[05:36] Laney: wonders what's blocking libpinyin w/ dependencies to migrate [06:05] Hi [06:12] Good morning [06:16] Hi pitti [07:05] good morning [07:05] bonjour didrocks ! [07:06] didrocks: I haven't yet started with the unity issue, sorry; still chasing the ifupdown crash, but I'm almost done [07:07] bonjour pitti ! pas de problème :) [07:07] good morning desktopers [07:07] hey pitti, re didrocks [07:07] re seb128 [07:11] bonjour seb128 ! [07:13] hello all [07:19] hey hikiko [07:21] good morning hikiko [07:21] good morning seb128 didrocks :) [07:42] didrocks: "fun", my trusty instance with ubuntu-desktop installed doesn't even boot [07:42] cloud-init times out trying to talk to [07:43] ah, cloud-init gets removed during autopkgtests, perhaps that was the reason why [07:46] :) [07:46] didrocks: meh, so I'll need to rebuild it :/ [07:47] didrocks: OOI, do you know if --no-install-recommends succeeds? [07:47] that would cut out half of the packages [07:48] pitti: I wanted first to get large tests succeeding for sure on the remote [07:48] pitti: I can give it a try if you want [07:48] (but cutting a release right now first) [07:48] didrocks: ok, so I'll just use that for now; starting unity shouldn't be affected by LibO or tbird :) [07:50] pitti: yeah, let's see if our desktop seed doesn't miss anything :) [07:52] didrocks: systemctl is broken on trusty; outrageous ! [07:53] haha, who dare using systemd on it :) [07:56] sudo eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop [07:56] didrocks: ^ took 5 mins; I'd say this is fast enough, especially once we stop looking at it and it just happens automatically [07:57] oh CRAP [07:57] I installed ubuntu-desktop on the adt runner prodstack instance [07:58] pitti: I did a run in another branch (all tests) with this, let's see [08:00] good morning ! [08:35] morning! [08:37] hey larsu, how are you? [08:37] didrocks: ubuntu-desktop, no recommends, eatmydata, on scalingstack this time: "real 2m59.129s" [08:38] seb128: annoyed. I just openend my laptop, no login screen. Interacted with it for a couple of minutes and *then* it locks [08:38] pitti: nice! let's hope the tests pass then (they are working here for now with no recommends) [08:38] didrocks: oh, cool [08:38] seb128: otherwise good :) Ça va? [08:38] larsu, urg :-/ [08:38] hi pitti & didrocks! [08:38] pitti: however, I removed the all needs-recommends stenza, and it seems docker isn't happy [08:38] hey larsu [08:38] larsu, ça va, I've what look like an angina though :-/ [08:38] didrocks: ok, it reboots without cloud-init, now I can finally get to configuring lightdm :) [08:38] pitti: heh ;) [08:38] hey larsu, wie gehts? [08:38] seb128: uh no! all the best [08:38] seb128: urgh :( [08:39] pitti: gut danke! Und dir? Kommste zur FOSDEM? [08:39] didrocks: and of course fix my autopkgtest controller which I just ruined :) [08:39] stupid non cold enough winter [08:39] larsu: na logo! [08:39] pitti: *freu* [08:39] larsu: ich auch! [08:39] larsu, danke :-) [08:40] didrocks: yep, not even necessary to configure autologin -- lightdm itself even fails to start [08:40] didrocks: perhaps your setup test can detect that and cat /var/log/lightdm/* if lightdm is not running? [08:41] pitti: ok, at least large tests failing makes sense [08:41] pitti: yeah, that's something I could detect [08:42] pitti: the only thing is that I'll need to sleep for a while for detecting (like a timeout) after the reboot [08:42] and detect unity and compiz [08:42] didrocks: some of your large tests succeeded; is it plausible that in your VM lightdm didn't run at all? [08:43] didrocks: i. e. can the succeeding tests pass without any $DISPLAY? [08:43] didrocks: lspci does not have any VGA device [08:43] pitti: no, as told, some doesn't need a display [08:44] so yeah, those would pass [08:44] (go, scala, baseinstaller…) [08:44] didrocks: ack [08:44] those are the one which aren't running any GUIs [08:48] nice, it's running now [08:50] what have you done? [08:50] didrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14476586/ [08:50] didrocks: just configured the dummy driver [08:51] great, let's hope tests pass now! :) [08:51] didrocks: so, add -dummy as test depends, write xorg.conf, that should do it [08:52] pitti: yeah, + the loop to ensure it's running in test dep [08:52] pitti: thanks for looking! It seems there are just 2 remaining roadblocks now: [08:53] - seems like medium tests in the infra doesn't access to dockerhub (but you did the tests IIRC…) [08:53] didrocks: ah, let's look at that next [08:53] - if I switch on to not install recommends in d/t/c (so, for ubuntu-desktop and tests requirements), docker doesn't seem to be able to communicate to its client for docker run [08:53] I can reproduce the second [08:53] pitti: readd recommends then, to not trigger on #2 [08:54] hm, docker does not recommend anything [08:54] yeah, I don't know what I'm getting, waiting for the vm to finish setting up [08:55] but I got for each test: [08:55] time="2016-01-12T09:19:13+01:00" level=fatal msg="Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 18a6a4b6792544b3d4d37c811980405fe6bdf4daf54baf5fa54a7f46a4363c3d: [8] System error: mountpoint for devices not found" [08:55] when removing recommends [08:55] didrocks: hm, does docker need cgmanager or lxcfs or lxc itself? [08:56] ah, can be, for cgroups management… [08:56] (cgmanager?) [08:56] it doesn't use lxcfs or lxc anymore AFAIK [08:57] didrocks: argh, sorry, looked at "docker", not "docker.io" [08:57] Recommends: aufs-tools, ca-certificates, cgroupfs-mount | cgroup-lite, git, xz-utils, apparmor [08:57] didrocks: so I bet it's missing /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/ then [08:58] didrocks: >= utopic should be fine as systemd mounts that, but not in trusty [08:58] didrocks: so I bet cgroupfs-mount does it [08:58] didrocks: so perhaps "systemd-sysv | cgroupfs-mount"? [08:58] pitti: I'll apt install it [08:58] and keep you posted [08:59] (recommends git, seriously? :p) [09:00] hey guys [09:01] didrocks: "wget -O- https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu/" works from the instance [09:01] didrocks: is there a particular URL I should try? [09:01] "env -u https_proxy wget -O- https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu/" hangs as expected [09:01] so I guess it's not passing the proxy env vars properly? [09:03] hi hi! [09:03] hey Laney! [09:03] pitti: docker pull didrocks/docker-umake-manual is what is run [09:03] pitti: it's adding the proxy to /etc/default/docker.io (which is what it was doing on jenkins [09:04] which was using trusty [09:04] morning Laney [09:06] hey willcooke [09:06] hey Laney [09:09] hey pitti didrocks seb128 and willcooke! [09:09] how's it going? [09:09] quite fine, thanks! yourself? [09:09] Laney, alright! having what looks like an angina though :-/ [09:09] err [09:10] you should maybe go lie down :/ [09:11] pitti: hum cgroupfs-mount doesn't exist on trusty [09:11] (starting on vivid) [09:11] or is that the correct word in english? it feels like google translator misleaded me [09:11] pitti: good thanks! [09:11] didrocks: cgroup-lite then? [09:11] "throat infection" is rather it [09:11] HAHA [09:12] angina is heart pain [09:12] pitti: promising! no more error, let me run the tests now :) [09:13] didrocks: apt-get install docker.io in trusty chroot installs cgroup-lite indeed [09:13] pitti: yeah, and medium tests start to pass! [09:13] pitti: have you seen the few hung tests on armhf? [09:13] lxc-attach: attach.c: lxc_attach_to_ns: 257 No such file or directory - failed to open '/proc/11472/ns/mnt' [09:13] Laney: I did, still on my list [09:13] lxc-attach: attach.c: lxc_attach: 926 failed to enter the namespace [09:13] Laney, yeah, no, no that then ... we call it "angine", it's throat disconfort and tonsils which hurt [09:13] Laney: currently dealing with perl and some infra issues [09:14] seb128: we call it "Angina" too, FWIW [09:14] wow [09:14] this is a quite different thing in english [09:14] yeah, I just noticed when googling [09:14] although that's probably one of these cases where popular naming is totally wrong :) [09:14] pitti: so, basically, once the large tests finishes (if they pass), I can remove recommends, check if systemd-sysv is installed. If not, install cgroup-lite [09:14] pitti: the remaining one is then docker & proxy… [09:14] I think it means strangulation in greek or latin or something [09:15] pitti: infra> ack [09:16] what's the best way to kick tracker so that it can be restarted? [09:16] can leave the others for you to look at ;-) [09:16] Laney: how do you mean "kick"? run-autopkgtest? [09:16] kill [09:17] it is one of the hung tests [09:17] Laney: ah, find the host it's running on and kill (TERM, not KILL) the adt-run process [09:17] nod, thanks! [09:56] * seb128 wonders why http://cgit.freedesktop.org/accountsservice/ is missing [10:10] larsu, what's the status of https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=755421 ? [10:10] Gnome bug 755421 in gdbus "GDBus ignores NO_REPLY_EXPECTED flag in messages, leading to warnings on system bus" [Normal,New] [10:10] bug #1488344 [10:10] bug 1488344 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "dbus rejected send messages" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1488344 [10:10] does it need nagging of a glib maintainer? [10:19] yes [10:19] desrt comes to mind :) [10:33] andyrock: hey! Mind helping this contributor on unity (it's a google code in contributor). I did a MP for him so that you can review and copy/pasting his comments: https://code.launchpad.net/~mcintire-evan/unity/add-format-option/+merge/282282 [10:33] he's* [10:33] yup [10:33] and good morning [10:33] :D [10:34] thanks :) [10:35] probably we need to rebase it [10:35] on a trevino's branch [10:37] andyrock: I guess feel free to comment on so that he knows what's up :) [10:37] (and if you can sync with Trevinho|OFF once he's back, that would be awesome!) [10:39] pitti: setup was quite quick, pep8 and small passed, medium started and pulls the image successfully [10:39] (and first test passed) [10:45] ook [10:46] TheMuso> ksamak: The only place where I know of GOBject anywhere near compiz is in unity itself, for a11y support. Afaik compiz is all C++ now, and I'd say upstrea would prefer it that way. [10:46] TheMuso: i understand, i'll try to keep it that way too. [10:46] shame that atkmm is bounded to Gobject... [10:47] thx for the opinion [11:10] Laney: fixed the "unable to find this glibc version" bug FYI, so the spamming should stop RSN === hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln [11:13] pitti: oh good :) [11:13] * pitti throws hands into the air "hideously complicated" [11:14] hey guys, lost connection for a while... [11:14] hi happyaron! [11:15] so did I lost your reply? :p [11:16] no I didn't find you to reply to [11:16] haha [11:16] libpinyin is a transition yes? [11:16] yep [11:17] reverse-deps are fcitx-libpinyin & ibus-libpinyin, all in -proposed [11:17] ubuntu-keyboard-chinese-pinyin : Depends: libpinyin4 (>= 0.9.93) but it is not installable [11:18] FAAAAAAAAAAAAALSE! [11:18] hell, what's that [11:18] go to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt [11:18] touch stuff I see [11:18] and search for "Trying easy from autohinter: fcitx-libpinyin/0.3.3-2 libpinyin/1.3.0-2 ibus-libpinyin/1.7.3-2" [11:18] that shows you what the problems are [11:19] thanks a lot [11:19] you want me to upload a rebuild? [11:19] I'll check it now, not sure whether rebuild will work for it [11:20] "reverse-depends libpinyin4" shows it btw [11:20] didn't imagine there's something else in Ubuntu that will depends on libpinyin... [11:22] :) [11:24] yay ubiquity works now [11:27] * happyaron is building something new to him [11:30] Laney: rebuild using libpinyin7-dev does the work, please upload [11:30] happyaron: can you make a merge proposal with the changes please? [11:30] then I'll upload direct too [11:31] ok [11:58] happyaron: done === hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko [12:06] willcooke, does chrome tear all the time or when it displays video? [12:08] hikiko, I notice it all the time, but it really only bothers me if it's playing video [12:08] qengho's new string *does* seem to have helped, but I need to do more testing [12:09] qengho's string comment #6 should fix it [12:09] if it always occurs [12:09] but if you only see it when you play video it's just a browser bug [12:09] I installed chrome + netflix [12:10] but still no tearing [12:22] Laney: thanks, I've set the commit message. [12:22] ♥ [12:55] * Trevinho|OFF back from Thailand... [12:55] So... Hello! The time shift tricked me :-( === Trevinho|OFF is now known as Trevinho [12:57] hey Trevinho|OFF! [12:57] hey Trevinho [12:57] did you have good holidays? [12:58] seb128: hi! Very good seb, thanks, [12:58] I also managed not to buy a local SIM card, so I enjoyed the life offline [12:58] hey Trevinho, welcome back! :) [12:59] Well apart from the hotels WiFi [12:59] didrocks: hi, thanks [13:17] w/b Trevinho [13:21] hey Trevinho [13:23] * Laney hax into an s390x instance [13:32] Hi Laney and willcooke! [13:35] Trevinho, I was going to suggest we have a sprint review meeting tomorrow. What do you think? Shall we perhaps do it on Friday instead? [13:35] Give you some more time to wrap up after hols [13:43] happyaron: git server down.. [13:46] hey seb128 [13:47] dpm, hey [13:47] seb128, how are you? [13:48] dpm, a bit sick today but good otherwise. how are you? [13:48] argh, sorry to hear that :) [13:48] hope you get well soon [13:48] thanks [13:48] I'm good, busy with ubucon final preparations [13:48] I got your e-mail [13:48] better to be sick this week than next :-) [13:49] I though so [13:49] hehe indeed :) [13:49] tell me I'm overlooking something stupid ;-) [13:49] I don't think you've overlooked anything, so let's try to debug - if you go to http://www.meetup.com/Ubuntu-California/events/227070159/ - do you see the "Join and RSVP" button on the right top corner? [13:50] tes [13:50] yes [13:50] but that opens a dialog asking for a meetup account [13:50] which I don't have ... is that mandatory? [13:51] seb128, ok, so I think you'll need to create a meetup account first. I don't think you can register without it [13:51] k [13:51] can I not register? [13:51] e.g is the registration mandatory? [13:51] I'm not interested by creating an account on yet another website [13:52] seb128, it's not mandatory, but it help us estimate the number of attendees and the number of lanyards [13:52] well, you have my oral [13:52] +confirmation [13:52] can I suggest that next Ubuntu events use sso logins like UDS does? [13:54] we've had long discussions about it, either using summit.ubuntu.com or loco.ubuntu.com. We decided for meetup as it's something we're offering to LoCos and the organizers were the Ubuntu California LoCo [13:54] we even created an event at summit.ubuntu.com [13:55] but decided against it [13:57] dpm, I can understand that, I just decided to create dummy accounts on random websites when I can avoid it so I'm not going to register, just letting you know [13:57] +not [13:57] if you have somewhere under sso login when I can register I'm happy to do so though [13:57] otherwise I'm just going to email confirm [13:58] seb128, that's fine, we'll print a Microsoft lanyard for you [13:58] * dpm hugs seb128 :) [13:58] lol [13:58] * seb128 hugs dpm back [13:58] that's fine, I can do Microsoft VP, apparently they started telling people how much win7 sucks :p [13:59] (in the goal of making them update to 10, but I choice to ignore that part and focus on MS telling that win7 is insecure and buggy ;-) [13:59] :) [13:59] I'm trying to see if there is a way to register without an account [14:00] thanks, but don't bother [14:00] it's not important, as long as I can enter the event [14:02] omg snow! [14:02] good morning, everyone [14:02] seb128, larsu: thanks for the poke on that bug. didn't see that the dbus spec changes got merged in the end. [14:02] seb128, in any case, it doesn't seem possible to RSVP without an account. The alternative is to sign up wit Facebook, but the button does not seem to show in Firefox, just in Chromium [14:04] good morning desrt [14:04] 'sup didrocks? [14:04] nothing special, and no snow here :) [14:04] you? [14:04] my feet are cold and i haven't had coffee yet [14:05] off to a bad start, but things are about to be looking up [14:05] heh [14:06] desrt: morning :) [14:06] desrt, hey, yw! [14:06] desrt: not a fan of reexporting actions like you suggested [14:06] re-exporting? [14:06] ya [14:07] i think you've never really told me what it is that you're doing here [14:07] remember I want to export actions from somewhere down the hierarchy [14:07] is this the proxying thing for the other action group being visible on the window level? [14:07] yes [14:07] oh... [14:07] in that case... [14:07] i'm glad i rejected the patch >:| [14:07] dpm, it shows for me in firefox, but I'm on principle against giving too much data to facebook or contributing to make it the reference platform it has too much of a monopoly [14:07] dpm, sorry, old grumpy geek here ;-) [14:08] desrt: I still need to do it, though, and now I can only do it unnamespaced [14:08] unless I create new actions objects... [14:08] why did you move away from the idea of exporting 'additional action groups' on the bus? [14:08] because, honestly... if you take a step back and look at what you're doing, it's pretty scary. [14:08] i guess, first: what's going on here? why is there a separate group? [14:09] is the answer more than "because it's possible"? [14:09] because that's a much larger project that I don't want to backport to xenial [14:09] which has 3.18 [14:09] seb128, sure, just giving options here [14:09] larsu: your patch that mucks about how actions are exported would be a pretty scary backport as well... not sure i'd want to do that [14:10] desrt: it's a separate group because that's how nautilus works now (it has different subviews for folders and "other locations", each being an action group itself) [14:10] desrt: ya, we talked about that. That's because I forgot about the RemoteActionGroup stuff [14:10] larsu: so the group may change when a new tab is selected, for example? [14:10] yes [14:10] or a new "thing" from the sidebar [14:10] and you plan on handling that manually? [14:10] right now it's inserted into the window, which is fine for the gear menu of course [14:11] desrt: no, I plan on making it work. I [14:11] I've done like 5 approaches. All of them shit [14:11] all for the hate of a gear menu [14:11] yes [14:11] I've been on this for way too long already [14:12] but no matter what I do, patches become too invasive or something doesn't work right [14:12] heh [14:12] i know that feeling :) [14:13] i'm pretty sure, excepting a nautilus refactor, you're going to have to export the groups as-is [14:13] larsu, it might be time to consider if really want the menubar and/or the new nautilus [14:13] I'm starting wondering if we should revert to 3.14 [14:13] (not only because of menus) [14:13] desrt: what do you mean? [14:14] desrt: the window// thing we discussed? [14:14] larsu: what we talked about in london: export the group on the bus at some subpath of the window and have a mapping of symbolic names ('tab'?) to object paths as a property on the window [14:14] yes [14:14] seb128: I have a serious case of sunk cost fallacy at this point [14:14] why did this idea stop working? [14:15] larsu, I can imagine :-/ [14:15] desrt: it didn't. I deemed that patch to be too large to backport [14:15] so why don't we forget about the backport? [14:15] hahahahahaha [14:15] welcome to my life [14:16] what's the deal right now? are menus just completely broken? [14:16] or are we simply unable to export, and so we get a gear menu? [14:16] well we have an app menu [14:16] and a gear menu [14:16] and app menus really don't work well in unity [14:16] apparently this passed QA for the release [14:16] (double app title and all) [14:17] desrt: no, this is 3.18 - we released 3.14 in w [14:18] so we're talking about backports in terms of vendor-patching old upstream [14:18] yes [14:18] gotcha [14:18] i don't think there's any such thing as "too large to backport" in this case :) [14:18] as long as we have a future solution for killing that patch off in the next cycle [15:17] who holds interest in 14.04.4 images? could you get Win10 compatibility into the SRU queue? https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/os-prober/trusty_add_win10_to_the_list/+merge/281040 [15:17] I managed to test it now [15:18] otherwise the only automated install option with 14.04 is to wipe the whole hard disk, plus also win10 is not recognized after installation [15:18] Mirv, that seems like one for devel/cyphermox [15:19] and I think most people do care about the LTS [15:19] what question is that :-) [15:19] seb128: well no-one sponsored it during the holidays when it has been in the queue! :) [15:19] pff, people spending holidays as holidays [15:19] ah, jes [15:19] maybe because it was the holidays and people were not working? :p [15:20] Mirv: I'll merge this in a minute, it indeed should land [15:20] cyphermox: thanks [15:20] thanks cyphermox [15:26] I happened to notice I'm still a (very) technically a post-graduate student and get all MS things for 0€, so I got one for VM testing [15:27] that is quite aggressive way of drowning all young people in MS products, but I guess it's been the normal thing for some time, I just haven't noticed since I haven't had MS products since.. forever [15:27] very nice for testing, anyway [15:28] yeah [15:30] righty [15:30] yeah, meeting! [15:30] #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 [15:30] Meeting started Tue Jan 12 15:30:38 2016 UTC. The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [15:30] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: [15:31] Roll call: andyrock, attente, desrt, dgadomski, didrocks, fjkong, happyaron, hikiko, laney, larsu, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out) [15:31] o/ [15:31] hihi [15:31] o/ [15:31] o/ [15:31] hey! [15:31] hi [15:32] hey [15:32] hi [15:33] let's get started then [15:33] #topic andyrock === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: andyrock [15:33] I've been working on the startup notification branch for bamf and unity [15:33] now that Trevinho is back and I can use his knowledge should be easy to finish the branch [15:34] \eof [15:34] thanks andyrock [15:34] #topic attente === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: attente [15:34] hi all [15:34] finished gtk popup menu revisions, but won't be merged upstream until a working wayland implementation also exists [15:34] currently making some final apparmor dconf revisions... [15:34] (eof) [15:35] thanks attente, happy travels for next week [15:35] #topic desrt === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: desrt [15:35] hey [15:36] ended up spinning my wheels a lot this week and didn't get a whole lot done, unfortunately [15:36] eof. [15:36] thanks desrt [15:36] hope you get traction ;) [15:36] #topic dgadomski === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: dgadomski [15:36] hey, just a single thing today: [15:36] * testing -proposed packages fixing bug #1337873 on Trusty, Wily, apparently there was a regression on armhf so I have prepared new debdiffs with pitti's fix [15:36] bug 1337873 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Wily) "ifupdown initialization problems caused by race condition" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1337873 [15:36] EOF [15:37] thanks dgadomski [15:37] thanks [15:37] #topic didrocks === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: didrocks [15:37] hey [15:37] Ubuntu Make: [15:37] - Releasing Ubuntu Make 16.01 bringing some new features from below and previous weeks. https://plus.google.com/+DidierRoche/posts/d7CcoGrvUnX! [15:37] - Reviewing and helping on two pull requests that are now merged in from a new contributor. We always get latest Unity3D beta version (with some flexible parsing as they change their formats regularly) and also latest Eclipse! Welcome to eclipse java Mars instead of Luna! Adapt tests to always fetch latest and greatest as well on those 2 frameworks (which were the only ones where we had to hardcode [15:37] specific version previously). [15:37] - Making some fixes and helping on another review for Swift support. Blocked right now on a gpg import key issues when euid != uid (it's a gpg protection), but that doesn't help when needing sudo. [15:37] - Continue on working on the autopkgtests infrastructure (ensure system tests are running as expected) and doing first test runs. medium and large tests are not passing on the official infra (under debugging). Adding wrapper to it, exposing new attributes (ppa, vcs branches) to run-autopktests archive admin and release manager tools. [15:37] - Rework foreign architecture addition and detection to ensure we only call it once (we were calling them once per package previously), fix some races. Move this facility to tools and restructure tests for this. [15:37] - Add locks to avoid a race condition when creating temp file (to not create them as root) and add a new contextwrapper for as_root() with its tests. [15:37] - Drop sshpass in favor of ssh key for docker image connection [15:37] - A lot of smaller fixes for more test robustness, restructuration, env leaking (check for https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make/commit/e2f0cb2b31959c4f7d67fb76d1e1de4a9639cf1a for details) [15:37] Misc: [15:37] - fix lubuntu plymouth theme upgrade bug (wily -> xenial). Fix their postrm to ensure we don't trigger this issue (present for years in the packaging) in the future. [15:37] - google code in: review a --list and --list-installed PR on Ubuntu Make (the student will pause for 2 weeks though) + desktop file for logout/shutdown/reboot. both still in progress. Another one on format option in unity (pushed to andyrock as he needs some guidance) [15:37] . [15:38] thanks didrocks [15:38] #topic FJKong === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: FJKong [15:38] Sogou IM update: [15:38] 1 research on testing code on extrace each frame and time from file [15:38] 2 research support input emoji symble [15:38] eof [15:38] thanks FJKong [15:38] extract.. [15:39] #topic happyaron === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: happyaron [15:40] probably out.... [15:41] happyaron, please let me have your update via email when you're online [15:41] #topic hikiko === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: hikiko [15:41] there's an issue with the size of the shadow and I am trying to figure out how to get the correct size accounting for borders or decorations, otherwise it works it's just smaller than it should be... apart from that did some support here and there, look at the chrome vsync bug etc [15:42] eof [15:42] thanks hikiko, do you think we're good to start asking people to test qengho's suggested string? Just some general feedback about whether or not it makes a difference for people? [15:44] yes willcooke [15:44] cool, I'll do that this afternoon [15:44] thanks hikiko [15:44] #topic Laney === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: Laney [15:45] hello [15:45] • Uploaded gstreamer 1.7 to X, required getting an upstream fix [15:45] ∘ still a 1.6 point release to upload to 15.10 [15:45] • finished seeding gnome-calendar [15:45] • ported some more stuff (ubiquity, webapps-applications, other things), to webkit2, should be able to get webkit1 out of main [15:45] • fixed virt-manager breakage in X [15:45] • started poking at tracker autopkgtests on s390x [15:45] • looked at some of my merges [15:45] • went to the CC meeting to represent the team [15:45] ♟ [15:45] is that pile of poo or is my text too small? [15:45] awesome, thanks Laney [15:45] * larsu zooms [15:45] ha [15:45] #topic larsu === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: larsu [15:46] it's a pawn [15:46] like me [15:46] have been working on nautilus (after some half sick days last week) [15:46] * Laney advances one square towards larsu [15:46] desrt disliked my gtk patch though (for good reason), so I've been looking for a way out that is not too hacky [15:47] haven't found one yet :/ [15:47] i have a proposal =) [15:47] the way nautilus code got refactored really doesn't work well with how menus are exported on the bus [15:47] Laney, speaking of gstreamer, you probably know but tracker s390 autopkg is grumpy and blocking it, that seems buggy though (it blocks gnome-icon-theme the same way) and might be worth doing a skip or something [15:48] desrt: stop doing it? [15:48] I know [15:48] 3.14 is really old... [15:48] larsu: do it how we originally discussed in london, or ya... stop doing it entirely [15:48] 12/01 15:45:01 • started poking at tracker autopkgtests on s390x [15:48] great [15:48] but fwiw, i don't think the changes i proposed would end up introducing a huge changeset in nautilus [15:48] desrt: in nautiulus? [15:48] but the changes to gtk would indeed be fairly substantial [15:48] desrt: there I can only re-export actions [15:48] in the same namespace [15:49] larsu: let's discuss this one more time after the meeting [15:49] anyway, let's not discuss this in the meteting [15:49] [15:49] :) [15:49] thanks chaps [15:49] larsu: but i think if we can't figure out how to do it along these lines, you need to put it down [15:49] #topic qengho === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: qengho [15:52] laggy laggy? [15:52] he was here a little while ago [15:52] I've seen that before [15:52] ya. he was having trouble last meeting as well [15:52] #topic seb128 [15:52] - done: chromium up to date. in Proposed. - done: Cr+fcitx apparmor updates for #security. - to-do: snappy packaging for chromium - need: sponsorship for xenial xdg-utils. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/1518053 === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: seb128 [15:52] Launchpad bug 1518053 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "xdg-mime can read .config/ defaults but can never set them" [Medium,Confirmed] [15:52] doh [15:53] lol, that as well [15:53] qengho2, carry on if needed... [15:53] (/me waits for qengho to be done) [15:54] I'm giving up smuxi. It is broken on large networks like freenode. [15:54] EOF [15:54] thanks qengho2 [15:54] seb128, all yours [15:54] * spent most of the week trying to get on top of xenial work (launchpad bugs, e.u.c, versions, ...) [15:54] * some Debian merges [15:54] * some small updates [15:54] [15:54] thanks seb128 [15:55] #topic Sweet5hark === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: Sweet5hark [15:55] - returned from vacation, burning through ~3000 mail backlog [15:55] - bumped LibreOffice to 5.1.0~rc1 for ppa including l10n in the ppa [15:55] EOF [15:55] thanks Sweet5hark [15:55] #topic TheMuso === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: TheMuso [15:55] * Uploaded merge of Brltty from debian, accidentally breaking the systemd service file, which was promptly fixed, thanks rtg. [15:55] * Further work on liba11y-profile-manager. Coding is well under way, and I've almost finalized the API, and it will e documented as its developed, allowing for changes as I progress where required, or where I've overlooked something. [15:56] #topic tkamppeter === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: tkamppeter [15:56] Looks like Till is offline, I will come back if he appears... [15:56] #topic Trevinho === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: Trevinho [15:56] Nothing to report, a part from the fact I'm back [15:56] :D [15:56] Trevinho, what do you think for a sprint review? Friday better than tomorrow? I think yes [15:57] willcooke: I agree [15:57] cool, that's done then [15:57] will send out invites [15:57] andyrock, let me know how you are fixed for a meeting on Friday [15:57] #topic willcooke === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-01-12 | Current topic: willcooke [15:57] Oh, no update from Robert, but I spoke to him yesterday [15:58] it starts feeling late for the software-center replacement ... [15:58] he's been working on GNOME software and has branches which can get reviews and comments from LP [15:58] seb128, Let's see what we find out in the meeting tomorrow. I think we still need to push hard for it [15:59] I'm oddly happy that "perl" was not installed on my main machine until just now as a dep for "irssi". [15:59] it = G-Software [15:59] yeah [15:59] I'm also starting worring a bit about nautilus [15:59] I'm unsure the new version is good enough for the LTS/not going to been as a regression [16:00] yes, thats sounding like it's not going as smoothly as expected. [16:00] let's discuss after the meeting [16:00] Reminder to all desktoppers: please fill out the conferences spreadsheet [16:00] seb128: what does the new version give us, other than being new? [16:00] ah wait. after the meeting. [16:00] thx [16:01] oki, no Till so let's wrap and continue the Nautilus conversation [16:01] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks [16:01] Meeting ended Tue Jan 12 16:01:35 2016 UTC. [16:01] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2016/ubuntu-desktop.2016-01-12-15.30.moin.txt [16:01] thanks all [16:01] thanks! [16:01] larsu: big icons :-) [16:01] thanks! [16:01] didrocks: haha [16:01] larsu, not much, the usual "it's upstream supported, has improvements, etc" [16:02] right [16:02] though in this case I'm unsure [16:02] it's quite different, too [16:02] the new maintainer is friendly and nice but they seem to lack a bit of direction [16:02] "other locations" and all [16:02] ya [16:02] like they axed options that they keep adding back now as gsettings key [16:02] or adding back in 3.20 [16:02] really? ugh [16:02] like being able to delete bypassing the trash [16:02] or to make symlinks [16:03] the first one seems like quite a useful feature [16:03] those are small examples [16:03] right [16:03] I'm more concerned by the 3 icons sizes only restriction and those being too big [16:03] and by the new file transfert-in win dialog [16:04] upstream is having issues, their user feedback seems to tell them users don't notice that copies, etc are going [16:04] they added animations to the toolbar icon [16:04] and now they auto-open the popup [16:04] but it's not great [16:05] oh I haven't noticed that [16:05] indeed.... [16:05] * larsu never copies files apparently [16:06] also they do weird/buggy things code wise which makes me a bit concerned [16:06] yeah, the copy one is really annoying as an user [16:06] like they import gtk widgets without renaming symbols [16:07] and it leads to errors in case where you end up using a gtkfilelector [16:07] which has the same symbol defined [16:07] well I guess they are going to fix that, but weird things are going on [16:08] is this with both 3.18? [16:08] gtk and nautilus, I mean [16:08] yes [16:08] wicked [16:09] so are you saying we should revert? [16:09] seb128: GtkPlacesView is used internally by the file chooser, so the type get registered. Then, nautilus use it as well, copy pasting the code from gtk. but we use the file chooser in nautilus, which leads to trying to register the same type [16:09] I'd really appreciate not having to deal wit hthis [16:09] but then, I already spent quite some time on it [16:09] seb128: yay for glib's type system [16:10] larsu, I'm unsure, same as usual, if we revert we are blocked on an old version which makes Laney sad and Ubuntu GNOME grumpy [16:10] but I start having a feeling that it's the best way for the LTS [16:10] other opinions are welcome [16:10] * larsu doesn't want to make Laney sad [16:10] didrocks seems to agree that the new nautilus has issues [16:11] +1 [16:11] (even +alot) [16:12] quite some new bugs also, upstream is handling some but it's going to be a work sink [16:12] let's just go with 3.20!!! [16:12] * larsu runs [16:12] willcooke, did you use the new nautilus in xenial much? do you have an opinion on pros/cons? [16:12] lol [16:13] I would have considered it, since I'm about to backport most of what is going on there [16:13] but gtk css changes are in the way [16:13] I havent used it a great deal, but what I did use felt like there were more oddities than I was expecting [16:13] seb128: ya css nodes is quite a big change [16:14] this wouldn't affect the file navigation - single clicks vs double clicks to open folders etc though would it? [16:14] no, that's a different one [16:14] that one is GTK [16:15] you can do what you think is best [16:15] issues for me: large icons, the rename pop up, [16:16] Laney, did you use the new version much? do you have an opinion on how it feels as an user? [16:16] header bar might be more work than we need [16:16] sigh [16:16] right [16:16] if a package has version 0.99.1+git20151118+62bd54b-0ubuntu1, is there a way to supercede it with the old versioning convention? [16:16] also larsu is struggling with the menu changes [16:17] attente, what do you mean? [16:17] attente: once 0.99.2 (or +) is released, yeah :) [16:17] but this version means it's 0.99.1 + a git snapshot [16:17] ah crap. ok [16:17] i'll just add a 2 on the end [16:18] what are you doing? [16:18] want to upload maliit-inputcontext-gtk [16:18] seb128: a bit, I noticed you can't click a filename to rename it inline any more [16:19] but the transitional package has version 0.99.1+git20151118+62bd54b-0ubuntu1 [16:19] seb128, larsu - does it make sense to time-box it, given that larsu has already invested in it. Maybe another week(?) to see if we can overcome the issues and then if not, revert? [16:19] attente: you can use epoch, but then, everyone around here will kill you :) [16:19] * attente looks it up [16:20] why does uploading that mean you have to go backwards? [16:20] willcooke, well, larsu doesn't have an easy way out yet for the menus, and then we don't have a start of solution for the big icons or non classic widgets (like the rename one) [16:20] seems like there's a lot more issues than a week can fix [16:20] Laney: maybe they missed up and meant ~git instea of +git? [16:20] instead* [16:20] why do we hate popovers? [16:20] messed* [16:20] * Laney has all the questions and none of the answers [16:21] those packages used to exist in the maliit-framework upstream repo, but they were moved out to a new one: maliit-inputcontext-gtk [16:21] so now those packages are just transitional in archive [16:21] Laney, for me it's not so much an issue, out of being inconsistent, if you right click in the left pane you get a type of menu (pop over) but if you right click on the right pane you get standard menus [16:21] Laney, willcooke seems to dislike the rename popover though [16:21] attente: you can publish transitional binary package with different version than source [16:22] if that's what you meant and want the new source to have the transitional binary package [16:23] not really dislike, just different to the way it always has been. Like, it's a UX change that I'm just not sure about. I don't think it's necessarily better [16:23] didrocks: i want to package the new repo so it supercedes the old transitional packages, is there a way to do that? [16:23] attente: ah, the new repo will ship the same binary package name [16:23] yeah [16:23] but with a version which is supposively backward? [16:23] well, a version without that +git nonsense [16:23] https://github.com/maliit/inputcontext-gtk/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt [16:24] yeah, you can't do that without epoch, but please, do don't that, can't upstream bump their version? [16:24] why is +gitsomething nonsense? [16:24] it's a snapshot which follows the 0.99.1 release [16:24] attente: generally +git meant "this version + a snapshot of git at that revision" [16:26] isn't that a hack to get the debian/watch file to use a git snapshot instead of an actual release? [16:26] no [16:26] Hello, there, I think this is not entirely related to ubuntu make, but I think people here would know, is it common for the installation of Unity3d by Ubuntu Make to take really long times? [16:26] it's saying that this is not an actual upstream release [16:26] attente: well, a snapshot is a temporary solution normally [16:26] but a snapshot which follows that one [16:27] forbidden404: hey, depends on your bandwidth, their server loads and what you have already installed [16:27] forbidden404: from experience, downloads can take up to 25-30 minutes (it's more than 1.5G) [16:27] forbidden404: is the progress bar "progressing"? ;) [16:27] didrocks: well, the download is done, it's taking time installing it [16:27] extracting it, well, you extract 1.5G… [16:28] the progress bar should bounce forth and back as the archive updates [16:28] as long as it does that, it means it's extracting [16:28] seb128, larsu - at this point it seems that using Nautilus 3.18 is the better option. [16:28] if the extraction is stuck, the bar will reflect that being stuck as well [16:28] didrocks: yeah, but it's been like 1 hour, the progress bar is still bouncing back and forth [16:28] urgh [16:29] forbidden404: which version of ubuntu make? [16:29] 15.12.1 [16:29] forbidden404: ah, I'm pretty sure you get the bug I only got during tests (there was a race) [16:29] forbidden404: that should be fixed on 16.01 [16:29] which is *just* released :) [16:30] forbidden404: your installation should still be functional, though, but if you want a clean one… [16:30] willcooke, 3.18 is the new one we have in xenial [16:30] you will just not have the launcher icon [16:30] willcooke, you mean 3.14? [16:30] oh, right - yes. [16:30] (and the framework being marked as installed) [16:30] willcooke, yeah, I tend to agree ... [16:30] didrocks: as you mentioned it, I just updated apt and yeah, new ubuntu make version [16:31] forbidden404: the good part is that you will have even a newer Unity3D version :) [16:31] didrocks: I will abort this one and try again with the new version, thanks for th etip [16:31] didrocks: well that's great too [16:31] forbidden404: yw! that's quite timely: https://plus.google.com/+DidierRoche/posts/d7CcoGrvUnX :) [17:12] * didrocks waves good evening [17:12] byeeeee didrocks [17:13] see you Laney! === cmiller is now known as qengho [18:00] hikiko, my testing says it works well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xkNy9gfKOg === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:02] also a good excuse to watch old demo scene vids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkM9koIRdpg [18:04] qengho, chrisccoulson: are you/is mozilla aware of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1235557 ? There are rumors of it being exploitable: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.fefe.de%2F%3Fts%3Da87aea32 [18:04] Mozilla bug 1235557 in ImageLib "crash in OOM | large | mozalloc_abort | mozalloc_handle_oom | moz_xmalloc | mozilla::image::Deinterlacer::Deinterlacer" [Critical,Resolved: duplicate] [18:05] Ew. [18:07] * Laney uploads u-c-c and zenity wk2s [18:07] and byeeeee! [18:07] see ya Laney [18:18] Sweet5hark: out of memory abort doesn't seem likely to be exploitable. Maybe it's before that crash that a new value could cause something exploitable. [18:20] Laney, have fun! [18:20] Laney, we got the security to ack having both versions in main? [18:20] or did we finish porting everything to wk2? [18:23] Sweet5hark: eog says "not enough memory to load". [18:25] qengho: yeah, the google translated link speaks about the issue being resolved as dupe of a private bug though -- which sounds ... interesting. Then again I dont know about mozillas policy wrt bugs that are merely a DoS, so it might be that the bug is just private for that without RCE. [19:07] Sweet5hark, https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/5622177b1e95 [19:13] Laney, what's the Ubuntu appstream URL? [19:52] g'night all [19:58] seb128: still around? [21:19] larsu: you're not really planning to backport gtk3.20 theming stuff to 16.04, are you? otherwise i guess i can throw my theme away and start anew (i.e. what i'll have to do after 16.04 anyway...) [21:20] larsu: also, i guess you haven't fixed the linked items in inline-toolbars yet in light-themes, right?