
robert_ancellkgunn, hii00:12
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alan_gAny reviewer for https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/nested-server-uses-host-graphics-platform/+merge/281886?10:30
greybackhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14477402/ <- think my libraries are mismatched?12:08
greybackyeah, I've mix of 17 & 18 somehow12:09
greybackI must've been naughty again12:09
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alan_gkdub: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1532202/comments/12 - before I dive into the android platform do you any pointers or thoughts?17:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1532202 in canonical-pocket-desktop "[android] External monitor slows rendering" [High,In progress]17:23
kdubalan_g, maybe check if the code is waiting the hwc_fallback_gl_renderer aronud the texture loading17:28
kdubor in the ipc platform before the buffer is sent back over ipc17:28
* alan_g ducks as words whoosh over his head17:29
hroo772quick question about mir. Has it been made the default graphics server in 16.04?17:32
hroo772thanks. Were there any major graphics changes between 15.10 and 16.04? I've had some odd issues with an older nvidia chip crashing after the login screen. Haven't gotten logs just yet17:34
hroo772it seemed like xorg fallback didn't seem to work properly and after the crash, it just gets sent back to the login screen17:35
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josharensonSo I was complaining that I couldn't get the greeter to run as a mir server... the real issue is with mir-platform-input-evdev4... Just by installing that package (and not attempting to run the greeter as a mir server), my system won't even boot.21:11
josharensonThe only error I see is re: bluetooth (making a pastebin)21:12
josharensonthe bt part looks possibly unrelated, but still wondering why the package is breaking my system21:16
anpok_josharenson: but that package should just be available..21:21
anpok_i mean it is required by usc21:21
anpok_indirectly due to the driver packages..21:21
josharensonanpok_: can you clarify? it _shouldn't_ be installed?21:31
anpok_it should be installed..assuming you are on rc-proposed..21:36
anpok_but why would you install it in isolation?21:36
josharensonanpok_: this is on xenial desktop and it doesnt look like anything else installed it21:40
josharensonanpok_: and w/o it mir complains that there is no input devices21:40
anpok_hmm odd .. mir-graphivs-drivers-desktop should require it21:43
anpok_it just means it starts up further and then halts for other reasons..21:44
josharensonanpok_: havent done a dist upgrade in a few days, let me see what the result of that is too21:44

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