
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== boiko__ is now known as boiko
balloonsgood morning13:38
balloonstsimonq, wxl, flocculant, you ok with compressing the add result box to look something like this: http://imgur.com/ckk6hpW14:04
=== barry` is now known as barry
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
balloonsGoing to try for another qatracker release today15:06
balloonsand in case I forget, someone feel free to beat me on making a writeup of the changes so far and sharing with everyone15:07
* balloons casts an eye towards tsimonq215:07
balloonsquestion as well; 'Bugs to look for' only shows for active results. Any thoughts on having it display on archived results too?15:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1532840 in Ubuntu QA Website "'Bugs to look for' table only displays on active results" [Undecided,New]15:45
flocculantballoons: ack compressing17:32
flocculantballoons: don't see a pressing reason to see possible bugs in an archived page17:32
balloonsok, just thought I'd open a bug to discuss it17:35
balloonsyou can say as much on the bug :-)17:35
flocculantyep - of course, that's the best way :)17:35
flocculantokey doke17:35
flocculantballoons: done including two reasons :)17:38
wxlballoons: i like the add result box compressed17:54
balloonswxl, :-)17:55
balloonsI am asking for some more radical design changes too17:55
balloonsi should add you as mentor on it actually17:55
balloonsif that's ok?17:56
wxlfine with me17:56
balloonstsimonq2, perhaps u to??17:56
wxlballoons: undoubtably he's at school but i doubt he would mind17:56
flocculantballoons: just exactly how radical ...17:57
wxldon't mind me here17:57
wxlbug 153279717:57
ubot5bug 1532797 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Icons missing on LXQt" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153279717:57
flocculantanyone else seeing today's daily land at a black background at lightdm after install?19:07
* tsimonq2 reads the backlogs22:10
tsimonq2balloons: I don't have access to IRC at school, read my away message :P22:11
tsimonq2balloons: oh yeah great idea go right ahead22:12

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