
Kilosmorning all07:14
Kilosboom boom time again14:44
Kilossome waters falling inetpro 16:09
squish102humm, what is the easiest way to send an instruction to my modem to reboot?16:11
squish102I normally go to a page on ip and lick a button "Reset modem"16:11
squish102think my modem is busted, as every comple days it slows down and all i need is to reboot and it is back to full speed16:12
Private_Usersup people16:55
Private_Userhi Kilos, hows it going?16:55
Symmetriaheh I just spent 4 hours trying to optimise deluge 16:55
Symmetriafinally got it performing at a reasonable speed 16:55
Symmetriabut its horribly cpu heavy when you are pulling at serious bandwidth 16:56
Symmetria(then again, the types of speeds Im trying to do are bizarre and not realistic in most scenarios)16:56
Private_Userhey Symmetria16:56
Private_Userwhat type of speeds you getting?16:57
SymmetriaPrivate_User heh I peaked out at 2.8gigabit/second17:00
zipperSymmetria: Hey man18:24
zipperSymmetria: It's been long. Remind your email please.18:24
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:02
smilebye :)19:37
* Squirm pokes around20:37

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