
=== stevenroose|BNC is now known as stevenroose
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grendal_primehey guys07:58
grendal_primeI have a software router(actually about 50 of them now)  and i am reconfigureing them to use fault tolerant routing . Everything seems to work fine but, im going to be using a lte modem for the secondary route to my vpn concentrators.08:00
grendal_primeThis all works fine on the desktop distros..they just recognize the device and make it available.  I have a feeling though that the striped down servers i use are going to not work like that.  Does anybody know what packages i need installed to make ubuntu server recognize a verizon jump pack(lte modem) connected via usb?08:01
lordievaderGood morning.09:21
rbasakgrendal_prime: I think modemmanager is the service that does it on the desktop. You could theoretically use that on server too, although that probably involves switching everything to use network manager.10:19
rbasakAlternatively you'll need to figure out what type of modem it is and configure it manually. pppd is probably involved.10:20
ertyuihi tehre10:27
ertyuione of my service is stopped on my ubuntu server suddently10:27
ertyuiand restart suddently today10:27
ertyuihow to identify how that happens ?10:28
lordievaderRead the logs.10:32
ertyuifrom where ?10:33
lordievaderYou haven't really said anything specific, so any log of the application or the system log.10:34
ertyuiUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l10:34
ertyuiservice called assp10:34
lordievaderDig around in /var/log10:35
ertyuiyes but i can't find messages10:36
ertyuion /var/log10:37
lordievaderNothing in the syslog or in the upstart log?10:37
lordievaderDoes assp keep its own log?10:37
ertyuiupstart log ?10:37
ertyuino assp not keeping its own log10:39
lordievaderHmm.. Too bad, those are usually the best sources. And yes, upstart the init daemon in Trusty, it keeps some logs in /var/log/upstart, though logging isn't its best feature, imo.10:40
ertyuiupstart is a folder instead of a file10:46
ertyuiwhich file i have to check ?10:46
lordievaderThe (log)file of your service?10:47
lordievader[1] does talk about an ASSP log file... [1] http://sourceforge.net/p/assp/wiki/Getting_Started/10:48
lordievaderPerhaps good to set up some logging.10:49
ertyuiubuntu don't have its own log to track this ?10:55
lordievaderTo track what exactly?10:56
ertyuiwho stoped the service asps ?10:58
lordievaderWell if it crashed, the systemlogs will probably contain that it stopped/crashed but probably not why. Like I said upstarts logging is quite poor.11:00
lordievaderSystemd does a much better job at that, if you ask me.11:00
ertyuias its an critical service11:00
ertyuii would like to planify a crontab in order to check the service is running or not11:01
ertyuiand the question is :11:07
ertyuihow to make it so ?11:07
lordievaderertyui: No monitoring available?11:19
lordievaderI guess you could do a basic pgrep to ensure it is running and start it if not.11:20
ertyuican you tell me the whole line ?11:26
lordievaderErr, I'd write a script for that. But I am sure you can do that yourself.11:53
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ertyuifirst clarify this point12:05
ertyui ps -aux | grep assp12:05
ertyuiroot      4309  1.0 57.4 1352612 584364 pts/3  Sl   11:03   1:16 perl assp.pl12:05
ertyuibut  pgrep assp.pl12:05
ertyuinot giving any result could you tell why  ?12:06
lordievaderpgrep doesn't look for the arguments.12:07
ertyuii don't understand12:10
ertyuiwhy i don't got the process id ?12:10
ertyuiwhen i do pgrep assp12:10
ertyuior pgrep ass.pl ?12:10
lordievaderpgrep for perl ;)12:11
lordievaderOr use ps aux as a substitute.12:12
ertyuiif i put this line : * *    * * *   root service assp restart12:15
ertyuiis that enough to restart if the service down ?12:15
lordievaderThat restarts the service every minute.12:15
ertyuii know12:29
ertyuibut this one not wokring12:29
lordievaderCron should go to the syslog though.12:38
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ertyuii don't get13:28
=== med_ is now known as Guest74023
ertyuihi there14:28
ertyuiwhen i grep assp process from ps -ef14:28
ertyuii got this result14:28
ertyui ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep assp14:29
ertyuiavahi      402     1  0  2015 ?        00:00:21 avahi-daemon: running [asspam.local]14:29
ertyuiroot      4309     1  1 11:03 pts/3    00:02:38 perl assp.pl14:29
ertyuiso when i need to restart assp which service i have to call14:29
ertyuiassp.pl or asspam.local14:29
lordievaderNone of them are service names, what is in /etc/init.d or /etc/init?14:31
lordievaderHow is the service named there.14:32
lordievaderBy the by, 'ps -ef|grep \[a\]ssp' is easier ;)14:32
ertyui ps -ef|grep \[a\]ssp14:55
ertyuiavahi      402     1  0  2015 ?        00:00:21 avahi-daemon: running [asspam.lo14:55
ertyuiroot      4309     1  0 11:03 pts/3    00:02:52 perl assp.pl14:55
ertyuiare you there ?15:10
devster31sensu ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /opt/sensu/embedded/bin/*17:50
devster31with a like like this will I enable sensu to run all commands in that directory as root?17:50
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hallynjdstrand: hey, bug 1531564, adding read access to /sys/module/vhost/parameters/max_mem_regions for libvirt vms should be innocuous right?19:30
ubottubug 1531564 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "missing apparmor rule to read /sys/module/vhost/parameters/max_mem_regions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153156419:30
jdstrandhallyn: hey, yeah, that's fine19:31
hallynsmb: arges: gonna do a libvirt push for that tiny change ^ - anything else you wanted to add right now to xenial's libvirt?19:31
hallyn(too late, pushing :)19:34
argeshallyn: nope19:34
naccrbasak: ok, so splitting by main/universe, only 14 packages in main are affected (I think)19:34
argeshallyn: o19:34
hallynthx :)19:34
hallyni'm intending to do wily libvirt SRUs today fwiw19:35
naccrbasak: one that i wonder about is dh-php5 ... it seems to be specifically for PHP5; there is a dh-php that is generic, and Ondřej's PPA has a newer version (but I'm not sure Debian does yet)19:35
naccis there a way in a PPA to say that some package no longer should exist? :) (to simulate a main removal, e.g.) Or perhaps I can put some dependency in a newer version of the .deb?19:36
sarnoldhallyn: if you're in the mood for libvirt srus, I saw a bug report last week asking for hugepages in trusty's libvirt apparmor profiles..19:40
hallynsarnold: that should be there i think...  but i wason't going to do trusty today.19:40
hallynunless they're doing trusty with systemd19:40
sarnoldhallyn: iirc I saw you had a fix checked in for xenial recently..19:41
hallynyes - that was fo rsystemd19:41
hallyndebian/apparmor/libvirt-qemu:  # for access to hugepages19:41
hallyndebian/apparmor/libvirt-qemu:  owner "/run/hugepages/kvm/libvirt/qemu/**" rw,19:41
hallyn(in trusty)19:42
hallynyou do need to set KVM_HUGEPAGES=1 in the qmeu-kvm defaults file19:42
hallynbut it should work, if not it's a bug and i'll get right on it19:42
sarnoldhallyn: ah I'm sorry I'm misremembering, they were using 15.04 as the host 153200719:42
hallynoh that one - i saw your reply and figured you'd shout if you needed something :)19:43
hallynmeh, dev/hugepages.19:44
hallynmounting filesystems under /dev19:44
hallynsarnold: so it's actually a request to SRU #152473719:45
hallyni guess the trusty-proposed package at this point should just be dropped :(  ppl reporting verification failures but not responding19:48
sarnoldargh :/19:50
sarnoldman that's from -august-??19:50
rbasaknacc: to say that some package no longer should exist> I don't think so. The only other option might be to pin apt to blacklist a package. I'm not sure how effective a simulation that would be though.20:03
naccrbasak: ok, np -- i have some notions of what i need to test in terms of breaking updates, etc. So, I think in addition to the php5* packages being removed, we'll need to update the metapackages where they exist to not refer to php5 versions, right?20:06
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
rbasaknacc: right20:46
samiraljohaniHello everyone21:15
samiraljohaniDoes anyone know a step by step article about how I can host a website on my ubuntu-server and connect it to godaddy domain name?21:16
tewardsamiraljohani: there's many parts to hosting a website on your own server21:17
tewardthere is not one all-inclusive article21:17
tewardin theory I could write one but i don't use godaddy, AND I run my own DNS - someone'd need to front me money to write it lol21:17
tewardeffectively, the parts you're asking about:  (1) Buying a Domain via GoDaddy; (2) Setting up the DNS to point the Domain to the server (GoDaddy); (3) Set up web server to serve the website content (Ubuntu)21:18
tewardat the very very leaset21:19
samiraljohaniWill you be willing to write it for me for $50 lol21:19
* teward is currently in the process of securing two of his sites from a vulnerability21:20
tewardin other news, though, kudos to Canonical for having Landscape send out emails in a sane manner about my stuff; no kudos to Canonical for the system nagging me three times a day21:21
samiraljohanilol Good luck21:21
tewardsamiraljohani: maybe when I'm done here, I'll write a step by step article, but i'm a tad busy :p21:21
samiraljohaniI already have a domain name so I guess I should read about pointing the domain to the server as you suggested. Thank you21:22
samiraljohanilol Okay21:22
tewardsamiraljohani: yes, that's called DNS; not sure how GoDaddy does the DNS.21:22
tewardsamiraljohani: the other part is setting up a web server to serve your site content, but there's a billion tutorials for that21:23
tewarddepending on what's on the site (is it WordPress, Joomla, etc.?)21:23
samiraljohaniTrue, I know about that part too, it's just pointing the domain issue that I'm having21:25
sarnolddoes godaddy host your dns for you? if so, you'll need to make sure the www record for your domain has A or AAAA entries21:26
tewardsarnold: i think he needs a step-by-step with screenshots.  Too bad I don't use GoDaddy for my domains or my DNS :/21:33
tewardor i'd write an article for it, sort of like a guide for how to do it21:33
sarnoldteward: it's good practice to read documentation :)21:33
tewardsarnold: though, i moved past documentation - Gandi for domain registration, my own DNS servers and web servers, all Ubuntu based21:34
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Samir_Thanks sarnold, and thanks gandi lol22:55
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sarnoldyeah, gandi++ :)23:33

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