
EllipsisI'm trying to clean install Lubuntu here.01:11
EllipsisI unsuccessfully attempted to install Crunchbang++ earlier, and have found myself stuck on a GNU Grub 2 prompt.01:11
EllipsisI can't get my computer to attempt to boot from the USB anymore, and am looking for some help01:12
=== Ellipsis is now known as ellipsisdots
guest2In terminal what is diferents between Uxterm and Xterm ?23:39
wxlguest2: it's a pretty minor nuance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xterm#Customization23:41
wxlguest2: i use rxvt-unicode-256color personally23:42
guest2I think the diferents are minimal then and i can use same commands in both.23:45

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