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D4RKS1D3 | #maas | 11:42 |
D4RKS1D3 | sorry | 11:42 |
D4RKS1D3 | Hi everyone | 11:43 |
beisner | y | 13:05 |
beisner | lol | 13:05 |
beisner | o/ | 13:05 |
* beisner tells the next step in his laptop upgrade, yes, please, move along | 13:06 | |
lazyPower | beisner \o | 14:19 |
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beisner | lazyPower, howdy | 14:21 |
beisner | whew. just upped my main rig from vivid to wily to xenial dev and survived. | 14:22 |
beisner | not that i expect anything less though! | 14:22 |
lazyPower | nice :D | 14:36 |
tiagogomes__ | Hi, I have a question regarding running JuJu in OpenStack. Does it create persistent storage? | 15:21 |
tiagogomes__ | Does it create persistent storage for the VMs that are running the services? | 15:22 |
lazyPower | tiagogomes__ : Juju allows you to model persistent storage, so it depends on the charm. There are docs about this feature here: | 15:28 |
lazyPower | tiagogomes__ : https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.25/storage | 15:28 |
tiagogomes__ | lazyPower thanks | 15:30 |
lazyPower | icey ping | 16:02 |
icey | lazyPower | 16:03 |
lazyPower | disregard, i actually need to ping beisner | 16:03 |
beisner | lazyPower, yo | 16:24 |
matt_dupre | Just noticed a charm in the store that hasn't picked up some changes to the corresponding bzr trunk branch. Could someone please take a look and let me know if I'm doing anything wrong? | 16:40 |
matt_dupre | The charm is https://jujucharms.com/u/project-calico/bird/trusty/ and the branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~project-calico/charms/trusty/bird/trunk | 16:40 |
matt_dupre | The last 3 revisions haven't been reflected in the store (3rd was only pushed just now, but the other 2 are old and should have appeared long ago) | 16:41 |
lazyPower | matt_dupre: We're aware of some ingestion issues that started on Friday | 16:43 |
matt_dupre | 2 of these revisions date back to August though (!) | 16:43 |
lazyPower | matt_dupre: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com/issues/189 | 16:43 |
lazyPower | may want to chime in on this bug and subscribe to it | 16:44 |
matt_dupre | OK, so I've looked at the corresponding link to api.jujucharms.com/... (i.e. the view code links) and actually that has been updated for the old changes. I double checked with a copy of the charm downloaded by `juju deployer` and that was also good. Looks like it's only the "10 revisions" bit displaying the history that's wrong | 16:49 |
matt_dupre | Thanks for the link though: I'll watch the latest change and update it if it doesn't work. Would you like an issue for the history box in the charm store not updating properly? | 16:51 |
lazyPower | matt_dupre : subscribe here, seems applicable - https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com/issues/196 | 16:54 |
matt_dupre | lazyPower: thanks, done | 16:58 |
gnuoy | Has anyone else been having charm assembly problems with ruamel.yaml 0.10.13 ? | 17:03 |
gnuoy | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14470761/ <- seems to be at the point when config.yaml from multiple layers is combined | 17:06 |
gnuoy | downgrading ruamel.yaml in the virtualenv seems to fix it | 17:06 |
lazyPower | gnuoy: can you file a bug against the charm build process? | 17:21 |
lazyPower | gnuoy: we use ruamel to preserve the ordering of yaml items | 17:21 |
lazyPower | gnuoy: github.com/juju/charm-tools | 17:21 |
gnuoy | lazyPower, I files an issue already, is that the same thing? | 17:22 |
gnuoy | https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/88 | 17:22 |
lazyPower | gnuoy: perfect. Thanks for the report. We need to either take this up with upstream or pin the version of ruamel | 17:23 |
gnuoy | kk | 17:23 |
natefinch | ericsnow: is it possible to setresource without any data? | 18:09 |
ericsnow | natefinch: probably | 18:11 |
natefinch | ericsnow: I'll let you know ;) | 18:14 |
ericsnow | natefinch: :) | 18:14 |
natefinch | looks likely... but you never know on these edge cases | 18:15 |
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pmatulis | for LXD local provider. will the user need to manually manage images (delete and import) in order to keep things fresh? this will include both the LXC host cache and the chosen (local or remote) image store i imagine | 19:36 |
jrwren | pmatulis: I think so, yes. | 19:38 |
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=== Guest74023 is now known as med_ |
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