
Scroll_Tro0LEllo folks, anyone around?04:01
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: A few people; ask your question(s) and hang around to see who answers :-)04:05
Scroll_Tro0LOkie dokes. So I got MAAS working after a year. Got 2 nodes up and running. And now I have no idea what I'04:15
Scroll_Tro0Lwhat I'm supposed to be doing next*04:16
Scroll_Tro0LHow do I start deploying VMs and stuff on it? Do I need to do Juju?04:16
user_6321allah is doing05:27
user_6321sun is not doing allah is doing05:28
user_6321moon is not doing allah is doing05:28
user_6321stars are not doing allah is doing05:28
user_6321planets are not doing allah is doing05:28
user_6321galaxies are not doing allah is doing05:29
user_6321oceans are not doing allah is doing05:29
user_6321mountains are not doing allah is doing05:29
user_6321trees are not doing allah is doing05:29
user_6321mom is not doing allah is doing05:30
user_6321dad is not doing allah is doing05:30
user_6321boss is not doing allah is doing05:30
user_6321job is not doing allah is doing05:30
user_6321dollar is not doing allah is doing05:30
user_6321degree is not doing allah is doing05:31
user_6321medicine is not doing allah is doing05:31
user_6321customers are not doing allah is doing05:31
user_6321you can not get a job without the permission of allah05:32
user_6321you can not get married without the permission of allah05:32
user_6321nobody can get angry at you without the permission of allah05:33
user_6321light is not doing allah is doing05:33
user_6321fan is not doing allah is doing05:33
user_6321businessess are not doing allah is doing05:33
user_6321america is not doing allah is doing05:34
user_6321fire can not burn without the permission of allah05:34
user_6321knife can not cut without the permission of allah05:35
user_6321rulers are not doing allah is doing05:35
user_6321governments are not doing allah is doing05:35
FAMASuser_6321: the assertion of one's own version of creationist theory being correct and other versions of the creationist theory being incorrect is one that is controversial and as of now, unresolved05:35
user_6321sleep is not doing allah is doing05:35
user_6321hunger is not doing allah is doing05:36
user_6321food does not take away the hunger allah takes away the hunger05:36
user_6321water does not take away the thirst allah takes away the thirst05:37
user_6321seeing is not doing allah is doing05:37
FAMAShowever, it is the individual's choice and preference to accept assertions by others for purposes of contemplation05:37
user_6321hearing is not doing allah is doing05:37
blahdeblahFAMAS: why feed the spammers?05:37
user_6321seasons are not doing allah is doing05:38
user_6321weather is not doing allah is doing05:38
user_6321humans are not doing allah is doing05:38
user_6321animals are not doing allah is doing05:38
FAMASblahdeblah: it is not within personal awareness that personal actions by this user, referring to the self, is "feeding" the spammers as the user that is you, claiming05:38
user_6321the best amongst you are those who learn and teach quran05:39
FAMASthere is possibility of assertions and replies by others inspiring the spammer to stop and contemplate the actions05:39
blahdeblahanother /ignore added05:39
FAMASthere is possibility of assertions and replies by others being ignored05:39
user_6321one letter read from book of allah amounts to one good deed and allah multiplies one good deed ten times05:40
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier; juju is the recommended way to deploy services on MAAS.05:41
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: But you can also just use it as a machine installer add your ssh key to your user account in MAAS, then just acquire & start the node, and you should be able to log in with your key.05:41
user_6321hearts get rusted as does iron with water to remove rust from heart recitation of quran and rememberance of death05:41
user_6321heart is likened to a mirror05:42
user_6321when a person commits one sin a black dot sustains the heart05:42
FAMASthis user sends out gratitudes to blahdeblah for notifying of the existence of the maas framework, if the user has put this user on ignore, requesting others to pass the gratitude on05:43
user_6321to accept islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except allah and muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger05:44
user_6321read book fazaileamaal.com05:45
user_6321read book muntakhabahadith.com05:47
user_6321need spiritual teacher visit alhaadi.org.za05:47
user_6321allah created the sky without any pillars05:47
FAMASuser_6321: it is advised to check upon what is written here http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Qur%27an05:48
user_6321allah makes the sun rise from the east and sets it in the west05:48
user_6321allah makes the day into the night and the night into the day05:48
user_6321allah gives life and allah gives death05:49
user_6321all creation are useless,worthless,hopeless05:49
user_6321can not do05:49
user_6321can not benefit05:50
user_6321can not harm05:50
user_6321allah is the doer of each and everything05:50
user_6321when allah wants us to stand we stand05:50
user_6321when allah wants us to sit we sit05:51
Scroll_Tro0Lblahdeblah: So once all the nodes are connected you're saying I can just use it as one giant ubuntu server?05:56
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: no, Idefinitely05:57
blahdeblahI definitely didn't say that :-)05:57
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: There are juju charms which allow you to deploy openstack, or you can try the landscape autopilot which does that for you, but I think it requires a minimum of 3 nodes.  (Don't quote me on that last part.)05:58
Scroll_Tro0LOkay, so I probably need to install and read up on juju then06:02
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: It's worth having a look at landscape autopilot; it does the hard bits for you and automatically installs juju & juju GUI.06:04
Scroll_Tro0LGot it. Thanks a bunch man!06:04
Scroll_Tro0LAnd this is just for a simple home server, I'm not doing anything crazy with it.06:05
user_6321allah is doing07:05
user_6321sun is not doing allah is doing07:05
user_6321moon is not doing allah is doing07:05
user_6321stars are not doing allah is doing07:06
user_6321planets are not doing allah is doing07:06
user_6321galaxies are not doing allah is doing07:06
user_6321oceans are not doing allah is doing07:06
user_6321mountains are not doing allah is doing07:06
user_6321trees are not doing allah is doing07:06
user_6321mom is not doing allah is doing07:07
user_6321dad is not doing allah is doing07:07
user_6321boss is not doing allah is doing07:08
user_6321job is not doing allah is doing07:08
user_6321dollar is not doing allah is doing07:08
user_6321degree is not doing allah is doing07:08
user_6321medicine is not doing allah is doing07:09
user_6321customers are not doing allah is doing07:09
Scroll_Tro0Lblahdeblah: Unfortunately Autopilot requires 5 machines, I got 3 total.07:46
blahdeblahroaksoax: I don't suppose there's someone in APAC timezones who has operator creds?07:47
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: :-(  Maybe wait for the upcoming juju LXD provider, which allows container-based deployment?07:48
roaksoaxblahdeblah: nope :)07:48
Scroll_Tro0LWell, I can just start installing juju07:49
Scroll_Tro0LMy only thing is I don't think I need the level of service juju provides.07:49
Scroll_Tro0LI'm just looking to make a bunch of VMs07:49
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: MAAS might be overkill then.07:50
Scroll_Tro0LGotcha, thing is though I have an actual cloud server.07:50
Scroll_Tro0LIt's a box with three MBOs in it07:50
Scroll_Tro0LAnd honestly, I went this route to learn more about cloud servers. So even if the juju route is the next logical step I'm down to figure it out.07:51
Scroll_Tro0LAlbiet overkill.07:51
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: Well, juju is definitely the next logical step; you can definitely use it to just deploy a bunch of VMs, although it has a lot more power than that.07:53
Scroll_Tro0LRight, I sort of understand how it works.07:53
Scroll_Tro0LLike, for a website you take the different parts such as the DB, the backend, etc and split it up07:54
Scroll_Tro0Lthe storage server for the images07:54
Scroll_Tro0LSo does juju make a separate VM for each of those functions?07:54
blahdeblahIt can, or LXC containers07:55
blahdeblahAlthough, I don't think it has a native libvirt provider; I think it needs something openstacky in the middle.07:55
blahdeblahThat's something to ask over in #juju07:56
blahdeblahSome of the EU folks should be online now/soon07:56
Scroll_Tro0LSo basically, I need to install juju now :P07:56
Scroll_Tro0LI should really be headed to bed asap though so I'll snag em tomorrow07:56
Scroll_Tro0Lon a proper IRC client xD07:56
Scroll_Tro0LMy first real project is going to be a NAS07:57
Scroll_Tro0LFor something as simple as that I'd need multiple charms?07:57
blahdeblahDepends how flexible you want to make it, and whether you're going to write it yourself or plug together someone else's stuff07:58
Scroll_Tro0LProlly use something like freenas07:59
Scroll_Tro0Lnot guna reinvent the wheel07:59
Scroll_Tro0LDon't have the credentials for that yet :P07:59
Scroll_Tro0LBut for something like, as you said earlier, I could simply have juju give me a VM that I can call whatever and just dedicate 100% to the NAS08:00
blahdeblahI don't think so; I think you need to put it in a bare metal MAAS box, or an LXC container in a MAAS box.08:03
blahdeblahBut you might be able to hack the local KVM provider into something usable: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/config-local08:03
blahdeblah(See the list at the side for the various providers supported.)08:03
blahdeblahScroll_Tro0L: And really, this is best asked in #juju. :-)08:03
Scroll_Tro0LOkay fasho, thanks!08:05
Scroll_Tro0LOne last totaly random question08:05
Scroll_Tro0LAtm the ssh key I'm using is my person one, should I make another one for maas?08:05
blahdeblahThat's really up to you; only your public key is installed on the system, so it's not exposing anything (assuming you're not using agent forwarding).08:07
Scroll_Tro0LOkay perfect. Thanks for everything!08:12
mupBug #1533103 opened: [packaging] dbconfig-pgsql <MAAS:New for andreserl> <MAAS 1.10:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1533103>08:41
mupBug #1533103 changed: [packaging] dbconfig-pgsql <MAAS:New for andreserl> <MAAS 1.10:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1533103>08:44
mupBug #1533103 opened: [packaging] dbconfig-pgsql <MAAS:New for andreserl> <MAAS 1.10:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1533103>08:50
mupBug #1533107 opened: qa-lab-tests need python3 support <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1533107>08:56
BlackDexHello, i have created a custom image which i want to upload to MAAS. But when i try to upload it from my own laptop to the MAAS node it doesn't work. I get a response that "The proxy server could not handle the request" "Error reading from remote server".09:05
BlackDexWhat am i doing wrong? Or are there some settings that need to be tweaked?09:06
BlackDexThe image is about 1.2GB large :)09:06
mupBug #1533107 changed: qa-lab-tests need python3 support <MAAS:Confirmed for rbanffy> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1533107>09:08
mupBug #1533107 opened: qa-lab-tests need python3 support <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1533107>09:11
aaronmeharwhat kind of magic is this! This looks awesome.. definitely going to try this13:27
mupBug #1533229 opened: 1.9 wily arm64 root-image fails to deploy on EFI system <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1533229>15:03
caturdayit looks like maas is just ignoring my curtin_userdata_ubuntu file18:39
caturdaynear as i can tell, it pulls curtin and curtin_userdata, but doesn't go any further than that18:39
=== menn0_ is now known as menn0
maas_useri am trying to install maas. can some one help me with configuring IPMI. And what does BMC do?21:34
maas_userANYONE ON?21:37

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