
rww!testers-#kubuntu-devel =~ s/^/<reply> /16:59
ubottuI'll remember that rww16:59
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information16:59
rwwoh oops some of those people are in here17:00
Picioh well17:00
rwwi made ur factoid better17:00
yofelthanks :)17:00
hggdhgood late morning! I think I am back. At leat so far.17:04
valorieand thanks over here too, rww21:10
ubottugambl0re called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:29
k1l_gambl0r with random ! ops trigger21:31
gambl0rehi everybody, im banned from #ubuntu. is there any way to get me removed. thanks21:34
k1l_hi gambl0re you are not banned from #ubuntu21:35
gambl0rei am...21:36
k1l_gambl0re: wait, you know you are banned and join and use the ops trigger just to cause more drama?21:36
gambl0reif i knew this channel existed i would have came here straight21:37
Myrtti213741 ❁,- Irssi: There does not appear to be anything preventing gambl0re from joining/talking in #ubuntu21:37
Myrttiwhat makes you think you're banned?21:37
gambl0rebecause it says (banned) when i try to join ubuntu21:38
gambl0reim not on my home connection right now, thats why im able to access the channel21:38
k1l_gambl0re: you are in #ubuntu right now21:38
gambl0remy home ip is banned21:39
k1l_what is your home ip?21:39
gambl0reban list says dhcp-108-168-105-147.cable.user.start.ca21:41
gambl0repretty sure thats me21:41
k1l_ah ok, so now i found which ban that is.21:42
gambl0reyea thats me21:42
k1l_gambl0re: so after your history of beeing an issue in #ubuntu with your attitude, your offtopic and other things that dont fit with the !guidelines , why should we unban you?21:43
gambl0rehonestly, i dont even remember what i did. but whatever i did to i apologize21:44
k1l_the last time you were talking with bad language about the chargers loss to win ratio, and didnt stop when you were asked to stop and keep the channel #ubuntu clear for user who need technical help.21:46
k1l_after that you were insulting the op who banned you in pm.21:46
k1l_and that was not the first time.21:47
gambl0reoh yea, it was just a joke. i was just poking fun at his team.21:47
gambl0rei didnt mean to insult anyone personally...21:48
k1l_we dont have the room in #ubuntu for that offtopic and jokes. if all the 1800 users in there wanted to be funny no technical support woult be possible.21:49
gambl0reno more offtopic chatter...21:50
k1l_!guidelines | gambl0re21:50
ubottugambl0re: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:50
k1l_please read them now21:50
k1l_gambl0re: ok, i will remove the ban. but be aware that i will make a mark in the bantracker and that there is not a endless list of 2nd chances. we dont want malicious people inside the ubuntu community. so watch your behaviour in the ubuntu channels21:53
gambl0rei am forever in your debt....21:54
gambl0reif i can just mention one thing.  one of your rules states "When helping: be helpful". ive asked for help in the past and there were plenty of times i was provided with unhelpful advice21:55
gambl0remy question: how do your improve performance in ubuntu 14 in virtualbox. i would get replies as "ubuntu 14 unity sucks", "dont use virtualbox", "buy faster laptop"...21:57
gambl0rejust to let you guys know. thanks again21:57
geniigambl0re: Unhelpful assistance is why it is preferred to have support issues handled in open channel. People who are wasting time with non-constructive comments can be reminded by ops to behave, also bad assistance can be audited by others in the channel who actually might know how to resolve the question.22:00
genii...and too late22:00
k1l_yeah i was typing, too.22:01
k1l_last thing i saw with him was him ranting and raging that imagemagik is a package but not a program itself. (but a bunch of other programs). that was a lot of drama22:01

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