
kyrofaenoch85, works for me-- I have a working apache00:00
enoch85kyrofa, cool! :D00:00
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dholbachgood morning07:33
dholbachkyrofa: shall I upload snapcraft 1.0 to regular xenial (not the ppa) for you?07:33
dholbachmvo: do we want to change our docs on developer.u.c to mention 16.04 at some stage?07:34
mvodholbach: I think so, especially now that some changes are in the pipeline that will appear really soon. the whole system a/b stuff is obsolete and replaced by all-snaps for example. some environment varialbles are simplified07:36
dholbachmvo: the a/b stuff and the environment variables are part of snappy/docs, right?07:37
mvodholbach: yes, the docs are not updated yet though, I put that on the todo07:45
dholbachand for developer.ubuntu.com/snappy/start - what would you suggest?07:47
dholbachthat we advertise which 16.04 channels?07:47
dholbachdo you know if 16.04 images for all different "targets" are built by us already?07:48
dholbachmvo: ok, let's chat about it in a bit - I'll relocate to the office - brb07:57
mvodholbach: unfortunately not, we are transitioning the images right now and expect to have new images based on the all-snap architecture by the end of the week. at least for rpi2 and amd6407:57
mvodholbach: see you07:57
dholbachok cool - I'll file a bug so we can track the work07:58
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dholbachmvo: I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/153309908:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1533099 in Ubuntu Developer Portal "Start advertising 16.04 on /snappy/start" [Undecided,New]08:28
zygagood morning09:18
* zyga works on capability type interface, so that everything is an API, not a DSL09:18
* zyga thinks loudly: cap.Capability refers to cap.Type (iface) which can be a concrete BoolFileType which has interface methods for things like "grant permission(cap, snap)" "revoke permission(cap, snap)", internally the type will also know about snippets of seccomp/apparmor and will hand them out to security systems on demand09:38
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Poetry At Work Day! 😃09:59
LefterisJPHey guys, is DBUS the only way that a framework's service can listen to requests from the outside world (other snapps)?10:58
zygaLefterisJP: you can also use other sockets11:00
zygaLefterisJP: but security gets more complicated then11:00
enoch85ok kyrofa I'm here now11:02
LefterisJPzyga: I have an app that listens on plain unix sockets, which I need to have as the main daemon service of the framework. Are there any examples where such framework communication is achieved?11:04
zygaLefterisJP: I think mir would be one11:05
zygaLefterisJP: you'll need some extra security to handle other people talking to that socket11:05
LefterisJPzyga: Which of these repos is the framework? https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/11:08
LefterisJPzyga: Any examples of what kind of extra security I would need to take care of, or well .. if the mir guys do that somewhere in code I could just look at that.11:09
zygaLefterisJP: you need extra apparmor permissions to let other people talk to your socket11:10
zygaLefterisJP: I'm sorry, I'm not sure where the mir snapcraft file is11:10
LefterisJPzyga: It's okay. It's already something good to know that I don't need to use Dbus. I thought I would have to make an extra service to read DBUS and write to that unix socket inside the framework. I will try to look at the apparmor documentation to see how to allow for this communication.11:13
LefterisJPIf anyone has any tips/links I would be more than glad to have them11:13
zygaLefterisJP: I suggest looking for anything that uses mir in snappy11:20
LefterisJPzyga: Thank you will do and will come back here with more questions if I got any.11:27
bellyfeeldoes anyone have a link to the 16.04 image?12:52
Chipacabellyfeel: which 16.04 image?12:54
Chipacabellyfeel: yeah, but there are a number. Maybe you want https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/snappy/rolling/core/edge/current/ ?12:56
bellyfeeli'll check it out, thanks!12:56
Chipacabellyfeel: or maybe you want to just use: sudo ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --oem generic-amd64/stable --enable-ssh --output rolling_edge_amd64.img12:56
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iceyhas anybody figured out how to run the maas controller on snappy?13:12
iceyor thought about it?13:12
kyrofadholbach, yes please!13:17
kyrofaenoch85, woo you beat me by a few hours. You still here?13:17
dholbachkyrofa: done13:17
enoch85kyrofa, yes :)13:17
enoch85kyrofa, so you got the apache up and running?13:18
kyrofaenoch85, I did. Shall we take this private?13:18
kyrofadholbach, thank you!13:18
enoch85kyrofa, ok13:18
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kyrofamvo, what is the state of classic?13:43
kyrofasergiusens, did you ever send out that announcement email?13:56
sergiusenskyrofa, yeah, yesterday, it is all over the ubuntu and ubuntudev google plus and twitter accounts ;-)14:01
sergiusenskyrofa, and I pinged you here iirc, did I not?14:01
sergiusenskyrofa, are you and snappy-app-devel?14:01
kyrofasergiusens, yeah you did, but I must not be on the right mailing list!14:01
kyrofasergiusens, I thought I was. Guess not :P14:02
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kyrofasergiusens, now I am *cough*14:02
sergiusenskyrofa, https://plus.google.com/107265043789873157543/posts/DBonvXp7nen14:02
kyrofasergiusens, very good :)14:03
sergiusenskyrofa, do you mind helping Fazer with a proper rebase?14:11
kyrofasergiusens, love to14:12
sergiusenskyrofa, whose untriagle?14:15
kyrofasergiusens, davidcalle14:15
sergiusensdavidcalle, mind doing a git commit --amend for https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/218 and putting LP: #XXXXX in there?14:17
sergiusensdavidcalle, asking so you are not forced to rebase once my doc changes land (and I am instead) ;-)14:17
bellyfeelis there a way to build a snap using snapcraft without installing the dependencies?14:18
kyrofabellyfeel, which dependencies?14:20
bellyfeelI might be getting confused about the snapcraft cycle but I have a list of packages in stage-packages that get downloaded and installed while doing a snapcraft build14:21
bellyfeeli only want them to be installed on my device after the snap is built14:21
kyrofabellyfeel, ah14:21
kyrofabellyfeel, but where do they come from on the device?14:21
kyrofabellyfeel, your snap :)14:21
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kyrofabellyfeel, which means they must be downloaded and put into the snap to create it in the first place14:21
davidcallesergiusens: git status14:23
davidcallesergiusens: lol, sorry14:23
davidcalleWrong window14:23
bellyfeelok downloading is fine but it looks as if I'm having collisions with packages on my dev machine with packages that should go on my device14:23
bellyfeelwith aptitude14:23
kyrofabellyfeel, that should definitely not be happening14:24
elopiokyrofa: can you help this guy with the rebase? https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/21714:24
kyrofabellyfeel, stage-packages are downloaded and unpacked only in parts/<name>/ubuntu and parts/<name>/install14:24
kyrofaelopio, yeah I'm typing it out now14:24
elopiothanks :)14:24
kyrofabellyfeel, what sort of collisions are you seeing?14:25
bellyfeelI think it might have something to do with 32bit dependencies14:25
bellyfeelso for instance binutils:i38614:25
bellyfeelsnapcraft gives me a "failed doing pull for device: binutils:i386"14:26
bellyfeelno other output information is given, so I tried running aptitude by itself14:27
kyrofabellyfeel, please pastebin the entire log, let me have a look14:28
bellyfeelsnapcraft log?14:28
kyrofabellyfeel, yeah, where you see the error14:28
elopiokyrofa: sergiusens: no standup today?14:31
kyrofaelopio, no I'm just slow14:32
sergiusenselopio, kyrofa ah, more slots have been added http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-summit-us/schedule/ ; the lightning talk is 15 minutes, probably 10 gven setup and such :-)14:44
kyrofasergiusens, whew14:44
elopiosergiusens: maybe 5, to answer questions :)14:44
davidcallesergiusens: I think I've successfully amended the commit, but being new to git, please check I've made no mistakes, I had to try several times before git let me push it :)14:46
kyrofadavidcalle, since you amended, you probably had to force push yes?14:47
bellyfeelkyrofa, pastebin.com/Vp7uGRgw14:47
kyrofadavidcalle, that's normal, since your history and github's history officially "diverged"14:47
kyrofaGahh, rolling is so broken14:48
davidcallekyrofa: ok, just trying to get the hang of the git workflow, which feels a bit alien when coming from bzr :)14:49
kyrofadavidcalle, no problem, we understand!14:51
mvokyrofa: rolling is broken in what way?14:53
kyrofamvo, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14478142/ . Any thoughts?14:54
mvokyrofa: uh, that should not have been imported14:55
kyrofamvo, hahaha14:55
mvokyrofa: I disabled the importing monday14:55
mvokyrofa: thats really anyoing14:55
mvokyrofa: sorry for this14:55
kyrofamvo, hey, it's rolling. Not supposed to be perfectly stable :)14:56
kyrofadavidcalle, looks like you played a merge game of some kind to make git happy14:56
mvokyrofa: well, this change breaks stuff left and right. what kind of image is that? a normal snappy rolling edge or did you copy snappy on it manually or something?14:57
kyrofadavidcalle, you should squash up and force push14:57
mvokyrofa: if its not the snappy of the image I will stop panicing14:57
kyrofamvo, it's a canonistack VM created from the rolling edge image14:57
mvokyrofa: hm, thats bad14:57
kyrofamvo, want SSH?14:58
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mvokyrofa: no, its fine14:59
kyrofadavidcalle, I just walked another PR author through it if you want a reference: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/21714:59
kyrofadavidcalle, just remember, if you change history, you'll need to push with --force15:00
davidcallekyrofa: ah, excellent, thanks15:01
mvokyrofa: thanks for letting me know!15:03
elopiofgimenez: I have a meeting with Iftikhar and Jibel during our slot. Do you want to move it or cancel it today?15:03
kyrofamvo, no problem!15:05
fgimenezelopio, np, i think we can cancel, my report: the jenkins swarm thing is almost done, i hope to have it finished for today15:09
elopiofgimenez: yay.15:09
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mvokyrofa: could you please try to upgrade your image?15:19
kyrofamvo, just a snappy update?15:19
kyrofamvo, or a new image?15:19
mvokyrofa: I think a snappy update should help, not sure if it is available yet15:20
mvobut should be soon15:20
kyrofamvo, trying now, it's applying something anyway15:20
mvokyrofa: yay, lets see if stuff is normal after a reboot15:20
mvokyrofa: is it looking better?15:32
kyrofamvo, oops sorry, it took a minute to reboot and I saw a squirrel15:33
kyrofamvo, yep! All fixed :)15:33
kyrofamvo, thank you!15:33
mvokyrofa: \o/ thanks! sil2100 saved the day with his system-image superpowerz15:34
kyrofamvo, heh, awesome :)15:34
bellyfeelis there a way to get more verbose output from snapcraft15:38
kyrofabellyfeel, I'm sorry, I missed your pastebin above15:45
kyrofabellyfeel, my initial assumption is that Snapcraft is not using the i386 sources15:46
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kyrofabellyfeel, you should try running this on an i386 host (virtualized is fine)15:46
renatHi all! It's Renat from Screenly. Yes, again me with my questions=)15:47
kyrofaHey renat :)15:47
renatkyrofa, hi!=)15:47
renatSo - the question is Raspberry Pi /dev/vchiq device relateed15:47
renatWe created a snap which should use that device to display an interface with OpenGL ES. So - I do snappy hw-assign, and then I can run that snap from the root user. It fails when I try to run it from the ubuntu user, or If I try to run it as a service.15:49
renatPerhaps, because of /dev/vchiq access rights15:49
renatcrw------- 1 root root15:49
renatIs it right settings for that device? I believe that display devices should be accessible from any snap, if access granted by the hw-assign.15:51
kyrofarenat, I'd normally refer you to ogra, but he's out until the 16th15:54
renatkyrofa, thanks. I will create a bug report in hope that he will see it.15:56
kyrofarenat, yeah good idea15:57
pindongaelopio, hi there... got any ETA for when https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/202 will get merged?16:03
sergiusenspindonga, he needs a review from his QA colleagues last I heard16:07
sergiusenskyrofa, did you see elopio's pings to you in the docs review?16:08
sergiusensdavidcalle, you seem to have forgotten to squash16:08
kyrofasergiusens, oh, no, reading now16:09
pindongasergiusens, care to explain the rationale for squashing all the work into a single commit?16:09
pindongaI think I need to do that on my PR16:10
sergiusenspindonga, I'll let kyrofa do that since he is better versed in that16:10
sergiusenspindonga, I have 2 reasons, easier to cherrypick and easier to revert16:10
kyrofapindonga, are you familiar with `git blame`?16:10
pindongakyrofa, the same as bzr blame right? :)16:11
kyrofapindonga, ah, yeah same purpose. So you get a line-by-line "this is who made this change and why"16:12
kyrofaIf you didn't squash into a feature commit, some of those "whys" would be "crap, forgot this."16:12
pindongawell, but that's the truth :)16:12
kyrofapindonga, hahaha16:12
kyrofaBut then it would require more digging. "Well, what feature was this a part of?"16:13
kyrofapindonga, when you're developing a feature, checkpoint commits and good and healthy16:13
kyrofaBut when your feature is done, checkpoint commits have no place in a project history16:13
kyrofaFor the reasons I mentioned as well as cherry-picking and reverting reasons mentioned by sergiusens among others I'm sure16:14
pindongakyrofa, I differ somewhat, but that's not the issue here, I appreciate you explaining me the reasons16:14
pindongaam happy to follow the defined process16:14
* pindonga goes squash his commits16:15
kyrofapindonga, yeah you can imagine how squashing might get out of hand16:16
kyrofapindonga, but that's why we try to keep our features as small as possible16:16
kyrofapindonga, which also lends itself well to the reasons above16:16
pindongakyrofa, also it's mainly due to a limitation of the tool at hand16:16
pindongathat doesn't show you the 'merge' commit16:17
pindongaas a unit16:17
kyrofapindonga, it does actually, assuming it wasn't a fast forward16:17
kyrofapindonga, but the others are also part of the history16:18
kyrofabzr totally hides that from you16:18
sergiusenskyrofa, I wished we had ff support on github too :-)16:18
kyrofawhich is fine, just a different tool16:18
pindongakyrofa, exactly , which is why I'm not ranting here :)16:18
kyrofasergiusens, yeah I'm curious about the justification behind that. Gitlab does that too16:18
* pindonga just prefers bzr model on this, but understand the reasons in git-world16:18
kyrofapindonga, oh it's not taken as a rant! I'm sorry if what I'm saying is coming off that way :P16:19
pindongano , totally not16:19
* pindonga was just covering his bases :)16:19
kyrofapindonga, heh. I appreciate your willingness to follow other workflows :) . I know this would be totally weird in bzr16:19
pindongait's also probably bc I'm not that used to it16:20
kyrofapindonga, understandable :)16:20
kyrofapindonga, I came to bzr from a git background, and was frustrated by the inability to easily clean up my work16:21
kyrofadholbach, do the developer.ubuntu.com docs handle ``` correctly?16:25
dholbachkyrofa: they should soon16:25
kyrofadholbach, or do you need to indent as in normal markdown?16:25
kyrofadholbach, okay16:26
dholbachwe're going to use pymdown-extensions in one of our next landings16:26
kyrofadholbach, awesome. Have you synced the 1.x docs since 1.0 was released?16:27
dholbachkyrofa: no, it's still manual until we do the landing I talked about16:27
dholbachlike manual manual16:28
kyrofadholbach, heh. Copy-paste?16:28
dholbachand convert some bits and pieces, so links work, etc16:28
kyrofadholbach, blech, poor guy16:28
kyrofadholbach, when is that landing happening?16:28
dholbachvery soon16:28
dholbachwe had lots of stumbling blocks along  the way16:28
kyrofadholbach, this week very soon or this month very soon?16:29
sergiusensI did that twice on the portal, I felt like dying16:29
kyrofasergiusens, hahaha16:29
dholbachkyrofa: I guess the latter16:29
dholbachthis or next week16:29
dholbachfingers crossed and all16:29
dholbachit's been quite a bit of work16:29
sergiusensdholbach, I think kyrofa asks because of https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/221/files16:30
dholbachI'm in a hangout on air right now - I'll get back to you in a bit16:30
sergiusensdholbach, I am watching you fwiw ;-)16:30
dholbachalways watching me16:30
sergiusensI don't expect instant replies ;-)16:30
sergiusens1984 style16:31
kyrofadholbach, okay, and understood! How would you feel about me copy-pasting the ROS docs? So I can point people there? Would that interfere with your landing?16:31
dholbachI think the extension I mentioned above should make ```yaml and stuff like that work16:31
dholbachif you want to update manually, feel free to16:31
dholbachit's not going to interfere16:31
kyrofadholbach, oh sheesh, I'm sorry for interrupting you! When you get a chance, I've not done that before, I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction. I'm not even sure I have permission to do something like that16:32
sergiusenskyrofa, dholbach http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7694887/is-there-a-command-line-utility-for-rendering-github-flavored-markdown16:33
sergiusensyou can probably strips atom's previewer ;-)16:33
sergiusenskyrofa, also, pandoc supports github flavored markdown16:34
dholbachsergiusens: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/rework-importer/view/head:/md_importer/importer/article.py#L5016:34
dholbachkyrofa: sure - let me add you and give you links and stuff16:35
sergiusenspandoc -f markdown_github16:35
wxlhey folks is there a 15.04 amd64 image that i can zsync or torrent? i keep having problems getting one where the checksum matches :/16:35
kyrofasergiusens, by the way, you were spot on regarding why I was asking about that :P16:36
kyrofasergiusens, saved you a comment16:36
kyrofadholbach, thank you!16:37
sergiusenskyrofa, I have lost context but good to know I hit a target by accident :-P16:37
elopiopindonga: lets say end of the week. I'm fighting coveralls now, I hope that's the last one.16:37
kyrofasergiusens, :D16:37
elopiobut every change I have to wait for travis to tell me if I made something wrong. So it's slow.16:37
sergiusensjdstrand, so what was wrong in snapcraft, security-policy or security-override?16:42
jdstrandsergiusens: on 16.04, security-override16:47
fgimenezelopio, this is the first deployment, all the slaves come from the same xenial container16:47
fgimenezelopio, i'll propose the branch in a few minutes, let me know if we need different slaves16:48
sergiusensjdstrand, do we have any docs or guidelines so I know what to do? or a snapcraft bug report (I can write one if the info is elsewhere)17:00
elopiofgimenez: for snapcraft 1.x, we need vivid or trusty. But for now, I'm more than happy with xenial.17:09
jdstrandsergiusens: see docs/security.md in snappy git trunk17:10
fgimenezelopio, ok, it's very easy to add them, i'll put hands on it. when we switch to k8s will be even easier, and we don't need to have them around, they'll live while the job that requires them is up17:11
sergiusensjdstrand, what is an 'abstraction', have an example handy?17:23
jdstrandsergiusens: it is what's in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions17:24
sergiusensjdstrand, the file names or the contents of those files?17:25
jdstrandfile names17:25
sergiusenslooks like raw apparmor17:25
sergiusensgot it17:25
sergiusensjdstrand, are all four entries optional?17:33
rickspencer3hi all17:37
rickspencer3I just uploaded my rest-cam snap to the store17:38
rickspencer3I guess I can't install it from there because I am running 16.04?17:38
kyrofarickspencer3, I thought I remembered seeing rolling as a valid channel?17:40
kyrofarickspencer3, or edge or something17:40
rickspencer3kyrofa, yeah, I put it there17:40
kyrofarickspencer3, oh. I figure that would have worked17:40
kyrofarickspencer3, you too I suppose :P17:40
rickspencer3well, the bug could be between my head and the keyboard ;)17:40
kyrofarickspencer3, I assume you don't even see it as available, correct?17:43
kyrofarickspencer3, and the automated checks have all passed etc.?17:44
rickspencer3kyrofa, I was just told that it is not done the checks yet :)17:44
kyrofarickspencer3, you just move too fast. Slow down. Grab a cup of coffee or something17:44
rickspencer3kyrofa, turns out I had a bug somewhere so it didn't work17:44
rickspencer3I got too used to it "just working" :)17:45
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sergiusensChipaca, after reading kyrofa's comment about stop-timeout I read the man page and it seems we can make services wait forever to stop if I read it correctly18:10
sergiusensshould it trigger manual review is my question18:11
sergiusensmaybe more of a question for jdstrand18:11
sergiusenskyrofa, wrt rolling and ros, maybe check the envvars and make sure they are correct18:16
kyrofasergiusens, yeah I will. Working on a demo now though18:18
sergiusensdemo beats bug :-)18:18
kyrofasergiusens, timelines man, timelines ;)18:18
jdstrandsergiusens: if this is a value of stop-timeout that makes the service wait forever, and we don't want to allow that, the review tools can verify the value is within approved parameters and prompt for manual review if it is outside of those values18:25
jdstrandChipaca, sergiusens: if you'd like this change in the review tools, please file a bug18:25
sergiusensjdstrand, right, seems 0 disables it, so it is a number we don't want to allow I guess18:25
kyrofasergiusens, what happens if you specify "0min 0s" or something similar?18:31
sergiusenskyrofa, value needs to be an int18:31
sergiusensit will likely fail in some other place18:31
kyrofasergiusens, oh right, the yaml requires an integer okay18:32
wxlsorry for asking again, but does anyone know of a zsync or torrent available for ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz? i keep getting mismatched checksums18:38
kyrofawxl, I don't know that there are any18:49
kyrofawxl, you could always make the image yourself18:50
wxlkyrofa: well sheesh we should have one! i'd seed it bud i need to get the darn thing right, first18:50
wxlkyrofa: link me to instructions? i might have not drilled down enough for that18:50
kyrofawxl, install ubuntu-device-flash and run sudo ubuntu-device-flash core 15.04 --channel stable --output ubuntu-15.04-snappy.img18:53
kyrofawxl, ... I think. It's been a while :P18:53
wxlkyrofa: i'll grab ubuntu-device-flash and read the man page. thanks for the pointer in the right direction :)18:54
kyrofawxl, sure thing :)18:54
wxlugh sheesh how do i find the device names?19:03
wxli would think these are them but it doesn't seem to be the case http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/15.04/stable/19:04
wxlubuntu-device-flash query --list-images --channel ubuntu-core/15.04/stable --device generic_amd64 yields several images19:08
jerryGis darren landol online?19:09
wxloh i see. even though you use the core command you need to specific the full path of the channel (ubuntu-core/15.04/stable not 15.04/stable or just stable)19:09
wxlalso, have i386 images stopped getting updated?19:09
jerryGChipaca:  how do i check the mir socket being used?19:10
sergiusensjdstrand, and kyrofa care to check https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/222/files ?19:17
sergiusenskyrofa, I don't understand your question; as in, what you are asking is what I think subtests are for19:56
sergiusenskyrofa, removing all but one will make the test fail but validation pass19:56
kyrofasergiusens, yeah I may not understand what's happening here. So it looks to me like you have only one app definition within self.data['apps'], whose definition seems meant to fail all four invalid combinations. No?19:59
sergiusenskyrofa, yup19:59
sergiusenskyrofa, so first I straight out validate as is in a subTest context expecting to fail20:00
sergiusenskyrofa, then I create a real copy of the dict and iterate over the three keywords removing them before a validation expecting them to fail as well20:00
kyrofasergiusens, ahh, tricky, I missed the deletion20:01
kyrofasergiusens, okay ignore me20:01
sergiusensit does what you ask for, we can argue about elegance20:01
kyrofasergiusens, no argument from me :)20:01
sergiusensbut I'd only se testscenarios with testtools20:01
kyrofasergiusens, +1 from me20:02
sergiusenskyrofa, \o/20:10
sergiusenskyrofa, docs are also updated fwiw20:24
jerryGsergiusens: link plz?20:29
sergiusensjerryG, for what?20:30
jerryGsergiusens: idk. new docs20:31
jerryGsergiusens: :}20:31
sergiusensjerryG, it is just a PR, feel free to look though https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/221#discussion_r4948638020:31
jerryGsergiusens: ty20:31
kyrofasergiusens, what is the currently recommended way to create a .snap for an arm device using snapcraft? Is classic in a state to allow that so we can do it on-device? Or a qemu VM?20:38
sergiusenskyrofa, classic20:39
sergiusenskyrofa, at least rickspencer3 has used it :-)20:39
kyrofasergiusens, excellent. I don't suppose that's available in vivid?20:39
sergiusenskyrofa, it only rolls20:40
kyrofasergiusens, alright thanks :)20:40
kyrofasergiusens, rolling edge? Or 15.04?20:41
kyrofaOr do I have that backward... rolling stable? :P20:41
sergiusenskyrofa, rolling and 15.04 are the releases20:58
sergiusensstable and edge are channels20:58
sergiusensthere is no stable channel on rolling20:58
kyrofasergiusens, ah, so rolling edge is it20:58
sergiusensmore so; you probably want an all snaps image20:59
kyrofaAh, okay20:59
sergiusenskyrofa, maybe build u-d-f out of this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/goget-ubuntu-touch/all-snaps/+merge/27527320:59
kyrofasergiusens, hmm... does hw-assign need something special in the package name? I'm using the name snappy list is giving me and I'm getting "snappy package not found"21:03
kyrofaOh... .sideload21:05
kyrofaBeen a while since I used that one21:05
sergiusenskyrofa, hah21:17
kyrofasergiusens, alright I have a demo that works outside of snappy, but within snappy I can't get permission to access the webcam, even with hw-assign. Know anything about that?21:17
sergiusenskyrofa, snappy install snappy-debug21:17
kyrofasergiusens, I've got it-- no denials21:17
sergiusenskyrofa, not even seccomp?21:18
sergiusenskyrofa, what about running the binary from within the package and no launcher?21:18
sergiusenskyrofa, as in exec /apps/package/version/bin/my-app21:18
kyrofasergiusens, still denied.21:20
kyrofacrw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 Jan 12 21:10 /dev/video021:20
sergiusenskyrofa, oh, sudo mypackage.myapp21:21
sergiusenskyrofa, I assume service all the time21:21
kyrofasergiusens, ROS blows up if you run as sudo :( . This works on my local machine with the same permissions-- must be a group thing?21:21
kyrofasergiusens, I can make it a service though-- I guess it'll need to be anyway21:22
sergiusenskyrofa, it is a group thing; we just went over this the other day with jdstrand21:23
sergiusenskyrofa, add ubuntu to the video group21:23
kyrofasergiusens, oh heh. Sorry to drag it back up21:23
sergiusenskyrofa, oh, didn't mean it like that; just that I had it fresh in my mind21:23
kyrofasergiusens, ah, good :)21:23
=== blr_ is now known as blr
sergiusenskyrofa elopio, still around? are we good to merge this https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/22122:49
sergiusenselopio, btw, do you want to have a look at this? https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/22222:49
elopiosergiusens: I'm good with #221. And you already got 2 reviews for #222, so land it when you want. I'll take a peek later.22:59
sergiusenselopio, here's one for you https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/225 but lets wait for the tests to finish just in case23:09
wxlhow do you guys deal with the fact that you seem to primarily do development on github but generally bugs are being reported on launchpad? i know there's no upstream issue tracker for github on lp, so it seems like you have to fight with two totally separate systems23:12
sergiusenswxl, to be fair, the tracker in launchpad is much better23:17
sergiusensbut we just do23:17
sergiusensit is not a problem23:17
wxlyeah i'm sure you get by but it's interesting, sergiusens :)23:18
* tsimonq2 spots wxl :)23:57

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