
wxlflexiondotorg: what's the possibility we can set up some sort of system (perhaps on my own server) to build a daily pi image?16:40
phillwwxl: please be aware that desktop 32 bit failed to build yesterday... Just noticed as I'm zsyncing up my alt images17:33
wxlphillw: the new one for today should have just completed17:34
phillwthey were running when I last looked... obviously the alts are well finished :P17:34
wxlwell build time is 1645 and it's an hour past17:35
wxlredwolf: whuuuuuutup17:35
phillwwxl: about right for desktops...17:35
wxlredwolf: i summoned you HERE. :)17:36
redwolfoh, here :D17:36
wxlyes dear :)17:36
phillwha ha17:36
wxlso anyways what i was saying is that to replicate the process i took with the pi image (and thus reduce variables), i was thinking about starting with a wily image17:36
wxlbut maybe that's stupid17:36
redwolfmy mystery is why both images I tested, same core, same version, same desktop, differ on package requirements17:37
redwolfbut that's beyond my payload17:37
wxlare they different dailies though?17:37
wxlthere's got to be something different. did you diff the dpkg.list?17:37
redwolfone is a full 700mb daily, yes, the other is a daily mini17:38
wxlwell dpkg -l17:38
redwolfI was going to do that, yes17:38
wxlwell get on it17:38
* wxl spanks some motivation into redwolf 17:38
redwolfI'm on it17:38
redwolfBUT that is not my task!17:38
redwolfI should only care about fashion desktops, trendy icons, and such faggotry XDD17:39
wxli hear the hot thing on the runway this year is DOING TESTING NOW GET ON IT17:39
redwolfhow do I start a terminal?17:40
wxluhhh huh17:40
wxlphillw: weird. images are still building. eta in 8m17:42
redwolfgot them: pastebin.ubuntu.com/1447935417:46
redwolfsecond one is the screwed one17:46
redwolfI'm not sure about a diff, the first one is a hybrid LXDE+LXQt17:47
phillwwxl: indeed, coming up to 90 minutes for desktop build17:52
redwolflet's see that one17:57
wxlredwolf: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14479506/18:06
wxlugh weird that's mess up hold on18:07
redwolfthe qt plugin is there18:07
wxlgoing to have to vim diff18:07
redwolfwhat daily is that? Lubuntu Xenial or a mini?18:07
wxlwhich what?18:07
wxlthe legend is at the top18:07
wxlbut it's kind of not useful18:08
redwolfnot much18:09
wxlone is i386 and one is amd64 dip doo18:10
wxlthe good one is the amd6418:11
wxla little awk fixed it up http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14479574/18:14
wxlredwolf: so the -'s are from the good one and the +'s are from the bad one with everything else being shared between them18:15
wxlelementary-icon-theme in the screwed one18:16
wxlnot sure that matters18:16
redwolfneither do I18:16
redwolfI don't know what's doing that there. we got rid off elementary long time ago18:16
wxllubuntu-default-settings is NOT in the screwed one18:16
wxlno lxappearance18:17
redwolfthat's for LXDE18:17
wxllxqt-qtplugin is not in the screwed one18:17
wxllubuntu-default-settings is only LXDE? i guess that would make sense18:17
redwolfJulien says some dependencies are broken in some ISOs18:18
wxlphillw: we have images :)18:18
redwolfI don't know if we already have a pre-settings package like lubuntu-default-settings on LXQt18:18
redwolfare they cooked?18:18
wxlhehe yep18:18
wxlseems to have taken quite a while18:19
wxloh wait i think i still have a xenial vm laying around18:19
wxlsee i've never done the whole mini.iso thing. i wonder if that isn't the probelm18:19
wxlman my life will be complete when i can upgrade the hypervisor without stopping virtual machines18:20
redwolfI just want cranberry fanta. easier18:23
wxlpossibly. there's none here18:25
wxlfanta *_*18:25
redwolfwxl, okay with the new image?19:51
ianorlinqthmm is there a reason lubuntu packages team is still subscribed to ace of penguins?20:50
wxlis it not part of the -desktop seed ianorlinqt ?20:51
wxlcuz it sure was20:51
ianorlinqtI think it got dropped to fit on a cd20:51
wxli didn't think that was the case20:51
ianorlinqtit was before trusty I checked the changelog20:53
ianorlinqton December 8th 201320:53
ianorlinqtunless it is still in there for powerpc20:53
ianorlinqtwhich would be wierd20:54
ianorlinqtI think 13.10 was the last version to ship it20:54
=== MrBIOS_ is now known as MrBIOS
tsimonq2OOH it's qt little ianorlin XD21:50
phillwanyone use vbox for testing?22:33
phillwahh, hold that thought..... wrong bug!22:34
phillwnope.... bug 1447038 not affecting KVM now.22:44
ubot93bug 1447038 in casper (Ubuntu) "Shutdown/Restart of live session guest does not work in Virtualbox, KVM or VMWare" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144703822:44

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