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slangasekmhall119: hi - bug #1464754, you said?01:42
ubot5bug 1464754 in Ubuntu system image "Support for Device aliases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146475401:42
Guy1524hey guys when I do adb reboot bootloader, it reboots without going into the bootloader02:33
Guy1524I know adb works because it goes into recovery when I do adb reboot recovery02:33
Guy1524oh I am using a samsung galaxy s202:36
dobey Guy1524 it's "adb reboot-bootloader" you nned to use i think02:48
Guy1524ok, im trying02:48
dobeyor maybe your device is just evil and doesn't liek rebooting tot he bootloader02:49
Guy1524nope, that didn't work02:49
Guy1524on the #android irc they said my device doesn't have a bootloader mode02:49
dobeywell, all android based devices are not equal. it's very probable that samsung locked things down in a way that "adb reboot bootloader" will not work03:04
dobeyquick search for "galaxy s2 bootloader" gave me that03:06
dobeyanyway, time to sleep03:06
mhall119slangasek: yeah, I'm curious how this would be implemented in udf itself03:06
slangasekmhall119: udf could store its own alias table for device names; or it could pull aliases from some other site.  Either is probably easier than implementing it on the system-image server, I think03:16
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mhall119slangasek: so having the alias data hosted on the target server somehow would be okay?03:40
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dholbachgood morning07:33
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zzarrhello! will the OTA-9 update (Jan 20 if I remember right) be based on vivid or xenial?09:36
zzarrokey seb128 thanks09:40
zzarrwill it be based on Qt 5.4 or 5.5?09:41
seb128zzarr, you can check the content of the archive on https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+packages ... the former it seems09:44
zzarrthanks again seb12809:47
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Poetry At Work Day! 😃09:59
robin-herozzarr, it will be release on 27th Jan, (it delayed by a week)10:11
zzarrokey, thanks for the heads up robin-hero10:11
matv1Can anyone confirm/deny that stored wpa2 enterprise wifi connection do not automatically connect anymore?11:19
matv1more specifically mschapv2/peap authetication11:19
matv1but im not sure if that specific auth method is related11:21
nanderssonIs it possible to tap into the RIL (Radio Interface Layer) on the Ubuntu-phone?11:22
matv1in any case wpa personal always reconnects without issue. wpa2 enterprise doesnt do so11:24
Laneybfiller: are you or your team still looking after ubuntu-keyboard? I just happened to notice that it has a few outstanding merge proposals including from community people that it would be nice to have reviewed.12:02
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bfillerLaney: yes we still look after ubuntu-keyboard, Elleo could help review some of the MR's14:27
ElleoLaney: yep, will do; was a bit distracted with UDM stuff the past couple of cycles but back on keyboard stuff now14:27
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Laneythanks Elleo15:27
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attentehi robru18:57
robruattente: hey buddy! What's up?18:57
attenteheh, i was told to get in touch with you about uploading a package to the archive18:58
attenterobru: it's the one from this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~attente/+archive/ubuntu/maliit-inputcontext-gtk/+packages19:01
robruattente: well I don't have that power but I guess you want to use the train and do it yourself? Didn't I set you up for train usage already?19:02
attenterobru: i don't believe i have any such privileges19:02
attentebut if there's a way i can do it myself, that'd be great too19:02
robruattente: OK gimme a sec.19:02
attentegreat, thanks19:03
robruattente: ok I added you in the group.19:06
robruattente: manual source packages are a bit tricky, the train is optimized for building packages from MPs.19:06
robruattente: so what you want to do is sign in at https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/ and click 'create request' and fill out the form as best you can19:06
attenterobru: ok, thanks!19:08
robruattente: send me the link to the ticket once you're done19:10
attenterobru: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/86119:18
robruattente: ok, clear out the manual download urls field, that's used for something else.19:20
robruattente: the trick here is that I'm going to copy the source package into the PPA, and for that you do need me (or any core dev)19:20
robruattente: oh also click 'assign' and run the jenkins job19:20
attenterobru: ok done. what happens now usually?19:22
robruattente: ok, so if you look at the ticket it says you got assigned silo 18.19:23
robruattente: so at this point you'd join #ubuntu-ci-eng and ask 'trainguards' if anybody can copy your package into the ppa. i'll do that now19:23
attenterobru: ok, thanks19:23
robruattente: yw.19:24
robruattente: so your package is now (re)building here: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-018/+packages19:24
robruattente: the ticket will automatically update with the status every 15min, and also you'll get pinged in #ubuntu-ci-eng once it's done and/or failed.19:25
attenteand after someone tests it, it gets moved to xenial archive?19:26
robruattente: right, you need to test it, and you also need a core dev to test it (at least nominally) and then you need a core dev to hit publish on the ticket19:28
attenteah, great. thanks for the tutorial, robru!19:30
robruattente: you're welcome! documentation is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess19:31
robru(which may or may not be up to date, please hassle me if something in there doesn't match reality)19:31
attenterobru: ok, thanks, i tried it and it's working19:53
robruattente: great19:53
attentecare to give it a test run?19:53
robruattente: sorry I'm pretty busy19:53
robruattente: so you need to find a core dev to hit publish. my go-to people are ken vandine and mike terry19:53
attenteok, i'll seek one out. thanks again for your help!19:54
robruattente: you're welcome!19:54
attenterobru: super sorry about this, i'm going to abandon that request in order to make a minor fix to the version and changelog...20:11
robruattente: no20:11
robruattente: make a new package and I'll copy it in. you don't have to make a new request for every version of the packge20:11
attenterobru: ah, ok, sure. sorry again...20:12
robruattente: no worries.20:12
robruattente: how long will it take you to prep the package? I'm about to go for lunch...20:12
attenterobru: it's ok, take lunch, i'll have it ready by then20:13
robruattente: alright, bbl20:13
robruattente: ready?20:39
attenterobru: yep, i uploaded it again here: https://launchpad.net/~attente/+archive/ubuntu/maliit-inputcontext-gtk/+packages20:40
attenteit just fixes the version and date in the changelog20:40
robruattente: oh, that version is lower than what was already in the ppa. so we really will have to abandon & reassign to get a fresh ppa to do this in20:41
robruattente: dont' make a new request, just 'abandon' and then re 'assign' the same request20:42
robruattente: then i'll copy it to the new ppa20:42
attenterobru: ok20:42
attenterobru: ok, can you copy the source package over?20:44
robruattente: ok done.20:45
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robin-heroHey all, as I see there are fixes for a bug in an older landing: http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/225.commitlog21:30
robin-herobug #152118621:30
ubot5bug 1521186 in Canonical System Image ""Media Player" should be translatable on Sound Indicator" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152118621:30
robin-heroBut it is still untranslated for me (rc-proposed, bq e4.5, r227)21:30
robin-heroany idea?21:30
dobeyrobin-hero: the translations aren't finished yet?21:31
dobeyor haven't been pulled into the langpacks yet, if they have been translated21:32
dobeythe langpacks should be updated in a build sometime after the freeze happens, and all the string changes have landed in the image21:32
robin-herodobey, but I don't see the "Media Player" string in the .pot file: https://translations.launchpad.net/mediaplayer-app/21:34
dobeyok, i'm not sure where it's supposed to appear exactly21:38
robin-heroartmello, as I see you fixed this bug, could you give me some hints, thanks :)21:39
dobeyartmello: ^^ i see you marked the string for translation, but you didn't update the translation template to include it, so it's not being translated21:40
dobeypmcgowan: ^^ seems bug #1521186 isn't quite fixed in lp:mediaplayer-app yet, as the .pot file wasn't updated21:41
ubot5bug 1521186 in Canonical System Image ""Media Player" should be translatable on Sound Indicator" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152118621:41
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artmellodobey, robin-hero: hey, thanks by pointing that. I will update the translation template and push to trunk21:43
robin-heroartmello, thanks :)21:43
artmellorobin-hero: np :)21:44
krabadorstatic ip addres on wireless: how to set it?23:55

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