
hallynrbasak: have you seen jodh around lately? :)00:00
rbasakI didn't think we ever "supported" upstart as system init since the switch to systemd, whatever that even means. "Supported" is such a weasel word. It can mean anything.00:01
rbasakhallyn: :)00:01
hallyni bet he'd be interested00:02
hallyncause it's a fascintaing bug00:02
rbasakIn fact upstart is still used for user sessions on the desktop too, isn't it? And the system init on the phone too.00:11
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lamonthow is it that "drop database foo; create database foo;" on current xenial results in a complete restore of the database?03:11
stgraberI don't know the answer to that question either way, but you may want to mention what DB you're using :)03:13
lamontstgraber: heh.. yeah.  postgresql 9.403:14
lamontrenaming the db before droping it doesn't help either03:15
lamontstgraber: sadly, I'm just trying to make a fresh start, and postgrs is being overly helpful, apparently03:19
pittiGood morning06:46
sarnoldmorning pitti :)06:51
pittihey sarnold, how are you?06:52
sarnoldpitti: not bad, getting over a cold, a little slower than I'd like, but otherwise alright :) how are you?06:52
pittisarnold: oh, get well soon then! you seem to be in good company :/06:57
pittisarnold: I'm quite fine, fortunately I managed to evade the flu all winter so far :)06:58
sarnoldpitti: too true, half my family got the cold ..06:58
sarnoldpitti: nice nice :)06:58
pittididrocks: I just followed up to bug 1524480; the Breaks:/Replaces of plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo to plymouth is just for moving files, I suppose?07:13
ubottubug 1524480 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "package plymouth 0.9.2-3ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152448007:14
pittididrocks: do you know, does that only affect lubuntu-logo for some reason, or a gazillion other themes too? I. e. the mutual Breaks:07:15
pittimutual Breaks: forces "deconfigure", i. e. I wonder if we can avoid that somehow07:15
didrockshey pitti! I'm afraid that's pretty much global, indeed07:17
didrockspitti: as most of the themes seems to be copy and paste and they copied a wrong prerm07:17
didrocksyeah, the Breaks/Replaces is just about the moving files, to ensure we don't end up for partial upgrade with an non working theme07:18
pittididrocks: oh, so that's not just plymouth's prerm, but *all* prerms of logo packages?07:18
didrockspitti: yeah, plymouth prerm is fine (let me confirm in a minute), it's the ones in the logo packages for sure at least07:18
didrocksand most of them are copy/paste :/07:18
pittididrocks: so instead of SRUing all logo packages and plymouth itseslf, it seems easier to me to just drop the Breaks: of the logo packages in xenial?07:18
didrocksyeah, that would be slightely incorrect, but there is nothing else anyway that should call deconfigure on those packages07:19
pittididrocks: oh, ok, I misinterpreted the log, it's indeed not plymouth itself07:19
pittididrocks: right, which is how it got unnoticed for so long07:19
didrockswe should still fix them in xenial though, so that this doesn't happen in the future07:19
didrockswell, years :p07:19
didrockssome packages were untouched since 2010/2011…07:19
pittididrocks: curiously I had exactly the same case for ifupdown and udev two days ago (mutual Breaks:, missing deconfigure in udev.prerm)07:19
pittididrocks: yes; so my proposal is to fix all the logo packages in xenial with (1) teaching prerm about deconfigure, and (2) dropping the Breaks: to fix upgrades07:20
didrocksI don't know why people are doing this *) echo "Call with unknown parameter; exit 107:20
pittididrocks: I had that too; I think that was in some standard templates07:20
pittibut that's a bit overzealous indeed07:20
didrockspitti: as most cases are empty anyway, I would suggest we drop that07:20
didrocksso yeah, we can workaround and avoid the SRU by removing the Breaks07:21
didrocks(in plymouth)07:21
pittididrocks: oh, in plymouth, not in the logo packages?07:21
didrocksthe Breaks in plymouth against logo packages07:21
pittididrocks: you should drop it on the side which has the  Replaces:, not the other one07:21
didrocksthere is no Replaces07:21
didrocksjust Breaks07:22
didrocksbasically, new plymouth needs themes in /usr/share instead of /lib07:22
pittiReplaces: lubuntu-plymouth-theme, plymouth (<< 0.8.1-1~)07:22
pittioh, I see, that's much older, not from this transition07:22
didrocksthe breaks is just to ensure we don't install new logo without new plymouth07:22
didrocksand vice-versa07:22
pittididrocks: that could also become a versioned depends: on the logo (which is simpler)07:23
pittii. e. Depends: plymouth + Breaks: plymouth (<< 0.9.2-3ubuntu1~) == Depends: plymouth (>= 0.9.2-3ubuntu1~)07:23
pitti(was looking at plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo)07:23
didrocksbut if you upgrade plymouth alone07:23
didrocksyou are in a "broken" situation07:24
didrocks(for some definition of broken, for sure ;))07:24
pittididrocks: yes, that's why I think we should keep the Breaks: on plymouht and drop it from the themes07:24
didrocksthe breaks in plymouth won't force deconfigure in -logo?07:24
pittididrocks: only a mutual Breaks: forces that07:24
pittididrocks: if it's one-sided, the broken package gets upgraded first07:25
didrocksoh didn't know that, was thinking one way was enough if plymouth was going to get configured first07:25
didrocksso apt reorders07:25
didrocksmaking sense07:25
pittididrocks: but if both packages break each other, there is no order which would always be consistant, so apt randomly picks one package, deconfigures that, and upgrades both07:25
didrocksI can handle it then07:25
didrockswe should maybe at some point scan the archive to see if this broken template is used elsewhere07:26
pittididrocks: I *think*, plymouth breaks: theme (<< version) and theme Depends: plymouth (>= version) should work07:26
didrocksyeah, worth a try anyway :)07:26
didrockspitti: ok, I'll prepare this and upload this early next week (don't want to try without doing an upgrade try)07:27
didrockswell, first, let me check how many themes are concerned07:28
pittididrocks: right, it should happen 50% of the time on upgrades depending on the order that apt picks07:28
pittididrocks: I put the IRC conversation into the bug for reference07:29
pittididrocks: thanks to you!07:29
didrocksthanks for looking and finding a way not breaking partial upgrades :)07:29
didrockspitti: I keep the mutual breaks in the ones that are not impacted, anything against it?07:30
pittididrocks: technically not, but aesthetically a versioned depends: is clearer07:30
pittididrocks: but no need to upload just for that, just if you have to touch a package anyway07:30
didrocksyeah, some will need to replace harcoded 15.10 to 16.04 anyway07:31
pittididrocks: ah, so not all themes are affected?07:31
didrocksno, there is basically 2 templates that were used07:31
pittididrocks: e. g. plymouth-theme-ubuntu-{logo,text}.prerm seem fine07:31
didrockspitti: yeah, the one based on the xubuntu theme are the ones to blame07:33
didrocksthey all contains something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/14436235/07:33
pittididrocks: ok, so can you handle that? you probably still have the most context in your head07:33
pittididrocks: yeah, let's just drop that completely07:34
didrockspitti: yeah, and I have the list! So, preparing, doing an ugprade testing, and uploading :-)07:34
pittididrocks: merci beaucoup !07:34
didrockspitti: mais de rien :-)07:34
pittididrocks: so, I hope that Breaks: and versioned Depends: don't force deconfigure; if it does, then indeed we can only just drop the Breaks: on one side :/07:35
pitti(I'd still drop it on the themes side, though)07:35
didrocksyeah, let's see if I can reproduce a wrong order in some vm with that fix (but that's why I only want to upload it on Monday)07:37
pitti(schroot should suffice)07:37
didrocksyeah, but easier to use a snapshot for multiple runs07:39
didrocks(I'm not on btrfs here :p)07:39
didrockswell, should mount my schroot on tmpfs, yeah07:39
didrocks(had to revert that recently as not enough RAM)07:39
pittididrocks: so, I started a wily schroot, and this reproduces it:07:39
pittiapt install plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo07:39
pitti<change sources.list>07:39
pittiapt update07:40
pittiapt install plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo07:40
didrocksah, quite easy indeed!07:40
didrocksthanks for looking07:40
* pitti puts that into the bug07:40
pittididrocks: yeah, and takes a second only07:41
dholbachgood morning07:53
* sladen beat the script!07:53
dholbachwhat? no script :)07:53
didrockspitti: so works, and the good news is that the other themes aren't impacted (no prerm), only the other maintainer scripts have the parameters restrictions08:44
didrockspitti: uploading now :)08:44
pittididrocks: \o/ merci!08:45
dokopitti, why does ruby2.3 trigger any autopkg tests at all? it's not yet supported ...08:45
pittidoko: well, britney doesn't know what we consider "supported"08:46
pittiwe can override it if we don't care, but seeing what breaks against it is interesting nevertheless, no?08:47
dokowell, if somebody addresses these08:48
seb128since before holidays consoles are in qwerty layout on my xenial09:23
seb128unsure when it started but it was not like that in wily or earlier in the cycle09:23
seb128didrocks, ^ did you notice that as well?09:23
seb128pitti, is that a systemd thing?09:24
seb128/etc/default/keyboard is pc105/fr/oss09:24
seb128that used to work09:24
pitticonsole-setup presumably?09:26
seb128that didn't change since wily09:26
didrocksseb128: it's still azerty here09:26
didrocks(I didn't update since yesterday morning)09:26
seb128I had the issue before holidays09:26
seb128so it's not a today update one09:27
seb128thanks for testing!09:27
pittiseb128: did "systemctl status console-setup.service" run? if you run it manually, does it fix the layout?09:28
pittiseb128: I think that's what sets the layout (it calls loadkeys)09:28
seb128   Active: inactive (dead)09:28
pittioh: sudo journalctl -u console-setup09:29
seb128yes, that fixes it09:29
pittiit does run for me09:29
seb128déc. 11 08:43:11 seb-e6410 loadkeys[311]: Chargement de /etc/console-setup/cache09:29
seb128-- Reboot --09:29
seb128janv. 08 10:29:02 seb-e6410 systemd[1]: Starting Set console keymap...09:29
pittiseb128: ah, that's just from right now09:30
seb128so no mention between decembre when the issue started and my manual start09:30
pittioh, hang on09:30
pittiDez 09 08:26:53 donald systemd[1]: Started Set console keymap.09:30
pittithat's my last entry09:30
pittiso indeed it doesn't get run any more09:30
seb128want a bug report? against what component?09:31
pittihmm, 228-1ubuntu2 landed on Nov 23 (too early), -2ubuntu1 o Dec 12 (too late)09:32
pittiseb128: it's shipped by keyboard-configuration, so against that, but please assign to me09:32
pittiI'll find out what's supposed to start it09:33
seb128pitti, danke09:36
seb128pitti, in fact bug #1531442 seems to be about that issue09:37
ubottubug 1531442 in keyboard-configuration (Ubuntu) "reboot switches to us keyboard layout on console" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153144209:37
seb128assigned it to you09:37
seb128pitti, "-2ubuntu1 o Dec 12 (too late)"09:39
seb128pitti, are you sure?09:39
seb128my last valid run is from dec 1109:39
seb128so that would pretty much match09:39
seb128yours is 09 and you maybe didn't reboot or installed the new systemd before upload to test it?09:39
pittihm, not sure why it wouldn't have started for me on Dec 10  or Dec 11, but maybe I had a pre-upload version installed09:40
pittiseb128: I do reboot every day, but local dpkg -i sounds plausible09:40
pittiseb128: so indeed that one is the most probable culprit indeed09:40
seb128http://launchpadlibrarian.net/227354002/systemd_228-1ubuntu2_228-2ubuntu1.diff.gz doesn't have much though :-/09:41
pittiseb128: anyway, I'll check on wily what's supposed to depend on console-setup.service, apparently that's now missing09:43
pittiit's a static service (no [Install] section), so it doesn't run by itself09:43
seb128I've a feeling it's plymoyth09:44
seb128or not :p09:45
seb128+Description: Remove systemd-vconsole-setup.service as it's not shipped in Debian09:45
seb128but that's different09:45
pittiit's not09:46
pittiseb128: so that's what started it09:46
pittiseb128: i. e. systemd-vconsole-setup.service got previously started, which pulled in console-setup09:46
seb128the diff has09:47
seb128++After=systemd-udev-trigger.service systemd-udevd.service keyboard-setup.service09:47
pittiseb128: but still, this sounds like an accident09:47
seb128that's to plymouth-start.service09:47
pittiIMHO keyboard-configuration should just make sure to run console-setup by itself09:47
pittinot to rely on plymouth to do it09:47
pittiso, let's just add that enablement symlink to keyboard-configuration09:48
pittiseb128: thanks for the research09:48
xnoxhallyn, we cannot drop it from main... (a) we need it in main for 14.04->16.04 upgrades (b) desktop user session uses upstart, and nobody ported that to systemd yet (c) phone uses upstart, both as pid 1 and in the user session, and nobody has ported that to systemd yet09:58
Odd_Blokeinfinity: Any ideas about the "Unknown symbol mcount (err 0)" in the powerpc boot log (http://paste.ubuntu.com/14430284/)?10:38
dokopitti, ruby2.3 ... it doesn't even test with ruby2.3, it's all run with 2.2 ...10:53
dokoso, wasting resources10:54
xnoxrbasak, do we ship cloud-archive on the server iso?10:54
LocutusOfBorg1infinity, hi, upstream seems to be working on endianess thanks to you https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire/issues/105511:00
LocutusOfBorg1if you could force it to release I'll be so happy11:01
pittidoko: ah, because of ruby-defaults11:05
pittidoko: ack, I'll force-skiptest ist11:05
pittidoko: they haven't started running on armhf yet, so I'll drop them from the queue (and the other arches are already done)11:06
pittismoser: would you be able to merge open-iscsi? I know very little about it, I wouldn't know how to sensibly test it11:08
rbasakxnox: AFAIK, no. Stuff on the server iso is seeded entirely separately, although there is overlap of course.11:14
rbasakActually the cloud-archive has nothing to do with seeds either I think.11:14
rbasakIt's completely independant and online only unless I'm mistaken.11:14
LocutusOfBorg1yofel, seems that kdepimlibs is preventing boost-defaults from migrating11:20
yofelLocutusOfBorg1: sorry, I won't get to looking into the test failures before tomorow11:22
yofelyou'll have to temporarily override it if you need boost to migrate11:22
pittiyofel, LocutusOfBorg1: you mean kdepimlibs?11:28
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dokocjwatson, could you have a look at a proposed merge? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14437303/  I left three FIXME's in the changelog11:49
pittidoko: "Install a suspend.d symlink to also call the pm-utils hook on" -> that doesn't actually exist in the debian/rules delta any more, and it's also obsolete11:50
pittiso the changelog entry can be dropped11:50
pitti--noscripts --onlyscripts? that sounds contradictory11:51
dokoyes, that's a change I found there ...11:51
pittidoko: hm, does the .deb actually ship an init.d script? current version doesn't11:52
cjwatsondunno about the exact details but the original motivation was that udev would run hdparm anyway so the init script wasn't needed11:52
pittiso it would be a complete no-op11:52
cjwatsonsee changelog for 6.3-3ubuntu111:52
dokoso dropping these too11:54
cjwatsonjust compare file lists and maintscripts before and after, I guess11:54
pittidoko: so as long as the .deb doesn't actually ship an init.d script, the whole debian/rules delta can be dropped11:54
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dokotdaitx, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeipmi/+bug/1527685 needs some feedback13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1527685 in freeipmi (Ubuntu) "Please merge freeipmi 1.4.11-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete]13:25
tdaitxdoko, yes, I am working on that one =)13:25
dokojust looking at ooold merges13:27
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dokoogra_, ping13:43
xnoxcjwatson, doko - so briefly packagekit 0.9.5 existed in wily-proposed which made packagekit-qt to build _and_ migrate (cause it has only alternative depends on the new packagekit...) which makes it now impossible to build. I guess obviously we should move to packagekit 1.0.11, but before that becomes a viable option, what should I do?13:50
xnoxsurely packagekit-qt should be downgraded too, no?13:50
kickinz1tdaitx, o/13:50
cjwatsoner, I don't know, sorry.  perhaps.13:50
tdaitxkickinz1, o/13:51
kickinz1tdaitx, I'm finalizing the merge of freeipmi right now.13:51
dokoxnox, ask seb128 or the desktop cabal ... something isn't yet updated for the new packagekit ...13:51
xnoxi mean i could build packagekit 0.9.x in a ppa, build packagekit-qt there for s390x, and copy the lot over to the archive.... to replay how it was built before...13:51
kickinz1tdaitx, did we miunderstood the other day?13:51
cjwatsondoko: click13:51
kickinz1tdaitx, (did I misunderstand)13:51
tdaitxkickinz1, oh, it seems we did13:51
dokocjwatson, only that? but then, this is actively developed. this is more than a year now ...13:52
xnoxreally britney should not migrate things, which have unsatisfiable build-depends...13:52
cjwatsondoko: you say actively developed13:52
xnoxit should be part of the excuses, no?13:52
xnoxdoko, snap is active...13:52
dokoahh, ok13:52
cjwatsondoko: but I don't have hardware to test the native-dbus change, and mvo hasn't had time to push it forward; I'd heard that somebody (was it alecu?) was going to pick it up13:53
dokoxnox, ahh, and apt-daemon13:53
rbasaktdaitx, kickinz1: between you both, who is working on the freeipmi merge? Have you decided?13:54
cjwatsonah yes, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/12/09/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t17:5213:54
* xnox files bug #153219713:55
ubottubug 1532197 in packagekit-qt (Ubuntu) "unbuildable packagekit-qt" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153219713:55
dokorbasak, the good news is: there are more merges left ;-P13:55
rbasakdoko: yes, and so I'd like to know what I'm reviewing so I don't waste my time! :)13:55
dokorbasak, well, I just saw 1527685 ...13:56
xnoxrbasak, thanks for your answer w.r.t. cloud-archive.13:56
rbasakkickinz1, tdaitx, slangasek: can we resolve this exclusively on this channel please, so there's no confusion?14:01
rbasakI don't mind who does the merge or who sponsors it.14:01
rbasakAs long as it gets done.14:01
rbasakI just want to know if I'm sponsoring something, and if so exactly what I'm reviewing.14:01
rbasakI also don't want to duplicate review/sponsoring effort with slangasek, since that's a waste of effort and confusing, since different reviewers will always have slight differences in what they want.14:02
kickinz1Ok, so I think that with tdaitx, we finally agreed that I  will finsh working on this with rbasak for sonsoring this merge.14:02
dokorbasak, according to the bug report, the merge is just needing feedback/review14:02
rbasakdoko: do you mean Steve's debdiff?14:04
rbasakI'm not clear on what slangasek wanted to happen after posting that, since presumably he didn't upload it himself for a reason.14:05
dokorbasak, yes, that one14:06
kickinz1tdaitx, can you confirm?14:08
tdaitxrbasak, doko: he probably wanted me to check that and provide an update, I just copied and pasted the feedback message and was working on it, but I failed to see the attachment and was doing the changes myself14:08
rbasakOK, I don't mind what happened. It's all clearly just a misunderstanding. Just decide between you who is submitting what and who is sponsoring, and let us all know.14:09
rbasakAs long as you both say that you agree to do the same thing, that's fine. Just please tell us what that is.14:09
tdaitxrbasak, doko: the changes in the proposed debdiff are just fine14:10
smoserpitti, i really want to merge that too.14:10
smoser(open-iscsi that is).14:10
dokotdaitx, well, then subscribe -sponsors, or slangasek can upload himself =)14:10
pittismoser: I looked at the merge, it doesn't seem particularly complicated; but it's a new upstream version, so some actual testing would be good14:11
rbasakdoko, tdaitx: OK, I'm just going to "sponsor" slangasek's merge without review. Given that he's an uploader and he says it's good, it's good.14:12
rbasakAnd then we'll be done with it.14:12
tdaitxrbasak, doko: agreed, go ahead, I will talk to slangasek later on14:15
rbasakkickinz1, tdaitx: I need to lose power for a while. I will upload when I'm back online.14:22
ogra_doko, kindof pong (i'm on vacation)15:14
dobeywhere is ocamlopt on ppc64el?15:24
dobeyseems it's not part of ocaml-nox there?15:24
cjwatsonI think that's something that requires explicit compiler support as opposed to bytecode-type stuff15:26
cjwatsonSo it only exists on some arches15:26
cjwatsonPackage: ocaml-native-compilers15:27
cjwatsonArchitecture: amd64 arm64 armel armhf hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia powerpc sparc15:27
cjwatsonYeah, that's it15:28
cjwatsonIt might actually be a packaging bug - I see some ppc64 support in there, so might be worth looking at whether it can be extended if you fancy a weekend project ;-)15:30
juliankIf someone from the MIR team has time, #1531923 is needed for squashfs-tools 4.3 which is in depwait for who knows how long and the upcoming APT 1.215:40
juliankbug #153192315:40
ubottubug 1531923 in lz4 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] lz4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153192315:40
dokojuliank, mvo: missing bug subscriber15:44
juliankdoko: mvo: I'd propose to have that handled by the foundations team, but that's not my choice. (but it's subscribed to both apt and squashfs-tools)15:47
juliankWho decides if foundations could take on lz4 bug subscription? slangasek?15:53
juliankIt's used by two reverse deps (squashfs-tools and soon apt) that are both foundations material15:53
juliankbdmurray: ^15:54
bdmurrayjuliank: seems fine to me, I'll subscribe the team16:02
juliankbdmurray: thanks16:02
juliankdoko: ^16:02
pittismoser: o-iscsi> is that something which you'll actually have time for in the next days, or should we perhaps share the load, and you test my merge in a PPA ?16:06
smoserpitti, i'd be very happy to have you do the merge ;)16:08
smoserhave you looked at rbasak's "ubuntu logical delta" theory  ? https://github.com/basak/ubuntu-git-tools16:10
smoseri'd love to have a set of logical delta changes that we can look at individually.16:10
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LocutusOfBorgLaney, I did something wrt lp: #142476917:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1424769 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "virtualbox-guest-x11 uninstallable with mesa-lts-utopic" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142476917:21
LocutusOfBorgwhat do you think about?17:21
LocutusOfBorgI'm setting up a virtualbox trusty VM to test it right now17:21
hallynjodh: hey!17:33
hallynjodh: i know you've moved on, but i think you'll find this very intersting: bug 153061717:34
ubottubug 1530617 in lxc (Ubuntu) "FUSE in wily image with upstart installed causes chaos" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153061717:34
xnoxjodh, any advise would be appreciated. it seems like udev, inside the container is causing havoc =)17:39
dobeycjwatson: ah, hmm.17:59
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LaneyLocutusOfBorg: nice, will look soon, thanks!18:04
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dokoslangasek, mind, if I have a look at the shadow merge?18:22
slangasekdoko: be my guest18:25
dokobarry, fyi https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pysam/0.8.4+ds-1  looks like the same thing19:00
nemoSo... like an idiot, I decided to try vmware-view-client:i386 instead of vmware-view-open-client (x64) and right away ran into the fact that pkcs11 support appeared to be non-existent.  So I tried to go back, and, oh look, vmware-view-open-client had been pulled from trusty sometime between when I installed it and now...19:23
nemoIs there any secret repository where I can get this back? ☹19:23
nemo'cause I think I just broke my entire work setup19:23
cjwatsonyou can dig it out from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/vmware-view-open-client19:26
nemooh sweet. thanks19:26
* nemo backs that up19:27
nemowooooot.  reinstall the .deb from your link, reapply the fixes from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vmware-view-client/+bug/1268770  and vmware view works again! ♥19:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1268770 in vmware-view-client (Ubuntu) "Error loading shared library for smart card authentication to server" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:35
* nemo documents this process internally19:35
nemocjwatson: thanks. you're awesome19:35
nemowell. apart from the fact it appears to be you who removed it 😝19:35
cjwatsonnemo: it was Debian who removed it, I was just robotically following :)19:36
nemoI have a feeling the "official" client would work if I was willing to remove all amd64 from all our ubuntu systems and just install i38619:37
nemo(and applied the fixes)19:37
nemo(or package an opensc:i386)19:37
tgm4883Would this be a good place to ask about packaging conf files for mysql-server?19:37
tgm4883Previously we've packaged a file that changes the bind-address, but I don't believe that is going to work anymore19:38
tgm4883or rather, what would be the proper way for another application to change the bind-address of mysql-server19:38
sarnoldtgm4883: would debconf(7) help you any?19:44
tgm4883sarnold: I don't think so. It's not that I can't make it work. It's that mucking around with other people conf files seems bad19:46
tgm4883sarnold: so I'm not sure what the right(tm) way should be19:46
sarnoldtgm4883: indeed, that is a bit rough, unless of course that's why they want it :)19:47
sarnoldtgm4883: in which case something like ansible or puppet or chef or whatnot might be a decent way to centralize all those sorts of changes..19:47
tgm4883sarnold: if that's the case, that sucks. It defaults to bind-address= which makes building anything that depends on mysql-server not really work19:47
sarnoldtgm4883: but if it's just one config setting, maybe a dpkg-precofigure command to run first might be tolerable19:48
tgm4883sarnold: it's a single configuration change. The issue arrises from there being a new conf directory in mysql-server for cnf files19:48
tgm4883sometime between 14.10 and and now19:48
tgm4883what we used to do is drop a file in /etc/mysql/conf.d/ and as long as it was read last it works fine. However now there is an additional /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/ that gets read after our file19:49
tgm4883and there is a mysqld.cnf file in there that sets bind-address to localhost19:50
tgm4883Now I could easily drop a file in that directory that gets read after the other file and sets bind-address accordingly19:50
tgm4883we currently have a debconf question that asks about that for the old directory19:50
tgm4883But my question is, what is the blessed way to do this?19:51
tgm4883I suppose at this point, it's less of a technical issue and more of a political one19:51
naccI guess it depends in my mind on what you mean by blessed19:59
naccit seems odd to me to repackage anything just for a config file change19:59
naccyou should use a configuration management tool, I'd think19:59
nacctgm4883: --^20:00
naccthat way, when/if upstream (ubuntu in this case, I suppose) puts out a new version of mysql, you don't need to build your package again; you can just update like normal and the configuration manager handles it20:00
tgm4883nacc: wait, you want me to package a configuration management tool to change a setting?20:00
nacctgm4883: no, use a configuration management tool to manage your configuration :)20:01
naccsarnold mentioned several, ansible, puppet, chef20:02
tgm4883nacc: I don't need to manage my configuration, I need a way to manage the configuration of users that install this package20:02
tgm4883my configuration already works :)20:02
nacctgm4883: so (I assume) you have several systems you have to manage (physical or VM)20:02
naccyou want to ensure the mysql installation on those systems follow some standard set of rules?20:02
tgm4883nacc: let me back up a step and see if this makes more sense.20:02
nacctgm4883: sure20:03
tgm4883I (Mythbuntu) need to package MythTV  (which includes both mythtv-frontend and mythtv-backend packages) for 16.04. These packages can be installed on the same box, or in a distributed setup, but the mythtv-frontend package needs to be able to connect to the mysql-server (mythtv-backend pulls in mysql-server). So if you are in a distributed setup, you need20:08
tgm4883mysql to listen on on the private IP address rather than localhost. Previously we've had a debconf question that asks if you are doing a distributed setup and then places a cnf file in /etc/mysql/conf.d/ with the bind-address set to "bind-address=::". However in 16.04 (and probably some other versions after 14.04) there is a second conf directory for cnf20:08
tgm4883files at /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/ and in this directory exists a file that sets bind-address to "bind-address=". Since this gets read after the other directory, our setting gets overridden. Now I could easily just drop the file in /etc/mysql/conf.d/ and have it get read after the other file (it seems to be done alphabetically), but I'm not sure if20:08
tgm4883this is the "correct" way to do this, and I'd rather not just do it and have the archive admins complain when I push the package to the official repos20:08
tgm4883also, I've been shuffled from #ubuntu-server to #ubuntu-app-devel to here20:09
tgm4883nacc: sarnold however, yes. If I was just talking about my own network, or my network at work. I would use Puppet (as I do in those cases)20:10
sarnoldtgm4883: I wonder if the /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/ vs /etc/mysql/conf.d/ represents upstream finally adapting something that debian was doing themselves for ages... that's happened with other .d/ directories. If that's the case then probably moving the file you're setting to the new location is the correct answer20:12
tgm4883sarnold: is there anything that explains what that directory is? I know there's hier for the top level directories, but this one's probably owned by mysql20:12
tgm4883sarnold: it's odd, as there are cnf files in both directories20:13
sarnoldtgm4883: the changelog entries here give me the impression that it's a deliberate change https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.6/5.6.23-0ubuntu120:16
tgm4883sarnold: so then just moving to that other directory should be fine?20:18
sarnoldtgm4883: probably :)20:21
tgm4883sarnold: hmm, ok. That fixes one problem and introduces another. We can install it to that other directory, but can I do a .install that is release specific (eg. mythtv-database.install.xenial) ?20:27
tgm4883is anything like that doable20:28
sarnoldtgm4883: hmm, I think I'd probably approach it with different source packages for different releases, but there may be better ways20:28
tgm4883why though, that seems like extra work for little gain20:29
sarnoldnormally you'd lreesae them every six months or so? :)20:30
tgm4883sarnold: we have daily builds that is built from the same packaging20:31
tgm4883for supported releases20:31
tgm4883they push to out PPA, but it uses the same packaging that we use in the repos20:32
tgm4883that makes testing a bit easier20:32
nacctgm4883: sorry, didn't realize you were referring to mythbuntu's packaging ... makes more sense now20:33
tgm4883nacc: no worries, I didn't want to hit anyone with that wall of text that didn't ask for it ;)20:33
naccso yeah, you'd need to put the config file in the right place depending on the release, then?20:34
tgm4883yea that's the new problem :)20:34
* nacc naively assumes mysql itself knows where config files should live ... is there some sort of hook you can call that says your package needs mysql to be reconfigured?20:37
tgm4883Looking at https://github.com/dannf/mysql-5.6/commit/61e2b53ddede9a951f9910a027e68edd2a74903a20:38
tgm4883maybe I can just call update-alternatives and pass it some parameters20:38
tgm4883I wonder if there is a $MYSQL_CONF_DIR or similiar20:38
tgm4883I don't see one20:41
tgm4883and nothing in debconf either20:41
* tgm4883 blames Daviey20:41
Davieytgm4883: entirely my fault.20:44
tgm4883Daviey: glad you are taking the blame. I'm assigning this bug to you20:45
Davieytgm4883: which bug?20:45
tgm4883Daviey: the one I'm about to file for getting mythbackend working in 16.0420:45
tgm4883We've got it worked out to a packaging issue that we need to figure out how to fix now20:46
tgm4883Daviey: basically, we need to change where mythtv.cfg gets installed. But then how do we do that for 16.04 and yet have a different location for 14.0420:47
tgm4883I thought we could do something like mythtv-database.install.xenial but I can't find any documentation on that20:47
Davieytgm4883: Hmm..21:06
DavieyWhy not install it to the same place and add a compatibility symlink?21:07
tgm4883so install it in the old location and if the new location exists symlink it there?21:07
tgm4883Daviey: That might work. on 16.04 it would be getting read twice, as mysql looks in both directories. As long as the mythtv.cnf file gets read last it should work21:09
skoe_Hi, I want to debug an alsa issue (for the first time) on Xenial Xerus. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS seems to be the wrong way - at least I don't see a DKMS package there. Can somebody give me a pointer?21:59
dobeyskoe_: i guess #ubuntu-kernel might be a better place to ask22:00
tsimonq2dobey: 0.0 that exists? woah thanks :D22:01
dobeyof course22:01
skoe_dobey, thanks, I missed that one22:01
Saviqslangasek, 'tis me again... can I ask for a restart of the failed run http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/unity-scope-click/xenial/armhf/, and /me files bug for flaky test23:27
slangasekSaviq: looking23:34
slangasekSaviq: that's with unity8 as the trigger?23:34
slangasekSaviq: (triggered)23:38
Saviqslangasek, yes, thank you23:38

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