napsy | jutro | 05:47 |
slax0r | jutro | 06:45 |
Sky[x] | lp | 06:46 |
zdobbie | | 07:15 |
Pepelka | Norwegian high school puts e-sports and gaming on the timetable | Ars Technica | 07:15 |
Pepelka | »Students will have five hours a week of reflex training, nutrition advice, and game study.« | 07:15 |
idioterna | “Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders.” —Bernie Sanders | 07:46 |
idioterna | | 07:46 |
Pepelka | Why Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Want Your Vote | 07:46 |
Pepelka | »On the road with a man so angry he scares Democrats, too.« | 07:46 |
zdobbie | you twonks | 07:47 |
Pepelka | The Sad State of Web Development — Medium | 07:47 |
idioterna | also | 07:47 |
idioterna | | 07:47 |
Pepelka | »Random thoughts on web development« | 07:47 |
Pepelka | Bernie Sanders Playing The Bongos - YouTube | 07:47 |
Pepelka | »Bernie Sanders jams out to Ben Harper's Burn one Down. He's already got the rock star size crowds so if the presidential thing doesn’t work out it’s good to ...« | 07:47 |
idioterna | bern one down! | 07:48 |
zdobbie | Hillary be like DAB | 07:48 |
Pepelka | Hillary Clinton Dabs On The Ellen DeGeneres Show - YouTube | 07:48 |
Pepelka | »Credit: Hillary Clinton Dances The "Dab" On 'Ellen DeGeneres« | 07:48 |
zdobbie | also, | 07:49 |
Pepelka | Alex Seitz-Wald auf Twitter: "Bernie Sanders has raised $73 million without a fundraising team." | 07:49 |
idioterna | | 07:50 |
Pepelka | Hupam, da ste dobro | ZARŠ | 07:50 |
Pepelka | »10 track album« | 07:50 |
idioterna | huda muzika | 07:51 |
zdobbie | $73mio | 07:51 |
zdobbie | still flies economy | 07:51 |
CrazyLemon | .vreme koper | 11:47 |
jabuk | ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 13.3°C @12.01.2016 11:30 UTC. | 11:47 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 49% južni veter 5.8 m/s (20.9 km/h) | 11:47 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 06:44:33, Kulminacija: 11:14:12, Sončni zahod: 15:43:52 | 11:47 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 8ur 59min 19s, Luna je v ščipu | 11:47 |
napsy | .vreme ljubljana | 12:26 |
jabuk | ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 8.8°C @12.01.2016 12:00 UTC. | 12:26 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 80% vzhodnik 0.9 m/s (3.2 km/h) | 12:26 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 06:43:12, Kulminacija: 11:11:06, Sončni zahod: 15:39:00 | 12:26 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 8ur 55min 47s, Luna je v ščipu | 12:26 |
slax0r | | 12:29 |
msev- | ej a so na arsotu neki spremenil podatke | 12:31 |
msev- | aja ne niso | 12:31 |
msev- | nism taprav link kliknu | 12:31 |
msev- | neki sm iskov :D | 12:32 |
CrazyLemon | slax0r huda :DD | 12:41 |
speed- | ilegalci spet pizdarije delajo ali kaj? | 12:53 |
dz0ny | | 12:53 |
Pepelka | What’s Remix OS for PC? Remix OS for PC is built on the Android-x86 - Jide Technology | 12:53 |
Pepelka | »A PC experience unlike anything on Android. An Android experience unlike anything on a PC.« | 12:53 |
slax0r | speed-: tirati jih treba :) | 12:55 |
CrazyLemon | #orDont | 12:56 |
slax0r | #yesDo | 12:56 |
CrazyLemon | slax0r ok..then #downloadNow | 12:56 |
slax0r | CrazyLemon: sm mislu da si replyal meni :P | 12:57 |
CrazyLemon | slax0r i know..ampak nisem :> | 12:57 |
idioterna | smola | 14:22 |
idioterna | pa lih sm se hotu kregat zacet | 14:22 |
CrazyLemon | ti pa se rad kregas | 14:37 |
CrazyLemon | | 14:51 |
Pepelka | Hekerju rekordnih 334 let zapora | Računalništvo - Planet | 14:51 |
Pepelka | »Ker je ukradel in prodal 11 številk kreditnih kartic, je turško sodstvo mlademu hekerju naložilo 135-letno zaporno kazen. Že prej je bil zaradi podobne kraje obsojen na 199 let zapora.« | 14:51 |
CrazyLemon | 170 mio kartic == 20 let..54 kartic == 334 let | 14:51 |
zdobbie_ | obratno sorazmerno | 14:54 |
msev- | a ma kdo od vs geekov android wear uro | 15:14 |
zdobbie_ | 78.6% | 15:15 |
Pepelka | The Top 5 Reasons MoveOn Members Voted to Endorse Bernie (with the Most Votes and Widest Margin in… — Medium | 15:15 |
Pepelka | »By Ilya Sheyman, Executive Director, Political Action« | 15:15 |
CrazyLemon | kdaj so volitve? | 15:15 |
zdobbie_ | zacetek ferbuarja se zacne primary | 15:17 |
zdobbie_ | ... primaries sezona v Iowi | 15:17 |
CrazyLemon | !g election date USA | 15:18 |
zdobbie_ |,_2016 | 15:18 |
Pepelka | Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 15:18 |
Pepelka | United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free ...,_2016 | 15:18 |
CrazyLemon | torej do junija bom mogu tole prenašat | 15:19 |
CrazyLemon | !cool | 15:19 |
zdobbie_ | ne | 15:21 |
zdobbie_ | konc julija se zjasnijo, da vzamejo Bernieja za kandidata | 15:21 |
zdobbie_ | 8. novembra so pa volitve | 15:21 |
CrazyLemon | oh god | 15:22 |
zdobbie_ | oh Bern* | 15:33 |
slax0r | 14k sql querijev iz enega requesta | 15:34 |
slax0r | \o/ | 15:34 |
dz0ny | try 70m | 15:36 |
zdobbie_ | try 0 | 15:37 |
yang | Gre kdo na Fosdem, napsy ? | 16:27 |
krt57 | zanimivi vremenski dogodki, na današnji dan | 16:29 |
Pepelka | Vremenska postaja Birna vas | 16:29 |
yang | to je pa precej podatkov | 16:30 |
CrazyLemon | slax0r !! marquee!! ^ | 16:53 |
CrazyLemon | krt57 zanimivi podatki..torej je kot leta 1976 | 16:54 |
CrazyLemon | samo da je včeraj/danes pihal jugo | 16:54 |
zdobersek | changes everything | 17:01 |
CrazyLemon | | 17:18 |
Pepelka | Po smrti 87 zaposlenih za rakom Samsung privolil v preiskavo :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija | 17:18 |
Pepelka | »Poseben neodvisni odbor bo v tovarnah Samsung Electronics zaradi večjega števila obolelih za rakom izvedel "temeljit pregled Samsungovih tovarn in objavil poročilo o potrebnih izboljšavah".« | 17:18 |
CrazyLemon | ping | 17:37 |
jabuk | CrazyLemon: pong | 17:38 |
zdobbie_ | u still here mon | 17:38 |
=== zdobbie_ is now known as zdobbie | ||
CrazyLemon | its was an out of body experience | 17:41 |
=== zdobbie changed the topic of #ubuntu-si to: Slovenska Ubuntu Linux skupnost | Pogosta vprašanja | Ne sprašuj, če lahko vprašaš - (kulturno!) vprašaj (in počakaj). | Sodeluj pri prevajanju | Ubuntu 16.04 aka Xenial Xerxes | != | ||
CrazyLemon | well why would you do that | 17:43 |
zdobbie | konc je srecnega v 2016 | 17:44 |
CrazyLemon | ja..ampak xerxes | 17:44 |
zdobbie | what | 17:53 |
zdobbie | | 18:02 |
Pepelka | "The Falcon has landed" | Recap of Falcon 9 launch and landing - YouTube | 18:02 |
Pepelka | »With this mission, SpaceX delivered 11 satellites to low-Earth orbit and landed the first stage of the Falcon 9 back on land. Music: Absolution Calling by In...« | 18:02 |
zdobbie | dons ma Obama State of the Union | 18:07 |
zdobbie | more o' this please | 18:07 |
Pepelka | State of the Union 2015: 'No More Campaigns to Run' - YouTube | 18:07 |
Pepelka | »President Obama: "I have no more campaigns to run. I know because I won both of them." Obama reacts to laughter and applause when he talks about his politica...« | 18:07 |
zdobbie | me irl | 18:27 |
Pepelka | [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: How To Install Corebird on Ubuntu 15.10 | 18:31 |
zdobbie | | 18:34 |
Pepelka | So Westboro Baptist Church came to my school today. One of their signs says "God Hates 420". Someone responded. - Imgur | 18:34 |
Pepelka | »Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.« | 18:34 |
jabuk | M 1.6 > JZ od TRENTE @12/01/2016 04:10:10,+13.69+E | 19:24 |
jabuk | M 1.1 > JZ od BREŽIC @09/01/2016 07:02:54,+15.54+E | 19:24 |
matjaz | | 19:30 |
Pepelka | SmartiPi Touch: A Raspberry Pi Touch stand by Tom Murray — Kickstarter | 19:30 |
Pepelka | »SmartiPi Touch is a super sleek stand for the official Raspberry Pi touch display. Camera functionality, wall mountable, and HAT ready.« | 19:30 |
matjaz | iz najs | 19:30 |
zdobbie | NE | 19:43 |
=== CrazyLemon changed the topic of #ubuntu-si to: Slovenska Ubuntu Linux skupnost | Pogosta vprašanja | Ne sprašuj, če lahko vprašaš - (kulturno!) vprašaj (in počakaj). | Sodeluj pri prevajanju | Ubuntu 16.04 aka Xenial Xerus | ||
matjaz | know thy power | 19:43 |
dz0ny | !! force | 19:44 |
CrazyLemon | | 21:46 |
Pepelka | Operativo "Cisne negro". - YouTube | 21:46 |
Pepelka | »Los Mochis, recaptura del "Chapo" #PrimeroNoticias« | 21:46 |
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