
k1ljohn-external: details matter00:00
john-externalkll: i would have to resttart00:00
john-externalFull details on error: Error mounting /dev/sdb4 at /media/john-external/Windows: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000" "/dev/sdb4" "/media/john-external/Windows"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount.00:00
john-externalFailed to mount '/dev/sdb4': Operation not permitted00:00
john-externalThe NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown00:00
john-externalWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume00:00
john-externalread-only with the 'ro' mount option00:00
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EriC^^well, on the bright side at least we're getting somewhere00:00
k1ljohn-external: come on. i asked 3 times to use a pastebin service00:00
rwwthat error message seems rather self-explanatory00:00
rwwjohn-external: which version of Windows?00:01
john-external8.1 pro00:01
rwwjohn-external: did you power it off/restart, or put it in hibernate last time you used it?00:01
k1ljohn-external: and its like we said already. disable inside windows that "feature" to no make real shutdown to simulate a faster boot time00:01
john-externalpastebin service where?00:01
BeardedStonerit is ok to hang out here if i know absolutely shit about computers00:01
BeardedStoneris it *00:01
rwwyup, what k1l said. it's either real hibernate or fast start. turn them both off. ask ##windows how00:02
rwwor use Google or something idk00:02
EriC^^BeardedStoner: sure, you can't cuss though00:02
BeardedStonerEriC^^ oh sorry, excuse my french00:02
EriC^^haha, np00:02
john-externalwell i try it and be back soon00:02
BeardedStonerwell and if i want to know , is it possible to self-learn?00:02
EriC^^is there any other way?00:03
BeardedStonerwell people go to college for that00:03
EriC^^college is just a big syllabus00:03
BeardedStonerand i have already finished that00:03
BeardedStoneri can't go back there again00:03
EriC^^what'd you study?00:03
BeardedStonerok good i thought Algebra is a good start00:03
BeardedStoneram i doing it right?00:04
llldinoI find the easiest way to learn is by experience, like get familiar with using the terminal, try and apply the things you learn to solve your own problems you're having00:04
BeardedStoneror should i learn something else00:04
EriC^^you don't like dentistry?00:04
k1lEriC^^: BeardedStoner you guys mind to switch to the #ubuntu-offtopic channel?00:04
EriC^^it's up to you, depends on what you like00:04
BeardedStonerk1l sure , sorry to interrupt00:04
BeardedStonerEriC^^ can i pm you?00:05
EriC^^you could /join ##linux if you want00:06
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arunpyasiguys any easy tool to create flowcharts from C programing codes ?00:18
nimbioticsHi. Wanting to be able to login w/o pwd, I generated an ssh key and copied it into authorized_keys using ssh-copy-id on in a Digital Ocean VPS, but I'm still being asked for a password. Please help me figure out what am i doing wrong. TIA!00:23
EriC^^nimbiotics: you need to enable public authkey in /etc/ssh/sshd_config00:25
EriC^^then restart ssh00:25
Rajkowhat the fuck ubuntu00:29
Rajkoinitscripts arent used anymore in 15.1000:29
Rajkoi had ulimits changed for nginx to allow more than 4096 files00:30
Rajkohow fix this00:30
arunpyasi15.10 release is not good for me too. Giving problems with Hotspot !!!00:31
k1lRajko: ubuntu switched to systemd since 15.0400:31
Rajkoso why are the initscripts even there anymore00:32
Rajkoif they arent going to be run00:32
Rajkonginx had capability to set ulimit via /etc/defaults/nginx00:32
Rajkonot anymore00:32
Rajkojust had site crash because more than 4096 sockets got opened00:32
Rajkothanks ubuntu 15.1000:32
llldinoCheck this out: http://linuxg.net/replace-systemd-with-upstart-on-ubuntu-15-04-or-an-official-flavor/00:33
llldinoJust replace systemd with upstart00:33
Rajkoi already did that00:33
Rajkoi didnt reboot tho00:33
k1lllldino: better to fix the issue than use 3rd party PPA to install a init system00:34
llldinok1l, I absolutely agree00:34
UmeaboyWhen wanting to build Cyanogenmod in Ubuntu the wiki-page https://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Build_for_klte tells you to install dependancies, but there is one dependancy that cannot be found: lib32readline-gplv2-dev00:35
UmeaboyWhere is that?00:35
llldinoHowever, it's good to know that there are options besides using systemd00:35
Umeaboypackages.ubuntu.com can't find it.00:35
OerHeksRajko, this is a debian solution, maybe you can set it in  /lib/systemd/system/nginx ?? >>  https://sskaje.me/2015/06/debian-8-systemd-change-service-ulimit/00:35
UmeaboyIs there some sort of special PPA for that?00:36
k1lUmeaboy: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/lib32readline-gplv2-dev00:36
kevinburkehi - running into a permissions issue with groups and I’m sure I’m doing something simple wrong. any ideas? http://stackoverflow.com/q/34712362/32970000:36
k1lUmeaboy: so, details matter. which ubuntu do you use exactly?00:36
Umeaboyk1l: Shouldn't sudo apt-get install lib32readline-gplv2-dev be able to install that?00:36
UmeaboyCan this package be pushed to Wily as well?00:38
k1lUmeaboy: that doesnt exist anymore since 15.0400:38
Umeaboyk1l: Then what do you use instead?00:38
barnitoI snagged one of these https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pine64/pine-a64-first-15-64-bit-single-board-super-comput00:38
barnitoruns ubuntu00:39
barnito15 bucks00:39
k1lUmeaboy: see if there is a ppa for that package. or ask the cm guys what they need from that package exactly and maybe its in a successor pacakge now00:42
Atm0spher1canyone understand smartctl output on SSD and if it really is failing? I'm getting file system read only errors00:45
django__2hey all how different performance wise are xubuntu and lubuntu00:45
k1ldjango__2: Lubuntu is made for slow and old hardware. its lightweight. xubuntu is not so lightweight.00:46
django__2yeah cuz i went from lubuntu to xubuntu and i love xubuntu heh00:46
MiningMarshbarnito: You know if it is one of those boards that uses a pos hacked together kernel that only really works with ubuntu? Or is it one of those ones using basically vanilla kernel?00:47
robotti^I love ubuntu mate <300:47
blamzusjo jo jo00:47
EriC^^blamzus: santa? is that you?00:48
=== Guest34025 is now known as `Chef
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BotnetV2Hi can anybody hear me?01:06
BotnetV2Oh sweet, this is the very first irc chat room i've ever joined01:07
BotnetV2and it seems like it hasn't been working, or at least nobody has been responding01:07
nicomachuswelcome. This is an ubuntu support channel, and that is the only thing that is on-topic here. Join #freenode to ask about IRC, or #ubuntu-offtopic for just chatting.01:08
BotnetV2Oh well I was actually going to ask about something on ubuntu, and that's if ubuntu has a way of modifying the tilling of windows? Or is that only for a window manager like awesome01:09
MiningMarshBotnetV2: ubuntu is not really a piece of software, but a collection of software. If you want to know if the default unity desktop can do that, no, I don't think so.01:10
k1lBotnetV2: what exactly01:10
MiningMarshBotnetV2: Ubuntu does have awesome01:10
BotnetV2Oh yeah I know that, but I was just wondering if you could get the same affects as awesome just in the default ubuntu enviorment01:11
k1lBotnetV2: ubuntu with its standard desktop unity uses compiz. which is capable of some tiling/window placement01:11
acovrigI'm trying to run a VM, there is no output in the shell when I start it, yet it doesn't seem to be running; this is the command I'm using to start it: http://pastebin.com/gSHWwBCQ01:12
k1lBotnetV2: what effects?01:12
MiningMarshBotnetV2: probably not to the same degree, no.01:13
BotnetV2Just simple window tilling but like you said, I can achieve it just not by the same degree01:13
k1lBotnetV2: unity can do simple window tiling.01:13
BotnetV2Ah alright, well another quick question is that do you know any rooms that assist with awesome Wm customization?01:14
k1lsee if there is an #awesome channel.01:14
`Chefcan you get the "Application Type" panel (acessibility, accessories, games, etc) to appear to the right of the application icons in unity?  a few versions back it was supposedly possible with a ppa app called "classic menu indicator applet"01:15
nicomachusah he's gone...01:16
nicomachus`Chef: what do you mean...?01:17
`Chefi want to make it look like the 2nd image on this page http://askubuntu.com/questions/122437/how-to-access-applications-menu-in-ubuntu-unity-desktop01:17
nicomachus`Chef: that appears to just be the "Filter results" option in the dash01:18
`Chefgnome 3 got rid of that intentionally and i didn't know if unity followed suit01:19
k1lyou mean the classical menu? or the search result grouping?01:19
`Chefthe grouping01:20
`Chefgnome 3.6 had it, they took it out in 3.8, because someone said it didn't comply with the freedesktop specs, although all other desktops group apps01:21
k1ljust click on the "filter the search" in the upper right of the dash01:21
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nicomachusis there a way to use wget with the --post-data option to access things retrieved by POST? specifically, trying to get a PDF that is called by "javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder1$grvReportOutside$ctl11$grvReports$ctl07$lblID','')"01:36
acovrigwhen I unbind my gfx card (echo $dev > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$dev/driver/unbind); the entire system hangs; is there any way around this?01:37
PeanutHi - I've put a Samsung M2 SSD (950 pro) in a new build, and am copying from an Samsung 850 pro SSD, using a simple 'cp -pr'. I'm only seeing 5 MB/s IO performance, where I would be expecting several hundred MB/s :-(01:42
PeanutThis is on Ubuntu 15.1001:42
michel_i changed the apt.policy for install and remove packages but i still get a password request while i try to install a package via software center01:43
nicomachusmichel_: so what's the problem?01:44
michel_nicomachus: i want to remove the password request when i have to update the system or when i install a program via software center01:45
nicomachusthat would require removing the root password... not recommended.01:46
Peanutmichel: You can do this by creating a sudo rule for that command that does not require a password.01:46
eduardoUBHi everyone! Quick (hopefully) question. I completely screwed up my system going from trusty to vivid. I want to go back :) I cannot figure out how to do it. What do I search for? :)01:47
EriC^^eduardoUB: you can't01:47
eduardoUBEriC^^: yikes!01:48
Bashing-omeduardoUB: ^^ no redo .. must fresh install .01:48
EriC^^eduardoUB: why do you want to go back?01:48
geetar_Can I ask a ubuntu server question here?01:48
eduardoUBEriC^^: it seems to have completely screwed up my system. my packages are a complete mess.01:48
Bashing-omeduardoUB: If you can boot to terminal. packages are fixable .01:50
eduardoUBBashing-om: that's encouraging :) let me see01:51
michel_Peanut: you mean edit visudo like this %username ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/muon-updater ?01:51
PeanutSomething like that, yes - not that I'm recommending it, but that's how you would do it.01:51
geetar_I have a server on a LAN.  posgresql is running.  I opened postgresql port 5432 through ufw and it reports that it is open, but nmap -sS does not show that the port is open.  pgadminIII also claims that it cannot connect to the postgresql database because it is not listening on port 5432.01:51
eduardoUBso for example, i want to install Unity, and I get "packages have unmet deps" and its like "depends on compiz but its not going to be installed" ... lots and lots of this kind of thing. what do i do about it?01:52
EriC^^michel_: muon-updater ?01:52
geetar_any ideas?01:52
EriC^^where'd you get that from?01:52
EriC^^eduardoUB: try sudo apt-get -f install01:52
michel_EriC^^: it is delivered with the distro01:52
Peanutgeetar_: perhaps it is only listening on localhost? You can test this by doing 'netstat -na |grep 5432'01:52
EriC^^which distro is that?01:52
michel_EriC^^: i am on kubuntu here01:52
eduardoUBEriC^^: yup no difference01:53
EriC^^eduardoUB: what's it say exactly?01:53
EriC^^eduardoUB: type sudo apt-get -f install | nc openterm.tk 901:53
michel_Peanut: i edited it already but its not working.01:54
EriC^^michel_: in unity, it uses some kind of complicated way to get privileges01:54
EriC^^michel_: why do you want to use software center without having to type the pass?01:55
michel_EriC^^: since i am using kubuntu there is no unity but plasma 5 on kde01:55
geetar_Peanut, thanks.   I thought I fixed that but it does not seem to be listening. BUT ... should nmap -sS show that port 5432 is open if I opened it with ufw?01:55
eduardoUBEriC^^: that's cool: http://openterm.tk/g35f/   i tracked compiz down to the underling issue, and the problem is something (libdecoration0) is at latest version, but if i install something that depends on it, it says "libdecoration0 wont be installed"01:55
EriC^^yeah, i know, i mean it's not as simple as adding to visudo01:56
michel_EriC^^: just because of convenience01:56
EriC^^eduardoUB: try sudo apt-get install compiz01:56
EriC^^eduardoUB: wow the upgrade really broke it seems01:57
Peanutgeetar_: Depends on what UFW does. Normally, if there is no service running on a port on a machine without firewall, you'd get 'connection refused'. With the firewall inbetween it might drop things, so you would go from 'connection timeout' to 'connection refused', but certainly not 'open' as long as there's nothing listening on that port on the public network interface.01:57
EriC^^michel_: i think if you start software-center itself with privileges you won't have to type the pass anymore01:58
EriC^^not sure01:58
geetar_Peanut, thanks01:58
eduardoUBEriC^^: that was actually helpful. here's the issue. http://openterm.tk/vjxm/01:58
eduardoUBDepends: libdecoration0 (= 1: but 1: is to be installed01:58
eduardoUBhow do i force it to install the right version of that package01:59
michel_EriC^^: yeah right but to start it this way i still have to type a password in01:59
EriC^^eduardoUB: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?01:59
EriC^^eduardoUB: it looks like it wants an older version of libdecoration which isn't the installation candidate right now02:00
EriC^^eduardoUB: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc openterm.tk 902:00
nicomachusEriC^^: not sure if you saw, but he upgraded trusty to vivid02:00
eduardoUBeric - thank you so much for helping here.my entire sources.list is vivid main restricted multiverse universe02:00
EriC^^nicomachus: yeah02:00
EriC^^!info libdecoration vivid02:01
ubottuPackage libdecoration does not exist in vivid02:01
EriC^^!info libdecoration0 vivid02:01
ubottulibdecoration0 (source: compiz): Compiz window decoration library. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (vivid), package size 50 kB, installed size 197 kB02:01
EriC^^eduardoUB: maybe you should continue the upgrade to 15.1002:01
EriC^^and it might sort itself all out02:01
EriC^^it's odd it says compiz wants the libdecoration 2015041002:02
Bashing-omeduardoUB: EriC^^ Old PPA ? what returns ' apt=cache policy libdecoration0 ' ?02:02
EriC^^!eolupgrades | eduardoUB check here on how to continue upgrading02:02
ubottueduardoUB check here on how to continue upgrading: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:02
eduardoUBsorry what do yo umean continue? i thought i was already02:02
EriC^^eduardoUB: no, 15.04 is almost eol at this point, you need to upgrade to 15.1002:03
EriC^^eduardoUB: can you type apt-cache show compiz-plugins-default | nc openterm.tk 902:03
eduardoUBoh - how do i do that?02:03
eduardoUBcontinue to 15.10 that is02:03
EriC^^eduardoUB: ah, just type sudo do-release-upgrade02:04
EriC^^it's not eol yet so nevermind the whole link above02:04
eduardoUBok here we go :)02:04
Emmanuel_ChanelHello! /etc/fstab.d is used only for desktop and not for server?02:04
eduardoUBEriC^^: this is going to end badly but it's OK it's just a VM i am playing with. I really appreciate your help here.02:05
EriC^^np, with any luck it'll succeed02:06
eduardoUBthis is definitely a super good way to learn more about apt and the releases02:06
EriC^^yeah definitely02:06
eduardoUBbtw what happens after it hitz Zany Zebra or whatever?02:07
eduardoUBback to A?02:07
kobe_lakewhich files did  UPSTART_SESSION in ubuntu15.04  define? I can not find it.02:09
MountainXwhich irc channel can I report a 16.04 daily build installer crash?02:15
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eduardoUBEriC^^: looks like going through to 15.10 pushed things in the positive direction02:38
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b1rdd0gCan someone explain to this noob how to use imgur to paste a screenshot? Do I need to have a login account to be able to Ctrl-v paste images there?02:42
nicomachusb1rdd0g: no you do not. there is a "upload images" button at the top of the page, and then instructions pop up.02:43
daftykinsdrag a file in or click browse02:43
nicomachusif it's on your clipboard you can just ctrl-v02:43
b1rdd0gOK, got. So do I have to publish it in order to paste the URL here?02:44
b1rdd0gOK, here is my image that shows my issue with KVM: http://imgur.com/wl4HSgD  It states that I cannot connect to libvirt.02:45
b1rdd0gI checked all three conditions listed, and all seems to be in order.02:45
=== stevenroose|BNC is now known as stevenroose
b1rdd0gIs there a way to get multiple lines of command output into a single file for convert to pastebinit? I tried to use script, but "cat typescript | pastebinit" has a bunch of terminal related stuff that makes the output hard to read.02:52
EriC^^b1rdd0g: what are you trying to do?02:52
nimbioticsEriC^^: First, the reason I had not answered is 'cause I had an emergency here at home. Second, thanks for the tip. but i still don't have ssh access w/o password02:53
EriC^^nimbiotics: what's your sshd_config look like?02:53
nimbioticsgimme a sec to reconnect and paste it02:53
EriC^^what are the perms of the auth file02:53
b1rdd0gI would like to enter 3 commands at the command line and send the output of all 3 commands to pastebinit, rather than use pastebinit 3 separate times.02:54
EriC^^b1rdd0g: (command1; command2; command3) | pastebinit02:54
=== Konqi is now known as Blupanda
EriC^^b1rdd0g: you might be interested to check out http://openterm.tk02:54
b1rdd0gOK, I thought about that. I was kinda hoping script would work.02:54
EriC^^you can use it for a live terminal stream if you ever need to02:54
b1rdd0gEriC: does openterm suppress all the terminal control codes I'm getting with the default xterm?02:56
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EriC^^b1rdd0g: try script -f >(nc openterm.tk 99)02:57
michel__EriC^^: got it to work. software and update doesnt ask for pass anymore but apt-get install still asks for02:57
EriC^^this is the output from using it with xterm http://openterm.tk/fvjx/02:57
b1rdd0gEriC: I tried your suggestion of putting all 3 commands into a subshell, but the only thing you see is the output. You don't see the commands that I am running.02:58
EriC^^michel__: cool, you can add apt-get to visudo if you want02:58
kuklin all02:58
EriC^^b1rdd0g: yeah that will redirect stdout02:58
EriC^^b1rdd0g: if you want all the output of your terminal, try script -f >(nc openterm.tk 99)02:58
kuklinplease if someone can help me02:59
nicomachuskuklin: ask your question02:59
b1rdd0gEriC: I'm still pondering "script -f >(nc openterm.tk 99)". I definitely don't understand that one.02:59
michel__EriC^^: no i dont want that. the intention was to make the transition for a windows user easier so he/she can update the system and install software via center but not modify the system to much02:59
EriC^^b1rdd0g: it opens a connection to openterm.tk on port 99 as a file, and uses script with the -f ( flush option ) so it writes to that connection02:59
b1rdd0gEriC: I'll need to install openterm, first, to do that?02:59
kuklini forget my question03:00
daftykinssounds like a false start03:00
EriC^^b1rdd0g: no, just open a terminal and type script -f >(nc openterm.tk 99)03:00
nimbioticsEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14466101/03:00
EriC^^b1rdd0g: nothing will be installed on your pc, it'll just open a connection using netcat and script will be feeding it the output of your terminal03:00
EriC^^nimbiotics: pastebin ls -l ~/.ssh/authorized_keys03:02
MiningMarshmichel__: Be careful with that, that is a bit of a security risk.03:03
b1rdd0gEriC: OK, that didn't seem to help. I still get the terminal control commands imbedded in the output. Can you view this? http://openterm.tk/mz55/03:03
EriC^^b1rdd0g: yeah03:03
michel__MiningMarsh: the installation via software center ( very limited ) seems fairly secure, doesnt it? i never faced a problem with it so far03:05
b1rdd0gEriC: Well, aside from the difficulty figuring out how to "show my work" here in HexChat, the 3 things that I'm supposed to check to figure out why VMM can't connect to libvirtd all seem to check out OK.03:05
MiningMarshb1rdd0g: try the perl script here: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/14684/removing-control-chars-including-console-codes-colours-from-script-output03:06
MiningMarshb1rdd0g: I think that is what you wanted.03:06
nimbioticsEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14466142/03:06
EriC^^nimbiotics: noo, i said ls -l ~/.ssh/03:07
EriC^^not cat ~/.ssh03:07
nimbioticsoH sry!03:07
EriC^^change your keys03:07
MiningMarshmichel__: I believe software center allows one to add new remote repositories, which means you can use it to give root access to aribitrary install scripts.03:08
nimbioticsEriC^^: -rw------- 1 nimbiotics nimbiotics 400 Jan 10 18:39 authorized_keys03:08
EriC^^nimbiotics: that looks right03:08
EriC^^nimbiotics: try ssh -vvv to get more info03:09
EriC^^ssh -vvv user@host03:09
michel__MiningMarsh: i let the option default, so it still asks for password when trying to add new repos03:10
b1rdd0gMiningMarsh: Thanks! That little Perl filter seems to have done the trick!03:11
b1rdd0gEriC: OK, here is the "pretty" script of my 3 commands to check VMM failing to connect to libvirt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14466171/03:13
nimbioticsEriC^^: I THANK YOU VERY MUCH! verbosity made me notice my (stupid) error: I had renamed the id file forgot to move it back... It is working now, but I've been at it for HOURS... Muchas gracias03:15
EriC^^nimbiotics: great! no problem! :)03:15
RhapsodyI'm trying to set up my headset (Logitech G633) to have 7.1 surround sound enabled via pulseaudio. I edited the daemon file to change the channel amount to 8 and remove the comment ;. When I logged out and back in, there was two devices showing my headset; one with stereo, and one with surround.03:15
RhapsodyThe one with stereo played sound fine, but only out of the left and right channels. The surround one was set to 7.1 but gave no sound out of any channel. I changed the channel configuration a few times.03:16
RhapsodyI eventually set it back to 2 speakers and now the option to change it at all has disappeared entirely.03:16
RhapsodySo what do I do?03:16
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brandnewbianwhere does firefox store flash files and cookies?03:18
MiningMarshbrandnewbian: firefox appears to store cookies in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/cookies.sqlite03:19
MiningMarshjudging by the filename03:19
MiningMarshWho knows what format that database is in, though...03:20
daftykinssqlite XD03:20
MiningMarshschema, rather03:20
MiningMarshdaftykins: well of course :P03:20
daftykinshit up the mozilla/firefox channel(s)03:20
anabainI want to be able to ssh from box 1 root to the another box 2 root, but I can't copy id_rsa.pub's key from box 1 to box 2. What can be done?03:30
ksx4systemis it possible to use latest Ubuntu without systemd at all? (I'm familiar with debootstrap installation method)03:32
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Rhapsody_I'm trying to set up my Logitech G633 headset so that it has surround sound in Ubuntu. To do this, I've edited /etc/pulse/daemon.conf to change the number of channels to 8 and remove the comment before the line. After logging out and logging back in, the option for 7.1 surround on a device had appeared for all of my devices.03:33
Rhapsody_For Digital Output (S/PDIF), I changed it to 7.1 surround and tested it, but no sound came out of anything. After going to type here about it, the dropdown for all but Line Out has disappeared.03:34
Rhapsody_How do I do this correctly?03:34
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speedyHow to upgrade an Amazon EC2 Instance with ubuntu from a tiny one to a bigger one,using the same data/drive/clone/image03:46
daftykinsthat's not ubuntu support, but amazon support.03:46
daftykinsthing about such services, is why not just make a new one - transfer the data and destroy the old?03:48
zacwallsHey, so how can I put a openSUSE DVD iso on a usb flash drive? Becuase Unetbootin isnt working. And Startup disk creator isnt ether...03:49
daftykinsask them if their ISOs support being dd'd03:50
gioaidfisadvjnShould virtualbox guest additions be installed from the ISO or apt?03:50
MiningMarshgioaidfisadvjn: both work, apt is easier to update03:51
zacwallsdaftykins, Good idea03:51
gioaidfisadvjnWhich the better isea?03:51
zacwallsWell, I got a netinst on a usb but I don't wanna install that way because I am scared... It doesn't look right...03:52
OneM_IndustriesHe, I am converting a laptop to ubuntu, and it is not seeing the wifi card in the laptop. Any ideas? It is not even showing up in lspci.03:52
speedydaftykins, it is a exerice to learn and operrate ec2. if migrating is easier then redoing 5 hours of work that was previously done.03:52
daftykinszacwalls: different distro, not our problem03:52
daftykinsspeedy: as it's not normal ubuntu this is not the place03:52
daftykinsand no, my way makes more sense :)03:52
gioaidfisadvjnOneM_Industries: Click the settings button, then additional drivers03:53
daftykinsRepThis1_: don't do that.03:53
speedydaftykins,  i simplly want to make a minecraft server image03:53
gioaidfisadvjnInstalling the extra driver will normally fix it03:53
speedydaftykins,  i simplly want to make a minecraft server image on ec2 daftykins03:53
daftykinsspeedy: that's nice03:53
nicomachusspeedy: regardless, it's not ubuntu support related.03:54
OneM_IndustriesOk, it is looking for drivers.03:54
MiningMarshgioaidfisadvjn: I usually go with apt.03:54
gioaidfisadvjnMiningMarsh: Ok03:54
MiningMarshthe more of the system being tracked by the package manager, the better03:54
speedydaftykins,  amazon has supported ubuntu in many wanys. why not come here for that? daftykins03:54
OneM_Industriesgioaidfisadvjn: No additional drivers available.03:55
OneM_IndustriesAny ideas?03:55
speedydaftykins,  do you know what channel for amzon irc?03:55
daftykinsspeedy: stop now thanks.03:55
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http03:55
daftykinsOneM_Industries: maybe it's USB.03:55
gioaidfisadvjnMiningMarsh: Ok03:56
OneM_IndustriesNope, internal mini-pci.03:56
daftykinsshow us the full lspci03:56
OneM_IndustriesLet me figure out how to do that....03:56
daftykinswhat, copy and paste text?03:56
OneM_IndustriesNo network connection?03:57
gioaidfisadvjnMiningMarsh: Should I install all 4 packages (virtualbox-guest-{dkms,source,utils,x11}), or only some of them?03:57
OneM_IndustriesUnless I type the full lspci, in which case you will get it sometime next week.03:57
OneM_IndustriesOoh, I know.03:57
elkyOneM_Industries: phone camera + imgur?03:57
daftykinsif only there were some form of common storage  that could hold text... :)03:58
gioaidfisadvjnOneM_Industries: Use a pastebin03:58
OneM_IndustriesNo net connection, gioaidfisadvjn.03:58
OneM_IndustriesYeah, I know. Finding a USB drive now.03:58
MiningMarshgioaidfisadvjn: I usually do.03:59
sdistefa_hi, trying to setup alsa with a separate playback and recording driver, if I use the defaults setting playback works fine, but if I use pcm.!default speaker-test starts to fail, any ideas?03:59
OneM_IndustriesHold on, found a drive but need to format it....04:00
daftykinsOneM_Industries: we don't need a step by step :)04:01
OneM_IndustriesFinally and at long last.04:05
nicomachusI see an ethernet controller.04:05
daftykinsthis still this Pentium 4 or some other relic?04:06
OneM_IndustriesOlder than the other machine, actually.04:06
daftykinsthe executive summary would be great04:06
OneM_IndustriesBut a business class machine instead of a consumer grade one.04:06
OneM_Industries^ The manual04:07
nicomachusinspiron 6000! wow!04:07
daftykinswell it obviously isn't seeing a device, so it's either not properly installed or there's a trick to it04:07
OneM_IndustriesWell, can e try exhausting the software options first? The wifi card is a bit hard to get to on this machine.04:08
daftykinsi'd at least start with the ol' power discharge04:08
daftykinsno we can't04:08
OneM_IndustriesDoh, ok.04:08
OneM_IndustriesTurn it off and on again>04:08
daftykinsand it really irritates me the way you try to make these crazy jobs of yours our problem04:08
OneM_IndustriesI am trying to learn.04:09
daftykinsnot a hardware channel04:10
OneM_IndustriesI was thinking it was a ubuntu issue, as I have had that with wifi cards before.04:10
daftykinsthey don't get totally ignored04:11
daftykinsi suppose you could read through dmesg :D04:11
OneM_Industries...right, pulling and putting the card back in.04:11
OneM_IndustriesTime to take the keyboard out..04:12
daftykinshopefully you know to remove the battery and mains prior to such surgery :P04:13
OneM_IndustriesYeah, you have to take the keyboard out to get to the wifi card.04:13
OneM_IndustriesYes, I do. Only made that mistake once.04:13
OneM_IndustriesAnd even then, that was a laptop with a non-removeable battery...04:13
daftykinsthey tend to have ways04:14
OneM_IndustriesThat one was an el-cheapo walmart grade laptop, so...04:15
OneM_IndustriesRight, took it out, blew on the connectors, put it back in.04:17
OneM_IndustriesAnd it lives!04:18
django_hey all04:19
django_im haivng this issue where i randomly click on something and my view becomes dyanmic and i can move it wiht my mouse!!!04:19
django_im on xubuntu*04:19
daftykinsOneM_Industries: don't blow on hardware in future, the moisture in breath could kill things - a pencil eraser to the connector usually makes more sense04:20
daftykinsdjango_: sorry that's way too vague - a video would be handy04:20
OneM_IndustriesOk. Usually blowing on it works. I have to go, see you!04:21
django_fixed it lol04:21
daftykinsi said don't do it :P04:21
MiningMarshOneM_Industries: rubbing alcohol on q-tips.04:21
MiningMarshworks amazing for connectors.04:21
daftykinspencil eraser ;)04:23
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crutchcornDoes anyone here know a good place to ask questions about virtualization on Ubuntu? I've been trying SUPER hard to get a question answered pertaining to this and thus far have had very little to no help simply because all the channels that I have been suggested by Google and elsewhere have been empty and AskUbuntu has only gotten one person suggesting something that I already fixed04:30
crutchcornI know that I have to wait around on IRC and such and I don't mind that - was just curious is all as to where you guys think I should head next :)04:30
daftykinsgo to a channel for the virt tech you're using04:30
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http04:30
daftykinscrutchcorn: you might need to be registered and identified to services to join some channels, that might be why some *appear* empty04:31
crutchcornOooooh... That may make sense... Any advice on that daftykins?04:32
daftykinson what specifically04:32
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crutchcornSorry, broad question. Like, do you think that a Freenode account and logging in would be enough to be able to see the users in a channel?04:33
crutchcornBecause I currently do and have logged in04:33
daftykinsbest idea is to read the channel name once you join, you typically get redirected to another if not reg'd04:34
daftykinsask in #freenode for further network info, it's off topic here - being an OS support channel04:34
crutchcornBeen through that and wondered if that's what you mean. Thanks daftykins. Sorry for offtopicness04:34
DF3D2so im having an issue, I have a denon AVR-S700W and an ubuntu machine with a 750ti. I used to have an LG 1080 TV that would never have signal if I turned the TV/AVR off so I dumped the EDID.bin and piped it in to xorg.conf and all was well. Trouble is I just bought an LG 4k TV and if I dont specify 4k Manually in Xorg.conf and /usr/share/x11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf I can't seem to get 4k (xrandr doesn't work throws an error many others have had) So04:37
DF3D2now im left with having to restart GDM all the time if I want to turn off my TV/AVR and then come back and turn them on and have video signal again. The edid dump from my AVR only shows a max of 1080. What Can I do ?04:37
daftykinsdon't turn it off...04:38
daftykinsi would've thought that card could do 4K @ 60Hz over HDMI04:38
DF3D2no it cant04:39
DF3D2it can do 4k@30hz over hdmi which is fine cause im only using it for movies04:39
DF3D2for some reason ubuntu reports 60hz but thats wrong04:39
daftykinsi'm surprised it isn't tripping up on that04:40
DF3D2so am i04:40
daftykinsnaturally being Denon i hope the latest firmware is on :>04:40
DF3D2also my windows 10 rig has none of these issues04:40
DF3D2it works flawlessly04:40
daftykinsi'm not surprised04:40
DF3D2yes the denon has up to date f/w04:40
sdistefa_in alsa setting 'defaults' is working for me, but declaring each hw separately as I need it doesn't04:40
daftykinsDF3D2: what did you obtain the EDID with?04:41
DF3D2daftykins, get-edid04:42
DF3D2the issue is it dumps the edid of the denon which shows a max of 108004:43
DF3D2and when I add a 4k modeline found with cvt it throws some error04:43
daftykinswhat about bypassing the AVR and dumping the one from the TV direct?04:43
DF3D2I was just about to try that04:43
daftykinsvewy gewd04:43
DF3D2will that work once I hook the denon back up though is my question04:43
DF3D2tbh I think xorg is just shitty :-\04:44
daftykinsinappropriate language here, but yes04:44
daftykins2016 and folks still have to mess with this level of stuff04:44
DF3D2yeah I like linux in many ways but I have to say ive never had the issues w/ windows I do with linux04:44
DF3D2stupid annoying stuff04:44
boxmeinif I start a subshell in a bash script with a process how do I get the process's PID04:45
MiningMarshThere are plenty of issues I have had on windows that I have never had on linux as well.04:45
boxmein( ./relaybox.py >$regular_log 2>$error_log ) &04:45
boxmeineg, how do I get the PID of python running relaybox.py04:45
DF3D2MiningMarsh, probably true04:45
DF3D2im not trying to hate on linux here just really sick of this issue since this is supposed to be an HTP04:46
MiningMarshboxmein: $!, usually04:46
boxmeinMiningMarsh: has to be done inbetween the parens?04:46
MiningMarshboxmein: $! is last spawned program PID, I think it also applies to subshells like that04:46
daftykinswell your mistake is putting a desktop ubuntu install on04:46
daftykinskodibuntu works well for me :)04:46
DF3D2daftykins, why is that?04:46
DF3D2daftykins, well I need that machine for more things than just kodi04:46
daftykinsas could openelec and others04:46
daftykinslike what04:47
DF3D2zfs, samba, nfs, a few vm's04:47
daftykinsyeah so kodibuntu04:47
MiningMarshboxmein: (./test) &; pid="$!" worked for me04:47
daftykinsthough i don't know if you use kodi for said HTPC duty04:47
MiningMarshreported correct pid04:47
DF3D2daftykins, infact I do04:47
daftykinsthat's too many eggs in one basket for me though04:47
boxmeinMiningMarsh: I see04:47
daftykinsDF3D2: one of the devs also writes ubuntu server install guides for minimal setups04:47
DF3D2daftykins, actually im on ubuntu-server with my wanted stuff added04:48
DF3D2im pretty sure my issue is bad xorg code04:48
MiningMarshI always find specialized distros a pain04:48
DF3D2MiningMarsh, exactly my point04:48
daftykinswell i have first hand experience of it and it's fine04:48
daftykinsbut anyway04:48
DF3D2daftykins, anecdotal at best04:49
MiningMarshDF3D2: I don't really think xorg is badly written, I think a lot of it is more that graphics are complicated and linux has jack support04:49
MiningMarshDF3D2: though there are a few little things Xorg is terrible at04:49
DF3D2MiningMarsh, well I have none of these issues on windows with another nvidia card so04:49
daftykinsyeah, fair point04:49
DF3D2who knows tbh04:49
MiningMarshdaftykins: The minute I decide lodi was the wrong choice and suddenly kodibuntu was a wrong choice.04:49
MiningMarshno such issue with just ubuntu04:49
daftykinsi don't understand your sentence04:50
MiningMarshDF3D2: oh dear god, nvidia cards have hooooorible linux drivers04:50
MiningMarshthat is almost entirely nvidia's fault crom what I understand04:50
DF3D2MiningMarsh, you arent serious are you?04:50
daftykinsoh please, AMD are what's hell04:50
DF3D2MiningMarsh, im sorry but you seem clueless with that statement04:50
DF3D2nvidia is quite fine on linux04:50
daftykinsthat's a bit harsh04:50
boxmeinMiningMarsh: should I want to trap the python script's exit, how do I do that? :P04:50
DF3D2daftykins, harsh but accurate I believe04:50
boxmeinMiningMarsh: my idea was just slapping && trap "rm -f $pidfile" EXIT in the end of the subshell command04:51
MiningMarshboxmein: you mean wait for it?04:51
daftykinsno, you're just being rude slating someones entire knowledge based on a single sentence04:51
MiningMarshboxmein: `wait` command04:51
daftykinsas much as it puzzled me too :D04:51
DF3D2daftykins, i wasnt slating his entire knowledge I was slating his knowledge on nvidia cards on linux04:52
MiningMarshDF3D2: intel graphics drivers have been so much easier to mess around with in my experience.04:52
DF3D2sorry if I came off as rude im very frustrated atm with a $700 tv and $400 receiver and $1000 computer that arent working nicely04:52
MiningMarshI have never had much luck with intel drivers04:52
daftykinsmmm all that spending and Linux... :D04:52
daftykinsreally though i prefer to make HTPCs a dumb little client device, not strap what sounds like a file server to the TV04:53
DF3D2daftykins, well the TV does what it is sposed to, the receiver does what it is sposed to, the computer HW does what it is sposed to. The only issue seems to be linux im sorry to say since I have used all the same h/w in my windows machine and it "just works"04:53
MiningMarshboxmein: apparently `wait $pid` also works04:53
daftykinsi don't mind you saying that, i'm on Windows right now :)04:53
DF3D2daftykins, I used to have 5 or more computers doing seperate tasks but it ended up being more issues, other than this little snafu im having my linux box is the center of me and my wifes home media world04:54
DF3D2and has been fine for some time once I figured out the edid thing w/ the old tv04:54
MiningMarshDF3D2: I have had more luck with hardware support with a bunch of obscure hardware on linux, actually. Only hardware windows ever got better was video04:55
RepThis1anyone use jitsi for ubuntu/ubuntu gnome, and have issues with it at all?04:56
LegendThinkerI am running my website locally on wildfly on ubuntu and wanna access it from my phone on same wifi. Not able to access. I am using ip given in wifi settings. But not able to do so. Do i also have to change some settings04:56
daftykinsthe ubuntu host is a wireless device also?04:57
daftykinsso you're entering something like 192.168.x.x ?04:57
DF3D2am I wrong in thinking since restarting "xorg" fixes my issue it must be an issue w/ xorg or the nvidia drivers in general?04:58
DF3D2combined with the fact that I have none of these issues on windows that is04:58
daftykinsLegendThinker: i don't know what wildfly is but it almost sounds like your web server on that system is listening on localhost and not on the network adapter - or you're firewall'd04:59
MiningMarshDF3D2: the windows thing is irrelevant, but sounds like it is a driver bug somewhere, yeah04:59
daftykinssome routers and wireless access points also 'isolate' wifi devices, so the other may not be contactable - you could try a ping04:59
DF3D2MiningMarsh, isnt it highly relevant?04:59
DF3D2it says the tv/avr arent the culprit04:59
DF3D2if I had this issue on multiple OS05:00
daftykinsi'd say X just prefers to get the info at runtime05:00
LegendThinkerI am using the correct ip?05:00
MiningMarshDF3D2: I guess that is true, but I usually just assume that the external devices work :P05:00
MiningMarshbut fair enough05:00
DF3D2daftykins, copying the edid straight from the tv and piping it in to Xorg seems to have worked!!!05:00
daftykinss'almost like i lurk in #kodi :O05:00
daftykinsand here05:00
DF3D2I am very happy guy now :-)05:00
DF3D2so basically, i was just pulling the AVR edid before and it wasnt enough to function properly05:00
DF3D2and for some reason when X would get restarted it would pull enough info to work05:01
DF3D2very curious indeed05:01
DF3D2on my old TV i'd get corrupt edid errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:01
daftykinsLegendThinker: hmm so this wildfly thing is a java app server huh? yeah i'd bet it's misconfigured. throw this on a http://paste.ubuntu.com - "netstat -tuln"05:01
DF3D2this one didnt show anything, just didnt work05:01
daftykinsmmm AVR probably garbled it05:02
DF3D2yet it doesnt on windows05:02
DF3D2so i dont understand05:02
LegendThinker<daftykins>: thanks05:02
LegendThinkerI will do so05:02
DF3D2daftykins, also im curious about your server/client ideas of media distribution. Doesnt that infact add more complexity in the end ?05:03
daftykinsi don't believe so05:04
daftykinsbut then i'm sure we don't all use things the same way05:04
DF3D2daftykins, elaborate?05:04
DF3D2for instance I have one media room with my work computer, the linux "server" and the linux server is hooked up to the main wall mount tv, so you just play movies. Seems simple enough to me. if I had to add a "client" between that machine and the server wouldnt it be more complicated?05:05
MiningMarshDF3D2: It can make media syncing easier. I have multiple places I like to watch movies and such, I use a server/client model as well.05:06
DF3D2I have plex installed05:06
MiningMarshDF3D2: I usually just mount the server as a folder, easy enough.05:06
MiningMarshThough recently I just switched to owncloud05:07
daftykinsi don't use Plex as transcoding isn't needed05:07
daftykinszipace: can you stop that ^ ? :)05:24
daftykinsjoin/quit spam :>05:26
nicomachusahhhh. /ignore -channel #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS :)05:26
nicomachushas it's pros and cons.05:27
daftykinsnah too useful to keep for support, mmm05:27
ruedais ubuntu the most user friendly linux os yet?05:28
nchambersthats largely opinion based05:29
ruedawhat makes windows 7 the best os ever to exist on this earth05:29
mootIf user friendly = noob friendly05:29
nicomachusrueda: take it back to #ubuntu-offtopic please05:29
ruedalol sorry05:30
ruedamoot, not necesarily05:31
ruedawindows is universal it has a user based linux is disseminated is more like a tool not a family member05:32
ruedaI get stress from using debian, I'm going to try ubuntu to see if I still get headaches05:33
ruedaI get it even if I know my way around05:34
nicomachusrueda: take it back to #ubuntu-offtopic. this is not a support discussion, and is not on-topic here.05:34
=== ok is now known as Guest98965
mmiller113could anyone heIp... I need a way to mount bind my previous distro to my new distro and be able to use my apps and user settings05:40
daftykinsjust mount your /home and install the packages05:40
daftykinsthe thought arises though, fix your install, don't try and make a frankenbuntu?05:40
SorcerousFoxFrankenbuntu is life :305:41
mmiller113lol... ok mount my home but couldn't I still --rbind  or --bindsync05:42
mmiller113to get my apps as well05:42
daftykinswhat's the point in trying?05:42
daftykinsjust fix your install05:42
daftykinswhat versions are each?05:43
mmiller113ok well my kernel panic and I dont have the net, so I need a quick fix05:43
mmiller113ubuntu 14 and 1505:44
daftykinsthat makes no sense to me, the new 15.xx install boots and works...?05:44
mmiller113yes 15 works but thats only 6gig, my 14 has about 300gig05:45
mmiller113I cant risk loosing data05:45
daftykinsand don't own a backup drive? time to get one05:46
mmiller113ok can I apt-get to without internet and build source packages of apps already installed?05:46
daftykinswhy would you build packages that are already installed O_O05:47
daftykinsthere's been no mention of no internet access, doing anything related to mounts wouldn't solve that.05:47
mmiller113they are installed in my distro which has a kernel panic that I'm unable to get around....05:47
daftykinsyou tried booting an older kernel i take it?05:47
mmiller113I enabled the firewall and one  site stated thats the reason for the kernel panic05:47
daftykinsvia what command? sounds unlikely05:48
daftykinschroot-ing that install and poking around sounds more viable05:48
mmiller113ok well I have no internet access05:48
daftykinsin the 15.xx install?05:48
mmiller113just 250Mb on my phone which im using right now via tether05:49
daftykinshaha the scrapes folk get themselves into05:49
SubCoolmaybe i have a spec of help, i need to uninstall programs i dont need on my liveusb drive.05:49
mmiller113thats not funny05:50
daftykinssure it does, you don't keep a backup05:51
daftykinser, is05:51
SubCoolits out of room, i tried to uninstall gedit, but ... it says its not there05:51
mmiller113why cant my ubuntu 15 installation preserve my stuff on the new installation05:51
Solarbab1Ubuntu 14.04 Updated grub2 and wiped out my dual boot.  that was lame05:51
SubCoolbut itll take too much time to re=create the drive.05:51
daftykinsSubCool: so this drive has persistence?05:51
daftykinsmmiller113: probably you didn't install and create a separate /home partition originally05:51
SubCooldaftykins, yes.05:51
SubCoolbut its out of room.05:51
daftykinsSubCool: ah ok, no idea - but you can confirm package statuses with "dpkg -l | grep <package>"05:52
daftykinspersistence flash drives are no way to run an OS05:52
SubCoolim not- im trying to fix something05:52
SubCooljust takes too long to re-download all the compiler stuff i neeed.05:52
daftykinsno part of fixing something to my mind includes installing gedit on a persistent USB05:53
Solarbab1daftykins: I'm tempted to run Ubuntu on a 240 gig usb 3.0 ssd..  that might do the trick maybe05:53
SubCoolmy zfs-05:53
SubCooldaftykins, i need to edit a file, and it was apart of a guide, it was automatic,05:53
daftykinsSolarbab1: if it were a proper install, sure - though don't create a swap file :>05:53
nicomachusshouldn't gedit be installed already? I haven't been paying attention.05:53
daftykinsSubCool: CLI text editors would've made more sense then05:53
Solarbab1daftykins: I think I can safely avoid the swap.. 16 gigs of ram should done it05:54
daftykinsSolarbab1: if it's not a laptop, sure05:54
SubCoolyeah, i like vi - but it was automatic05:54
Solarbab1daftykins: You might even know the hardware..  Alienware Alpha05:54
Solarbab1It's kinda a laptop with out the screen05:54
Solarbab1daftykins: any reason why a laptop would be bad?05:55
daftykinsmost folk want to sleep or hibernate with them, which requires swap05:56
Solarbab1Oh Okay!05:56
Solarbab1no issue there05:56
Solarbab1I love dual boot but man do i get paranoid when theres a update waiting for grub205:57
Solarbab1this time it wiped me out so I'm reminded once again dual boot can be broken so easily.05:57
Solarbab1I'll be sure to run clonezilla and image the entire system this time05:58
MiningMarshdaftykins: sleep doesn't require swap05:58
MiningMarshjust hibernate05:58
daftykinsmakes more sense to install to separate disks then use a system boot menu :)05:58
daftykinsMiningMarsh: i know, just bad wording as it's very late my time and i get lazy - don't try and preach to the choir.05:59
SubCoolcan i list the install porgrams by size?05:59
daftykinsi'd say kernels are big but you can't update those on persistent images from what i understand06:00
SubCoolsorry, it just such a hassle to restart that drive. it took forever to dl everything.06:02
SubCoolill get on it- i suppose i need a clean install after everything ive done to it trying to fix this damn thing06:02
daftykinsi always hear ZFS is better supported on other distros06:03
Solarbab1LAS was just saying this is the Year ZFS comes to Linux06:04
MiningMarshI am putting all my eggs into the btrfs basket over zfs06:04
Solarbab1I put all my eggs in the clonezilla basket06:05
Solarbab1manual backups :)06:05
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mJImmerHow do I start orca in the background ?07:07
mJImmerIt is not starting in a sddm theme that I am making07:07
mJImmerLike I set the gesttings  after login and works fine but not a DM07:08
bauerCan't access mysql . "~$ mysql" ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2 "No such file or directory")07:09
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Any_whereAny questions?07:32
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daftykinsAny_where: can you ask some? yes07:33
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biobrewI have a directory in /var/www, but when I try open http://localhost I get a "Unable to connect" display page; "Ice Weasel can't establish a conenction at localhost:8080" to be precise. Am I missing an install?07:37
somsipbiobrew: why 8080?07:37
daftykinsyeah why non-standard port? :)07:38
biobrewsomsip: That's the standard port I think, I directed "http://localhost" as my input, auto goes to port 808007:38
somsipbiobrew: I think you should start at the beginning. What are you trying to do? What service are you running?07:39
biobrewsomsip: Damn Vulnerable Web Application DVWA07:39
biobrewin Kali 2.007:39
somsipbiobrew: neither of which are supported here07:39
somsip!kali | biobrew07:39
ubottubiobrew: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)07:39
biobrewAlright, no problemo. Will go to Kali IRC07:40
Any_wheredaftykins What about something?07:40
daftykinsAny_where: you're not making any sense, if YOU have a support question to ask... ask it, otherwise cya.07:41
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Any_wheredaftykins I`m not thanks07:43
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daftykinswhat's this link of?07:47
kobe_lawhere is definition of the gnome environment variables?07:50
cluelesspersondaftykins, Some stupid video from h3h3 about a chick accidentally getting Ubuntu instead of Windows, so she doesn't go to college, and a small news station picked it up.07:50
daftykinsah yes that old one - don't post non-support things in here in future, cluelessperson07:50
biobrewsomsip: Fixed it, accidently deleted the html/ dir in /var/www. Recreated the dir, mv the content to html/ and bam it works. Silly mistake.07:51
kobe_lain ubuntu 15.04,there is no .gnomerc in $HOME07:53
daftykinskobe_la: oh well, 15.04 is dead at the end of the month07:53
kobe_lawhat ?07:56
Myrttibecause it's non-LTS07:57
daftykinsit goes EOL.07:57
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:57
kobe_laok.But where is the definition of "UPSTART_SESSION"07:57
becker_11Just an FYI but Crunchbang is no longer being developed nor supported.07:58
daftykinsbecker_11: it's not supported in here anyway07:59
thagabeHello I just installed 16.04 and was wondering why bash completion is only working for non-sudo user as well as in very  limited cases07:59
daftykins15.04 doesn't use upstart07:59
becker_11daftykins: it's still mentioned in the bot message which is why I brought it up. You might like to remove it07:59
daftykinsthagabe: #ubuntu+1 for unreleased versions07:59
thagabedaftykins: thank you08:00
daftykinsbecker_11: what message? and i have no control over that so nope08:00
becker_11daftykins: somsip just sent one to biobrew re Kali linux. it appeared in there.08:01
becker_11daftykins: I only mentioned it for accuracy. I like to keep things up to date08:01
daftykinseh, you'd be surprised the number of people that come in here with old outdated installs on - so it's still relevant to name08:02
daftykinsheh, much unlike our users then ;)08:02
becker_11So which year is the next LTS release due?08:04
bazhangapril this year08:05
becker_11Thanks bazhang08:05
bazhangdiscussion in #ubuntu+108:05
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Any_whereI don`t like the latest release08:14
WhoppieHi! Short question regarding 14.04 and Dell Poweredge/Dell OMSA. I tried to install the package srvadmin-cm from dells repo but get "dpkg: error processing package srvadmin-cm (--configure):". My question is: how do I start investigating packages that cant be installed?08:46
WhoppieNote: I am not very good at linux... :(08:47
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fatemehi there, how can i move space from /home to / ?08:55
akikWhoppie: you probably didn't paste the whole error message. put it into pastebin.com09:01
=== ziprar is now known as zipace
Whoppieakik: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14467967/09:05
daftykinssudo dpkg-reconfigure -a09:06
daftykinsWhoppie: i think you should be asking Dell though :)09:08
Whoppiedaftykins: I have :) Thought I'd just ask here as well :P09:08
daftykinsWhoppie: well, a repo provided by them isn't ubuntu's problem essentially.09:09
Whoppiedaftykins: True, but I need to start looking somewhere, right? And since the package can't install I thought that investigating dpkg would be a good start. So thats basically the reason why I'm asking here as well.09:10
Whoppiedaftykins: Dell can be quite slow in their responses...09:11
daftykinsyes, i know this09:11
daftykinsi don't think you're going to get much out of that failure - did you run what i said yet?09:11
Whoppiedaftykins: Sorry, can't see that your have written anything about running something?09:13
daftykinsscroll up09:13
Whoppiedaftykins: see it now09:14
Whoppiedaftykins: dpkg: error: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)09:15
daftykinswell my command had neither XD09:15
Whoppieexactly. sure its reconfigure and not configure?09:15
daftykinsreally should just have been "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a"09:16
akikWhoppie: this might show where it's going wrong "sudo apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true install srvadmin-cm"09:16
Whoppieakik: nothing more than before on screen, does that command output anything to a logfile maybe?09:18
Whoppiedaftykins: uh, my bad. I wrote sudo dkpg -reconfigure -a... with a space :) Now I ended up with a pink window asking me about system wide readable directories.09:19
daftykinshad a feeling it was a fail :P09:20
daftykinsdefaults for everything should be ok for the most part09:20
Whoppiecant even c/p correctly. damn, better go home to bed again.09:20
akikWhoppie: the logs are under /var/log/apt but not sure if there's anything more specific09:20
daftykinsi reckon it's a case of mismatched system09:21
daftykinsthe packages are the wrong trousers, Gromit09:21
krcevinastrace -c summary for the same dd command reports much lower system time (total seconds) versus sys time reported by time command for the same dd command. Are these two system time definitions differ?09:24
Whoppieakik: nothing more in the term.log :(09:25
HappyBunnywhats uppp09:25
Whoppiedaftykins: I think I agree with you... strange thing is that the srvadmin-all (which consists of several other packages) are correctly installed and working properly.09:26
azizLIGHThwo do i tell which teaviewer deb file i installed09:26
azizLIGHTand do i need to uninstall it, before installing the new version?09:26
cfhowlettazizLIGHT, dpkg -l | grep teamviewer09:26
Whoppiebtw, daftykins , the reconfigure ended with /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: initramfs-tools is broken or not fully installed09:27
nec1Hi !09:28
nec1need help boot iso witch grub ....09:28
nec1"menuentry "WiFi-Slax Live" {09:28
nec1insmod crypto09:28
nec1insmod cryptodisk09:28
nec1insmod luks09:28
nec1cryptomount (sda0,5)09:28
cfhowlett!paste | nec1, pastebinit is your friend09:29
ubottunec1, pastebinit is your friend: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:29
azizLIGHTcfhowlett: ok i saw the version in dpkg, and i know the deb file i used for this. my question: when i click the old deb file, ubuntu software center still says "install" not uninstall..09:29
azizLIGHTand how do i upgrade it now09:30
azizLIGHTi have the new deb file09:30
azizLIGHTjust install that in ubuntu software center? and ignore old version?09:30
azizLIGHTwhat do i do09:30
nec1can you help me ? I use encrypt FS09:30
cfhowlettazizLIGHT, best one is the version in ubuntu repos09:30
azizLIGHToh its the same version as the one i have a deb for09:31
azizLIGHTso did i use a deb or the repo...09:31
cfhowlettazizLIGHT, "best" = ready to go with ubuntu.  you can force a new install with dpkg but shouldno't09:31
cfhowlettazizLIGHT, how did you install the first time?09:31
azizLIGHTim confused, i dont remember if i used a deb or ubuntu software center09:31
azizLIGHTbut i have debs downloaded too09:31
cfhowlettazizLIGHT, yeah you might want to stop doing .debs ...09:31
azizLIGHTand the version installed is the same one as the repo one, and the deb file i have09:31
azizLIGHTas in , same version09:32
cfhowlettazizLIGHT then you are finished!  nothing to change09:32
azizLIGHTbut the newest deb is a greater version than the repo09:32
azizLIGHTand i wanna upgrade09:32
nec1Hi, Spanish ??09:32
cfhowlett!lastest | azizLIGHT09:32
cfhowlett!es | nec109:32
ubottunec1: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:32
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.09:34
nec1Hi, I need boot ".ISO"witch grub, but my partition is encrytp09:37
root1124how to install vlc in linux ?09:45
cfhowlettroot1124, sudo apt intall vlc09:45
cfhowlettor with the ubuntu software center09:45
root1124thanks cfhowlett :)09:45
cfhowletthappy2help! root112409:45
versediHi all, I'm having troubles with saving output from php script that's run through ssh09:46
versediOnly the few first lines are saved, then the connection is closed.09:46
bauer_problem with mysql -->> http://paste.ubuntu.com/14468141/10:01
baizonbauer_: is mysql running?10:02
daftykinsWhoppie: the package you mention sounds like a metapackage, unless you mean all the other components are ok - anywho, may be worth a "sudo apt-get install --reinstall initramfs-tools"10:05
Whoppiedaftykins: I know too little about linux... I checked the contents of the package srvadmin-cm and I can see that the contents are at least installed on the machine in the correct directories. I cant see any knd of configuration file or anything else though.10:14
Whoppiedaftykins: metapackage? google is my friend :) I also ran apt-get install and that initramfs-tools was reinstalled10:14
daftykinsWhoppie: "dpkg -L <package>" will list the files the package contains for ease of use10:16
daftykinsi really think you're up a creek without a paddle on this one though10:16
Whoppiedaftykins: You mean that this i something I cant solve by myself (I'm a swede, had to read that last line of yours twice to understand :)10:17
daftykinsi'm sure Dell will be wonderful for support ^_^10:19
Whoppiethanks... :)10:20
Whoppiedaftykins: Just out of curiousity, dpkg -L lists the package contents, but what about the "configuration" that dpkg rants about ? is that somehow "built-in" the packagefile itself?10:23
daftykinsi'm not too hot on packaging myself, i'd dig more into it but that would involve adding Dell's repo, which would be going too far for comfort for me10:23
daftykinsit must have a script in it that's failing to run, then telling dpkg that it failed since it gets status code '1'10:24
bauer_baizon. No mariadb was installed, now mysql is installed and up running, thx for simple quesition who solved th prob :o)10:25
ertyuihi tehre10:26
ertyuione of my service is stopped on my ubuntu server suddently10:26
ertyuion friday10:26
ertyuiand restart suddently today10:26
cfhowlett!server | ertyui10:26
ubottuertyui: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server10:26
daftykinsertyui: what's the question10:27
Whoppiedaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14468262/10:27
daftykinsWhoppie: how did you add the repo? is there a guide page on Dell's site that describes it?10:28
ertyuihow to identify how that happens ?10:28
kvjNon-system disk or disk error10:29
kvjIm running my system on live usb10:29
daftykinskvj: phrase an actual question10:29
daftykinsertyui: as my first guess at a letter in the name of the afflicted service, i'm choosing 'e'10:29
kvjIm getting error on starting my system10:30
ertyuii don't get what do you mean10:31
daftykinsso booting a live session, what version? with persistence or no?10:31
daftykinsertyui: which service...10:31
ertyuiUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l10:31
ertyuiservice called assp10:31
kvjSomething is stopping my OS from starting so i boot from live usb now10:32
daftykinsertyui: that is heavily out of date.10:38
Whoppiedaftykins: there's a guide on dells page. http://linux.dell.com/repo/community/ubuntu/10:38
daftykinsWhoppie: can you show me what you added to sources.list ?10:39
daftykinsWhoppie: this will help: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list"10:40
cfhowlettdaftykins, or | nc termbin.com 999910:41
=== pi____ is now known as fatboy
daftykinsi knows it ;)10:42
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kvjWhen i start my system i get error ---> Non system disk or disk-error , replace and strike any key when ready10:47
moodswhat would cause mysqld to consume lots of memory?10:48
kvjI dont get any menu10:48
kvjI run ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS10:49
daftykinsthat's out of date10:49
daftykinsmoods: lots of worker processes, default config poor... plenty of guides online10:49
cfhowlettdaftykins, hdd failure?  hd not selected as a boot device?10:49
daftykinscfhowlett: why tell me :D10:50
kvjHey cfhowlett10:50
cfhowlettdaftykins, .... derp. right.10:50
daftykinskvj: are you typing from the live session right now?10:50
kvjYes daftykins10:50
daftykinskvj: sudo apt update && sudo apt install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit10:50
daftykinskvj: then "sudo apt install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"10:51
kvjdaftykins: i run updated system but thats not starting now thats why im running live usb10:51
kvjTell me the way to check my disk10:51
daftykinsi already did10:52
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kvjUpdating live usb will solve my problem ?10:52
daftykinskvj: look at all the commands i said to run!10:53
daftykinsdo it, do it naaaaao10:53
cfhowlettkvj, helps to read ALL the commands sent your way10:53
lucidoHi can someone using the default ubuntu desktop with an nvidia card tell me their memory usage10:54
lucidoI mean video ram usage using nvidia-smi10:54
lucidoin cuda tools10:54
kvjI was being told about fsck /dev/sda1 before but i wasnt running live usb at that time so didnt proceed further10:54
daftykinskvj: just run the above two and share the resulting two links :)10:54
kvjI run first command and its updating10:57
daftykinsonly package lists, so it should be done in short order unless you're from the 80s and on 56k dialup :)10:58
kvjIm from 90s :p11:00
kvjFirst command is over11:00
daftykinsit should've created a URL11:00
kvjPastbinit is already newest version11:00
kvj0 upgrade11:00
kvj0 newly installed11:01
kvj0 to remove11:01
daftykinsdon't paste here11:01
BradenBradenhey guys, hope you can help. I have just installed Ubuntu 15.04 on my laptop along side windows 10. I dont have wifi, says it is hard-blocked. I have tried rfkill unblock all and I have put "options asus_nb_wmi=4" (also tried 0 and 1) into a config file in modprobe.d. Tried sleeping the pc and waking it up but it just sits on a black screen. What should I do?11:01
kvjI run second command now ?11:01
daftykinskvj: retry "dmesg | pastebinit"11:01
kvjI dont run run smartmontools command now ?11:03
kvjAfter dmesg | pastebinit ?11:04
BradenBradenin windows the wifi works fine. in ubuntu, it says "airplane mode" is disabled in the wifi settings screen but the light is on for airplane mode enabled.11:04
daftykinskvj: i ask you to do what i want you to do.11:04
adminpidarHow to create user without root?11:04
daftykinsyou mean a user that can't use sudo?11:05
cfhowlettadminpidar, if you are not root, you can not create users11:05
adminpidarsorry.I mean 'How to create user by root, but user not have root'11:05
BradenBradenthere is no wifi switch in the BIOS. I have SecureBoot turned off.11:06
kvjdaftykins: a link came of paste ubuntu11:06
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daftykinskvj: yes put that here! like i was expecting ages ago! :)11:06
kvjSorry am slow11:06
Whoppiedaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14468384/. The install-command you wrote a few lines up, what was that supposed to do? automatically paste it to pastebin? I didnt get an URL back...11:07
daftykinsWhoppie: maybe you're in an office where it's blocked or something, who knows. ok - good that looks fine, i just wanted to check you put in the correct release - also run "cat /etc/issue" ?11:08
Whoppiedaftykins: nah, I ran pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list and i got an URL now :) But the dell repo was not added to that list, it was added to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linux-something.11:09
cfhowlettWhoppie, non-ubuntu repos go to sources.list.d by default11:09
Whoppiegood to know, cfhowlett.11:09
daftykinsthat's fine, i just didn't read the Dell page in enough detail11:10
daftykinsi think it truly is going to be a Dell problem11:10
Whoppiedaftykins: cat /etc/issue: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l11:10
WhoppieYes, I agree.11:10
daftykinsyep, that's all we can do here then, i'm afraid!11:10
WhoppieI cant see a scriptfile which worries me a little11:10
daftykinslikely something has changed that their packages don't support11:10
daftykinsscript file?11:11
dcunit3dso uhh, a few questions.  I'm running linux mint.  trying to install weechat, with the perl plugins.  but the cmake can't find the perl shared object from ubuntu's /usr/lib/perl/** folder.  do i need to install package or something for that?11:11
daftykins!mint | dcunit3d11:11
ubottudcunit3d: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:11
WhoppieI can see the contents of the package, but no scriptfile.11:11
cfhowlettdcunit3d, sorry.  wrong channel11:11
lahaugen87On my laptop there is a shortkey "Fn + f11" that turn WiFi on and off, without touching any airplane mode11:11
kvjdaftykins: paste.ubuntu.com/1446838711:11
dcunit3dand the other question is .. i tried `sudo apt-get remove perl` and it removed a lot of stuff, then updated the initramfs.11:11
lahaugen87Often have to press it when dualbooting somehow11:12
cfhowlettdcunit3d, and we still do not support mint.  go to mint channels for mint support.  mint is not ubuntu.11:12
dcunit3dthen i reinstalled with `sudo apt-get install perl perl-modules init-system-helpers`11:12
dcunit3dhow hosted am i?11:12
dcunit3dhow hosed?11:12
daftykinskvj: then "sudo apt install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"11:12
daftykinsdcunit3d: stop typing more, you're in the wrong place11:13
dcunit3dkk, sorry.  i know it's not the same thing.11:13
moodsdaftykins: how can I check if one of those are causing the issue?11:13
daftykinsmoods: sorry i can't even find your original question or what i said last11:16
daftykinshow long ago was it?11:16
maxvihi! I use ubuntu 15.10 and installed cinnamon de, how can I change window border and controls? some package?11:16
kvjdaftykins: paste.ubuntu.com/1446842011:17
daftykinskvj: you typed my command wrong11:17
maxviseems like that's not correct answer because I know how to change it ... but where I can find GTK6 themes for ubuntu (cinnamon DE)11:17
daftykinskvj: try again... sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit11:18
=== kernel_kernel is now known as ring_buffer
kvjdaftykins: Paste.ubuntu.com/1446843411:21
dcunit3dcan i ask debian related questions? is there a way to get `apt-get install` to build instead of downloading binaries?  i've seen the `apt-get sources --compile` but i haven't used it11:21
k1ldcunit3d: best is to ask #debian for debian issues11:21
daftykinsdcunit3d: no11:21
kvjdaftykins: whats next ?11:22
daftykinskvj: no you typed it wrong again11:22
daftykinscan't you see the error?11:22
cfhowlettkvj, you are doing it wrong.  open your terminal.  repeat this.      sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda11:22
kvjNo i typed  sudo smartctl -a/dev/sda11:23
cfhowlettkvj, nope11:23
cfhowlettcopy /paste  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14468449/11:23
daftykinskvj: what makes you think taking what i say and changing it will result in something good? :)11:23
kvjI typed sudo smartctl -a/dev/sda | pastebinit11:24
geirhaneeds a space after -a11:24
daftykinsyes it's wrong11:24
daftykinsoy vey.11:24
geirha-a /dev/sda != -a/dev/sda11:24
cfhowlettkvj, open http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14468449/               copy and paste11:24
kvjOk cfhowlett11:24
ccapndaveHi Ubuntu.  I am trying to install Apache 2.4.9 (or 2.4.10), but Ubuntu 14.04 wants to install 2.4.7.  Is there a way to tell apt to use a later version?11:26
cfhowlett!latest | ccapndave11:26
ubottuccapndave: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:26
daftykins!info apache2 trusty11:26
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.8 (trusty), package size 85 kB, installed size 463 kB11:26
daftykinsthat's all you're gonna get.11:26
jattinstall from source11:26
ccapndaveSo how, practically, can I tell apt to use a different list?11:26
cfhowlettassuming you have  very good reason to force11:26
ccapndaveI really want to avoid building from source if possible11:27
daftykinswise decision11:27
jattmaybe there is a backport11:27
daftykinsdo you really *need* newer?11:27
ccapndaveI do unforuntately11:27
ccapndaveIts just for a development VM so a hack is fine11:27
daftykinslook for a PPA then11:27
k1lccapndave: when you add another repo for 14.04 that includes another version.  like a PPA. but do you need that version?11:27
jattor install it in a docker container11:27
ccapndaveHow could I find a PPA for that version of Apache?11:28
ccapndaveI am very new to this stuff :)11:28
cfhowlettccapndave, 14.04?  perhaps sudo apt full-ugprade to current version will fix:   current is 14.04.311:28
ccapndaveI also want to avoid docker11:28
kvjdaftykins: paste.ubuntu.com/1446846511:28
daftykinskvj: err, "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" ?11:29
ccapndavecfhowlett: Is there a way to check before I do an upgrade?11:29
jattmaybe you can try11:29
emanonAnybody up11:29
kvjI did bot type that parted command daftykins11:29
cfhowlettccapndave, of course: apt-get -s dist-upgrade11:29
daftykinsccapndave: essentially you have to find one yourself11:29
emanonI see11:29
daftykinskvj: what?11:29
kvj Not*11:29
daftykinswell why not?11:29
kvjNow i type that parted command ?11:30
daftykinskvj: i didn't send you it to admire the sequence of characters11:30
ccapndavecfhowlett: sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade | grep apache returns nothing, so I guess it wouldn't update it11:30
daftykinsrun it please.11:30
ccapndavedaftykins: But find one what?11:30
daftykinsccapndave: PPA!11:30
cfhowlettccapndave, yep11:30
daftykins!ppa > ccapndave11:30
ubottuccapndave, please see my private message11:30
ccapndaveWhich is what, exactly?11:30
daftykinssee your PM from our friendly bot11:31
ccapndaveReading it now :)11:31
emanonGot a bit of trouble here with my bluetooth speaker working on XUbuntu 14.04.311:32
ccapndaveThis is what I want11:32
emanonwith the pulseaudio-bluetooth-module11:32
kvjWhat is I here ?11:32
emanonLast error message I got on syslog was this:11:33
emanonpulseaudio[2175]: [pulseaudio] bluetooth-util.c: org.bluez.Headset.GetProperties() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetProperties" with signature "" on interface "org.bluez.Headset" doesn't exist11:33
daftykinskvj: i gave you a command to run - have you run it yet?11:33
emanonAny help is appreaciated11:33
ccapndavedaftykins: So these are like little packages for apt which override the default ones?11:33
daftykinsccapndave: package repositories11:33
cfhowlettccapndave, you might also want to ask #ubuntu-server11:33
kvjdaftykins: i got reply  parted invalid option -- 'I'11:33
daftykinskvj: oh no, it is a lower "L"11:33
ccapndavedaftykins: That was unbelievably easy.  Thanks very much :)11:34
kvjdaftykins: paste.ubuntu.com/1446849611:35
daftykinskvj: is this a laptop or a desktop?11:35
emanonhmm, looks like I gotta wait11:35
cfhowlett!patience | emanon,11:36
daftykinskvj: the disk has disappeared, check it's connected properly.11:36
ubottuemanon,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:36
kvjdaftykins: everything is connected11:36
kvjI did not remove anything11:36
daftykinskvj: right, but the drive has *disappeared* - the system cannot see it11:37
daftykinskvj: either it has become loose, or it is dead11:37
kvjWhat can be done now ?11:37
daftykinspower off and back on11:37
daftykinswell, ideally take it to a hardware shop11:37
kvjI get same error Non system disk or disk-error , replace and strike any key when ready11:37
cfhowlettkvj, that would be consistent with failed HDD theory11:38
daftykinsyes but i want you to power off, give it a few minutes, then boot up the live USB again11:38
daftykinsbut i'm pretty sure that hard disk is an ex-parrot11:38
kvjdaftykins: When i scan my memory sometimes it runs but fails to load child process like taskbar11:38
daftykinskvj: none of this matters, your system is faulty11:39
daftykinstake it to a computer shop11:39
kvjdaftykins you broke my heart :(11:39
daftykinsit wasn't me.11:39
cfhowlettthey do break kvj.  that's why you regularly backup.  right?11:40
kvjIs it hard disk or ram that is faulty ?11:40
emanonubottu: Been googling for a while now, but thanks11:40
ubottuemanon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:40
kvjcfhowlett: i loaded nothing on my system since i got to know its faulty :(11:40
daftykinskvj: take it to a shop. it must be removed, they can run memtest after that11:41
emanonor wait that was cfhowlett11:41
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cfhowlettkvj, well, then.  hit the hardwares shop and see what's what11:41
kvjdaftykins: is it RAM or hdd which is faulty ?11:41
cfhowlettyou system can not find the HARD DRIVE11:42
daftykinskvj: you can run memtest yourself.11:42
daftykins*maybe* both.11:42
kvjI will ask later about memtest11:43
emanonI will back in a bit, might as well test out something11:43
kvjThanks for help daftykins cfhowlett11:43
daftykinskvj: yes, data recovery is your first job :)11:43
cfhowlettkvj, happy2help!11:43
cfhowlett!cookie | daftykins11:45
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:45
daftykinscfhowlett: you spoil me11:45
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ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:48
blackflowHello. Which Python3 (I need x in 3.x) version is in Ubuntu 14.10 or where can I look that up?11:48
anesi have problem of whitespace in minidom xml parsing due to whitespace ... help need11:49
=== Senj is now known as Senji
cfhowlettblackflow, 14.10 is dead and no longer supported11:49
anesany body please advise11:49
blackflowcfhowlett: uhh... sorry, I mean 14.04 (the last LTS)11:49
daftykinsanes: there are perl/other scripts available online for removing whitespace if that's what you need11:49
anesi am using python11:49
cfhowlettblackflow, dpkl -l | grep python11:49
blackflowcfhowlett: I don't have a 14.04 installed that's why I'm asking :)11:50
daftykins!info python3 trusty11:50
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB11:50
daftykinsblackflow: that what you want? ^11:50
blackflowdaftykins: yup, thanks. Python 3.411:50
cfhowlettblackflow, here's what mine says:  daftykins> kvj: i didn't send you it to admire the sequence of characters11:50
cfhowlettthat was ... unexpected daftykins11:51
blackflowI can msg the bot and query it about such versions in private, right?11:52
anesi use toprettyxml() i replace that with toxml()  but no solution :(11:52
cfhowlettblackflow, yes.  /msg ubottu !bottrigger11:52
blackflowmuch obliged.11:52
cfhowlettmistrz by the rings!11:58
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rakshithskumar88hi there, I am trying out a configuration I am not able to figure out how. Is there a way to stop the launcher from displaying running apps?12:03
rakshithskumar88please help i want the unity launcher not to display the currently running apps. Is there a way?12:05
LegendThinkerhey how to remotely access website hosted locally on ubuntu from mobile on sme LAN12:07
daftykinsrakshithskumar88: what possible situation does it matter for?12:08
Abe_rakshithskumar88: I don't know, you'd have to look in the system settings. sorry i don't use unity :(12:08
daftykins"/join #ubuntu-fr"12:10
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:10
rakshithskumar88daftykins: basically i have installed lot of apps on my system, Hence i have used drawers app to categorize them in a nice manner. But when i open some app it again comes back on the laucher making it cuddled again.12:10
EriC^^LegendThinker: you can use a ssh app for your smart phone12:10
Abe_rakshithskumar88: did you try the unity tweak tool?12:10
rakshithskumar88Abe: yes i did and also ccsm12:11
daftykinsi don't really know how the unity launcher works, but assuming it has to create a .desktop file to make an icon exist, what if you were to create a blank file and chown it to root so it can't be overridden?12:11
Abe_:( hmm then idk12:12
EriC^^rakshithskumar88: you can right click on the app and say unlock from launcher12:12
rakshithskumar88daftykins the .desktop only applies to the shortcut not for running apps.12:13
EriC^^rakshithskumar88: you want the app to not show up in the launcher even while it's running?12:13
rakshithskumar88Eric: unlocking from launcher only removes the app once I have closed it.12:14
rakshithskumar88Eric: yes12:14
EriC^^rakshithskumar88: try dconf and blacklist the app maybe12:14
rakshithskumar88Eric: how can i do that, will it not block me from using that app whole together?12:15
EriC^^i dont think so, it'll just blacklist it from the launcher i guess12:15
lerneris there any generic command to start any web browser that doesnt list that onption in the --help in windowed mode, or with a specific width/height (800x600)?12:15
rakshithskumar88Eric: could you please provide me the steps?12:16
EriC^^rakshithskumar88: dconf-editor > com > canonical > unity > launcher12:16
EriC^^i just checked gsettings list-recursively though i dont know if there's a blacklist for the launcher12:17
EriC^^seems there's just a favorites12:17
rakshithskumar88Eric: thanks for the help and I will try and get back.12:17
ejayHi all. Is there any way to install i386 dev libs and keep 64bit libs? I want to compile wine so I need couple of 32bit libs but, for example, when trying to install dbus:i386 apt-get want to remove dbus package and I want to avoid that. Any ideas?12:18
Abe_rakshithskumar88: what's with cairo dock?12:18
rakshithskumar88Abe: I have not used it, I will try that too. Thanks.12:19
azizLIGHTcan anyone on 14.04 provide me these 2 files: /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/css/softwarecenter.css and then /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/art/stipple.png12:19
azizLIGHTassuming you didnt mess with them12:19
daftykinsazizLIGHT: extract the originating packages.12:19
azizLIGHTwhere from12:19
daftykinsthe package, heh12:19
tomreyn$ dpkg -S /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/css/softwarecenter.css /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/art/stipple.png12:22
tomreynsoftware-center: /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/css/softwarecenter.css12:22
tomreynsoftware-center: /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/art/stipple.png12:22
Abe_azizLIGHT: http://www.xup.in/dl,33083625/stipple.png/12:22
tomreyn^ azizLIGHT12:23
azizLIGHTparreciate it12:24
azizLIGHT*appreciate it12:24
azizLIGHTbad dyslexia typo there12:24
Abe_your welcome12:24
tomreynazizLIGHT: out of interest, why are you asking for them? (feel free not to discuss it in case ti feels emarassing)12:26
daftykinsi'd bet someone didn't make backups *cough*12:26
azizLIGHTyeah basically12:26
daftykinsstep 1: cp file file.old ; step 2: play12:26
azizLIGHTi was messing with dark themes, they need to make special adjustments for ubuntu software center12:26
azizLIGHTi didnt backup the originals12:26
tomreynthere is "apt-get --reinstall install"12:26
daftykinstomreyn: that wouldn't do it12:27
azizLIGHTdaftykins: yeah i forgot12:27
tomreyndaftykins: why not?12:27
daftykinsi don't think it'd replace a futz'd with file12:28
BradenBradenjust install the latest nvidia drivers and i now get a black screen when pc tried to boot. tried the drivers in apt, have the official one downloaded from geforce.com. installed nvidia-prime. altered my xorg.conf. not sure what I can try next12:28
daftykinsazizLIGHT: don't forget to match ownership and permissions :)12:28
azizLIGHToh yeah12:28
tomreyndaftykins: i think it would.12:28
daftykinsBradenBraden: you shouldn't have a xorg.conf12:29
azizLIGHTwhats the original permissions there12:29
azizLIGHTfor those two files12:29
daftykinsthey shouldn't have changed on your own12:29
daftykinsBradenBraden: did you download them from the nvidia site? big no-no if so.12:29
Abe_BradenBraden: You have to install it over the Additional Drivers Option, I would remove this one12:29
BradenBradendaftykins, i did :(12:29
BradenBradeni can run --uninstall on the script though12:30
* BradenBraden does that12:30
krcevinaDo spinlock time during I/O counts to system time (reported by sys time) or to the block I/O?12:30
tomreynBradenBraden: try to uninstall and remove any remainders, make the open source driver work again, then use software properties to give the proprietary ones another shot.12:30
halleySo I just installed 15.10 from scratch, and tried to talk to a USB serial device (like Arduino).  No dice.  How to troubleshoot?  Seems like there was a 14.04 bug in a 3.x kernel that got fixed; 15.10 has a 4.2 kernel.12:30
daftykinssounds like optimus so open won't work :)12:31
BradenBradenok, the driver is uninstalled. should I do a apt-get uninstall nvidia-* too just incase?12:31
daftykinssudo apt-get purge nvidia*12:31
BradenBradenok done12:31
tomreynbut nvidia\*12:31
BradenBradeni went though this blog before: http://www.allaboutlinux.eu/remove-nouveau-and-install-nvidia-driver-in-ubuntu-15-04/  and they told me to blacklist nouveau12:32
BradenBradenwas i meant to?12:32
daftykinsBradenBraden: is this a laptop with hybrid intel+nvidia? aka nvidia optimus?12:32
BradenBradendaftykins, yea it is12:32
BradenBradenAsus K501U (just got it)12:32
daftykinsare you on 15.04?12:32
BradenBradenUbuntu Gnome12:32
daftykinsit's dead end of the month, so all your efforts will be in vain12:32
BradenBradenwhats dead?12:32
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:33
BradenBradenhow so?12:33
daftykinssee the info our friendly bot just shared12:33
BradenBradeni did. but whats going to replace it?12:33
BradenBradenwasnt that meant to be released like 5 months ago? lol12:33
daftykinsor 14.04 in lovely LTS (long term support) land12:33
Abe_BradenBraden: your support runs out12:33
daftykins15.10 came out in 2015.October12:34
BradenBradenoh wait12:34
BradenBradeni might have that then12:34
daftykins"cat /etc/issue"12:34
daftykinsi typed that then my cat looked at me...12:34
tomreynhalley: what are you using to communicate with it?12:34
BradenBradenmy bad, 15.1012:34
BradenBradenso all things nvidia should be removed now12:36
ShogootI dont understand i downloada ubuntu server 14.04.03 LTS in got a frsh install and apt-get update fails, i read thsat its because its on end of life? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases12:36
BradenBradenalso, the xorg.conf file is gone12:36
daftykinsShogoot: no it's not12:36
BradenBradenthere is a backone one though (xorg.conf.01122016)12:37
daftykinsBradenBraden: yeah you don't need one... open up the driver helper program (click dash top left then start typing drivers...) and see which versions it offers you12:37
saurabhhi, i'm running 14..04.3 on x86_64 laptop. My wifi is a ralink rt3290. Wifi gets hardblocked when resuming from suspend12:37
saurabhThe only option I have is to restart my computer.12:37
BradenBradeni have no UI. im in the root term from booting the rescue image12:37
saurabhI tried rfkill unblock all12:37
saurabhbut it didn't work12:38
daftykinsBradenBraden: reboot first then12:38
saurabhpressing hardware switch doesn't work either12:38
BradenBradendaftykins, ok. another question.. i always seem to have to boot up with nomodeset. is this an optimus issue?12:38
BradenBradensaurabh, you and I have same issue as well12:38
saurabhthis bug affects most hp laptops12:38
saurabhBradenBraden, oh12:39
BradenBradendaftykins, I have my DM back!!!12:39
daftykinssure do12:39
daftykinsBradenBraden: does "cat /proc/cmdline" have 'nomodeset' in it?12:39
anabainThis is really really funny. I can't remember how long the indexing files systems used by Kubuntu have been plaguing its performance. It's just ridiculous. And they keep going... Do you know how to disable it on 15.10?12:40
Shogootdaftykins, i jsut installed 14.04.03 pingen goolde and i get packages. then i do apt-get update but i get "failed to fetch htp://no.archive......"12:40
BradenBradendaftykins, yes it does12:40
daftykinsanabain: bear in mind #kubuntu exists if nobody answers12:40
anabaindaftykins, thanks12:40
BradenBradendaftykins, ok in additional drivers screen.12:40
daftykinsBradenBraden: alright, you probably needed to add that to boot to install, correct?12:40
BradenBradeni added it to grub.cfg before but that disappeared while i was stuffing around12:41
BradenBradenwhich display driver should I go for? the nvidia one or the xorg nouveau one?12:41
daftykinsBradenBraden: essentially, having it present may break any nvidia driver applied - which versions are you being offered?12:42
BradenBradenand there are two options, one for nvidia and one for nvidia-updates12:42
daftykinsyou're really only being offered 352?12:42
BradenBradenwhats the latest?12:43
daftykinsi actually wanted you to go older.12:43
BradenBraden(not that i care.. not planning on gaming lol)12:43
BradenBradenoh right12:43
BradenBradenso do I dare it?12:44
daftykinshang on12:44
daftykinswe need to do some ground work on the nomodeset angle prior to any action12:44
BradenBradenhmm ok12:44
daftykinscan you run "sudo apt install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/default/grub"12:44
daftykinspaste the resulting URL here12:44
BradenBradenso prime or bumblebee isnt really an option?12:44
daftykinsyou're running too far ahead12:45
ShogootI just installed 14.04.03 pinged goolde and i get packages back. Then i do apt-get update but i get error :"failed to fetch htp://no.archive......"   i get a ping back from google. So  dns must be right, and im not doing any proxy stuff.12:45
BradenBradendaftykins, apologies. cant really paste it. laptop has no internet lol12:45
daftykinsBradenBraden: ah, got wired you can plug in ?12:45
BradenBradenwait, i can tether with phone12:45
BradenBraden(no ethernet. its a slim jobbie)12:45
=== duck_ is now known as Guest4320
daftykinsShogoot: so "nslookup no.archive.ubuntu.com" is ok?12:46
daftykinsping from google makes no sense :)12:47
daftykinsBradenBraden: ah ok so you're only manually adding nomodeset right now is it?12:47
BradenBradenyea, pressing "e" at boot screen12:48
daftykinsok good stuff12:48
daftykinshave you attempted to do anything with bumblebee?12:48
XanoMy unity sidebar and the alt+tab overlay no longer work (alt-tabbing to another app itself works fine). Is there a process I need to restart to make this work?12:48
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest51572
daftykinsBradenBraden: "dpkg -l | grep bumblebee" will have some output if so, this would ruin any attempts also12:48
BradenBradenno output12:49
Shogootdaftykins, seems so. http://pastebin.com/pGTkUYKZ12:49
daftykinsgood good12:49
deniz946Hello all12:50
XanoAaaand somehow the sidebar and alt-tab overlay reappeared...12:50
daftykinsShogoot: either try again or change it, i would say12:51
Shogootdaftykins, when i do apt-get update its saying 503 service unavailable, can i use some otrher countrys files?12:51
deniz946one question, when i use ubuntu with desktop unity if i push shift + prnscreen i do a screenshot and it appears a windows saying me if i want to save the image in pictures or save it in clipboards, how i can use this same screenshot method in ubuntu but instead of unity desktop, cinnamon destkop?12:51
daftykinsShogoot: just regexp replace no.archive for archive12:51
daftykinsBradenBraden: so i take it you didn't add nomodeset once you'd installed the nvidia driver and rebooted? :)12:52
deniz946in cinnamon, nothing happens, just takes a screen and automatically saves it into pictures12:52
BradenBradendaftykins, no I didnt12:52
BradenBradenwait, you mean in grub menu?12:52
BradenBradenyes i did12:52
daftykinsyou can't do that once the driver is on12:52
BradenBradenshowed the ubuntu logo then black screen12:53
BradenBradeni tried without nomodeset too12:53
daftykinsBradenBraden: does the additional drivers window also refer to a microcode / intel update at the bottom?12:53
daftykinsselect that and the nvidia-352 and install them, but don't reboot yet12:54
BradenBradenok. just the nvidia one or the nvidia-updates one?12:54
daftykinsdoesn't matter, but bear that in mind for a future extra option to try12:54
BradenBradendaftykins, sidenote: on saturday I spent 9 hours trying to get ubuntu 14.04 LTS and/or Fedora 23 installed and my word was it pain and suffering. Gave up and spent the next 27 hours playing Fallout4 lol12:55
daftykinsyeah probably too old for that system12:56
Shogootdaftykins, use sed thanks its working now12:56
BradenBradenfed23 is the latest lol. but doesnt matter.. ok. drivers are installed12:56
daftykinsyeah but it depends on the kernel in use, i don't know fedora.12:57
daftykinsBradenBraden: ok double check nvidia-prime went on with "sudo apt install nvidia-prime"13:01
BradenBradenalready installs13:01
daftykinscool, reboot and let it do its' thing13:02
BradenBradenalright. here goes13:03
* BradenBraden crosses fingers13:03
daftykinstruth be told i don't expect a change :(13:03
BradenBradenit works!13:03
BradenBradennow have a decent resolution13:03
daftykinsmight be handy if you could "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"13:04
daftykinsweird, that doesn't even look like an optimus system13:07
markhinanyone alive13:08
BradenBradenfirst time i even heard of optimus was yesterday. i imagine it is. onboard intel and geforce card. laptop is touted to have 11 hours battery life.. wouldnt be able to do that without switching to low-powered chip when it can13:08
BradenBraden(if i understand it correctly)13:08
BradenBradendaftykins, so are we home clear as far as the gfx issue goes?13:09
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer
daftykinsBradenBraden: run nvidia-settings and see what you see13:12
daftykinsbut that log doesn't look quite like what i'd expect13:13
BradenBradenshortly.. did a test to see if another problem still exists. it does. (closing the lid causing the laptop to go to sleep.. when opening up, computer purrs to life but screen stays black :S)13:13
YokoBRHi guys13:14
YokoBRI have Ubuntu Mate installed, but when i try to save the passwords from filezilla on the keyring, it says that it's disabled.13:14
daftykinsyeah i can't help you with those power management quirks13:14
daftykinsfocus on the major functions first :)13:15
BradenBradendaftykins, got nvidia settings open13:15
BradenBradendaftykins, yea i know. just thought the correct drivers may have fixed it.13:15
daftykins16.04 might help when it is out :)13:15
BradenBradendaftykins, i can switch between nvidia and intel in the PRIME Profiles tab13:16
daftykinsexcellent, so that's the ticket - right now it's solely using the nvidia13:16
BradenBradenscreen 0 (intel) says no displays13:17
daftykinsso naturally when you're out and about you'll want to reboot13:17
BradenBradenout and about?13:17
daftykinswell, when you want the battery life to be better13:17
daftykinsmobile :D13:17
daftykinsswitch to intel, reboot, done13:17
BradenBradenwell, i want it always to be good lol. i have windows to dual boot into for games. so should i switch to intel as default?13:18
BradenBradenah fooey. it said to log out and log back in for the changed to take effect. i log out and it sits on a black screen with some [ OK ] Started Disk Manager. (and other things)13:19
daftykinsyeah i did say reboot ;)13:20
BradenBradenlol yes you did13:20
BradenBradeni should have known better13:20
BradenBradenok, back in and using intel :)13:20
daftykinsso /var/log/Xorg.0.log should confirm that by having a lot of lines beginning (intel)13:21
daftykinswell, (II) intel...13:21
daftykinsok my work here is done :) enjoy13:22
BradenBradeni get an error popup though.. title says "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV"13:22
daftykinsone with submit/cancel ?13:23
BradenBradenyea, clicked submit and show details to see it13:23
daftykinscould just be from the logout13:23
BradenBradeneverything still running so its not fatal lol13:24
daftykinssee how it goes, annoyingly i think ubuntu is set to store that crash in /var/crash and always pop up on every boot reminding about it13:24
BradenBradenbefore you go, there is only one last thing that i am fighting with... the wifi13:24
Audiachello Everyone!!!13:24
daftykinswhat's the chipset? "lspci | pastebinit"13:24
daftykinsoh so it works on first boot, just the sleep thing again?13:25
=== michael__ is now known as Guest45673
BradenBradendaftykins, when i trype rfkill list all, I see phys0 : Wireless LAN && asus-wlan: Wireless LAN13:26
qqqqqI need som help with an old harddrive which could be encrypted.13:26
BradenBradenthe phys0 one has a hard block on13:26
daftykinsshow me? "rfkill list all | pastebinit"13:26
BradenBradendoing rfkill all unblock does nothing13:26
daftykinsno it won't for hard blocks13:26
BradenBradenand my FN+F2 (for airplane mode) doesnt work13:27
BradenBraden(the little indicator light is on saying its on airplane mode)13:27
daftykinsno change if you boot into Windows and see it working, then reboot?13:27
BradenBradendaftykins, tried that. no cigar13:27
BradenBradenthe toggle in the wifi settings screen shows airplane mode as off13:28
BradenBradenwhen I toggle it on, the indicator light goes off13:28
daftykinsi know it's an asus, but do you get anything from "lsmod | grep acer" ?13:28
tomreynhi qqqqq, what do you need help with in particular there?13:28
BradenBradendaftykins, nothing13:28
daftykinsgood stuff13:28
daftykinshow about "lsmod | grep iwl"13:28
qqqqqI found an old hard disk which is parallel ATA but I don't have a mainboard which I can connect it to. Therefore I connected it via ATA to USB adapter. I am not sure whether I encrypted it with truecrypt, LUKS a Windows tool years ago. I need some help analyzing what it could be. http://pastebin.com/fWmscZA113:28
qqqqqAnd help?13:28
BradenBradendaftykins, i get a bunch of things from that13:29
BradenBradeniwlwifi being one of them13:29
hateballBradenBraden, daftykins: intel 7265 requires a recent kernel, but it should work if you're on 14.04.3. Dont think 14.04 is gonna do it tho13:29
limezhey - i hope its okay for me to ask for support here: my lightdm keeps looping the login screen with any user/guest i try to login with. .xsession-errors logs no errors, just a few messages that processes are killed by TERM signal. i have no idea how to debug this.13:29
daftykinshateball: 15.1013:29
BradenBradenhateball, ^13:29
BradenBradenyou beat me to it13:29
hateballdaftykins: Oh! I read up and saw 14.04 mentioned :o13:29
daftykinshateball: i reckon it's ACPI/module related13:30
daftykinsBradenBraden: when you play with airplane mode, does rfkill's output change?13:30
hateballdaftykins: Suppose so, I have the same chipset on 15.10 and it "just works". But that's not in a laptop13:30
qqqqqtomreyn, find out why interpret the output of the disk commands. I can try many different passwords but is most likely the setup of that disk?13:30
BradenBradeni lose the Bluetooth one13:30
tomreynqqqqq: those partition IDs suggest it's some form of windows partition, so likely not LUKS. but you'd realldy need to look at the headers, so the first (and maybe last) KB of data stored on those partitons13:31
BradenBradenthe phys0 becomes softblocked13:31
BradenBradenno longer hardblocked13:31
daftykinsBradenBraden: so then you can try the unblock command13:31
BradenBradendaftykins, that puts phys0 back on hardblock13:32
BradenBradenits a round robbin13:32
qqqqqtomreyn, http://pastebin.com/5EXy2bYW13:32
BradenBradendaftykins, i tried "echo "options asus_nb_wmi wapf=4" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/asus_nb_wmi.conf" to get the airplane mode button to work but alas, no13:33
daftykinsBradenBraden: someone might already have the answer if you look up ubuntu + your model online, otherwise it's going to need someone with far more skill than me13:33
daftykinsi'd be willing to bet ACPI factors in somehow13:33
qqqqqtomreyn, Would that be the correct way to mount it?13:33
BradenBradenwell daftykins, i already owe you about 6 beers for the help with the drivers :)13:33
sea``What will happen to the version names after Z... Z..?13:34
tomreynqqqqq: only if it was a vfat file system (witrhout encryption).13:34
k1lsea``: we will see13:34
qqqqqtomreyn, so what would you do?13:34
tomreynqqqqq: inspect the headers, determine the encryption scheme, find a software which supports it on linux (if you intend to make it useable on linux that is, which may or may not work), open the encryption layer and mount the file system contained in it (if that's supported by linux)13:36
qqqqqtomreyn, how can I inspect the headers?13:38
tomreynqqqqq: detecting the type of encryption may get more difficult if the encryption software tries to hide the fact that it's encrypted data.13:38
qqqqqbut the boot partition should not be encrpyted. I can not mount it either13:39
tomreynqqqqq: you could use the file command on those parittions, then dd to get the first 1k or 8k block, then run it through hd or strings13:39
tomreynsdb1 is not a boot partition, it is an LBA13:40
qqqqqtomreyn, anon@anon:~$ file /dev/sdb113:41
qqqqq/dev/sdb1: block special (8/17)13:41
tomreynit basically just states the the following (so all the other) partitions are logical, not primary partitions13:41
qqqqqtomaw, right13:41
tomreynso ignore sdb1, look into sdb5-813:42
daftykinsperhaps qqqqq should show a "sudo parted -l"13:42
daftykinsah you kinda did13:43
ShogootSooo. From a ubuntu server 14.4.3. Im following this guide. http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTo_Install_Redmine_30x_on_Ubuntu_1404_with_Apache2_Phusion_Passenger_MySQL_Subversion_and_Git_(Gitolite), bunde intsll giving me trouble and i dont understand how to fix it. Look here: http://pastebin.com/CSFsKCnG13:43
tomreynqqqqq: maybe look into the MBR, too, so the first 1k block of /dev/sdb, it might give a clue on which encrpytion is being used.13:44
Shogootwops wrong channel13:44
daftykinstomreyn: sorry to tread on your toes but just want to suggest one thing...13:45
qqqqqtomreyn, tomreyn http://pastebin.com/tRJ6Fssc13:45
daftykinsqqqqq: try "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb5 /mnt -o iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=100013:46
BluesKajHey folks13:46
daftykinsBluesKaj: o/13:46
BluesKajhi daftykins13:46
qqqqqtomreyn, http://pastebin.com/K71sM05m13:47
tomreynqqqqq: i'm not daftykins13:47
daftykinsqqqqq: repeat for sdb6, 7 and 813:47
qqqqqdaftykins, same output for the other partitions13:48
daftykinsqqqqq: ok, definitely something quirky at play then - what does "dmesg | tail" say?13:49
qqqqqdaftykins, http://pastebin.com/KXgKtQyf13:50
daftykinsok that's just from earlier maybe13:51
daftykinsnevermind then13:51
rachohello everyone. i have a plantronics da45 usb headset. however i can use it only in mono duplex mode. any idea how to make it run in stereo mode?13:53
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[DeVil-BoY]can anyone tell me what happens if I have some samba shares mounted on a ubuntu system and then the samba server goes offline13:57
daftykinsyou can't access them :)13:58
[DeVil-BoY]and eventually it the server comes back up again13:58
[DeVil-BoY]do I get loads of error13:58
[DeVil-BoY]will it unmount and mount automatically13:58
daftykinsif you are putting this in for someone, you should test this yourself13:58
[DeVil-BoY]ok, that much I assumed13:58
daftykinsi think it'd only know on access attempt13:59
[DeVil-BoY]ok, you make a fair point13:59
[DeVil-BoY]I just thought I'd use other users experience14:00
daftykins*nod* i can understand that, but you need to be used to what you're going to see when the time comes to debug it :)14:00
[DeVil-BoY]in case I need to create cron scripts for unmount/mount14:00
lefti_should i get anti-virus for ubuntu? if so, which one?14:06
Umeaboylefti_: No.14:06
UmeaboyAs long as you use what Ubuntu offers you don't have to worry.14:07
limezumm.. anybody got an idea how i can debug my lightdm? it doesnt let me login and throws me back at the login screen. just tried to purge and reinstall, no change. does not work for any user/guest account14:07
lefti_Umeaboy: ok thanks14:07
k1llefti_: dont install software from websites you dont trust. or run scripts with sudo you dont know what they do. that is the best way to stay on a clean system.14:08
UmeaboyWindows gets most infected of all systems because you can run executable files without an administrations password.14:08
UmeaboyI mean a REAL admin passwd.14:08
Umeaboylefti_: But IF you must, you can install Clamav.14:09
lefti_that makes so much sense14:09
Umeaboynavidcz: Hi!14:09
BradenBradendaftykins, how do I see kernel modules? one guy believes I need to blacklist the asus wifi kernel module.14:10
qqqqqdaftykins, thx14:10
daftykinsBradenBraden: sounds good; "lsmod | grep asus"14:10
somsip!topic | navidcz14:10
ubottunavidcz: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:10
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus14:10
Umeaboylefti_: ^^14:11
BradenBradendaftykins, and i just throw that into a file in modprobe.d and reboot and it should auto be loaded? dont need to do any update-initamfs or anything?14:11
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UmeaboyBradenBraden: You can use rfkill to block or unblock the module as well.14:12
Umeaboyrfkill list.14:12
daftykinsBradenBraden: no you run what i said to confirm what is currently loaded14:12
BradenBradeni have. and i believe it is "asus_wmi" he is talking about14:13
daftykinsyeah sounds about right, i believe you would put that module name inside /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf14:13
daftykinsthe file may have a header which tells you how to enter content14:13
BradenBradendaftykins, did it and rebooted but lsmod still shows it14:15
limezshould i have a .profile file in my /home?14:16
daftykinsBradenBraden: so in the file you added a line "blacklist asus_wmi" ?14:16
daftykinsok, no idea14:17
somsiplimez: background info http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/83742/what-is-the-difference-between-profile-and-bash-profile-and-why-dont-i-have-a14:17
daftykinsi have a ~/.profile yep14:17
limezsomsip, thanks. i assume this should not affect lightdm then14:19
HarkennI've read that supervisord isn't actually suited for running programs in a daemon mode. Why not?14:19
somsiplimez: nope14:19
geirhaenvironment variables you set in .profile will be read in by lightdm when you log in14:19
SimounetHi there, did anyone ever use a dual bay for external drives with Ubuntu ( http://www.amazon.com/MB662U3-2S-R1-Tool-less-External-Enclosure/dp/B015EUII5E/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1452521970&sr=1-1&keywords=icy+dual+external+drive )?14:20
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bazhang!hcl | have a check Simounet14:21
ubottuhave a check Simounet: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:21
BradenBradendaftykins, think i fixed it :D had to blacklist asus_wmi && asus_bn_wmi14:21
daftykinsSimounet: a NAS would probably be better14:22
limez.profile is gone, .bash_profile is empty and etc/environment seems correct to me. .xsession-errors doesnt seem to log anything useful.. mind if i post a pastebin link?14:22
limezhow do i do that from console? :P14:23
UmeaboyI'm curious as to how long time it will take to get the nouveau module blocked as standard in the coming kernels.14:23
UmeaboyThis problem (which I have reported of course) begins to be annoying everytime I either reinstall Ubuntu or install it freshly.14:23
Simounetdaftykins > Yep but I get this piece of hardware and encounter serious issues with it (2 FS corrupted) so I wanted to know if Linux is not able to handle that or if I was unlucky.14:24
UmeaboyI have a temporary fix which is to block the nouveau module. It even affects the installation.14:24
jack-zhangHello Why my script in /etc/network/if-up.d CAN NOT run automatically, my script is that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14469307/14:24
UmeaboyOn both Live-session and without Live.14:24
BluesKajUmeaboy:  nouveau is needed at first to get a desktop, then one installs the proprietary/binary if needed, some lower end nvidias can only run on nouveau14:25
MonkeyDustjack-zhang  ty sudo rm14:25
MonkeyDustjack-zhang  try sudo rm14:25
daftykinsSimounet: oh right, i thought you were planning. might be worth identifying the USB bridge chip involved14:25
daftykinslimez: command | pastebinit14:26
jack-zhangMonkeyDust, Have tried14:26
UmeaboyBluesKaj: Yes, I know that. Nouveau is normally used and my computer freezes entirely if I don't block the module from loading.14:26
Simounetdaftykins > Ok, I removed this equipment by now, but I will look into that. Thanks.14:26
BluesKajUmeaboy:  install the appropriate driver in the VT/TTY, then nouveau will be auto-removed14:27
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daftykinsblacklisting nouveau is indeed pointless14:28
limezthanks, pretty neat tool. well this is my .xsession-errors. can anybody read anything useful out of that? every hint appreciated: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14469330/14:29
UmeaboyBluesKaj: But who thinks of that if you're a newbie and wonder why this happens?14:29
limezlightdm throws me back at the login screen after successful login14:29
UmeaboyI'm not a newbie, but someone who IS might assume that Linux is broken.14:29
daftykinsUmeaboy: we deal in facts, not psychology of solution discovery ;)14:29
BluesKajUmeaboy:  well, that's why we're here to help14:29
UmeaboyBluesKaj: You can help me to solve the nouveau issue so I won't have to go thru installing the appropriate driver everytime. :)14:31
UmeaboyHi ertyui!14:31
ertyuiwhen i grep assp process from ps -ef14:31
ertyuii got this result14:31
ertyui ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep asspavahi      402     1  0  2015 ?        00:00:21 avahi-daemon: running [asspam.local]root      4309     1  1 11:03 pts/3    00:02:38 perl assp.pl14:31
Kawaii-Hero-0Hello everyone! X314:31
UmeaboyHi Kawaii-Hero-0!14:32
pbxsoftware updater keeps crashing. 14.04, was working fine last time i ran it. notification menu says "a problem occurred when checking for the updates." my net connection is fine. how do i troubleshoot this?14:32
ModelHello i know this is random but can someone please recommend me a channel on pc gaming hardware help for a noob?14:32
ertyuiso i need to restart have i need to call assp.pl or asspam.local14:32
Umeaboypbx: Can't you upgrade to 15.10?14:32
pbxUmeaboy, this is a work machine, LTS all the way14:32
daftykinsModel: ##hardware - message the 'alis' bot in future though, as this is not a telephone directory for freenode.14:33
gordonjcp'cos I use 15.10 on my work machine14:33
daftykinspbx: run it from a terminal to watch output perhaps14:33
BluesKajUmeaboy:  do you know how to use the VT/TTY and do a serach to find the correct linux driver suggested by nvidia (don't use their driver because it won't upgrade properly from thr repos)14:33
Umeaboypbx: I'd consider upgrading to 15.10 and make THAT my LTS version instead.14:33
daftykinsUmeaboy: LTS is a thing of fact, you can't pick...14:34
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)14:34
inspector71Is it possible to install GRUB to a RAID1 device? I'm getting errors every time I try :(14:34
BluesKajyou can't make an OS LTS , Umeaboy14:34
UmeaboyBluesKaj: Nope. I don't think I do.14:34
BluesKaj!vt | Umeaboy14:35
BluesKajno bot info there14:35
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution14:35
UmeaboyIt just took some time.14:35
MonkeyDustUmeaboy  you can't decide how long a release will be supported14:35
BluesKajUmeaboy:  there you go14:35
ModelEngineoh gee daftykins its you.......wonderful14:36
UmeaboyI know what the tty terminals are.14:36
UmeaboyI just don't know how to investigate the problem further.14:36
BluesKajum the vt/ttys are very useful14:36
LewixI'm trying to get xfce to work with multiple screen14:37
UmeaboyMonkeyDust: No, but Canonical CAN. ;)14:37
daftykinsModelEngine: problem?14:37
inspector71anyone have experience troubleshooting grub-install problems?14:37
Umeaboyinspector71: What kind of problems?14:37
ModelEnginedaftykins, no just bad memories14:37
inspector71Umeaboy: fatal errors unfortunately14:37
MonkeyDustUmeaboy  yes, but they won't support it for one single user only14:37
daftykinsModelEngine: oh right, well try to consider that this is a new year - and maybe things do change :)14:37
ModelEnginedaftykins, true :)14:38
BluesKajUmeaboy: which nvidia gpu ?14:38
daftykinsbut apologies if i was my grumpy self at some indeterminate point in the past14:38
Umeaboyinspector71: I run os-prober && update-grub2 && grub-install whenever I have gotten a new kernel to make sure that everything works OK.14:38
inspector71Umeaboy: I've tried the lubuntu installer, the Debian 8.2 installer and the Mint installer ... which I imagine are generally similar14:38
Lewixim trying to get multiple monitors working with xfce14:39
inspector71Umeaboy: that sounds like an interesting tip. However this is a fresh install scenario so would that tip apply here?14:39
daftykinsinspector71: no14:39
ModelEnginedaftykins: thanks, same back to you14:39
daftykinsUmeaboy: very different ball game when it comes to RAID14:40
inspector71daftykins: ok14:40
UmeaboyBluesKaj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mandriva/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/149293414:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1492934 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Mandriva) "Kernel sometimes won't boot to login screen" [Critical,Confirmed]14:40
inspector71i've probed the syslog and it simply says /dev/md0 ... well actually 'md0' doesn't exist14:41
UmeaboyI have this on Mageia as well.14:41
UmeaboyMageia is forked from Mandriva.14:41
daftykinsinspector71: are you trying to do this from a live session?14:41
UmeaboyI had to choose Mandriva as Mageia isn't added in the list of affected dists.14:41
daftykinsUmeaboy: i'm not 100% clear on your issue, but bear in mind we don't support other distros in here...14:42
inspector71Daftykins: in at least two scenarios yes, as it would appear almost all Linux iso images are oriented that way nowadays14:42
inspector71Daftykins: however with Debian8.2 I was using the text-based installer in  expert mode14:42
inspector71albeit in a testing scenario via a VirtualMachine14:43
daftykinsinspector71: that's of no concern as debian is supported in #debian14:43
daftykinsinspector71: anyway if you booted a live session to try to install GRUB, you likely need to install mdadm first so the system knows about your disks, for the RAID 'device' to show up14:43
daftykinsor it might just have a number other than 0 for 'md#'14:44
inspector71odaftykins: appreciate the demarcation however I'm perfectly happy to install any debian-based flavor that will work14:44
BradenBradenblegh i lied... wifi is connected but got no internet14:44
Umeaboydaftykins: I know. Just telling you that I have the same problem in more than one dist.14:44
inspector71daftykins: yep, I've tried that14:44
xboxEst` russian tut?14:44
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:44
UmeaboyAnd the Launchpad gives you that option.14:45
UmeaboyTo add affected dists.14:45
inspector71daftykins: as Mint in particular doesn't seem to have mdadm available to the installer, I've jumped out of the installer and created the RAID1 arrays using mdadm14:45
daftykinsinspector71: if Mint is what you have on this thing now, this channel is not the right place to discuss it14:45
inspector71daftykins: not intending to break the rules14:46
inspector71as above, I've tried lubuntu 15.0114:46
MonkeyDustinspector71  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue14:46
ModelEnginewhat is test debugger14:46
ModelEnginenm found it14:46
inspector71MonkeyDust: I'll get that for you, bear with me14:46
inspector71daftykins: am I allowed to discuss lubuntu 15.10 in here?14:48
daftykinsonly if that's what's installed14:48
inspector71I'm not talking about an installed scenario. I'm attempting to setup an installation14:49
daftykinsyeah but sometimes you can install and just have the GRUB installation fail, so technically it's there... just not usable14:49
daftykinsanywho i must go, good luck14:50
inspector71thanks for trying to help14:50
inspector71yeah I did get up to that point, fully installed excepting GRUB14:50
inspector71I'm just going to run up a new VM install so it's a clean attempt14:51
daftykinsi thought this was physical hardware :)14:51
ModelEnginecan anyone here direct me to a channel that can help me out with pc gaming hardware?14:52
inspector71it's both :) I'm trying to avoid cooking up my place by running the hardware and waiting for ages. It's pretty hot where I live lately14:52
daftykinsModelEngine: i mentioned ##hardware before14:53
ModelEnginedaftykins: sorry i logged off and never saw it, but came back. thx i will go there14:53
ModelEnginedaftykins: i am there but there's like nobody on, any other more populated channels you could recommend?14:55
Foloexhello world14:56
FoloexI'm trying to use deboostrap to install a system from an ubuntu 15.04 live14:56
Foloexdeboostrap gets stuck at "retrieving release"14:57
FoloexI cannot get the release using wget neither14:57
tomreynalways use the latest debootstrap14:57
Foloexit would seem that something is blocking wget based on its user-agent14:57
nicomachusFoloex: do you have internet?14:57
Foloexspecifying firefox's user-agent for wget does the trick14:58
smacktalkchromium crashes...14:58
smacktalkjust freezes up14:58
Foloexbut I don't know how to specify this at debootstrap's level14:58
smacktalksame with chrome...14:58
Foloexnicomachus: yes14:58
smacktalkwill they ever fix that?!???14:58
smacktalkflippin heck!!!14:59
nicomachussmacktalk: relax. what's the issue?14:59
smacktalklike I said...crashing chromium14:59
nicomachusok... do you know what is causing the crash?15:00
smacktalkno...prolly some errant script15:00
nicomachussmacktalk: well perhaps you may check with the Chromium folks.15:01
smacktalki close out of the browser and try to restart the browser and same thing15:01
smacktalkonly happens on linus15:01
nicomachussmacktalk: also check here for some debugging procedures: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Debugging15:01
smacktalkonly works if I reboot my laptop15:01
nicomachusdo you have a ton of tabs open when it happens?15:02
BradenBradenafter blacklisting asus_nb_wmi which allowed me to connect to my wifi (no longer hardware blocked), i can connect but have no internet access. this is my ifconfig:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/14469542/15:02
smacktalkusually, yes...but I have a reallllly beefy laptop15:02
nicomachussmacktalk: how many tabs? and how much RAM are you working with?15:03
inspector71should partitions that will be part of a RAID array be formatted first, before the array is created?15:05
tomreynFoloex: it's just a shell script, you can edit it with a text editor.15:05
tomreynFoloex: but (as i said) first of all make sure you have the latest15:05
Foloextomreyn: yep, I have the latest debootstrap ;)15:06
inspector71MonkeyDust: should partitions that will be part of a RAID array be formatted first, before the array is created?15:06
tomreynFoloex: the one of xenial then? then in /usr/share/debootstrap/functions, like 80, is where wget gets called.15:07
smacktalki prolly had 15 tabs open and have 32 gigs of mem15:07
tomreynFoloex: also line 83 if non-verbose (the default)15:07
Foloextomreyn: I think I got it to work using the WGETRC env variable and a wgetrc file15:08
limezokay i purged my whole ubuntu-desktop, cleared all leftovers and installed it again. still cant login. i have to admit im pretty desperate.15:08
tomreynright, that or a wget alias would work, too. possibly a different mirro server, too.15:09
Foloextomreyn: but the drive I wanted to use seems to be failing badly, I have a dmesg filled by ata errors :S15:09
tomreynlimez: what happens when you try tologin?15:09
=== Dragnadh__ is now known as Dragnadh
gordonjcpFoloex: ATA errors do indeed sound like a failing drive - check the cable too15:10
tomreynFoloex: that's a pity, better replace it soonish.15:10
Foloexbut it's a almost brand new SSD :'(15:10
limezit throws me right back onto the greeter after a successful login with any account15:10
limeztrying to fix this for 6 hours now :s15:11
tomreynFoloex: the cabling, power or controller issues could cause this, too. but that's much more rare. check 'S.M.A.R.T.' data.15:11
smacktalk64 Gig mem with swap15:12
Foloextomreyn: s.m.a.r.t. says disk is ok15:12
FoloexI'm left with cable, power, or bad kernel params15:12
smacktalkit's an msi gaming system15:12
Foloexis there a way to test an SATA controller ?15:13
tomreynlimez: this hints at window manager / desktop issues. reinstalling may not help if the issue is in your $HOME. on the other hand, maybe you are missing some packages which you accidentially uninstalled.15:13
BradenBradenfixed it. had to add googles DNS ips to my resolv.conf file15:13
limeztomreyn, shouldnt it work with the guest account if the issue is in my $HOME?15:14
tomreynlimez: yes it should15:14
smacktalkjoin #chromium15:14
FoloexI'll try a reboot for now, good bye15:15
tomreynlimez: what's the desktop you would like to be running? the default one which comes with ubuntu? unity?15:16
DirtyCajn2when i fdisk i get everything as base2 what command shows me base 10 numbers?15:16
limezyeah default unity/lightdm15:17
limezhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/14469646/ <- thats the current paste of my .xsession-errors15:17
tomreynlimez: what happened / was changed between when this last worked and when it failed for the first time?15:17
tomreyn(or did it never work since you first installed ubuntu?)15:18
limeznah i had my system running for a year15:18
limezi removed dolphin15:18
DirtyCajn2answered my own quesion its lshw sorry15:18
limezand installed webstorm15:18
tomreynlimez: which ubuntu release are you running there?15:19
limezalready checked the usual suspects (/tmp, xauthority/iceauthority)15:19
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limezbut i dont think its related to my $HOME, as u said earlier15:20
limezmaybe i broke something when i set nautilus back to the dafault filemanager15:21
tomreynlimez: removing dolphin alone did not cause unity to break. you must have done something else.15:22
limezi removed a few .desktop files from /usr/share/applications15:23
tomreynlimez: the verious services / applications failing according to your .xsession-errors may hint at incompatible package versions (such as installed from incompatible repositories, not fully upgraded etc.)15:23
limeztomreyn: do you have an idea how i could find out what the incompatible packages may be?15:25
limezi suspect im looking at the wrong logs15:25
DirtyCajn2ok new question. When i move something from one HD to another on my Ubuntu Server via Samba... it goes slowly because its sending the file to the pc im using then back to the server. is there a program other than just using CL that will act as if im on the server and not pull to the remote pc?15:26
NO_CARRIERIs it a bad idea to upgrade (running 15.10 server) to the newly-released kernel 4.4?15:26
tomreynlimez: (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get install apt-show-versions && sudo apt-show-versions | grep -v uptodate) | pastebinit15:26
k1l_NO_CARRIER: do you even know why you want to upgrade the kernel?15:27
limezone min, got to type it out :P15:27
tomreynlimez: also, *after* running the above: apt-cache policy | pastebinit15:27
BradenBradenwhich is better, openJDK or Oracle JAVA?15:28
tomreynbased on random criteria? the other!15:28
mcphailNO_CARRIER: yes, it is a bad idea. Largely because you will sacrifice automatic package management. Not what you need on a server15:29
NO_CARRIERmcphail: thanks15:29
tomreynlimez: you shouldn't need to type it out. if this is on a different computer maybe setup ssh access first15:30
limeztomyreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14469757/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/14469781/15:32
leamonHow to set remote desktop?15:32
leamonI have Retina installed at both server and client.15:32
limeztomreyn: yea i should set up putty on my windows machine15:33
leamonand check 'Allow other users to view your desktop'15:33
leamonat server15:33
tomreynlimez: line 122 onwards of http://paste.ubuntu.com/14469757/ lists packages which are not from an apt repository you currently have installed. i.e. orphaned packaged, which receive no support, especially not security patches.15:36
tomreynlimez: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14469781/ indicated that you are using several third party repostories, including some for different ubuntu releases.15:37
tomreyntomreyn: well not that many 3rd party repositories, just some. and while my rough guess is that those do not create this issue you are running into, i can only guess and this doe snot look too good.15:39
limeztomreyn: i will just remove them for now15:39
limezi just wanna keep my system :P15:40
tomreynlimez: packages [ libxdo2 config-usbhid-synaptics-touchscreen workaround-screen-lock-malfunction ] might, simply a guess based on their naming, cause these issues you're having15:42
stephane_anyon here?15:42
aq21858 people15:42
limeztomreyn: i dont need to remove the ppa's, right? just the packages?15:43
tomreynlimez: i suggest you start by backing up (if needed), then purging the packages i just listed.15:44
limezcant even remember that package :/15:44
stephane_Quick question for you guys... I am Ubuntu lover and work with it everyday both home and work. I am about to purchase a laptop....However, I wish I could buy the Edge version to run everything from my cell phone. Since project was replaced with touch...Is there a phone that can be used for both Cell and Desktop?15:44
aq2limez: dpkg --get-selections |grep something15:44
aq2limez: replace something with what to search from your installed software.15:45
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tomreynlimez: also remove the 12.04 / precise "canonical partner" package repository15:45
stephane_Any recommendation or can anyone confirm if there is a working version of phone/desktop?15:46
limezaq2: thanks, thats handy15:46
limeztomreyn: will do15:46
k1l_stephane_: #ubuntu-touch , and no, there is no ohone to buy to have the laptop in your poket, yet15:48
stephane_ok thanks15:48
tomreynlimez: i'm afraid i'll have to leave shortly. but others can help you out on this, too.15:48
rentecHello! I have a fresh install of Ubuntu-Mate and was wondering if anyone knew how to disable the guest session login.15:48
nicomachusrentec: https://askubuntu.com/questions/451526/removing-guest-session-at-login-in-ubuntu-14-0415:49
EurynomosHello, I got the problem that my system's language is English, but everything in software center is in another language.15:49
limeztomreyn: no worries, i think you got me to the right direction. thank you very much :)15:50
rentecThank you nicomachus15:50
tomreynwelcome, good luck!15:50
tomreynlimez:  consider running 'apt-get --purge remove apt-show-versions' when you're done, to clean up.15:52
limeztomreyn: noted, thanks again :)15:52
lotuspsychjei have a customer with 2 laptops and 1 desktop that can only recognize the samsung ML-1665 on the desktop by default, even when installing printers drivers the laptops cant see the printer, theyr connected via usb..someone has a clue?15:54
aq2i installed ubuntu 14.04 from the mini.iso on this system, why doesn't it boot without a network connection?15:54
lotuspsychjeall 3 boxes on trusty15:55
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jwr_i'm getting "you have held broken packages" when i use apt-get. but "apt-mark showhold" doesn't list any packages. anybody know how to fix that?16:00
nicomachusjwr_: try "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo dpkg --configure -a"16:01
k1l_jwr_: run "sudo apt full-upgrade"16:02
EurynomosHello, I got the problem that my system's language is English, but everything in software center is in another language.16:03
limeztomreyn: purged all packages except the ruby stuff and the printer-drivers, also i removed all ppas except the heroku one16:04
limezdid a reboot, unfortunately that didnt fix it, should i remove ruby and heroku too? cant believe that could be the problem16:04
limezthe bright side is i just removed wine and freed about a gb disk space16:06
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KamZouHi, when i connect to a server with SSH i get the old entry present in /etc/issue. The file is now empty but i still receive old hostname at login. Any idea why ? (/etc/motd & /etc/issue & /etc/issue.net are OK)16:14
lotuspsychjeKamZou: maybe the #openssh guys ca help you on this?16:17
KamZoulotuspsychje, let's try16:18
mario1salve a tutti16:20
lotuspsychje!it | mario116:22
ubottumario1: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:22
TheEagerPadawandoes anyknow where i can grab a driver for QinHeng Electronics HL-340 USB-Serial adapter  that is supported on 15.10?16:25
aq2TheEagerPadawan: this is for mint but should also work in ubuntu http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=13591416:26
TheEagerPadawanas2 let me take a peek16:27
lotuspsychjeaq2: any reason you dont just use desktop version instead of mini?16:28
aq2lotuspsychje: i wanted to build it myself but i'm downloading the desktop version of mate right now, we'll see if i like it.16:28
aq2good question.16:28
infFSI want to implement infinite feature selection in C++ for linux, it's this technique: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282576688_Infinite_Feature_Selection ) can someone helps me?16:28
infFSit seems easy, but I need a function to invert a matrix16:29
lotuspsychjeaq2: you could install desktop and purge whatever you like to basics?16:29
infFSsorry here is the code: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54763-infinite-feature-selection16:29
aq2lotuspsychje: well, the reason i came to ubuntu instead of mint is that i don't want to start customizing a fresh install by removing things16:29
infFSare only 3-4 lines in matlab16:29
aq2lotuspsychje: seems pointless, coming from mint there was three media players :(16:30
aq2i dont want that16:30
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lotuspsychjeaq2: using mini is also pretty expert, youl encouter some unwanted issues better use desktop and strip it as you wish16:31
aq2thats what i noticed16:32
aq2following this i got it all working though :D http://blogging.dragon.org.uk/ubuntu-minimal-install-with-mate-as-the-desktop-14-04-lts/16:32
lotuspsychje!yay | aq216:32
ubottuaq2: Glad you made it! :-)16:32
aq2that bot is awesome16:32
aq2other channels don't use bots this much16:33
lotuspsychjeaq2: alot of preloaded triggers that can help users here16:33
aq2i've noticed that16:33
lotuspsychje!msgthebot | aq2 use yourself :p16:33
ubottuaq2 use yourself :p: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:33
aq2this computer can only connect to internet with ethernet and doesn't boot without it :(16:34
aq2so i think i need to take the strip down approach16:34
lotuspsychjeaq2: i got 14.04.3 pretty lightweight here, purging packages and replacing them with lightweight stuff also16:35
aq2however installing from mini.iso is something i want to do some day :)16:35
aq2lotuspsychje: is there any hidden junk i can purge?16:35
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aq2lotuspsychje: mint was full of it (search enhancer etc) anything like that in ubuntu mate?16:35
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lotuspsychjeaq2: i use bleachbit to clean, but ubuntu desktop is pretty neat by default16:36
aq2i don't mean as junk building up16:36
aq2does ubuntu come with any useless programs?16:36
aq2for example, in mint there was multiple applications that can do the same thing16:36
TheEagerPadawanseems that chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 doesn't seem to help16:37
lotuspsychjeaq2: i would not call them useless, but for every needs there's another flavor right16:37
lotuspsychjeaq2: thats the beauty of linux right, you can do whatever you like16:37
aq2i agree16:37
infFSHello, I'm bachelor student in computer science, I need to implement a feature selection technique called Infinite Feature Selection in C/C++ (scientific paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282576688_Infinite_Feature_Selection ) The implementation is in provided by the authors in MATLAB (source code:  http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcent16:37
infFSral/fileexchange/54763-infinite-feature-selection ) I need to implement it as they do, and then my goal is to optimize this function someway, to make it faster,It seems to be very easy, because there're only few lines of code... Can someone helps me? 1- How can I read the input in C/C++? 2- How can I represent a matrix and then invert this matrix?16:37
infFS3- there are functions to calculate the correlation and STD given two vectors? Thank you...16:37
aq2vlc, totem, banshee... hexchat and pidgin... eye of mate and gthumb and gimp... many programs that do the same thing16:37
lotuspsychjeaq2: another approach is looking at the more lightweight ubuntu flavors: lubuntu/xubuntu and purge/install packages as they use16:38
aq2i dont want them, i want the mate because its customizable.16:38
lotuspsychjeaq2: like using mupdf example instead of default pdf viewer16:38
lotuspsychjeaq2: thats your choice mate :p16:39
aq2i'm glad someone understands me though, people on mint just said "the three media players dont take much space" :D16:39
ascothello, anyone knows what is the best way to disable plymouth in ubuntu 15.10?16:39
aq2i'm also amazed by how a big channel like this can be friendly16:39
askhlHello.  Am installing Ubuntu 14.04 for dual boot with Windows 10.  Installation was apparently smooth but grub does not show.  Boot flag is set correctly but evidently has no effect.  Any help please?16:39
lotuspsychjeascot: disable 'quiet splash' from grub16:39
aq2askhl: what boots and what doesnt boot?16:39
k1l_ascot: remove the boot kernel parameters16:40
askhlWindows boots as if nothing has happened.  I expected grub to present a list of options including both.16:40
aq2askhl: Ok16:40
aq2askhl: disable windows's secure boot and turn off fast boot in bios.16:40
ascotlotuspsychje: does that also remove it at shutdown?16:40
aq2askhl: no, the other way. fast boot is in windows and secure boot in bios :)16:40
askhlHmm.  Oh....16:40
lotuspsychjeascot: after you sudo update-grub yes16:41
askhlWait, so I start windows and turn off fast boot?  I thought I fixed secure boot but that may not be the case either16:41
aq2askhl: how did you fix that? bios or windows?16:41
aq2askhl: yes, start windows and disable its fast boot.16:41
ascotlotuspsychje: great, thanks!16:42
k1l_aq2: if you want a really lightweight system with only the app installed you really need. then make a minimal install and install the packages only you want. but that needs some knowledege and you will be surprised how much you need but you dont know it because it runs in the background16:42
aq2askhl: you were lucky, sometimes windows gets locked and won't boot at all :)16:42
mustmodify_I'm having a weird issue. Someone emailed a postscript file to me. When I decompress what he sent, I get files of size 0. But he *swears* his files are good. Postscript files have no extension... uh... any ideas?16:42
askhlOh dear my.16:42
aq2k1l_: i noticed that :)16:42
aq2askhl: worse yet, your files can get stuck on the windows side... but thats what ##windows is for :)16:42
askhlRight, secure boot is disabled.  Then I will try to disable fast boot.  Thanks aq2, I had never guessed to do anything in windows16:43
aq2you're welcome :)16:43
askhlaq2: Well, that's why I have a backup :)16:43
aq2windows 7 and before there's no problems like this.16:43
aq2its windows 8 that breaks standards... :(16:43
akikmustmodify_: what kind of archive was it?16:43
k1l_mustmodify_: do a "file /path/to/filename" to see some info about that file16:44
aq2lotuspsychje: cool, the mate iso is 1.1GB the mint mate iso was 1.7 GB :D16:44
aq2and people complain that ubuntu is heavy16:45
aq2unity is not my thing :)16:45
aq2what virtualbox package should i install?16:45
aq2is it simple as sudo apt-get install virtualbox ?16:46
akikmustmodify_: postscript files can have an extension as well16:46
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox | aq2 yes16:46
ubottuaq2 yes: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.0.10-dfsg-2ubuntu1 (wily), package size 13759 kB, installed size 61742 kB16:46
BleakneyIt seems running "macchanger -a" does only change the first three parts of the address. Why is that? On other distros it changes the whole address16:47
akikmustmodify_: to list and test a zip file, use "unzip -t archive.zip". to list and test a .tar.gz use "tar -ztvf archive.tar.gz"16:47
TheEagerPadawanhi guys having usb to serial driver issues -> info @ http://pastebin.com/2zjqPbdv16:47
sixteenmillionyedoes anyone have any experience with consistent system failures (failing to boot - have reinstalled ubuntu 15.04 twice in the past week after failure to boot/blinking cursor at startup) concurrent with a "the device descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes but linux says it is  512 bytes" error reported from gparted?16:48
aq2sixteenmillionye: is windows installed?16:48
sixteenmillionyeno, windows not present16:48
sixteenmillionyethe disk is completely wiped at this point16:48
aq2what version of windows did the computer come with?16:49
sixteenmillionyeit' s a fresh build - just components, so no OEM OS16:49
sixteenmillionyei' ve had it for a year, no problems until about two weeks ago16:49
mustmodify_akik: it was a zip16:49
aq2then you shouldn't have secure boot issues16:49
aq2you could try trusty16:49
mustmodify_k1l_: ./concorde.zip: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract16:50
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sixteenmillionyemy hunch is that the physical disk is defective - i've wiped it several times (recreated the partition table, reset the mbr), but consistently continue to get " 2048/512"  error/warning from gparted which makes no sense to me.16:53
sixteenmillionyebut i want to confirm the hunch before i waste money on a new disk.16:53
akikmustmodify_: to list and test a zip file, use "unzip -t concorde.zip"16:55
akikMushroomNZ: you can use "unzip -v concorde.zip" to list the file details16:56
akikoops. that was for mustmodify_16:56
Pod15Ufw not starting automatically on boot despite ufw.conf set to enabled=yes, can start manually but want it starting automatically... Any ideas??16:59
askhlaq2: It still booted directly into windows, strangely enough!17:01
MonkeyDustPod15  sudo ufw enable17:01
aq2askhl: not nice :(17:01
cfhowlettpod15 this ^^^17:01
Pod15Yeah that works but I want it to happen automatically on boot up17:01
askhlaq2: am verifying the settings again :(17:01
MonkeyDustPod15  ufw will still be enabled, until you disable it17:02
Pod15Monkeydust when I first login sudo ufw status says inactive though!?17:03
askhlOh, but perhaps I did not properly turn 'off' the computer17:03
askhlmaybe it just went into standby somehow17:04
aq2lotuspsychje: i dont like the mate iso... i want to start with no software... no libreoffice, no firefox, no pidgin, no transmission17:04
MonkeyDustaq2  try the mini.iso17:04
aq2i tried that17:04
aq2but i haven't gotten sound and network manager to work :(17:05
SorcerousFoxjust an option17:05
aq2can i install mate to that?17:05
aq2i really want mate desktop17:05
SorcerousFoxstarting with the mini.iso will probably be the best bet though to be honest17:05
inspector71can anyone help me troubleshoot this installation problem  get when trying to install GRUB at the end of a setup? http://pastebin.com/MV0R7QFL17:06
k1l_aq2: install the mate packages17:06
aq2souref: if you can get your mini.iso setup to boot without ethernet thats good17:06
aq2sorry souref wrong nick17:06
aq2k1l_: i've done that.17:06
askhlaq2: The secure boot is disabled.  However I notice in BIOS there is a setting "UEFI Boot Order" that is set to "OS boot Manager", whatever that is17:06
aq2askhl: can you boot without uefi? aka legacy boot?17:07
askhlaq2: It is greyed out17:07
askhlAhh, I have enabled it now17:07
MiningMarshaskhl: I imagine that is probably the windows bootloader17:07
MiningMarshin the boot order17:07
aq2k1l_: i followed this http://blogging.dragon.org.uk/ubuntu-minimal-install-with-mate-as-the-desktop-14-04-lts/17:07
aq2k1l_: network manager and sound not working they didn't get installed17:08
k1l_aq2: then install them when you know they are missing17:08
askhlStill boots windows!  *grumble* *grumble*17:08
k1l_aq2: and that is a ppa you use there17:08
aq2k1l_: what packages?17:08
aq2k1l_: yes, just like in the instructions17:08
MiningMarshaskhl: What bootloader are you trying to get it to boot to?17:09
k1l_aq2: "network-manager"17:09
inspector71if I hit the lubuntu iso startup screen, the one where it pumps a big language menu in front of you, if I pick English and then select Install Lubuntu (instead of "Try lubuntu without installing) ... am I definitely avoiding the live session, even though this option loads a graphical installer?17:09
aq2but not loading17:09
csmuleTrying to determine max number of open files allowed for the root user and increasing it. Can someone speed me along?17:09
k1l_aq2: so look at the logs why its not loading17:10
askhlMiningMarsh: yes (well, grub in whichever version comes with Ubuntu 14.04)17:10
k1l_aq2: that is what i said with: you need some knowledge17:10
aq2thats true...17:10
aq2but i dont want to start by removing...17:10
MiningMarshaskhl: Did you install grub manually at all, or did you just use whatever installer was available?17:10
k1l_aq2: so look into the logs why its not starting or what is missing.17:10
askhlMiningMarsh: I did a manual partitioning but the installer did the work17:11
k1l_like there is network-manager-gnome package, too17:11
akikcsmule: /etc/security/limits.conf, nofile, ulimit -n17:11
aq2k1l_: installed too17:11
aq2what logs where?17:11
MiningMarshaskhl: Verify grub is on the ESP, and then it fairly easy to add grub to the UEFI boot order from within windows17:11
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k1l_aq2: what exactly is not working with network manager?17:11
aq2k1l_: i dont see it in the notification area.17:12
MiningMarshaskhl: the partition with the bootloaders on it. It will be FAT32, and have a EFI directory in it17:12
aq2i only see the apps i start myself, thats hexchat and nitroshare17:12
MiningMarshaskhl: make sure that inside the EFI folder there is a grub folder of some sort17:12
k1l_aq2: so you dont know if its not working. you just dont have the icon there17:12
askhlOh.  I was just now experimenting with a partition that fits the description17:12
aq2no sound or network17:12
web-developerHello! Where I can download Skype for Xubuntu?17:12
aq2k1l_: aha ok17:12
csmuleakik: After I add a line do I need to reboot for it to take effect? Tnx17:12
askhlRight now there are two partitions with boot flag and I wanted to try with that one disabled17:12
askhl(using gparted to toggle the flag)17:12
akikcsmule: yes that could be the best choice17:12
aq2!skype | web-developer17:12
ubottuweb-developer: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:12
MonkeyDustweb-developer  enble the partner reopo, then sudo apt update, then sudo apt install skype17:13
MiningMarshaskhl: ESP is EFI System Partition iirc, it is what UEFI uses to boot. Don't disable that boot flag17:13
askhlSo I have a FAT32 with boot flag as we ll as an ext417:13
askhlAlright.  I will keep both boot flags then17:13
askhlAll right*17:14
MiningMarshaskhl: on the specified partition, can you find a grub.efi somewhere?17:14
MiningMarshor a grubx86.efi or something of that sort17:14
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k1l_aq2: look into the mate stuff if you need something to install to list all icons or how that works on mate17:15
aq2what do you mean?17:15
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k1l_aq2: you used a PPA to install that packages. i dont know what is in that ppa and if its set up properly.17:16
k1l_aq2: and i dont have mate. i dont know if you need to install a specific package for the indicators to work or if you need to whitelist stuff etc.17:17
aq2all instructions seem to install mate with ppa https://alfonsojon.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/make-your-own-ubuntu-14-04-lts-mate-edition/17:17
askhlI found (mount-dir)/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi17:18
askhlMiningMarsh: ^17:18
aq2can anyone recommend a good usb image writing program?17:18
aq2on mint i used its default image writer but i dont want to isntall that on ubuntu.17:18
cfhowlettaq2, no shortage of them in the software center17:18
aq2i need to install that first :)17:19
MiningMarshaskhl: good. Do you have windows, or ubuntu pulled up?17:19
askhlubuntu live presently17:19
MiningMarshaskhl: see if you have efibootmgr, install it if you do not17:19
MiningMarshI think it is its own package17:19
askhlMiningMarsh: installed successfully17:20
MiningMarshaskhl: pastebin the output of `efibootmgr`17:20
Bashing-omaq2: This ? : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb <- mkusb - tool to create boot drives . A PPA and not supported in this channel .17:21
askhlMiningMarsh: There is zero output17:21
aq2no ppa's supported here?17:21
MiningMarshaskhl: are you tunning it as root?17:21
cfhowlett!ppa | aq217:21
ubottuaq2: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:21
askhlMiningMarsh: Stand by for output :)17:21
EriC^^askhl: hp laptop?17:22
eikon81guniversal boot manager and unetbootin are easy ways to create bootable usbs17:22
askhlEriC^^: yes.  Not good at using it yet :(17:23
EriC^^askhl: most hp laptops are hardcoded to boot only the windows efi files, i have one as well17:24
MiningMarshEriC^^: Really? They don't obey the standard EFI commands for changing boot order?17:24
MiningMarsha shame17:24
EriC^^could help you with it if you want17:24
EriC^^MiningMarsh: nope, the uefi resets it when it starts up17:25
askhlEriC^^: oh no.  That sounds horrible.17:25
askhlMiningMarsh: pasted ^17:25
EriC^^it's ok most of the time, do you want to give it a go?17:25
MiningMarshWe can still try the normal solution first17:25
MiningMarshI would imagine17:25
askhlEriC^^: Any way to fix this?17:25
EriC^^askhl: yeah, you can switch the efi files to trick the bios into booting ubuntu ( which it thinks is windows )17:26
MiningMarshaskhl: sudo efibootmgr -o 2001,0002,0001,3001,2002,200417:27
MiningMarshI think I got those in the right order17:27
askhlAhh, interesting17:27
askhlI also saw a post on internet where they interchange two files or so17:27
MiningMarshaskhl: the EFI load order had windows before ubuntu17:27
MiningMarshaskhl: try that and reboot, you can try the HP fix if it doesn't work17:27
EriC^^it'll reset most likely, you could try though no harm17:28
askhlSay, what if something messes up with the -o <....> ?17:28
MiningMarshit won't do any damage17:28
MiningMarshaskhl: if grub fails to boot, it will fallback on windows again17:28
askhlOkay, seems reasonable17:28
MiningMarshaskhl: and usb still boots first with that config17:29
EriC^^askhl: if it doesn't boot, press f9 when the pc starts and select ubuntu17:29
askhland I could write another permutation to undo any damage17:29
MiningMarshaskhl: yeah17:29
MiningMarshaskhl: you can also change that order in windows, different commands though17:29
EriC^^it'll be boot ubuntu, then you can fix it so it boots it automatically17:29
onezuffi'm runnung ubuntu 14 on a very small VPS with 64MB of ram. how do i disable services from starting that I don't need?17:30
EriC^^onezuff: try service --status-all to get a list first17:30
EriC^^sometimes you can disable with update-rc.d -f <service> disable17:31
onezuffnice EriC^^ it shows some stuff, everything with a + is started on boot?17:31
EriC^^yeah that's already running17:32
MiningMarshI think even systemd maintains the `service` syntax, right?17:32
askhlIt says boot entry 2002 does not exist.  This is surprising because 2002 is one of the numbers listed above.17:32
EriC^^MiningMarsh: yeah17:32
askhlBut also the line-by-line list does not contain that number.17:32
MiningMarshaskhl: oh hey, how weird17:32
MiningMarshaskhl: try it without the 2002 then17:32
MiningMarshaskhl: Perhaps it was an old bootloader that got deleted?17:33
askhlAlso 2004 did not exist.  I removed them, they are last anyway...17:33
MiningMarshwindows was before them anyways17:33
askhlSo I try to restart now!17:33
fishsceneGreetings. I'm trying to write a script so that I don't have to keep updating it every time there's a new ubuntu being worked on.  Is there a way to execute the command so that it subsitutes * with whatever is listed on the webpage? "zsync -i $dldir http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/*-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync17:33
MiningMarshaskhl: yes17:33
EriC^^fishscene: what's usually there?17:34
askhlBlast my eyes!  It still loads windows.17:34
EriC^^askhl: try f9 when the pc boots17:35
eikon81gOn my hp I have to press Esc17:35
eikon81gthen fn - f917:35
EriC^^eikon81g: esc works, then f917:35
fishsceneFor example, right now, the * would be "xenial". But as soon as they start working on another Ubuntu version, "Xenial" will change to a Z name ("zebra" for example)17:35
EriC^^i can do either, f9 straight away works too17:35
eikon81gthen select the usb flash drive I am running17:35
askhlLooks like entry 2 and entry 3 should be interchanged, if that can be the issue.17:36
askhlIt lists 1) USB 2) OS boot manager UEFI - windows, 3) OS boot manager UEFI - ubuntu17:36
askhlSo I do another permutation and then it should work?17:36
EriC^^fishscene: so it's not that often that happens17:36
onezuffEriC^^, it seems that most of the things i can't disable using that update-rc.d disable like the cron service17:36
fishsceneEriC^^: Correct. But as with all my scripts, I learn from each one. :) I'm just not even sure what to google for here.17:37
EriC^^fishscene: well, logically the only way it could get that would be to get the link before it so it knows the name17:37
EriC^^or check another page that has the name of the new distro and feed it in17:37
swat30are there some issues w/ Ubuntu security repo ATM? getting hash sum errors on trusty machines17:38
EriC^^i guess, not sure how zsync works17:38
onezuffhow can i disable the other things EriC^^ ?17:38
EriC^^onezuff: i think you'd need to mess with /etc/init and /etc/init.d17:38
fishsceneZsync is easy, I placed it there for context. It's getting the variable URL into bash that I'm trying to figure out. :)17:38
limezhey! anybody got time to help me debug a problem? i cant get past the login screen. after a successful login with any accout i get thrown back at the login screen immediately17:39
onezuffshould i delete them from there EriC^^ ?17:39
MiningMarshfishscene: this worked for me17:39
MiningMarshfishscene: echo $(curl 'http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/' -s | egrep -o 'href=".*-desktop-amd64[.]iso[.]zsync"' | cut -f2 -d'"')17:39
EriC^^onezuff: or you could kill them after the pc starts using /etc/rc.local i guess17:39
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EriC^^probably /etc/init is better17:39
eikon81glimez, are you running a funll install of ubuntu or a usb install17:39
EriC^^onezuff: no you have to modify the scripts, look into how ssh can be disabled as it has to be disabled that way17:39
limezfull install 14.04, system ran w/o problems for over a year17:40
MiningMarshaskhl: looks like what EriC^^ was saying was correct17:40
MiningMarshthey have some terrible UEFI implementation17:40
eikon81glimez, did you make any changes recently? when you get kicked back to the login screen are you able to log back in?17:41
fishsceneMiningMarsh:  Thanks! I'll check that out in a bit.17:41
limezwhen i login with lightmd/unity-greeter it seems as if my desktop would load for half a second but then im back on the login screen without an error17:41
onezuffthanks EriC^^17:42
Veyhi guys!17:42
Veycan Ubuntu runs on a NTFS usb stick?17:42
limezactually there is an error popup on the gui but i cant read it cause it seems to crash immediately :P17:42
EriC^^limez: press ctrl+alt+f1 to get a tty, login and type ls -l ~/.Xauthority , check the owner then press alt+f7 to get back here17:42
BluesKajthank God I have backflash and legacy BIOS mode on my laptop, UEFI was a pita when I received the laptop so i just wiped it clean and started from scratch17:42
askhlWell, presently it first says USB, then "Windows boot manager".  Why not set grub to number 2 if somehow possible?17:43
EriC^^Vey: why'd you want to do that, give it it's own partition on the stick17:43
MiningMarshVey: yes.17:43
Veyjust wondering if its possible17:43
Veyso its possible...17:43
fishsceneMiningMarsh: It totally worked! Thanks! I'll add this to my notes for future reference too. :)17:43
askhlwell, I have no clue what I am talking about obviously...17:43
MiningMarshaskhl: We tried reordering and apparently it didn't work17:43
MiningMarshaskhl: You could try, I just don't think the reordering is going to stick after reboot17:43
EriC^^Vey: um, it's pretty possible but silly17:43
MiningMarshaskhl: ask EriC^^ about his HP fix17:44
EriC^^you'd have to use wubi or something on that stick17:44
MiningMarshfishscene: np.17:44
limezalready checked that, .Xauthority, .ICEauthority and /tmp permissions are correctly set. i doubt it has anything to do with my $HOME as login with other accounts and guest also fails17:44
EriC^^which in itself is an abomination17:44
MiningMarshEriC^^: I know ubuntu used to support loopback mounting a file as its persistent via overlayfs a bit back17:44
EriC^^limez: oh, did you change the graphics drivers recently?17:45
MiningMarshsimilair to puppy linux17:45
MiningMarshif you don't need th persistence, it is trivial with grub17:45
MiningMarshjust chainload the iso17:45
TheEagerPadawanany here that has experiences with minicom and serial connections to cisco/juniper gear17:45
askhlOh right, it's true.... darn!17:45
limezEriC^^: not that i can remember :D17:45
askhlIt reverted the previous order, the bastard.17:45
EriC^^MiningMarsh: oh, i thought he meant he wanted a full fledged install17:45
MiningMarshEriC^^: I don't know what he wants :P17:46
EriC^^limez: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:46
MiningMarshI somehow got lucky and got a machine with a good UEFI implementation, it seems like tons of people get these garbage implementations17:47
MiningMarshUEFI is fantastic when it is actually done correctly17:47
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limezEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471037/17:47
limezoh i remember checking out different color profiles for my monitor17:48
limezmaybe i broke something there?17:48
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askhlWe did enable legacy boot order instead of UEFI.  Can this be a problem?17:53
askhlHowever it is also true that the boot setting actively reverts between boots.  Maybe I should overwrite that file like they do on the internet?17:54
ablegreen_wI have a bash script. Half of the bash script needs to run as user A. The other half as another user B. How can do this cleanly? The commands to run as user B is ugly -- su B -c "cmd 1; cmd 2". Any ideas?17:54
EriC^^askhl: if you want i could help you with it, i've literally helped a few hundreds with this issue17:54
askhlEriC^^: Let it be known that I am *very* happy for all the help!  (Also aq2 and MiningMarsh!)17:55
askhlSwitching the files seems like a relatively simple if ridiculously crude way17:57
EriC^^well you can either do that or hack the uefi firmware17:57
limezEriC^^: is the paste of any help? i'm sitting on this problem for more than 6 hours now and i cant find any conclusive log messages anywhere. if u had an idea where to search? everything helps17:59
Satdeep_hello everyone17:59
Satdeep_I am new to Ubuntu18:00
EriC^^askhl: i dont mean to be pushy, but i literally have until the battery on my laptop runs out ( 30-40mins tops ) and if i do help i would want to make sure it all works out, i wouldn't want to start helping and mid way or if something goes wrong you're left with a non booting pc18:00
askhlHmm, I think I will switch the files because it seems easier for me to remember when I have to do it again :/18:00
askhlEriC^^: Thanks for the heads-up18:00
EriC^^so decide quickly, and you should know there's a little more to it than switching 2 files18:00
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askhlwill do it as quickly as possible18:00
limezsorry - i didnt mean to be pushy either ;)18:01
kupihave anyone built kernel with openmp?18:01
EriC^^limez: pastebin sudo ubuntu-drivers devices18:02
Satdeep_Can anyone tell me18:02
EriC^^askhl: no i mean i can walk you through it if you want18:02
EriC^^( it's what i've been hinting at lol )18:02
Satdeep_how to install Phonetic Input method for Gurmukhi Punjabi ?18:02
mcphailkupi: what does openmp have to do with the kernel? And what problem have you been having which is Ubuntu related?18:03
kupinothing just interested if I could build anything with openmp and with what disadvantages18:04
askhlEriC^^: I interchanged the files and now I get the grub menu and ubuntu boots!  Windows does not, however, but there's a comment to that effect on the same website18:04
askhlI think I can manage this18:04
askhlHmm, actually there seems to be more trouble still....18:05
limezEriC^^: uh.. could it be bad that "sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" prints nothing?18:06
askhlBut I also have to do something!  So I think it is a job for a bit later...18:06
EriC^^limez: nah it's ok, try lspci | grep VGA18:06
askhlAs I said, thank you all very much for the help.  I am sure I will manage to fix it thanks to you.18:06
mcphailkupi: openmp isn't a magic formula which can be applied to any project. It has to be built with openmp in mind (or have a compiler which can automatically add pragmas). I can't see how it would have any place in the kernel18:07
limezEriC^^: lspci output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471213/18:08
NO_CARRIERIs there an appropriate upgrade path to kernel 4.2.8 (or even 4.3.3) for an ubuntu 15.10 user?  Or is it best to wait for the next official release?18:08
BleakneyI'm still wondering: If you try to use the command macchanger -a with a device, let's say macchanger -a wlan0, does it change the whole address for you?18:09
cfhowlettNO_CARRIER, absent a profound an explicit, profound need, just wait.18:09
mcphailNO_CARRIER: there is no upgrade path, nor is there likely to be an upgrade path18:09
Satdeep_anybody here18:10
Satdeep_who can help me out ?18:10
limezjust tested: same problem when i remove the monitor and all usb devices from my notebook18:10
lucidguyenableing iptables, I want icmp echo and the following ports inbound 22,25,443,465,993,7071.. everything else dropped,  am I missing something.. My iptables.rules looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471199/18:12
EriC^^limez: anything in ~/.xsession-errors ?18:12
mcphailSatdeep_: please ask your question coherently and all on one line. If anyone can help, they will. If you do not get a reply, ask again in 20 minutes as people come and go all the time18:12
EriC^^limez: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel18:13
mcphailNO_CARRIER: you have asked a couple of questions about upgrading your kernel. Do you have a specific issue which needs fixed in the current kernel?18:15
limezEriC^^: .xsession-errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471282/18:15
limezEriC^^: it seems to take a tick longer now before it crashes back to the login18:17
limezafter installing the package18:17
EriC^^limez: lightdm logs might show more info18:17
EriC^^they're in /var/log/lightdm/18:17
Satdeep_I am new to Ubuntu. I don't see a Phonetic Input method for Punjabi (Gurmukhi). There were some available perhaps in previous versions. I have Ubuntu 14 right now. Can anybody help me? I am willing to do anything possible for this..18:17
EriC^^limez: lightdm.log and x-0.log18:17
jhon75how install cocoa in mac os X it's for install enlightenment but depandencis required thx18:18
mcphailjhon75: I think you're in the wrong channel18:19
jhon75yes sure18:19
limezEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471310/ - lightdm.log18:19
limezi tried to login with the normal account and the guest account there18:19
Matty73Hello guys18:19
jhon75any help anygood ? e channel don't has my answers18:21
kupimcphail, so some packages would fail with openmg?18:21
MiningMarshlucidguy: remove that last rule18:21
MiningMarshthe drop one18:21
MiningMarshreplace it with18:21
MiningMarsh-P INPUT DROP18:22
EriC^^limez: did you try an older kernel?18:22
mcphailkupi: I don't think your question even makes sense. And it is offtopic for this channel, which is for ubuntu support18:22
limezEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471334/ - x-0-greeter.log this actually looks like an error but i cant pin it down18:22
limezEriC^^: i dont think so, at least not on purpose18:22
Satdeep_I don't see a Phonetic Input method for Punjabi (Gurmukhi). There were some available perhaps in previous versions. I have Ubuntu 14 right now. Can anybody help me? I am willing to do anything possible for this..18:23
kupimcphail, i know, just i don't know a better linux related active channel18:23
EriC^^the critical error is about the networkmanager applet18:23
limezthe thing that pops up when i connect to wifi?18:24
EriC^^yeah the thing at the top right corner18:24
EriC^^limez: try typing DISPLAY=:1 startx xterm18:24
EriC^^or just startx18:25
denis2_bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide18:25
EriC^^it should give a desktop without the launcher and no nm-applet18:25
rwwdenis2_: English here, please. French-language support is in #ubuntu-fr18:26
denis2_ok rww thank you18:26
limezEriC^^: i got a black screen for a second, then the x.org output including a warning18:26
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EriC^^limez: try just DISPLAY=:1 startx18:27
limezEriC^^: The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: Warning, Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but <RALT> has 2 symbols18:27
Guest55026He instalado guadalinex v.9 pero non tiene boton de apagado18:28
jhon75go return18:28
limezsame with DISPLAY=:118:28
EriC^^limez: did you try an older kernel?18:28
denis2_hi i want a sound my speaker in portable computer is open, why i don't sound exit on my speaker ?18:29
limezEriC^^: not that i remember, how do i check? is the output from x relevant?18:29
NO_CARRIERmcphail: yes, there is a crash bug with btrfs balance commands. ref http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-btrfs/msg49766.html & https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/152914618:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529146 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "btrfs balance leads to kernel panic" [High,Triaged]18:29
GallomimiaEriC^^: maybe you should tell limez why he should do so. he said the last time you asked "not on purpose"18:29
denis2_who can help me ?18:29
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Gallomimiadenis2_: what kinds of settings have you played with in sound?18:30
mcphailNO_CARRIER: you can try a kernel from the mainline repo, but the userspace btrfs-tools package won't be updated...18:30
mcphail!mainline | NO_CARRIER18:30
EriC^^Gallomimia: oh, thanks, didn't see that18:30
ubottuNO_CARRIER: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:30
limezuname -a is "Linux xps 3.13.0-74-generic #118-Ubuntu SMP [...]"18:30
NO_CARRIERmcphail: yeah if I were to upgrade kernel I would also subsequently upgrade the btrfs-tools but as you say this approach isn't ideal18:30
denis2_yesturday is ok but that is morning is not ok why ?18:30
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Gallomimiadenis2_: oh. i've heard of problems like that before... some things on google to find18:31
EriC^^limez: try an older kernel from grub, it might be a bug and it might get fixed in a kernel soon18:31
mcphailNO_CARRIER: you usually don't need to update btrfs-tools with the kernel, but they occasionally break compatibility18:31
Satdeep_I don't see a Phonetic Input method for Punjabi (Gurmukhi). There were some available perhaps in previous versions. I have Ubuntu 14 right now. Can anybody help me? I am willing to do anything possible for this..18:31
EriC^^limez: hold shift to get grub > advanced > choose an older kernel18:31
Satdeep_I guess i must be sleeping now18:31
Gallomimiadenis2_: i think... sound level set to zero by a bug. try changing volume18:31
denis2_i try change the card sound ?18:32
limezEriC^^: uh.. hold shift while booting, right?18:33
EriC^^limez: yeah18:33
LaylHeya, I'm thinking of giving ubuntu another try and I just want to ask, what kind of performance can you get out of a windows VM on ubuntu18:34
limezEriC^^: is grub available per default? should it be available via 'grub' in the terminal?18:35
Laylunfortunately, I do have plenty of windows stuff I still need to run, but if I can get like... 95% CPU/GPU performance that's enough18:35
GallomimiaLayl: i hear it's pretty good. but there's also WiNE18:35
MiningMarshLayl: You can get plenty of CPU performance. GPU not so much in my experience.18:35
MiningMarshLayl: but wine tends to work fine for most stuff18:35
Laylwhat about GPU pass-through?18:35
Gallomimiain wine the gpu performance is better. but usually limited to dx918:35
Gallomimiait would be pertinent to know what kinds of "windows stuff" you need to run18:36
Layla variety of things, visual studio is a big one18:37
Laylsteam and very performance intensive games18:37
EriC^^limez: i dont follow, what do you mean?18:37
Laylsome dx11 stuff so wine's not an option18:37
EriC^^limez: you can get a grub shell i think, but it's pretty useless18:37
Gallomimiaah. i might recommend against it. but i've heard it can be done. a VM could do it for that.18:37
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Gallomimiaas for the games, i do that. it works fine18:37
mcphailLayl: virtualisation isn't going to work well enough for you, even with gpu passthrough18:37
nomicyou can use the grub shell to insert things18:37
Layldarn, I was under the impression you could get pretty decent performance out of it with KVM18:38
Gallomimiadx11 is possible, but i've had trouble getting it to work, so ymmv18:38
EriC^^nomic: while the pc is booted already?18:38
limezEriC^^: rebooted a few times holding shift down, but grub didnt show up. maybe i have to set it up first?18:38
EriC^^( in linux )18:38
MiningMarshLayl: wine doesn't do DX11 yet?18:38
EriC^^limez: try esc18:38
mcphailLayl: from what I've seen, it is a fiddle to set up, generally requires a second video card, and doesn't work very well. Good enough for desktop effects but not for hardcore gaming18:39
Gallomimiathat was my impression MiningMarsh. but there's stuff out there to get it to work18:39
EriC^^limez: it should already be set up18:39
LaylMiningMarsh, even if it did I'm kiiindaaa skeptical about the solidity of the drivers on linux18:39
EriC^^limez: try to disable fast boot in the bios18:39
Laylmcphail, well, I do have a second GPU if I really need it18:39
Laylkinda a shame though if it's not good enough for general gaming18:40
Laylwindows games and game dev are the things that are really keeping me from switching over18:40
kvjdaftykins: or cfw around ?18:41
EriC^^limez: my battery is about to die, i might be back if i can18:41
kvjHow can i memtest18:42
mcphailLayl: Many of the Valve devs have switched from vstudio to qtcreator, even on Windows. Have you seen if that meets your IDE needs? Hardocre gaming isn't there yet18:42
kvjMy system dont recognises memory to boot OS18:42
kvjNow it started and shows option for memtest86+ and memtest86+ serial console 11520018:43
Laylmcphail, oh I personally switched over to atom about a year ago18:43
Laylunfortunately, my school didn't18:43
limezEriC^^: thanks for ur help!!18:43
limeztoo late18:44
kvjAnyone ???18:44
GallomimiaLayl: please enumerate the brand of your GPU at this time.18:44
LaylGallomimia, I've currently got an NVIDIA card18:45
LaylI've got another one gathering dust in some anti-static packaging18:45
kvjHow to memtest ?18:46
nicomachus!memtest | kvj18:46
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Chicken_Wrapkvj: Can't you boot into GRUB and memtest?18:46
mcphailLayl: by all means, give it a try (if your hardware supports virtualisation). But all the demos I saw of GPU passthrough were disappointing18:46
nicomachusbooo. kvj: https://askubuntu.com/questions/591488/how-do-i-run-memtest86/59150218:46
ioriakvj,  from a LiveCD18:46
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kvjOk im doing it right now18:47
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kvjAnything you people want to tell about memtest ?18:48
Laylmcphail, I don't know if I can get ever close to a decent try from trying to start my current windows install through qemu on a livecd18:48
ioriakvj,  yes, it takes a long time18:48
GallomimiaLayl nvidia drivers are pretty good. you need to use closed-source drivers, but my card pulls in consistent 60fps at 2560x1400 in linux native games. i haven't tried the WINE installs lately, but it ran WoW just fine, and EVE. i struggled with steam games over a year ago18:48
LaylWoW and EVE aren't that graphics intensive games though18:49
Laylmy current setup can pull 70-100 on the witcher 3 at reasonably high settings with hairworks on18:49
Gallomimiai had a go at oblivion18:49
Laylit would be a shame to lose all that18:49
Gallomimiaand i'm going to try witcher 218:49
kvjioria: ok18:49
cryptonitaHi con someone tell me whitch serve the irc  the anonhq?18:49
kvjI will wait18:49
kvj10% pass18:50
GallomimiaLayl i'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that the world needs someone like you to try the games in both setups and report back.18:50
Gallomimiai humbly request you dual boot, give it a go, and post about it18:50
Laylunfortunately, I don't exactly have the free time to do such a thing in a very demanding game development study18:50
Gallomimiathen... why do you want to get into linux so bad?18:51
mcphailLayl: personally, I owuldn't try this form a liveCD. Too much experimentation required for kernel parameters, drivers, etc. Can you add another HD for the ubuntu install (plus a backup of your windows permission in case qemu breaks it)?18:51
Laylbecause windows is gradually picking away at my patience18:51
Gallomimiaare you able to run 2 boxes?18:51
Gallomimiacause i'd run linux as a destkop while using some kind of streaming technology to view the screen of a windows machine18:52
Laylmcphail, I could, I think I have a spare HDD and another slot in my PC where it could be hooked up18:52
LaylI guess you can use steam streaming18:52
Gallomimiayes. and there's other technology out there to do it.18:52
Gallomimiaprobably the stuff valve grabbed off the shelf to implement their own18:52
Bashing-omcryptonita: I do not understand your question . Please rephrase .18:52
mcphailIndeed. Steam streaming works well18:52
Laylthat would be quite the investment though18:52
Gallomimiahaven't tried it yet.18:52
LaylI would have to set up a separate box for streaming18:53
Gallomimiaoh well if you don't have a second box, not feasible.18:53
MiningMarshwine depends on the game18:53
MiningMarshsome games run faster under wine18:53
LaylI do have a separate box but it's a really old media pc18:53
MiningMarshsome slower. Just have to try them out18:53
Gallomimiabut yeah. my patience went out the door for windows long ago. now my patience for mac is gone too. my patience for linux goes a long way because they don't charge money for their product18:53
nicomachus#gamingonlinux also exists, FYI, and is a great resource.18:53
Layliirc my CPU does have VT-d support18:54
Gallomimiathanks nicomachus18:54
denis2_how i can dowload film in my computer i have Linux LUbuntu ?18:54
Laylintel specs page says yes18:55
Gallomimiadenis2_: can you be more specific?18:55
geniidenis2_: Find a decent scanner with film scanning attachments18:55
lucidguyMiningMarsh: how is that different?18:56
denis2_yes Gallomimia i want download a movie in youtube on my computer, how can i ?18:56
Gallomimiai use keep vid dot com or downvids dot net18:56
ioria !info youtube-dl18:56
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2015.06.04.1-1 (wily), package size 498 kB, installed size 2504 kB18:56
Gallomimiaoh my. is that open source??18:57
ioriasometimes fails18:57
Chicken_Wrap!info tree18:57
ubottutree (source: tree): displays an indented directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0-3 (wily), package size 41 kB, installed size 134 kB18:57
akik!info any-dl18:58
ubottuPackage any-dl does not exist in wily18:58
denis2_ok thank you18:58
denis2_i try that18:58
Gallomimiathe reasons for yt downloading failures is when the specific video requires you to login and prove age or location or it's private or something.18:58
ioriathink so18:58
denis2_yes i say Gallomimia18:58
Gallomimiathanks ioria and denis2_ made my day18:59
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wonderworldi checked my assigned IPs with "ip addr".  besides my self configured IP I noticed a second line: inet brd scope global secondary net019:05
limezEriC^^: to the rescue! :P i managed to get into grub. seems you need to have the right timing holding shift down. i pressed it too early19:05
wonderworldi can't remember having configured this and was wondering how to find out where it is coming from?19:05
akikwonderworld: try "grep dhclient /var/log/syslog"19:06
akikwonderworld: is on another interface than ?19:08
wonderworldakik: i can only find my "real" IP there i get from my DHCP server.... so I guess some process must have configured this. it not coming from DHCP19:08
wonderworldnope, both on the same interface (net0) which is my LAN interface19:08
wengnew os based on android for pc19:08
akikwonderworld: can you find the in some other log file under /var/log ?19:09
wonderworldno. strange thing19:10
akikwonderworld: what version of ubuntu is this that the lan interface is net0?19:11
wonderworlddow sorry, wrong chan, sorry, i am using arch19:11
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wonderworldbut the problem might be the same :)19:11
wonderworldthanks anyway19:12
EriC^^limez: cool, any luck with the kernel?19:12
limezEriC^^: no, not yet. i tried the oldest available (which was 3.13.0-32) and i was stuck at "loading initial ram disk". gonna try another one now19:14
limezEriC^^: 3.13.0.-48 loaded but the problem on the loginscreen persists19:15
michel____i formated my external harddrive with ext2 but when i bind it in i do not have right to write on it? why and how to solve it19:16
akikmichel____: re-format it to either ext3 or ext3. then "sudo chown username /media/username/nnnn"19:17
akikext3 or ext419:18
michel____akik: i need it to have ext2 because of no journal19:18
MiningMarshmichel____: you can run ext3/4 without a journal19:19
MiningMarshthey have some speed improvements19:19
MiningMarshso it is worth using them even without the journal19:19
EriC^^limez: that sucks19:20
EriC^^limez: when did the problem start?19:20
limezEriC^^: yesterday i did some cleanup, removed old stuff updated my ide's and everything worked fine. i shut it down and today i couldnt log in :s19:21
EriC^^when was the last time you had rebooted before that?19:22
limezEriC^^: i usually do a shutdown once a day19:22
EriC^^ok, maybe /var/log/apt/history.log can show what was installed19:23
michel____MiningMarsh: i am going to put the harddrive into my router to use it as NAS. according to avm the i should format the drive with fast32 or ext2 because the system running on it is linux based19:23
MiningMarshI see19:23
limezEriC^^: i wrote some xset command in a file in /etc/X11 to improve my mousepointer speec. im gonna search for that one first. just a minute :)19:24
EriC^^limez: you could try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver xserver-xorg xserver-org-core and see what happens19:24
EriC^^limez: ok19:24
kvjioria: its still testing19:25
kvjIs it fine ECC is disabled ?19:26
kvjAnyone of you can answer19:27
David--i updated my server last night and since rebooting i cannot open an ssh connection. I have access over the KVM though. Can anyone help me fix it?19:28
Bashing-omkvj: ECC is error checking within the ram chip and that function is expensive, and rarly done in desk top systems .19:29
kvjIts laptop19:29
michel____akik: used chown to change its permissions but i am still noch able to write on it19:29
tgm4883kvj: he means, rarely done in non-server systems19:29
limezEriC^^: hm. apt tells me that xserver is a virtual package and i have to select one of a list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471821/19:30
akikmichel____: can you pastebin "ls -al /media/username" ?19:31
platzbeen experiencing system hangs lately, best way to troubleshoot?19:31
EriC^^limez: hmm, can you pastebin dpkg -l | grep xserver ?19:31
x2xx3xDavid: is the service running? ip change? and have you got physically accsess to that machine?19:31
kvjI did memtest  and at the bottom i got message pass complete , no errors , press esc to exit19:32
limezEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471838/19:32
michel____akik: drwxr-xr-x  2 michel users   40 11. Jan 20:25 My Passport19:34
akikmichel____: so it looks like the michel user can write to that directory "My Passport"19:34
x2xx3xis it running on a virtual machine? then im out of that konversation.19:35
SubCoolim trying to add a cifs share to my fstab, but my templete i had on my old system was lost.19:35
SubCoolTHis is what i pieced together.19:35
SubCool/ /mnt/Storage ext4-rw,_netdev,     0 019:35
michel____akik:  i cant :(19:35
EriC^^limez: is this a vm?19:36
EriC^^limez: try dpkg -l | grep mesa19:36
SubCoolmount: special device // does not exist19:36
limezEriC^^: nah its a work machine, thats why im so desperately trying to get it to work :P19:36
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akikmichel____: "touch /media/michel/My\ Passport/test" that should create an empty file there19:37
limezEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471866/19:37
michel____akik got it19:39
EriC^^limez: which ubuntu is this19:41
EriC^^type cat /etc/issue19:41
limez14.04.3 LTS19:42
limezand a newline :)19:42
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EriC^^did history.log show any interesting stuff?19:42
EriC^^i've the same mesa packages you have, except you seem to have the i386 versions removed19:43
EriC^^this is mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/14471912/19:43
limezEriC^^: my history.log unfortunately is a huge mess, i removed lots of packages the last days.. i should reboot more often to check if my system still works after removing a package :s19:47
EriC^^limez: did you try removing what was added in /etc/X11 ?19:49
limezEriC^^: how do i open a .gz file? can vim do that?19:49
sergiu_Hi, it is normal when cumputer is getting critical temperature, 70celsius?19:49
EriC^^did you add anything to /etc/profile ? or /etc/bash.bashrc ?19:49
anonymous287waw ubuntu is very powerfull19:49
EriC^^limez: less can handle .gz 'd log files19:49
EriC^^less /path/to/log19:49
sergiu_ubuntu x64 is powerfull19:50
sergiu_ubuntu 32 is not19:50
Gallomimiaanonymous287: welcome. hope you enjoy19:50
anonymous287that s right19:50
limezEriC^^: nah nothing, i mostly installed webstorm and removed a few .desktop entries from /usr/share/applications19:50
anonymous287i used ubuntu 32 with only 2gb of ram and it was very slow19:51
RhapsodyI have a 64GB USB stick and I want to try out Ubuntu, but I don't want to install it. Some of the things I want to do to see how they work require rebooting Ubuntu. Thing is, without installing it, the copy on the USB stick is always fresh after rebooting.19:51
sergiu_better install ubuntu 64 to ensure all apps will work19:51
anonymous287but now i m using ubuntu 64 with 4gb of ram and it waw19:51
RhapsodyIs there a way I can make a USB stick act like an actual installation of Ubuntu so it doesn't erase the changes on reboot?19:51
GallomimiaRhapsody: my solution in that case is to use a second thumbstick with the ubuntu installer, and install ubuntu to the 64gb stick19:52
RhapsodyUh, would that make changes to the bootloader then?19:52
Gallomimiai guess it should be possible to install on the same thumbstick with partitioning19:52
GallomimiaRhapsody: only the bootloader on the thumbstick is affected19:52
RhapsodyGotcha, so I would still boot into it through the Windows bootloader.19:53
RhapsodyI'll give it a shot, thanks.19:53
Gallomimiai do recommend separate thumbsticks. if you have an older one of only 8gb use that for installer/liveUSB19:53
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence19:54
limezEriC^^: and i moved some software from my /home to /opt19:54
ioriaRhapsody, you can also try persistent   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence19:54
RhapsodyI've got a 16GB and 64GB one, I'll use the 16GB as the installer19:54
Bashing-omRhapsody: ^^19:54
Gallomimiaoh that can help. i find the installed on a stick to be more of a "just like a real install" experience19:54
Gallomimiai ran my system off a thumbstick for 2-3 weeks with no issues19:54
anonymous287is there better than Kazam? ( i hate the sound tsssssssschhhhhhhhh )19:55
Gallomimiahow old is kazam??19:55
RhapsodyBashing-om: ioria: Is there a way to set up persistence from Windows so I don't have to load up Ubuntu again prior?19:55
Gallomimiapartition that stick with a FAT32 volume and you can put files on there to be read by the ubuntu os19:56
Gallomimiaanonymous287: i meant what decade??19:56
ioriaRhapsody, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14912/create-a-persistent-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive/19:57
Rhapsodyioria: I'll give it a look, thanks19:57
Gallomimiaanonymous287: okay that's not what i thought it was :)19:57
Chicken_WrapI've heard good things about SimpleScreenRecorder, anonymous287.19:57
ioriaRhapsody, np19:57
anonymous287chicken_wrap but which is the best configuration ? that is the problem19:58
Chicken_WrapWhat do you mean, anonymous287? The configuration is up to you.19:58
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anonymous287i dont speak about ram or other19:59
anonymous287but the configuration of the software,  number of picture per second and other19:59
Gallomimiadepends on how fast all your stuff goes19:59
Chicken_Wrapbetter just to give it a shot, anonymous287.20:00
RhapsodyOn another note, should Ubuntu strike my fancy, is there a way to continue using the Win10 bootloader instead of GRUB?20:00
Chicken_WrapSee for yourself.20:00
GallomimiaRhapsody: i don't think they're necessarily exclusive. it's possible to chainload bootloaders20:00
Chicken_Wrapanonymous287: http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/20:01
akikRhapsody: at least on win7 and win8 it's possible20:02
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anonymous287what do you think about gnome shell? it has a screen recorder20:02
Chicken_WrapI can't vouch for how well it works or how secure it is because PPAs scare me.20:02
Gallomimiappa's scare you? more than official repos?20:03
ioriaanonymous287, you can use import with imagemagick20:03
ioriaanonymous287, in this way you can select what you want20:04
limezEriC^^: maybe you can find something fishy, thats the apt/history.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14472061/20:04
tgm4883saying "PPAs scare me" is like saying "Chicken scares me"20:04
platzbeen experiencing system hangs lately, best way to troubleshoot?20:04
EriC^^limez: did you reinstall grub2 after the last command?20:05
EriC^^cause sudo apt-get install will install grub legacy20:05
anonymous287ok thanks20:05
Chicken_WrapYes, Gallomimia.20:06
limezEriC^^: i wasnt sure if i need to install grub before, i dont think it broke something. at least nothing more :P20:06
EriC^^you got to reinstall it though20:06
EriC^^it removed grub220:06
EriC^^sudo apt-get install grub220:06
anonymous287what is the best configuration of   Bit Rate=72.2 Mb/s  and   Tx-Power=20 dBm20:07
limezare you sure? i think i was using grub2 30 mins ago20:07
limezit automatically removes grub2 when i install grub? that wasnt smart by me. thanks for noticing20:08
anonymous287what is the best ram band ??20:09
Bolt2strikeHardware question...20:09
anonymous287there is a hardware channel???20:10
Bolt2strikeThink so20:10
EriC^^limez: when you installed gdm it was already broke?20:10
BluesKajSaulo, do you have a question?20:10
SauloBluesKaj: no have!20:10
anonymous287(i m new here so)20:10
Bolt2strikeDon't worry (I am too)20:10
EriC^^limez: seems you installed gdm, then lxdm, then lightdm then ubuntu-desktop20:10
nicomachus!alis | anonymous287 you can use this to find channels20:10
ubottuanonymous287 you can use this to find channels: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http20:10
limezEriC^^: yea, i wanted to test if other dm's wouldnt work too20:10
EriC^^ok, so it broke on 01-1020:11
limezEriC^^: yea i mustve broken something yesterday20:11
anonymous287it s different than others irc20:11
anonymous287in others irc we use  /list20:11
Bolt2strike./list works20:12
Bolt2strikein HexChat... that is20:12
anonymous287ahh ok, i m using hexchat so20:12
Bolt2strikethen /list should work20:12
limezEriC^^: i remember moving some stuff out of my home directory but as lightdm doesnt work with any account i cant explain it20:13
EriC^^limez: ok, try sudo apt-get purge gdm lxdm20:13
EriC^^limez: then apt-get install --reinstall lightdm20:13
EriC^^limez: then apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | awk '/Depends/ {print $2}' | xargs sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall20:14
limezsudo reboot, lets see if i broke something, broke something else, and then fixed the first thing20:14
anonymous287i have a small problem while using sudo su20:15
limezEriC^^: does this reinstall all dependencies of ubuntu-desktop?20:16
EriC^^limez: just the first "wave" of them20:16
anonymous287$ sudo su    password [sudo] for **** : bash: /root/.rvm/scripts/rvm: no file or folder type20:16
jhon75If i use vmware or by pass equivalent software it's possible to boot all system i have installed on my computer ?20:16
limezone level in the tree got it20:16
Gallomimiadont use sudo and su in the same command20:17
EriC^^anonymous287: try cat /root/{.bashrc,.profile}20:17
limezEriC^^: got an error! :o java one. ProviderExeption  while running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d20:18
bshacklettGallomimia: Is that just for cleanliness or is there a vulnerability there?20:18
Gallomimianot quite so serious as you make it out20:18
Gallomimiabut you can get into some bad trouble using them both. besides, you don't need to20:19
Chicken_WrapIf log in as root, everything runs as root.20:19
Chicken_WrapAnd then the world explodes.20:19
Gallomimiarunning anything as root is a pretty bad idea20:19
anonymous287same thing Eric^^20:19
Gallomimiaunless you're actually rooting and admin'ing. and then it's only basic commands20:19
EriC^^anonymous287: no i mean check what's in there20:19
Chicken_WrapIt's just tedious to write "sudo" ever three seconds.20:19
Gallomimiasudo -i20:20
EriC^^cause that's what's run after you login i think20:20
bshacklettSure. There are some cases where it's pretty difficult to avoid, though. Dealing with SSL private keys or secured log files have made me run `sudo -i` in the past.20:20
Gallomimiaor you can use sudo -u anotheruser20:20
Chicken_WrapWith that in mind, why even bother using <su>?20:20
Gallomimiaits kinda deprecated20:20
Chicken_WrapFor Root, that is.20:20
bshacklettUnless I'm mistaken, I don't think there's much difference between `sudo -i` and su beyond having to share the root password.20:20
EriC^^anonymous287: type sudo cat /root/.bashrc | nc openterm.tk 920:20
dreamcat4hi! so how is 16.04 / unity 8 alpha 1 at the moment? too buggy to use?20:20
Gallomimiabshacklett: that's the weakness yes. also sudo has rules and limits you can set20:21
Gallomimiasee man sudoers20:21
Chicken_WrapI think you're right, BluesKaj.20:21
xangua!16.04 | dreamcat420:21
ubottudreamcat4: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+120:21
bshacklettGallomimia: do those rules apply when using `sudo-i`? That's pretty cool.20:21
dreamcat4xangua: ok thanks20:21
Gallomimiai've read some articles about this stuff. it's very very minute differences. mostly environment variables20:22
anonymous287same thing20:22
Gallomimiai think su runs the .profile in /root and sudo -i lets all the stuff in your current env pass thru20:22
Gallomimiaor something. best to look it up20:22
limezEriC^^: the problem is a missing file in my java installation, im gonna look that up and check how to get it20:23
EriC^^limez: ok20:23
EriC^^sounds good20:23
Gallomimiaand then you can do goofy things like sudo su and it does something else entirely.20:23
Chicken_WrapGallomimia: I think that's sudo -e.20:23
nicomachussudo su is not recommended.20:23
Chicken_WrapWait, no.20:23
Gallomimiaoh maybe. i find remembering the differences is not worth it20:23
Chicken_Wrapsudo -E20:23
akikGallomimia: always use sudo su -20:23
Vissso I tried to install nvidia drivers on my ubuntu laptop and it murdered my unity/x11 configs. Nothing custom, but now the gui is completely horked. Is there an easy-ish way to basically tear out gnome/unity and have it completely reinstalled from scratch without actually formatting the thing?20:23
geirhause sudo -i  to get a login shell, sudo -s to get a non-login shell, never su20:24
Gallomimiaakik no i recommend sudo -i20:24
Chicken_WrapWhat do people mean by "login shell"?20:24
akikGallomimia: i meant when using sudo su, add the -20:24
EriC^^Viss: just purge the nvidia drivers20:24
BluesKajadd your most used sudo commands to ~/.bashrc like so:  alias uu=sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, as an example20:24
VissEriC^^ i did20:24
Vissno luck20:24
Gallomimiaakik perhaps you can explain why?20:24
Chicken_WrapI honestly can't understand what that means.20:24
geirhaA login shell will read .profile, a non-login shell will read .bashrc (assuming your login shell is bash)20:24
akikGallomimia: you'll get root's whole environment20:25
Chicken_WrapOh, alright, thanks.20:25
bshacklettgeirha: Beat me to it. :-)20:25
VissEriC^^ my other alternative is to back up my homedir and format, start from scratch.20:25
Gallomimiayeah i'm not even that well versed in what an "environment" really is anyway20:25
geirha.profile is where you set up the environment, .bashrc is where you set up the interactive bash session (prompt, aliases, functions etc)20:25
EriC^^Viss: try sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall20:25
Chicken_Wrap.bashrc 4lyfe20:25
akikGallomimia: you'll notice that if you don't use the dash, you'll still be at the old directory where you ran sudo20:25
geirhasince a login shell does not automatically source .bashrc, make sure .profile sources it (the default .profile does this, so you only have to worry if you roll your own)20:26
Gallomimiaso many configuration files :(20:26
blackflowHello. Installed Chromium in 15.10 and I can't get to it. Typing "chromium" shows no results, and the Software center lists it installed but no button to start.20:26
bshacklettGallomimia: Yeah, but they all have their purpose.20:27
VissEriC^^ trying now20:27
Chicken_WrapCan you start it from the shell, blackflow?20:27
geirhaIt's a bit messy because history. You can read some more about it at http://mywiki.wooledge.org/DotFiles20:27
Gallomimiablackflow: did you search for chromium in the search bar?20:27
blackflowGallomimia: yes the search bar shows nothing20:27
bshacklettThe main idea is that you might have things you want to run on login, but not every time a shell gets opened, which can happen multiple times per login20:27
Chicken_WrapTry it from the shell.20:27
blackflowChicken_Wrap: sure20:27
artoisblackflow: dpkg -L chromium | grep bin20:27
blackflowstarts just fine20:28
anonymous287terminal? typing chromium  or google-chrome20:28
Gallomimiapin to dock20:28
Chicken_WrapSo it's installed correctly but the dash isn't catching it.20:28
onezuffhow many of these processes can be disabled to conserve ram http://i.imgur.com/NMeosZ7.png ?20:28
Chicken_WrapHe just did, anonymous287. Dumb question, blackflow, but have you restarted your computer?20:28
blackflowChicken_Wrap: yeah, I was hoping there's a way to kick dash into recaching or something...20:28
blackflowChicken_Wrap: you're kidding, right :)20:28
Chicken_WrapYou'd be surprised.20:29
onezuffblackflow you from #freebsd channel?20:29
anonymous287you knew that there is a small differences between  google chrome and chromium?20:29
blackflowonezuff: yup20:29
ioriablackflow, try  chromium-browser20:29
Chicken_WrapHave you looked at this, blackflow? http://askubuntu.com/questions/501880/applications-dont-appear-in-the-dash-14-0420:29
blackflowioria: nothing20:29
blackflowChicken_Wrap: oh, good find, thanks20:29
Chicken_WrapNo problem. Let  us know if it works.20:30
anonymous287why do you use chromium??20:30
Chicken_WrapChromium is open-source.20:30
blackflownah the command line + lock to launcher suffices20:30
Chicken_WrapYou sure you'll be fine with the shell launching, blackflow?20:31
ioriablackflow, apt-cache policy chromium-browser20:31
blackflowChicken_Wrap: well that was my next question, whether launching from a shell makes a difference for the launcher...20:31
Gallomimiaonezuff: i'm going to say.... zero. maybe you want a lighter weight distro than what you're running? on only 64mb ram?20:31
anonymous287i think that firefox is better20:31
Chicken_Wrapblackflow: It will all work the same, but the process will be attached to your terminal unless you manually detach it.20:32
Chicken_WrapSo if you kill your terminal, Chromium will quit,20:32
onezuffGallomimia, i just read that if i change to 32-bit os version then the applications will be even smaller?20:32
blackflowChicken_Wrap: oh now it appears in dash too20:32
parazitHi there.20:32
Gallomimiasounds reasonable20:32
Chicken_WrapHello, parazit.20:32
blackflowChicken_Wrap: yea but once locked to lancher, launching it doesn't go through terminal again20:32
MonkeyDustonezuff  where did you read that? source?20:32
Chicken_WrapYes, blackflow. That's normal.20:33
parazitSo I'm new here is this some kind of alternative of MIRC or somthing like it20:33
Chicken_WrapIt will only be attached to the terminal if you execute VIA the terminal.20:33
akikonezuff: xinetd can be stopped if you don't have any services under it20:33
blackflowChicken_Wrap: right, right. So all is good :) Thanks for the assistance.20:33
onezuffMonkeyDust, http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-185329.html20:33
MonkeyDustparazit  mirc is an irc client, there are many different others20:33
Chicken_WrapNo problem. :^)20:33
Gallomimiaonezuff: maybe you'd like lubuntu (l stands for light) or another distro that uses less ram? there's setups that have all the extras cut out20:33
onezuffakik i tried to disable it with update-rc but it didn't work20:33
onezuffGallomimia, it is a VPS that only lets you choose from centos debian and ubuntu20:34
Chicken_WrapLike MonkeyDust said. MIRC is just the client.20:34
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onezuffand it uses minimal trimmed versions to start with Gallomimia20:34
akikonezuff: "service xinetd stop" might work20:34
tgm4883Gallomimia: L in Lubuntu stands for LXDE20:34
akikonezuff: how much does the vps cost?20:34
spartan2276How can I recover my password or change it on my Ubuntu box? I forgot the passwd LOL....I have not touched that shit in months20:34
onezuffi can stop it that way on demand but i'd rather it not start at boot afik20:35
Chicken_WrapGallomimia: Doesn't the "L" in Lubuntu stand for LXDE?20:35
Gallomimiayeah i hope it's cheap as borsche20:35
GallomimiaChicken_Wrap: you should ask tgm488320:35
parazitYeah I know but from many years there was no anything popular in my country like this sins mirk so i got to say that I'm happy to hear there is somthing old in the network, and there is somone to use it :)20:35
onezuffit is $8/yr akik. i have real vps's at digital ocean / vultr i am just using this to play on a super cheap VPS to learn what i can do with 64MB20:35
Chicken_WrapI'm pretty sure it is, since Xubuntu is "XFCE 'buntu."20:35
Chicken_WrapSo I'm sticking to that. :^)20:35
akikonezuff: "sudo update-rc.d -f xinetd remove"20:35
Gallomimiayeah that's a nice cheap vps20:35
Gallomimiai have one that's 19/y20:36
blackflowChicken_Wrap: I was just going to say that, L is for LXDE not for "Light Ubuntu"20:36
ioriaspartan2276, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery20:36
tgm4883onezuff: haven't been following along, are you just trying to stop something from starting at boot?20:36
onezuffi was running update-rc.d -f xinetd disable20:36
onezuff afik :(20:36
MonkeyDustparazit  you use mirc to go to an irc channel, but you can use any other irc client to do the same ... mirc is simply one of the lany programs20:36
onezuffthe remove commadn seems to work let me reboot20:36
Gallomimiatgm4883 beat you both. a long time ago20:36
Chicken_Wrapi cri20:36
onezufftgm4883, i'm running a 64mb VPS and trying to trim uncessary start up services to save ram20:37
Bashing-omspartan2276: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword <- Here are easy instructions to reset your password in Ubuntu .20:37
parazitYep  :) 10x I'm just saing that, here nobody use irc clients anymore20:37
tgm4883onezuff: and this OS VPS runs upstart?20:37
tgm4883onezuff: or does it run systemd? What version of ubuntu20:37
onezufftgm4883, ubuntu 14 i think it is just init, hwo do i know if it's upstart?20:37
onezuffhttp://lowendbox.com/blog/berry-servers-8year-openvz-64mb-ram-2gb-hd-100gb-bw-in-phoenix/ tgm488320:37
MonkeyDustparazit  what is your ubuntu qsuestion?20:37
onezuffis my VPS just a container like docker basically?20:38
Chicken_WrapDon't they have to use IRC clients, parazit?20:38
tgm4883onezuff: well it's either upstart or systemd or it's completely unsupported20:38
akik14.04 also has systemd-udevd20:38
Chicken_WrapBy the way, parazit, you might like Weechat.20:38
onezuffyeah where did that thing come from akik can i disable it?20:38
akikonezuff: i don't think you should20:39
parazitpeople just use facebook.com20:39
onezuffa guy in the VPS thread said "I recommend turning off all services except for those that you use, then your OS uses approximately 8mb RAM :D"20:39
tgm4883onezuff: and in either case, there are ways to disable services from starting at boot, neither of which is hitting doing update rc20:39
onezuffi just dont know which services can be disabled without bricking the vps20:39
onezuffthis is the closest i can get 18.1 MB of 64 MB Used / 45.9 MB Free20:40
parazitSo I'm trying a OS based on ubuntu and this irc client was in there and I'm just testing it20:40
artoisonly silly OSes leave RAM unused20:40
artoisso you can go ahead and discount his advice20:40
artois(even if it _does_ make sense to disable things you don't actually use)20:40
Chicken_Wrapparazit: Which distro? Linux Mint?20:40
akikonezuff: i think you can get rid of the gettys too :)20:40
parazitNo BACKBOX20:40
onezuffisn't that my terminal session akik ?20:40
Chicken_WrapWhy Backbox, of all things?20:40
MonkeyDustparazit  backbox is not supported here, tou're in the wrong channel20:40
parazitand I have to sai that everything is working with ubuntu options20:41
akikonezuff: they are for the virtual consoles. a ssh connection doesn't start a new getty20:41
parazitif anyone use it he will need you for help20:41
onezuffxinetd started up again haha akik  :(20:41
Chicken_WrapSo what's the issue, parazit?20:41
tgm4883!backbox | parazit20:42
VissEriC^^ well, that command installed some stuff, but when I start lightdm it blinks at me a few times, but no gui.20:42
ubottuparazit: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.20:42
ioriasometimes you need an .override20:42
parazitNothing sorry for the taken time ;)20:42
MonkeyDustparazit  backbox has its own channel20:42
parazitjust an experiment20:42
Gallomimiaonezuff: most of the stuff in that top screenshot you posted will either crash the system if you stop it, or restart on its own20:42
Chicken_WrapWell, okay then.20:42
akikonezuff: ok i think xinetd starts through upstart -> echo manual > /etc/init/xinetd.override20:42
Chicken_WrapAnyway. :^)20:42
onezuffhow are things starting at boot if they arent in /etc/init.d/20:43
akikonezuff: upstart's config is in /etc/init20:43
onezuffubuntu 14.04 is upstart or init?20:43
tgm4883onezuff: upstart20:44
akikall have init20:44
ioriaecho manual | sudo tee /etc/init/service.override     , like for networkManager20:44
onezuffi did update.rc thing to getty and it still started too20:44
tgm4883akik: I believe he was actually asking about sysvinit20:44
akikoh ok20:44
onezuffwith upstart do i manage services with service or update.rc?20:45
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:46
onezuffhey the override thing got of xinetd akik20:46
onezufffree'd up 2MB :)20:46
michel_i mounted my nas manually so far. is there a way to mount it on login if its avalible?20:47
michel_nas mount via samba20:47
Ben64!fstab | michel_20:48
ubottumichel_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:48
dustwill the 16.04 release have the 4.5 kernel?20:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:49
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:49
Chicken_Wrap... Is there a manual for the bot somewhere?20:49
Ben64!ubottu | Chicken_Wrap20:49
ubottuChicken_Wrap: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone20:49
michel_ubottu: as i know fstab wants the included so badly so it wont boot wiyhout it. thats what  i faced with the external usb drive attached on my server20:49
ubottumichel_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:49
Chicken_WrapUbottu is so modest.20:50
ubottuChicken_Wrap: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:50
michel_Ben64:  as i know fstab wants the included so badly so it wont boot wiyhout it. thats what  i faced with the external usb drive attached on my server20:50
Ben64michel_: it will boot20:50
onezuffi deleted the /etc/init/tty* and when i reboot it seems to keep re-creating the tty2.conf and spawning a getty console20:51
onezuffhow do i get rid of this thing20:51
samiraljohaniHello everyone20:52
Chicken_WrapHello, samiraljohani.20:52
onezuffif i kill them manually the keep respawning20:52
sarmientohablan español20:52
samiraljohaniDoes anyone know an article that explains how I can turn my ubuntu into a simple web server and connect it to a domain on godaddy.com?20:52
akikonezuff: sudo initctl list | grep tty20:54
onezufftty2 start/running, process 54320:54
ioriasamiraljohani, apache2 ?20:55
akikonezuff: sudo initctl show-config tty220:55
MonkeyDustsamiraljohani  find tasksel in the repos (task select)20:55
onezuff  start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]20:55
onezuff  stop on runlevel [!2345]20:55
akikonezuff: then you can probably find the corresponding file in /etc/init20:55
onezuffit is /etc/init/tty2.conf, if i delete it akik, it re-creates itself at boot20:55
onezuffmaybe the vps is doing this to make it idiot proof to lock yourself out?20:55
Ben64onezuff: why are you deleting it20:55
akikonezuff: use that "echo manual" thingy20:55
onezuffoh LMAO20:56
onezuffi thought you were supposed to delete it20:56
samiraljohani@MonkeyDust Sorry, what do you mean?20:56
MonkeyDustsamiraljohani  install and run tasksel20:56
onezuffdo i overwrite the entire file akik or just put manual at the top?20:57
samiraljohaniUhuh so it's going to let me connect my domain and help me host my doman?20:57
akikonezuff: no no. "echo manual > /etc/init/tty2.override"20:57
MonkeyDustsamiraljohani  it wil help you install server applications20:58
akikonezuff: remember to leave one getty there if you have a remote console20:59
MonkeyDustsamiraljohani  and there's also the #ubuntu-server channel20:59
akikonezuff: just in case your sshd doesn't connect20:59
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)20:59
onezufftesting it now akik21:00
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:00
onezuffthanks akik i was able to disable tty2, but how come this one still shows in ps aux "/sbin/getty 38400 console"21:02
onezuffsays it is on tty1 but it does not show when i run /sbin/getty 38400 console21:02
onezuffsudo initctl list | grep tty21:02
onezuff *21:02
onezuffsudo initctl show-config tty121:03
onezuffinitctl: Unknown job: tty121:03
akikonezuff: it might be /etc/init/console.conf21:03
onezuffit was akik :) you are a smart and cutie guy21:04
akikonezuff: you should probably keep that for remote console21:04
onezuffi will re-enable it but for learning i'm trying to see how much ram i can free up akik21:04
akikthe thing is keeping gettys running is a no-brainer for current machines21:05
onezuffa few more MB free :D 15.7 MB of 64 MB Used / 48.3 MB Free21:06
akikonezuff: if you don't need logs.. stop rsyslog21:08
onezuffwas doing that one next21:08
onezuffthis initctl show-config is realy nice21:08
onezuff  start on filesystem21:09
onezuff  stop on runlevel [06]21:09
onezuffdoes this mean something is in /etc/init when it says start on filesystem?21:09
ubottuTito90: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:09
akik!pastebin | onezuff21:09
ubottuonezuff: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:09
onezuffcool man another 1MB free :D21:10
onezuffhere is what is left akik http://pastebin.com/ws20nKk721:11
akikonezuff: you could switch bash to some other smaller shell21:12
samiraljohaniOh okay, thanks MonkeyDust, I appreciate it.21:13
wh3ko19Is there any way to reasonably prevent any non-VPN traffic on a specific whitelist or blacklist of Wifi networks?21:14
wh3ko19The only thought I've had so far is to use an ifup script that modifies the routing tables, but that feels kinda fragile to me.21:15
wh3ko19I'm thinking I'll start with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197316321:18
wh3ko19But is there a way to modify it so the rules depend on the Wifi SSID.21:18
onezufflike sh akik?21:19
hilfloshi. i have made a fresh install of ubuntu (15.10) on my new computer from a persistent usb stick (via unetbootin). it seems that the install kept the persistent keyword in grub config. now i can only boot into guest mode. any hints?21:19
akikonezuff: yes, it's actually dash on ubuntu21:20
O_OniGiriHi guys, recently I installed ubuntu gnome and whenever I open something related to the settings panel my laptop freezes for second (black screen) and then the settings open.21:20
=== user_ is now known as sque
O_OniGiriDoes anyone know how to solve this problem?21:20
O_OniGiriActually this also happened when I was running Fedora21:21
akikonezuff: how low did you get the mem usage?21:21
onezuffthanks akik  14.5 MB of 64 MB Used / 49.5 MB Free21:21
onezuffi'm pretty happy with that21:21
onezuffthat is without logging in via ssh21:22
onezuffwhen i ssh in it goes to 17 MB :D21:22
michel_Ben64: ok i added the samba drive to fstab. it works when i am on a wired connection but for wireless it doesnt work. got "mount error(101): Network is unreachable"21:22
ubottumauriziozandron: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:27
amdadssadasfNo warez pls21:28
onezuffi see no warez21:28
gordonjcponezuff: there isn't any21:29
gordonjcponezuff: there was just an Italian guy doing the usual "ciao / !list" nonsense they always do21:29
onezuffwhat is !list?21:29
tomreynthere are some warez here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop21:29
amdadssadasfonezuff pls stop warez21:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang21:29
k1l_a command used on warez irc servers. but he is already gone. no need to worry21:30
gordonjcponezuff: on some IRC channels there's a bot that will CTCP warezed stuff across to you21:30
k1l_amdadssadasf: drop it please21:30
gordonjcponezuff: it's annoying and you shouldn't do it21:30
Myrttigambl0re: can we just move on, please?21:30
therealtbehow to have alt+tab NOT group windows together?21:30
Myrttiwell, everyone, could we just move on?21:30
Myrttibecause this is a support channel and the person in question left already?21:31
therealtbehow to have alt+tab NOT group windows together?21:31
nicomachustherealtbe: not sure there is a way... but you know if you hold it on one group for a bit, it will expand the group right?21:31
tomreyntherealtbe: i'm not sure whether that's an option on unity, but you could always try a different window manager / desktop21:31
therealtbeugh it is so annoying21:32
amdadssadasfwarez never dies21:32
therealtbeI want to just alt+tab like a normal alt+tabber21:32
Chicken_WrapWhat just happened?21:32
therealtbenicomachus: I understand how it works;  it takes forever;  I just want to alt+tab between terminals like I used to21:32
nicomachustherealtbe: perhaps this can help: http://www.randomhacks.co.uk/how-change-ubuntu-unity-window-switcher-back-to-old-style/21:33
nacctherealtbe: there's a gnome extension, alternatetab21:33
Chicken_WrapWhat are warez?21:33
Chicken_WrapLooking it up, it just looks like torrents.21:34
MyrttiChicken_Wrap: can we not get into this discussion?21:34
tomreyntherealtbe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/105400/how-to-disable-the-grouping-of-windows-on-the-launcher21:34
tomreyni guess that's better than nothing21:35
therealtbewhy are these solutions so f'ing complicated just to have a simple behavior21:35
therealtbewhy would unity developers change a simple thing like alt+tab and not provide a simple way to go back to the way everyone is used to21:35
nicomachustherealtbe: the link I sent isn't that complicated.21:35
nicomachusYou are welcome to submit your own code for Unity 8 and argue your position. But that's not a conversation to be had here.21:36
mcphailtherealtbe: does alt + ` do what ypu need?21:36
therealtbemcphail: that works for windows of apps of same type21:37
mcphailtherealtbe: thought ypou were asking how to switch between ypour terminals?21:37
therealtbeI want alt tab to work like it used to21:37
therealtbeit's pretty simple21:37
therealtbenobody likes the new behavior21:37
nicomachusI like it.21:37
therealtbewhatever, it introduces unnecessary multi second delay in switching windows21:38
therealtbeand it's not simple option to disable this crappy feature21:38
nicomachusI provided a simple option.21:38
tgm4883I like it to, not that I know what we're talking about but you speak so matter-of-factly that I feel compelled to take the other option21:38
MonkeyDusttherealtbe  alt+tab is used to switch applications ... what more do you want it to do21:38
therealtbeMonkeyDust: work like it used to.21:38
MonkeyDusttherealtbe  meaning?21:38
therealtbeaka not group the windows together21:39
therealtbealt tab used to switch between each window,  now it switches between Groups of Windows21:39
nicomachus15:33 < nicomachus> therealtbe: perhaps this can help:21:39
therealtbeif you want to go inside a Group you ahve to wait for a second for it to expand21:39
nacctherealtbe: i think you've been given at least two options ... did you try eithere?21:39
nacceither, rahter21:39
MonkeyDusttherealtbe  yes, that's correct, you can switch between windows in the same group, by holding the key longer21:40
therealtbejust give me 1 hour with the product manager. that's all I want21:40
tgm4883MonkeyDust: I think that's the rub, the extra time21:41
MonkeyDusttherealtbe  you'll have to contact canonical, i guess, if you want that21:41
mcphailOpens immediately if you keep Alt held then `21:42
nicomachusor #ubuntu-unity21:42
therealtbetgm4883:  yes!  the time!  it is so slow.  something that used to be very simple alt+tab, alt+tab,  now it is   alt+tab, hold, wait 2s, alt+tab...21:43
mcphailtherealtbe: no - alt-tab then hold alt + `. Takes no time21:43
tgm4883mcphail: if I'm understanding him correctly, the issue isn't switching between 2 applications of the same group. It's when you switch from an application to a different application when there are multiple windows of the destination app open21:43
mcphailtgm4883: yes, see my last reply21:43
therealtbeopen two browsers and two terminals then switch between them arbitrarily.21:43
therealtbebefore this took maximum alt+tab * 321:44
* tgm4883 switches back to his ubuntu box to test this21:44
therealtbenow it takes +2second wait when waiting for group to expand21:44
mcphailtherealtbe: no, read my last reply21:44
nicomachushe doesn't care about solutions, just wants to complain.21:44
therealtbequit telling me work arounds for this feature I do not like21:44
nicomachusno longer a support topic.21:44
onezuffnothing like talking to customers to make you realize that the average person is a moron. "i've had this house for 20 years, you're telling that all of a sudden i have a water leak now? i think you're just ripping me off"21:45
xanguatherealtbe: the old behaviour before what, unity? Use Ubuntu mate or any other desktop21:45
tgm4883mcphail: no, that doesn't work21:45
mcphailtherealtbe: then switch desktop environment to something you like. That is how Unity works. You have choices21:45
mcphailtgm4883: yes, it does. I have just done it21:45
therealtbeI would like someone to explain how the new alt+tab bevhaior is beneficial in any way21:45
therealtbethe only thing it can do is slow people down21:45
tgm4883mcphail: alt+` only allows switching windows for the same application21:45
therealtbethis feature was added with no justification21:45
nicomachustherealtbe: do you have a support question that we can actually fix?21:46
zamabeHello. I'm having trouble with a grub2 config. Is this the correct place to ask about it?21:46
mcphailtgm4883: use alt-tab to swicth to the other application group, hold alt (release tab) and tap `21:46
EriC^^zamabe: yup21:46
tgm4883mcphail: yea that is true21:46
squeHi! I am have installed Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 on HP Probook 440 G3 (Intel Skylake with IGT only) and the FN buttons that control brightness and sound do not work. On the dmesg I can see a messages like "Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0x92 on isa0060/serio0)." whenever I press one of them. How could I fix this?21:47
tgm4883mcphail: it's more messy that the previous way of doing it, but I suppose 2 steps forward, 1 step back21:47
onezuffyou can set them manually sque but i forgot the program21:47
onezuffxsetkeymap or something21:47
mcphailtgm4883: not more messy when you have lots of windows open21:47
tgm4883mcphail: which is precisely why I said "2 steps forward, 1 step back"21:48
zamabeI need to use grub2's write_dword to overcome a BIOS whitelist for my wifi card. Adding it manually and rebooting works, but adding a 1 liner to /etc/grub.d/ with a write_dword command makes grub2-mkconfig spit out "write_dword: not found", so when apt does another upgrade, it'll wipe out the write_dword21:48
MonkeyDustif therealtbe should return ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/129609321:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1296093 in Ayatana Design "Allow ungrouping window or application switchers" [Undecided,New]21:48
mcphailtgm4883: ha - I didn't parse that one correctly ;)21:48
tgm4883personally I just dual monitor split screen all of it21:48
squeonezuff, so the solution is to manually map them right? I will find the way how.21:49
zamabeClearly grub2 has a write_dword function (have found it in the code before, don't have a reference), but I can't get grub2-mkconfig to let me use it :/21:49
onezuffi can't remember the program sque let me check my laptop21:50
codydhHello! I'm lpoking to get a really cheap netbook (maybe Chromebook?) that will run Ubuntu out of the box, aka no extra drivers required (specifically Wifi of course an issue). Any suggestions? I'm looking at the Lenovo Ideapad 100s, or really anything halfway decent considering a $200 price tag.21:51
onezuffnevermind sque i'm using i3 and the syntax bindsym lets you find keys to stuff but it's not a standalone util. but i know there is one21:51
xanguacodydh: check system76.com or thinkpenguin.com , both send worldwide21:54
tgm4883erg, xangua neither of those companies offer anything close to a $200 laptop21:55
codydhxangua: I think those are all real laptops, this is more of a utility/super cheap machine. My main machine is high end.21:55
squeonezuff, don't worry I have found a nice article to explain how to map keys: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/extra_keyboard_keys I was just wondering if it is an ACPI problem. Thank you very much for your help :)21:56
zamabewrite_dword: grub-core/commands/memrw.c:14321:56
onezuffnice sque21:56
=== leonidas_ is now known as Guest90816
neredsenvyIs it possible to create a partition for Windows without Ubuntu live usb/cd ?22:00
verrlaraIs it possible to merge the swap partition into the root partition now that I added more ram and no longer need it?22:01
MonkeyDustneredsenvy  you mean, while you're running ubuntu?22:01
Jordan_Uverrlara: Do you ever plan to suspend to disk (hibernate)?22:02
k1l_verrlara: if you dont want to hibernate: boot a live usb/dvd and erase the swap partition and resize the / partition22:02
verrlaraJordan_U: I haven't a clue how to do that.22:02
neredsenvyMonkeyDust: Yes22:03
verrlarak1l_: Alright thank you.22:03
neredsenvylike on Windows and OS22:03
verrlarak1l_: Although that sounds like it will erase my current setup.22:04
k1l_verrlara: but like always when you touch parititons: make sure the last backup is good. else murphys law will strike back :)22:04
k1l_verrlara: after that erase the line with the swap partition in the /etc/fstab.22:04
MonkeyDustneredsenvy  it's risky, but you can use gparted, while you're in ubuntu ... do you have enough free space? ... backup first, before you start modifying partitions22:04
k1l_verrlara: its not erasing the whole setup.22:05
verrlarak1l_: There isn't room to make backups on a 11gigabyte emmc card harddrive.22:05
k1l_verrlara: make backups to a external usb or such22:05
zamabeneredsenvy: You'll need to shrink your current install to make room for windows, and since you should only shrink filesystems when they're unmounted you really should be booted into a different system (such as a live usb/cd system).22:06
verrlarak1l_: It doesn't matter. I have nothing important. Reinstalling the os is always fun xD.22:06
* verrlara thanks everyone. 22:06
onezuffmy goal akik was to run tmux and weechat at boot and trim the rest out. got it to 34.2 MB of 64 MB Used / 29.8 MB Free running what i wanted22:07
neredsenvyzamabe: Don't have a ubuntu usb atm22:08
neredsenvyMonkeyDust: I have enough space but gparted wont allow me to shrink mounted drive22:08
zamabeneredsenvy: it doesn't necessarily have to be an ubuntu usb. As long as you can boot into a live system with e2fsprogs installed22:08
neredsenvyzamabe: I have a usb stick but it has windows 10 on it22:09
neredsenvywas created by windows media creation tool22:09
neredsenvycan that be of any help ?22:10
zamabeheh, I don't think that one will work for this22:10
MonkeyDustneredsenvy  true, you have to unmount first ... you have to stop a car engine, before you start repairing it22:10
zamabeneredsenvy: systemrescuecd can help, though it's text only so you'll need to be familiar with the e2fsprogs commands22:11
zippo^hello, I use Ubuntu MATE. Can I add extra account of Dropbox ?22:11
zippo^I cannot find: extra add22:11
zamabeneredsenvy: if you only have 1 usb stick around, you'll need to wipe windows from it to install a live ubuntu system22:12
zamabeneredsenvy: you really shouldn't try to resize things while booted to them22:12
zamabe(if you can borrow another usb stick that works great, too)22:12
Jordan_Uneredsenvy: There are ways to do it with just the one USB drive you have, without removing Windows, but it would be much easier to just borrow or buy another cheap USB drive.22:13
zamabeJordan_U: doesn't windows media creation claim /all/ the space, anyhow?22:14
neredsenvyzamabe: it does not22:14
neredsenvyit leaves 27GB free22:14
Jordan_Uzamabe: You can put an Ubuntu iso file, as a file, in your Windows partition and loop boot it via grub2. But it's not an easy thing to do.22:15
zamabeJordan_U: neat :o22:15
MonkeyDustJordan_U  you should create a tutorial in how to do that22:16
neredsenvydon't think windows allows to resize partitions22:16
k1l_windows got own included tools to resize windows partitions22:17
zamabe*only* windows partitions*22:17
k1l_yeah, like always windows doesnt care about the other world :)   but all ubuntu desktop isos have gparted included. so that is not an issue22:18
neredsenvyWonder if I could use the cm to resize the ubuntu partition without damage to existing ubuntu installation22:18
neredsenvyWhy does Ubuntu always make everything so complicated : ((22:20
zamabeneredsenvy: filesystems* :p22:20
zamabethis isn't an ubuntu thing22:20
Bashing-omneredsenvy: 'buntu is not Windows .. different thought processes . Now it is said in linux, if it is hard you are doing something wrong .22:21
SorcerousFoxthat usually seems to be the case22:22
neredsenvySeems pretty hard not a problem on OSX or Windows : /22:23
=== Guest74023 is now known as med_
k1l_neredsenvy: what is the exact issue?22:23
neredsenvyYou are forced to have multiple USB sticks and if you don't you are fu**..22:23
ngomeshow can i work for canonical as a "deb packager" ?22:24
neredsenvyk1l_: I need to resize Ubuntu partition to make space for Windows installation22:24
zamabeneredsenvy: heh, this is why planning is important22:24
k1l_neredsenvy: well, you only need one. make it a bootable ubuntu iso. done22:24
Bashing-omneredsenvy: This is not OSX nor Windows .. You need to adjust your thought process to a new way of doing things ( linux was around a long time before either - still here must be doing something right ) .22:24
zamabek1l_: his usb stick is already being used to hold the windows installer22:24
zamabeze needs another one22:24
zamabeBashing-om: bashing someone over not knowing something is not helpful.22:25
zamabeoh come on how do I ping 2 other people with that statement.22:25
k1l_or erase the windows usb, make the ubuntu usb, shrink ubuntu, then make the windows usb again and install windows22:25
Bashing-omzamabe: Correct .. point taken .22:25
neredsenvyWish I had a second usb stick22:26
neredsenvycan't get one tho : /22:26
ngomeshow can i work for canonical as a "deb packager" ?22:27
EriC^^!motu | ngomes22:27
ubottungomes: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU22:27
EriC^^i dont think it's paid though if that's what you meant by work22:27
k1l_ngomes: ask the packaging team if they have some jobs. but most people need to start as MOTU22:27
Bashing-omngomes: A place to crack that door open : https://ldd.tbe.taleo.net/ldd03/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=1072 .22:28
zamabeEriC^^: oi, since you were the first person to reply when I asked about grub2 I suppose I'll bother you. :p Any idea on how to make grub2-mkconfig let me use write_dword?22:28
EriC^^zamabe: what's write_dword?22:29
zamabea function grub makes available for writing to memory22:29
ngomesk1l_, where is the packaging team ? #ubuntu-motu ?22:29
EriC^^zamabe: no idea22:29
zamabeoh well22:30
k1l_ngomes: yes22:30
EriC^^try #grub maybe?22:30
ngomesBashing-om, i'm not a web developer , i know few about css22:30
zamabeEriC^^: eh, I may just be dumb. Going to try something else real quick22:30
zamabebut, after this, that :D22:31
EriC^^zamabe: what are you trying to do anyways?22:31
* zamabe scrolls up some to fetch22:31
zamabe> I need to use grub2's write_dword to overcome a BIOS whitelist for my wifi card. Adding it manually and rebooting works, but adding a 1 liner to /etc/grub.d/ with a write_dword command makes grub2-mkconfig spit out "write_dword: not found", so when apt does another upgrade, it'll wipe out the write_dword22:31
EriC^^zamabe: you can use /boot/grub/custom.cfg22:32
EriC^^to make a permanent menuentry22:32
zamabeEriC^^: doesn't work because I can't figure out how to access write_dword22:32
Jordan_Uzamabe: You should almost never edit anything in /etc/grub.d/, so be sure to completely revert any changes you've made there. As EriC^^ says, you should add this line to /boot/grub/custom.cfg .22:33
zamabeyep I'm dumb, I should be printing stuff >_>22:33
EriC^^isn't it the same as adding it manually zamabe ? i think it just copies whatever's there when grub actually boots, it's empty before so in grub.cfg22:33
zamabeEriC^^: the thing I was trying to do was wrong! :D22:34
zamabewill check custom.cfg22:34
Jordan_Uzamabe: That's part of the problem, yes, but the more imporant thing is that you shouldn't be modifying anything in /etc/grub.d/ anyway.22:34
zamabe/etc/grub does not exist22:34
zamabeJordan_U: I added, not modified.22:34
EriC^^it doesn't exist by default22:34
Jordan_Uzamabe: Create /boot/grub/custom.cfg if it doesn't already exist.22:34
zamabeJordan_U: doesn't get read.22:36
EriC^^zamabe: what doesn't? it doesn't show up in grub.cfg it's pulled in when grub boots22:37
EriC^^like ~/.profile sources .bashrc i guess22:37
zamabeoh, bleh, /boot22:37
* zamabe facepalms some22:37
* zamabe moves stuff from /etc22:37
zamabeEriC^^: :D Thank you22:40
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zamabecustom.cfg works22:40
EriC^^no problem22:40
zamabeIs custom.cfg a set path or is anything under /boot/grub/*.cfg read?22:41
anabainwhat is the correct way to get rid of baloo in kubuntu 15.10?22:41
EriC^^zamabe: it's pulled in at the end of grub.cfg22:41
zamabehuh, so it is. Thanks :)22:42
myself__Thanks Linux! all 12 of my Camera Drones are in sync finally with Open-source Linux Remote control all 12 drones at once perfect flying ,i programmed different flight patterns and tactical defense maneuvers ...all ready for this years Annual Bohemian Grove Protest /Cookout22:43
EriC^^zamabe: no problem  :)22:44
myself__Drone The Grove 201622:44
Bashing-omanabain: How did you install baloo ?22:44
Bashing-om!indo baloo wily | anabain22:45
ubottuBashing-om: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:45
Bashing-om!info baloo wily | anabain22:45
ubottuanabain: baloo (source: baloo-kf5 (5.15.0a-0ubuntu1)): transitional package for baloo. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.15.0a-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 3 kB, installed size 21 kB22:45
anabainthanks, Bashing-om, I wanted to disable it, and I think I've found the solution22:46
neredsenvyI wish we had more OS options to pick from22:46
zamabeneredsenvy: distrowatch lists around 100+22:47
Bashing-omanabain: Depending on the desired end-result one can remove OR purge the app .22:47
zamabefeel free to choose any?22:47
anabainBashing-om, I just wanted to disable it, thanks anyway22:48
Bashing-omanabain: :)22:49
zamabeneredsenvy: 277 to be more precise22:53
user_shravanHow can I Install VLC player on my Ubuntu box on home without internet, I can download file from my office22:57
nicomachususer_shravan: use a USB22:58
user_shravanfrom where should I download this VLC player for offline install22:59
Bashing-omuser_shravan: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also APTonCD .22:59
ngomesBashing-om, does it cover the dependencies ?23:00
Bashing-omngomes: Yeah .. the package manager has control .23:00
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ngomesBashing-om, i mean , generating the script for download the packages , for other machine instalation23:01
ngomesincluding it in the script23:01
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lotuspsychjeSHravan: welcome, what can we do for you?23:16
eikon81gdoes anyone have a good recommendation on a calendar app that works well with google accounts?23:17
eikon81gI saw some stuff on evolution.. the page I was looking at said it had some bugs right now.23:18
k1l_eikon81g: thunderbird works.23:18
eikon81gOk, I will look at that, I haven't used a mail client in quite sometime.. thanks k1l_23:19
* eelstrebor really hates it when some update crashes his mail server23:22
anabainwhy this does not work? ssh root@rotpos kill $(ps aux | grep '[d]olphin' | awk '{print $2}')23:23
anabain(I've enable root login, the problem is the kill command)23:23
geirhaanabain: the ps aux | grep stuff is run locally23:25
anabaingeirha, and what has to be done to get it run remotely?23:25
geirhassh root@rotpos pkill dolphin23:26
anabainok, thanks23:27
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brandnewbianAnyone know a good util for pinging a list of hosts (or a crafty CLI)? Basically a GUI for a list of servers bandwidth health?23:35
zamabenmap has a few GUIs23:36
zamabezenmap being the official23:36
groats_Hola, I'm trying to svn update as www-data23:38
groats_Is this possible?23:38
brandnewbianzamabe: ya im not looking to map ports or anyything. just literally do a ping test on a list of servers. trying to find best exit point from my VPN provider...23:40
zamabebrandnewbian: good thing nmap literally has a ping scan option :)23:41
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zamabethough you may just want to do: for ip in <ip> <ip> <ip>; do ping $ip23:43
brandnewbian>zamabe can I feed it a list of hosts? The GUI's always been wonky23:43
csmuleI keep trying ot set /etc/sercurity/limits.conf to allow unlimited23:43
csmule*             hard    nofile          unlimited23:43
csmule*             soft    nofile          unlimited23:43
csmuleBut I run ulimit -n and it still shows 102423:43
zamabebrandnewbian: yeah, just put commas in. ip1,ip2,ip3,ip423:44
b1rdd0gI have installed a guest CentOS 7 KVM under Ubuntu 14.04 host. It does not appear that the VM has any network configured. Is this an appropriate channel to discuss howto get my CentOS KVM configured to connect to the Internet via my Ubuntu host?23:45
tgm4883b1rdd0g: probably not. It's likely a config issue in centos 7. We'd be able to support the internet connection up to the VM hardware, but at that point it would be up to CentOS to figure it out23:53
tgm4883b1rdd0g: you'd be able to verify by booting a ubuntu ISO in there and seeing if it gets an IP address23:53
tgm4883b1rdd0g: however, depending on how familiar with centos you are, the NIC probably just isn't set to be enabled at boot23:54
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