksah yeah, the lines with test deps was getting really long13:38
didrocksand I have this "setup" tests13:38
pittididrocks: testbeds have that magic dpkg force-unsafe-io flag in the config, but it doesn't seem to be nearly as fast as eatmydata13:38
didrocksand I need to have all them listing the same deps, to reuse the same test bed13:39
didrocksthat's why I put the dep setup logic in setup (in addition to the other setup parts)13:39
pittiWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface yet. Use with caution in scripts.13:39
pitti0 upgraded, 1254 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:39
pittiNeed to get 534 MB of archives.13:39
didrocksyeah, I'm using simple apt, which is fine in trusty and xenial13:39
pittiAfter this operation, 2015 MB of additional disk space will be used.13:39
pittipas mal :)13:39
didrocksahah :)13:39
didrocksif you want to kill those 2 runs because they will be slow due to no eatmydata, please feel free13:40
pittididrocks: I don't care13:40
didrocksI'm adding that to master meanwhile13:40
didrocksok :)13:40
pittilet's just let it finish13:40
pittididrocks: queues are empty right now anyway (except arm)13:40
didrockspitti: btw, if you are interested in the structure: https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make/tree/master/debian/tests13:40
didrocksyou basically have: pep8/small/medium/large13:41
didrockswhich are the real tests13:41
didrocks(you can pass TESTS="small large" for instance)13:41
didrocksno parameter is what we used to have "pep8 small"13:41
didrockscollect-coverage is for collecting and archiving global coverage report13:41
didrockscustom is used when you set one or more specific tests13:42
didrockslike TESTS="tests/small/test_foo.py:Bar.baz tests/…"13:42
didrocksand TESTS=all runs everything but custom ofc13:42
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didrocks(well, it runs custom which is skipped)13:43
pittididrocks: ah, https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make/blob/master/debian/tests/control is clever -- so you have a separate "setup" job and re-use the testbed for everything13:43
pittididrocks: btw, there's no need to repeat all the stanzas13:44
pittididrocks: as long as the depends:, restrictions: etc. are identical, you can just do13:44
pittiTests: foo bar baz13:44
didrocksoh, even better then!13:44
* didrocks modifies13:44
pittididrocks: wouldn't it be easier to run https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make/blob/master/debian/tests/setup-testbed#L17 with "needs-root"?13:45
pittididrocks: calling sudo in tests is a bit meh (if you do it, please call "sudo -n", to avoid eternal hangs because of password questions)13:46
pittididrocks: you can do su -c "commands here" $ADT_NORMAL_USER13:46
didrocksah, there is a variable for this :)13:46
didrocksI was going to ask how to not hardcode "ubuntu" for user name13:46
didrocks(I still have some commands I don't want as root)13:47
pittimeh, apt-get install has some trouble in the test13:47
* didrocks looks13:47
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pittididrocks: you can't :) (I just looked at the tail -f of the log)13:48
didrocksah ok, so it's not the one running I see (I only see one btw? I maybe typoed the env variable…)13:48
pittididrocks: that's the old one without --env, yes (no "env" in the command line)13:49
didrockshum, I didn't get this kind of no tty issue on my xenial vm at least13:49
pittiDEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ?13:49
didrocksso, debconf doesn't really like it13:49
didrocksyeah, I didn't setup anything for this though here13:49
didrocksI wonder if a default changed13:50
pittialthough wait, this is already set in tests13:50
pittibut this doesn't make it through  sudo13:50
pittididrocks: that test run finished now (due to apt-get error), should be in swift now13:50
pittididrocks: which PPA was that against?13:51
didrockspitti: ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make13:51
didrocks(as I takes last ppa from the list IIRC to match against)13:51
pittisorry, not xenial, trusty13:52
pittididrocks: ah, this one looks happier, but that didn't install -desktop: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-trusty-ubuntu-desktop-ubuntu-make/trusty/amd64/u/ubuntu-make-master/20160108_134929@/log.gz13:53
didrocksah, they are not stored13:54
* didrocks was stupidely looking at the first one13:54
didrocksso, I can ofc now change the Depends: line13:55
didrocksas I have everything in one line13:55
pittididrocks: you can line-break test control just the same way as debian/control, FYI13:56
didrocksbut that would mean that I don't add needs_root for setup (but I can add -n to sudo)13:56
didrocksah nice :)13:56
pittididrocks: you still need it to configure autologin and stuff though?13:56
didrocksyeah, and also the setup does some extra stuff13:56
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didrocksoh, actually, I didn't really try to setup the testbed that way13:59
pittihah, didrocks is serial-killing workers again :)13:59
didrocksas I already had an ubuntu-desktop VM13:59
didrocks(the adt one)13:59
didrocksand reused that one13:59
didrocksso sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop was a noop (only updating the metapacakge)13:59
didrockspitti: I guess I'm going to start now from a cloud image as in the infra14:00
didrocksand see what's going on when installing ubuntu-desktop without any tty14:00
didrocks(or ssh)14:00
pittididrocks: potential gotcha: test Depends: don't install recommends by default; if you do need them, Restrictions: needs-recommends14:00
didrockspitti: ok, shouldn't be a problem. If I want to install ubuntu-make itself, even from a git repo, it will only try to match the package name, right? not the real version (like, if git changed debian/changelog but it's not released yet?)14:02
pittididrocks: right, test-git is *only* for the test (debian/tests/control); it doesn't get built14:02
pitti--env=T --env=E --env=S --env=T --env=S --env== --env=p --env=e --env=p --env=814:03
pittididrocks: I don't think that was intended14:03
pittididrocks: array vs. string confusion somewhere?14:03
pittididrocks: "env" parameter is a list, not a string14:03
didrockshum, not with adt-run, though?14:04
didrocksI had to sue --env="TESTS=medium large"14:04
didrocksfor instance14:04
pittididrocks: no, but that's what is on the command line14:04
didrocksI checked the wrapper14:04
didrocksit's using a string parameter14:04
pittididrocks: i. e. I suppose your run-adutopkgtest change submits it as a string, not a list14:05
didrocksso somewhere else in the chain?14:05
didrocksah, it's not passed as such to adt-run?14:05
pittididrocks: it needs to be {"env": ["foo=bar", ...]}14:05
pittinot {"env": "foo=bar"}14:05
pittididrocks: so every entry in "env" is passed as --env=value, yes14:06
pittibut "every entry" in a string is a character onnly14:06
pitti{"test-git": "https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make.git", "ppas": ["ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make-builddeps", "ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make"], "env": "TESTS=pep8"}14:06
didrocksok, I was still puzzled by the adt-run --env="TESTS=medium large" <…> format :)14:06
pittididrocks: ^ that's what was in the queue14:06
didrocksbut ok, making sense14:06
didrocksI would have had --env="TESTS='medium large'" <…> for instance14:07
pittibut it needs to be ... "env": ["TESTS=pep8"]}14:07
pittididrocks: run-autopkgtest shoudl accept multiple --env options, then it'll automatically be a list14:07
didrockspitti: ok, modified as such14:09
attentegood morning all14:09
didrocksgood morning attente14:09
seb128hey attente14:09
attentehi didrocks, hi seb12814:09
pittididrocks: so that, eatmydata (if available), and DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive or moving the installation to d/t/control?14:10
didrockspitti: moving the installation, one sec, finish up formatting and pushing14:10
attenteseb128: thanks for approving that u-s-d merge. do you know who i should ping about maliit-inputcontext-gtk?14:10
didrocksand adding -n to remaining sudo calls14:10
pittididrocks: btw, adt-run has a --testname option which sounds like what your $TESTS does; it sounds useful to expose that as test param too?14:10
seb128attente, no idea, try asking kenvandine or bfiller maybe?14:10
seb128they probably can redirect you14:11
attenteseb128: sure, thanks14:11
pittididrocks: then it will only run that given test from d/t/control, not all of them14:11
didrockspitti: mine is a little bit more complex than this, I always need setup and collect to run14:11
didrocks+ the testname can be more specific14:12
pittiah, ok14:12
didrockslike "tests/small/test_foo.py:Bar/baz tests/large/test_games:Unity3DTests"14:12
didrocksfor instance14:12
didrocksto only run those 214:12
didrocks(help debugging as some tests can take some very long time14:12
didrocksand that results in the end to "setup/custom/collect" to be run14:13
didrocks(pep8/small/medium/large are all "passing", doing nothing)14:13
didrocksand custom do the right thing14:13
didrockspitti: making more sense? ^14:13
pittididrocks: yes, it does14:13
kenvandineattente, try Elleo14:14
pittijust looking for potential simplifications, but cf. "as simple as possible, but no simpler" :)14:14
attentekenvandine: thanks14:14
didrockspitti: ah, but I remove ubuntu-make in some condition14:18
didrockspitti: so, I will need to keep that one installed in setup-testbed, right?14:18
didrockspitti: or is adt-run a little bit dummy and just parsing d/t/c and see if things match?14:18
didrocks(even if tests can remove some packages)14:19
didrocks(I remove ubuntu-make in case of branch testing to ensure there is no confusion on what is running)14:19
pittididrocks: yes, it only parses Depends:, it doesn't check what's actually installed on the testbed after a test14:19
didrocksok ;)14:19
didrocksas I remove umake/ dir when running system setup to ensure I don't have an import which is magically resolved by the local folder (also, coverage report is then confused)14:20
didrockspitti: looking good to you? https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make/blob/master/debian/tests/control14:24
didrockshope you support trailing commas :)14:25
pittididrocks: needs-recommends is really necessary with this?14:25
pittididrocks: I think it does, test it locally with your desktop image? (just the smallest test you have, pep8?)14:25
didrockspitti: well, I use needs-recommends to have a desktop image as close as possible to reality14:26
didrockslet's see with my dekstop image how that goes14:26
pittididrocks: I haven't tested multi-line Tests: and Restrictions:, thanks for being guinea pig :)14:26
pittididrocks: right, but reality changes quite often :)14:26
* didrocks *guineas*14:27
pittididrocks: and libreoffice, orca, thunderbird etc. will hardly matter?14:27
didrocksthat's true, I'm still worried about things we miss that can interfere though (even if I mostly need lightdm and unity TBH)14:27
pittididrocks: I'd actually argue the other way around: If u-make depends on something which isn't a depends: of u-desktop, then that dependency is missing14:27
pittididrocks: well, leave it in for now, and then we can just try a run without14:28
didrockspitti: well, it's more for frameworks we install on, TBH, than umake itself14:28
didrocksbut yeah, agreed14:28
pittino recommends: should make the install a looot faster14:29
didrocksyeah, if we don't start from a desktop image.14:29
didrockslet's get the thing running and then, we can give a try14:29
didrocksok, multi-line worked!14:31
didrocksso, let's try a run (running small tests, which are less than a minute)14:31
* pitti puts an "officially didrocks approved" stamp onto autopkgtest14:31
didrocksthat will test the env variable again :)14:31
didrocksdon't go toooo fast :)14:31
didrockslet's see…14:34
didrocksat least env make sense :)14:35
pittiand it's running14:36
didrocksI'm trying a second one in parallel which should give: --env="TESTS=pep8 small"14:37
pittididrocks: I see three running tests, all have --env=TESTS=pep8 only14:38
didrocks3? I made 2 requests…14:39
seb128bah, laptop not booting anymore14:39
seb128took me a bit to figure out that it boots with the previous kernel14:39
didrocksand I only see one in the web ui14:39
seb128also grrrr at systemd for not being able to reboot a machine14:39
seb128it's stucked for ever on the dots animate and never reboot, need to sit on the power key14:40
pittididrocks: yeah, web UI bug -- it can't tell apart multiple tests with exactly the same params14:40
didrockspitti: my 2 requests were: ubuntu-make-master14:41
didrocksgrrr @middle-click bug14:41
pittididrocks: hm, that got eaten somewhere then14:42
didrockspitti: yeah, let's see first at least if one requests goes successfully to the end :)14:43
didrocksbtw, run-autopkgtest isn't versioned?14:43
pittididrocks: versioned how?14:43
didrocks(I just modified it on snakefruit, didn't seem to have been bzr add on the vcs)14:43
pittididrocks: oh, britney2-ubuntu is in bzr14:44
pittididrocks: you should see a bzr diff on snakefruit if you modified it there14:44
pittididrocks: and it's there14:44
didrocks$ bzr diff run-autopkgtest@14:44
didrocksbzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: "run-autopkgtest@"14:44
pittididrocks: ah, bin/run-autopkgtest is a symlink to ~/proposed-migration/code/b214:45
didrocksit's under "unknown"14:45
didrocksa lot of other uncommited modif in this repo14:45
pittididrocks: just the config (setting the password)14:45
didrockswhere is my git add? ;)14:45
pittididrocks:  you can't push on snakefruit anyway14:46
pittididrocks: ah, TESTS=pep8 still installs ubuntu-desktop; I guess that's a consequence of moving to Depends:?14:47
didrockspitti: yeah, that's wanted14:47
didrocks(until we have base images for this)14:48
pittimy hope is actually that without recommends and with eatmydata that thing is fast enough so that we stop caring as long as you aren't actually watching it :)14:48
didrockspitti: I'm not in ~ubuntu-release, so I can't push from here (France, Lyon, @home) :)14:49
didrockspitti: yeah, let's see :)14:49
pittididrocks: send me a patch, bundle, or MP?14:49
* didrocks will sms you the diff14:50
* pitti does adb | git am -14:50
pittididrocks: the fun thing is, my mobile just rang with a notification :)14:50
pitti(but it's just the reminder for the 16:00 UES update confcall)14:51
pittididrocks: voilà: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-trusty-ubuntu-desktop-ubuntu-make/trusty/amd64/u/ubuntu-make-master/20160108_145250@/log.gz14:53
didrockspitti: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/britney/additional-parameters/+merge/28200714:53
didrockspitti: heh, on @mobile ringing :)14:53
pittididrocks: that took 15 minutes, not tooo bad14:54
didrocksyeah, it's not as bad as it could have been :)14:54
didrocksok, I need to check the artefacts14:54
pittididrocks: so without recommends that's maybe just 714:55
didrockslooks perfect!14:55
didrocksI still have the per-tests artefacts and the global coverage collect14:55
pittididrocks: code coverage is a bit poor :)14:55
pittididrocks: I see lots of coverage files etc. in artifacts.tar.gz, so looks ok?14:55
didrockspitti: rohhhhhhhh, why pep8 doesn't test more, right! ;)14:56
didrockspitti: yeah :p14:56
didrocksbasically you have subfolders14:56
pittididrocks: so, go and hit it with the full thing!14:56
didrockslike artifacts/{pep8, small, …}14:56
pittididrocks: perhaps once with recommends, once without, then we can compare14:56
didrocksand the global one at root14:56
didrockspitti: hum, I think I need to look at why --env="TESTS=pep8 small" didn't work first14:57
pittiah, right14:58
pittididrocks: do you need that for the full test suite?14:58
didrocksI only run pep8 and small without arguments14:58
didrocks(as large depends on 3rd party services, unfair to block packages if some $networks are starting to fail and they can)14:58
didrocksmedium were a little bit flacky, but I made them way better, I want to see how they run first14:59
didrocks(on the cloud)14:59
didrockspitti: seems the target focus isn't the right branch, I've done another MP at https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/britney/additional-parameters/+merge/28201515:05
pittididrocks: pulled, thanks!15:09
didrockssweet :)15:09
Laneycyphermox / xnox: Can you remind me how to start ubiquity from a bzr checkout please? :)15:10
* Laney has asked this loads of times before but always forgets15:10
pittitime for adding that to README?15:11
pittior better ./run-from-checkout15:11
xnoxLaney, .... are you in the vm?15:11
xnox(don't start ubiquity on the installed machine...)15:12
Laneyxnox: I hacked main15:12
Laneyit's not going to do anything bad now15:12
xnoxdon't go past partitioning step, is all that i can suggest ;-)15:13
didrocks"oupsss, pressed enter"15:13
LaneyI want to make the slideshow step use wk2, no need to go beyond that15:13
Laneybut I don't know how to launch the darned thing properly!15:13
pittiLaney: last time I hacked ubiquity, I gave up and just changed the code inline on a live session15:29
pittiLaney: i. e. scp the changed files, then run it from live15:29
* Laney is going to just install it probably15:29
LaneyI hacked it to just launch to the slideshow anyway15:29
Laneyeww, those deps15:35
* Laney goes for a vm after all15:35
didrockspitti: oh, I know why you got 3 instances running before16:02
didrocksso run-autopkgtest -s trusty -a amd64 --ppa=ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make-builddeps --ppa=ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make --test-git https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make.git --env "TESTS=pep8 small" ubuntu-make-master16:02
didrocks(using the ssh redirection line) ends ups in running "small" (see the swift container) and ubuntu-make-master :p16:02
pittiyay quoting16:02
pittididrocks: so if you'd run that directly on snakefruit it would work16:03
didrocksyeah, I guess so16:03
pittididrocks: or use double quoting16:04
didrocksit's a little bit counter intuitive, I wonder if we can make that better16:04
pittididrocks: use commas for separating test names :)16:04
didrocksyeah, sounds like an option16:04
pitti(actually I'm quite serious -- on CLIs it's mostly just not worth the trouble dealing with spaces correctly)16:04
didrocksI liked having a nosetests3 compatible format16:04
didrocksdoes nosetests3 support commas? it's just a list of args16:05
pittididrocks: ah, maybe not, I don't know nose16:05
didrocksI guess commas is the best option, quite annoyed to change the format compared to runtests for local run, but I guess it's okish16:07
pittididrocks: or double-quote16:07
pittididrocks: you wouldn't trigger them manually that often, so it's not such a biggie16:07
didrockspitti: yeah, it's more an issue of remembering when trying some PR branch16:08
Laneystill mostly light at 16:1516:15
Laneyspring is coming16:15
didrocks"some" yeah16:18
Laneyxnox: how do I get ubiquity to show me tracebacks?16:19
Laneyseems the wrapper is doing something with stderr16:19
xnoxit's in ubiquity logs in like /var/log/ubiquity/ no?16:20
xnoxand/or in the popout window16:20
* pitti waves good night16:20
Laneyno window16:20
Laneythat log directory doesn't even exist16:20
Laneymaybe it's erroring too early?16:20
LaneyI put a syntax error in gtk_ui.py on purpose to test16:20
didrocksgood night pitti!16:21
seb128pitti, have a good w.e!16:21
* Laney tries to port directly sans-tracebacks :-)16:23
* didrocks waves good evening, have a nice week-end everyone! :)16:27
seb128didrocks, thanks, you too16:28
willcookecya didrocks16:29
Laneybye didrocks!16:30
didrockssee you willcooke, Laney, seb128!16:30
* Laney appeciates that didrocks stays around for a minute now ;-) 16:30
didrocksLaney: thinking of you! :)16:31
Laneyyou BEAST!16:31
willcookedarn window focus16:33
willcookeha, yeah16:34
seb128I do that often when I use dual screen16:34
seb128look at one screen and closing thing on the other16:34
seb128Laney, enjoy!17:50
Laneyno NO!17:50
LaneyI was weeing at something working17:50
seb128ah ok :-)17:50
LaneyNote that due to historical reasons, GtkNotebook refuses to switch to a page unless the child widget is visible. Therefore, it is recommended to show child widgets before adding them to a notebook.17:51
Laneythat was a very helpful piece of documentation17:51
Laneythanks whoever wrote it17:51
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Laneynow I am going18:05
Laneylaters! happy weekend18:05
seb128gnome-icon-theme upload rejected because the vcs was outdated18:07
seb128going to resolve that on monday18:07
seb128Laney, have a good w.e!18:07
LaneyMY BAD18:07
seb128& same to desktopers18:07
willcookesee ya18:07
seb128Laney, no worry, and I pushed my revision18:07
seb128let's sort that next week18:07
seb128no hurry18:07
seb128willcooke, have a good w.e!18:08
willcookeI'm off too - ta ta18:10
* Laney pushed a fix up for seb12818:12
Laneydidn't upload it though, too scary18:12
attentehave a good w.e. everyone22:47
flocculantattente: have a good one too :)22:52
flocculantI thought I would say that - you're late, they've all gone already ;)22:52
attenteflocculant: haha, thanks :)22:53
flocculantalways someone waiting for Laney to throw sand at them it seems :D22:54

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