
weblordpepehi guyz06:33
weblordpepeim trying to be cheap and install the Wine which comes with ubuntu studio on my ubuntu machine06:34
weblordpepecan someone please tell me the URL of the repo ubuntu studio uses?06:34
* weblordpepe hits two cymbals06:43
* weblordpepe pops a balloon06:43
* weblordpepe drives a car into the wall07:30
zequenceweblordpepe: Ubuntu Studio is an official flavor of Ubuntu, which means we share repositories with Ubuntu08:00
zequenceThe only difference is the configuration of packages during first install08:00
sakrecoer_weblordpepe: open the software center and search for wine i have it there but from there on i can't help you, i haven't needed any microsoft related things for a long time.08:12
sakrecoer_"i have there" .. and i din't add any repo URL..08:12
dcm9275hey, someone can tell me if are there a new skins for Ubuntu Studio? Thanks!13:29
cfhowlettthemes?  or wallpapers?13:30
dcm9275Yes!, themes!!!13:30
dcm9275sorry, my poor English... :P13:30
cfhowlettdcm9275, as ubuntustudio is built on xubuntu, you can use xubuntu themes13:30
dcm9275and it works?13:31
cfhowlettthey do.13:31
dcm9275I am new in Ubuntu... and is Sensational!!!!13:31
dcm9275I really happy to change my older laptop in a robust machine with Ubuntu...13:32
cfhowlettdcm9275, enjoy the magic!  also:  www.fullcirclemagazine.org /downloads       start at #0 and go to #105.  You will be a god among mere linux users13:32
dcm9275Thanks Mate!!13:34
jarnosCan you install generic kernel in ubuntu studio? Do I have to configure something?16:38
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
zequencejarnos: Just install it: sudo apt-get install linux-generic17:45
zequenceBut, why would you want to do that?17:46
zequencelinux-lowlatency is the same as linux-generic, except for a few minor details, which make linux-lowlatency much better for audio17:46
jarnoszequence, I guess it is better, if I don't have such audio tasks. I read somewhere that it takes more power to run lowlatency.17:49
jarnosBTW. I tried to add xorg stuff according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack to Trusty, but it installs linux-image-generic-lts-vivid anyway.17:51
jarnosThat is even if I do not have linux-generic-lts-vivid as an argument.17:53
jarnosAnd it installs linux-generic-lts-vivid.17:54
zequencejarnos: Yes, it may use a bit more power. Don't have any data on how much, or if at all, but that is what I'm told17:56
zequencejarnos: Seems like you already installed the generic kernel. When you boot, in the grub menu, select advanced options. From there you can select which kernel you want to boot17:57
zequenceIf you want to get rid of linux-lowlatency uninstall the meta package linux-lowlatency, then any of the -image packages that go with -lowlatency17:57
jarnoszequence, ok17:58
jarnoszequence, maybe I let it be for a while17:58
HazwardHello! I tried to set up jack correctly but now it's unable to start21:33
HazwardWhen I type to command execute by qjackctl this is the output: http://pastebin.com/9C6YGZkh21:37

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