
mwhudsonmenn0, waigani_ (or anyone else): if i've bootstrapped and env and then hacked some stuff, how do i "upgrade" the env to the new jujud?02:58
mwhudsonor is it easier to just destroy and bootstrap again?02:58
davecheneymwhudson: there is juju upgrade-juju --devel03:01
davecheneyhonestly I jsut guessed thatb03:01
davecheneybut there is a flag that builds new tools locally with a minor version one more than what's been deployed03:01
mwhudsonseems the flag is --upload-tools03:02
waigani_mwhudson: yep --upload-tools is what you want03:02
menn0mwhudson: remember to "go install" first :)03:03
mwhudsonheh yes03:04
mwhudsonheh so http://paste.ubuntu.com/14466151/ is too simplistic03:08
menn0mwhudson: what happens?03:09
mwhudson    agent-state-info: 'failed to retrieve the template to clone: lxc container creation03:10
mwhudson      failed: juju-xenial-lxc-template'03:10
davecheneymaybe there is no lxc template for xenial yet03:12
mwhudsonthere isn't, i guess i need to make one03:23
mwhudsonno, i think it's probably more that i hacked too hard03:23
* mwhudson afk for now03:36
mupBug #1532670 opened: Suggest next major version upgrade <2.0> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532670>04:44
mupBug #1532670 changed: Suggest next major version upgrade <2.0> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532670>04:47
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mupBug #1532670 opened: Suggest next major version upgrade <2.0> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532670>05:02
cheryljIf anyone's around, could I get a review?  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3490/05:33
anastasiamaccherylj: i'll look...05:34
cheryljthanks, anastasiamac !05:34
cheryljand now, off to bed.  so tired...05:35
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dooferladvoidspace, frobware: standup?10:03
voidspacedooferlad: omw10:03
voidspacedooferlad: frobware is ill though10:03
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mgzmaster is blocked at present, new unit test fails.12:01
mupBug #1532777 opened: undertakerSuite.TestEnvironConfig fails <blocker> <ci> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532777>12:15
frobwaredooferlad, that gomaasapi bug we/I looked at late on Friday was because the test didn't enable static-ipaddresses as part of the capability set.13:37
frobwaredooferlad, I take that back.13:47
dooferladfrobware: :-|13:48
mupBug #1532831 opened: upgrade in progress - Juju functionality is limited after bootstrap <bootstrap> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core controller-rename:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532831>15:32
natefinchericsnow: btw there's a couple blank review comments in the review I lefty... just ignore those.  I had intended to delete them, and failed somehow.15:51
ericsnownatefinch: np15:51
mupBug #1532841 opened: cannot add charm to storage <charm> <ci> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core structured-metadata:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532841>16:02
mupBug #1532849 opened: precise-amd64 and trusty-ppc64el unittests do not complete <ci> <ppc64el> <precise> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core structured-metadata:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532849>16:02
mupBug #1532841 changed: cannot add charm to storage <charm> <ci> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core structured-metadata:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532841>16:05
mupBug #1532849 changed: precise-amd64 and trusty-ppc64el unittests do not complete <ci> <ppc64el> <precise> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core structured-metadata:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532849>16:05
katconatefinch: let's touch base after lunch on how the demo's looking16:05
mupBug #1532841 opened: cannot add charm to storage <charm> <ci> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core structured-metadata:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532841>16:11
mupBug #1532849 opened: precise-amd64 and trusty-ppc64el unittests do not complete <ci> <ppc64el> <precise> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core structured-metadata:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532849>16:11
natefinchkatco: roger16:18
cheryljfrobware: if we get a bless on your revert branch, is it all reviewed to be merged?  (https://github.com/juju/juju/tree/1.25-revert-maas-devices)16:49
natefinchericsnow, katco: reading the HTTP registry stuff kinda gives me the willies... it's a heck of a lot of code that I can't really determine if it's doing the right thing or not.  Maybe it's just my unfamiliarity with the HTTP code we have.16:50
natefinchericsnow, katco:  Gonna give it a ship it, but not sure I won't have missed some subtleties.16:50
katconatefinch: i agree and left a comment to that effect16:51
katconatefinch: i'd rather not ship that until we have empirically tested code that relies on it16:51
katconatefinch: i was also unaware that we were taking that on for the demo; it's not represented in the card.16:51
katconatefinch: ericsnow: i would have preferred to work on that later.16:51
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: gah, I left comments for the http registration on the upload api patch.... this is what you get for using dependent patches, eric :)16:58
frobwarecherylj, I have a "Ship It!" from dooferlad.16:58
katconatefinch: ericsnow: yeah it would be nice to do a diff against that other PR to get just the important bits16:58
frobwarevoidspace, want to take a quick look? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3474/16:59
ericsnowkatco: ah, I must have forgotten to rbt post :(16:59
frobwaredooferlad, ping17:16
voidspacefrobware: quick look !? that's a 1500 line diff...17:16
frobwarevoidspace, ah, yes, well.17:17
voidspacemaybe tomorrow morning :-)17:17
natefinchericsnow, katco: finished my reviews of eric's code btw17:37
perrito666ericsnow: ptal to http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3392/ whenever you have a moment17:38
ericsnowperrito666: k17:39
ericsnowperrito666: might be a little while17:39
natefinchericsnow: bah, zero value fingerprint is not valid18:58
ericsnownatefinch: yeah, ran into that earlier18:58
natefinchericsnow: I think zero value fingerprint is valid for zero bytes of data18:59
ericsnownatefinch: it's because it isn't initialized; GenerateFingerprint(nil) worked as an alternative19:00
ericsnownatefinch: but I agree the zero value should be okay19:00
natefinchericsnow: gah, your external tests make using the tests for debugging impossible :/19:03
natefinchericsnow: I guess not impossible... but more roundabout than I'd like19:04
natefinchericsnow: I assumed the hash for no bytes would be empty as well, but I guess it makes sense that the hash is constant length, so you have to define some hash for zero bytes.19:06
ericsnownatefinch: right19:07
ericsnownatefinch: however, as zero-value fingerprint should be the same a hash of an empty string19:07
ericsnownatefinch: we'll fix that later19:07
ericsnownatefinch: or at least discuss if that is meaningful :)19:08
natefinchericsnow: yeah, I can do the generate(nil) for the demo... but I would like to make the zero value valid.  Shouldn't be that hard19:09
ericsnownatefinch: agreed19:09
ericsnowkatco, natefinch: I've refactored that API patch to not need the registration (for now)19:17
ericsnowkatco, natefinch: also, I found a small bug: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3495/19:18
katcoericsnow: cool, ship it19:20
mupBug #1514857 changed: cannot use version.Current (type version.Number) as type version.Binary <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by natefinch> <juju-core lxd-provider:Fix Released by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1514857>19:27
natefinchericsnow: ship it19:29
natefinchericsnow: also, updated the demo data to use generateFingerprint(nil)19:29
ericsnownatefinch: k19:29
katconatefinch: confused... why even set it at all?19:30
natefinchkatco: because the default value is invalid and fails validate checks later one19:33
natefinchkatco: we were just talking about how we should fix that so the default value is valid for zero data19:33
katconatefinch: yeah19:33
katcoericsnow: ty for the refactor too19:35
ericsnowkatco: :)19:35
cheryljIs there someone who can do a review for me?  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3490/19:42
katcocherylj: lgtm. looks much more robust, kudos :)19:59
cheryljkatco: thanks!!20:04
mupBug #1532932 opened: Unable to bootstrap the lxd provider on vivid <adoption> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532932>20:15
katcoericsnow: natefinch: fyi i'm collecting lxd bugs here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/juju-core/+spec/charmer-experience-lxd-provider20:16
katcoericsnow: natefinch: the one mbruzek just opened we already knew about, but weren't tracking anywhere20:16
mbruzekkatco: How do I add the bug there.20:17
katcombruzek: there's a "link a bug report" link; not sure if you have to own the blueprint for it to show up20:18
katcombruzek: i linked it for you20:18
mbruzekkatco: OK20:18
mbruzekthanks for your help20:18
katcombruzek: ty for trying it out20:19
mupBug #1532932 changed: Unable to bootstrap the lxd provider on vivid <adoption> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532932>20:24
natefinchericsnow: oops, wrong channel...20:31
natefinchericsnow: anyway... looks like tests aren't hooking up the resources code20:31
ericsnownatefinch: you have to do registration (see state/resources_test.go)20:32
mupBug #1532932 opened: Unable to bootstrap the lxd provider on vivid <adoption> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1532932>20:33
katconatefinch: have you been able to run through the demo yet?20:36
natefinchkatco: sorry, no, I was waiting for my stuff to land and then I am working on fixing the tests in that one branch... once that's done I can merge eric's branch and do an end to end test.20:40
katconatefinch: np. demo > tests right now though20:41
natefinchkatco: right, but I can't land if the tests fail20:41
katconatefinch: we can create a binary from a branch that's not in github.com/juju20:42
natefinchkatco: right... ok, will do that right now.20:42
katconatefinch: cool, hope it goes smooth the first time :)20:42
natefinchkatco: it would work better if ericsnow's code compiled ;)20:44
natefinch3 silly little fixes... one left20:48
natefinchericsnow: state.State doesn't implement GetResource?20:49
ericsnownatefinch: correct20:50
natefinchericsnow: fixed it...20:51
ericsnownatefinch: fixed what?20:52
natefinchericsnow: newResourceHandler needed a couple tweaks to compile20:52
ericsnownatefinch: yeah, I fixed those20:52
natefinchericsnow: well then, push ;)20:52
natefinchericsnow: nevermind, just re-fetched... only one problem now with cannot use *"github.com/juju/juju/resource/api/client".Client as type "github.com/juju/juju/resource/cmd".UploadClient20:54
ericsnownatefinch: yeah, the client stuff is not right yet20:55
natefinchreader vs. readseeker20:55
natefinchericsnow: is there anything I can do to help?21:00
ericsnownatefinch: not really21:00
katcoericsnow: demo > tests if that helps21:02
ericsnowkatco: yep21:02
ericsnownatefinch: should be ready (sans *any* test coverage on the client)21:44
natefinchericsnow: cool21:44
frobwarecherylj, ping21:45
cheryljfrobware: what up21:47
frobwarecherylj, are we doing some additional runs with the backed-out PRs for 1.25.2?21:50
frobwarecherylj, I was just trying to understand where we are with this before I EOD.21:50
cheryljfrobware: yes, it was supposed to get re-run today.21:51
frobwarecherylj, any news?21:51
cheryljjog, sinzui is the revert-branch currently being tested?21:51
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: I have a branch, resource-demo (note: singular resource, sorry)  it has all the code from everyone.  I also have the charm at github.com/natefinch/starsay21:51
* frobware wonders if no new is good news...21:51
katconatefinch: nice21:51
katconatefinch: have you tried running through the demo script yet?21:52
sinzuicherylj: No, in the next hour it will be21:52
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: just got it building... doing so now21:52
katconatefinch: woot woot21:52
ericsnownatefinch: cool21:52
cheryljfrobware: while I have you here, did you get the chance to figure out what the AWS Robustness for Spaces was referring to?21:53
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: doh.  ERROR failed to upload resource "store-resource": PUT https://localhost:17070/environment/2a00757a-9329-401d-8ee5-4140647864c1/environment/2a00757a-9329-401d-8ee5-4140647864c1/services/starsay/resources/store-resource: request body supplied unexpectedly21:53
jogcherylj, machine-dep-engine is still running21:54
ericsnownatefinch: so awesome!21:54
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: that's after deploy, running juju upload21:54
ericsnownatefinch: fixing now21:54
natefinchericsnow: notably, environment/UUID in there twice, too21:55
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ericsnownatefinch: indeed21:55
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: btw, I updated my demo data at deploy branch so the tests will pass: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3484/21:56
frobwarecherylj, I sent some email dimiter - but we got caught up with demo stuff. he's back on Weds and will follow-up then. apologies for the delay.21:57
cheryljfrobware: okay, I'll move it to alpha2 until we can get it figured out :)21:57
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: it injects the resource code into a registry now, which is probably more like how we'd want to do it (though I imagine we'll actually want to inject DB ops to keep it transactional)... but it means that if you don't have resources registered, we won't try to use resources.21:57
natefinchericsnow, katco: I gotta run for a few hours for dinner and bedtime for the kids, but will be back after.21:58
katconatefinch: kk ty21:59
katcoericsnow: can you pick up where he left off>21:59
natefinchoh and to potentially save you a few minutes figuring it out, use 'juju deploy ~/src/github.com/natefinch/starsay --series trusty'  to deploy starsay locally (so you don't have to put it in a charm repo or special folder)22:00
natefinch(obviously replacing that path with the path where you clone the repo)22:00
natefinchok, afk now22:01
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
ericsnowkatco: k22:02
mupBug #1527068 changed: MAAS retains child devices' IP addresses when a parent node is released <ci> <destroy-environment> <maas-provider> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <MAAS:Fix Released by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.8:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1527068>22:03
mupBug #1527068 opened: MAAS retains child devices' IP addresses when a parent node is released <ci> <destroy-environment> <maas-provider> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <MAAS:Fix Released by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.8:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1527068>22:06
frobwarecherylj, bug #1525280 is now for alpha2, so not a cut-off for this weds?22:07
mupBug #1525280: 1.25.1 with maas 1.8: devices dns allocation uses non-unique hostname <maas-provider> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by frobware> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Committed by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1525280>22:08
cheryljfrobware: isn't that bug no longer relevant when we back out bug #1483879?22:08
mupBug #1483879: MAAS provider: terminate-machine --force or destroy-environment don't DHCP release container IPs <bug-squad> <destroy-machine> <landscape> <maas-provider>22:08
mup<sts> <juju-core:Fix Released by dimitern> <juju-core 1.24:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1483879>22:08
cheryljoh wait22:08
frobwarecherylj, on master?22:08
cheryljyou're talking about master22:09
cheryljI just kinda assumed that you guys weren't going to get to it before then22:09
cheryljfrobware: if you think you can get it in in the next couple days, then we can move it back22:09
cheryljfrobware: but really, there are some branches that are trying to land that are holding up alpha122:09
frobwarecherylj, ok. I'll do some manual (yuck!) testing tomorrow.22:09
cheryljfrobware: if you need any help, let me know22:10
frobwarecherylj, I'm beginning to like the (over the wall) testing that gets done by a feature branch.22:11
cheryljfrobware: yeah it's nice.  We just need to get more hardware for the QA team since the number of branches we have to test has gone up so much!22:11
frobwarecherylj, arguably, to me at least, seems the most expedient thing we could do.22:11
cheryljfrobware: there is hardware that hasn't been set up by IS yet22:12
cheryljI'm trying to find a name of someone who can help hurry that along22:12
mupBug #1527068 changed: MAAS retains child devices' IP addresses when a parent node is released <ci> <destroy-environment> <maas-provider> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <MAAS:Fix Released by mpontillo> <MAAS 1.8:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1527068>22:12
cheryljhey natefinch-afk - is your fix for bug 1486553 in master?22:14
mupBug #1486553: i/o timeout errors can cause non-atomic service deploys <cisco> <landscape> <juju-core:In Progress by natefinch> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by natefinch> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1486553>22:14
cheryljnatefinch-afk: hmm, it's old.  Looks like it's there, though22:15
davechen1ycherylj: hello, how can I help ?23:00
cheryljhey davechen1y welcome back!23:00
cheryljdavechen1y: we're seeing seemingly random test failures on wily and xenial23:00
cheryljdavechen1y: sinzui is working on compiling a list of the failures for you to look at23:01
davechen1ycherylj: ok, i'll get on it23:01
cheryljthanks davechen1y!23:01
davechen1ycan you paste links to the failing builds ?23:02
cheryljsinzui: do you have examples you can give davechen1y to look at while you're compiling the list?23:02
sinzuicherylj: Still pasting.23:06
sinzuidavechen1y: cherylj: This is what we know, which is not much :( https://pastebin.canonical.com/147376/23:30
perrito666sinzui: I know this is probably a stupid question but, do you have a moment?23:31
sinzuiperrito666: I do have a moment23:45
perrito666sinzui: trying something else so I dont waste my time when I ask you the question23:49

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