
troyesi can't shutdown my laptop09:23
Lokiesystemd ?11:39
=== mathisen is now known as Mathisen
kvjrebooting after installing virtualbox from the software center makes my system fail to boot with "Non system disk or disk-error , replace and strike any key when ready16:24
jesuslover22343hello there18:28
jesuslover22343is there a way to set my LXDE desktop to mimick windows?18:28
jesuslover22343in that if i pull a GUI window far enough to one side of the monitor18:28
jesuslover22343it aligns with either the right or left side of the monitor?18:29
wxlmany of us on #lubuntu are on #lxde and vice versa btw so you don't necessarily need to repeat your messages everywhere :)18:51
jesuslover22343ah true that18:51
jesuslover22343i just do it to reach out18:51
jesuslover22343general tech support and whatnot18:51
wxlall good, just saying18:51
wxlin any case, i do not recollect such a feature, but we may be able to find one18:51
wxlyour google is as good as mine. well, maybe… ☺18:52
jesuslover22343yeah i heard lxde was for cucks18:52
jesuslover22343no i'm just messing around lxde is pretty legit18:53
jesuslover22343cucks is a goofy term that people use18:53
wxlyou should add an entry to wordnik18:54
jesuslover22343i am going to look around a bit more, not sure if i ever saw that feature but it's a genius feature, came out for windows 718:54
wxlthough i gather i would have probably odne better to consult urban dictionary :/18:54
wxlkubuntu does it too18:54
jesuslover22343kubuntu does the windows7 feature?18:55
wxljesuslover22343: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207643318:55
wxljesuslover22343: yeah. maybe using kwin in lxqt will give us the feature18:56
jesuslover22343ah, that is amazing18:56
jesuslover22343ty so much18:56
jesuslover22343it is called "aero snap" that's right18:56
wxlyeah that's what made the search hard18:56
wxli was looking for sticky windows18:56
jesuslover22343well thank you very much18:58
jesuslover22343a fine team of professionals here, i must say18:59
jesuslover22343the Lord be with you18:59

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