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dholbachgood morning07:33
zzarrgood morning07:43
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zzarrI'm back on 15.10 after a GPU Driver crash08:49
zzarrif I install "[backup] Qt 5.5.1 for Ubuntu 15.10" (PPA) I can't have Ubuntu-SDK installed08:50
popey^ Mirv might be able to help with that?08:58
zzarrthanks popey, I'll ask him09:00
popeybartbes, thanks for the ctrl patch, tested it and it works well here. Nice one!09:25
popeybartbes, thinking maybe there should be a plain Control key on the CTRL keyboard bar _and_ the function keys bar, what do you think?09:26
zzarrpopey, I solved it :-D09:27
zzarrbut now I got another problem, even with a new project and a default kit I get a message "Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: quick qml"09:28
zzarrI'm reinstalling the click chroot now, so I'll hope that solves the problem09:29
zzarrI just realized one thing, it seams that the click chroot I install now is a stable version09:31
zzarrin order to install the overlay it should be the developer version09:32
zzarris that testing or unstable?09:32
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Mirvzzarr: if you mean the overlay PPA, it's what the stable is by definition (stable = Ubuntu 15.04/vivid + https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay). developer version is xenial (16.04)10:00
zzarrokey, I didn't know that, thanks10:04
bartbespopey: would make sense10:15
popeyreally appreciate the patch!10:16
bartbesI just really needed a control key :P10:16
bartbesit was also a good excuse to open up a touch app's codebase10:17
ahayzenfaenil, I've noticed that the positionViewAtIndex doesn't always work now (possibly due to the move to Layouts), do you know any issues with this ?10:57
faenilahayzen: define doesn't always work :)10:57
ahayzenit doesn't position the view at the index ;-)10:57
faenilahayzen: "always"10:58
ahayzenon device it seems to work if you are lower, but not higher10:58
ahayzenjust certain cases do/don't work10:58
faenilI'm not aware of any issues related to layout10:58
ahayzenok :-/10:58
faenilbut as a blind guess I'd say that it's due to the fact that layouts resize10:58
faeniland don't have a fixed height10:58
ahayzenyeah i would guess that10:58
ahayzenbut all of ours will be the same height ?10:59
ahayzeneg in the queue, we only have a title/subtitle and no wrapping10:59
faenildon't know, it depends on your code10:59
faenilah, ok10:59
ahayzen(that's where the positionAt isn't working as well and the only place we need it)10:59
ahayzenfaenil, can i fix the height? or will I have to guess the height before the creation of the object ? so i can put it in the ListItem ?11:00
faenilahayzen: I see, you could try quickly switching back to old delegate (but only change that!) and see if that's really a problem11:00
faenilI don't see why, especially because as you said they should all have same height11:00
ahayzenwell on desktop, i had a revision that was a few back and it was fine, until i pulled in the latest changes. So its something that has changed recently :-) (either layouts or the move to gridview)11:01
ahayzenmaybe it is because i change the padding11:02
kivimorning all11:11
kivipopey, mhall119; Curious as to whether you have seen what has happened to nautilus on 16.04? I'm thinking of maybe throwing some development time behind the filebrowser core app, so we can have a fitted desktop replacement.11:13
kiviQuestion for me though is, have you guys decided on a proper flag for determining when Unity8 is in desktop mode, tablet mode, phone mode, or are you still doing it via the current window size?11:14
popeyhah, that's currently under discussion on the mailing list :)11:15
popeykivi, I'd welcome contributions to file manager.11:16
kivipopey, what's under discussion; the file manager, or the mode flag?11:16
popeydetermining device you're running on11:16
popeyquite a long thread11:16
popeybasically "don't detect device", but "detect capabilities / peripherals"11:16
popeythat's the tl;dr I think :)11:17
kivipopey, Yeah thats the take away I got looking into it a while back. Well if they come out with a standard official way,11:17
popeyRight now we just resize11:18
kiviI know, and I hate that.11:18
kivity for the info11:18
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zzarrhello again12:26
zzarrI have a newly installed completely up to date vivid click chroot (without any PPA)12:27
zzarrbut I can't install qtconnectivity5-dev12:28
zzarrit says12:28
zzarrThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:28
zzarr libqt5opengl5-dev : Depends: qtbase5-dev (= 5.4.1+dfsg-2ubuntu11~vivid3)12:28
zzarr qtconnectivity5-dev : Depends: qtbase5-dev12:28
zzarrI just realized that there is a PPA, but I have not installed it12:29
zzarrthe PPA I found is ci-train-ppa-service-ubuntu-stable-phone-overlay12:31
popeyzzarr, is it an armhf chroot?12:43
popeyzzarr, if so, you need to apt-get install qtconnectivity5-dev:armhf12:43
zzarrpopey, yes it is, thanks12:59
zzarrpopey, you're a hero :-D13:03
zzarrpopey, my project is building with Qt 5.5.1 :-D13:10
zzarrso, now I just got 20 compilation errors where the application do not find a lib I have created, yay, that's something that I understand and can fix13:14
Mirvzzarr: great! :)13:34
popeyhm, anyone got an mx4 handy?13:45
* mcphail is tempted to trigger the !ask factoid13:46
popeyI need someone to test a click package13:49
popeyballoons, seen "ImportError: No module named 'lxml'" on https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/lok-qml-currentpart-moved/+merge/28184013:59
zzarrpopey, I have an MX4 :-D14:14
popeyzzarr, http://people.canonical.com/~alan/com.ubuntu.docviewer_2.0.latest_armhf.click could you install that, and put a spreadsheet (like http://people.canonical.com/~alan/Mozilla_Location_Services.xlsx for example) and open with the doc viewer?14:16
popeyit will either look zoomed in like this:- http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2016-01-12-133308.png14:16
popeyor zoomed out like this:- http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2016-01-12-133734.png14:17
zzarrsure, should I open the link on the phone?14:17
popeywould like to know which pls :)14:17
popeywell, you could ssh to the phone, or adb shell14:17
popeythen wget the two files14:17
popeythen pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted com.ubuntu.docviewer_2.0.latest_armhf.click14:17
popey(which will be easier)14:17
Tellahzbenjamin, might as well bug you and bzoltan_ ; I know you are busy, but I figured you might want to be reminded of the qtcreator plugin.14:17
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zzarrpopey, the clock on one of the png's show 13:37 (leet), nice touch :-D14:18
popeyunintentional :)14:19
zzarrpopey, it is... hehe14:19
zzarrmy device don't show up in the sdk14:20
zzarrhow do I install a click package I have downloaded?14:24
popey<popey> then pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted com.ubuntu.docviewer_2.0.latest_armhf.click14:24
zzarrwhat does you mean with <popey>14:25
popeythat was me copy/pasting the line above14:25
zzarrohh, I missed that, sry14:26
popeyonce you install you need to pull-down to refresh the app scope14:26
zzarrinstalling now14:29
zzarrpopey, I don't notice any new app, is it the default docviewer?14:34
zzarrokey, I'll test it now14:34
zzarrpopey, it looks like the leet png14:36
popeybrilliant, thanks14:37
zzarrnp, glad to help :-D14:37
zzarrpopey, I have to say, very well done14:39
popeysverzegnassi, ^ :) Well done14:40
zzarrin that case, well done both of you14:41
sverzegnassizzarr, thanks! :)14:46
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dholbachjdstrand: if you have a bit of time, can you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1523384?15:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1523384 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "broken symlinks when snapping a python project using requirements.txt" [Undecided,In progress]15:03
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mhall119davidcalle: bzoltan_: the latest unity-js-scopes-doc is still not in the SDK team release PPA, I can't get them online until it is19:31
mhall119popey: is nik90's Flashback app available somewhere?20:28
popeyits on lauchpad20:37
popeybut the trackt api changed and I think he didnt have time to fix it20:37
mhall119ah, ok, so no good for a demo then20:45
popeyno, unless you fix it ;)20:45
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davidcallebzoltan_: the unity-js-scopes r122 one you moved the other day has, apprently, not moved21:03
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t1mpit seems I cannot launch any application in autopilot with TestCase.launch_upstart_application(appName)21:47
t1mpbut launch_test_application(appName) does seem to work....21:47
* t1mp confused21:48
dobeyt1mp: launch_upstart_application() i presume runs upstart jobs21:48
t1mpdobey: I guess... I am trying to run UITK tests. And all tests that load external qml files work, but all the tests that have qml code embedded in the python test code don't run21:49
dobeyoh, it says it does it via ubuntu-app-launch21:49
t1mpmaybe it is an issue with my upstart configuration21:49
ahayzent1mp, FWIW we use launch_click_package(appName) in music's AP21:50
dobeyi don't think launch_upstart_application () is what you ever want21:50
ahayzenand launch_test_application() when on a non-click environment21:51
t1mpI get something like this when I run an AP test http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14481052/21:51
t1mpdobey: it seems like our UbuntuTestCase for UITK has been using that since forever21:52
t1mpand for other people, the same tests apparently work. So that's why I was guessing maybe my upstart config is messed up on my laptop21:52
dobeydo you have ubuntu-app-launch installed on your laptop?21:53
t1mpyes, I can run ubuntu-app-launch.21:54
t1mpI just found out now that I am checking why the AP tests are not working for me21:54
t1mpmaybe it is a build dependency for UITK21:54
t1mplaunch_upstart_application() comes from here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/tests/__init__.py#L10921:54
popeyballoons, check it out! I fixed the spreadsheet! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWttFQOYwiImkvqT5hLkeWP954rA0G5oVNUWrq6vxi8/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=122:13
popey\o/ \o/ \o/22:14
faradgood evening!22:55
faradis it possible to extend an existing QtDeveloper installation, so that I can use it to develop for the ubuntu phone with it?22:56
t1mpso I have a ~/.local/share/applications/tmpa2ir07zt.desktop and /tmp/tmp4z8r54kj.qml. How would I launch that with applauncher?22:56
t1mpwith upstart22:56
faradsorry I mean QtCreator22:56
t1mpfarad: as I understood, we could not do everything needed for that in a separate plugin for qtcreator. So you would need to install the ubuntu-sdk instead of your current QtC (or perhaps next to it)22:57
t1mpbut I don't know the details. zbenjamin and bzoltan_ will know (when they are online tomorrow)22:58
faradOK thanks - all I wanted to know was if there exists a separate plugin22:58
faradwhich would enable me to develop from different platforms22:59
t1mpfarad: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/11/19/here-comes-brand-new-ubuntu-sdk-ide-tools/ explains how to install it23:00
farad@t1mp: thanks, I think I found all I need23:15

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