
flocculantSebe579: hi - likely not many people about at the moment06:31
zequenceNot sure what is going on with the ubuntustudio-artwork repo. Just branched it, and though it is big, no files in the root folder aside from .bzr10:37
zequenceNeed to fix that up :P10:37
zequenceFunny. It is all there when checking through the launchpad IF10:41
zequencesomething must have gone wrong during my branching10:41
zequenceYeah, that was weird.10:57
sakrecoer_whish i could help you zequence 11:36
sakrecoer_something wrong cfhowlett, or just sollidary to the ubuntustudio-artwork repo weirdness? :)11:37
cfhowlettthe latter. 11:37
cfhowletthey, pm box.  I haz things for you11:37
sakrecoer_cfhowlett: pm box?11:39
cfhowlettprivate message11:39
cfhowlettzequence, still here?11:53
zequencecfhowlett: Ah, yeah. Sorry12:00
zequenceI was announcing the dates for the project lead vote12:02
cfhowlettzequence, I see your membership on the PR team.  Could they help get the wallpaper contest details out?  My access is slow and questionable at times as I am on the wrong side of the Great Firewall12:02
zequencecfhowlett: I'm a member of all teams, since I'm a core member. You mean on the website?12:03
zequenceSorry to hold the handbrake a bit concerning the current standard stuff. I do think it is important that we clear that up12:04
zequenceI'm going to edit your wiki page later too, if you don't mind12:05
cfhowlettzequence, well that too, but I remember reading a PR list somewhere.  Please do edit the wiki.  My first attempt, I'm afraid ...12:05
zequenceYour first attempt was pretty darn good :)12:05
cfhowlettzequence, did you see my stats?  over 100 edits ...12:06
zequencecfhowlett: Let me fix the current standard stuff as far as I can, and I can publish the contest details on the website and social channels12:06
cfhowlettzequence, sweet!  I have ZERO access to social networks except for irc.12:07
zequencecool. Got to run home and eat last days pizza. Then off to help an old man get his Ubuntu installation going!12:07
cfhowlettas well as the mail lists please.12:07
zequenceSure, np12:07
cfhowlettzequence, and you should document helping that "old dude" get started.  12:08
cfhowlettand so far as the brand assets : can we make it easier in the future?  see this for example: http://xubuntu.org/resources/12:11
cubcfhowlett & sakrecoer_ I also have access to the web site. Have not been around much in a while, but will be a bit more going forward.12:11
cfhowlettcub, looking forward to it!12:12
sakrecoer_cub: cool! looking forward! :) 12:16
sakrecoer_of for lunch, see ya laterz!12:16
zequenceThat Xubuntu page is nice12:40
cfhowlettzequence, isn't it?  that's the kind of thing I would like to suggest.  12:42
cfhowlettFor the really ambitious, we could go even further.  fedora has a flavor for artists called Fedora Design Spin.  Similar software to our graphics package.  BUT the design spin is the same software that Fedora does their internal graphic design with and the Design Spin Team supports and designs for ALL the fedora spins!12:44
cfhowlettwonder if we could perhaps offer something similar to the other *buntus12:45
cubFedora seems to have an audio spin as well, not sure how updated or "live" it is though: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Jam_Audio_Spin13:01
cubAh "This page was last modified on 16 November 2014"13:02

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