
bazhangthe imagemagick manual rivals war and peace for length00:01
bazhangone of the former ops here actually printed it out00:01
=== h00k is now known as Captain_h00k
rwwFlannel: werewolf person has also been hit with a cluebat by their ops now too04:11
rwwthey don't like that sort of nonsense either04:11
FlannelMost channels don't.  Thankee.04:11
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (RAVENBLACKFALL,)04:33
daftykinsFlannel: you're aware you just kicked a volunteer for actually replying to relevant topics?04:36
Flanneldaftykins: I'm aware of who I kicked.  A second ops call is unnecessary, as rww was obviously aware of the situation.  I will be talking to him and explaining this as soon as I get the new guy into -ot so he's not being offtopic (I only have two hands).04:38
daftykinsbeing a regular volunteer should mean you don't get pushed around with a kick when something needs explaining04:39
daftykinsperhaps you should reconsider using that as a tactic in future, given it's overly heavy handed04:39
Flanneldaftykins: Actually, it's been pointed out to me that there was no second ops call.  So, I will be explaining my error to cfhowlett once I can.04:39
Flanneldaftykins: However, with regard to your "regular explainer means special privledges", that's absolutely false.  No one has a longer leash than default (although some people do have shorter ones), not even ops.04:41
daftykinsthat's a policy mistake04:41
FlannelBut, again, this particular case was an error on my part.  And as soon as we finish this conversation I'll be spending some time talking to cfhowlett about it.04:41
daftykinslooks like he's quit, probably less inclined to want to be somewhere helping when some heavy-handed op likes to kick before thinking04:42
Unit193Wow, that's...Rich.  He's presuming someone hasn't already spoken to him before too.04:43
FlannelJust drop it.04:43
Unit193Heh, of course, nothing to drop.04:45
ubottuzul called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()18:15
ikoniahello Chicken_Wrap19:10
Chicken_WrapHello, ikonia.19:10
ikoniawhat's up, how can we help today ?19:10
Chicken_WrapJust want to know how I can get unbanned.19:10
ikoniaoh, you're banned, from where ?19:10
ikoniayou appear to be in #ubuntu19:10
k1lhi Chicken_Wrap19:11
Chicken_WrapYes, but I can't send any messages.19:11
Chicken_WrapSo I'm assuming that I'm muted or something along those lines.19:11
Chicken_Wraphello, k1l.19:11
k1li muted you last time since you did not stop besides beeing asked several times.19:11
ikonialets have a look, hang on a moment please19:11
ikoniaahh k1l knows, I'll leave it to him19:11
Chicken_WrapNot stop what?19:11
k1li told you in pm that you are muted and to come here when you want to use #ubuntu in a proper way again.19:11
Chicken_Wrapyes, but what did I do wrong in #ubuntu?19:11
k1lChicken_Wrap: some users were making drama about warez. all were asked to stop several times. then you jumped the train and started again with that topic19:12
Chicken_WrapI didn't get the memo. And I only asked for a definition.19:13
k1l#ubuntu is for technical ubuntu support only. we cant have regular chat in there. with 1800 users no support would be possible then19:14
Chicken_WrapFair enough.19:14
k1lChicken_Wrap: and you did get the memo. it was 3-4 minutes 3 ops asking the people to stop.19:14
k1l(and muting other users as well)19:15
Chicken_Wrapk1l: I saw someone was banned, so I checked who was banned and what he/she had said.19:15
Chicken_WrapSeeing that he/she brought up warez, I asked for what it meant from there.19:15
Chicken_WrapI wasn't paying attention to the general chatter.19:15
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:16
k1lplease make sure to read the guidelines. #ubuntu is really focused on support only. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for the other chat (like what warez is as a definition)19:16
Chicken_WrapSo it's 100% zero chatter unrelated to Ubuntu?19:17
k1lfor chatter we have #ubuntu-offtopic19:18
Chicken_WrapAlright. Thanks for your time.19:18
k1lso if you read the guidelines and think you can follow them in future i can remove the mute.19:18

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