
ahoneybunthe heck is going on with this "Flames_in_Paradise" mparillo ?03:37
bshahyofel: removed patch from kubuntu_unstable as that doesn't apply anymore after mck182's change got in. you will probably want new release for xenial (tar is already redone)04:45
soeehmm, right click on desktop not working, right click in other apps seems to be a bit laggy06:53
soeekrunner can't find anything so as application lanuncher06:54
valoriein wily, or xenial?06:55
soeevalorie: xenial06:55
valorieok, I've not updated that laptop yet06:55
soeePlasma 5.5 is pretty cool, except some small issues06:56
soeebut i see some randomness here06:56
valorieI saw you in #plasma, helping out06:58
valoriethank you for that06:58
soeeyup devs helped and we found faulty code :) and Philip removed it from Frameworks 5.18 so it looks pretty stable now07:02
soeei'm happy looking at what is done now = new plasma, new frameworks and apps are wip07:03
soeeand from what i see Plasma 5.6 is scheduled on 17 March so it should get into Xenial before release in april07:04
soeeso to sum it up, 16.04 schould be damn cool release :)07:05
valoriehave we done enough streamlining to make that possible?07:05
soeewhat exactly ?07:05
valoriegetting this all done has been a pretty heavy life07:06
rwwIf I want to poke around the new hotness in Kubuntu and don't mind stuff breaking, where would I be looking? xenial's repositories or add a PPA on top of that?07:07
rww(and if I have bugs with your answer, do you want them tagged/filed a special way?)07:07
valorierww: we don't have plasma 5.4.3 backported to wily yet07:08
valorieand not sure we'll get it07:08
soeevalorie: it is for Wily :)07:08
soeePlasma 5.5 is no backported though07:09
rwwSo xenial?07:09
soeerww: i'm using xenial on my laptop like few weeks already07:09
valoriesoee: have you been filing bugs in launchpad for xenial?07:10
valorieI've not been07:10
valorieoops, I meant 5.5.3 sheesh07:10
valorieI honestly saw very few differences with 5.4.307:10
soeeif you want to help testing new stuff use Xenial07:10
rwwJust file bugs the usual-way using ubuntu-bug?07:10
soeevalorie: not yet, i was waiting for Plasma 5.5 and new Frameworks07:10
valorierww: my travel laptop is xenial07:10
valoriehaven't upgraded for a few weeks though07:10
valorierww: i always advise that07:11
soeei usually try to find someone here who can confirm some bugs and than i'm reporting them07:11
valorieit's the best07:11
soeebut there are bugs in Plasma, Applications that are not our job 07:12
rwwsounds good. any mailing list in particular I should be on? kubuntu-devel?07:12
soeeso then best to consult with Plasma devs07:12
rwwfor doing that on IRC, #kde-devel or somewhere better?07:13
rwwsorry for all the questions, it's been a while07:13
soeerww: yes, on this list often some stuff to test is announced etc.07:13
soeerww: also #plasma07:13
soeeplasma is for desktop environment - panel, widgets, kcms etc.07:13
soeekde-devel for applications07:14
valorierww: I usually default to here first07:15
valoriethose other chans second, and an ML next -- sometimes even when I get a good answer07:16
valorieeverybody's on the list, and not everybody uses IRC07:16
soeei have fixed the right click08:18
soeeyofel: ping me when you have 2 min09:10
mparilloahoneybun: You talking about the bug reporter who originally reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/1532157 with two separate bugs in two separate components, who split out the second (more of a request actually) into Launchpad bug 153237210:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1532157 in Kubuntu Website "Link to release notes Kubuntu-Trusty throws 404" [Low,Fix released]10:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1532372 in Kubuntu Website "Kubuntu Release-Notes Wily-Werewolf 15.10 are missing link to RN-Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153237210:32
mparilloI fixed the first, and was asking for website permissions to fix the second10:32
yofelsoee: ping11:00
soeeyofel: i had problems with right click on desktop today. After some checks o noticed that not all Frameworks packages were updated to 5.18. Now i wonder why: yesterday i'v downgraded all to 5.17 than some packages where upgraded to 5.18 (when i was testing them). But after we wound faulty package i run upgrade with frameworks staging ppa enabled, so i thought all packages should be updates to 5.18 but they were not. Any idea why ?11:04
yofelnot without knowing what exactly you told apt to do..11:05
yofelI did the same, but for me a dist-upgrade upgraded everything11:06
* yofel uploads new kwallet11:07
soeeagain ?11:09
yofelthe new tarball11:09
soeeah so mck182 fixed it ?11:09
yofelyep, and devid did a respin11:10
yofeland let me rename discover again11:15
yofelRiddell: with https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126680/ - would you also name the source plasma-discover please? We already have a 'discover' in the archive so we need to rename anyway11:17
BluesKajHi folks11:19
BluesKajhi yofel , how goes the battle ?  :-)11:21
yofelmaking progress, after I'm done renaming discover again I can start testing plasma 5.5 on wily11:22
yofelapps OTOH, will probably take another week or so11:22
yofel(including the merges)11:22
yofelwhy do we have an amarok beta release in wily backports ppa o.O?11:24
BluesKajok yofel , good to know11:24
soeeyofel: do you have machine with Xenial maybe ?11:28
yofelsoee: yes?11:28
soeewith 5.5.3 and 5.18 ?11:29
soeeplease take a look how clipboard icon is rendered for me after reboot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN69H_HpSzQ11:30
yofelclivejo: I committed your amarok beta packaging to bzr, but that needs cleanup before it can be uploaded to xenial11:30
soeeit was ok again when i moved back to 5.17 yesterday11:30
mparilloAfter upgrading to Plasma 5.5.3 on Xenial, Muon Update Manager seems to list updates available, but does nothing when I click on apply updates. Maybe I caught some things in progress. Using apt now and will report back next time updates are available.11:30
soeebut after upgrading to 5.18 it happens again11:30
yofelmy icon is fine here, but I have some other item that's completely invisible11:31
soeeso it looks like it starts rendering - scaling up - but hangs in some moment11:31
yofelhm, could be panel size dependent then11:31
soeethere are also some rendering problems when moving panel11:32
soeetask manager items get strange size, loose spaces11:32
soeeso i'm sure that in 5.18 there was some other change that has influance on rendering 11:33
yofelthat's upstream bugs IMO11:33
soeeyup, just wanted to find someone who can confirm them11:34
clivejoI did amarok beta packaging?11:40
yofelsometime in august it looks like11:41
clivejomaybe just practising11:41
yofelpossibly, but it ended up in the stable backports ppa, so now we kind of have to support it11:41
clivejois amarok on alioth?11:42
yofeland I wouldn't bother moving the qt4 version 11:42
yofelor moving anything until we've decided what to do with our git stuff11:43
clivejocant use that then?11:43
clivejocan we convert the bzr to a git archive?11:43
yofelwell, you can on LP if you want to. But if we keep our own repo then preferably migrate the history11:44
yofelthere was some bzr-git-import plugin IIRC11:44
clivejoas you know Im not fan of bzr11:44
yofelI'm not particulary a fan of it either, but for simply packaging branches it does the job just fine11:45
yofelbut as I said, feel free to migrate the repo to git11:45
clivejoso why dont we use debian got?11:45
yofelwe talked about moving our stuff away, didn't we? So for now I wouldn't use alioth for stuff where we have our own repo11:46
clivejook :(11:47
yofelLP can do git just fine now. So use that if you really can't work with bzr11:47
yofelamarok looks so unmaintained that I really wouldn't bother investing much time in it anyway..11:49
clivejoI have a bad memory, its hard enough learning one batch of commands, but my brain just refuses to work with certain things11:49
yofeldid you never use svn?11:49
yofelah ok11:50
yofelthen bzr and git will feel very different indeed11:50
clivejoI learned to program in Minux while at uni.  It put me off programming and I ended up in building management 11:51
clivejoI havent really looked into programming since11:51
clivejoI have on and off days11:51
clivejosome days I can read and write code like it is second nature, other days its like some kind of alien language11:52
yofeleven professionals have that, there it's called developaralysis11:53
clivejoI prefer physical challeges now, plumbing, electrical, anything involving hands I guess11:54
yofelget yourself a raspi and start automating your house, then you get both sides :P11:55
clivejoI do :P11:55
yofelcome to think of it, our l10n stuff would benefit a lot from a git migration..11:55
yofelthat uses a bazillion branches11:55
clivejogrrr my pup is possessed11:57
clivejohe ripped his bed apart this morning, I took him for a walk and stopped at my mothers house for breakfast.  Left him outside for 10mins and he ripped out all my motthers pot plants11:58
yofel. . .11:58
clivejohes eating my welly at the moment11:58
clivejowhile trying to sweep up the soil and clean the mess up he was trying to bite and run away with the brush12:00
clivejoI need to run into town for some supplies.  Need some flux ASAP12:03
clivejohas kwallet been fixed now?12:05
bshahno idea..12:06
bshah<- not a ~kubuntu-dev12:06
soeeclivejo: yofet tooked care of it12:06
clivejois it in landing?12:06
clivejoah yes12:07
clivejokwallet-kf5 - 5.18.0a-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa1 12:07
yofelbah, my epoch hackery isn't working12:08
clivejohas anyone tested this version ?12:08
clivejoonly 44mins old 12:09
lordievaderBesides 16.04 are there other versions of Kubuntu that frequently require testing?12:10
clivejolordievader: backports to wily?12:11
clivejohi sick_rimmit, are you still sick?12:11
yofelwhat do you mean with frequently?12:11
lordievaderWell, I can image that there are times to test something on 14.04 but not frequently anymore. Basically I am trying to figure out which installs I should have on my test box.12:12
sick_rimmitYes :-( 12:12
clivejoyofel: with kwallet fixed is Plasma5.5 ready for wily?12:12
sick_rimmitI am improving, but it really given me a hard time12:13
yofelclivejo: not until I'm done with discover - where I'm a bit stuck right now12:13
clivejoisnt it just a rename?12:13
* clivejo says "just" like he knows the process of renaming a package12:14
yofellordievader: generally, we "support" last LTS, current stable and dev. As we're currently developing the next LTS, the last one doesn't really recieve any attention anymore12:14
yofelclivejo: there's epochs involved...12:15
yofelI would like to drop those with the rename, but I didn't really want to rename the binaries *right now*, as the app itself only gets renamed for 5.612:15
lordievaderyofel: So, it is best for testing to have 15.10 (with backports) and 16.04 installed?12:16
yofelbut the libdiscover is new and should not carry an epoch, but e.g. muon-discover depends on libdiscover (= ${binary:Version}) which needs an epoch that libdiscover doesn't have12:16
yofel-> boom12:16
yofelso I might go and rename the binaries after all :/12:16
yofeland just leave the epoch on the transitional packages with loose deps12:17
yofellordievader: yes12:17
lordievaderCheck, thanks :)12:17
BluesKajI have muon on xenial by installing libmuon first then muon itself12:18
yofeltalking about that..12:19
yofelsick_rimmit: how's muon maintenance working out?12:19
mparilloI applied the updates to Xenial with Plasma 5.5.3, and after rebooting, I no longer needed to enter my WEP password, but now I have to enter my kwallet password to connect to WiFi.12:23
yofelmparillo: did you remove pam_kwallet.so from the pam config?12:24
mparilloNo, is that they way we will eventually ship 16.04?12:28
ovidiu-florinmparillo: hello12:28
ovidiu-florincan that card be closed?12:29
yofelmparillo: no, I just remembered us talking about it. But that really should work..12:29
yofelI'll test it in a bit12:29
mparilloIn general, I prefer to remain pretty vanilla, (not to mention I do not know how to change my pam config), but I would be happy to test with you.12:30
mparilloovidiu-florin: Which card, the Wikipeadia card?12:30
mparillosudo nano /etc/pam.conf ?12:33
mparilloMine is all comments.12:33
yofel /etc/pam.d/sddm should have 2 lines with pam_kwallet5.so12:34
mparilloSo I comment out by: # -auth   optional        pam_kwallet5.so12:36
yofelthat shouldn't be commented out12:37
mparillo# -session optional       pam_kwallet5.so auto_start12:37
ovidiu-florinmparillo: yes the wikipedia card12:37
mparilloSo, after editing, cat  /etc/pam.d/sddm | grep pam_kwallet5.so shows both lines as commented out12:39
mparilloovidiu-florin: I am content with the wikipedia card being closed, assuming nobody else has any suggestions. After 16.04, I would want to update Wikipedia again, but that can be a new card if you prefer.12:40
mparillore-booting to test the kwallet for wifi password.12:40
yofelmparillo: they should NOT be commented out12:42
yofelok, discover building, let me try out kwallet12:44
ovidiu-florinyofel: what heppend to the Trello->IRC bot?12:48
yofelthat was implemented in kubotu, whose server seems to be dead12:48
yofelmparillo: kwallet works fine for me now12:50
mparilloOK, that was way too painful12:56
mparilloI removed the comments and reverted12:57
yofeldiscover rework finished, my last couple commits could do with a review if someone wants to (sgclark, clivejo ?)12:59
yofelplasma 5.5 users might have to force-downgrade libdiscover12:59
bshahoopsie.. yet another version downgrade..13:01
yofelsorry about that13:02
yofelovidiu-florin: something I just realized for the packaging docs, I strongly recommend every packager to have a ~/.dput.cf with this content:13:05
yofeldefault_host_main = ppa13:05
yofelthis isn't that important for beginners, but really important for every person with primary archive upload permissions13:05
yofeland by that time, you can easily forget to add that13:06
yofelhm, kwallet-pam is missing transitional packages13:35
yofelor updating the recommends in plasma-desktop should work as well13:36
clivejotesting from landing?13:47
yofelthat's what I'm doing13:48
yofelstill finding stuff to fix, but slowly running out13:48
sgclarkjust woke up, need at least a cup of coffee lol13:49
clivejoyou say that like its a bad thing!13:49
yofelwell, the first part is the bad thing13:49
yofelbut I think we can do a public tester call this evening13:49
sgclarksorry whats going on?13:50
* clivejo cheers and does happy dance13:50
yofelsgclark: talking about plasma13:50
* sgclark scrolls13:50
sgclarkmm bouncer did not keep enough to be useful. I will look at the notes.13:53
clivejosgclark: mailing list might be more helpful, basically KDE have respun a tarball for kwallet13:54
yofelsgclark: I would appreciate it if you could review my discover rename13:54
yofelthe rest we pretty much took care of13:54
clivejoyofel: how do I review?13:55
yofeljust look at the last 5 commits in kubuntu_xenial_archive13:55
yofelthe idea was to rename to the coming 5.6 name, drop the epoch and only add the epoch for the transitional packages13:56
clivejodoes the debian git branch get renamed too?13:56
yofelno, git matches the upstream source name13:56
yofelthinking about it, my changes probably screwed up the CI13:57
yofeloh well13:57
clivejoyofel:  in rules $(overridden_command) --dbg-package=muon-discover-dbg13:57
sgclarklots of broken merges I see, I can work on those today13:58
clivejorename there too or no?13:58
yofelclivejo: that's fixed in some other commit13:58
clivejois it?13:58
clivejoI thought I was current13:58
yofelIt's fixed here and I have no diff and nothing to push..13:58
clivejoah I see it now13:59
clivejowhat does muon.postinst do?13:59
yofelnothing useful, delete14:00
yofelI forgot to do that14:00
sgclarkI cant seem to find the repo 14:00
* sgclark needs more coffee14:00
clivejothe language files arent installed?14:01
clivejooh muon-exporter, what ever that is14:02
yofelI have no idea what muon-exporter is supposed to be14:02
clivejowill upstream rename too?14:02
yofelclivejo: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126680/14:03
yofelthat's where I got the names from14:03
clivejoI see14:04
clivejoif you have custom wallpaper does plasma change it back to default?14:06
yofelit shouldn't14:06
clivejoonly if you use the default already?14:06
clivejowhere is the updated kwallet tarball?14:08
sgclarkyofel: the lintain-overrides still contain conent for muon, is that on purpose?14:10
clivejowhats the tool that scans for orphaned files?14:10
yofelsgclark: the binaries are still called muon-* for now, so I just fixed the package names in the lintian-override files14:10
yofelclivejo: orphaned files?14:10
clivejofiles that apt may have left behind?14:11
sgclarkthere is a tool for that?!14:11
yofelapt never leaves stuff behind, except config files14:11
clivejoor I installed manually14:11
clivejothere was a tool for it14:11
clivejocompared the physical files to apt 14:11
yofeland if config files are left then the package is still in the dpkg DB as uninstalled/configured or so14:11
yofelthere is debsums, but that's checksum checking for installed packages14:12
clivejoI had a problem with kde theme for sddm14:12
clivejoI used a tool before called fluff or lint or something like that14:13
yofel /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/libpam_kwallet5.so14:14
yofelthat probably won't work if our sddm profile says "pam_kwallet5.so" which was the lib name in the old package14:15
yofeland as all other files in there are called pam_*, I wonder why kwallet is suddenly called libpam_*14:15
* yofel out shopping, bbl14:15
soeeyofel: http://pastebin.com/uJRLKugs14:16
soeeare you working on discover and it causes some problems ?14:16
sgclarkyofel: looks good to me. 14:17
clivejoI think I prefered the old plasma icons for shutdown/reboot etc :/14:22
vishalraoclivejo: you mean the colourful ones or the monochromatic ones?14:23
clivejomono ones14:23
vishalraome too, the mono ones seem to be there on the default app launcher, but the ugly colourful ones on the menu launcher (this is on plasma 5.4.3 sorry, seem to be same for plasma 5.5.3 IINM)14:24
clivejojust switch the them14:25
clivejoI no likey!14:25
vishalraotheme to what?14:25
soeecan someone test one thing: if you create new user account and login there, it will use old oxygen icons 14:25
clivejodark breeze14:25
clivejoyuck yuck yuck14:26
sgclarkI liked the old ones too, new ones dont seem to fit14:28
vishalraosoee: seem to be regular breeze icons in new account for me14:30
vishalraosoee: oh wait, yeah, the right click menu seems to be old oxygen icons, same on buttons etc14:30
clivejoIm gonna have to look for a new theme14:31
clivejoany suggestions?14:31
vishalraocan't the breeze theme be modified to use the old mono icons (if the mono icons are still in there) ?14:31
soeeiconset or desktop theme ?14:32
soeevishalrao: ok thanks for checking14:32
clivejoI like the dark breeze kickoff menu and taskbar, but the light breeze for windows and rest of system14:35
sgclarkok, I am confused, I still see alot of red, but we are ready for testing?14:36
clivejored for what?14:37
soeeplasma and frameworks shoudl be ready14:38
soeeapps are not14:38
soeeyofel: said 1 week is needed for finieh the, :)14:38
clivejoplasma 5.5.3 is ready for testing14:38
sgclarkcool ok14:39
clivejoapps 15.12.0 still needs work14:39
mparilloIt seems as if the muon changes (muon-discover muon-notifier muon-updater) are held back14:39
sgclarkgot it, I am clear now thanks14:39
clivejoovidiu-florin: you still want to finish okular?14:39
soeemparillo: confirmed here14:40
clivejoBTW does kubuntu not brand the kickoff menu icon?14:44
soeeyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14447156/14:44
ovidiu-florinclivejo: yes, but I'm still kind of tired14:45
ovidiu-florinand it's hard for me to focus on reading the symbols documentation for packaging14:45
ovidiu-florinand my keyboard looks backwards14:46
ovidiu-florinif you can explain it to me in a few simple words, I might get it faster14:47
sgclarkkubuntu does not brand much of anything. 14:47
sgclarkovidiu-florin: as you probably know there is nothing simple about symbols. But you can run that command in the README I pointed out yesterday for a quick start.14:48
ovidiu-florinsgclark: but I'm not sure I understand the prboblem yet14:55
sgclarkovidiu-florin: sorry I don't understand14:56
yofelsoee: sudo apt install libdiscover=5.5.3a-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa114:58
yofelthe rest should figure itself out after that14:58
yofelmparillo: for you too: sudo apt install libdiscover=5.5.3a-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa115:01
yofelBluesKaj: ^15:01
BluesKajyofel:  but i don't want muon discover, I'll stick with plain muon, but thanks anyway :-)15:03
yofelah right15:03
yofelhm, I really don't get why our kwallet modules are called libpam suddenly15:04
ovidiu-florinsgclark: I'm not sure I understand the symbols problem with the okular package15:05
yofelovidiu-florin: did you kind of get the point of having symbol files yet?15:06
ovidiu-florinI understand teh point of having them15:06
yofelok, so the problem right now with okular is that the symbol table in the packaging doesn't match with the one generated at build time from the built binary15:07
soeeyofel: worked15:07
ovidiu-florinyofel: that seems pretty obvious, that they would not match, since it's a newer version of the software. 15:08
ovidiu-florinWhy are the symbol files stored in the packaging?15:08
yofelif you look into the file, you will see that every symbol has the okular version that it appeared in appended to it15:09
yofelthat information is used by dpkg-shlibdeps to generate properly versioned library dependencies for packages that use libokularcore15:10
yofelit is also used to make sure that no symbols disappear between releases without upstream updating the so version of the library15:11
yofelthat would be an ABI break and would cause applications to fail to run like this: akregator: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libKF5AkonadiCore.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZTIN7Akonadi8Protocol7CommandE15:12
yofelthat's why the package actually fails to build when a symbol goes missing15:13
yofel(for C++, that's not sufficient actually and you need abi-compliance-checker, but that's a different topic)15:13
yofelnow okular did change the soversion from 6 to 7, and clive updated the packaging to reflect this, he just didn't get to update the symbol files15:14
yofelso you now need to update the symbol files in the packaging, remove any #MISSING# lines from them and you're done15:14
ovidiu-florinI understand what needs to be done15:15
ovidiu-florinbut still I don't understand why it is the package's responsibility to make sure backwards compatibility is not broken?15:16
yofelbecause the software authors cannot be trusted15:16
yofelso this is a very basic saftey measure, as well as information for dpkg-shlibdeps to generate proper deps15:17
yofellatter was what the file was really meant for when it was introduced for C applications15:17
ovidiu-florin"<yofel> because the software authors cannot be trusted" - This seems like a very big issue to me15:22
yofelwell, C++ ABI rules are so mental, that most developers don't even know all of them and end up breaking them by accident15:22
yofeland KDE CI still has no ABI check AFAIK15:22
sgclarkstill has no what?15:23
yofelsgclark: does build.kde.org run abi-compliance-checker yet?15:23
sgclarkyet? I have heard nothing about this requirement15:23
yofelI'm pretty sure that was talked about a while ago, but ben either didn't seem interested or didn't have time as usual15:24
yofelbut without kde upstream validating ABI, we have to15:24
sgclarkwell no one told me... it is my ci now15:24
sgclarkI will add a workitem for it, now that I am aware..15:25
yofelit's not a requirement. It's just a good-to-have thing for the kde parts that guarantee a stable ABI15:25
sgclarkyep, agreed, I will work on it15:25
yofelovidiu-florin: regarding the c++ rules, enjoy the read: https://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Binary_Compatibility_Issues_With_C%2B%2B15:26
* yofel -> lunch15:26
yofelif I compile kwallet-pam by hand I get pam_kwallet5.so16:02
yofel-set_target_properties (${library_name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "")16:04
* yofel talks to maxy..16:10
clivejoanyone using activites?17:21
clivejoOn Plasma 5.5.3 I have a few activities for different tasks.  I have one for Kubuntu and I added an icon.  I want to add an icon for OSM but the select file dialogue box wont work.  Can anyone confirm?17:27
acher88Hmmm.. The file picker comes up below the preceding 2 dialogue boxes here, and so is unusable17:50
clivejosame here acher8817:50
clivejoI guess that makes it a bug17:50
acher88I can close the other 2 as well, but not the file picker.17:52
acher88Have to kill that window which nukes plasmashell as well17:52
acher88Hmm. on 2nd try it's now at least closeable. odd17:54
clivejohummmm now I cant get logged on to bugs.kde.org17:55
clivejofancy reporting it acher88?17:56
ubottuKDE bug 357533 in general "Cannot load icon for activities" [Minor,Unconfirmed]17:57
clivejoacher88: your on fedora?17:58
clivejooh no, thats not you17:58
acher88Nope. Thought best to do a quick search first17:59
clivejois my KDE ID not the same one I use for KDE Etherpad?18:00
acher88not a clue18:00
clivejowill you add a me too on that bug?18:02
acher88can't just this sec, and I think I'm going to have to re-register if I want to anyway18:03
clivejohi Rick_Timmis18:04
clivejoAnyone know if and how can I setup two Quassel windows, each in a different activity and save/lock them to those activities?18:07
clivejoI want one on my Kubuntu activity and one on my OSM18:08
sgclarkclivejo: no bugs.kde.org is seperate login18:15
sgclarkI can change icons for activities, or am I mis understadning thee issue?18:17
clivejoI can change it, but I want a custom one18:19
clivejonot one already on the system18:19
mparilloacher88: For bugs.kde.org, you use an e-mail.18:19
mparilloIt is public, so I use an ancient hotmail one, because I was afraid of spam, but I do not seem to get any.18:20
clivejoif I select "Other Icons:" and click the "Browse.." button, the window to select the file on local filesystem wont let me pick a file18:20
clivejothankyou mparillo!!18:21
acher88Like: http://i.imgur.com/tuLbO1Z.png18:27
mparilloclivejo: You are welcome, but for what? Adding a me-too on the bug?18:28
clivejoto use my email to log in18:29
clivejoIve been trying to get logged onto bugs.kde.org for about 20mins now!18:29
clivejoI was about to reset my password18:29
clivejothats why I thanked you!18:29
sgclarkahh yes, confirmed18:30
clivejonot only does it appear behind the other windows, when you do drag it in front, it doesnt work718:31
sgclarkI marked the bug as confirmed. thanks all18:31
mparilloclivejo: My pleasure. I have lobbed plenty of bugs there (but not enough karma to allow me to mark a bug as confirmed, so thank you sgclark), so logging in with an e-mail is fresh in my mind. 18:33
acher88I shall check in Arch/Chakra18:33
acher88ditto. the same18:34
acher88not that I doubted it would be after all that....18:34
clivejointerestingly, if you add the icon via the Kickoff menu customise, it shows up to add to add it as an activities icon18:35
acher88by the way, if you switch kickoff to an application dashboard and then r-click to edit settings, I had an error on both real machine and VM18:37
acher88had to install a couple of extra kf5/qml packages to make that work18:38
acher88seemed to not get pulled in by default on the plasma install/upgrade18:38
clivejothe dropbox icon in dark breeze theme isnt very nice :/18:39
acher88qml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel and qml-module-qt-labs-settings 18:41
sgclarkyofel: artikulate lintain errors are directly related to some changes you made. I made a note in the notepad if you would go ahead take a look when you have time.18:58
clivejosgclark: how are pim packages coming along?18:59
sgclarkok, but I doubt it will be done today. I plan to have some saturday to relax19:00
yofelactually clive did that, and it looks like he added some files that were in not-installed so far19:02
yofelthose symlinks really shouldn't get installed19:02
clivejowhat did I do?19:02
yofellook at linitian19:03
clivejonon-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink ?19:03
yofelall errors19:04
clivejoIm seeing 6 warnings?19:05
yofelyes, and the bold ones need fixing19:05
clivejo--> https://paste.kde.org/p8noudmfm19:06
yofellook at the status page, not the build log19:06
clivejowhat status page?19:07
clivejoits orange?19:07
clivejoor yellow :P19:07
yofelclick at show/hide for artikulate19:07
clivejowow, I didnt know it did that!#19:08
clivejois that new?!?19:08
yofelthat was there since script version one...19:08
clivejook, so what did I do wrong?19:09
yofelread up on what non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink means19:09
yofelregarding package-name-doesnt-match-sonames, you simply didn't update the artikulate.lintian-errors file19:10
clivejoShared libraries are supposed to place such symbolic links in their respective "-dev" packages, so it is a bug to include it with the main library package.  However, if this is a small package which includes the runtime and the development libraries, this is not a bug. In the latter case, please override this warning.19:11
clivejothere is no -dev package19:11
yofelright, why is that?19:12
clivejoprivate lib?19:12
yofelyes, no headers shipped for it19:12
clivejoso it should be in not installed?19:12
clivejoso all the libs, sym links and all, go in not-installed?19:15
yofelno, only the symlinks19:15
yofellook at not-installed, they're already in there, just with the old, now broken syntax19:15
yofelif you put the libs in not-installed instead of shipping them artikulate would hardly work, would it ^^19:16
clivejoit might, by magic19:17
clivejook uploaded and commited19:23
clivejoyofel: does digikam provide KF5KipiConfig.cmake ?19:33
sgclarkclivejo: new framework I believe19:33
clivejosgclark: do you know what provides it?19:34
clivejoits a built dep of gwenview19:34
sgclarknope. googling..19:34
yofelkipi was libkipi in the past19:35
yofelno idea if that's ported yet19:35
yofellibkipi qt4 edition was part of apps19:35
sgclarkoh libkipi and it is red19:36
clivejooh its part of apps 15.12?19:36
sgclarkit is there and red19:36
clivejoexplains a lot!19:36
Riddellclivejo: I don't think kf5kipi exists yte19:47
Riddellif gwenview or something is asking for it you can just ignore that19:47
sgclarkhi Riddell!19:56
Riddellhola sgclark20:17
murthyRiddell: hi21:16
murthyWill i be given permission to post a fsf survery article link on the kubuntu channel?21:18
murthyyofel: ^21:20
murthy valorie ?21:30
valoriego for it21:39
claydohIs muon package manager broken, or is it dead?21:43
claydohin 16.0421:43
valoriesick_rimmit: ^^^21:45
valoriehow's it coming along?21:45
* valorie hopes that muon is alive and well21:45
valorieand sick_rimmit too 21:46
mparilloDid sick_rimmit volunteer to keep muon package manager going? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2015-November/010137.html21:46
mparilloAhh, valorie is sooooo fast.21:46
* claydoh agrees with valorie, hopes both sick_rimmit and muon are ok21:47
valorieI'm pretty sure he would welcome patches to fix bugs.....21:48
murthyvalorie: Did we get a new muon maintainer ?22:08
valorieyes, Rick Timmis22:10
valoriebut whether he's taken over officially I don't know22:10
valorieand there22:11
valories the man in question22:11
valorieRick_Timmis: do you need a paste of the conversation about you and muon?22:12
murthyfinally muon will get some love22:12
valorieI like it so much better than synaptic, or any "software store"22:14
DarinMillerBTW, if anyone is fighting the 16.04 daily download install bug,  unsquashfs'd the /casper/filesystem.squahfs file from 16.04 live usb.22:19
DarinMillerReplace /usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-prepare.py with the same file from 15.10,  and mksquashfs squashfs-root filesystem.squashfs -b 1024k -comp xz -Xbcj x86 -e boot22:20
DarinMillercopy the filesystem.squahfs back to the live usb /casper directory and Bob's your uncle....22:21
valorieDarinMiller: please write to the kubuntu-devel list about that22:24
valoriesounds like a packaging issue22:24
* valorie heads off to Star Wars22:24
yofelenjoy :)22:25
DarinMillerThe ubi-prepare.py a bug has been reported and triaged, but it has not landed in the daily downloads.  Someone posted here the other day that they could not install via the daily  dowload.22:26
DarinMillerSide note, the resulting install seem incomplete... debugging now.22:27
DarinMillerNevermind.  Looks like the install did not go well.  Permissions were transferred to my username when I unsquahed.  Need to check if unsquash can preserve owership of files.22:32
clivejois ricktimmis internet connection sick too?23:42

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