
mhall119jose: hmm, I thought we got summit moved to https02:07
josenope, still using http for me02:07
mhall119jose: you should file an RT to get it using https, there's nothing to be done in the code02:16
josewill do02:16
dholbachgood morning07:30
dholbachdavidcalle: I'm looking at a very strange phenomenon with using django.test.Client.get() to test local links08:51
dholbachthe following used during the test:08:51
dholbachprint((url, type(res), len(res.content)))08:51
dholbach('/file2/', <class 'django.http.response.HttpResponseRedirect'>, 0)08:51
dholbach('/en/file2/', <class 'django.http.response.HttpResponseNotFound'>, 12641)08:51
dholbachHttpResponseNotFound doesn't seem to be what we think it is :)08:52
dholbachI think I'll just test for    len(django.test.Client.get(url).content)>0     and that's it :)08:53
davidcalledholbach, indeed, I was actually wondering the same thing about httpresponsenotfound when I tried your test last week, maybe Django doesn't do exactly the same thing when it's being tested VS in browser.09:02
dholbachdavidcalle: yep, looks like it09:09
dholbachhum... len(res.content)>0 also doesn't work - the 404 page also has content :)09:17
dholbachdavidcalle: finally fixed it by using cms.test_utils.testcases.CMSTestCase.get_request()14:01
dholbach(and fixed a couple of other bits along the way)14:01
davidcalledholbach: Nice!14:01
dholbachdavidcalle: links are working now and are part of the test suite14:21
dholbachI think we're getting close to having this usable14:22
* davidcalle tests14:25
dholbachdavidcalle: do you remember what we did to fix things like https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1531200?14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1531200 in Ubuntu Developer Portal "Snappy/Snapcraft docs don't show sublists" [Undecided,New]14:51
davidcalledholbach: I don't, let me try15:14
mhall119davidcalle: it looks like the new JS scopes API doc package still hasn't hit their PPA, is something blocking it?15:15
davidcalledholbach: bzr messed up while importing the pip cache of your branch, setting it up again, hold on :)15:17
dholbachah yes... I might need to add this new module to pip15:20
dholbachI mean adding the markdown extension to the cache15:22
dholbachbrb, need to restart my session - my mouse pointer just vanished15:22
davidcalleFor this specific file, with nested lists, this works: html=markdown.markdown(md_text,  tab_length=3)15:28
davidcalledholbach: I guess (and hope) that matches github way of doing nested lists, so this would be consistent.15:29
davidcalle(And not mess up other files)15:29
davidcalledholbach: do we have nested lists somewhere else? (/me looks at snappy/security)15:29
dholbachdavidcalle: hum, do we know that that's consistent with what github does?15:30
dholbachsnappy - docs/meta.md15:31
dholbachsnappy - docs/rest.md15:32
dholbachsnappy - docs/security.md15:32
dholbachthat's all files with nested lists AFAICS right now15:32
davidcalledholbach: so, other docs (that imports fine with nested ul), follow two rules: no spaces before a bullet point "* ", and 4 spaces before a nested one "    * "15:33
davidcalledholbach: snapcraft doc writer is clearly evil.15:33
davidcalle(and I'm just going to disregard the fact that we should probably write guidelines for imported md :) )15:35
davidcalledholbach: are you used to do github mps? Maybe you can teach me? :)15:37
dholbachI failed a couple of times already ;-)15:37
dholbachI'm happy to help15:37
davidcalledholbach: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/218 \o/ Thanks :)16:02
dholbachnice work16:03
dholbachdavidcalle: so the one image we currently have (on https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/master/README.md) works because it points to a remote URL - should the importer block if it finds a local image (for now... until we have a better idea how to fix it)?16:22
davidcalledholbach: tha's probably the best idea, yeah16:22

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