
xnoxmpt, no idea.11:08
xnoxcyphermox, i see things in d-i that were meant to exclude partman-auto autoloading.12:32
cyphermoxxnox: ah? care to elaborate?13:24
xnoxcyphermox, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/ubuntu/view/head:/build/config/s390x.cfg#L1813:33
xnoxnot sure if hte arch_tree bit is actually taken into account.13:33
xnoxhowever, i think we want to offer normal autopartitioning... no?13:34
cyphermoxmaybe, except you've already seen it maybe didn't quite work w/r/t the numbering of partitions13:54
cyphermoxthis won't do anything for numbering13:54
cyphermoxso i would suggest making sure either gpt works, or you can convince msdos to not use 5 as the first extended part, or not use extended partitions at all13:55
cyphermoxso once we know partman-partitioning works with *some* scheme, we can enable -auto and possibly add a scheme for s390x13:56
xnoxack, gotcha14:21
cyphermoxxnox: do you have a moment to look over a patch I'm preparing for dkms in a secure boot context?17:22
cyphermoxthere's mild debconf magic.17:23
* cyphermox prepares a branch to push17:24
cyphermoxoh, no branch?17:27
cyphermoxwell, here's a debdiff http://paste.ubuntu.com/14470880/17:27
xnoxlooks ok.17:56
xnoxas long as one can still preseed it. Oh, I guess none of the code is run if one did _not_ secureboot.17:57
cyphermoxxnox: correct, that's on purpose18:41
cyphermoxas for preseeding, except for where I wipe out the seen values to try and avoid mucking with debconf inbetween tests, yeah it would work to preseed18:42
cyphermoxI'll just drop most of the fsets18:42

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