
* diddledan bounces01:43
* zmoylan-pi listens to podcasts01:44
daftykinsi just skipped a big boss in Halo 5 by jumping right by o001:48
knightwisemorning everyone08:05
daftykinsgm o/08:06
* zmoylan-pi looks out internet window and calls the day a loss... http://www.earthcam.com/world/ireland/dublin/?cam=templebar08:08
daftykinsthey've still got their decorations up!08:10
zmoylan-piyeah. a bit sad that08:10
knightwisepulled down the very last of ours last night.08:11
MyrttiI've been feeling a bit poorly so ours are still up.08:14
zmoylan-piwell if a pub in ireland can leave them up this late... :-)08:15
* zmoylan-pi goes to seek life giving porridge...08:18
daftykinsyay lots of blown over cameras at funny angles :)08:19
SuperMatthappy "try not to get ill" day08:21
zmoylan-pithey're art installations :-P08:21
knightwiseman .. these are one of the most depressing webcams ... ever08:22
daftykinsknightwise: which?08:24
knightwisepretty much all of them ?08:29
knightwiseor is that just ireland in winter ,08:29
daftykinsif you mean my link that's right now on a very storm swept Guernsey08:30
zmoylan-pihere's a calm dun laoire harbour... http://dlharbour.ie/weather/08:31
=== MooDoo_ is now known as MooDoo
MooDoomorning all09:04
knightwisehey MooDoo09:06
MooDoohowdy knightwise how are you?09:18
knightwisedoing ok MooDoo . another semi boring day at the client :)09:20
* daftykins debates trading days09:21
zmoylan-pibetter than an exciting day with servers exploding like a star trek bridge set :-)09:21
daftykinsoof that sausage roll and chocolate torsade from Pasty Presto just formed a great weight :>09:22
* MooDoo wants to go home and sleep09:22
daftykinszmoylan-pi: funny you say that! i need to pop somewhere and find out why one hasn't come back after a power cut09:22
knightwisezmoylan-pi: THAT I would love to see some day09:23
knightwisehmm.. gotta look into finding some custom firmware for my ebook reader tonight.09:23
zmoylan-pii did have one pc explode while my head was beside it as i turned it on...09:23
knightwisezmoylan-pi: whowh :)09:23
daftykinshow long did it take the ringing in the ears to subside?09:24
zmoylan-piluckily i hang around cats so by the time it exploded i was under the table huddled for safety09:24
zmoylan-piabout 2-3 minutes of ringing ears and flash distorted vision09:25
zmoylan-pithen i could hear all the burglar alarms and see all the buildings on industrial estate without power09:26
daftykinsinteresting superpower ;)09:26
zmoylan-pibuilding was surrounded on 2 sides by big office blocks all lights out09:27
zmoylan-pione of them was ms so it wasn't all bad :-P09:30
daftykinsthere's something that makes me laugh about the #ubuntu guy who got some malware up on google chrome, which made popups appear saying he needed to contact 'Windows support'09:37
knightwisePlaying with RTV, great command line client :)09:58
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Poetry At Work Day! 😃09:59
zmoylan-piroses are red... violets are blue... keep this up... and we'll kidnap your gnu...10:00
JamesTait🙌  Very good, zmoylan-pi!10:02
JamesTaitToday is Tuesday, It's Poetry At Work Day, This makes me happy.10:02
* zmoylan-pi looks up recipes for gnu...10:03
knightwise"For My love is true", the Stapler denotes .. his undying love for the post it notes ...10:06
* zmoylan-pi gets my copy of vogon poetry out of the locked box...10:08
ujjainwhat does * * * every line during a traceroute mean? firewall is fine, but all network traffic is timing out between 2 locations10:08
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:09
knightwisezmoylan-pi: don"t you dare !10:10
knightwisehey brobostigon10:10
brobostigonhi knightwise10:10
JamesTaitujjain, * * * means you got no ICMP reply from the node.10:12
MooDoono one here but us chickens!12:36
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)13:01
diddledanding dong the b*t*h is dead13:03
foobarrymmmm jelly snakes13:04
RMJafternoon all, was wondering if anyone has a few minutes to advise on ubuntu compatability with UK-available laptops? Having a nightmare with one I bought last year and really don't want to repeat the same issues with a new one13:15
Myrttiwhat kind of laptop are you looking for, and what did you get last year?13:15
RMJThanks Myrtti - I bought a Lenovo Yoga last year (intel pentium bay trail) and it's been truly awful with linux, i'm looking for something small and cheap, even something like a chrombook/cloudbook sort of thing. Since 15.10 seems to be showing  a lot of problems with bay trail processors though and almost every small cheap notebook seems to have o13:16
Myrttiso what's your budget?13:16
Myrttiboth "hopeful" and "not past this number" estimates are helpful13:17
RMJcheap as possible, less than £300, only looking for a <13in screen13:17
MyrttiI personally don't look for laptops under 850, so I've no idea. Chromebooks were at one point possible to upgrade into using real Linux, but I haven't looked at that side since I got my 2014 Dell XPS1313:20
foobarrydo you still have the yoga?13:21
RMJor am I asking the impossible here? I figured a chromebook should have excellent linux compatibility, obviously, but since 15.1 this bay trail bug worries me13:21
foobarryany links to more info about the bay trail bug?13:21
RMJyeah still got it, but its not booting atm - boots fsck then hangs13:21
RMJthere's a few on askubuntu where people with similar processors seem to be having the same problem - usually with acers, Im guessing its a bay trail thing but not 100% sure. The system randomly (no matter what applications are open) freezes completely - no mouse/keyboard response, can only be hard reset by holding power key. Sometimes happens after13:23
RMJ 10 minutes, sometimes works fine for hour. Doesn't write anything to the syslog.13:23
foobarrysometimes this is an ACPI thing13:24
foobarrykernel options required at boot13:24
foobarrymight be of interest13:24
RMJcould be, had a catalogue of ACPI issues with it - one fix I've tried has been changing the grub settings but it developed another problem before I had chance to test it thoroughly (there's no way I can find to trigger the bug so just have to see if it happens)13:25
foobarryRMJ, any BIOS updates?13:25
RMJnot sure actually, probably worth checking that out if the thing ever boots13:26
RMJnot the only issues i've had with it though - appalling wifi, no bluetooth, touchscreen works sporadically (not a huge loss)13:27
RMJtouchpad issues etc etc etc13:27
RMJnot ubuntu's fault, just v. frustrating13:30
lubotu3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 109051 in intel_idle "intel_idle.max_cstate=1 required on baytrail to prevent crashes" [Normal,New]13:33
foobarrysome info on there13:34
RMJexcellent, the fix will work if it ever boots then :)13:34
foobarryyour mileage may vary13:34
foobarrythe comments are variable13:34
RMJat the moment it freezes on boot with an fsck readout so we will never know :P13:35
RMJthanks all for input13:41
foobarryyou can edit grub options :D13:42
RMJfound a bios update (had to do it through windows though)13:44
RMJfoobarry - added the line to grub config last night and it seemed to work (we will see). The not booting is a separate issue, no idea why its broken now13:46
foobarryif you can upload a pic of the screen, it may enlighten a little13:46
foobarrygetting your laptop fixed is better than buying a new one :D13:47
RMJblack screen reading "fsck from util-linux 2.26.2 /dev/sda9: clean....." then a load of numbers for files and blocks13:47
RMJafter the ubuntu loading/splash screen, then nothing, it just hangs on the fsck screen13:49
foobarryusing RAID?13:52
foobarrytry booting an older kernel from grub?13:53
RMJtried that, didn't make a difference13:53
foobarrynvidia card?13:54
RMJthink its intel onboard13:54
foobarryworth checking the settings in bios13:54
RMJtried to change display manager from lightdm to gdm, which is why i restarted, but can't imagine it making it do this13:55
foobarryctrl-C do anything?13:55
foobarryor boot single mode13:55
RMJno, and doesn't seem to cancel the filesystem check either (maybe the window to press it in is really small?)13:55
RMJsingle mode?13:56
foobarryadd the word single to the end of the grub options13:56
RMJone sec need to work out how to edit grub config14:01
RMJin recovery mode14:01
RMJk done14:04
foobarryyou get a prompt?14:04
foobarrymaybe try fsck of your disk or revert some changes you recently made14:05
RMJdoesn't seem to be doing anything, just a purpleish screen14:05
RMJtrying again, might have made a mistake14:06
RMJyeah got a prompt14:06
RMJemergency mode, sounds exciting14:07
RMJsome progress anyway. thanks foobarry14:13
foobarryno prob14:16
RMJooh it just booted to a tty14:16
RMJhaving done a umount then fsck with 1 fix14:17
RMJah so i can load a tty from the fsck but it won't load lightdm14:22
RMJsod it. reinstall.14:26
foobarryanyone used mosh?15:20
Azelphurfoobarry: I have15:29
MyrttiI tried, found it confusing and frustrating, and stopped15:30
Azelphurdidn't really confuse me, worked well with my android phone15:31
AzelphurMixed reviews, I guess :)15:31
Myrttioh bother, just remembered I need to cook15:31
Myrttiwas ready for a nap15:31
foobarryuser is requesting i install it15:31
Azelphurfoobarry: I would, it's entirely optional and can't really do any harm to you15:32
foobarryi need to open some ports15:32
foobarrythe security scares me a bit15:35
foobarrychanging IP addresses15:35
foobarryroaming users15:35
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest23862
AzelphurBought a DisplayPort to HDMI cable, pavucontrol doesn't show any audio device. Any ideas?17:55
daftykinsugh such adapting can be wonky even on Windows :P17:56
Azelphurcomputer only has displayport17:56
Azelphur(and VGA)17:57
daftykinslaptop or something? so miniDP?17:57
Azelphurit's a Dell PowerEdge17:57
Azelphur(home server type thing)17:57
daftykinsany links / model ?17:57
daftykinsback shortly17:57
AzelphurPowerEdge T2017:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
daftykinsAzelphur: any sign of your adapter being a 19 pin one?18:10
Azelphurdaftykins, I should take it out and send you a photo?18:10
daftykinsnah i won't have a clue visually, just what the packaging might infer18:10
Azelphurdon't have the packaging sadly18:11
daftykinsany text on the cable sheathing?18:11
Azelphurdaftykins, just says "High speed cable"18:15
daftykinsis it a xeon in that thing?18:15
daftykinscan you share a "grep -i model /proc/cpuinfo" ? just one line though naturally :>18:15
Azelphurmodel name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v3 @ 3.20GHz18:16
daftykinshmm not quite the same model but - https://communities.intel.com/thread/48407?start=0&tstart=018:16
daftykins"Engineering has said they will not be developing drivers to make this work."18:16
daftykinsi'm sure that's Windows talk, but still pretty damning18:17
popeyAzelphur, "pactl list" - what does that show (pastebin?)18:18
Azelphurpopey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14479595/18:19
popeyno hdmi, chances are the sound isn't wired up to the displayport?18:19
Azelphurpopey, wired up?18:19
daftykinsor it's not getting told the device at the other end is capable18:19
Azelphuroh, ie a motherboard issue18:20
popeynah, it would show up whether plugged in or not18:20
Azelphurcould be18:20
popeye.g. my laptop shows up two of them, because it's in a docking station, one port on laptop, one port on docking station18:20
popeydespite only one being connected to a display18:20
Azelphurkinda a letdown18:21
daftykinsactually, maybe it wouldn't hurt to check if all 19 pins are there on the HDMI end18:21
daftykinsprobably unlikely it isn't though!18:21
popeythats my laptop18:21
daftykinsAzelphur: how'd you obtain such a niche type of device o018:21
popeyNotice the alsa.mixer.name "Intel CougarPoint HDMI"18:22
popeyAzelphur, do you have a fairly standard kernel? So it would detect all the right devices?18:23
popey00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)18:24
popeydo you have a similar type of thing in lspci18:24
popey(e.g. in my pactl output there's the device.vendor.id and device.product.id which match the output in lspci -n)18:24
popeyi.e. do you have any audio controllers in lspci18:25
Azelphurpopey, yea it's a standard 15.10 kernel18:26
Azelphurdaftykins, looks like me18:27
popeySo yes, not wired up internally.18:32
popeyNot surprising on that class of device.18:32
Azelphuryea indeed, not surprising18:32
Azelphurshame but not the end of the world18:32
popeycan always stick a usb sound card in if you need to18:35
Azelphurwell it has 3.5mm out18:36
popeyget a thing like that, which lets you inject audio into the hdmi signal18:38
popeyAt least I think that's what it does :D18:38
Azelphurpopey, nice gadget18:40
diddledandaftykins: lol18:54
diddledanyey for green goo18:54
diddledanoh, it's grey?18:54
diddledanthat's less fun18:55
daftykinsthe truth is out there, find out on the 24th when Mulder and Scully return :O18:55
* diddledan hums the theme18:55
daftykinsor maybe 25th timezones considered18:55
daftykinsaww it's totally more of a whistle ;)18:55
diddledanmy windows preview status seems to be broken :-(18:56
daftykinsi wiped mine to play with Hyper-V a while ago18:56
diddledanI got hyper-v in the same system 'cos it's a pro version18:57
diddledanwindows update reports "Your preview build settings need attention. Go to Advanced options to fix this issue."18:58
daftykinsi needed to test a proper dedi-host setup18:58
daftykinswith SCVMM and all that mess :)18:59
diddledandoing so seems to do nothing, tell me to reboot and then it's back in the same state again after the restart18:59
diddledanoh yeah, that thing18:59
daftykinsmaybe nuke your %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\ ? :>18:59
diddledanis that safe?18:59
daftykinsof course, 'tis the WU woes standard procedure19:00
daftykinsstop the WU service first though19:00
diddledanWU otherwise works fine tho19:01
daftykinsah well19:01
diddledanseems it's a common problem: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_install/your-security-settings-need-attention-to-get/9b3f4512-9177-48dc-921b-a70da1b04193?auth=119:02
diddledanok, I think that might have fixed it - turn-off insider completely, then do the registry tweek from that link, and finally enable insider again and reboob19:09
diddledannope, that didn't work19:09
diddledanoh, maybe it did19:11
diddledanit's fixed now after running their "fix me" a second time - so the steps above, then when it moans after the reboob do their automatic fix and then follow the prompt to reboob again and THEN it's fixed...maybe19:12
diddledanand now it's offering me a pukka insider build for install \o/19:13
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest97954
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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