
yofelI merged 5% of applications..00:10
yofelthis will take a while00:10
valorieyofel: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} for doing all this work00:15
sneleguys just to let you know I installed wily on test partition, installed updates, added backports-landing ppa and after reboot system wont boot00:17
snelein dmesg there are sddm segfalts 00:17
valoriethat's not good00:17
snelei can start system with startx but its broken00:17
yofelis apport catching the crash at least?00:19
sneleyofel: system is not booting. when I boot it with startx command plasma crashes and freezes all the time00:20
sneleyofel: in dmesg it said something like this "sddm segfalt in qt5core.co"00:20
snelemaybe I had no luck :)00:21
snele*i just had no luck :)00:22
valoriesnele: if you try updating and full-upgrade again, does anything more happen?00:22
yofelwell, it''s not like I haven't seen sddm crashes in the past. But this is too vague for debugging :/00:22
snelevalorie: no.00:22
yofelwell, I'm off to bed for now. I'll read in the morning if you find out more. nini00:24
valoriesweet dreams, yofel00:25
snelenite yofel00:25
valoriesnele: how about sudo apt install -f00:25
valoriewhere -f=fix00:26
snelevalorie: tried that also00:26
valorieand dpkg configure -a ?00:26
sneleall packages installed without errors. i don't know what went wrong00:26
snelevalorie: i didn't tried last one 00:27
valoriewell, your example is keeping me from upgrading 00:27
valorieuntil later, at least00:27
valoriesnele: that should catch any bad configs00:27
snelewhat i really want to test is xenial but installer crashes on dailies... :(00:28
snelevalorie: I will reboot to test00:28
valorieI've not upgraded xenial either00:28
snelevalorie: I could not fix it01:07
sneleI will install again wily on test partition and test again01:07
DarinMillerWhat's the easiest way to see a log of today's discussions? Has anyone mentioned that 5.5.3 landing causes sddm to fail? This may be an upstream issue, but it showed up with landing update. 02:25
DarinMillerI checked on bugs.kde.org but have yet to find a similar bug.02:26
ahoneybunDarinMiller, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/01/12/%23kubuntu-devel.html02:28
ahoneybuntoday: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/01/11/%23kubuntu-devel.html02:29
ahoneybunthe other one is kinda tomorrow's lol02:29
DarinMillerCool. I am new to IRC as you probably guessed.02:29
ahoneybunit's all good, Welcome!02:30
ahoneybunwe were all new once02:30
_Groo_yofel: im glad to report that the wifi problem was an old plasmashellrc02:37
_Groo_once i got rid of the crud it started working correctly02:38
DarinMillerbtw, I found a "fix" for the xenial install failure.  I will post in a second for snele reference.  And to answer snele question, 16.04 also has the sddm failure.02:45
DarinMillerTo fix xenial install issue (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1529450  AttributeError: 'PageKde' object has no attribute 'get_secureboot_key')02:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529450 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[master] AttributeError: 'PageKde' object has no attribute 'get_secureboot_key'" [Critical,Triaged]02:49
DarinMillerGrab a 15.10 iso and mount it (Disk image mounter in dolphin works great). 02:53
DarinMillerCopy /casper/filesystem.squashfs to a temp directory02:54
DarinMillernavigate to the temp dir and run sudo unsquashfs -x filesystem.squashfs02:55
DarinMillerrenme squashfs-root directory to 15.1002:56
DarinMillergrab the same filesytem.squash file from the 16.04 and perform the same operation02:58
DarinMillercopy the /usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-prepare.py from the 15.10 sub folder to the same loacation in the 16.04 folder.02:58
DarinMillerthen run the following command on the 16.04 folder sudo mksquashfs squashfs-root filesystem.squashfs -b 1024k -comp xz -Xbcj x86 -e boot02:59
DarinMillermake a std bootable 16.04 bootable usb and copy the new filesystem.squashfs file to the /casper directory on the 16.04 iso. 03:00
DarinMillerInstall as usual.03:01
DarinMillerNot sure why, but when I make my squash file, it's ~300 to 400mb smaller than the original.03:02
DarinMillerNote: unsquashing and resquashing must be performed as root on the 16.04 file to maintain correction permissions.03:03
soeewhy so long names: plasma-look-and-feel-org-kde-breezedark-desktop and qml-module-qtquick-controls-styles-breeze ?05:44
soeeyofel: were there any important changes in sddm lately? Atm. if i logout and try to login, it fails 2 times (if i enter password i see black screen with some text for 1-2 sec. and im moved back to sddm), than third attempt works fine07:11
stefanwhey guys, i'd like to test plasma 5.5.307:58
soeehi stefanw08:02
stefanwhi soee08:02
soeestefanw: you wan tot test it for Wily right ?08:02
stefanwyes. i am already using kubuntu-ci/unstable but would like something with less #updates per hour ;)08:03
soeewell i'm not sure if it is good idea to mix kubuntu-ci/unstable with backports landing ppa08:04
soeebut to test out packages you have to add: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing08:04
stefanwi would of course purge kubuntu-ci first08:05
soeeit contains Plasma 5.5.3 and Frameworks 5.1808:05
soeestefanw: ok so please do it first08:05
soeethan test are more accurate08:05
stefanwsoee: sure08:07
=== fra is now known as Guest87051
stefanwsoee: i'm on plasma 5.5.3 - already much better then kubuntu-ci/unstable and plasma 5.4.x08:55
stefanwsoee: no issues so far08:55
soeestefanw: no errors during upgrade etc ?09:02
stefanwno errors during upgrade09:04
stefanwit only asked me about an sddm config file that i supposedly changed and i chose to use the package-maintainer's version09:04
valoriesoee: did you see the comments earlier about sddm?09:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529450 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[master] AttributeError: 'PageKde' object has no attribute 'get_secureboot_key'" [Critical,Triaged]09:05
valorienoone assigned as yet09:06
soeewhat comments ? :)09:06
valoriesnele had a bad experience as did another user who posted that bug report link09:08
valorieyou asked about sddm earlier09:08
soee_yofel: so stefanw tested Plasma 5.5.3 for willy and says all went fine09:23
clivejogood morning ladies and gentlemens09:58
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
jussiGood Evening all10:55
soee_hiho clivejo11:18
clivejohi soee_11:19
clivejoanything exciting with you?11:19
clivejomorning bluesabre#11:22
clivejomorning BluesKaj even11:22
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
bluesabremorning clivejo :)11:23
BluesKaj'Morning clivejo11:23
clivejosorry bluesabre, my autocomplete picked your username rather than BluesKaj11:24
BluesKajtoo much blues around :-)11:25
=== jdrab_ is now known as jdrab
* BluesKaj has been using the same nick on irc for almost 17 yrs11:27
soee_BluesKaj: can you test Plasma 5.5.3 fir Wily ?11:27
bluesabreclivejo: np, I had a feeling that was the case11:28
BluesKajsoee_, sorry I can't . Wily is behind me now, on Xenial 11:28
soee_lordievader: you have Wily ?11:30
BluesKajI've got 3 ppas on the go in my sources.list , cli -stable, staging and landing...no breakage yet11:32
BluesKajbut I think staging is pretty inactive atm11:33
soee_landing now containts all stuff to test i think11:33
clivejoyou have CI stable enanbled?11:34
BluesKajI have 14.04 as my fall back OS 11:35
clivejooh ok11:36
BluesKajclivejo, why ?11:36
BluesKajno breakage so far now for 5 days11:37
clivejolot of breakages due to epochs will be coming via CI11:37
yofelsoee_: I don't know of any sddm changes that would make sddm fail a couple times before working. So far there only seem to be a couple people that sddm doesn't work at all for.11:38
yofelalthough I'm wondering if that's really sddm or qt5.511:39
mparilloThe SDDM failure before success happens to me regularly on Manjaro on real HW, but never on Kubuntu and never in a VM. If there are versions of SW I should compare I would be happy to try.11:41
lordievaderstefanw: Yes?11:48
lordievaderErr, that was for soee.11:48
lordievader12-12:30 < soee_> lordievader: you have Wily ?11:49
lordievaderYes ;)11:49
soeelordievader: can you test Plasma 5.5.3 ?11:50
lordievaderIf that is in the backports-landing ppa I already did. Upgraded to that yesterday.11:50
soeelordievader: all fine ?11:51
lordievaderSeemed so, installed fine, rebooted fine.11:51
soeeyofel: ^ next user reports that upgrade to Plasma 5.5.3 works fine :)11:51
soee*on Wily11:51
yofelok, so SDDM seem to be our problem child really, and that seems to be hardware dependent :S11:52
clivejowhat hardware?11:56
yofelno idea, I'm just guessing what the problem could be11:59
clivejooh I thought you had discovered something11:59
* yofel wonders why he has 90 apt-check processes running12:00
yofelthat thing is so broken12:00
soee_also login failing attempts are a bit random, i needed 5 attemts also of single one, or after waiting like 1 min inactive in sddm it went after first time i think12:00
yofelaaand apt-check crashed my systemd12:07
lordievaderWut, how?12:10
lordievaderBy spawning too many processes?12:10
yofelyep, last I saw I had 89 processes running, which eventually spammed swap and thanks to OOM-killer being broken in current kernels the system just locked up12:11
soee_BluesKaj: can you test for me one thing on Xenial ?12:13
BluesKajsoee_, sure12:14
soee_BluesKaj: please create new user (call it test or whatever), than on your account add User Switch widget and see if this new user is listed there and you can switch to it12:16
BluesKajsoee_, I don't like fooling with user accts since I know so little about them, being the only user on this pc I've never had reason to add or change users12:20
clivejosoee_: doing that now12:24
soee_clivejo: thanks12:26
clivejoThe widget just has New session12:26
clivejoI click that and it brings me back to a SDDM login12:27
BluesKajthanks clivejo :-)12:27
clivejoTest user was there and I clicked on it and typed password, openned a new Plasma session as Test user12:27
clivejoI logged out of Test and back to login and things got a bit corrupt12:28
soee_yeah, for me when i changed sessions, sound was playing from the previous one12:29
soee_then when i get back to my account audio applet was red - some error :/12:29
clivejooh I didnt have anything playing12:29
clivejoI mean the display is corrupt12:30
clivejoLetters missing, no name on the account 12:30
clivejolet me play something12:31
clivejook the sound stops at the login screen12:36
clivejoand resumes when I click to unlock my regular account12:36
soeeand it works fine>12:37
clivejosong picked up where I left it12:37
clivejoanyone else had that garabled font thing? 12:38
clivejoI had it for a while in wily development12:38
clivejobut it disappeared12:38
clivejoseems its back!12:38
* yofel remembers seeing that once months ago12:38
clivejosddm related?12:39
yofelno idea12:41
clivejoseems odd to have regressed after update to sddm?12:42
BluesKajodd, just switched activities and  konversation disappeared and quit 12:43
soee_Maxiride: hiho13:07
soee_Maxiride: install ppa-purge first13:08
soee_Maxiride: than add this ppa: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing (run: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing)13:09
soee_than: sudo apt update13:09
soee_sudo apt full-upgrade13:09
soee_if something goes wrong purge backports landing ppa running: sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing13:15
soee_if all will be fine, you can remove testing ppa by running: sudo apt-add-repository --remove ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing13:15
Maxiridesoee: ppa-purge installed and ppa added. However I'll wait this late evening for the upgrade becuase I'm currently running simulations with Mathematica for the University. So not the right moment to test new stuff :D13:15
nicolshello .... how can i help with 5.5.3? :)13:15
soee_nicols: welcome :)13:15
yofelvendors should seriously make the enter button red on keyboards13:15
nicolsjust add  ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing and do a dist-upgrade?13:15
soee_nicols: do you have Wily running ?13:15
yofelwhat could possibly go wrong by pressing it? ^^13:15
soee_nicols: run: sudo apt full-upgrade13:15
nicolssoee_: i have at home, at work we have lts policy so i am on 14.04 .... i will be at home in few hours13:15
soee_nicols: than please report if upgrade was smooth or you had some errors13:15
soee_nicols: sure :) when you have time13:15
nicolssoee_: just to look for errors during full-upgrade?13:15
soee_nicols: yes, than test if your system works fine after upgrade13:16
nicolssoee_: OK. I will report here asap :)13:16
soee_thank you13:17
ovidiu-florinI see plasma 5.5.3 for wily is in the green14:10
ovidiu-florinexcept 2 orange14:10
ovidiu-florinyofel: does that mean we will get it soon in backports?14:10
sgclarkgood morning14:11
yofelovidiu-florin: it's already in backports-landing for wily and ~ready for testing14:11
yofelI forgot about that breeze warning though, should be looked at maybe14:12
yofelhm, and we need something that actually causes breeze-gtk to get installed14:13
soee_ovidiu-florin: if you can test 5.5.3 for Wily please do, i'm collecting testers input14:40
clivejosoee: have you a shared doc of the tester input you are collecting?16:42
sgclarkseems I do not have a wily lying around, dunno if I will get to making a vm today :(17:04
sgclarkpim is still a mess, I am going to try to build the whole darn thing locally...17:06
nicolssoee_: apt full-upgrade done without any errors. just rebooted my machine. what/where to look ? :)17:23
clivejoBluesKaj: ping17:58
BluesKajclivejo, pong17:58
clivejoyour on xenial?17:58
clivejoopen krunner and press the down arow17:59
BluesKajthere is no down arrow, only a red X18:00
clivejodown arrow on your keyboard18:00
yofelthat should *still* have a button though18:00
yofelI wonder how many undocumented features plasma actually has18:01
BluesKajclivejo, well, well ... :-)18:01
clivejoyofel: thats what I reckoned, but I seen the "Clear History" button and wondered what its for18:01
clivejojust asked in Plasma and they said krunner does have history!18:01
clivejoI know BluesKaj has been missing that feature :)18:02
sgclarkoh, I knew thT18:02
clivejobut I do agree a button would be nice18:02
sgclarkguess that is why I had history and no one esle did haha18:02
yofelI always thought the "clear history" thing was for the autocompletion18:03
yofelsomeone file a bug for bad UI design18:03
BluesKajyeah  drop down like ordinary dialogs would be nice, but I'll settle for the down arrow 18:03
clivejoyofel: are you monitoring #plasma?18:03
yofelI'm in there, but usually don't read it. /me looks18:04
clivejomck182 is having trouble with apt-get18:04
clivejoI havent noticed that18:05
clivejohi nicols18:14
nicolsExecutable: plasmashell PID: 3050 Signal: Segmentation fault (11) Time: 12.01.2016. 19:15:0818:15
nicolsplasmashel crashed 3 times in 5 minutes :(18:16
yofelif that happens when you try to update your packages, then that's known18:16
yofelbut I think that's the only plasma crash we know of so far18:16
nicolsi was doing apt-get update in konsole when plasmashel crashed :)18:18
nicolsso, that's known bug?18:18
clivejonicols: thats a known issue :)18:18
clivejoA "feature" for testers :P18:18
nicolsi will keep testing other stuff :)18:18
clivejoonce you do an update and upgrade, it will stop18:19
yofelnicols: kde 35770418:19
ubottuKDE bug 357704 in notifier "Muon notifier crashes on apt package list updates" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35770418:19
nicolswas that also a bug in 5.4 ?18:20
clivejoplasma 5.5.318:21
clivejoif you have a KDE Bug account, you should add your name to the list18:22
nicolsi have an account on https://bugs.kde.org/ ... is that it?18:23
clivejojust add a "Me too" on that bug report18:24
clivejoyou will get status updates then18:24
nicolsi added a comment ... is that the same?18:25
clivejosgclark: can you poke that bug to confirmed?18:25
clivejoor is there a process?18:25
clivejonicols: yup thats how you do it18:25
yofelclivejo, mck182: FYI: This was an interesting article on oom sadness: https://lwn.net/Articles/668126/18:28
clivejoIve never have any OOM problems on Kubuntu18:29
yofelconsider yourself lucky18:29
clivejoRasbian, now thats a different story!18:29
clivejoIve destroyed a number of SD Cards :/18:30
yofelpft, that's easy.18:30
yofelMake kswapd give up with 8G memory, that's fun18:30
steps_hi, so update was almost fine, it stucked on some icons package, until I closed all running apps. after reboot x ran into just some broken graphic mess, then after performing dpkg in recovery mode, it installed 60 more packages and now it runs but in some safe graphic mode with xrender18:32
steps_on wily18:33
yofelsteps_: could you please pastebin your /var/log/apt/term.log?18:34
clivejodo I have a personal git on LP?18:41
steps_oh I can't even open it, kate keeps crashing18:41
ovidiu-florinsoee_: can you give me the ppa?18:41
clivejoovidiu-florin: what PPA you need?18:42
ovidiu-florinbackports wily testing18:43
clivejoovidiu-florin: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing18:43
clivejosteps_: sorry I cant read that!18:44
steps_it's weird, log ends before that reboot18:47
Maxiride_good evening, just did the full upgrade to the new plasma from wily. No errors at all except for a question regarding a Xsession config file. I've left the default option [N] to keep the version already installed.19:03
Maxiride_anyway the only bug I had till now is a little glitch in the rendering of the process manager bar in my desktop panel. Looks like shadows are not rendered. Might it be related to the Xsession choose I made?19:08
yofelclivejo: yes, you do https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git#Configuring_Git19:11
clivejohappy days19:12
clivejoyofel: is the core meeting a KCC one?19:14
clivejonever heard of WET time before19:17
ovidiu-florin$ c++filt _ZN6Okular20TextDocumentSettingsD0Ev@Base19:21
ovidiu-florinthis did not demangle19:21
yofelremove the @Base19:21
ovidiu-florinit works, but why?19:24
ovidiu-florinblack magic19:25
* clivejo nods knowingly19:25
yofelthe part after the @ is some kind of version suffix, I don't quite remember it's meaning19:26
yofelbut as it's not part of the symbol itself, c++filt can't translate that19:27
ovidiu-florinthen perhaps....19:27
ovidiu-florin$ echo  _ZN6Okular20TextDocumentSettingsD0Ev@Base | c++filt 19:27
ovidiu-florinyup 19:27
ovidiu-florinthis works19:27
* ovidiu-florin is happy he read the manpage19:28
belluzjHello! I've just seen the blog post on Planet KDE about testing Plasma 5.5 on kubuntu Wily... how could I help?19:31
Maxiride_belluzj: welcome there. I'm not a developer but instead a tester. Anyway if you are already on wily add the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-landing and run an apt full-upgrade19:33
clivejobelluzj: there are a few known issues, the major one is plasmashell crashing when you do a apt-get update19:33
clivejoit is a rather annoying bug and will hpoefully be resolved soon19:35
clivejobut if you can ignore that and help test, that would be great19:35
Maxiride_clivejo: How can I find the exact package of something to properly file a bug?19:35
clivejowhat bug are you filing?19:36
Maxiride_I'm having some rendering inssue with the task manager in my plasma panel. Looks like shadows are not rendered. However when going to Dolphin->Option->Help->Report a bug, in the drop down menu I can't find the Task Manager entry.19:37
clivejothe crashing plasma bug seems to be the muon updater which its supposed to notify you in the system tray19:37
clivejoplasma bugs are reoprted via bugs.kde.org19:38
yofelMaxiride_: on bugs.kde.org -> product: plasmashell, component: System Tray19:38
belluzjthanks, I'll upgrade19:39
Maxiride_yofel: yeah thanks! Found it, didn't thought it was under plasmashell.19:41
Maxiride_clivejo: yep I know, indeed the Dolphin Report a Bug window once choosen the app uses bugs.kde.org to file it19:41
nicolshmmm .... plasmashell crashed again, but this time i wasnt running update: Executable: plasmashell PID: 3199 Signal: Segmentation fault (11) Time: 12.01.2016. 20:47:5019:48
yofelplease try to get a stacktrace, otherwise we can't do anything19:49
nicolsdoes this help: http://pastebin.com/v73sA6uk19:49
yofelnicols: please at least install plasma-workspace-dbg and refresh it19:50
yofelbut that's indeed something I haven't seen yet19:50
* yofel wonders what's up with that half-decoded libQt5Qml.so.5 o.O19:52
nicolsyofel: what do you mean with refresh? restart?19:52
yofelno, drkonqi has a refresh button for the trace19:52
yofelmight be a qt crash though :/19:53
yofelnicols: you're on wily, right?19:53
yofelhm, plasma 5.5 still can't set the master channel for the volume applet :(19:58
mamarleyYeah, for that reason I am still using KMix.19:59
michelsedghguys is plasma 5.5 stable or i have to face many crashes? i hate crashes :D19:59
Sho_I haven't had crashes in months20:00
yofelmichelsedgh: there is at least one that occurs every time apt updates its lists, so you might want to wait a bit20:00
michelsedghyofel: hm, is there any workaround or no? :c20:00
yofelwell, uninstalling muon-notifier/plasma-discover-notifier would probably work..20:01
michelsedghthanks :) 20:01
michelsedghand im a little noob to changing plasma. can i downgrade later?20:02
nicolsi have installed plasma-workspace-dbg ... how to report properly? how to start drkonqi? (sorry, i am new with this)20:03
yofelmichelsedgh: you can ppa-purge the PPA, but I don't know how well plasma will handle changed config files20:03
yofelnicols: drkonqi should auto-start when it crashes, you'll have to wait for the next crash20:04
yofelthen it'll have a report button in the dialog20:04
michelsedghthanks yofel i will wait a little bit for a more stable version :) thanks alot for your help20:04
nicolsyofel: do i need kdelibs5-dbg ?20:04
yofelnicols: no, that's kde420:05
nicolsyofel: just had plasmashell crash, started crash reporting assistant and it says: "this report does not contain anough information..." ehat am i donig wrong?20:09
yofelhm, still too many symbols missing20:12
yofelnicols: does the install debug symbols button install anything more?20:13
nicolsplasma-dicover-dbg  .... installing :)20:15
Maxiride_How can I deleted the theme cache?20:21
yofelMaxiride_: that should be in /var/tmp/kdetmp-$USER 20:23
yofel /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER20:23
yofeleither there or somewhere under ~/.cache20:24
Maxiride_yofel: under  ~/.cache there is plasmashell folder, while under the kdecache just icons files.20:28
Maxiride_Elke Hein on bugs.kde.org suggested to "Try quitting plasmashell, deleting the theme cache and restarting it." to solve the rendering issue on the task manager but I've no clue how to proceed except killing plasmashell yofel20:30
Maxiride_actually is Eike xD20:30
Sho_Maxiride_: kquitapp5 plasmashell; cd $HOME/.cache; rm plasma*; sleep 2s; kstart5 plasmashell20:30
yofelquitting plasmashell is "kquitapp plasmashell", then you can restart it from krunner. But I'm not sure where the theme cache is these days20:30
clivejowhen someone has time yofel or sgclark: would you teach me how to merge?20:32
Maxiride_Sho_: thanks! rm plasma* did the job. Artifacts gone for now.20:32
Sho_Maxiride_: thanks20:32
Sho_(I'm Eike)20:32
Sho_well free to mark the bug WORKSFORME then20:32
yofelclivejo: classic procedure is to take the debian package, look at the diff between that and ubuntu and apply all necessary changes to the debian package so it can be uploaded to ubuntu20:33
yofelclivejo: for kde I usually take the shortcut by just doing "git checkout kubuntu_xenial_archive; git merge origin/master"20:34
yofeland then figuring things out from there20:34
yofeland just put "Merge with debian git master" in the changelog20:34
Maxiride_Sho_: sure20:35
yofelclivejo: one note: if debian adds autopkgtests (i.e. debian/tests), you need to add "XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest" to the source section of the control file20:36
yofellook at e.g. akonadi20:36
yofelmight as well do some merges considering that I'm bored..20:38
yofelclivejo: I just added the changelog merge git config to the trello card20:40
nicolsyofel: http://pastebin.com/ZR7qei5X20:41
yofelnicols: that's the muon crash 20:42
yofelyou can recognize that by line 9020:42
yofelclivejo: before you commit the merge, I recommend reading "git diff HEAD" though20:46
yofelsometimes the merge might bring in changes you don't want - or already have in another place20:46
nicolsyofel: ok20:47
yofelclivejo: e.g. debian is often missing unstable in the watch files20:47
clivejoI need to go through one20:48
nicolsyofel: i will wait for another crash and comapre report ... if it is different, i'll paste it here :)20:48
yofelsure, thanks20:48
clivejowow, senile FIX is 19820:49
clivejohavent seen it that low in ages!20:49
michelsedghdid you see the bug that plasma shortcuts change back to defult on restart/logout?20:49
yofelnow that neon tries to get stuff working people care I guess20:49
* yofel hasn't tried changing any shortcuts since the upgrade..20:50
michelsedghin 5.4 i mean20:50
yofelhaven't noticed that20:50
clivejois it not due to sgclark merging and fixing stuff in apps ?20:51
nicolsyofel: i think this one is different: http://pastebin.com/EyJGGrS120:51
Maxiride_Thanks for the help provided =) Quitting for nighttime here. See you20:53
yofelsometimes parts of git's automatic merge behavior really drive me insane20:54
clivejoyofel: ??20:55
yofelunlike a normal commit, you can't really reset a merge without redoing it completely20:55
yofelactually, I probably just forgot one of the bazillon options20:56
clivejowhat is kubuntu_unstable_utopic?20:56
yofelno idea20:56
clivejoand kubuntu_stable_utopic20:56
clivejohttp://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/plasma/kwin.git/ ?20:57
yofelsounds like historic stuff that shouldn't exist20:57
yofelbut is there because debian doesn't allow branch deletion20:57
clivejoshould it not just be left behind?20:58
nicolsyofel: can you decode anything from my report?20:58
yofelnicols: that's the crash you had earlier, can you report that?20:58
yofelclivejo: as I said, we can't delete stuff20:59
=== michelsedgh_ is now known as michelsedgh
nicolsyofel: to https://bugs.kde.org/ ?21:00
yofelthe crash manager has a report button, please use that21:00
* clivejo has had to install an old theme http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Breeze+Dark+Classic+%285.4+look%29?content=17436121:04
clivejoreally dont like the new themes21:04
yofelI can tolerate it. The only really bad part is the pink-ish highlight color21:05
yofelah right, git reset --soft does what I want21:08
yofelBut then doesn't add the changelog back, bah21:09
clivejosounds too compliated for me21:10
yofelthat's just for when you mess up, which to me happens all the time -.-21:11
yofeloh great, apps 15.12.1 is out21:11
yofelguess I'll bump versions as I merge21:11
yofelI wonder if the double-update protection in staging-upload still works21:13
yofelhm, actually, not much point in running the script at all21:16
yofelwe need to merge, so just bumping stuff by hand will work the same21:17
sgclarkyofel: clivejo: yeah I am trying to fix unstable stuff between pim builds.21:30
sgclarkand yeah some of the merge failures are right baffeling, many times I cannot reproduce locally. drives me mad.21:31
yofelhm, didn't we have some way to figure out QML deps?21:32
sgclarksounds like something we discussed @ munich? don't recall the answer21:33
yofelah, the packages have sane names. That helps a lot21:33
yofelQtQuick.Controls -> qml-module-qtquick-controls21:33
nicolsi have probelm with vlc21:35
nicolslower 1/5 of video is black21:35
nicolsin dragon looks ok21:36
nicolsvlc is same version as in 5.421:36
yofelwheee, akonadi-search has more missing symbols in 15.12.121:40
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
sgclarkhmmm I see your doing stuff, I will stop beating my head against pim...21:41
yofelI'm doing merges and updates at the same time, but this is starting to get really annoying21:42
yofelguess we'll just hope that in the end having the build-deps be >= 15.12 will be enough to make stuff work -.-21:43
yofelsgclark: is there anything left to merge in plasma? Or can we just remove the checklist from trello?21:55
sgclarkyofel: looks like still quite a bit21:56
yofelhm k21:56
ovidiu-florinI can't sleep22:39
ovidiu-florinso I'm solving the symbols on okular22:39
ovidiu-florinI've done 4 so far22:39
yofelanything unclear?22:44
ovidiu-florinyofel: 22:45
ovidiu-florinit seems to be missing the vtable for Okular::ConfigInterface22:45
ovidiu-florinsearch for _ZTVN6Okular15ConfigInterfaceE22:46
yofelright, it does say so22:46
yofel+#MISSING: 4:15.12.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa3# (optional)_ZTVN6Okular15ConfigInterfaceE@Base 4:14.12.022:46
yofelso, what's the question?22:47
ovidiu-florinthe class has virtual functions22:47
ovidiu-florinso it should have a vtable22:48
yofeland are they exported by gcc as part of the public interface? (That's all the symbol files care about)22:49
ovidiu-florinthey are public funtions22:50
yofeland if you build the binary, "nm -DC <libfile>" will show the symbols?22:51
ovidiu-florinwhat do I give as <libfile>22:51
ovidiu-florinand I assume I run that22:52
yofellibokularcore or how it's called22:52
ovidiu-florinin the pbuilder22:52
yofelthe symbol files don't care about the specifics of the C++ API, they only care about what symbols actually get exported by g++22:52
yofelwhich is one reason why they're insufficient to do vtable tracking, you need at least abi-compliciance-checker for that22:53
* ovidiu-florin researches "g++ export symbols"22:53
yofelit's the symbols you see if you if you run "nm -D" on a lib, like, try "nm -D /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libKF5Archive.so.5"22:54
yofelif you handle symbol files, you don't need to go into API specifics. What you need to make sure is that your file matches the auto-generated output of dpkg-gensymbols22:56
yofelthat's why you see a diff in the log, it's the diff between the file in the packaging, and the auto-generated one22:56
nicolshello.... anybody with vlc player problem?22:58
ovidiu-florinyofel: and I just need to apply that diff? then why isn't this applying done automatically?23:01
yofelhow would the launchpad buildds know how to commit to git?23:02
yofelalso, there are cases when you need to review the diff23:02
yofelso this is a by-hand process23:02
ovidiu-florinand I'm reviewing it right now, am I not?23:02
ovidiu-florinI don't know about symbol visibility23:03
ovidiu-florinI have to read about that23:03
ovidiu-florinbut I'm too tired to focus on that level right now23:03
yofelwell, library management is complicated, welcome to lib packaging23:04
ovidiu-florinand If I just patch it, then I loose the motivation to read on that23:04
yofelmaybe I'm just confused because this is a bad example and I'm constantly wondering why you're putting so much time into it23:04
yofelbut if it's for excercise, ok23:04
ovidiu-florinyofel: at work I'm the maintainer of our assembler23:05
ovidiu-florinthis s**t is interesting to me23:05
yofeloh, cool23:05
ovidiu-florinit's just very exausting23:05
yofelthe closest I get to this was probably today when I was trying to understand memory management in PHP -.-23:06
ovidiu-florinI added a new instruction in it recently, and I had to make tests for it23:06
* valorie is updating to 5.5.3 in wily right now23:06
ovidiu-florinbut to make sure the tests were correct I had to assemble the code by hand23:06
ovidiu-florinon paper23:06
ovidiu-florinjust a bunch of 1s and 0s23:07
yofelnow I'm remembering school XD23:07
ovidiu-florinlucky I had highlighters23:07
ovidiu-florinin many colors :D23:07
ovidiu-florinI'm off to bed23:09
ovidiu-florinI'll read more tomorrow23:09
ovidiu-floringood night23:09
ovidiu-florinthank you for the explanation23:09
yofelsure, now that I know that you're interested in this I'll gladly answer questions (maybe a bit more in depth tomorrow)23:10
yofelback to my marathon23:10
yofel*merge marathon23:10
valoriereading this chan makes me so happy lately23:10
nicolsthis is the problem i have with vlc since installation of 5.5.3: http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i145/nbelavic/vlc-553-problem_zpsd1lo0dya.png23:11
yofeland me so tired :P23:11
* valorie {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} yofel and shares the coldbrew coffee23:11
* yofel hugs back23:11
valorienicols: odd23:12
ovidiu-florinnicols: that also happens on current plasma23:12
ovidiu-florinlet me get the version23:12
valorieovidiu-florin: lol, you are sleep-typing?23:12
nicolsovidiu-florin: it was ok in 5.423:12
ovidiu-florinbut only on my wife's computer23:13
ovidiu-florinnot on mine23:13
yofelhey, sleep typing is an important packager skill, otherwise a day is too short to get anything done23:13
ovidiu-florinboth are system76 laptops23:13
ovidiu-florinnicols: does that also happen in dragon player?23:14
valorielovely to see the green roll out23:15
ovidiu-florinif nicols comes back, this bug needs to be reported and investigated23:17
ovidiu-florinif it's still happening in 5.5.323:17
* ovidiu-florin is off to bed now23:17
sgclarkhmm random failure23:22
* valorie {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} sgclark too23:28
sgclarkhi valorie23:30
* valorie waves from soggy Black Diamond23:31
sgclarksoggy here too23:33
sgclarkbut I love soggy, so I am happy camper23:33
valorieyes, I was just outside for a min, and it was lovely23:34

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