
jonobaconmhall119, around?06:32
dholbachgood morning07:29
davidcalleGood morning o/08:43
dholbachsalut davidcalle08:45
davidcalleHey dholbach, how was you we?08:45
dholbachvery good, but a bit bizarre - saturday I wanted to meet up with a couple of friends in a bar, but instead we managed to crash a new years party - some folks decided to have a belated new years party and invited us just off the street - at times our group was about 2/3 of the event (nobody of us knew the hosts of the party)08:48
dholbachit was good fun, but as I said, a bit bizarre :)08:49
dholbachhow was yours?08:49
davidcalledholbach, wow, interesting! Mine was very nice, kids were at Estelle's parents, so we had time to buy some new furnitures, see friends, and take some much needed rest :)08:59
popeyMy weekend was incredibly boring compared to dholbach :)09:05
dholbachI'm looking forward to seeing you guys next week :)09:09
davidcallepopey: boring is good! :)09:11
davidcalleSame :)09:11
balloonsmorning morning13:39
dpmmhall119, all set?15:32
mhall119dpm: one second15:35
dholbachall rightie........ I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:04
inetprogood evening18:09
* inetpro looking for a good beginner's guide for Ubuntu 18:12
inetproneed to send to someone who wants to explore Ubuntu with the idea to move away from Windows18:14
pleia2inetpro: the http://ubuntu-manual.org/ folks do a nice job (free pdf, cheap printed book)18:15
inetprothanks pleia218:18
wxlbet it's too early to ask if ubuntu's going to participate in google summer of code this year, but i have a google code-in student interested.18:35
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
mhall119wxl: I believe that jose was planning on getting us in GSoC this year19:30
wxljose: if you can confirm or deny or otherwise provide information on Ubuntu's involvement in GSoC 2016, i'd appreciate it :)19:31
wxlthx btw mhall11919:31
balloonslol, because jose has magic powers right!21:42
balloonsthe biggest deal will be getting some mentors and tasks together -- even moreso than GCI.21:43
josewxl: gsoc is intended for 18+ college students btw22:34
wxlgood point, jose. i'll check into it.22:36
josewxl, mhall119: but yes, I am intending to help run gsoc. it's going to be a bit harder though22:37
josegsoc is one on one mentoring, where the student works to usually implement something on the code22:37
wxljose: let me know how i can help!22:41
wxli know what a good idea for a gsoc project would be22:42
wxlgive us a wiki system that doesn't suck!!!!!22:42
wxland actually on that topic usually the big issue is logging in. maybe sso needs some help22:49
* mhall119 wonders if jose will be the first person to both organize GSoC *and* participate in it as a student :)23:22
mhall119wxl: it took me 3 tries the other day to log in :/23:22
josemhall119: lol, my coding skills are not that good :P23:23
mhall119that's what the mentors are for :)23:23
mhall119I'll get you started on summit23:23

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