
slidinghornweird...this user's saying it's taking several minutes to process a lsusb command  :-$05:57
sam_yanHI where is definition  of envoronment variables "UPSTART_SESSION"06:21
slidinghornsam_yan: This isn't a support channel...I'll be happy to try to help in #ubuntu if I can though....please see me over there :)06:29
* slidinghorn doesn't understand the appeal to talking to one's self through 2 nicks07:35
lotuspsychjeslidinghorn: at least they have someone to talk to :p07:36
slidinghornaw, now I feel bad for them07:36
slidinghorn...apparently they called themselves a "hot moth"?  is that some kind of cultural thing in Germany?07:38
lotuspsychjeslidinghorn: never heard that expressions really07:38
lotuspsychjemostly its moin moin :p07:38
slidinghornInteresting...I only knew of "guten morgen"07:39
lordievaderGood morning.08:45
slidinghornwb lotuspsychje10:13
BluesKaj_Howdy folks12:56
slidinghornMorning BluesKaj_13:04
BluesKaj_'Morning slidinghorn13:05
ubot5Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:54
pauljwhi everyone20:22
daftykinsgreetings o/20:23
Bashing-omcandidate for the dumbest question of the day "  I would like to know if is possible to share the System RAM from one PC to another. " ??21:27
OerHeksBashing-om, sure.21:34
OerHekslandscape, some machines, share mem, cpu, disk, network, gpu21:35
Bashing-omtrue ^ ; But interface speeds would be so slow .21:38
OerHeksmaybe one can share a file in systemmemory.21:41
OerHeksbut sharing ram as storage, i think it is useless.21:42
nicomachusjeeeeeeeez. been on the phone ALL day for work. just can't get away.22:40

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