
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dholbachgood morning07:29
zzarrgood morning08:51
zzarrhello! my qmake for ubuntu armhf refers to a directory "/var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/libexec" but it does not exist09:12
popeybartbes, did you figure out what that xcb error is? "This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"."10:29
popeyzbenjamin, I can't run apps on my 14.04 laptop with the sdk installed - i get the above error http://imgur.com/VHaWITm - which I know bartbes had over the weekend too.. seen it?10:31
bartbesI didn't, I made sure I had all xcb packages, I did a clean all and a rebuild, no success10:32
bartbesreboots, no luck10:32
bartbesand then suddenly it worked again10:32
zbenjaminpopey: hm weird never saw it10:35
zbenjaminpopey: do you use the ubuntu-sdk-ide package? or the old one from archive?10:36
popeyhmm, lemme see10:36
popeyzbenjamin,   Installed: 3.5.0+15.10.20151024-0ubuntu1~97+201511170914~ubuntu14.04.110:38
popeyre-launch and now I get a different error :)10:38
bartbespopey: actually, I noticed that launching outside of the sdk worked10:40
bartbesand then after I accidentally also managed to launch it from within it10:41
popeyzbenjamin, seen this? "module "QtQuick" version 2.4 is not installed"10:53
bartbesso why does the ubuntu-sdk-ide require opengl anyway?11:04
bartbeswell, adding the nvidia drivers to the docker container does allow it to start11:15
bartbesit doesn't actually run though11:16
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zzarrhello! does anyone know what "/var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/libexec" is for?11:39
zzarr(I found this path in the qmake for ubuntu armhf, but it don't exist)11:40
zbenjaminpopey: you probably need to use the new Kit that comes with the IDE12:04
popeyzbenjamin, oh, is that documented somewhere?12:04
zbenjaminpopey: probably not yet. Its still pretty new and works only for apps atm12:05
zbenjaminpopey: but you get the most recent UITK even on LTS12:05
popeywhere from? Can I get that now? :)12:05
popeyor is it still in progress?12:05
zbenjaminpopey: do you have ubuntu-sdk-ide and ubuntu-sdk-dev installed?12:05
zbenjaminpopey: then you should just be able to add it to your project as a new target12:06
zbenjaminpopey: in the projects tab, add Kit i think12:06
zbenjaminpopey: should be named "Ubuntu SDK Desktop Kit"12:07
popeygot it12:07
zbenjaminpopey: its still very basic and has only the basic Qt + UTIK modules. So if you use advanced APIs they might not be available yet12:07
popeyfile:///home/alan/Development/music-app/app/music-app.qml:23 module "Ubuntu.MediaScanner" is not installed12:08
ahayzenpopey, yup, i had that :-)12:08
zbenjaminpopey: but we can add more as long as they can be compiled on LTS12:08
popeyahayzen, do you have a hilight on music-app perchance? :)12:09
ahayzenpopey, 'music' ;-)12:09
ahayzenzbenjamin, is the desktop kit not like the arm one where you can just apt-get stuff ?12:10
zbenjaminahayzen: no, its installed alongside the system qt, we are aiming to get more and more independent from the system installed qt so we can support multiple ubuntu versions with the same SDK12:11
ahayzenah ok12:11
zbenjaminahayzen: so the goal is:   system env != dev env12:11
ahayzencool :-)12:12
bartbespopey: oh, I did run cmake again in Debug mode, maybe that helps?12:12
zzarris there a framework for 16.04 yet?12:19
zzarror will not OTA-9 be based on Xenial?12:20
faenilahayzen: hey :)12:29
ahayzenfaenil, o/12:29
faenilahayzen: been looking for your last week :D12:30
faenilahayzen: https://code.launchpad.net/~faenil/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listitemlayout_fixes_and_docs/+merge/28191912:30
ahayzenfaenil, hah, sorry i wasn't around :-) ooo12:30
faenilahayzen: np, just wanted to share the MR ;)12:30
ahayzenso that should work when text wraps now ?12:31
ahayzenand i guess will be in the OTA10 UITK ?12:31
faenilahayzen: no more string overlap, + wrapping changed to avoid early word cuts, + docs about aliasing labels properties12:32
faeniland yes, too late for OTA9, so OTA10 :)12:33
popeyzbenjamin, also, https://plus.google.com/u/0/101489925843882654647/posts/3L3HTVJ2cKs  - others having sdk problems12:33
faenilahayzen: but it will be soon on rc-proposed12:35
faenil(that is, next landing, I don't know when that is happening, bzoltan_ knows)12:35
ahayzenfaenil, yup :-) i'll have a play on my laptop later, as i have a branch of the uitk12:36
faenilahayzen: note you don't have to set left and right anchors of listitemlayout, save those bindings :D12:37
ahayzenfaenil, also if jenkins would work, then the first round of listitem layout stuff would be in music-app trunk already :-)12:38
bzoltan_faenil: ahayzen: The next UITK landing is expected after the OTA9 is released12:39
ahayzencool :-)12:39
faenilbzoltan_: so rc-proposed will be on OTA9 uitk until end of Jan? is that correct?12:39
bzoltan_faenil:  Yes12:40
faenilok, thanks12:40
zbenjaminbzoltan_: any idea? https://plus.google.com/u/0/101489925843882654647/posts/3L3HTVJ2cKs12:44
bzoltan_zbenjamin:  there was no change in the package12:46
bzoltan_zbenjamin:  is he using the official relese?12:47
zbenjaminbzoltan_: at least he is running "ubuntu-sdk-ide"12:47
bzoltan_zbenjamin: but hopefully not from tools dev or staging12:50
zbenjaminpopey: is he on IRC too?12:50
popeydon't think so.12:51
bartbesis there a release schedule somewhere?12:54
faenilbartbes: for OTA release of UbuntuTouch?12:57
faenilbartbes: there are daily emails that the landing team sends to ubuntu-phone mailing list12:57
davmor2bartbes: roughly every 6 weeks, we are behind on this one due to the Xmas Shutdown12:58
faenilwhenever the schedule for a new OTA is decided, the landing team will communicate that using that mailing list12:58
bartbesI see the next one's scheduled for the end of the month?13:00
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t1mphey, I'm wondering how many app developers are writing autopilot tests for their apps, and using the UITK autopilot helpers (formerly: custom proxy objects) for that?14:54
t1mpand how do you run these tests? In an automated way (jenkins), or locally on your computer or device when you make changes?14:55
t1mpI am wondering because I am working on scrolling in the header sections, and quite some work is needed to add proper autopilot proxy objects to deal with the scrolling14:56
t1mpI am adding the CPOs anyway, but I am curious who will use it :)14:56
t1mpahayzen, renatu, popey: ^?14:59
popeyautopilot _should_ be running for all core apps merges but it broke when we moved from one jenkins instance to another, but should be re-enabled (soon, balloons ?) :D15:00
balloonsit's running right now15:00
balloonshence things aren't landing, hah15:00
ahayzent1mp, you mean like MainView, UbuntuUIToolkitCustomProxyObjectBase, UCListItem ?15:00
ahayzenballoons, o/15:01
balloonspopey, as in, we fixed the issue with IS last week that made it blow up15:01
t1mppopey, balloons: ah, cool. Will each core app have their own jenkins? And also a device attached to that jenkins for testing?15:01
popeyone for all core apps15:01
renatut1mp, I am trying to use most of SDK proxy objects as possible, but I faced some problems while trying to use it with the new AdaptiveLayout15:01
balloonst1mp, http://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/. You can request a build of anything you like15:01
balloonsthere is only one device shared amongst them all15:01
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ahayzenballoons, https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/fix-1526274-use-layouts/+merge/281757 is failing is jenkins...but passes on device/desktop :-/15:02
balloonsthere's going to be a bit of that. I'm not sure if popey wants to back off the stance of failing merges on the backs on test results or not15:02
ahayzenballoons, so me and Victor aren't sure what is going on, as it is specific to one view as well :-/15:02
t1mpahayzen: in python, you'd select_single to get a MainView, and then on that object you'd get functions like get_header() from the CPO.15:02
balloonsbtw, trv is broken on xenial now.. not sure why15:03
popeyI'd rather we had AP running than not, and I'd rather the tests pass than not, unsurprisingly :)15:03
t1mpballoons: cool. That makes sense. For UITK we have our own jenkins though so personally I don't need that one.15:03
t1mpballoons: will there be a jenkins for community apps too?15:03
balloonsahh brillant15:03
popeynot for non-core community apps15:03
ahayzent1mp, yup we do that sortof stuff :-) trigger_trailing_action etc :-)15:04
popeyIn my experience non-canonical non-core don't use Autopilot15:04
popeyUnless I'm completely mistaken15:04
t1mppopey: I guess you are mostly right (but it is my guess).15:04
t1mpand if community app developers want that, they can ask here, right? :)15:04
t1mpahayzen: okay, great :D15:05
t1mpThanks for the information people. You convinced me that what I'm doing right now will be useful for apps too :)15:06
popey(I don't think community developers want autopilot)15:06
popey(call me a filthy heathen, but I doubt anyone outside canonical wants/uses it)15:06
* ahayzen wants autopilot \o/15:06
* mcphail chortles15:07
* t1mp looks up chortle15:07
* popey sniggers15:08
* t1mp suddenly feels like eating a snickers bar15:09
t1mpbut I don't have one... thanks popey! ;)15:09
ahayzenballoons, any ideas how we can fix the jenkins issue, as it passed here https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-ci/78/ ... then when it came to autoland (no changes in the branch) it then fails https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-autolanding/2/ ... and we can't replicate the failures on our devices yet :-/15:17
balloonsso ahayzen, popey I can turn off failing to merge when tests fail for now. But at some point, we'll need to clean these up15:18
balloonsRight now it seems to be causing havoc as expected. The question is, are we ok with trying to sort through all the apps at once?15:18
ahayzenballoons, but why is it failing then? if it passed a few minutes before on the test run via a commit ?15:19
ahayzenwhat's the difference ?15:19
ahayzenyou can see in the subunit everything passes for #78 then in autolanding #1 and #2 it fails on two specific tests15:20
balloonsgang65, see conversation and chime in here15:21
balloonsahayzen, ohh, sorry, trying to look at calendar, calc and you too15:22
ahayzenballoons, haha :-) no worries15:22
balloonsso what I'm looking for is some feedback on if you want to block landings on this or not. For instance, one thing we could do is still have it fail during normal merges, but don't stop on landings (top approval)15:23
balloonsin other words, the test run job doesn't have to cause jenkins bot to issue a fail, even if it fails. We can run it and simply record the results15:24
ahayzeni would prefer it to block landings, as it ensures our test suites pass15:25
ahayzenif the bot itself could be consistent and pass/fail correctly, unlike at the moment how it says pass one minute then fail the next :-)15:26
balloonssorry gang65, we're here, not #ubuntu-app-dev. I can't type some days15:26
balloonsahayzen, well let's look at your specific case then as to what happened15:26
balloonsthe jobs are the same15:26
ahayzenballoons, the jobs are the same, nothing specific in the logs15:26
ahayzenpasses on our device15:26
ahayzenpasses on the run-ap-tests-ci15:27
balloonsahayzen, what does subunit show?15:27
ahayzenfails on run-ap-tests-autolanding15:27
ahayzenthat it couldn't find a CardView to then get a count from it15:27
balloonsahayzen, you found a bug15:29
balloonsand it's both my fault, and sneaky15:29
balloonslet me confirm, then i'll explain15:29
balloonsindeed.. sad panda. the autolanding run used *961 version of the click. You can see yourself15:30
balloonsit's an old click -- not sure were it's copying it from. Let me fix the job15:31
ahayzenballoons, i thought that was because it used 960 then merged my branch in and committed...but maybe not ;-)15:31
ahayzen(960 is trunk)15:31
ahayzenballoons, or should it be the same version as the latest from the proposed branch ?15:31
balloonsohh.. interesting. I just noticed that the other run used *96515:31
balloonsone of them isn't right, hah15:32
balloonsthey should be the same, it's the same MP15:32
balloonsso anyways, I'll fix that15:32
balloonsso to gang65's and calendar, etc, problem. Should we be blocking landings or not?15:32
balloonsI know ahayzen wants it; should we do it on a case by case basis at first15:33
ahayzenballoons, what are the other problems for other coreapps ?15:33
ahayzenballoons, simply that trunk fails to pass ?15:33
balloonswell, my idea in doing this was to force everyone to get tests cleaned up15:33
balloonsI mean, we can tackle them as they come up one at a time. Right now, 3 apps are blocked15:33
balloonsmsuic should be solved in a moment, so that leaves 2 more15:34
ahayzenballoons, sure if they don't pass they won't go into the store anyway, don't QA fail it if AP doesn't pass ?15:34
popeythey do now15:35
popeyso yes, we should fix them15:35
ahayzen\o/ :-)15:35
balloonsok, so gang65 in order to land, we need to fix your tests. Make sense?15:37
balloonsgang65, so let me fix the issue ahayzen found, then I can help with your tests.15:57
balloonsit's ok that these merges will be held up for a little bit?15:57
gang65We adopted our tests to pass on Desktop15:58
gang65We will need to readapt it to phone again15:58
gang65(on Desktop Calculator is running in Landscape mode by default)15:59
balloonsright, so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad to re-adapt ;-)16:01
balloonsahayzen, I believe your issue should be sorted. Jenkins re-enabled a option I didn't want but only on that autolanding job16:04
balloonsLet's see if it's a-ok now16:04
balloonsgang65, let's look at your stuff16:04
ahayzenballoons, ok thanks :-)16:04
ahayzenballoons, something went pop https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-autolanding/13/ :-/16:06
popeyI like to imagine a "pop" sound in the data centre16:07
popeypiped directly to balloons' head16:07
balloonsone thing further snafu found and fixed16:10
ahayzenballoons vs jenkins :-)16:10
balloonsnice.. a little bug in every autolanding config. Lovely16:11
* balloons fixes the others16:11
balloonsok, everything looks fixed and proper now16:15
ahayzenas balloons says that 'psutil.NoSuchProcess: no process found with pid 30531' appears in the console16:17
balloonsohh, lol.. That actual run is bombing hah16:17
balloonsapparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="com.ubuntu.music_music_2.3.965" name="/custom/xdg/data/dconf/profile/custom" pid=29360 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=016:18
balloonsthe kernel hates us16:18
ahayzenhah \o/16:18
balloonsare you sure this works?16:24
balloonsjenkins is running it now16:24
ahayzenwell it passed here https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-ci/78/16:25
ahayzenbut the autolanding failed again16:25
balloonsI'm running the old -ci job16:25
ahayzenah :-)16:26
balloonsperhaps I really fixed things for you16:26
balloonsbut seriously, jenkins is all good now hehe16:26
ahayzenit was working on mako over the weekend via adt-run :-)16:26
balloonslooks like it's running fine16:28
balloonstop approving again -- let's just see what happens16:29
ahayzenballoons, 'Status: Approved => Merged' \o/16:46
ahayzenballoons, sweet, jenkins seems happier thanks :-)16:47
balloonsahayzen, yw.. Thanks for noticing the little snafu. I couldn't test automerges as well naturally before rollout17:37
AbuDharwill Ubuntu Touch be available in the US soon?18:06
popeyAbuDhar, that would be good, but depends on your definition of "soon"18:21
popeyballoons, am I right in saying on jenkins everything builds in a chroot?18:21
dobeyAbuDhar: wrong channel for that question, but ubuntu is available worldwide. there are no US retail phones with ubuntu pre-installed yet though. it's up to manufactuers to announce if/when they will release any such devices. canonical/ubuntu don't manufacture devices18:21
popeyballoons, I re-installed my laptop and lost my chroots (forgot they were omitted from backups) so am re-making them and need the package list to enable me to build filemanager and docviewer (as we had to jump through some hoops to get python2/3 installed in various ways - if you remember)18:22
popeyballoons, so if you could "dpkg -l" in the chroot and pastebinit I'd appreciate it :)18:22
balloonspopeym ahh18:22
balloonsok, give me a second. if you'd like, jenkins can build any branch of those you wish18:22
dobeyAbuDhar: if you want a phone in the US running ubuntu right now, best option is buying a nexus 4 off ebay or somewhere, and flashing it yourself18:23
popeyballoons, nah, I need to build them locally18:24
AbuDharpopey, soon means within a year18:24
popeyI have it running on a OnePlus One which isn't quite daily-driver quality, but performs well18:25
popeyand is nice and fast18:25
AbuDharI wonder when manufacturers will make one that works in US18:30
popeyThere are phones that work in the US :)18:32
popeyJust not sold in the US with Ubuntu pre-installed.18:32
AbuDharyeah I was looking for a phone that had Ubuntu pre-installed. :)18:33
AbuDharbut I don't live in the US. I was asking for someone else actually.18:34
dobeypopey: oh, re chroots, those apps have debian packages in the archive as well, right?18:46
balloonspopey, https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/view/Maintenance%20Jobs/job/list-chroot-packages/1/consoleText18:50
popeyheh, that's one way to do it!18:50
popeydobey, pass?18:51
balloonspopey, you should have permissions to edit the job / re-run it as neded18:51
ogra_multipass !18:51
popeythats perfect balloons18:51
balloonspopey, you can see there's chroots for 2 frameworks and all arches18:51
popeyLeeloo Dallas Multipass!18:52
dobeypopey: was just going to say, enable the deb-src lines for the archive and overlay ppa (if a vivid chroot) and then apt-get build-dep filemanager-app18:52
popeysadly not that easy18:52
dobeybut if it's not packaged in the archive too (like gallery-app is), that won't work18:52
balloonspopey, though I will say; as with the other core apps I made tasks for, a writeup of readme's containing build info would be an excellent addition to those projects18:53
popeyballoons, remember how we got past this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14472515/21:12
* popey goes for fresh air, this is doing my head in (again)21:12
mcphailI'd be interested if that can be circmvented. I've never managed to deal with python in a hybrid click chroot, and have had to use a full armhf chroot21:14
popeyi got it working once but it took some doing21:14
popeyand i could never update it21:14
balloonspopey, ahh the fun bit21:27
balloonsyes I have a script for that21:27
balloonspopey, see: https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/view/Maintenance%20Jobs/job/maint-chroot/74/consoleText21:29
balloonshere's the madness behind it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14472627/21:30
dobeypopey: why are you trying to install armhf python?21:33
dobeypopey: you need to install the native python, otherwise /usr/bin/python won't run21:34
dobeyand thus, configuring will fail21:34
popeydobey, because libsmbclient21:47
popeyor samba-libs - one of the two21:47
popeyheh, thanks balloons21:47
balloonsdobey, yes it's really so crazy packaging21:49
balloonsarchive depends don't install cleanly21:49
balloonsso honestly, I suppose it should be fixed21:49
dobeyi guess samba needs fixed so you can cross-compile things that depend on it21:49
popeythere's a debian bug on it IIRC which is wontfix21:49
popeyballoons, do you have a separate / similar one for 15.04?21:55
popeyor is it identical bar the s/15.10/15.04/g21:56
balloons^^ this21:56
* popey saves fix_chroot_nonsense.sh21:57
popeyran it twice to be sure ;)21:59
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popeyballoons, I note your package list shows you don't have bzr installed...22:31
popeyballoons, if that's the case how does it do the bzr_revno stuff?22:32
popeySuccessfully built package in './com.ubuntu.filemanager_0.4.512_multi.click'.22:53
popeynow I sleep.22:53
popeythanks for the help balloons :)22:53

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