
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
DJonesAww, David Bowie has passed away07:51
DJonesYeah, battling cancer for 18 months according to new reports07:52
DJonesI guess not the sort of thing somebody in the public eye would normally speak about07:53
knightwiseGood morning everyone07:53
daftykinsgm o/07:53
DJonesMorning knightwise07:54
daftykinshrmm solid rain planned for the day... that makes it harder to be motivated to do much :)08:00
DJonesI think I'd rather have rain and a bit of warmth, rather than just cold temperatures, saying that, I'm indoors all day, so doesn't make much difference, looks like we get the rain tomorrow08:02
daftykinsit's doing a threatening sort of swirl - http://www.raintoday.co.uk/08:03
knightwiseIts getting chilly here :ร 08:04
knightwise looking forward to some winter, hold off on the snow Since I need to drive08:05
DJonesFirst time ages I've had to deice the cars this morning08:05
daftykinsi need to visit an electrical supplier and then ride on to a clients to get a phone socket working, blech :)08:06
daftykinshmm though i normally loathe forever speaking of the wars, there are some interesting snaps in this one - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-3454492508:08
knightwiseGod .. the media will be bowie-dized for days08:11
daftykinsa better fate than the star wars hype :P08:12
knightwiseHaven't had time to go see the move yet08:14
knightwiseStill suffering from my "JJ-abrams reboot psychosis"08:15
knightwiseLooking at what he did to the star trek franchise , i look fearfully upon the white screen08:15
DJonesAfter the recent deaths from the music world, Lemmy, Bowie, Bradbury, Weiland, Taylor etc, there's be one hell of a supergroup in the heavens now08:16
knightwiseLabyrith : David Bowie at his very very best08:21
MooDoomorning all08:26
knightwiseMorning MooDoo08:27
daftykinsknightwise: my friends say it wasn't so much him in that film, but his crotch08:27
knightwise"May the direction of bowies fallus point you towards the end of the labyrinth"08:27
daftykinscor, proper hail storm just now09:05
knightwisehey MooDoo09:13
knightwisehows it going buddy09:13
MooDooknightwise: feel a bit low this morning, don't think I got enough sleep this morning :)09:20
MooDoosleep last night even!09:20
daftykinsgm foobarry \o09:21
* daftykins nips off on postie watch09:22
foobarrydogs are good for that09:28
foobarrywow. just discovered a bug in lsdvd that causes all memory on the machine to be instantyly consumed09:33
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ09:35
MooDoomorning JamesTait09:36
MooDoo.--. .- ..- .-.. / -- . .-.. .-.. --- .-. ...09:36
Laney.-- . .-.. .-.. / - .... .. ... / .. ... / ..-. ..- -.09:40
JamesTaitVery good, MooDoo! โ˜บ09:40
JamesTaitLaney, -.-- . ... / .. - / .. ... !09:42
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:12
=== Matrixiumn is now known as Xack
knightwisehey brobostigon10:14
knightwisehow are you doing10:14
MooDoohowdy brobostigon10:15
brobostigonhi knightwise, not bad, my eczema could be better, and you?10:15
brobostigonhi MooDoo10:15
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoi2vx3iegw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qgG-tXyq6E10:17
davmor2JamesTait: the morse I hear as I take hold of software is ... --- ... and it just repeats all the time10:19
davmor2JamesTait: I take it that must be my name in morse right?10:20
diploMorning all, we've been having issues with time on our servers so I'm going through setting up ntpd on our customer sites, question though as my google foo is sucking11:35
diploOur documents are timed, I can't see how often ntpd daemon keeps up to date, just a little worried about the sync being out by minutes and then sorting itself and a credit goes through say before an invoice is created.11:36
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:41
daftykinshey bigcalm \o11:41
daftykinsanother dead disk identified, oy.11:47
zmoylan-piremove it and hammer it in front of all the other disks as a warning... :-)11:47
davmor2daftykins: is it named Bowie they all seem to die on the days stars do11:48
daftykinstoo soon!11:49
Myrttideffo too soon11:51
zmoylan-pihe may be gone but the music he left...11:53
davmor2daftykins: nothing person by it, was more meaning that I'm pretty sure you disks seem to die around the same time as a Star (mind you we lost a lot in the last 12 months)11:54
daftykinsit's ok, it's just a user in #ubuntu ;)11:54
daftykinsone that it took many, many tries to run a couple of commands :/11:54
davmor2zmoylan-pi: Indeed and it is wonderful Music too :)11:55
daftykinsdiplo: did you run it by the #ubuntu-server folks? sorry no experience with ntpd12:00
diploI think I've worked it out daftykins12:20
diploUses min/maxpoll, over a few days it works out how often it needs to update, between 63 seconds and 1024 seconds depending on the machine12:20
diploYou can hard code it but advice is not to12:20
daftykinsi had heard installing it will only slowly begin to adjust toward the intended time, in increments12:21
diploAh, I've fixed each site to be correct before setting it up12:21
daftykinssounds good :)12:21
diploOnly hoping it keeps it on time, will inspect each site that I've already done and see how they are fairing before doing more :)12:22
diddledandavmor2: the second of those songs was well timed considering the news of David Bowie's passing :-(13:57
* diddledan listens to life on mars13:58
* zmoylan-pi wonders how high his music goes in the charts in next few weeks13:58
davmor2there is a new album out isn't there so possibly number 114:09
davmor2I would imagine if they re-release ashes to ashes, space oddity and red shoes they would get 123 in the single charts14:10
knightwiseJust installed FireSSH in Firefox.14:27
knightwisepleasantly surprised14:27
knightwiselooks like putty ,feels like putty14:34
knightwiseisnt putty14:34
daftykinsdoes it do URL parsing so you can click links?14:34
daftykinsi guess it *is* in a browser XD14:34
diddledanI get putty and lube confused.14:34
diddledanall my windows keep falling out14:34
SuperMattbadum *CRASH*14:35
daftykinsamusing story last night that skylake CPUs have a bug which gets tripped by prime95, the intensive prime number program - causing a full freeze14:36
daftykinsBIOS updates will be on the way :)14:36
knightwisedaftykins: it should14:37
knightwisebut it doenst refresh the screen well14:37
knightwiseHence: Switched to SecureShell in chrome14:37
diddledanyeesh, is it a bug in the cpu itself?14:38
diddledanthat will be a pain to fix properly14:38
daftykinsthat's what microcode updates are for :)14:38
daftykinsthere wasn't much detail in theregister's article14:39
SuperMattquestion: why is ssh in a browser window preferable to an actual terminal window?14:54
davmor2You remind me of the babe14:55
diddledanwhat babe?14:55
bittin-this bae14:56
diddledanruined it14:56
diddledandavmor2: try again14:56
* SuperMatt throws his hands up in the air in exasperation14:56
* diddledan tuts14:56
SuperMattyou remind me of the babe. what babe? the babe with the power. what power? the power of voodoo. Who do? You do. Do what? Remind me of the babe14:57
SuperMattthere, we've got it all14:57
SuperMattand I don't know why I started adding caps in the middle14:57
davmor2You remind me of the Babe14:58
SuperMattWhat babe?14:58
davmor2babae with the power14:58
SuperMattWhat Power14:58
davmor2power of voodoo14:58
SuperMattWho do?14:58
davmor2you do14:58
SuperMattDo what?14:59
davmor2remind me of the babe14:59
davmor2\o/ thanks SuperMatt14:59
SuperMattyou're welcome14:59
diddledangotta love collaborative singing14:59
* SuperMatt nods15:00
* SuperMatt is dying for a little nap15:00
diddledanmmm, snoozing ftw15:00
SuperMattI just wanna be back at the flat with the cat15:01
diddledanI want a kittie15:01
SuperMattdiddledan: we adopted a 14 year old with dietry issues, and he's just such a lovely chap15:03
* diddledan cuddles15:03
diddledansoo cute with his lil teddy bear!15:03
SuperMatthttps://goo.gl/photos/pjGvNHhF4iEasDW17 - here he is playing "The floor is lava" which I try to fix some ikea drawers for more stability15:04
diddledanI read a while back that geeky/engineering types prefer cats over dogs15:05
SuperMattI prefer dogs because they're more intelligent in my eyes, but the cat is low maintenance, and it's what the girl wanted15:06
diddledanbased on my sample of me, I can state that the belief is 100% accurate15:06
SuperMattvery good science, well done15:06
diddledanI do like dogs, too, though, just prefer the company of a kittie :-)15:07
popeyTrying to convince wife we should get a dogy15:11
popeybut she's not having any of it15:11
diddledanpopey: convince the kids then the wife has to capitulate under the weight of democracy :-p15:12
Myrttipopey: why not? hair and dust?15:12
diddledanpoopey :-p15:12
MyrttiI'd want a Finnish lapphund but I think it'll have to wait a bit longer15:13
SuperMattpopey: if the missus can change a nappy, she can pick up after a dog!15:18
SuperMattIn fact, it's often less messy15:18
popeyyeah, we're both capable of doing it15:18
popeychanging a nappy is a matter of necessity15:19
Myrttihttp://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dyson-Cinetic-DC54-i-Brand-New-5-year-Dyson-guarantee-/111821945687 โ™ฅ15:19
Myrttior rather, I love this even more than the vacuum itself http://www.dyson.co.uk/vacuum-cleaners/accessories/pet-hair/tangle-free-turbine-tool.aspx15:20
foobarry"pet hair"15:29
foobarrymy wifes hair is what tangles it15:30
foobarrydog hair is tiny15:30
ujjaindo most mortgage providers allow overpayment or not?15:31
foobarryhard to generalise, need to check per mortgage i expect15:31
Myrttifoobarry: yes, and my yarn.15:31
foobarryand dental floss15:31
Myrttiyarn and human hair were our reasons to get it15:31
foobarryif it doesn't go in the bin completely, it wanders out15:31
foobarrymy wife has been dying her yarns lately too15:32
foobarryshe has borrowed a drum carder15:32
foobarryso is getting fleeces, washing, drumming , dyeing, spinning15:32
popeyujjain, yes AIUI15:36
ujjainright, I might have a look on buying a first house.15:36
diddledanremember popey INAL15:37
moreatiSanity check: Ubuntu 15.10 users, when you change volume with multimedia keyboard keys, does anything appear on the screen?15:37
SuperMattujjain: basically it all depends on what your provider allows. Some will allow you to over pay, but won't let you miss a payment even if you've over paid 11 out of 12 months, others just won't let you over pay at all15:38
moreatiright, I did break something then. ty diddledan15:38
ujjainright, I'll write this on my checklist, find a provider that'll allow it.15:38
SuperMattand you definitely cannot under pay on a mortgage15:38
ujjaineh, hehe, right.15:38
SuperMattujjain: if it's your first buy, you'll find the number of providers is veeeeeeeeeeery slim15:38
diddledanmoreati: specifically a progress-bar-like indicator on the top-right of the screen telling you the current volume level15:38
ujjainI have a good salary though and I don't need an expensive house.15:39
SuperMattujjain: that's what I thought, though I am in london meaning I have to jump through more hoops that most15:41
diddledanmoreati: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4zzz02q1r5bnpr/Screenshot%20from%202016-01-11%2015-41-23.png?dl=015:43
foobarryall houses are expensive in london15:43
foobarryone of my mortgages wouldn't let me overpay within first 3 years15:43
SuperMatttell me about it15:45
SuperMattmy two bed flat is twice the price of my borther's two up two down15:45
SuperMattbut he now has a child to worry about, and I'm sitting pretty with my kitty15:46
ujjainI'm in London too15:52
ujjainI don't really necessarily want to overpay right now, but if interest rises to e.g. 6%15:53
ujjainI'd like the option to overpay15:53
ujjain2% or 6% on 500k, first affordable, second one deadly15:55
popeyholy cow, this year I'll have lived in this house 15 years!15:59
diddledanbovine deity!16:00
ujjaincongrats! :)16:02
foobarryis that also the length of your marriage?16:02
foobarryso far16:02
* zmoylan-pi wonders if popey's residence is ipv4 or ipv6 :-)16:09
popeyno, 16 years16:10
popeymarried in 2000 so I could easily remember how many years I've been wed16:10
bigcalmpopey: is it the way I have configured my phone, or does the PlusOne X have a pants battery life?16:11
popey'97 met, '98 rented together, '99 engaged, '00 house, '01-02 nuffink, '03 first child :)16:11
popeybigcalm, define pants?16:11
popeyi dunno mine is often plugged in16:11
popeyand i never leave the house16:11
bigcalmpopey: 100% charge this morning. 25% charge now16:11
popeyi often turn on android power saving16:12
bigcalmI did drive to work today, so was without wifi for about an hour16:12
popeyi have bluetooth on all the time mostly, for pebble16:12
bigcalmDo you have the gestures enabled?16:12
popeycircle and v?16:12
bigcalmI have bt on for my wrist band thing16:12
bigcalmpopey: yes o and v16:12
bigcalmMaybe it's because I've only just got the phone and thus playing with it more16:12
popeybattery thing says 88% approx 21 hrs left16:13
popeyi turned off some animations and stuff16:13
ujjainyou can't rent out your own home if you have a mortgage, right?16:13
popeydepends on the mortgage16:14
ujjainfor me '14, didn't know eachother '15 met, '15 she got kicked out of the country,16:14
bigcalmSeems it wasn't 100% this morning but last night. Even so16:17
popeylots of screen on time16:17
popeyso yeah, you're probably playing with it more than me16:17
popeylike the device tho?16:18
bigcalmIt'll improve over time16:18
bigcalmVery much so16:18
ujjainI used to have a Nexus 5, battery was horrid, I played too much with it I guess16:18
popeyi hate that i keep pressing the power button when i pick it up16:18
ujjain@popey; too many notifications16:18
ujjainthey don't bother you?16:19
popeywell done16:19
bigcalmpopey: slightly regretting buying the Karbon shell with my order. Didn't realise that it came with a clear jelly shell that is nicer to use.16:19
popeyI wondered who would be the first to mention the notifications16:19
popeywhy would they bother me, it's on my desk, with the display off16:19
bigcalmpopey: I haven't done that. But I do keep pressing volume down when I want to press power16:19
popeyphones should have power buttons on the top, not the side16:19
popeyiphone 4 was the pinnacle of phone design imo :)16:19
zmoylan-pinokia e61i to my mind16:20
popeywas that symbian?16:20
zmoylan-piwas all downhill after the e61i16:21
MyrttiI loved my N9516:23
zmoylan-pithe n95, another classic. met a hotel porter who used the n95 to torrent movies in his pocket while he was at work16:24
MyrttiI used it for IRC, and for taking the best photos I've ever taken, and listening to audiobooks16:25
SuperMattno way he won't be found out16:25
ujjain11 days into the year and still no tube strike, itโ€™s a miraccccccleee ๐Ÿ˜„16:25
* ujjain opens newspaper16:25
ujjainTuesday 26 January - Tube Strike16:26
* SuperMatt nods sagely16:26
SuperMattI don't know whether to try to work from home, or take annual leave16:26
zmoylan-piit willen have been a tube strike if it happens... :-)16:26
ujjainwork from home, that's what Mitchell and Webb'd do.16:27
SuperMattyeah, but what about the wa...16:28
bigcalmpopey: am I mad or is there no gallery app on the phone? (ignoring Google photos)16:32
bigcalm<popey> yes16:32
popeythats the default photos app now, innit?16:32
bigcalmIs it? Didn't realise that16:32
popeyi thought so16:33
bigcalmAfter taking a photo, one can scroll though past photos. Thought that was using a gallery app16:33
popeythat used to be the case16:33
popeybut Google merged them into one app i thought16:33
popeyif you search play store for gallery then you'll find google photos16:34
popeythats the app i use16:34
popeyi thought it was pre-installed?16:34
bigcalmIt is pre-installed16:35
bigcalmOn my SGS5 with CM12.1 (and now 13.0), there was a separate app for Gallery that wasn't Google photos16:35
bigcalmHence my surprise16:36
bigcalmI'll live :)16:36
ujjainYeah, I prefered Gallery too16:38
bigcalmThe camera is nice https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/68658839035200717016:41
diddledanbigcalm: you've got a nice pair16:43
Myrttiit's merged yeah16:43
bigcalmdiddledan: they were a lovely juicy pair16:43
Myrttibigcalm: which SW did you end up seeing?16:43
bigcalmMyrtti: imax 3d. It was okay16:44
moreatibigcalm: the 3D part or the SW part?16:44
diddledanI really need to go watch that16:44
bigcalmMyrtti: the drugs I'm on make my emotions quite muted. That said, I enjoyed the film, so that's saying something16:44
Myrttithe 3D was a lacklustre for me16:44
Myrttibigcalm: I'm not on any drugs and it was a relatively muted affair for me, too. I cried far less than what I expected16:45
bigcalmI think that 3d shouldn't be the point of the film. An addition to it that you don't really notice but adds depth. Avatar did it well. I haven't seen it used correctly since then sadly16:45
bigcalmmoreati: 2D would have been just as good16:45
Myrttiwe watched Finding Nemo in 3D at home with the new telly and it was amazing16:46
moreatiMyrtti: ditto, but saw Dredd16:47
zmoylan-pithe dredd movie was amazing, i would have loved to have seen that in cinema in 3d16:48
bigcalmWatched Empire Strikes Back (DVD) last night and saw that it was better than anything else, ever16:53
diddledanbigcalm: he said let there be starwars. and there was starwars. and he looked upon it and saw that it was good.16:54
diddledanday 8 of the creation story16:54
zmoylan-pihmmm, my movie last night was ronin... and it was explody... :-)16:55
bigcalmWill likely watch Return of the Jedi at some point this week, though I know it will never live up to Empire16:55
diddledanwow, I've not seen that in forever16:55
zmoylan-pigreat car chases, great shoot outs, great dialog...16:55
zmoylan-piwhat colour is the boat house in hereford?!16:56
zmoylan-pitonights movie... i went down...16:56
awilkinsDredd in 3D was pretty cool17:05
awilkinsEspecially the slowmo scenes17:05
popeybigcalm, yeah, I like the camera, but my previous phone camera I used was Nexus 4, so not hard to be better than that garbage17:06
zmoylan-piunlike most movies which are just made 3d it looked like someone thought ahead with dredd and made bits of it to look spectacular in 3d17:06
diddledanjust hit bug #152914617:22
lubotu3bug 1529146 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "btrfs balance leads to kernel panic" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152914617:22
diddledandid a bit of research and posted a link to an LKML message about the issue onto the bug17:23
diddledanalso added the redhat issue for the same into launchpad's tracking17:24
diddledano_O "Bug watch updates for Red Hat Bugzilla are disabled." whyfor?17:28
diddledansilly launchpad17:28
diddledanyey for calendar reminders - I'd forgotten it was silent witness tonight20:00
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=== MooDoo is now known as Guest56886
popeydiddledan, good work finding the patch20:34
diddledanthanks :-)20:38
=== Matrixiumn is now known as Xack

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