
=== stevenroose|BNC is now known as stevenroose
YukenVirtualBox, "Mounting /dev/sda on /media failed"00:04
Yukenis that baaaaad?00:04
llldinoYuken, You want to mount the partition, like "mount /dev/sdaX where X is the part. number00:05
YukenHooooow should I fix? Ubuntu Server 14.0300:05
YukenInstall of it, ofc.00:05
k1l_Yuken: where do you get that message?00:06
Yukenk1l_, as it is booting when I select "Install Ubuntu Server".00:06
YukenI'll reset the machine again to test it.00:06
YukenSelect Language, Install Ubuntu Server, Terminal with that message appears. ACPI Probe Failed, as well.00:07
k1l_Yuken: when you select install? are you sure that .iso is ok? check the md5sum00:07
Yuken"Unable to mount /dev/sda on /mount; invalid argument"00:07
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:07
ikoniayou don't mount a disk00:07
ikoniayou mount the partition00:07
Yukenk1l_, it is a fine iso, yes.00:07
Yukenikonia, this is doing it automatically, with the boot device set as ubuntu-server-14.03.iso.00:08
k1l_Yuken: did you check the .iso or not?00:08
ikoniasda is not the cdrom device00:08
Yukenk1l_, yes.00:08
bekksikonia: more technically a block device containing a filesystem.00:08
rellisAnyone aware of any bug surrounding window resizing of chrome (among other apps) in Ubuntu 15.10?00:09
rellisChrome seems pickup several graphical glitch artifacts after the window is resized... I can't tell if it's an issue with the ATI driver, or X or Chrome or what00:09
rellisbut Firefox seems fairly normal..00:09
YukenI might just try my luck with Lubuntu, downloading an ISO of it anyway.00:11
zamabeikonia: I filesystem what I want! /dev/sds stands for Steam Does Stuff! :p00:14
ikoniazamabe: what ?00:14
zamabeikonia: ignore, am being ridiculous.00:15
zamabe"You don't mount a disk"00:15
bekkszamabe: Oh, you do, as long as it contains a filesystem.00:16
zamabebekks: was going for the "I do what I want" meme more than technical accuracy00:16
zamabebut, yes, that00:17
bekkszamabe: Not in the mood for occasional jokes, struggling an Oracle APEX issue here ;)00:18
zamabeI didn't address it to you, so have fun with your own mood00:18
bekkszamabe: No offense meant.00:19
rellisAnyone know of any documented 15.10 issue that might cause GTK+ apps to glitch badly after the window is resized?00:19
ikoniawhy not look on launcpad.net00:19
rellisikonia: I did, I just havent dug anything up.00:19
ikoniathats where it will be documented00:19
rellisright, there's just about a hundred million bugs to sift through =p ... i thought maybe someone here had encountered a similar issue00:20
rellisI'm also not sure it's specific to GTK+ and not an ATI driver issue.00:21
=== bitter is now known as Guest83732
csmulea consumer is asking for the wrong offset due to data loss of a topic. ANd it's crashing kafka. What's the fix?00:24
bekkswhats kafka?00:24
rellisa queue00:24
rellisalso this isnt the kafka channel =p00:24
csmulemy bad. :) hehe. Yeah, a pain in the arse message queue. Wrong group.00:25
ChiLLabiS_Hi! I've recently installed a new motherboard and a new cpu and now i can't boot up the ubuntu desktop amd64 version. Sometimes i get a weird error  with some symbols and sometimes i get something like this: ignoring bgrt invalid status 0 (expected 1)00:29
ChiLLabiS_i've tried ubuntu 15.10 and 14.XX LTS.00:30
ChiLLabiS_i can't boot and install Debian either then i get an ata7:00 emask blabla something CommSleep etc frozen.00:31
ChiLLabiS_it says it's trying to hardreset but nothing happends00:32
ChiLLabiS_hi sebsebseb00:32
sebsebsebChiLLabiS_: hi00:32
=== ChiLLabiS_ is now known as ChiLLabiS
ChiLLabiSHi noorani00:38
nooranirecently i was unable to start my pc00:39
nooraniin boot option i was sirected to grub prompt00:39
nooranii want 2 knw y?00:39
benccubuntu 15.10 is using systemd instead of upstart?00:41
sebsebsebbencc: yes00:41
benccsebsebseb: thanks00:41
sebsebsebnoorani: what does it say on the grub prompt00:42
eikon81gChiLLabiS, what is your sata setting on?00:43
eikon81gin bios00:43
sebsebsebbencc: whhy?00:43
eikon81gtry using achi00:43
eikon81gare you using a usb to install? ChiLLabiS00:44
nchamberstwo questions: how can I install openssl with apt-get, and since I'm assuming apt-get will invoke a c compiler to build it, how do I tell apt-get which compiler to use00:44
ChiLLabiSdon't know, haven't checked eikon81g . i've just plugged in everything and everything else went good. I haven't touched the bios settings yet00:44
ChiLLabiSyes i'm using a usbstick00:44
ChiLLabiSit have worked before on the previous computer00:44
eikon81gChiLLabiS, go to your bios and change the boot order to USB first then set your sata mode to achi00:44
eikon81gChiLLabiS, are you going to be doing a clean install?00:45
ChiLLabiSeikon81g, i'm pressing down F8 so i get the boot menu. From there i choose the usb stick. I get the first loading screen with that wierd picture in the bottom centre00:45
ChiLLabiSI'm going to do a clean install yes00:46
eikon81ghow did you make the usb installer?00:46
ChiLLabiSI used Rufus00:46
ChiLLabiShave worked before00:46
=== Joshua_Dunamis is now known as Experiment
eikon81gso when you boot of the usb it starts getting goofy? Is the graphics card integrated or are you using an actual card?00:47
ChiLLabiSi'm doing a new image on the usb stick. I'm coing to take a picture on the error screen. It's too wierd to describe00:47
Bashing-omnchambers:  openssl is installed by default "ii  openssl        1.0.1f-1ubun amd64        Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cr" and from the repo one obtains a binary, no comping is required .00:47
ChiLLabiSYeah everything works great in windows00:47
nchambersoh sweet00:47
eikon81gok, that's odd.. are you sure the usb stick is in good working order?00:48
ChiLLabiShow do i check that?00:48
ChiLLabiSi'm going to reboot and take the picture. brb00:49
eikon81gwell have you had any issues with it? did you format it before trying to create the installation in RufuS00:49
benccsebsebseb: I need to create a python daemon. so I probably need systemd for that00:49
benccnot sure00:49
benccmaybe there are other simpler tools00:49
sebsebsebbencc: oh ok I guess00:52
ChiLLabiSOkay i'm back00:55
ChiLLabiSi get this wierd error message00:55
nchambersok new question after some googling... I've got GCC5.3.0 that I built from source and is on my path as <progname>-5.3.0 (so for example, gcc-5.3.0) (but not where the system gcc sits). I want to build python 2.7.11 (and 3.4.0) from source. I can do it fine on my system, but it doesn't have extra packages like tls/ssl support or ncurses. so if I were to sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libncursesw5-dev etc, is there anything special I would00:55
nchambershave to do for my compiler to find it/python to build with it00:55
sarinkcan anyone tell me how to troubleshoot this issue?  gives me "connection refused"    ifconfig shows my local ip is .... navigating to http://localhost works just fine. all firewalls are off. traceroute shows 1 hop, to my laptop, so i know it's definitely the right ip00:57
=== Kat is now known as Guest302
Guest302Hi- My brother helped me get to this site.. he said it was like apple support for Linux.. and now my Linux is acting really weird, and I need help. But.. I'm like.. sort of stupid with technology.00:58
sarinkGuest302: what is the problem00:58
tewardGuest302: Is your LInux system running Ubuntu?00:58
llldinosarink, You disabled iptables?00:58
Guest302I go onto a website, paltalk express, and usually there's no problem. but now it's like a part of the website refuses to be ran through any of my browsers, but it's working fine on my windows desk top.00:59
Guest302Yeah, Ubuntu.00:59
sarinkGuest302: i do not understand what that means00:59
tewardGuest302: did you happen to try on Google Chrome, per chance?01:00
Guest302I did try on chrome. I don't know how to describe the problem too well, but I guess I have a question that might help. Is there a way to do a system restore on linux?01:00
sarinkllldino: well, uh, im actually on osx (im trying to ultimately get http://my-ip to point to my ubuntu VM, though) - like i said if i go to http://localhost, it works (i've used pf to forward port 80 to the guest vm)01:01
sarinkllldino: so, there are no 'iptables' on osx, is where i was doing with that01:01
sebsebsebGuest302: hi01:01
sebsebsebGuest302: oh a new user to Ubuntu/Linux not so technical ok :),  I used to help loads of people like you before01:01
sarinkllldino: there's ipfw?01:02
sarinkor pfctl01:02
sebsebsebGuest302: I hae used pal talk in Windows01:02
llldinosarink, Okay, so on your Ubuntu VM, is iptables diabled? By default iptables blocks incoming tx01:02
sebsebsebGuest302: before not in Linux, but yes I know waht Paltalk is01:03
sebsebsebGuest302: what's the link to Paltalk Express?01:03
llldinosarink, If not, you'd have to forward port 80 (or whatever) on any firewall you have on your ubuntu vm01:03
sebsebsebGuest302: I used to use the old real Pal Talk program a bit in Windows, many many many years back01:04
sebsebsebGuest302: got baned from some of there rooms even back then heh, but I was really young back then to01:04
sarinkllldino: if i change it to port 5000, it works.01:04
Guest302Well, you know how people talk on the mic? Well, on my system it won't let me hear mic talkers.01:04
sarinkllldino: what would i run on the ubuntu side to do that?01:04
sebsebsebGuest302: somethng came up on the site, do I need a user name and passwrod to try it, hmm I guess so01:05
Guest302Would you like me to make you a nic?01:05
Guest302just to use as a guinnie pig?01:05
llldinosarink, Can I see the output of "sudo iptables -L"? You can PM me, I wouldn't share that pubicly01:06
sebsebsebI could make my own account,  kind of wanted to maybe play with pal talk again anyway01:06
sebsebsebnot sure how Linux friendly it will be or not though01:06
sebsebsebI guess time to find out then :d or get an idea01:06
sebsebsebI have a feeling it will sti be made for Windows and Mac really, maybe even Android these days01:06
Guest302Well, there's no way to download it, but you can go through the express.01:06
tewardGuest302: I would reach out to their support - if it's not working on Linux it's possible you're missing plugins is all01:07
sebsebsebmany years ago Paltalk was a downloadable program for Windows etc, but I guess that might hae changed01:07
sebsebsebindeed to what teward put01:07
sebsebsebor maybe some issues with pulseaudio or something01:07
sarinkllldino: huh, it appears..... there's no iptables on my vm. i built a bare ubuntu 14 box. is it not installed by default01:07
Guest302what's a plugin?01:07
tewardGuest302: but, we're not really going to be able to give much insight to why something not under your or ours control is not working anymore (you're not being specific about "not working" anywhere, so we can't really begin to guess the problem)01:07
sebsebsebGuest302: pal talk express is rooms like bfore I guess01:07
llldinosarink, You ran that as root right?01:07
sebsebsebteward: I think the issue is that the microphone doesn't work on pal talk express01:08
sarinkllldino: yeah, "sudo: iptables: command not found"01:08
sebsebsebteward:but yes it might be made more for Windows etc, I'll take a look01:08
Guest302Oh okay, thank you for all your help, though.01:08
sebsebsebGuest302: I am currently on Ubuntu myself, I have most of the correct standard things installed Flash and blbah de blah01:09
tewardsebsebseb: never got my mic to work for Google Hangouts either heh.  That seems to be a Flash issue though01:09
tewardsebsebseb: regardless, we're still limited in troubleshooting01:09
Guest302sebsebseb: I think Linux is too hard for me; I dunno.01:09
sebsebsebGuest302: I know my microphone that's an internal one in the PC, I know it can work with other things.  I'll try pal talk express, but yeah it's just chatrooms like before I guess?01:10
sebsebsebGuest302: no Linux will be fie it's just sometiems....01:10
sebsebsebLinux will be fine it's just sommetimes....01:10
sebsebsebGuest302: some things don't quite work like Windows let's put it that way, but it's not Linuxes fault01:10
Guest302sebsebseb: yeah, it is. The problem isn't my mic. I just can't hear anyone else talking on mic.01:10
Guest302It's not Linux, haha. It's me.01:10
sebsebsebnah your microphone m ay need some configuring for Ubuntu01:11
sebsebsebdepending on what microphone etc01:11
sebsebsebdoes it work with anything else in Ubuntu saying that?01:11
sebsebseboh and hearing others would be the spakers really,  but yes your sound may need some configuring in genral in Ubuntu, depends01:12
Guest302I don't know- I can use everything else regularly.01:12
Guest302How do I configure it01:12
sebsebsebGuest302: this isn't for configuring, but would be rather for testing recording sound and then hearing it back,  if you installed audacity for example and tried, it works?01:12
Guest302I've never tried. I don't know how to install things.01:13
Guest302My brother usually does that for me.01:13
sebsebsebGuest302: your that new I undersatnd01:13
sebsebsebGuest302: I could tell from your first message that you didn't know that much about this yet01:13
waters33637dmesg .. might help you see if your sound card comes up01:13
Guest302Yeah, I'm really new. My windows I guess corrupted, and my brother fixed my laptop by putting Linux in it.01:13
sebsebsebwaters33637: they won't know about dmesg though I mean undersatnd the output I guess01:13
* sebsebseb the really not so technical ones used to be the most fun ones to help, when I used to do a lot of Ubuntu support :d01:14
sebsebsebonly here in the moment since I wanted to waste sojme time whilst finishhing listening to something :d01:14
sebsebsebGuest302: ok do you have the password for Ubuntu?01:14
Guest302I know my password. I feel bad, if you don't really feel like helping, I can fix the issue later-01:15
sebsebsebthe log in password01:15
sebsebsebGuest302: o I want to help, don't get  me wrong what I just put01:15
Guest302My log in password, yeah. I know that.01:15
sebsebsebGuest302: ok don't tell any of us your log ihn password, only you need to know that and your brother01:15
Guest302Okay. Yeah, I wouldn't have done that.01:16
sebsebsebyou have two ways to install software01:16
sebsebsebthe graphiacl Ubuntu software centre or  the terminal01:16
nicomachusGuest302: imagine the Software Center as an "app store", like Google Play or the iTunes App Store.01:16
sebsebsebyep to what nicomachus put01:17
Guest302Oooo okay.01:17
sebsebsebGuest302: and the terminal is where you put commands,  which your probably not uwsed to from Windows, but can do that a bit in Windows even run comands01:17
sebsebsebGuest302: commands to tell the computer/Ubuntu/Linux what to do01:18
Guest302Yeah, I saw my brother open the terminal. Coding came up.01:18
sebsebsebGuest302: Graphical can be nice, but is a bit slower to really any of the graphical programs such as the Ubuntu software centre, because got to do a lot of clicking around to do  proper things with that01:18
sebsebsebGuest302:  but yes you could find audacity in that, or you could open up the terminal and put in this command: sudo apt-get install audacity01:19
sebsebsebit should then ask for password, put that in, and then it should just download and insstall it, just like that01:19
Guest302well, how do I find audacity?01:20
sebsebsebGuest302: oh and you just installed your first prograam yourself into Ubuntu then, since you said your brother had done it all so far otherwise01:20
sebsebsebonly in the software centre you would have to find it, by looking around for it,  in the terminal it will just download and install it01:20
sebsebsebGuest302: try the terminal it's more fun and better that way :)01:21
sebsebseband faster01:21
Guest302Something weird came up01:22
Guest302[katrina:/home/katrina] $ sudo apt-get audacity01:22
Guest302[sudo] password for katrina:01:22
Guest302E: Invalid operation audacity01:22
Guest302⏚ [katrina:/home/katrina] 4s 100 $01:22
sebsebsebGuest302: but yes thousands of programs are available for easy dowload and install,  via  terminal or software centre01:22
sebsebsebGuest302: that's  ok you nearly got it01:22
triacin arch linux there is AUR. why there is nothing as good for PPAs on ubuntu?01:23
sebsebsebGuest302: the command was slihgtly wrong katriina01:23
Guest302what was wrong with it?01:23
sebsebsebGuest302: need the install in that.  sudo apt-get install audacity01:23
Guest302wait- it's all freaking out now. It's going crazy with text01:24
sebsebsebGuest302: in  Windows  there's a sound recorder by default, which is okish, but yeah I thik Ubuntu used to have sojmething like that01:24
nicomachusGuest302: that's good.01:24
sebsebsebGuest302: it will need to put on some dependances01:25
sebsebsebGuest302: it should come up with stuff01:25
Guest302It stopped saying unknown media01:25
sebsebsebGuest302: you can show us the terminal out put,  but don't flood the channel with it, you can put on http://pastebin.com and give a link to it01:25
sebsebsebGuest302: copy and paste yeah01:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:26
Guest302I'm sorry.. I'm confused.01:26
Guest302It stopped a bit.01:26
sebsebsebGuest302: did it ask if you wanted to install aaudacity?01:27
Guest302yeah, I said y01:27
sebsebsebyep sounds like it worked :)01:27
sebsebsebthen it won't put ohn much for audaicty01:27
Guest302Okay, so now what?01:27
sebsebsebdid it saay somethihng like downloading from us. archeive.ubuntu ?01:27
sebsebsebGuest302: ok what did it have after the y, but it seems to have worked :)01:28
nicomachusGuest302: easiest way to find out is to type "audacity" into your terminal now01:28
sebsebsebnicomachus: yeah I was about to say01:28
Guest302It wnt all code-ish and now it stopped01:28
sebsebsebyep sounds like it has worked :)01:28
nicomachusGuest302: that wasn't code... but I understand what you mean.01:28
sebsebsebnow type audacity and hit enter like nicomachus put01:28
Guest302It opened01:28
Yuken"code-ish" heh. Guest302, that is not code; just a bunch of commands and information flying past :p01:28
sebsebsebYuken: yeah, but they are new to this01:28
sebsebsebtotally new01:29
Guest302That's.. isn't that code? o.o01:29
ChiLLabiSHow do i retrieve an error-logfile from a live usb that doen't boot?01:29
nicomachusno it's not.01:29
YukenGuest302, code is what makes up programs, essentially.01:29
ChiLLabiSim in windows01:29
sebsebsebGuest302: it's command stuff01:29
nicomachusChiLLabiS: it doesn't boot at all?01:29
sebsebsebGuest302: but can also code in a terminal like what we got open there, but that's another topic :d01:29
ChiLLabiSget and error message01:29
nolsenIs there a way to spoof my MAC address every time I connect to an interface, automatically?01:29
ChiLLabiSweirdest i've seen01:30
nolsenWith a randomized MAC address on each connect.01:30
nicomachusChiLLabiS: I'm not going to download an image. You can upload it to Imgur or describe it.01:30
ChiLLabiSfine i'll check up imgur01:30
nicomachusnolsen: https://askubuntu.com/questions/390147/how-to-change-the-mac-address-of-pc01:30
sebsebsebGuest302: congratulatios you installed your first program successfully into Ubuntu yourself :)01:30
ChiLLabiSnicomachus, http://i.stack.imgur.com/nugdV.jpg01:30
Guest302Thank you for helping.01:31
sebsebsebGuest302: however01:31
sebsebsebGuest302: now let's find out if your microphone works with audacity01:31
sebsebseband  if you can play that back ok or ot01:31
nicomachusChiLLabiS: that's not an error code... is that USB an Ubuntu live USB?01:31
nolsennicomachus: That doesn't explain how to have it randomize on each connect.01:31
Guest302It does. I played it back.01:31
sebsebsebGuest302: ok that's good :)01:32
Guest302well, does that mean that paltalk express just doesn't workthrough linux?01:32
ChiLLabiSit's from this image: ubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso01:32
ChiLLabiSi've used Rufus to get it on to the usbstick01:32
sebsebsebGuest302: but  pal talk express still has aan issue right yeah, so uhmm hold on I'll take a look at it now01:32
nicomachusChiLLabiS: ok, did you do an md5 checksum on it after creating the USB?01:32
ChiLLabiSnope, i've redownloaded the image though01:33
nicomachus!md5 | ChiLLabiS do this01:33
ubottuChiLLabiS do this: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:33
sebsebsebGuest302: taking a guess it's more made for Widows and Mac's and not really for Linux, but that doesn't neasirely mean it wont' work with Linux01:33
sebsebsebGuest302: do you have Windows still on there by the way,  or did your brother make you go Linux only :d ?01:34
nolsennicomachus: That doesn't explain how to have it randomize on each connect.01:34
Guest302I don't know what that means- Windows would blue screen, and it doesn't do that anymore.01:34
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:34
sebsebsebGuest302: oh I see he got you using Linux, sisnce viruses and things like that in Windows I guess01:35
sebsebsebGuest302: but can actsaully have Windows stil lon a computer whilst having Linux01:35
Guest302Wait.. Like.. Does it run like a half and half sort of thing? I bet I could do that.01:36
nicomachusit can01:36
sebsebsebGuest302: Linux only is good, but sometiems might need Windwos for some specific program01:36
nolsenIs there a way to spoof my MAC address every time I connect to an interface, automatically? (with a randomized MAC address on each connect)01:36
sebsebsebGuest302: since Wine wasn't good enough,  and yeah01:37
nicomachusnolsen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AnonymizingNetworkMACAddresses01:37
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:37
smartp0wnwine rlz.........01:37
sebsebsebsmartp0wn: you think?01:38
sebsebsebGuest302: bear with me, I am going to sing up for paltalk express and see what happens01:38
smartp0wnsebsebseb, it had saved my ass a few times!01:38
sebsebsebwhat do you use Wine for?01:38
Guest302take your time01:38
smartp0wnsebsebseb, like... for multiplatform devel01:39
sebsebsebusing what?01:39
smartp0wnsebsebseb, there are better solutions nowadays but I like Wine simplicity01:39
smartp0wnsebsebseb, you name it01:40
sebsebsebit's ok for running  the occasional WIndows program that wroks with it yeah01:40
ChiLLabiSnicomachus, the md5 is the same01:40
nicomachuswine discussions can be had in #winehq or #ubuntu-offtopic. That is not on-topic here.01:40
sebsebsebnicomachus: indeed01:40
nicomachusChiLLabiS: ok good. Are you sure your BIOS is selecting the USB to boot from?01:40
ChiLLabiSi'm pressing F8 to get into the mobo's Boot menu01:41
ChiLLabiSfrom there i choose the usb01:41
nicomachusok, and then selecting USB?01:41
nicomachusgood. and then you get that "error"?01:41
sebsebsebGuest302: pal talk expresses uses flash, well the log in screen, so that means going to have to have flash always up to date enough for it, be that Linux/Ubuntu or WIndows01:41
sebsebsebGuest302: about to signn up for an actual acount on it though as I said I would01:41
Guest302So how do I do flash?01:41
sebsebsebGuest302: well I assume you already have it installed if something came up on your link?01:42
nicomachusChiLLabiS: alright. do you have another machine you can try to boot it from just to verify the USB works?01:42
Guest302yeah. :)01:42
ChiLLabiSnope. I did use it to install windows 10 on this computer earlier today01:42
ChiLLabiSif i could retrieve the error-log somehow so i can post it on Askubuntu01:43
IceNinehey all, need some help setting up an ssh connection to my ubuntu box with keys and no pass (server keeps refusing my key) - i'm following steps here - http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/setup-passwordless-ssh-logon-ubuntu-14-04/ and here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring#disable-password-authentication ; sshd_config content - https://pastee.org/p3ydx01:44
nicomachusChiLLabiS: without actually booting it, there will be no log...01:44
IceNineany help is appreciated, i'm not sure what i'm missing01:45
sebsebsebGuest302: yay security code thing that isn't liked,  the uh hold on  a little issue trying to sign up on it01:45
ChiLLabiShmm. i do get access to grub if i reset the computer and just let it load01:45
ChiLLabiScan i do something from there?01:45
Guest302you don't have to if it's a pain in the neck- I'm sure it'll fix itself, maybe.01:46
EriC^^IceNine: what's the perms on ~/.ssh/authorized_keys01:46
nicomachusChiLLabiS: you get grub? you told me it wouldn't boot at all01:47
IceNine-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 741 Jan 11 17:04 /home/barry/.ssh/authorized_keys01:47
IceNine@ eric^^01:47
IceNinei need to chown that to my user don't i?01:47
sebsebsebGuest302: uh it's not liking the security ccode on there, een though what I put in is correct01:48
ChiLLabiSwell it's get's to that picture with the man and the keyboard whatever it is and after that i get the error message. If i reset the computer and let it loads i have grub01:48
Guest302So, it's probably a paltalk thing. they'll probably fix it soon enough.01:48
sebsebsebGuest302: no they probably won't actually if it's there  issue01:48
ChiLLabiSbut the "Try live-Ubuntu" or "Installing Ubuntu" doesn't work01:48
sebsebsebGuest302: they won't care about Linux, not enough market share01:49
ChiLLabiSwell i get another error message then01:49
sebsebsebGuest302: on the desktop standard computers01:49
nicomachusChiLLabiS: is this old hardware or anything?01:49
Guest302Why isn't Linux a bigger thing?01:49
nicomachusGuest302: we all ask that every dya01:49
ChiLLabiSlike this:  Ignoring bgrt invalid status 0 (expected 1)01:49
sebsebsebGuest302: good question01:49
ChiLLabiSI've newly bought a new motherboard and a cpu01:49
sebsebsebGuest302: I think since not enough people actsaully care enough about tech to find out more about it01:49
ChiLLabiSit's new stuff in the can01:50
sebsebseband Microsoft and APple are massive players01:50
nicomachusChiLLabiS: ok. I've never seen those errors before, but checking around.01:50
Guest302I wish I was knowledgeable enough, I'd keep and use Linux. But- I'm just not. I failed my Java class.01:50
ChiLLabiSis it possible to get to the error log if i can get to grub?01:51
sebsebsebGuest302: you can keep it01:51
GallomimiaChiLLabiS: oh i had this problem. you'll need to tweak mobo settings regarding legacy boot, non windows boot, and efi01:51
sebsebsebGuest302: just you might still need Windows for the occasiohanl program or two01:51
sebsebsebbut can have both :)01:51
ChiLLabiSokay! New spark for me :)01:51
ChiLLabiSSo what should be on and off?01:51
Gallomimiai can't tell you the exact config you need, because i just tweaked em until something worked01:52
sebsebsebGuest302: in general Linux distributiosn are better to use though, more secure etc, viruses etc not reall an issue as such etc01:52
Gallomimiabut i usually left it in efi then legacy mode01:52
Gallomimiaand obviously non-windows OS needs enable. each mobo is different tho01:52
EriC^^IceNine: try to chown them first and set them to chmod 60001:52
Guest302well, thank you so much for your time.01:52
EriC^^chown <user>: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys01:53
sebsebsebGuest302: I tried to private message you, did you get it?01:53
nolsennicomachus: That doesn't work.01:53
ChiLLabiSwell i'll do the opposite settings then it should do something i guess01:53
Umeaboysebsebseb: Hi! Long time no seen. :)01:53
ChiLLabiSthanks for the help01:53
ChiLLabiSgonna try this01:53
IceNine@eric^^ - did that, do i need to sudo service ssh restart? - -rw------- 1 barry barry 741 Jan 11 17:04 /home/barry/.ssh/authorized_keys (same error btw)01:54
Gallomimiashouldn't need restart.01:54
Gallomimiacheck also the permissions on .ssh01:54
IceNinewhat should it be on .ssh?01:55
UmeaboyAnyone got both time and will to help me out with an extremely huge task?01:55
UmeaboyIt's easy, but takes a loooooong time.01:55
GallomimiaUmeaboy: i might be inclined, if i could get the same :) trying to fix a boot problem for over 3 weeks now01:56
nicomachusUmeaboy: ask the question.01:56
IceNinegallomimia - .ssh permissions https://pastee.org/y7pue01:56
UmeaboyGallomimia: I scratch your back if you scratch mine. :)01:56
GallomimiaIceNine: nope. the permissions of the directory itself. add the -d option to your command01:57
UmeaboyGallomimia: PM?01:57
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.01:57
Gallomimiaas nicomachus said...01:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:57
IceNinedoh - gallomimia - here it is - https://pastee.org/y7pue01:57
IceNinedrwxrwxr-x 2 barry barry 4096 Jan 11 17:10 /home/barry/.ssh01:57
sebsebseboh Umeaboy is here hmm01:58
Umeaboyhehe. I know. Just trying to get off-topic chat in a PM window.01:58
Gallomimiahm. should be fine01:58
EriC^^IceNine: is this on the server?01:58
sebsebsebUmeaboy: so you gone back to Ubuntu :d01:58
GallomimiaIceNine: looks like its not the problem01:58
UmeaboyBut here it goes.....01:58
Umeaboysebsebseb: Well, on an off. Just like a light switch.01:58
TechspectreIs there a way to use Unity style overlay scrollbars in Gnome?01:58
GallomimiaIceNine: ah a good point. is it on the computer you're trying ssh to?01:59
IceNineeric^^ , gallomimia - yes it is01:59
EriC^^the server and client are the same pc?01:59
IceNine no01:59
xanguaTechspectre: you should be able to install it, but soon unity will use gnome own overlay scrollbars02:00
coraxxHello everyone.  Here's my question --> How does one create in Ubuntu a virtual USB Flash Drive (mounted as a virtual USB device) ?02:00
IceNineserver is my PC - client is remote02:00
Gallomimiathat seems strange02:00
Umeaboycoraxx: Install the extpack for Virtualbox at first.02:00
EriC^^IceNine: so on the client he has his private key that is linked to the public key you added in authorized_keys on the server?02:00
IceNinei even copied the setup from my laptop setup that does work02:00
coraxxUmeaboy: already done :-)02:01
UmeaboyThen make sure your user is added to the vboxusers group.02:01
EriC^^IceNine: try ssh -vvv user@host02:01
coraxxUmeaboy: also already done :-)02:01
IceNinewhat does vvv do?02:01
GallomimiaIceNine: transmitting private keys over any network is not really recommended02:01
Gallomimiatells you more info 3x02:01
Umeaboycoraxx: Is the guestadditions iso installed as well?02:02
Umeaboyhttp://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.0.10/VBoxGuestAdditions_5.0.10.iso for example.02:02
IceNinegallomimia - what's the recommended way?02:02
Gallomimiado not transmit private keys.02:02
Gallomimiaone private key per machine02:02
Gallomimiaat least, this is what i recommend02:03
IceNineso how do you "phone home", so to speak, remotely02:03
Gallomimiai guess wired LANs might be safe enough to transmit your keys over, but the question of "why" comes up. key-per-machine is easier to manage later02:03
Gallomimiaum.... what?02:04
coraxxUmeaboy: yes... but that is not relevant... so I think you have misunderstood my question ...your answer(s) suggest that I asked "how to mount a _real_ usb device in virtualbox" ...which I didn't...I asked "how to _create_ a virtual USB Device of type Flash Drive)02:04
UmeaboyI use Ubuntu 15.10 to build a working image for Sailfish OS to my Sony Xperia Z3 Compact Tablet (a.k.a Scorpion) and I'm using their HADK (Hardware Adaptation Development Kit) which can be found here: http://www.sailfishos.org/hadk02:04
IceNinelet's say you are remote and want to connect back to your home pc - without transmitting your private key, how do you connect?02:04
IceNineno password, just ssh with key02:04
Gallomimiawe're assuming that your "remote" system is your laptop. which already has your private key on it?02:05
ubernetsWhere can I upload error messages?02:05
Umeaboycoraxx: Close down the VM and check the USB settings for the VM.02:05
Gallomimiaubernets: you could use pastebinit02:05
Gallomimia!pastebinit | ubernets02:05
ubottuubernets: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com02:05
coraxxUmeaboy: uhmm ...check for what exactly ?02:06
IceNinegallomimia - yes02:06
GallomimiaIceNine: also, am i to gather that you've got valuable ssh keys floating around out there that aren't encrypted? so i could just grab them and use them without a passphrase?02:06
UmeaboyNow.............. as I prefer to narrow it down and making it possible to copy and paste every row one at a time I'd like some help into finish what I've done so far.02:06
IceNinegallomimia - whoa whoa, no passphrase?02:06
guest|32835To all of you, that are hitting on Guest302, would you please not?02:06
GallomimiaIceNine: create your private key on the laptop, transmit your public key to the homeserver. use as needed02:07
IceNinelet's not get crazy here02:07
nicomachusguest|32835: who is doing that?02:07
UmeaboyGallomimia: Can you help me with that?02:07
nicomachusguest|32835: please report that in #ubuntu-ops immediately.02:07
UmeaboyI have started and progressed alot.02:07
OerHeksguest|32835, wrong channel02:07
UmeaboyI have started to update it with the content from the latest HADK.02:07
GallomimiaUmeaboy: copy and paste 1 row at a time? sounds like the job for a script.02:07
UmeaboyGallomimia: Yeah, there is a sfa-mer script, but currently there is no repo for my model.02:08
Oi-Eu-Sou-Gokuanyone speak portuguese?02:08
UmeaboySo I have to use the HADK to build it step by step.02:08
Gallomimia!pr | Oi-Eu-Sou-Goku02:08
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:08
UmeaboyGallomimia: I'll help you if you help me.02:09
UmeaboyAt least I'll try.02:09
USER____Hi , I'm looking for software work like the default program "remote desktop" in windows , I just want create connection with two computers via ethernet wire02:09
UmeaboyAlso, I'd love to have something that deletes the user from /etc/sudoers when the script is finished if possible.02:09
coraxxUSER____:  nomachine,  vncserver,  xrdp02:10
UmeaboyGallomimia: You were saying something about a boot problem.02:11
UmeaboyTell me what the problem is and the specifications that involves the problem.02:11
bbis this secret chat?02:11
UmeaboyI might be able to help you.02:11
nicomachusbb: this channel is publicly logged.02:11
Umeaboybb: Use smoke signals if you have to.02:12
bbUmeaboy: ohh i see :D02:12
Gallomimiayeah. the problem is i have a raid with crypto on it. and the /boot partition was separate. i nuked that, and need to reinstall. the grub and initrd must be configured properly, and include mdadm, dmcrypt and lvm202:12
Techspectrexangua, how could I install it?02:12
Gallomimiaand i don't understand how to do that. i think i need to involve a chroot02:12
GallomimiaUmeaboy: what did you say about doing a copy and paste for every line? why?02:13
Techspectrexangua, and I heard about that. But gnome's scrollbars aren't really 'overlay' scrollbars at all, are they?02:13
UmeaboyGallomimia: Well, I like using thoose kinds of instructions.02:13
UmeaboyUniversal ones.02:13
EriC^^Gallomimia: are you in a live usb right now?02:13
UmeaboyLike the first row: cat <<'EOF' > $HOME/.hadk.env02:13
GallomimiaEriC^^: i was. but that stopped working after the latest kernel update foobared the grub install on that usb. now i'm on a separate system02:14
EriC^^on the same pc?02:14
EriC^^you need a live session to fix it02:15
UmeaboyGallomimia: Does THIS page help you in any way? https://we.riseup.net/debian/setting-up-raid+crypto+lvm-by-hand-howto02:15
UmeaboyIf so, you're welcome! :)02:16
UmeaboyNow.......your turn.02:16
USER____coraxx What is the best ? I don't want software such as Teamviewer use connection with servers a company . I want program don't need connection with Internet .02:16
USER____ I want display desktop computer 1 on computer 2 , all in same room , I don't but I must use software remote desktop to do something like that ?02:16
GallomimiaUmeaboy: not really, but it's a good page. i may refer to it at some point02:18
GallomimiaUmeaboy: all that stuff is done on my system. (except encrypted swap) it's now broken and needs a repair02:19
Gallomimiapage doesn't show how to install the bootloader02:19
EriC^^Gallomimia: if you can get a live session or put the hdd on another system you can fix it pretty easily02:19
UmeaboyGallomimia: GRUB? GRUB2? LILO?02:19
GallomimiaEriC^^: i've done that before02:19
Gallomimiagrub2 was what i had02:19
Gallomimiai've had the suggestion of using systemd-boot02:20
EriC^^Gallomimia: you need to chroot and reinstall the kernel and install grub02:20
Umeaboysystemd is quite common today.02:20
Gallomimiayes. that's right EriC^^02:20
Gallomimiait's chroot that i don't understand how to do02:20
EriC^^you need to use GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y in /etc/default/grub02:20
Gallomimiai try diving into the manuals for grub config and initrd and i get lost cause i don't know how to chroot02:20
Gallomimiawait wait wait02:21
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot02:21
Gallomimialet me right this dow02:21
coraxxUSER____: that it was I like to do as well ... I use primarily nomachine for that purpose as the NX-protocol, which it uses, its very good even if connections are slow.  xrdp is a server software that works with the Microsoft Windows way of handling remote desktops.02:21
EriC^^if you want /boot not to be a separate partition02:21
GallomimiaOerHeks: i've read this page. it doesn't teach me how to actually construct a full chroot02:21
EriC^^chroot you just need to decrypt the partitions, and then mount them at /mnt , as if it were "/" , like if you have a separate /boot partition you'd mount the root filesystem at /mnt and the boot partition at /mnt/boot02:22
EriC^^Gallomimia: then you mount bind the virtual filesystems from the live session to /mnt , like mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev02:22
EriC^^( you need /sys /dev /dev/pts /proc and /run )02:22
EriC^^then you just sudo chroot /mnt , and you'll be in the actual install and you can install grub etc.02:22
EriC^^for the virtual filesystem binding i like this command, for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done02:23
EriC^^it'll do them all one after the other02:23
Gallomimiai got as far as learning what a mount bind is02:25
GallomimiaEriC^^: this is the part that gets confusing to me. i managed to do what you listed once. maybe i forgot a few of the vfs's02:31
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Gallomimiabut after that the concept of "just install grub" escapes me02:31
Gallomimiaprovided that i have a liveUSB with an install of mdadm and such, it should include the needed modules to boot the system?02:32
EriC^^it won't boot it02:32
EriC^^after you chroot, run apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic02:32
cfhowlettGallomimia, it is quite easy02:33
EriC^^then apt-get install --reinstall < your grub package> and maybe the deps since the system thinks they're already installed and wont install them02:33
EriC^^Gallomimia: are you using uefi or legacy?02:33
Gallomimiaits uefi02:33
Gallomimiatho it seems to have the option to do legacy02:33
EriC^^Gallomimia: i think grub isn't made out of the box to pick up a full disk encryption with /boot encrypted inside "/"02:33
GallomimiaEriC^^: i had this set up once. it worked just fine02:34
EriC^^so you'll need to edit /etc/default/grub after installing grub and it failing02:34
Gallomimiaand the /boot is not encrypted. it's outside the rest of the mess02:34
EriC^^and add the line GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y , the reinstall grub with grub-install02:34
Gallomimiathe raid drives are all partitioned to have little slices at the start for /boot and /boot/EFI02:34
EriC^^oh i thought you deleted /boot and was trying to put it in "/" encrypted02:35
gambl0reis there a command to open the current directory while inside the terminal02:35
Gallomimiano. i deleted boot and was trying to restore it02:35
EriC^^gambl0re: nautilus .02:35
gambl0reit worked, whats nautilus02:35
EriC^^Gallomimia: deleted how?02:35
Gallomimiai had some serious problems where grub and alt-ctrl-F1 tty's wouldn't show up02:35
EriC^^gambl0re: the file manager02:35
gambl0reok thanks02:36
Gallomimiawell i was angry at the time so it was with dd /dev/zero02:36
sebsebsebgambl0re: what's your issue?02:36
sebsebsebgambl0re: oh not so much yours, but02:36
gambl0renothing, nautilus . worked02:36
cfhowlettGallomimia, CWA never ends well02:36
sebsebsebGallomimia: what's your issue?02:36
EriC^^Gallomimia: ok well you'll need to recreate the partition/filesystem then02:36
Gallomimiasebsebseb: i deleted grub and /boot and must reinstall. it's complicated02:36
GallomimiaEriC^^: so i did that. on boot. i think...02:37
EriC^^and do the same stuff, except without adding GRUB_ENABLE... to grub02:37
sebsebsebGallomimia: someone asked about uefi, and I raed something about encrypted something or the other even02:37
EriC^^Gallomimia: also, you'll need to edit /etc/fstab and include the new /boot 's uuid02:37
sebsebsebGallomimia: I would suggest not using in future any of those encryped / or /home or swap or whatever opitions with Ubuntu, unless your compllelt paranoid02:37
sebsebsebGallomimia: becasue it can cause issues when it comes to re installing and things like that02:38
lordshangowhats up02:39
sebsebsebnm u02:39
lordshangolearning how to use irc02:40
sebsebseboh ok02:40
lordshangowhat are some good channels02:40
nicomachuslordshango: #freenode can tell you all about IRC. This channel is Ubuntu support only02:40
sebsebseblordshango: depends but if you put in /list that should list most of them and oh there's a lot, may slow down your connection a bit whilst listenign them even02:40
cfhowlettlordshango, this is ubuntu support.  for chitchat #ubuntu-oftopic02:40
Gallomimiasuggesting to someone not to use crypto is a bit like saying don't lock your house02:41
sebsebsebGallomimia: well yes and no depends02:41
Gallomimiai want to lock my drives. there's no performance hit that i notice02:41
eelstrebori'm a little confused about dnscrypt - do i need to do anything after installing it on a client pc? dig debug.opendns.com txt seems to say that it's working but is that just a test or do i need to set it up to use a dnscrypt service?02:41
sebsebsebGallomimia: it's not about perforance hit etc02:41
lordshango<sebsebseb thanks02:41
cfhowletteelstrebor, might ask in #ubuntu-server02:42
sebsebsebGallomimia: it's about wanting to re intsall Ubuntu, then finding out that your encrypted partion doens't just detect etc02:42
Gallomimiayes the difficulty in dealin with encrypted drives during problems... i'm seeing that02:42
Gallomimiait's a good learning experience02:42
TechspectreIf I install Gnome 3.16 in Ubuntu 15.04 via the ppa, but I use LightDM, will I have problems?02:43
cfhowlettTechspectre, 15.04 is soon to go end of life.  why not just install ubuntu-gnome?02:44
ditchlandcfhowlett: when is 16 ltr02:44
eelstreborcfhowlett, but this is for a client02:44
cfhowlettditchland, 16.04 = 2016 / April02:45
sebsebsebTechspectre: there isn't that much differnece between the GNOME versions that those two use02:45
sebsebsebTechspectre: noticeable difference to the user02:45
sebsebsebTechspectre: the ppa will probably work, but yeah why not just upgrade to 15.10 ?02:45
Gallomimiaditchland: interesting jokes you make sir02:46
ditchlandTechspectre: I think lightdm affects only login02:46
GallomimiaEriC^^: thanks for that. i think i might just about have this licked. can you remind me what formats the /boot and /boot/EFI should be? i thought ext2 and ext3.02:47
Techspectresebsebseb, if I upgrade to 15.10 via the updater will I have Gnome 3.16 in my repos?02:48
OerHeksTechspectre, no, ppas will be disabled.02:48
EriC^^Gallomimia: /boot should be ext2 , and /boot/efi ( no caps ) should be fat3202:48
sebsebsebTechspectre: no Ubuntu GNOME will not give you latest GNOME02:48
c_nicki launch startup applications and untick an app which i dont want to start when ubuntu starts .. But on the restart it launches and startup app shows the tick (enabled) . How can i make the uncheck effective across restarts02:48
sebsebsebTechspectre: Ubuntu used to be really good at following GNOME and providing the latest stable version of GNOME, but then things went Unity02:48
TechspectreI'm using GNOME 3.14 right now and I just want the new overlay scrollbars02:49
sebsebsebTechspectre: and  that stopped, and GNOME became a community supported thing, hence the ppa for latest GNOME for Ubuntu GNOME02:49
EriC^^c_nick: type find ~/.config ! -user $USER02:50
sebsebsebTechspectre: you should upgrade to 15.1002:50
sebsebsebTechspectre: then if you want a even later GNOME in that install the ppa02:50
jzeollaEriC^^:  Hmm, interesting you mention that right as I join.  I'm having some issues getting my preseed to work - after the build it boots into the UEFI shell02:51
jzeollaI'm trying to make /boot ext4, but I don't make any allowances for an ESP... Should I?02:51
EriC^^yeah you need an efi partition02:52
Techspectresebsebseb, thank you02:53
jzeollaEriC^^: Know of any good write-ups to explain how that works?  I'm reading the wiki now...02:53
EriC^^jzeolla: check out an arch wiki i guess02:54
TechspectreI don't think LightDM is what affects login02:54
Gallomimiajzeolla: been a long time since i looked it up, but i don't think /boot can be ext402:54
EriC^^Gallomimia: it can02:54
jzeollaGallomimia: I saw a couple others do it02:55
TechspectreI can tell you that on my machine with multiple monitors, when I install gnome and select GDM, the monitor placement gets reset on every restart. So I use LightDM02:55
jzeollaAnyone know how partman-lvm commands port to partman-auto-lvm?  I'm running into a bug in partman-lvm which was listed as won't fix, and only got fixed in partman-auto-lvm03:01
jzeollaSpecifically, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-auto-lvm/+bug/15408603:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 154086 in partman-auto-lvm (Debian) "Installing to HDD with previous ubuntu fails to create fresh LVM claiming group already in use" [Unknown,New]03:01
=== Saulo is now known as Guest56158
fulvioquo vado03:23
eelstrebori tried to download an updated dnscrypt-proxy.csv file but it doesn't render properly in LibreWord anymore - i used wget to retrieve it from github03:26
cfhowlettlibreword?  for a .csv file?03:26
c_nickEriC^^, Nothing there03:27
c_nickits just outputting the folder paths03:27
=== Toledo|gone is now known as croberts
IceNineeric^^ still around?03:36
EriC^^IceNine: hey yeah03:40
EriC^^c_nick: it shouldn't output anything, that means it's not owned by your user03:41
EriC^^so the changes you make won't be saved if ~/.config/autostart/.. isn't owned by your user03:41
c_nickEriC^^, I do see the autostart line in there03:42
c_nickwith that app03:42
IceNine@eric^^ - https://pastee.org/q68cf03:42
c_nickcan i sudo launch start up App?03:42
c_nicki am the superuser on the box but i dont know why it doesnt work03:43
EriC^^c_nick: type sudo find ~/.config ! -user $USER -exec chown $USER: '{}' \;03:43
EriC^^c_nick: don't use sudo with startup apps03:43
c_nickreturned nothing03:43
EriC^^try ls -l ~/.config/autostart | nc openterm.tk 903:44
EriC^^paste the link here03:44
EriC^^IceNine: it's odd that it won't take the public key03:45
c_nickEriC^^, haha I like that.03:45
c_nick-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   267 Jan 12 08:16 dropbox.desktop < I need to remove this03:45
=== freiheit is now known as Guest78868
EriC^^that looks fine03:46
EriC^^give it a shot03:46
c_nickso when i launch the start up app and uncheck the check on next reboot it again retains the check03:47
EriC^^you just tried it?03:47
IceNine@eric^^, i did the same setup on my laptop and it worked...03:47
IceNinedon't know why desktop is not working03:47
EriC^^IceNine: try ssh-copy-id again03:47
c_nickEriC^^, its unchecked on03:48
EriC^^c_nick: ok if you enter startup apps again is it still unchecked?03:48
EriC^^ok, should work03:48
c_nickfor this instance of the os.. when i restart its again enabled03:48
EriC^^try to logout and back in03:48
EriC^^c_nick: have you tried it since running the find .. chown command?03:49
c_nicklet me try03:49
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c_nickThis should work .. will ping back incase it fails03:51
c_nickThanks EriC^^03:51
Guest87964hello, I had an energy shutdown and ubuntustudio isnt booting anymore. Splash screen appears and  then a blinking message: fsck from util-linux 2.26.2 /dev/sda2: clean, 578336/9281536 files, 21158212/37111296 blocks.03:52
Guest87964how can I fix it?03:52
daftykinsenergy or emergency?03:53
Guest87964energy went out, powered off03:53
daftykinsah ok power cut03:53
daftykinstry an older kernel03:54
Guest87964how can I do that? Do I need a live version?03:55
daftykinsno hold left shift before the logos come up, after power on, then pick an older kernel under 'advanced'03:55
Guest87964is there any other key combination? it just skipped into the splash screen and am again at the blinking message03:58
daftykinsyou could try escape, hitting shift after the system POST screen but before the disk is read from04:00
onezuffwhat is the best way to figure out why my machine keeps rebooting? just keeps showing system halt like this for reboot https://i.imgur.com/bUPDsPv.gifv04:04
SireWolfsomeone join ##werewolf and play with us!04:04
daftykinsSireWolf: no and no advertising here, you can hassle #ubuntu-offtopic04:04
cfhowlettSireWolf, no spam in this channel please04:04
cfhowlettonezuff, same message04:05
daftykinsonezuff: that makes no sense04:05
onezuffit halts for reboot for no reason and my ssh closes like in the screenshot04:05
cfhowlettonezuff, look at your screenshot - nothing  to do with ubuntu04:06
Guest87964found F10, selected older version and now I'm getting "loading Linux 4.2.0-22 lowlatency... Loading initial ram " (something in those lines, ubuntu is in spanish)04:06
daftykinsonezuff: that is not a screenshot04:06
onezuffomg i pasted the wrong one now i gotta find my imgur link jesus04:06
* cfhowlett opens /ignore file and prepares to add a name04:06
onezuffmy vps only has 64mb of ram, if it runs out of ram will that cause it to reboot?04:07
onezuffme cfhowlett ??04:07
cfhowlettonezuff, out of ram?  more like to cause to freeze04:07
EriC^^onezuff: 64mb ram04:08
onezuffi think it is LXC c ontainer cfhowlett04:08
Flannelcfhowlett: Don't do things like that, by the way.  It's anti-productive.04:08
EriC^^that's pretty low04:08
daftykinsyeah that's terrible04:08
cfhowlettonezuff, OK.  sorry, I know nothing of lxc/lxd04:08
onezuffi have regular vm's w/ digital ocean and vultr. this one is ultra small / cheap like 50cents/mo04:08
EriC^^onezuff: you sure ubuntu can even start with 64mb ram? i've a server with apache and a couple services and it's at 380mb right now04:09
EriC^^oh wait, that's the free mb04:09
EriC^^about 140mb used04:10
onezuffi think it's a minimal version EriC^^ and also it's a container VPS i think like a docker thing almost04:10
onezuffhttps://www.berry.pw/ EriC^^04:10
daftykinsyou get what you pay for04:11
EriC^^onezuff: so it's 64mb ram and 64mb swap?04:11
EriC^^so 128mb in total04:12
EriC^^that sounds more possible i guess04:12
onezuffvswap i think is different than swap but im not sure04:12
EriC^^hey you could make a swap file so it doesn't crash if it reaches 128mb04:12
=== learnit_ is now known as learnit
onezuffwhen i do free -m i see 64M and 64M swap04:12
daftykinsnot sure you can have two swaps?04:13
onezuffthe crazy part is that it only crashed when i start refreshing the stats page on the vps which shows my utilization04:13
onezuffi think it might be a problem with that actually not the vps :(04:13
daftykinswhat's up with 'top' ?04:13
EriC^^onezuff: show us df -Th04:13
onezuffmaybe i should stop refreshing the stats page, it seems to be causing it to crash lol04:15
EriC^^no swap partition or file there04:15
onezuffi think vswap is done through the VPS provider or something04:15
daftykinsi think it's fair to say that your providers' implementation isn't a standard ubuntu, thus support here would be pretty out of scope04:16
=== Elsa is now known as lolcat
onezuffthx anyway guys, i'll send a support ticket04:17
onezuffdoesn't crash at all unless im messing with the stats page on the website :(04:17
daftykins'top' is your friend04:18
EriC^^memory leaks, your enemy04:18
onezuffwill try that04:18
unsurei could not see anything on wily dvd04:20
unsurealso xrandr says unable to change screen to 800x60004:21
unsureanybody knows how to make this stuff work without burning out the monitors04:21
daftykinsstart from the beginning, so far the only thing i can grasp from your messages are you're trying to boot 15.10 on *something*04:22
daftykinsunsure: ?04:23
unsuredaftykins are you asking me?04:32
unsureyes i tried to boot wily but it is very hard on the monitor and i can't get it to 800x600 max04:32
unsuredaftykins...i tried to kill lightdm...and use xrandr...but it keeps coming back04:33
daftykinsunsure: what kind of system...04:33
daftykinsRAVENBLACKFALL: stop it.04:33
cfhowlett!ops | RAVENBLACKFALL,04:33
ubottuRAVENBLACKFALL,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:33
* rww looks up04:33
unsureand xrandr says its unable to change the screen04:33
rwwRAVENBLACKFALL: is there an Ubuntu support question we can help you with today?04:33
RAVENBLACKFALLoh this isnt an open chat?04:33
rwwRAVENBLACKFALL: nope. #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat04:34
RAVENBLACKFALL!whois rww04:34
rwwsee also /msg ubottu guidelines04:34
cfhowlettRAVENBLACKFALL, as clearly stated in the topic, this is ubuntu support.  stay on topic or play somewhere else, please04:34
EriC^^unsure: if you kill lightdm you can't use xrandr, you need x to use xrandr04:34
RAVENBLACKFALLumm I am not a hacker should i not use Kali04:35
daftykinsKali is not on topic here, go elsewhere04:35
cfhowlett!kali | RAVENBLACKFALL04:35
ubottuRAVENBLACKFALL: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:35
FlannelRAVENBLACKFALL: Please join #ubuntu-offtopic to continue your discussion (`/join #ubuntu-offtopic` will get you there)04:36
unsurei had a fairly nice ubuntu install on a hard drive that sat unused for a couple of years..and when i tried to fire it up...i guess the head was stuck to the platter because it knocked the head off and i lost all my data04:37
daftykinsunsure: so what are you trying to boot wily on? i can't help if you're not going to actually respond04:37
MalgorathI have an issue that when I restart my computer I have to replug in my keyboard and mouse to get them to work, any tips or ideas?04:39
daftykinsMalgorath: i'd probably read some logs and see what's going on04:45
daftykinsis it a desktop?04:45
daftykinsare they case provided USB ports, or motherboard IO area ones?04:45
Malgorathtrying both04:46
daftykinsnow, or there's no difference between?04:46
Malgorathno difference04:47
MalgorathIs there something I should look at?04:48
daftykinsdmesg probably04:49
Malgorathanymore details about what to look for?04:52
daftykinsUSB descriptor fails probably04:52
daftykinsjust put dmesg into a text editor then find on 'usb' and see what it comes up with04:52
daftykinsis it a custom build or a factory made PC?04:53
Malgorathits a custom build I just got from a guy04:53
daftykinsi would probably discharge the motherboard to reset the USB controllers, by detaching the PSU connectors04:56
Malgorathdaftykins, I did a dmesg | grep USB and posted it on gist at: ttps://gist.github.com/fb10afdded76ca99321c04:56
Malgorathah okay, I will give that a go04:56
daftykinsit would have to be grep -i usb ; i would think04:56
Malgorathhttps://gist.github.com/01d02ab61a77b5e1981a if you want to look, I'll unplug Mobo and muck around, bbiab few minutes04:58
vsalleshi bot05:07
VangeliGhow yall doing05:07
ravi__i am new to bacbox or for that matter to ubuntu as well05:07
VangeliGif your a freelancer check out iwillpay.co great jobs and gigs posted05:07
VangeliGespecially for ubuntu specialits05:07
ChiLLabiSnicomachus, i've found the problem on google about my problem earlier when ubuntu refused to boot. I had to change my SSD and DVDrom from SATA6G_E12 to the regular connectors. Now everything works again like it should. :)05:08
cfhowlettravi sorry, but backbox is not ubuntu and is not supported here.05:09
daftykinsmmm third party controller chips are never good05:09
ravenblackwhat is the channel for offtopic chat?05:14
OerHeksdepends how offtopic, #ubuntu-discuss or #ubutu-offtopic05:14
* OerHeks fixes the N key05:15
OerHeks #ubuntu-offtopic05:15
=== ubik_ is now known as Guest77120
matschafferIs this the right place for questions about images listed on https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ ? I'm trying ami-5c207736 on VPC for the first time and it seems like the image isn't adding an entry into /etc/hosts for it's eth0/hostname setting. Curious if this is a bug or expected behavior.05:24
matschafferAmazon VPC, sorry05:25
daftykinsah nevermind i don't know what that is05:25
=== venkat_331 is now known as venkat_330
somsipmatschaffer: not something that I've seen happen on any previous AMIs on Amazon, so I suspect it's not intended to do that05:29
matschaffersomsip: on VPC? On classic you might not notice because the AWS servers will resolve it for you. Odd that it doesn't on VPC05:31
somsipmatschaffer: not noticed it on VPC. What use case do you need to connect to the hostname from the host?05:31
matschafferI'm running into some tools that expect to be able to resolve their own hostname (sudo, proftpd)05:32
ciscsince ubuntu 14.04 Server LTS doesn't have systemd, what is the equivalent command to running `journalctl` so I can see the boot messages?05:32
matschaffersudo still works, just warns. proftpd just refuses to start05:32
daftykinscisc: you mean like reading 'dmesg' ?05:33
somsipmatschaffer: yeah - agree on the sudo warning, but surprised if proftpd hasn't got a config entry to disable that05:33
matschafferoh fair point, I'll see if there is one05:33
ciscdaftykins: yeah but dmesg only shows kernel messages, I want to see something that may be hanging on boot05:34
matschaffercould have sworn I've seen ubuntu use the dhcp data to update /etc/hosts, but maybe that was on a fresh install or something05:34
daftykinsi think hosts is pretty static05:34
=== mint is now known as Guest2568
somsipmatschaffer: there is the script that runs on boot to setup various entries, but can't say I've ever dissected it05:35
matschafferhappen to remember what it was called?05:35
matschaffermaybe I can find an answer in there05:35
somsipmatschaffer: foudn of StackOverflow: In AWS, go to your vpc and turn on "DNS Hostnames".05:35
matschafferyeah, that's on - that seems to control resolution of the external hostname05:36
matschafferthat part works05:36
somsipmatschaffer: ah - ok05:36
matschafferbut the $(hostname) which I'm assuming comes from dhcp won't resolve either way05:36
matschafferactually trying to remember how to get the output of a dhcp response05:36
matschafferjust to verify my assumption there is correct05:36
somsipmatschaffer: resolves here - ECHO $HOSTNAME gives ip-172-30-0-12. Is that what you're missing?05:37
matschafferon vpc try `nslookup ip-172-30-0-12`05:38
somsipmatschaffer: I understand that will fail.05:38
matschafferor `ping $(hostname)` rather. Basically I seem to recal seeing the hostname replicated in /etc/hosts as a default sort of thing. My memory mayb just be wrong here05:40
matschafferecho $HOSTNAME works fine though05:40
matschafferI'll see if there's a way to make proftpd not care. That might be easier05:40
matschaffercause basically nothing else does05:40
somsipmatschaffer: never seen it myself, and not on my vpc hosts. Have a look at /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg under "preserve_hostname: false" which looks promising05:41
matschafferactually this helps. Can't help but notice the update_etc_hosts module in here05:42
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somsipmatschaffer: yep - that's what I meant. Change to true, reboot, see how it looks, make a new AMI if it works - tada!05:42
matschafferyep. I'll dig into cloud-init a bit deeper first. The comment on preserve_hostname makes think it's not quite what I'm looking for but I'm sure a little code spelunking will answer that05:43
somsipmatschaffer: k - good luck05:43
matschaffersomsip: thanks for the help. Looks like exactly the pointer I was looking for :)05:43
somsipmatschaffer: np05:43
=== kernel is now known as Guest85178
=== Guest85178 is now known as quick_sort
=== xubuntu is now known as PK101
PK101Hello, does this look good? http://s15.postimg.org/u7wky7ccb/Screenshot_2016_01_12_06_10_16.png06:12
PK101It's a partition table06:12
daftykinsvery weird place to put the EFI boot partition06:13
daftykins5GB swap is also odd06:13
daftykinsi think a 500MB efi boot would be better06:14
PK101500 MB?06:14
PK101OK, I'm resizing06:14
daftykinsbut why didn't you put it at the start of the disk?06:15
=== robcsi_ is now known as robcsi
daftykinsheh you've got a /boot as well as the EFI partition, that's not necessary06:15
PK101I have always done the root first, then /boot, then /boot/efi06:18
PK101I'm coming from Arch06:18
PK101daftykins: Should I just apply 'em ?06:19
argentdrakeHello, I'm having a problem that seems to happen randomly. While in a program, it seems that it quits processing what I type and just hits whatever key it feels like. Often an arrow key. This stops when I close the program and repopen it. Occurs in runescape linux native client and WoW under wine. Any suggestions on how to fix?06:19
daftykinsPK101: heh, totally backwards06:20
PK101hm, should I apply it or not06:20
PK101or possibly delete the /boot06:20
daftykinsi'd start again XD06:20
PK101to accomplish what?06:21
PK101I'm applyin' this06:23
PK101Applied, no errors, w/e06:25
PK101A USB06:26
PK101Bloody fail06:32
PK101I'm destroying the /boot06:33
PK101Is everyone dead here?06:36
PK101RIP LIFE06:37
hateballPK101: Doubtful06:37
PK101No custom-engineering06:37
PK101going with the Ubuntu installer06:37
=== Blobb_ is now known as Blobb33
PK101Removed all partitions, will install Windows 10, will be happy and good06:43
=== AndChat464025 is now known as cryptonita
=== Ceber is now known as [UPA]Stefan
matschaffersomsip: yay! Just dropped `manage_etc_hosts: true` into `/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/01_hosts.cfg` and things look happy - thanks for the pointer07:03
matschafferI would have been lost in dhcp land for at least another half day07:03
=== mboeru is now known as Guest47041
somsipmatschaffer: cool - glad you found it :)07:18
=== madisoncaldon is now known as souplady
soupladyI have just installed ubuntu on a new laptop and the wifi is not working properly. Someone on the forum guided me through some troubleshooting and everything appears to be working but every time I try to connect it comes back with a notification saying "disconnected". Can someone help me?07:26
hateballsouplady: What version of Ubuntu are you using, and what chipset is your wifi?07:28
soupladyUbuntu is 14.04. The wifi device is called Realtek RTL8723BE PCIe wirless network adapter07:29
hateballsouplady: Have you upgraded so it is 14.04.03? Run "lsb_release -a" in a terminal to make sure07:30
soupladyhateball: yes, it is 14.04.0307:30
aldoil marchese del grillo07:32
hateballsouplady: I personally solve realtek issues by replacing the card. But I realize this is not a viable option for most. You could try installing a different kernel and see if it works better07:36
hateballsouplady: That is, "sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-wily" which will give you a more recent kernel to choose from in GRUB. It may or may not work better with your hardware. You can always go back to the 14.04.3 kernel  using the grub menu07:38
daftykins+1 to ditching Realtek07:39
soupladyhateball: thank you, unfortunately the laptop is unable to connect to the internet without wifi because it has no ethernet port. is there any way i can get the appropriate files to run on the device via usb stick? the only other computer i have is a mac07:40
Gallomimiamacs make it easy07:40
Gallomimiawait what are you trying to do?07:41
soupladyim just trying to get the wifi to work. honestly i have no idea what im doing, i just know how to follow instructions.07:41
soupladyvery specific instructions.07:41
Tomiiihello, how do you Run two commands on one argument?   i know there is a shortcut way to do it07:42
somsipTomiii: update this && echo that07:42
Gallomimiaperhaps you'd have an easier time if you ran an ethernet wire between those two systems and told the mac to share your wifi connection with users on the LAN07:42
Tomiiisomething like:  mkdir+cd test07:42
GallomimiaTomiii: put a ; between them07:42
Tomiiii know there is a faster way07:42
Tomiiii forgot it though  :(07:42
Tomiiimkdir test;cd !$07:43
Tomiiibut there is an even faster way07:43
soupladygallomimia: the laptop with the issue doesn't have an ethernet port, i cant wire it to anything. is there no other way to do it or are you telling me im going to have to buy an adapter?07:43
Gallomimiaoh that's unfortunate07:43
hateballsouplady: It's possible to grab the kernel packages you need from another machine, but it's quite a hassle to get all the dependencies on another machine07:43
Gallomimiaso you have a USB stick?07:43
soupladyyes, i have a usb stick07:43
hateballsouplady: especially if that machine is not running linux07:43
Gallomimiaand on it is.... what. LIVE ubuntu?07:43
Tomiiiis there another IRC or website to look up that shortcut?  it's like a splinter in my brain  ;)07:44
soupladyyes, that's how i installed ubuntu07:44
Gallomimiatomiii there's #bash07:44
hateballTomiii: command1 & command207:44
hateballTomiii: that will just fire them off after another07:44
somsipTomiii: you want to create a dir and cd into it with one command? mkdir test && cd test07:44
hateballTomiii: command1 && command2, will run command2 if command1 exits gracefully07:44
Gallomimiahateball only if the first one executes successfully07:44
Tomiiiguys, there is a faster way!    it is something like mkdir+cd test07:45
Tomiiibut it's not a " + " sign07:45
somsipTomiii: faster than spending 5 mins on IRC asking about it... :-/07:45
Gallomimiauh... maybe in curly braces comma separated?07:45
Gallomimia{mkdir,cd} somethin07:46
Gallomimiaits definitely a bash trick. ask those guys07:46
somsipGallomimia: nah - that for mkdir test{1,2,3} to create multiple dirs07:46
Tomiiimabyyyyye somethin like that07:46
=== vyom is now known as Guest68218
soupladyum, so how difficult is it to replace a wireless card? i've upgraded ram before but that's the depth of my experience07:49
Tomiiisouplady: easy, 2 wires07:49
soupladyno sautering irons? also can you recommend me a replacement card?07:49
yellabs-r2can i drop an .sh bash script in motd ( message of the day directory ) and will it be executed ?07:50
Tomiiiyou could try a newer version of ubuntu.  if your gonna do a clean install when 16.04 comes out anyway07:50
Tomiii Qualcomm Atheros, is good if you want to to packetinjection stuff -souplady07:51
mikubuntui'm having a hella time with chrome still, and i can't seem to get any help from the channel at #chrome -- all i want to do is delete and reinstall, but i can't find it as installed in synaptic, and it doesn't show up in software center either -- but i can assure you its installed07:51
mikubunturunning lub 14.0407:52
daftykinssouplady: what brand is the machine?07:52
Tomiiisouplady: i bet 16.04 alpha works, i had the same problem with a wifi card, and 16.04  worked with wifi07:52
mikubuntualso tried deleting it through term, but it said 'chrome not found'07:52
soupladydaftykins: it's an hp stream 1107:52
hateballsouplady: It depends on your laptop, some manufacturers lock down cards in BIOS, so you cannot replace easily07:52
Tomiiihateball: that sucks, i never heard of that07:53
hateballAnd HP are one of those, altho I cannot say for that particular model07:53
soupladyit's a $200 facebook machine for my grandmother.07:53
TomiiiFAcebook Machine  ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ07:53
soupladyi installed ubuntu on her old laptop because she's incapable of using the internet for 5 minutes without catching something07:53
Gallomimiasouplady: wireless cards. to physically change one, it's a little more difficult than ram. not much. open the case, find the card, remove the wires, do as the ram did, put the wires back, close the case07:53
hateballTomiii: We have thousands of HP here at work, I have noticed it quite a few times :)07:53
daftykinssouplady: the tiny little toys? waste of time trying to do anything with that.07:53
soupladybut that one is falling apart07:53
Tomiiihateball: that nonsense justifies a RMS clip:   https://www.rt.com/shows/sophieco/snowden-leak-privacy-surveillance-093/07:54
daftykinsi like the idea of trying xenial though, 16.0407:54
daftykinsTomiii: this is a support channel, take the junk to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks.07:55
daftykinsno chat07:55
Tomiiisouplady: 16.04 liveCD worked for me, but ran out of RAM fast,  if you install it, it might work.  have you tried 15.10?07:55
Gallomimiadid we determine whether souplady's wifi card is going to work with proprietary drivers?07:56
Tomiiioh, wait, you dont want 15.10 for Grandma Facebook Machine (TM)  cuz it expires soon, souplady07:56
daftykinsGallomimia: realtek's own are worse than is on already07:56
soupladytomiii: i have only done 14.04, i didn't even realize there was a newer version07:56
Gallomimiaso.... the best drivers are already installed?07:56
Tomiiisouplady: 14.04 is my favorite for now, cuz its LTS.  16.04 is next LTS, but it's only in Alpha07:57
soupladythe only drivers installed are what comes stock with the operating system07:57
Gallomimiatomiii: can't wait for it to come put now07:57
zippo^Does someone know or Ubuntu has more "magnifier"applications for Ubuntu?07:57
daftykinssouplady: since 16.04 will be out in April it may work better, give it a try in a live session07:57
Gallomimiasouplady: that's actually quite a lot of drivers07:57
soupladygallomimia: what a miracle it doesn't work, then07:58
Gallomimiano. wifi never bloody works :(07:58
Tomiiimikubuntu: chromium-browser is better than chrome07:58
soupladydaftykins: i will give 16.04 a try07:58
Gallomimiai had a lot of grief with my mac laptop trying to run ubuntu07:58
Gallomimiabut i did get wireless drivers downloaded by plugging into the LAN07:58
TomiiiHey does anyone know how to install the newest version of CryptSetup, in 14.04?  i dont find a PPA?07:59
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:59
daftykinsif you can't find a PPA, compile08:00
Tomiiii want the new cryptsetup version for this:  https://thelinuxexperiment.com/how-to-migrate-from-truecrypt-to-luks-file-containers/08:00
Tomiiior even better is there a GUI that creates LUKS file-containers?  besides ZuluCrypt?08:01
Tomiiican the newest version of gnome-disk-utility create file-containers?08:02
mikubuntuTomiii: i like chromium fine enough but i'm having a problem with some kind of malware page that has taken over my chrome and gets ahold of a tab and locks it down, not allowing me to do anything at all except killing it. but when i reopen chrome it goes back to the previous open pages, and i'm in a headlock again08:07
daftykinsyou still haven't sorted that?08:07
daftykinswow mikubuntu - i told you the path to check for chrome's profile to nuke it :)08:07
Tomiiiso i'm still trying to learn how to create file-container for LUKS. which is better:08:08
Tomiiifallocate -l 500M MySecrets.img  && dd if=/dev/urandom of=MySecrets.img bs=1M count=50008:08
Tomiiihead -c 500M /dev/urandom > MySecrets.img08:08
Tomiii"head" is in the FAQ for cryptsetup, but "fallocate" is shown on other guides08:09
mikubuntudaftykins: be happy to if you can walk me through it :P08:09
OerHeksmikubuntu, we have, several times now .. if you keep going to that malwarepage, why should we help?08:10
daftykinsmikubuntu: moving/removing  a folder? do you need help with that?08:10
somsipmikubuntu: make an entry in /etc/hosts with the offending IP and point it to localhost. It'll timeout, close it, never open it again08:10
mikubuntuOerHeks: daftykins yes, i'm old and stupid08:10
OerHeks( and first reporting that page is more usefull i guess)08:11
mikubuntui took photographs and displayed them many times over the last few days, i don't know if anybody reported the page i'll post it here again08:12
daftykinsmikubuntu: what's in ~/.config/google-chrome/ ?08:12
mikubuntudaftykins: bash: /home/mikubuntu/.config/google-chrome/: Is a directory08:13
mikubuntuOerHeks: it's not that i'm 'going to' the malware page -- chrome is set to reopen last pages, so every time it launches it opens all the previously open tabs08:14
mikubuntusomsip: never heard of that one before, you say its a permanent solution?08:14
somsipmikubuntu: so make the page inaccessible - as I said before, or even just disconnect from the internet08:15
somsipmikubuntu: it's the same basis that's used by some ad blockers eg: http://hostsfile.mine.nu/08:15
mikubuntusomsip: could it be as simple as disconnecting from net and then change chrome settings?08:16
daftykinsmikubuntu: i know it's a directory, but what's *inside* it? :) "ls -al ~/.config/google-chrome/ | pastebinit08:16
somsipmikubuntu: find out. Disconnect, open chrome, close all tabs nicely, set it to open a nice safe homepage, close it, reopen it offline, see if it only opens the safe page, reconnect08:16
daftykinsno you'd have browser cache too.08:16
somsipdaftykins: good point, but clearable08:17
daftykinsonly if the browser isn't hijacked on run :>08:18
daftykinsjust clean the profile like i said, it's really such a basic task08:18
somsipdaftykins: which would be the bit where i'd agree that nuking the profile is the next step. But if it works, it's a simpler fix maybe08:19
daftykinsmikubuntu: chop chop!08:19
mikubuntudaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14476458/08:19
mikubuntudo NOT visit the page displayed in this image ---  http://imagebin.ca/v/2TBO3xyGaNbp08:23
OerHeksmikubuntu, use the report function in chrome > help > report an issue + url08:23
daftykinsmikubuntu: so easiest option "mv ~/.config/google-chrome ~/.config/google-chrome.old"08:24
mikubuntudaftykins: ok then what08:25
daftykinsrun chrome again08:25
daftykinsta-da... it's fresh08:25
mikubuntulemme try08:25
mikubuntuOerHeks: thx but i can't find a way to report it, and i posted repeatedly for hours and hours in #chrome and din't get the time of day from anyone. daftykins thx, yes looks like i have a fresh profile, but when chrome synchs is that page going to come right back, i don't know08:31
daftykinsmikubuntu: *shrug* i don't use that feature08:32
OerHekshmm, chrome syncs bookmarks ..08:32
mikubuntucan't find anyplace to block that website in the settings08:38
winsoffI think I fixed a common bootchart bug.08:41
daftykinsmikubuntu: there wouldn't be08:41
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winsoffIt looks for var/log/bootchart.tgz, which is not generated on my machine.  However, /dev/.bootchart/log can be provided to pyboochartgui and done just fine08:41
winsoffSo why not just change it to search there by default?08:42
C_minusHanging on splash screen. What can I hit to drop to command prompt? Just before splash appeared I saw some text but disappeared too fast.08:42
winsoffOr am I stupid?08:42
Tomiiisouplady: You should buy an Ethernet USB adapter anyway, grandma will appreciate it.08:42
Tomiiisouplady: they are cheap on MonoPrice.com08:42
C_minusRight now stuck on splash screen, anything I can do to diagnose problem?08:44
winsoffNevermind, it does not seem to do just fine.08:44
daftykinsC_minus: try booting with nomodeset ; or give us more details about the system so we don't have to guess08:44
C_minusNo. Just tell me if I can hit a key combination that brings up terminal.08:45
winsoffOh, I can just use systemd-analyze. No worries.08:45
wyrieC_minus: daftykins suggestion is a good one. You'll get to see some more output, you might not even be able to access terminal yet - all depending on what is wrong08:47
C_minusDoes there exist a key combination or not?08:47
daftykinsC_minus: "no" ? either do what i say or forget it :)08:47
daftykinsyou have a poor attitude today08:47
rubytorC_minus:what about ctrl + alt + (f1/f2/f3/f4/f5/f6)??08:47
C_minusI've been here to explain this problem hundreds of times to no avail. Besides I'm typing on a phone.08:48
daftykinsin that case i await the link to the summary of what the situation is, in a friendly pastebin08:48
C_minusI'm just recalling that last time someone said try hitting alt + something08:49
Bent0Is there any way to make Ubuntu a little more resilient against power loss? We have a few Raspberries we use for customers which powercycle just fine. But we also have a few Shuttle mini PC's running and when they lose power they need to be fscked everytime.08:49
C_minusSorry don't mean to be unpleasant.08:49
C_minusThanks rubytor that's what I'm asking I'll try08:49
daftykinsthen try removing 'quiet splash' from the boot params08:49
Viking667Is there a separate IRC channel where I can ask audio-related questions?08:50
daftykinsViking667: no08:50
daftykinsunless #ubuntu-studio is active08:50
Viking667hm. my VLC plays sound differently from mplayer, the audio sounds considerably filtered, like a bandpass or notch filter is in place.08:51
daftykinstried resetting your VLC config?08:51
Viking667good point, I don't know how to do that.08:51
Viking667I'll go look that up now.08:52
Viking667I'll also check out what plugins are enabled.08:52
DF3D2cause im beginning to feel like a rap god08:53
hateballViking667: Are you using vanilla ubuntu? It is possible that VLC uses a different audio backend than mplayer. Like going through gstreamer08:54
dafbum in my latest update it listed a chromium plugin; but i don't have chromium-browser installed?08:54
Viking667hateball: good question. I'm using a mixture of Ubuntu studio and vanilla...08:55
Viking667i.e. the main body of programs come from vanilla. I'll check where the gstreamer comes from.08:55
dafbpackage == chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra08:55
C_minusI can't remember how but someone showed me once. How to one-off boot without splash.08:57
Viking667nope, gstreamer plays it fine.08:57
Viking667mplayer plays it fine, so I'm guessing it's just vlc and whatever it calls.08:57
Ben64vlc tends to mess with stuff more08:58
rubytorC_minus: change /etc/default/grub... GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""08:59
rubytorC_minus: and sudo update-grub09:00
C_minusHow can I do that without successfully booting first?09:00
rubytorC_minus: getting the terminal just how I told you!!09:02
LaylI've got about half a TB of data accross 2 drives, what's the best way to backup this in a way that I can restore my old system and access individual files if needed09:02
hateball!backup | Layl09:03
ubottuLayl: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:03
Laylhateball: well it's just single-fire currenctly, on a currently non-linux system09:04
Laylthanks for the links though I'm looking through them09:04
Viking667well, resetting the VLC configuration at least fixed things09:04
koloHow can I read this page: http://quantummechanicsdemystified.blogspot.com/2008/08/quantum-mechanics-demystified-erratta.html ?09:05
koloit does not show pdfs?!09:05
Viking667what browser are you using?09:05
koloff, Viking66709:06
kolofirefox ff09:07
Viking667yes, I did realise that.09:07
Whoppiedaftykins: if you remember me from yesterday (dell issue), the command "ar x packagename" outputs two tarballs from the package. unpack the one named control will give you the postinst script :)09:07
Viking667Chrome merely sits spinning wheels saying "Typesetting..."09:08
daftykinsWhoppie: ok but that doesn't help me in anyway - since it was your issue :P did you actually find the issue then?09:08
OerHekskolo, just click on the url under the empty field, like "Quantum Mechanics Demystified Errata Ch 2"  and the new page is readable09:08
Laylquickly skimming over these links, it looks like it's mostly for setting up backups on an already linux system09:09
LaylI'm trying to crate a backup of my existing windows install in preparation for switching to linux09:09
Gallomimiatry this procedure to backup an important windows install:09:09
Gallomimiaunplug drive. remove drive. put in mylar bag on shelf until needed.09:10
daftykinsLayl: you should have said that from the beginning. try clonezilla09:10
Viking667OerHeks: thanks for that.09:10
Whoppiedaftykins: not yet, but i ran the postinst script directly from the prompt and that worked. so there is something with the package itself. Was thinking of debugging the scriptfile and was wondering if you have any idea on how to output lines to the console, eg. printf or something like that? brb, gonna fetch some coffee09:10
Layldaftykins: thanks I'll take a look at that09:10
macopythonCan I change user's default shell to my own shell developed in Python ?09:10
llldinomacopython, Yes, you can use "chsh"09:14
macopythonOk llldino09:14
llldinoJust make sure the path to the shell you want is in /etc/shells09:14
macopythonSo if I use chsh then user can't use bash. right ?09:14
Layldaftykins: can individual files in a clonezilla image be accessed?09:15
daftykinssomeone once said no09:15
llldinoProvided that /bin/bash is non executable for them, yes09:15
Viking667macopython: just be aware that creating your own "shell" had better be 'secure' as such, or else you're likely to strike big problems.09:18
daftykinsLayl: so what's the plan, image up your entire OS disk... then you want to wipe it and try out Ubuntu - having a restore path if necessary?09:24
Laylyep, though using my secondary drive for data09:24
LaylI need to transfer a few files just to be sure though09:24
LaylI've got some files that are pretty important for me to keep09:24
daftykinsLayl: so are they of sufficient size that you could just image up the OS disk onto the storage?09:25
LaylI could copypaste all the files manually uncompressed and it would still fit 10 times09:25
daftykinsgiven it's the OS drive, i can't see what you'd need to have access to from Linux...09:25
daftykins(if it were imaged up)09:26
Laylthere's some documents I want to be able to access09:26
Laylas well as misc configurations for different programs09:26
daftykinsi can't think those would be much use on Linux09:26
Laylall different just-in-case stuff that you only realize you needed after you've already wiped your system and have settled in a new one09:27
daftykinsmaybe just a straight-up "dd" of the Windows partition over into an image file on the other, then09:27
Layljust the entire drive to an .iso? that would probably work09:27
Viking667I'm guessing "dd" would be a better fit than rsync.09:27
daftykinsnot an ISO no, an image file09:27
hateballdaftykins, Layl: any reason you're not using clonezilla/partimag ?09:28
hateballas that would be more space efficient than dd09:28
Gallomimiaagreed. dd is one of best solutions09:28
daftykinshateball: someone in here once claimed you can't open clonezilla images to pick and choose files09:28
daftykinsi've never verified that claim09:28
Gallomimiabut i stand by my earlier recommendation to just leave your windows drive be. install the ubuntu onto a different physical drive09:28
daftykinsi'd be willing to bet it's an SSD there's only one of, so there's a cost angle09:29
LaylI don't have a spare SSD no09:29
daftykinsaww yeah \o/ where's my prize?09:29
LaylI do have 2 spare HDDs that used to be my previous RAID setup09:29
Laylthey're proooobably not corrupted09:29
hateballdaftykins: well yes, that's true. you'd need to restore the image into a filesystem (which can be a file on your ext4 partition if you like)09:29
Gallomimiaalmost wish i could mail you one that i have sitting right here09:29
daftykinsLayl: are the pairs individual size greater than that of the SSD?09:29
Laylmuch much much greater size09:30
daftykinsright, it's settled then... clonezilla the SSD to one of those, then go nuts.09:30
Layleeegh I would have to grab a screwdriver and open up the thing09:30
daftykinsi'll fetch the tiny violin09:31
Gallomimiacase that has no tool-less entry?09:31
Gallomimiayou only need one tool in that case: hammer09:31
Viking667daftykins: the really really small one?09:31
Laylit does have tool-less entry but the HDDs are screwed in place09:31
daftykinsViking667: yeah :)09:31
Viking667Layl: hah. So much for tool-less then.09:31
Gallomimiano one said you need to screw the drive in place09:31
daftykinsyou don't fully fit a drive that's going to be in there for a few minutes...09:31
Gallomimiajust hook it up for a few hours and then take it out again09:31
Viking667I've seen cases that screw rails to the hard drives, then fit rails into cradle.09:32
Viking667But that doesn't always seem to be the case.09:32
Gallomimiabut one piece of advice09:32
Laylfair enough, I'll go grab the hammer09:32
Gallomimiadon't let the drive's board touch anything metal.09:32
Laylthere's a lot of metal in this case09:32
Gallomimiaso lay it on its back09:32
Gallomimiaor get your damn screwdriver09:32
Viking667better make sure it's the correct screwdriver for the screw head.09:33
Gallomimiatrust me on this one.09:33
Viking667and make sure you pop off enough panels.09:33
daftykinsand back on topic we go09:33
Gallomimiashort circuiting your drive's board sucks. a lot09:33
Viking667yup. I've done that.09:33
Viking667shorted out my power supply.09:33
daftykinsViking667: off topic.09:33
Gallomimiahm. that makes sense now. Viking667 i also lost the drive itself09:34
lotuspsychjeback to ubuntu support guys09:34
mowalleHey. In Ubuntu 15.10, the message indicator does not turn blue for me when I receive new mail. It plays the sound and shows the counter when I click on it, but the icon does not change. Worked fine in 14.04 and 15.0409:34
lotuspsychje##hardware for such issues09:34
lotuspsychjemowalle: there's a nice indicator for gmail gm-notify pretty handy09:36
mowallelotuspsychje: I'm not using gmail though. Hotmail/Outlook via Thunderbird.09:37
lotuspsychjemowalle: file a new bug perhaps? or try it on another user?09:38
Gallomimiaassume you tinkered with the settings for notifications already?09:39
* Viking667 departs09:40
Viking667thanks for the help.09:40
mowalleGallomimia: yes, I tried enabling and disabling, doesn't change anything. I also use the same settings as in 15.04 and 14.04 and it works there just fine.09:40
Gallomimiaits something odd. as lotuspsychje suggests, create a new user and see if they have the same problem09:41
Gallomimiaif yes, you found a bug. report it09:41
mowallelotuspsychje, Gallomimia: Yep will file this as a bug then, just hoped there was some solution or work around.09:42
daftykinsor it could be the result of upgrades, if applicable09:42
lotuspsychjemowalle: maybe you could also take a look inside dconf-editor, not sure wich value though..09:42
Gallomimiamowalle: i think more investigation is warranted before calling it a bug09:42
Gallomimiaseems more likely to me that it is a result of upgrades09:42
edoderooI can only copy files to my webdav-folder with SUDO ... where does it go wrong?09:42
mowalleOkay I will dig some deeper then.09:43
Gallomimiaedoderoo: maybe you need to find out and change the permissions on your webdav folder?09:43
lotuspsychjemowalle: another option also test another email program? geary perhaps?09:43
Gallomimiaother notifications from different programs?09:43
Gallomimiamaybe growl crashed?? restart could fix...09:43
mowalleAlright I will try your suggestions and then get back to you. Cheers.09:45
Gallomimiagood luck09:45
lotuspsychjei have a customer with 3 trusty boxes up to date, only the desktop recognizes the samsung ML-1665 printer and the 2 laptops doesnt by default, tried installing the latest samsung drivers and restarting cups but no joy, system just doesnt see the printer any clues?09:50
daftykinslotuspsychje: how's it attached?09:51
lotuspsychjedaftykins: oh usb sorry forgot to mention09:51
daftykinsseen ok looking dmesg output when it's plugged in?09:51
lotuspsychjedaftykins: yeah tried a tail at syslog but nothing seems to happen09:52
daftykinshopefully no USB 3.0 ports confusing it09:52
daftykinsah well "dmesg | tail" should show USB connection09:52
lotuspsychjedaftykins: tried all ports on the laptops, but that would make sense09:52
lotuspsychjedaftykins: cups runs by default on laptops the same way it doesn for desktop right?09:53
daftykinsyep shouldn't be any distinction09:53
daftykinsyou could compare the entries on http://localhost:631 for the CUPS interface i guess09:53
lotuspsychjedaftykins: well ive tried the local cups page, and cant even add an usb printer there09:54
lotuspsychjevery weird09:54
lotuspsychjedaftykins: but im not sure ive upgrade from precise to trusty on the desktop anymore, perhaps the clean installed laptops cant recognize anymore?09:55
lotuspsychjedaftykins: apt-cache doesnt show anything usefull for samsung neither09:55
daftykinsso you think maybe the desktop was upgraded to 14.04?09:56
lotuspsychjedaftykins: yes i think so, and the printer worked on precise before im sure09:56
daftykinsi wonder if a user must be in a group to handle cups?09:57
lotuspsychjedaftykins: hmm not sure09:58
aneshelp to remove whitespace in minidom , any body help please09:59
lotuspsychjedaftykins: well ill bring the printer to my home next time, and test both on my trusty netbook and xenial desktop to see..09:59
lotuspsychjedaftykins: its just so weird it doesnt auto recognizes like the trusty desktop09:59
daftykinsyeah, very funky09:59
daftykinscan't say i've dealt with printers mind10:00
lotuspsychjedaftykins: wich package would hold printer drivers, or is it built-in kernel also10:01
daftykinsgenuinely no idea there!10:03
lotuspsychjekk ill test them localy later10:03
lotuspsychjedaftykins: tnx for the thinker10:04
daftykins^_^ np10:04
WhoppieQuestion: whats the difference between dash and bash (if any)?10:07
geirhaWhoppie: They are both POSIX compliant shells, but have different sets of extensions10:08
geirhadash has very few extensions beyond POSIX, while bash has many10:08
Whoppiehm, then I would go for bash. Thanks!10:09
geirhaIf it's for login shell, then yes, go for bash. The dash shipped with Ubuntu is a stripped down version of dash, without the interactive stuff10:10
Whoppiegeirha: difficult question to answer maybe, but what could break if I rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh ?10:11
geirhaWhoppie: Nothing should break, your system would just get a little slower10:11
Whoppiegeirha: Cool, thanks, I'll test then :)10:11
geirhaWhy do you bother changing /bin/sh if I may ask?10:12
Whoppiegeirha: (Stupid) DELL Inventory collector that wont run with dash because of typesets missing.10:14
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WhoppieBut I'm not sure it'll work anyway...10:15
k1l_Whoppie: do you have a reason to change the /bin/sh to bash instead of dash?10:15
Whoppiebut at least it executes without errors now10:15
geirhaWhoppie: Ouch. I'd rather fix that one broken script, rather than change /bin/sh10:15
Whoppiek1l_: see answer to geirha a few lines up10:15
Whoppiegeirha: yea, tell DELL that :)10:16
k1l_Whoppie: ah, sorry i am multitasking and had overread that10:16
Whoppiek1l_: np :)10:16
geirhae.g. by changing its shebang to  #!/bin/bash10:16
geirhaor by running the script with   bash ./scriptname   instead of   ./scriptname10:16
Whoppiegeirha: Dell OpenManage Server Administration for Linux is a mess to install, setup&configure and to maintain...10:17
Whoppiegeirha: the execution is done through a kind of webinterface which is somewhat difficult for me to change as well im afraid :)10:17
Whoppiegeirha:  the postinst script for this particular module starts with #!/bin/bash but im pretty sure thats not what you mean.10:18
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geirhaOh well, let's hope they at least didn't do the same mistakes as Valve10:19
Whoppiewhich were...?10:20
geirhaIt accidentally deleted the user's homedir in some cases10:21
Whoppiegeirha: how to I revert the sh/bash change i did earlier? :)10:33
sabHi, where should I put self written scripts in the directory tree?10:33
Whoppiegeirha: Would rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/sh /bin/bash do the trick?10:33
mettjushi! i have a machine with ubuntu 12.04 (kernel 3.11.0-20-generic) but i need to have at least kernel 3.13 to install some software. can i upgrade the kernel? if yes how risky is that?10:34
Whoppiegeirha or k1l_: how to i tell what im using, sh och bash/dash? :)10:35
geirhasudo ln -sf dash /bin/sh10:35
geirhato tell, run:  ls -l /bin/sh10:36
Whoppiecant access that dir10:36
Whoppienow i can10:36
geirhaif you ran ln -s /bin/sh /bin/bash, you screwed up big time10:36
geirhaif it succeeded, that is10:37
Whoppiegot error, file exists on that line10:37
Whoppieso i did  rm /bin/bash && ln -s /bin/sh /bin/bash instead.10:37
Whoppiewhat i break then :)10:38
geirhayou removed bash10:38
Whoppiebecause that worked10:38
Whoppienot good.10:38
Whoppiedpkg-reconfigure dash?10:39
geirhasudo apt reinstall bash  might fix it, but only if none of the scripts involved in reinstalling bash require bash10:39
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geirhaerr, sorry,  sudo apt-get install --reinstall bash10:40
Whoppieyea, i kinda figured you ment that :)10:40
Whoppieyup, worked.10:40
SirPotatois awesome110:41
geirhals -l /bin/{da,ba,}sh10:41
yellabs-r2how would i slow down the output of dmesg ? (  autoscrolling like behave )10:41
testpil0tyellabs-r2, pipe to "less"10:42
testpil0tdmesg | less10:42
testpil0tthen press space to scroll down10:42
geirhayou can pause the terminal with Ctrl+S.  Ctrl+Q to resume10:42
Whoppiegeirha: got /bin/bash, /bin/dash and /bin/sh -> dash10:42
geirhaWhoppie: That looks good10:42
SirPotatoquick question. Has anyone ever came across a website that acted like a desktop?10:43
testpil0tSirPotato, as in?10:43
yellabs-r2can it "autoscroll'?   the dmesg | less ?10:43
geirhayellabs-r2: Shift+F10:44
geirhaah, but that doesn't work when the input is piped. Sorry. Nevermind.10:45
yellabs-r2in a script ?10:45
SirPotatotestpil0t, did you see?10:46
SirPotatoHow would one go about getting set up like that?10:46
testpil0tSirPotato, i saw t he same for amigaOS before10:47
hateballgeirha, yellabs-r2: you could use "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" or whatever file you want to keep reading. Or perhaps it has to be dmesg specifically10:47
yellabs-r2what i am trying to do ( just for fun ) is ( bash ) while dmesg  ; do sleep 1 ; done  ( that shows dmesg , but it does not autoscroll, wich would be fun10:47
yellabs-r2and more human readable10:48
testpil0tyellabs-r2, it cannot autoscroll10:49
yellabs-r2aah too bad, cant we program it ? :)10:49
Whoppieis there a built-in editor that can jump to a certain line? nano? pico?10:50
SirPotatotestpil0t, No like how would one go about getting a website like that?10:50
geirhayellabs-r2: just tail kern.log like hateball suggested10:50
hateballWhoppie: nano +10 file.txt10:50
SirPotatotestpil0t, as in like . Having a website created that mimics the usage of like a desktop?10:50
testpil0tWhoppie, all editors should be able to do that10:50
hateballWhoppie: jumps to line 1010:50
geirhatail -F /var/log/kern.log10:50
testpil0tyellabs-r2, you can try to use "watch"10:50
testpil0tcurrent dmesg also has a "follow" option10:51
testpil0twhich looks like tail -f10:51
testpil0tyellabs-r2, or you clear dmesg10:51
k1l_SirPotato: better ask in a website scripting/making orientated channel10:51
testpil0twhile true; do dmesg -c; sleep 1; done10:51
testpil0tSirPotato, i agree with k1l_. Other than that: Some javascript :P10:52
SirPotatok1l_, do you have a channel like that I may be able to ask?10:52
SirPotatotestpil0t, its okay bro! I appreciate it though lol I thought those websites were pretty interesting how they made them lol10:52
testpil0ti bet there is some webdesign chat on freenode10:52
testpil0tor javascript10:53
testpil0tor html510:53
testpil0tor css10:53
Whoppiethanks testpil0t. used alt+g in nano... dont ask me why i didnt google first before asking here :)10:53
k1l_!alis | SirPotato use this to find channels10:53
ubottuSirPotato use this to find channels: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http10:53
SirPotatoahhh alright10:53
SirPotatoI gotcha thank you both =)10:53
Whoppiehm, geirha, i think i broke something afterall. now the script wont run at all, throws error that file or directory doesnt exist10:56
Whoppieor wait10:56
pazzoideCiao a tutti, mi serve una mano: ho appena installato lubuntu x64, ma non riesco a installare nuovo software.11:02
pazzoidesudo apt-get update mi dà http://paste.ubuntu.com/14477170/11:02
k1l_pazzoide: 14.10 is EOL. upgrade ti 15.0411:03
pazzoidema hoappena  installato la 15.10 selezionando cancella ubuntu e reinstalla11:04
pazzoidevabbeh, ricancellerò a mano e reinstallo. grazie kll_11:05
k1l_!it | pazzoide11:05
ubottupazzoide: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:05
pazzoideoops sorry, i though it was the it channel. thanx anyway for support kll_11:06
k1l_pazzoide: you can run the upgrader and upgrade to 15.04. and then do the next upgrade to 15.10 because 15.04 will be shutdown end of january too11:07
yellabs-r2okee bye and thnks11:14
Whoppiegeirha: solved the issue with bash/sh in the file. now on to try figuring out why the damn thing aint working as intended anyway. if dell doesnt step up soon they will get a nice letter reading "go die"... *sigh*11:15
Whoppieoh and geirha, thanks for all the help!11:16
qqqqqIs it possible to see find out via boot partition what the keyboard layout is when you enter the decryption password of the system?11:17
Nightwolfhi, i'm using a thinkpad t430 in a docking station with two displays attached with displayport. whenever i turn off both displays my notebook goes to standby. how can i change this?11:17
qqqqqI have an old hard disk I can not seem to get my password right. I might have used a different keyboard layout.11:18
myntcakehow do i install/upgrade to php7?11:20
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testpil0tmyntcake, check if there is some ppa. Other than t hat: compile and install it manually11:21
myntcaketestpil0t: how do i do manually?11:22
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
BrazenBradenhey guys. busy getting my laptop all configured with my new ubuntu gnome 15.10 install. the touchpad works but I dont have multitouch so things like scrolling with double finger swipe not working. I have installed touchegg but nothing. when I type "synclient TouchpadOff" it gives me the error "Couldnt find synaptics properties. No snyaptics driver loaded?" and I have installed the xorg synaptics stuff. what else can I try?11:27
WhoppieQuestion: is it possible to see the commands of another session? a monitoring system for example, which accesses a linuxsystem with certain credentials. can i somehow see what is done in that session?11:34
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BrazenBradenrunning dmesg | grep psmouse produces no output and the touchpad doesnt look like "ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad" or similar. xinput shows (under Virtual Core Pointer):  ⎜   ↳ ELAN1000:00 04F3:0401                   id=11[slave  pointer  (2)]11:44
qqqqqI have attached an external HD via USB. When I click on the entry in Dolphin I get prompted for a password but none work.11:50
qqqqqDo I have to load the kernel modules via modprobe on the command line?11:50
qqqqqI must be doing something wrong.11:50
qqqqqI tried dozens and dozens of password. Impossible that all re wrong11:51
qqqqqThe password asked for in Dolphin is the same as the one for the encrypted LVM when I start up the machine, right?11:51
Ben64qqqqq: password for what11:51
qqqqqBen64, for the disk11:51
Ben64is the external disk encrypted?11:52
k1l_qqqqq: try your user password11:52
qqqqqk1l_, I did, doesn?t work11:52
k1l_so the external hd is encrypted?11:52
koloI need this pdfs: http://quantummechanicsdemystified.blogspot.com/2008/08/quantum-mechanics-demystified-erratta.html but they are not opened in my ff! I get an error saying: 'A plugin is needed to display'11:52
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k1l_kolo: click on the link below the embedded window and load it from scribd directly11:53
anao2_hi guys, does anyone know why on some ubuntu/debian is fstrim disabled at fresh setup by default??12:00
kolok1l_: +112:01
LibertyWeNeedhow do I add and remove programs from Ubuntu and/or there icons from the dashboard?12:01
k1l_anao2_: disabled? can you give a lot more infos on exact ubuntu version, which kernel, which ssd, which error? etc?12:03
anao2_@k1l_ fstrim -v shows not activated at kernel mostly debian-8.2 servers with SSD12:07
k1l_anao2_: not on ubuntu12:07
anao2_i have to fix lvm.conf and upgrade-initramfs12:07
k1l_better ask in #debian how they handle fstrim12:07
anao2_but why is ubuntu active and debian prevent users from usage??12:08
anao2_found no release notes on net12:08
k1l_anao2_: maybe they go with discard mountoption. but again: ask them why, not ask others to guess12:08
anao2_ok thanks12:08
anao2_i will keep closer look12:09
anao2_some howtos offers infos about damaged SSDs with the usage of fstrim!!12:09
anao2_see debian-SSD area12:09
k1l_anao2_: ---> #debian12:09
mattia_I wanted to know if there is any software for ssd caching in linux.12:09
anao2_but iam confused why ubuntu basics far away from deb12:10
anao2_thanks k1l_12:10
k1l_anao2_: its based on debian. not exactly debian. that was the reason to make ubuntu at the start. to do some things differently.12:10
BrazenBradenback. had to reboot12:18
myntcakehow do i install phpmyadmin on php7??12:18
bazhang!info phpmyadmin12:20
ubottuphpmyadmin (source: phpmyadmin): MySQL web administration tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4: (wily), package size 3634 kB, installed size 23014 kB12:20
bazhangmyntcake, with apt12:21
BrazenBradenwell, looks like it just aint meant to be :/12:29
BrazenBradensomeone direct a message "foo" or whatever to me. tabbing away from xchat and want to see if i get a notification that i got a message :)12:30
hateball!test | BrazenBraden12:31
ubottuBrazenBraden: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...12:31
BrazenBradenthanks guys.. hmm.. lets see12:32
bazhangBrazenBraden, is that hexchat? works on that12:33
bazhangthats the old one12:33
BrazenBradenjust tweaking my settings.  gimme a sec12:33
cfhowlettBrazenBraden, xchat is abandonware.  install hexchat12:33
BrazenBradenreally?? i've always used xchat lol12:33
BrazenBradenwill install hex now12:33
BrazenBradennot gonna get a curse will i? :P12:33
bazhang#hexchat has a nifty script on howto move settings12:33
k1l_BrazenBraden: you can use your old config with hexchat12:34
bazhangor link, sorry12:34
BrazenBradentakes 10 seconds to get going to its all good12:34
BrazenBradenheh. freenode not in the list of networks12:35
bazhangBrazenBraden, its listed as ubuntu servers12:36
BrazenBradenah so it is12:37
myntcakebazhang: no i can't install it with apt since it's php7 and not php512:40
myntcakehow do i change permissions to a folder so i can own it?12:40
BrazenBradenok, try the test again?12:40
phpcoderwhat driver should i install to work with smart card ?12:40
phpcoder(digital sign)12:41
karthik__Hello, Im new to Ubuntu. Im using p4 system with realtek audio. I had connected 5.1 surround speakers to my pc. but ubuntu showing the stereo speakers12:42
BrazenBradensomeone ping me?12:46
anonymous287how to knew which port is open in my machine ?12:48
cfhowlett!ports > anonymous28712:49
ubottuanonymous287, please see my private message12:49
LegendThinkerhey.... could not solve issue of dropping wifi in ubuntu 14.0412:50
BrazenBradenanyone know which IM client works now with facebook chat if any?12:51
LegendThinkerand some times it dont even connect again even after disabling and enabling again the wifi12:51
LegendThinkerand work only after restart12:52
blurkisLegendThinker, your wifi card might have bad drivers. some cards are badly supported. if that is the case, buy a cheap usb wifi that is supported.12:56
BrazenBradenno takers? i know fb changed the protocol last year and since august, no IM i used (pidgin or empathy) could connect any longer. was wondering if anything regarding that has changed?13:01
anton02E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-zfs13:05
RMJhello all - having a problem: my notebook running 15.10 now doesn't boot - I get a message "fsck from util-linux 2.26.2 /dev/sda9: clean....." - it booted fine to ubuntu a few hours ago. The change I have made has been switching display manager from lightDM to GDM when trying to install gnome 3, but it has also updated. I get the same when I try to13:06
RMJ boot from a slightly older kernel as well.  Any advice? Thank you.13:06
ren0v0Hi, i have an app that refuses to bring itself to the front window when clicked from unity launhc13:15
ren0v0is that an app issue or something i can fix?13:15
hackeronhey, question, when I run ifconfig -a - I can see a device enx364b50b7ef44 - this is a 3G dongle and each one has a different device name. Is there any way to tell the /etc/network/interfaces file to try to use DHCP on any device name starting with enx*?13:16
raubHave a host whose firewall is off and has a few services running. ncat says I can connect to the services, but I can't.13:16
raubIf I turn service off and have netcat listening on that port and then try to connect from another machine, it claims it connects but I can type to my heart's content and nothign happens13:17
PowerKillerhackeron: It seems it's possible13:17
raubI am connecting to offending machine from console tor un my tests13:18
hackeronPowerKiller: how? :P13:18
orf_Hey there, I'm trying to get my bluetooth headset working with the 'a2dp_sink'. At first it works, but then it simply says "pulseaudio] module-bluez5-device.c: Refused to switch profile to a2dp_sink: Not connected" in the syslog13:19
PowerKillerI dk, but I have done it before13:19
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orf_Last time this happened I uninstalled pulseaudio and bluetooth, then reinstalled and it worked. But that's a horrible way to fix it13:20
hackeronPowerKiller: I tried iface enx* inet dhcp - but that is ignored by the interface file13:20
PowerKillerhmm, may be experienced people can tell13:20
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kleinz_hi everyone, is this the place for me to ask questions?13:39
ikoniaif it's about ubuntu it sure is13:39
kleinz_@ikonia thank you!13:40
kleinz_actually I am having a seriously hard time to increase the /root partition from my ubuntu. :(13:40
kleinz_no idea how to get it fixed, but havent been able to update my ubuntu as a result13:41
kleinz_and I already tried a bunch of stuff online but nothing seems to work, or maybe I haven´t been able to follow up, :(13:41
cfhowlettkleinz_, increase the size?  why?13:41
kleinz_because I can´t update my ubuntu anymore13:41
k1l_kleinz_: can you put a "df -h" in the terminal and the output into a pastebin website?13:41
trixohi guys13:43
kleinz_do I just paste it in here?13:43
cfhowlettkleinz_, df -h | pastebinit13:43
kleinz_what is the pastebin? I am sorry, I haven´t used irc for almost ten years.. :(13:43
k1l_kleinz_: put the link to the pastebin service in here13:43
Myrttikleinz_: you can remove the old kernels to make up space, if you're running out13:43
k1l_!paste | kleinz_13:43
ubottukleinz_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:43
Myrttikleinz_: (if that's your problem)13:44
trixocan somebudy help me with apache|php|sendmail ? :)13:44
kleinz_thanks. going to check it out.13:44
lazaroHi everyone13:44
k1l_kleinz_: so your /boot is full?13:47
kleinz_it is almost full13:47
kleinz_but I just want to increase the capacity13:47
k1l_kleinz_: can you show a "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" in a pastebin?13:47
cfhowlettkleinz_ nope.  just clean it out13:48
k1l_kleinz_: run a "sudo apt-get autoremove"13:51
satinderHi any one here13:51
kleinz_I had tried that before, a couple of times13:51
kleinz_hope it works this time13:52
satinderkleinz_ : hi13:52
satinderhow we can use both wifi and static ip ethernet on unbuntu ??13:53
kleinz_hi satinder13:53
satinderis it possible13:53
satinderor not13:53
kleinz_I am sorry, I am not the expert here :(13:53
cfhowlett!patience > satinder13:53
ubottusatinder, please see my private message13:53
kleinz_thanks k1l I think this time worked well! :)13:53
kleinz_I don´t know what I had done wrong last time, maybe was not typing the command properly13:54
cfhowlettkleinz_, run df -h again and let's see13:55
k1l_kleinz_: did it remove some old kernels?13:55
satinderhi  can anyone help me , how I can use both wifi and cable network on ubuntu ??13:55
kleinz_this time it removed everything13:55
cfhowlettsatinder, you have to be patient.  asking every 3 minutes is just annoying.  try 15 minutes13:56
kleinz_which one is the /root?13:56
kleinz_/dev/sdal right?13:57
k1l_kleinz_: /   is /root. but /boot is the one that is the issue13:57
cfhowlettkleinz_, /boot is where kernels live13:57
k1l_kleinz_: "ls -alh /boot" please13:57
kleinz_oh ok. then this time seems to be ok? because I was just able to update and still have 150m available13:57
cfhowlettkleinz_, nice.  for future reference:  http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-uninstall-the-old-kernels-in-ubuntu/13:58
kleinz_hold on13:58
kleinz_thanks a lot guys13:59
k1l_kleinz_: no, do a "ls -alh /boot "14:01
k1l_kleinz_: what is "uname -a" you can post it in here14:03
kleinz_Linux clarkk-300E4C-300E5C-300E7C 4.2.0-21-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 2 18:42:25 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:04
k1l_kleinz_: ok, looks good. when you reboot and are on the latest kernel you could see if you run "sudo apt-get autoremove" again to get rid of the -19 kernel there.14:05
kleinz_thank you so much. I will do that then. thanks a lot for the help. :)14:05
kleinz_I am really thankful. going to restart it then. a thousand thanks! :)14:06
RMJhello all - having a problem: my notebook running 15.10 now doesn't boot - I get a message "fsck from util-linux 2.26.2 /dev/sda9: clean....." - it booted fine to ubuntu a few hours ago. The change I have made has been switching display manager from lightDM to GDM when trying to install gnome 3, but it has also updated. I get the same when I try to14:12
RMJ boot from a slightly older kernel as well.  Any advice? Thank you.14:12
razor1101my laptop doesn't boot ubuntu on battery but works fine with power supply. where are the boot logs for ubuntu stored?14:13
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leeyaacan one check when was the system last updated ? like a date14:15
hateballrazor1101: What manner of laptop is this?14:15
hateballrazor1101: Logs are found in /var/log14:15
hateballrazor1101: Some laptops refuse to boot if the battery is dead and in place14:16
razor1101hateball: well windows boots just fine so battery isn't a problem. the laptop has a amd chipset.14:18
leeyaaguys does this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1317811 affect 3.13.0-24 ?14:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1317811 in linux (Ubuntu Utopic) "Dropped packets on EC2, "xen_netfront: xennet: skb rides the rocket: x slots"" [Medium,Fix released]14:19
razor1101hateball: i'm looking for logs in particular to previous boots. where do i find them?14:20
sharmsrazor1101: your logs are stored in /var/log/messages - there you will see logs from your current and previous boots14:20
sharmsrazor1101: however if your laptop does not boot at all on battery, then it wouldnt have generate logs14:21
sharmssince it never actually started14:21
sharmsrazor1101: I have tested literally 100's of laptops with Ubuntu and have never seen a laptop refuse to boot ubuntu on battery, but allow Windows to boot on battery if that helps14:21
razor1101sharms: it boots ubuntu on battery and crashes right in the middle of the boot14:22
razor1101and that only happens on battery14:22
hateballSounds ACPI related14:22
razor1101it booted just fine before I updated ubuntu a week ago14:23
sharmsrazor1101: if you have a funky video card before you upgrade video drivers I have seen that (not battery related).  When you boot and hit the boot loader screen (grub) hit the e key to edit, then go down to the line that starts with 'linux', it the 'end' key and type ' nomodeset'14:23
sharmssee if that helps14:23
nni"Cannot change nickname while banned on channel" does anyone what this is suppoed to mean?14:24
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razor1101sharms:what does this indicate?  init: mdm main process (989) killed by TERM signal14:25
sharmsrazor1101: it appears that the system wants to shutdown, and is terminating programs to do so14:26
sharmsrazor1101: maybe that is your battery - ie if the system thinks its less than 10%, or your bios, it could be telling everything to shut off14:26
sharmsrazor1101: what do your battery stats say once you are booted on AC?14:26
razor1101well i'm gonna do the nomodeset thing and go from there.14:27
vici66Hi guys. I've booted my computer from a lubuntu-USB-stick, prepairing it for a fresh installation. After trying to resize an existing ext4-data-partition (enlarging it) with gparted, its file system is now showed as "unknown", and I somehow can't fix it like this: https://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/. I pressed "apply operations" and instantly got that error, so my data shouldn't be14:27
razor1101sharms: i'm running on battery right now once its booted up and there are no problems14:27
vici66would be great if I could repair it with something other than mkfs.ext4 -S /dev/sda114:28
kleanthisjust testing the client out14:29
kleanthisis this mirc?14:29
hateball!irc | kleanthis14:30
ubottukleanthis: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:30
cfhowlettkleanthis, this is ubuntu support irc channel14:30
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:31
slidercrankwhere can I find a working link with ubuntu netinstall?14:32
anonymous287how to delete a virtaul machine from vmware workstation 12.1 ?14:32
slidercrankall links lead to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/14:33
slidercranktelling "14:33
slidercrankThe requested page is not accessible."14:33
slidercrankhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads leads to the page from which you can't download anything14:36
razor1101sharms:boot using nomodeset worked. thanks. so its a gpu problem?14:36
k1l_slidercrank: works here14:36
slidercrankk1l_, really? Strange14:37
k1l_slidercrank: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot14:37
BluesKaj!minimal | slidercrank14:37
ubottuslidercrank: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:37
shahar188how can I delete files in a directory from a certain date?14:39
shahar188like deleting files from 201314:39
NoCodeHi, I'm running Ubuntu, trying to ssh into a server with the "Connect to server" applet from the menu. Correctly typing the details, it suggests, "Please verify your user details" and there an exclamation sign on the password that is already typed in. What am I needing to do to log in?14:41
hateballshahar188: use find with xargs or pipe to rm14:41
Apachezgot a report from a user using ubuntu live-cd (15.10) that unity doesnt popup an icon in the barlist when the user plugins an encrypted kingston usb drive... anyone familiar with this? Isnt the livecd supposed to automagically show any usb drives you insert?14:41
shahar188hateball: thanks, i'll try14:42
cfhowlettApachez, encrypted?  perhaps not14:42
Apachezcfhowlett: it got an cleartext part (in windows identified as cd) which shows up first14:43
ApachezI know it works in lets say kali, but I dont have the particular box in front of me right now to test with ubuntu so I wanted to verify with those who might know directly :)14:43
cfhowlettApachez, did he actually mount the USB/14:43
ApachezI mean doesnt automount work when running ubuntu as livecd?14:44
cfhowlettand I do not know directly so ... sorry14:44
Apachezthis is very limited users (terminal is scary for them)14:44
slidercrankBluesKaj, thanks. it's working14:45
hateballshahar188: I am not sure if Ubuntu Unity might have some GUI for this14:45
sharmsrazor1101: Usually with nomodeset, it is because I need to still a new NVidia driver for instance14:48
newU1I tried to change the special function keys on my MS Natural Multimedia Keyboard V.1.0A I used the app keytouch-editor. I did the installation over the Software Center. I tried to put a function to one of the Multimedia keys. However this shows now success. After that all special function keys doesn't work. I restarted the PC. After the restart Ubuntu shows the message “The system is running in low-graphics mode” the keyboard and 14:50
newU1So I switched to the console and unistalled keytouch-editor.  Now I can use the mouse on the screen “The system is running in low-graphics mode* But the available options have no impact?   I use Ubuntu 14.04 and I am new to Ubuntu (Linux).14:50
newU1Start-Date: 2016-01-12 12:07:54 Commandline: aptdaemon role='role-commit-packages' sender=':1.101' Install: menu:amd64 (2.1.46ubuntu1, automatic), keytouch-editor:amd64 (3.2.0~beta-3) End-Date: 2016-01-12 12:07:55  Start-Date: 2016-01-12 13:07:12 Commandline: apt-get purge keytouch-editor Purge: keytouch-editor:amd64 (3.2.0~beta-3) End-Date: 2016-01-12 13:07:1314:50
tewardis anyone aware of any extra NetworkManager packages that would need to be installed to get 802.1X / WPA2 Enterprise working as a wireless option?  (Assuming 12.04 and newer)14:57
tewardAFAIK it's a default option, but not sure if theres' anything it needs to work14:57
jnixwhat is the "proper" way to make a local ubuntu mirror?14:59
jnixapt-mirror looks like the easiest14:59
RMJis there any way to recover data from an encrypted partition following a partial deletion?14:59
shahar188did the deletion by using xargs rm < file.txt , put all the file names you want to delete in that file15:00
RMJfor example .ecryptfs, .private both deleted15:01
PeacefulHi im looking for pdf viewer in which you can change background color?15:13
ikoniathats part of the pdf15:13
ikoniayou'd need to edit the pdf to change things such as colour,15:13
PeacefulBut i need change white background to black15:13
ikoniathe fact that you need to change it doesn't change the reality15:14
Peacefulpdf viewers on windows can change it15:14
Peacefulwithout editing file15:14
ikoniathat surprises me,15:14
ikoniaif thats true then pdf viewers on linux should also.....15:14
cfhowlettPeaceful, settings > invert colors15:14
terrasapienPeaceful: pretty sure okular will also let you display a background colour of your choice15:14
KilbI like fish.15:14
Peacefulterrasapien: ok ill try okular15:15
PeacefulOh thanks15:15
PeacefulIm using Evince and i found INVERT COLORS :)15:15
ikoniais fish a pdf viewer ?15:15
ikoniaI've not heard of it15:16
PeacefulNow it's awesome15:16
Peacefulikonia: he simply likes fish :) Tasty15:16
terrasapienand healthy, yet off topic here :)15:16
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PeacefulCan i upgrade ubuntu 14 to 15?15:32
ikonia!upgrade | Peaceful15:32
ubottuPeaceful: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:32
viktor_when I did update-grub2, I got error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/sda1'15:36
EriC^^viktor_: you doing it from a live usb?15:37
viktor_EriC^^: yes. I chroot'd15:43
viktor_EriC^^: and mounted /proc prior to15:43
EriC^^did you mount bind /dev ?15:43
viktor_no, only /proc15:43
EriC^^you need /dev /dev/pts and /sys15:44
Yunohi what i  shoud have? wifi card? i dont know i now use linux. who help me?15:45
viktor_thanks EriC^^ once again15:45
prsteeleHello everyone. I just upgraded to 15.10, and now my second monitor shows garbage images. My cursor renders properly on my second monitor, but any programs are entirely hidden behind the garbage. Any thoughts?15:46
viktor_EriC^^: do I need /proc ?15:46
EriC^^viktor_: yeah15:46
EriC^^you need /run if you want to do any apt business15:46
viktor_so, proc dev dev/pts and sys15:46
viktor_got it15:46
EriC^^no problem15:47
mattliladellHow I remove the password on my session15:49
mattliladellIt says me to enter the password each five minutes15:50
mattliladellI want to remove this15:51
cfhowlettmattliladell, don't.  that is a security feature15:51
nicomachusmattliladell: what is asking you to enter the password every five minutes?15:51
mattliladellJust it give me the box to enter the password15:52
EriC^^you mean a screen saver?15:52
EriC^^mattliladell: settings > brightness & lock15:53
brmvbalguem do brasil?15:53
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:53
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Bent0Trying to setup FTP/TLS server. Tried vsftpd and now proftpd. Both of them just hang at login when trying to login. Any ideas? logs show nothing more than a user login or FTP session opened15:59
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akikBent0: try to start the ftp daemon into a debug mode16:03
qqzubuntu installation media do not change once they are out for download;16:08
qqzlook what has lately happened to a linuxmint installation CD of me:16:09
Bent0akik: nothing relevant is shown :(16:09
nicomachus!mint | qqz16:09
ubottuqqz: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:09
qqzanyone here who can comment on this?16:09
qqzstrange; konversation simply does nothing when I try to join this channel16:10
Yuken_Simple thing, not sure if it would be better to use a macro program though; I'd like to set up a script that automatically hits "J" on my keyboard, sleeps for 2 minutes, hits "K", sleeps for 2 minutes, then loops. How exactly would I do so?16:11
qqzoops; no w it worked16:11
qqzthx for your support.16:11
viktor_EriC^^: hi. unfortunately I still don't get grub at all16:11
nicomachusYuken_: sounds like a question for ##programming16:11
akikBent0: can the server process access the key and the certificate?16:11
Bent0How do I check that16:12
latteraI'm porting an application from FreeBSD to Ubuntu 14.04... FreeBSD has sha256 support built in... in what package would I find a good sha256 implementation (preferably that uses SHA256_Init/SHA256_Update/SHA256_Final convention)16:12
EriC^^viktor_: what exactly is the problem?16:12
qqzunfortunately there are no more than seven people online at linuxmint-help16:12
Yuken_nicomachus, ah, I might ask there as well16:12
qqzan #linuxmint can only join somebody who has an invitation16:13
nicomachusqqz: that's because it's #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, not #linuxmint on chat.freenode.net16:14
qqzthat would not happen if it were Ubuntu; does anyone know?16:14
viktor_EriC^^: I installed a second OS, and I don't get grub at all after installing it. I ran update-grub and it said 'Adding OS' but nope16:14
akikBent0: the process is started as root but it will switch to another uid, e.g. User nobody. i'm not sure if also the nobody user needs to have access to those files16:14
Bent0lets see16:15
viktor_EriC^^: sorry, 'Found OS'16:15
akikBent0: did you use "DebugLevel 10" or similar to activate the debug mode?16:15
Bent0Starting it with -nd1016:15
Bent0Last message in log is dispatching CMD command 'AUTH TLS' to mod_tls16:15
Bent0and after that nothing happens16:16
akikBent0: you can use "sudo su -s /bin/bash - nobody" to switch to the nobody uid16:16
Bent0akik: When I run it as that It cant access lots of files16:17
EriC^^viktor_: hmm maybe you're using the grub from the second os?16:18
EriC^^viktor_: which os are you booted in right now?16:18
akikBent0: there's also a way to check the configuration with "proftpd -td10"16:19
viktor_EriC^^: right now ubuntu live usb16:19
Bent0akik: no errros16:19
EriC^^viktor_: ok, so you get the old grub menu right now?16:20
akikBent0: apparmor disabling something?16:20
viktor_EriC^^: no grub at all16:20
EriC^^viktor_: oh, type sudo parted -l | nc openterm.tk 916:20
akikBent0: maybe try disabling the tls for now and try without it16:21
Bent0akik: It works when i just use FTP16:21
jhon_Hi, just crash my app paked manager Software Updater tell at me update-manager crashed with  Depends in_show_transaction(): libefl-bin (>=201200000000) but is not installed any help appreciated16:22
EriC^^viktor_: there's just one os there, and a hfs+ partition16:22
jhon_so i have remove e17 and go to installed e2016:23
viktor_EriC^^: the other OS is installed on that hfs+16:23
EriC^^why hfs+?16:23
EriC^^is it mac?16:23
viktor_yes, mac16:24
EriC^^so you had mac and you installed linux?16:24
akikBent0: can you try with some other ftp client?16:24
Bent0yeah tried that :P16:25
Bent0Well. I will look at it tomorrow. dinner time16:25
Bent0thanks akik16:25
akikBent0: i'd guess there should be debug messages16:25
viktor_EriC^^: no, I have a non-Apple laptop16:28
jeanrenewhy is this called hexchat?16:29
EriC^^viktor_: yeah but it's a mac osx?16:29
EriC^^you had osx then installed linux?16:30
viktor_EriC^^: no, I installed osx today16:30
EriC^^and you were trying to chroot into the linux install?16:30
latteraI love how it's impossible for me to find out how to find a package that has a library that implements SHA256_Init16:31
RMJjust reinstalled ubuntu across 4 partitions (EFI, Swap, / and /home) via USB but when I try to boot I just get a "no bootable device found" error16:32
nacclattera: isn't it in libssl-dev/openssl?16:33
latteranacc: I'd rather stay away from openssl16:33
viktor_EriC^^: I chroot'd smoothly, and I mounted /dev, /dev/pts, /sys and /proc prior to. then I ran update-grub2 and it said 'Found Mac OS on /dev/sda3'16:33
latterabecause I don't need that kind of bloat in this application16:33
EriC^^viktor_: did you grub-install /dev/sda ?16:34
viktor_update-grub wasn't enough?16:34
nacclattera: ok, did you try using libssl-dev?16:35
EriC^^no, installing mac would have overwritten grub in the mbr i guess16:35
latteranacc: libssl-dev would be openssl, right?16:35
nacclattera: so you want something not in ubuntu to provide you SHA256_Init? the Ubuntu package is libssl-dev, afaict16:35
latteraalright, thanks16:36
nicomachuslattera: libssl-dev is openSSL, not openSSH16:38
viktor_EriC^^: I ran grub-install /dev/sda and let's see how that goes16:39
* viktor_ crosses EriC^^' fingers and reboots16:40
karolherbsthi, I have a problem with one of my ubuntu machines: all userspace processes are only using one core and I have no clue where this taskset comes from16:40
sumit   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER sumit tvavkmhyadzs16:41
sumit   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER sumit tvavkmhyadzs16:41
daftykinssumit: don't put all the spaces first - and do that in the *status* window16:41
Walkerdinefor some reason when I go to type the # sign I end up with the a different symbol in terminal16:43
daftykinsWalkerdine: sounds like the wrong keyboard layout16:44
Walkerdinehow does one change the layout16:44
daftykinssystem settings -> keyboard maybe16:44
Walkerdineits on generic 105 keyright now16:46
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IceNine@eric^^, finally figured out my ssh without password issue - deleted .ssh on server, recreated keypair on client and used ssh-copy-id.  working like a charm16:56
EriC^^IceNine: great ;)16:56
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:57
Szymciowhat s up?16:58
daftykinssupport only, chat elsewhere16:58
Szymciohow can I upragade me ubuntu netbook 9.10 ?16:59
ikoniaSzymcio: realistically - reinstall16:59
bazhang!eolupgrades | Szymcio16:59
ubottuSzymcio: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:59
ikoniayou're too far out on EOL releases to really do a realistic upgrade process16:59
daftykins100% realistically... throw it in the bin, it's 2016 - netbooks are dead17:00
SzymcioI use it in my computer :D17:00
Szymciobecouse my windows 7 was broken :C17:00
Szymciofucking shit17:00
daftykinsSzymcio: don't swear.17:00
Szymciobut windows is fucking shit :P17:00
daftykinswhat did i just tell you?17:01
SzymcioI m poor in english17:01
SzymcioI can dont understand that17:01
Szymciowhat you write17:01
SzymcioI have another question17:01
PiciSzymcio: Please don't curse here.17:01
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:01
Szymciook i respect you17:02
SzymcioI need ubuntu17:02
Szymciowhat version are you sugest?17:03
hay207hi guys, how to change a fontname with fontforge so that i can see the new fontname in fontviewer program?17:03
PiciSzymcio: either 15.10 or 14.04, on the condition you upgrade it to 16.04 in April.17:03
EurynomosSzymcio: Simply download the latest version of Ubuntu to upgrade from 9.10 as it already reached its end of life cycle.17:03
dionysus69anyone familiar with fingerprint reader driver fprintd? It only gives me fingerprint auth way to authenticate in terminal, why cant I have both text and fpr?17:04
Szymciodo you like rolling stones?17:04
daftykinsthat's off topic17:04
edsnowdenI tried to install Ubuntu to an external USB drive on a 2015 Razer Blade but it overwrote grub on the internal disk despite me saying to install grub to the external USB. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?17:04
MonkeyDustSzymcio  wrong channel17:04
Szymcioi don t understand17:04
ikoniaSzymcio: try ##chat17:04
daftykinsedsnowden: bit late to be worried now17:05
Szymciomick jagger is the best!17:05
edsnowden@daftykins well I had to revert the internal disk from a backup because it broke BitLocker so I need to try again17:05
daftykinsah, funky17:06
daftykinsedsnowden: install on another host then connect it up17:06
edsnowdenYeah I'm hoping someone knows a way to fix that or hide the internal disk from the installer17:06
daftykinsit doesn't need to be installed with the target system17:06
edsnowden@daftykins Sadly it's my only system at the moment besides a very locked down work laptop17:06
daftykinsedsnowden: well presumably you still have the base system installed to this disk, just no bootloader... so if you booted a live session, you could run grub-install on it17:07
monhi. i am trying to upload files into my vps using sftp (/var/www/html) but failed. my username has been granted sudo. i saw the group for /var/www/html is only for root (owner). How can I fix this?17:08
edsnowden@daftykins that's a good idea. I'll give that a shot. If that fails is there a way to hide disks from the OS?17:08
daftykinsit won't fail.17:08
daftykinsmon: nothing to 'fix' however it can be resolved. chown the document root as www-data:www-data then add your user to the group www-data .17:09
daftykinsyou'll also then need to g+w that path17:09
edsnowdenOk thanks17:09
edsnowdenI'll give it a shot tonight when I'm in front of the machine again17:10
mondaftykins: how to do that? sorry, still learning to use ubuntu17:10
jarrett_Is their a forum where I can learn everything about Blackbox?17:11
MonkeyDustjarrett_  type /j #blackbox17:11
daftykinsmon: "sudo adduser <username> www-data"17:12
daftykinsmon: sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/html/ && sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www/html17:12
daftykinsmon: after that, close all connections and reconnect to test.17:13
mondaftykins: thanks. it works. appreciate it so much :)17:14
MonkeyDustdaftykins  +117:14
daftykinsmon: bear in mind that tripping up on the basics like that means you probably shouldn't be administrating a website.17:14
mondone  replacing my landing page default apache page17:14
mondaftykins: ah sure. okay. i didn't plan to do a website. i just want to change the landing page. the rest i am using for open vpn and small stuff17:16
monanyway. appreciate it daftykins.17:16
daftykinsah, insecurity terms you shouldn't run stuff you won't focus on or use - it increases the attack surface :)17:16
daftykins*in security17:16
volcom1Hi - I have created Ubuntu server.. Is there an up to date Guide for setting up Torrent Client & FTP client ?17:16
daftykinsdon't use FTP in 2016.17:17
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:17
daftykinsvolcom1: ^17:17
volcom1yeah but like --- is there a guide17:17
mondaftykins: ah i get it your point. thanks xD17:17
volcom1I can follow17:17
volcom1to set up client + SFTP17:17
moni am learning sql right now . maybe after this will learn how to use linux ubuntu17:17
Picivolcom1: filezilla is a popular ftp/sftp client, it is in the software center.17:17
monneed to finish sql first. xD17:17
daftykinsvolcom1: your favourite search engine beckons17:18
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edsnowden@daftykins If grub-install does fail for some reasons I did find "echo 1 > /sys/block/sdb/device/delete" which seems to accomplish what I need in a VM17:21
ActionParsnipwow nearly 2000 users and it's not even release day :)17:22
nicomachusActionParsnip: there are always a LOT of people here. Do you have a support question?17:22
daftykinsand 1992 idle, like every other day17:22
daftykinsedsnowden: ok17:22
TmpLineWho can I ask for information on a package? (default-java in this case)17:25
baizon!info default-java17:25
ubottuPackage default-java does not exist in wily17:25
nicomachusTmpLine: you can search for it here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/17:25
PiciTmpLine: Where id you get that package name?17:25
TmpLineI need more information, regarding the version of openjdk it depends on.17:26
baizonTmpLine: there is no package default-java17:26
TmpLinesorry, default-jdk or default-jre17:26
baizon!info default-jdk17:27
ubottudefault-jdk (source: java-common (0.52)): Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.7-52 (wily), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB17:27
=== Eurynomos is now known as Guest24564
TmpLineif possible I'd like to know when/if that will pass to openjdk-817:27
baizonTmpLine: http://packages.ubuntu.com/wily/default-jdk17:27
baizonTmpLine: openjdk-7-jdk (>= 7~u3-2.1.1)17:27
baizonTmpLine: so everything above 7u3 will work17:28
ActionParsnipnicomachus: no, just exclaiming :)17:28
TmpLineis there a timeline for openjdk-8? or does that depend on what is available on the latest LTS? or debian sid perhaps?17:29
ActionParsnipTmpLine: there is a PPA for Oracle Java if you desire17:29
TmpLineI have openjdk-8 installed on my system. but I'm trying to figure out if software line umake should install the latest for each distro or rely on default-jdk17:30
baizonTmpLine: there is no timeline, just what in debian17:31
TmpLineok, so since debian stretch and sid still have 1.7 as default I suppose that would be the same in ubuntu 16.04, right? (unless it changes in debian first)17:32
baizonTmpLine: yes17:32
TmpLinebaizon: thank you very much17:33
baizonTmpLine: np17:33
RMJis there any point encrypting home folder on install if you encrypted the whole system on the install menu beforehand (assuming there is only one user, me)17:33
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debug0x1When I need to connect to my ubuntu remotely, through teamviewer it won't connect due to my ubuntu machine turnning off the monitor when it's not in use.17:46
debug0x1Is there a .conf file i can tweak somewhere?17:47
ikoniathe monitor shouldn't matter17:47
ikoniait's connecting to the display server not the physical monitor17:47
akikmaybe the computer goes to sleep? :)17:48
debug0x1No it just dims the monitor.17:48
ikoniathats a different situation17:48
debug0x1is there an ubuntu .conf file that deals with dimming?17:49
ikoniaand dimming isn't the problem17:49
ikoniaa dimmed monitor brightness will not stop team viewer17:49
nicomachusdebug0x1: why not start at the beginning? does team viewer give you an error when you try to connect?17:52
debug0x1ikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222771317:52
debug0x1Looks like 'i3lock' is what needs to be installed17:53
debug0x1So that teamviewr detects the monitor.17:53
ikoniadebug0x1: right, the monitor is there though17:53
debug0x1ikonia: even when it's dimmed17:53
debug0x1ikonia: yes17:53
ikoniayou said it's there - just dimmed17:53
ikoniadimmed is just brightness17:54
ikoniaahhh hang on17:54
debug0x1it dims and then the monitor isn't reachable by teamviewer17:54
ikoniait's not dimming17:54
ikoniait's disabling the monitor with the ubuntu screen saver17:54
ikoniathats not "dimming" thats actually disconnecting17:54
debug0x1in archlinux the option is called dimming17:55
debug0x1in xorg.conf17:55
ikoniajust disable the screen saver17:56
ikoniasee if that works17:56
ub_ubuntuwant to install a new kernel. If i do what happens to the existing kernels..?18:03
nicomachusub_ubuntu: what kernel are you trying to install?18:03
HackerIIthey turn into pumpkins18:04
ub_ubuntu4.1.16 LTS18:04
nicomachusub_ubuntu: why? and what version of ubuntu are you on?18:04
nicomachus15.10 is already on 4.2. why do you want an older kernel?18:04
ub_ubuntuit won't shutdown properly18:05
Glorfindel I'm running ubuntu server 15.04 with lubuntu-desktop installed, and despite having the option off, it sleeps every time I close the lid. to make matters worse, if I have the session locked it wakes to a "openbox" login screen that has no usernames listed, and accepts no passwords, the only option at this point is to switch to a tty and reboot18:05
Glorfindelis there any way to fix this?18:05
nicomachusub_ubuntu: ok, well let's deal with that issue instead of trying to install an older kernel... that's not a solution. what do you mean it won't shutdown properly18:05
nicomachusGlorfindel: first thing I would suggest is upgrading to 15.10, because 15.04 is going to be EOL in a few days.18:06
ub_ubuntuafter i click shutdown or use command line , it shows the ubuntu greeter and hangs after three dots...18:06
lotuspsychjeGlorfindel: not really recommended to install non-lts on a server either18:06
nicomachusub_ubuntu: ok. have you checked your logs to see why it's hanging?18:07
Glorfindelnicomachus, lotuspsychje: ok18:07
ub_ubuntuno. how do i do that ?18:07
lotuspsychje!server | Glorfindel18:07
ubottuGlorfindel: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server18:07
Glorfindelcan I downgrade?18:08
lotuspsychjeGlorfindel: better clean install instead18:08
nicomachusub_ubuntu: when shutting down, when you get that splash screen hit "Esc" to see what it's hanging on.18:09
lotuspsychjeGlorfindel: but you can save your /home on a next ubuntu install if you like?18:10
ub_ubuntunicomachus:  This happens when i use 4.2 kernel. When i use 3.13 kernel it is proper18:10
Glorfindellotuspsychje: I am not hosting anything right now18:11
nicomachusub_ubuntu: ok, but there is absolutely no reason for you to want to install the 4.1 kernel. Figure out what the shutdown is hanging on, and then we can fix it.18:11
ub_ubuntunicomachus: sure thing..18:12
lord4163What is the group identifier used for in a process?18:13
anonymous287virtualbox is better or vmware workstation?18:15
OerHeksanonymous287, KVM is better, build into the kernel18:16
k1lanonymous287: if you need to ask this use virtualbox. that is easier to setup for beginners18:17
nomicuse virtualbox - is integral to ubuntu18:18
anonymous287now i m using vmware workstation pro18:19
anonymous287virtualbox, by ubuntu?  or virtualbox by oracle?18:19
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Glorfindelubuntu has a virtualbox?18:20
nicomachusvirtualbox is by Oracle.18:20
anonymous287but there is two virtualbox18:20
Glorfindelanonymous287: where?18:21
Guest53211Rolling down the street, smoking Indo, sipping on gin and juice.18:22
anonymous287there is one :   Installation by the official repositories of Ubuntu18:22
k1l!ot | Guest5321118:22
ubottuGuest53211: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:22
nicomachusanonymous287: they are the same, just different methods of installing.18:23
anonymous287Installing from the filing of Oracle (the current version )18:23
Guest53211Laid back, with my Raspberry Pi.18:23
anonymous287the version downloaded from oracle dont propose 64bits installation18:24
GallomimiaGuest53211: sorry buddy. can't chit-chat in a support channel with 1900+ people in it. hit up the offtopic channel or pm me if you wanna chatterbox18:25
dipihow to install tar.gz file18:27
EriC^^which package are you trying to install?18:28
neredsenvyUsing wget https://www.prestashop.com/ajax/controller.php?method=download&type=releases&file=prestashop_1.6.1.4.zip&language=en I get a file called18:28
anonymous287we extract them18:28
neredsenvyinstead of the .zip file18:28
neredsenvyit also does not download anything18:28
dipiwhen i extract it using terminal . it always shows a self extract file18:29
nicomachusneredsenvy: wget https://www.prestashop.com/ajax/controller.php?method=download&type=releases&file=prestashop_1.6.1.4.zip18:29
dipiactually i m new for ubuntu18:30
=== kernel is now known as Guest83573
EriC^^dipi: what are you trying to install?18:30
EriC^^there might be a package in the repo already18:30
neredsenvynicomachus:  tried same thing18:30
nicomachusneredsenvy: you may not be able to use wget without adding post data. It looks like they want an email adddress, a "what describes you best" option, and a language before downloading.18:31
dipiit is a soft to run or operate a smart class touch board18:31
nicomachusyea they're calling the download with javascript. you won't be able to wget that, neredsenvy18:31
neredsenvynicomachus: only to get to download page not download the file18:31
neredsenvyopen the url in browsers18:31
neredsenvystarts the download18:31
OerHekswget and https, difficult to do so neredsenvy18:32
anonymous287tar xzf file.tar.gz   (remplace file with the file name , for example: tar xzf cobaltstrike2.5.tar.gz  )18:33
dipifile name is ebeaminteractivesuit_3.1.1.10.tgz18:35
nicomachusubuntu-mate: stop please.18:36
dipianybody else ,,,18:36
dipiany thing else to try ...?18:37
EriC^^neredsenvy: you have to use quotes with more than 1 get parameter18:37
EriC^^ wget "https://www.prestashop.com/ajax/controller.php?method=download&type=releases&file=prestashop_1.6.1.4.zip"18:37
rey_in 1 of charts.html, I have this,  {% pie_chart browser_stats with library={"title":"Browser Statistics, May 2013"} %}18:39
rey_how to dynamic pass in titles from views18:40
Picirey_: Perhaps you were looking for #django (or elsewherE) instead of #ubuntu ?18:41
rey_sorry, U r right18:41
hcorionHi all! I'm trying to install a windows application from a disc on Ubuntu. However, when I insert the disk and go into the file manager, and open up the disc there are no files. When I insert the same disc onto my windows PC I can read and install the program. I have been able to read data from the disc, so I think it's software related. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and I'm on a laptop18:46
EriC^^hcorion: try sudo mount /dev/sr0 /cdrom18:48
EriC^^hcorion: sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /cdrom18:49
hcorionEricC I get /dev/sr0 already mounted or /cdrom busy18:52
hcorionwhen I run the command, should I unmount it?18:52
EriC^^type df -Th | nc openterm.tk 918:52
chochesse_is it possible to do a net install of UBUNTU onto an existing CentOS server remotely?18:53
OerHekschochesse_, sure, if you can boot the mini iso remotely.18:53
chochesse_i was thinking of repurposing the Swap18:54
chochesse_configuring that as an ext3 filesystem18:54
hcorionEricC, I get this: http://openterm.tk/10ti/18:54
chochesse_mounting it, running debootstrap on it18:54
chochesse_is mini iso remotely easier?18:54
EriC^^hcorion: try ls -l /media/user/BARBIE_FAIRYTOPIA18:54
hcorionI get total 018:54
EriC^^odd, try sudo umount /dev/sr018:55
EriC^^then try sudo mount -t udf /dev/sr0 /cdrom18:55
hcorionAhh, I get wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr018:56
EriC^^try sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /cdrom18:57
hcorionwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so18:57
EriC^^try dmesg | tail | nc openterm.tk 918:57
hcorionhere: dmesg | tail | nc openterm.tk 918:59
hcorionwoops: http://openterm.tk/mph718:59
hcorionok, I can read it now, from /cdrom19:00
EriC^^hcorion: no problem!19:02
dipihow to install self extracting file .?19:07
ikoniarun it ?19:07
EriC^^you have to untar it first, then read the README19:07
ikoniadipi: what is the name of the file19:07
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
ubuntu320Hi, I wonder if somebody can help me recover an LVM disk - I've totally screwed it up :(19:08
ikoniawhat happened ubuntu32019:08
ikoniadipi: just run it,19:08
ikoniadipi: run "file scrapbook-selfextracting" from the terminal to understand what it is19:08
k1ldipi: i bet they got isntructions on their page or in the readme or something19:09
vagrant_how do i change my nick19:11
llldino./nick <NICK>19:11
vagrant_thanks for quick response19:11
vagrant_./nick ~WarlocK19:11
HackerII /19:11
ubuntu320I have basically been an idiot.  I wanted to extend my root partition.  I extended the virtual disk, attached the virtual disk to another machine, ran some pvresize commands I found in forums and thought I understood but I've gotten totally lost and think I've messed up spectacularly :(19:12
vagrant_i am new to irc19:12
ubuntu320./nick JBF19:12
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vagrant_not working for me19:13
llldinoYou have to omit the period before the front slash19:13
vagrant_yes i did19:13
EriC^^you can't use ~19:13
JBFDoes anyone know LVM etc well?19:14
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WarlocKnow it done19:14
pbxJBF, just jump in and ask your question19:14
=== WarlocK is now known as Guest31566
pbxoh sorry JBF  i see it now19:15
Guest31566why i am named as Guest3156619:15
EriC^^somebody has the nick registered19:15
JBFI thought I had the PV and LV extended but the LV showed as suspended19:15
OerHeksGuest31566, name is registered, choose wisely19:15
Guest31566ok thanks again19:16
limezso many warlocks :s19:16
HackerII!register | Guest3156619:16
ubottuGuest31566: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:16
=== Guest31566 is now known as ^WarlocK^
^WarlocK^there are so many warlocks?19:16
^WarlocK^anybody here on steam :P19:16
^WarlocK^playing csgo19:16
JBFthen I followed some instructions for deleting the actual partition using fdisk so I could create a new larger partition but fdisk wouldn't let me create a new partition starting on the same block19:16
JBFSo it feels like I'm screwed19:17
JBFeven if I could revert the changes to the LV/PV my partition table is borked too19:17
JBFI know what the original fdisk info is, I took a screenshot19:18
JBFis there any way I can pull out the data to a new disk using DD or something like that?19:18
JBFreally out of my depth19:18
EriC^^JBF: have you tried testdisk?19:19
JBFno what is that?19:19
EriC^^it searches for lost partitions19:19
EriC^^sudo apt-get install testdisk19:20
JBFthanks I've got it19:20
JBFpartition table type Intel?19:21
EriC^^was it msdos or gpt?19:21
JBFit was a ubuntu server x64 VM19:22
EriC^^yeah, intel19:22
EriC^^nevermind, if you were using fdisk then it's msdos19:22
EriC^^when you get a list of partitions, press p over the partition the list the files19:22
JBFok it shows a deleted linux LVM partition19:24
JBFno option to list files tho, because it's LVM?19:24
EriC^^did you run the quick search?19:25
bekksA LVM partition is part of a LVM volume group, and does not necessarily contain a usable filesystem.19:25
JBFI my feeling is LVM sucks19:26
JBFIn Windoze I can just expand the undelying block storage and then two clicks I have an extended partition/filesystem; I wish linux wasn't so complicated for simple things like this19:27
bekksMy feeling is LVM is pretty cool.19:27
IceNinehey all, is there a terminal app that can handle ctrl+c/v?19:28
JBFdoesn't feel very cool to me all I wanted to do was extended my system disk19:28
zykotick9bekks: "a poor workman blames his tools"19:28
bekksExpand the disk, expand the partition, expand the LVM PV, expand the VG, done.19:28
bekkszykotick9: ack.19:28
EriC^^IceNine: they pretty much all handle ctrl+shift+c/v19:28
dipii m still not able to run shellscript .19:29
JBFyeah bekks I missed the expand partition step19:29
bekksJBF: Yeah, so you need to do that.19:29
JBFI tried to do that after expanding the PV/VG19:29
JBFbekks it won't let me19:29
bekksJBF: you cannot expand the PV/VG prior expanding the partition.19:29
JBFbekks somehow I did19:29
bekksJBF: And the error message is "I wont let you."?19:29
bekksJBF: Somehoe thats impossible, technically.19:29
JBFbekks: somehow it did let me expand the PV and VG19:31
IceNineeric^^, i see now, the built in terminal is shift+ctrl+c/v19:31
bekksJBF: then you did not use a partition at all. :)19:31
JBFthen I used fdisk to delete the LVM partition with the plan of recreating with tha increased size but fdisk woul;dn't let me start the new partion from the same sector as the old one19:31
bekksPastebin sudo fdisk -l19:32
chochesse_I'm having an issue installing openssl-server on a debootstrapped machine any suggestions?19:35
bekkschochesse_: Yeah, state the actual issue :P19:36
JBFbekks pastebin.com/amfAfKaj19:36
JBFit's sdb19:36
JBFsda is fine19:36
chochesse_E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - openpty (2: No such file or directory)19:37
chochesse_Setting up openssh-server (1:6.6p1-2ubuntu1) ...19:37
chochesse_start: Unknown job: ssh19:37
chochesse_invoke-rc.d: initscript ssh, action "start" failed.19:37
chochesse_dpkg: error processing package openssh-server (--configure):19:37
bekks!pastebinit | chochesse_19:37
nicomachuschochesse_: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'19:37
ubottuchochesse_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:37
chochesse_sorry :(19:38
chochesse_but ya that solution doesn't work nicomachus :)19:38
bekkschochesse_: So use a pastebinit for showing us the error.19:38
chochesse_alright will do19:38
JBFbekks I have the start and end sector numbers for the partitions before I tried to recreate them if that also helps19:39
zykotick9chochesse_: "Is /dev/pts mounted?" <- seems something is wrong with your chroot/debootstrap perhaps?19:39
chochesse_check out that output19:39
bekksJBF: So what do you want to do with sdb now?19:40
JBFif I can get my lvm root volume expanded to fill the disk great19:40
JBFbut even if I can just get my data off the disk that would be something19:41
bekksJBF: And where is your root volume?19:41
JBFsdb lvm vg19:41
JBFsdb5 is/was the lvm partition19:42
bekksJBF: Pastebin sudo pvdisplay -C; sudo vgdisplay -C; and sudo lvdisplay -C; please.19:42
chochesse_so no ideas?19:42
BobLobLawBlogI am getting this error when I start apache Apache is running a threaded MPM, but your PHP Module is not compiled to be threadsafe.  You need to recompile PHP.19:42
bekksJBF: according to your pastebin, sdb5 still is a LVM partition.19:42
JBFyes I deleted sdb5 and sdb2, created a new sdb2 and sdb5 and set the type back to 8e19:42
bekksJBF: With the same start/end sectors?19:43
JBFbut it wouldn't let me create sdb2/5 starting on the same sectors as before so I presume the partition table is now out of line19:43
JBFno it wouldn't let me19:43
chochesse_it's worth mentioning that I am trying to install this package inside of a chroot jail that i have debootstrapped with ubuntu19:43
bekksJBF: Was the message "I wont let you."?19:43
JBFjust complained value out of range19:43
BobLobLawBlogit's pretty sad I can't even figure out how to install php correctly19:43
bekksJBF: What was the exact message?19:44
bekks!lamp | BobLobLawBlog19:44
ubottuBobLobLawBlog: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.19:44
JBFin fdisk, when I tried to recreate the partitions and entered the start sector I got 'value out of range'19:44
bekksJBF: So what did you enter there?19:44
JBFI let it use the first available sector19:45
bekksJBF: What did you enter, causing the "value out of range" error?19:45
JBForiginally sdb2 started at 50175819:45
zykotick9chochesse_: "Is /dev/pts mounted?" <- seems something is wrong with your chroot/debootstrap perhaps?  <ROUND 2>19:45
JBFso I entered that19:45
chochesse_zykotick9: yes19:45
bekksJBF: Which was expected to fail, since it would have overlapped with sdb1.19:46
JBFno sdb1 ends at 49971119:46
BobLobLawBlogyea I followed the documenation, I started getting the error after I enabled PHP  sudo a2enmod php519:46
bekksJBF: Look where sdb2 begins now.19:47
JBFoh hell it's the same19:48
JBFsorry, sdb519:48
JBFit did begin at 50176019:48
BobLobLawBlogbekks then even worse I try to install php-fpm cuz im told its an issue with mod php and this makes it worse19:48
bekksJBF: so there wasnt sdb2 at all, before?19:48
Encapsulationfor she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses19:48
JBFyes there was and it started in teh same sector19:48
bekksBobLobLawBlog: why are you trying to use a threaded webserver when using php at all? :)19:49
bekksJBF: your statements are contradicting.19:49
JBFit's sdb5 which I couldn't recreate starting on the same sector as before19:49
bekksJBF: was there a sdb2 before? If so, which start/end sectors did it have?19:50
chochesse_oh that's sketchy, I fixed it by removing start19:50
JBFyes I'm sorry I was referring to sdb2 I should have said sdb519:50
bekksJBF: was there a sdb2 before? If so, which start/end sectors did it have?19:50
JBFsdb2 was originally Starting 50178 ending 83884031, sdb5 was starting at 501760 ending 8388403119:51
bekksJBF: your numbers must be wrong, 50178 cant be correct.19:51
bekksJBF: And answer my question again.19:52
JBFsdb2 was originally Starting 501758 ending 83884031, sdb5 was starting at 501760 ending 8388403119:52
ninguI have a server running Ubuntu server LTS. I have it set to automatically install security updates, and sometimes it will show a notice saying "system reboot required". are there general guidelines for when it makes sense to actually reboot the server?19:52
JBFtrying to recreate sdb5 with the same start sector as before it gave the out of range error19:52
bekksJBF: you repeated that fact for the third time. Telling it all over will not help at all.19:52
JBFbekks I corrected the typo you had pointed out19:53
bekksJBF: No. You repeated yourself for the third time that you got a value ot of range error.19:53
bekksJBF: Delete sdb5, and recreate it.19:54
ninguI always thought it was generally necessary to reboot a server only when absolutely necessary. but I don't know what the downsides might be of not doing so when Ubuntu says it should be done.19:54
bekksningu: Not being able to use a new kernel.19:54
ningubekks: ok, but why would that make a difference, practically speaking? security fixes?19:55
bekksningu: Yes.19:55
JBFbekks it won't allow the first sector to start before 50380619:55
bekksJBF: IS the message "I dont allow it."? If not, pastebin the full, exact, unchanged output.19:55
akikJBF: try "fdisk -c=dos /dev/sdb" if that lets you re-create the original layout19:55
m82labs identify 1ontsurt19:57
JBFbekks http://pastebin.com/KNsqc3GZ19:58
JBFakik no joy it will allow it to start on a lower numbered sector than before but still not low enough19:58
bekksJBF: you could try parted instead.20:01
BobLobLawBlog$ sudo a2enmod php5-fpm ERROR: Module php5-fpm does not exist!   sudo a2enmod php-fpm ERROR: Module php-fpm does not exist!20:02
natePol2001make sure you've installed php-fpm....20:03
JBFbekks no joy with parted either20:03
bekksJBF: That means what exactly?20:03
bekksJBF: As you can see, no one can help you without specific error messages.20:03
eelstreborwhen using dnscrypt should i set the dns to or (which is what is in /etc/init.d/dnscrypt-proxy)?20:04
JBFbekks when I give you specific error messages you poo poo them20:04
bekksJBF: Really? How often did I have to ask you before you actually started to pastebin things?20:04
bekksJBF: If thats not how you want to be helped, I am out of your issues.20:04
BobLobLawBlognatePol2001, yes I run sudo apt-get install php5-ftp:  php5-fpm is already the newest version.20:04
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JBFbekks sorry but I don't know what more I could have told you about the out of range error20:09
JBFI've just managed to create it in parted after switching the units to sectors :)20:10
akikJBF: if you use that -c=dos and re-create all the partitions, it still won't work?20:10
JBFakik I just managed to create it with parted20:10
JBFyeah, now just need LVM fixed20:10
JBFone step at a time :)20:10
Guest58453my browser does't open Youtube and Google search site20:11
BobLobLawBlogstart: Job is already running: php5-fpm         wha, why are my .php files coming accross as plainttext20:11
Guest58453all sites are okay except Youtube Google search20:11
JBFbekks this is the other output you asked for http://pastebin.com/Dpp1wmup20:14
czwolfHello :) I am running a server, for a long time. There is a mono app in it which is being updated. Accross the versions I am getting too often: Sorry, the application gdb has stopped unexpectedly. Any help for that, how can I stop it from crashes. Do I need it to be run? It shut downs my mono server frequently.20:16
plauclairhi! I was wondering if there was a replacement shell for Ubuntu server with support for higher rez, other fonts and colors?20:16
llldinoGuest58453, Try dumping your browser cacge and cookies and try again20:16
Guest58453IIIsino How i do that ?20:18
llldinoGuest58453, What browser are you using?20:18
JBFbekks are you ignoring me now?20:18
JBFakik I don't suppose you know LVM?20:19
akikJBF: i've used it somewhat20:19
Guest58453I have both Chrume and firefox20:19
Guest58453all the same issue20:20
JBFmmm I have to go eat wife is shouting lol20:20
JBFI'll pop back a bit later20:20
llldinoGuest58453, How are they not working? Like, what happens when you attempt a search on google20:21
bekksJBF: So whats the issue now?20:21
Guest58453Yes, all sites are opened except Youtube and google search20:22
loveheartjoyloveI need to make Google chrome launch a script when laughed that changes my WiFi network, and that changes it back when closing it. also need help with the script itself :)20:22
kyle__czwolf: gdb is the gnu debugger  It has nothing to do with mono.  Mono is a free(libre) runtime environment for microsoft's .NET platform, not a server.  Whatever is crashing it's written IN mono, and crashing is causing it to attempt debugging it sounds like.  But you need to find out what the program/service is, and get help with it, not general ubuntu.20:23
k1lGuest58453: can you upload a screenshot to imgur.com and show the link here?20:23
loveheartjoylovehelp with my script and binding it to chrome like that I needed this20:23
kyle__I hate computers.20:24
loveheartjoyloveI like the people on the other end of then20:24
loveheartjoylovelike you you you20:24
llldinoGuest58453, But what happens when you go onto the Google website? Does it load forever? Does it return an error?20:24
kyle__loveheartjoylove: You've obviously never worked the support desk then ;)  But thanks.20:24
czwolfkyle__ Thank you. I know the purpose of the programms I am running. The program is a server under mono. So yes, it is an executable. I have 3 or 4 running instances of that server. Some crash some not during the GDB failure. I see not reason why the problem should be in a server or how to find how the server causes it.20:26
loveheartjoylovekyle__: no I mean I love them with my heart. I've done plenty of support they think you're like a grimey auto mechanic no matter how genuine your intentions20:26
loveheartjoylovejust gotta love them anyway20:26
sansayHey guys, i cant recall what the site is that lets me check what the highest version of a package (in this case nginx) based on ubuntu release 14.0420:27
sansaydoes anyone know what the site is?20:27
loveheartjoyloveprobably git20:27
k1lsansay: packages.ubuntu.com20:27
k1lGuest58453: is it blocked by your firewall or router or isp?20:28
sansaythanks, nginx (1.4.6-1ubuntu3.1) [security] si this the highest supported package? http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/web/20:28
Guest58453no its open on my phones20:28
Guest58453but here not working20:28
ioriaGuest58453, try  to ping www.youtube.com    and if it replies  run       firefox --safe-mode    from terminal20:29
telecasterI'm trying to get ubuntu running on a lenovo z585, I can't boot to live. I just get a blinking underscore in the top left corner of my screen.20:31
telecasterI have tried acpi off.20:31
telecasterAny suggestions? sorry for multiple lines.20:31
Guest58453no reply20:31
ioriaGuest58453, what dns are you using ?20:32
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Guest58453how i can know my DNS20:33
ioriaGuest58453, right click on Network icon and Connection infromation20:34
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lovelinuxi am connected to my ISP network with my wifi and isp gave me a username and password to enter and connect to internet how can i do it in ubunto?20:35
lovelinuxi can do it by wired but i don`t know about wifi20:36
Invoicerhi. i'm trying to dual boot ubuntu on my new laptop. i've tried a bunch of fixes from forum threads but i've run into a brick wall20:36
llldino lovelinux If you're talking about PPPoE You'll have to change that in your modem/router setup20:36
Invoiceri partitioned my hard drive and successfully installed linux20:37
lovelinuxllldino, how?20:37
Invoiceri disabled fast startup and secure boot. then i ran the boot-repair utility. it ran fine, no errors20:37
llldinolovelinux, Pastebin ip a for me20:37
llldino"ip a"20:38
Invoicerbut i still don't see a grub. my laptop directly boots into windows 10.20:38
Invoicerhere's my boot-repair pastebin : http://paste.ubuntu.com/14480366/20:38
lovelinuxllldino, i am using wired now20:38
llldinolovelinux, It worked over a wired cxn?20:39
lovelinuxllldino, i don`t have problem with wired but i need to connect internet when i connect with my wifi to modem20:40
lovelinuxllldino, i resolve this in fedora with pppoe-setup command in terminal but in ubunto doesn`t work20:41
telecasterLenovo z585, trying to clean install ubuntu on a new hd. Boot from usb gets me to the menu, selecting live mode causes a blinking underscore to appear in top left corner. no acpi mode doesn't change anything. Any suggestions?20:41
llldinolovelinux, PPPoE must be set up if you get internet via a wired connection20:41
lovelinuxllldino, i configure my username and password and dns with pppoe-setup command in fedora20:43
ioriaGuest58453, any problem to find them ?20:43
BobLobLawBloghow do I disable mod_fastcgi on ubuntu?20:43
BobLobLawBlogdo I just remove it from /etc/apache2/mods-enabled?20:44
Avkshould there be another one or two interation in decoding?20:48
k1lAvk: this is technical ubuntu support. are you sure you dont want to ask in #programming ?20:49
Avkaa ok,20:49
lernerhi, I believe my computer keeps looking for servers to establish time and date. Im on xubuntu, and the computer is configured not to look for servers to establish time and date (configuration: manual), but I just logged in and it automatically established the real time and date. Whats wrong?20:50
lernerthe clock battery has been empty for a while, time and date should be jan 200720:50
sansayHey guys, i tried to install a recent version of nginx on my ubuntu 14.04, and im getting an error when i went to upgrade nginx does anyone have any suggestions? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14480653/20:50
ioria!info ntp20:51
ubottuntp (source: ntp): Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu8.1 (wily), package size 425 kB, installed size 1417 kB20:51
iorialerner, check if you have ntp installed20:51
Invoiceri'm trying to dual boot ubuntu on my new laptop. i've tried a bunch of fixes from forum threads but i've run into a brick wall. i partitioned my hard drive and successfully installed linux. i disabled fast startup and secure boot. then i ran the boot-repair utility. it ran fine, no errors. but i still don't see a grub. my laptop directly boots into windows 10.20:51
lernerioria, no ntp installed20:52
Invoiceranyone? please? i've been stuck for way too long20:53
iorialerner, bios utility set ? just asking ...20:54
lernerioria, is that a command, or you are asking me to log off and press f2?20:54
OerHeksInvoicer, i think you countered the UEFI thing, see this manual20:54
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:55
iorialerner, no, it's  not a command ... maybe you have some settings in bios that override the os ....20:56
Invoicer_sorry I got DCed. did I miss any message for me?20:56
lernerioria, damn it.....20:56
iorialerner,   SystemSettings -> Time & Date   ... is all ok ?20:57
lernerioria, yes, everything there works fine. I configured it NOT to check time and date from servers, but to do it manually20:57
lernerioria, if its true that it is a bios setting and my cmos battery is empty, it may be that it returns to dafault values each time I log off. <<< does that make sense?20:59
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LiIs there a default keyboad shortcut to 1) pop a terminal in the current opened folder path? 2)crearte an empty document(file) in the current opened folder?21:00
k1llerner: so what is the exact issue? the facts? is the battery empty? and your system keeps time and date?21:00
iorialerner,  you cmos battery is empty ?21:00
OerHeks!uefi | Invoicer, i think you countered the UEFI thing, see this manual21:00
ubottuInvoicer, i think you countered the UEFI thing, see this manual: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:00
lernerioria, yes, it is empty21:00
=== truexfan81_ is now known as truexfan81
iorialerner,  yes, it resets21:01
sansayI tried to install a recent version of nginx on my ubuntu 14.04 trusty, and im getting an error when i went to upgrade nginx does anyone have any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14480653/21:01
lernerok... are there rechargeable cmos batteries?21:01
iorialerner,  you change it21:01
k1llerner: no.21:01
k1llerner: they last very long, so you dont have to change them every month.21:02
iorialerner,  but usually , if cmos is null, it sets to 1980 ....21:02
iorialerner, or something like that21:02
lernercant the defaul here be 2007?21:02
k1lioria: depends on the bios21:02
iorialerner, i don't think is an Ubu issue21:03
k1llerner: so what is your issue now?21:03
lernerthat I have to change the cmos battery21:06
* Exyo oinks in #ubuntu21:06
k1llerner: that is an issue for ##hardware21:06
* Exyo oinks in #ubuntu21:06
Invoicer_OerHeks, ubottu, I've tried the suggestions on that page21:06
* Exyo oinks in #ubuntu21:06
Invoicer_i've even followed the general principles21:07
* Exyo oinks in #ubuntu21:07
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nonix4udev q... any pitfalls I should be aware before assigning ID_MODEL=foo to /dev/sda and ID_MODEL=bar to /dev/sdb ? other hdds should go sdc+...21:15
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Invoicer_yup, i'm close to giving up21:21
Invoicer_damn. who knew something as simple as dual booting would be so frustrating21:21
OerHeksthat uefi manual should work, maybe this page with pictures is a better help >> http://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/21:23
anonymous287how to get information about the bios in ubuntu.?21:25
Invoicer_OerHeks: well, i've followed those exact steps. just not in the same order21:25
Invoicer_do you think that might be the issue?21:25
k1lInvoicer_: of course. if you install in one mode, but then switch and want to boo the other mode. its not going to work21:26
sansayI tried to install a recent version of nginx on my ubuntu 14.04 trusty, and im getting an error when i went to upgrade nginx does anyone have any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14480653/21:26
ikoniasansay: where did that package come from ?21:27
AssociateXbeep beep21:28
sansayecho "deb http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/ubuntu/ trusty nginx" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list     echo "deb-src http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/ubuntu/ trusty nginx" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list21:28
Shaggz_Miesterso im trying to install ardour and i needed the boost c++ libs. got and installed those, now it cant find alsa, any suggestions?21:29
ikoniasansay: talk to them about their package then21:29
ikoniait's duplicate with the stock ubuntu one21:29
sansayya because the ubuntu one is a really old ersion21:29
ikoniais it a problem ?21:29
sansayi wanted to get the newer version, is there a way for me to have ubuntu only use the new one?21:29
ikoniawhy do you want newer ?21:29
sansayim missing some functionality in the older one21:30
sansaythat the newer one has21:30
Invoicer_FIXED IT! from what I think, the only thing I did wrong was I wrote {bootmgr} instead of "{bootmgr}"21:31
Invoicer_(basically i didn't write the quotes)21:31
Shaggz_Miesteris ubuntu studio really good?21:32
Invoicer_but that's what another guide said, so...21:32
ikoniaShaggz_Miester: I don't think s o21:32
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k1lShaggz_Miester: what is "really good?" :) you can try it yourself and see if it works for you21:33
ikoniait's not ubuntu studios fault, they do good work, but the products are not mature21:33
Invoicer_holy shit, does anyone here watch football/soccer?21:33
Invoicer_newcastle vs manchester united is 3-3. pretty much all 6 goals were cracking.21:33
Shaggz_Miestergotchya, i wanted to try ardour just to play around with but im struggling to install so i thought maybe ubuntu studio would work nice and still do all the tech stuff i need to do21:33
bekksInvoicer_: How is that related to Ubuntu?21:33
ikoniaInvoicer_: not really something we are interested in21:33
ikoniapleaes control your langauge too21:34
Invoicer_bekks: off topic. sorry21:34
Invoicer_anyway, thanks for your help guys21:34
sansayis there anyone that can help me with my problem?21:35
ikoniawith what problem21:35
ikoniajust remove the ubuntu pacakge21:35
ikoniaand use the updated one,21:36
ikoniabut I would seriously question why you want the newer version21:36
sansayi dont know how would i do that21:36
ikoniaopen package manager, remove package21:36
ikoniathen install package and it will get the newer version from the external repo21:36
ikoniabut again why do you want the newer version21:36
sansaybecause the newer one has functions the old one does not, i need the functionality in the newone21:36
ikoniasansay: such as ?21:36
sansayhttp://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_sub_module.html allows me to use more than 1 filter21:37
sansayhow do i access the package manager to remove the package?21:38
ikoniacheck out the basics of how to install / remove packages21:38
sansayare you saying i need to install my current version of nginx?21:39
sansayi need to uninstall my current version**21:39
ikoniauninstall the old package and install the new21:39
sansayis that the only way?21:39
sansayi have live sites21:39
ikoniawhy is that a bad way21:39
ikoniait's 30 seconds21:40
sansayif all goes well, if it doesnt go well, they all break21:40
ikonia"they all break" ???21:40
sansaythe nginx server would be gone right?21:40
ikoniayes, it would delete it21:41
sansayid be removing the current package21:41
sansaycan i force one package to overwrite the other?21:41
ikoniathat is not a good idea21:41
ikoniajust remove the package and install the new21:41
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aerthwhere is fun ubuntu chat21:43
ikoniaaerth: what do you mean ?21:43
k1l!ot | aerth21:44
ubottuaerth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:44
sansayikonia:  why is it a bad idea to force install the new package?21:44
ikoniawhat else does it conflict with ?21:45
ikoniaor whatelse will it overwrite ?21:45
anonymous287can i have information about bios in ubuntu?21:45
ikoniaanonymous287: what sort of info ?21:45
anonymous287version and other21:46
aerththanks k1l21:46
ikoniaeasy to just boot into the bios21:46
anonymous287ok thanks21:49
LiIs there a default keyboad shortcut to 1) pop a terminal in the current opened folder path? 2)crearte an empty document(file) in the current opened folder?21:50
LarsKI did a system testing run, but for some reason, the submission could not be uploaded. is there a way to manually upload the results for the community / devs?21:50
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domenico_qualcuno potrebbe darmi una mano?21:57
allizom!it | domenico_21:57
ubottudomenico_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:57
gord0hello just wanted to make sure i'm doing this correctly. tryign to add apt repo -> deb http://releases.galeracluster.com/ubuntu trusty main22:01
gord0as its not finding any packages22:01
naccgord0: did you `apt-get update` after adding the repo?22:02
gord0nacc: yep22:03
rwwand you're putting that line in sources.list? did galeracluster.com show up in the apt-get update output?22:03
OerHeksand the keys? > http://galeracluster.com/documentation-webpages/galerainstallation.html#installing-galera-cluster22:03
KrazypolocHey guys - I'm trying to configure a preseed for static IP's on 2 NICs, is that even possible?22:04
gord0yes added the keys i am following that doc22:04
gord0i'm creating separate file galera.list22:05
gord0rww: no it doesn't show up in apt-get update22:06
rwwgord0: did you put galera.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?22:06
rwwit needs to be specifically there, not /etc/apt/22:07
gord0rww: no bcuz i'm a fool. doing it now22:08
rwwno worries. that's probably the issue :)22:08
ryanvisualI am having trouble with my wifi range - I am using RTL8723BE on an HP Stream 1122:08
bekksryanvisual: Which kind of trouble?22:08
gord0thanks :)22:08
ryanvisualbekks: My laptop's wifi range being severly decreased on Ubuntu but when I had windows on it, the range could reach down street, but on Ubuntu, it decreased to the kitchen.22:10
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Jordan_Uryanvisual: Ralink unfortunately provides poor linux drivers. Atheros and Intel will generally perform much better, if changing the wireless card is an option.22:11
dafb!2factor | dafb22:12
ryanvisualJordan_U: It's RTL8723BE not a ralink card...22:12
bekksryanvisual: RTL is Ralink...22:12
ryanvisualJordan_U: They are different22:12
ryanvisualIt's RealTek22:14
bekksOr is it a Realtek? Which is known for the same bad things.22:14
Jordan_Uryanvisual: Indeed, misread. Sorry.22:14
HackerIIwould turning off pwm help ?22:16
ryanvisualEvery method I've tried to fix the range issues doesn't work..22:16
HackerIIryanvisual:   just for the heck of it,      http://askubuntu.com/questions/85214/how-can-i-prevent-iwconfig-power-management-from-being-turned-on22:16
ryanvisualTried that22:17
ryanvisualDidn't work'22:17
HackerIIthen they are right22:17
HackerIIcrappy driver22:17
ryanvisualI also can't replace the wifi card due to it being soldered to the motherboard22:17
HackerIIyit isnt plugged in ?, sheesh22:18
bekksryanvisual: you could get another USB Wifi.22:18
ryanvisualI don't want to have a USB being taken up all the time as there are only 2.22:19
GreencloudHi guys, just need a little help with my wireless adapter. For some reason it's not picking up my  signal properly. Sometimes it would connect right away but most of the time it just wont. Thank you22:23
Jordan_Uryanvisual: https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new/issues/28 details that the problem (for some users at least) appears to be with the linux driver expecting the antenna to be connected differently than some vendors are connecting it.22:23
Greencloudi have tried reinstalling the network-manager and have restarted the service several times, but  still the same problem22:23
ryanvisualYou have to change the hardware antenna22:24
ryanvisualWhich I am not doing22:25
Jordan_Uryanvisual: If they do develop a software fix, that bug report is probably where it will be first announced.22:25
Greencloudi'm just using a USB wireless adapter, it's TP-Link22:25
ryanvisualI am finding how to change it to antenna 122:25
Greencloudwired connection works perfectly fine...22:26
ryanvisualIn terminal22:26
ryanvisualIt doesn't have ethernet22:26
Greencloudall other devices works OK wirelessly22:26
ryanvisualBe right back.22:28
voozeHi, If my sound in my headset is not as good as under Windows, could it be a good thing to update (if possible) to newer pulseaudio ? I'm running 14.0422:29
HackerIIvooze:  not loud enough ?22:30
ryanvisualAnyelse have any solutions for me?22:30
voozeHackerII: that and it sounds better in Windows22:30
HackerIIvooze:  just for giggles install QasMixer from synaptic22:31
Jordan_Uvooze: It's more likely that an alsa update would improve your sound than a pulseaudio update (pulseaudio runs on top of alsa, it doesn't replace it). But even before that there are other things I would try first. What is the exact model of your headset? How is it connected (USB, bluetooth, analog headphone out)?22:32
voozeJordan_U: its a Corsair H2100 connected with a wireless USB dongle.22:32
voozeWondering if its worth it updating to 15.10 insted of 14.04, or I should just wait for 16.0422:33
k1lvooze: what does "lsb_release -d" give you?22:34
Jordan_Uvooze: If you're only updating in hopes that your audio will be better, then I would simply try a 15.10 LiveCD/USB first and see if the audio is in fact better there.22:34
voozek1l: 14.04.322:34
k1lif you want to update to 15.10 then you will have to update to 14.10 (which is eol already) then to 15.04 then to 15.1022:35
voozek1l: hmm yeah, will probably give some problems.22:35
voozeJordan_U: I'm gonna try a live USB insted :)22:36
GillesMhello is there a package for get gettext() call (localization in C/C++) for Ubuntu ?22:44
Jordan_UGillesM: Gettext is used by many packages that are part of the default install of Ubuntu, possibly most of them.22:45
GillesMJordan_U,  ok but what is the package to install gettext include22:46
Jordan_UGillesM: "gettext"22:50
GillesMok thanks22:50
Jordan_UGillesM: You're welcome.22:50
GillesMI found gettext-doc too :)22:50
zippo^Why doesn't Google make a sync of Google Photos for Linux?22:54
zippo^every sleep, I see?22:54
linuxlovei connect to my isp network with my wifi and i have username and password from my isp i use from pppoe-setup and set username and passsword and other configuration and then pppoe-connect and get internet what should i do in ubunto?22:54
bekkszippo^: Ask Google.22:54
zippo^How can I take with Google, bekks?22:54
bekkszippo^: support@google.com22:55
zippo^ok thank boss bekks (-:22:55
linuxlovei connect to my isp network with my wifi and i have username and password from my isp ,in fedora i use from pppoe-setup and set username and passsword and other configuration and then pppoe-connect and get internet what should i do in ubunto?22:56
allizomlinuxlove: do you have a combined modem/router?22:56
linuxloveallizom, what do you mean?22:57
linuxloveallizom, i just need configuration for pppoe in ubunto22:57
linuxloveallizom, i solved it in fedora22:58
linuxlovei connect to my isp network with my wifi and i have username and password from my isp,in fedora i use from pppoe-setup and set username and passsword and other configuration and then pppoe-connect and get internet what should i do in ubunto?23:00
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Jordan_Ulinuxlove: There are two possible ways to resolve this problem, 1: I would argue that your Wireless access point is configured incorrectly. You should take it out of "bridged" mode and instead have it completely handle the ppp connection itself, then providing a NAT'd LAN. 2: We can try to setup pppoe (over wifi...) and it will likely work the same way it did in Fedora. Again, I strongly recommend resolut23:03
Jordan_Uion number 1.23:04
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sagerdeariaWhere is iptables file saved in ubuntu? 14?23:07
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sagerdeariais it /etc/sysconfig/iptables?23:08
Jordan_Ulinuxlove: Did you see and understand my last message to you?23:14
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lernerhi. I sometimes press alt+f2 to block my screen. It is not really blocking, because all a third party has to do to see the screen again (an edit whatever they want) is to move the mouse. How do I avoid that?23:15
HackerIIlerner:  CTRL+L  locks the screen23:16
k1llerner: alt+f2 desnt lock the screen23:16
lernerk1l, what word do I need? dime? darken?23:16
k1llerner: what ubuntu? what desktop?23:17
chohe_stop surfing porn at work23:17
lernerxubuntu 15.1023:17
lernerHackerII, ctrl+l didnt do a thing23:18
k1llerner: ctrl+alt+l23:18
lernerk1l, neither23:18
HackerIIya, what k1l  said23:18
k1luh, seems its ctrl+alt+delete23:18
lernernot for me...23:18
Jordan_Ulerner: What version of Ubuntu are you using? What desktop environment?23:19
k1llerner: did you change that in settings -> keyboard -> application shortcuts?23:20
lernerJordan_U, k1l ctrl+alt+delete works...23:20
lernerI just pressed a different "delete"23:20
lernernope, for me is "supr"23:21
lernerbut it works!!! :D23:21
user_shravanhow can I replace ubuntu desktop with openbox23:22
k1luser_shravan: install the openbox package? or use the lxde package? or the lubuntu package? then choose it at the login screen23:23
bazhang!info openbox23:23
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards-compliant, fast, light-weight and extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.1-1ubuntu2 (wily), package size 272 kB, installed size 1229 kB23:23
knobHello guys.  Some samba share help please.   I have a samba share that has no username/password.  I can't mount it on my system via command line.23:31
knobYet, if I go via Nautilus, the system can browse the directory structure and everything fine.23:31
knobI can't find a way to use no username or password in the command line.   I tried mount.cifs with the -o guest   flag, and nothing.23:32
knobAny idea... what or how I could fix this?23:32
JBFakik I sorted it out23:33
GudduWhat is the best way to ext3 format a SSD Drive in Ubuntu?23:33
Jordan_Uknob: Have you tried using gvfs-mount?23:34
mcphailGuddu: how would you define "best", as we can't possibly know your preferences?23:34
knobJordan_U, not at all... googling that now.   Thank you23:34
Guddumcphail, I was told that SSDs need to be properly aligned etc for optimum performance. Not sure if that applies only to windows.23:35
Jordan_UGuddu: "Best" is subjective. GParted is easy to use, and will automatically result in sane defaults. Why do you want to use ext3 rather than ext4? Do you plan to be using a *lot* of small files?23:35
GudduJordan_U, I am not sure if Cinema projectors can read ext4. Is there a advantage of ext4 over ext3?23:35
Jordan_UGuddu: GParted automatically aligns partitions on MiB boundaries, which will result in optimal alignment for your drive.23:36
GudduThis Disk will be connected to cinema projectors to ingest a movie.23:36
k1lGuddu: use gparted. and dont use ext3, use ext4 for ssds23:36
GudduThanks Jordan_U I will try gparted first. ALso i need to set inode 12823:36
mcphailGuddu: honestly, just go with defaults. You're not going to notice any difference whatsoever. Life is too short to worry about block sizes23:36
Gudduk1l, Will cinema projector system be able to read ext4?23:36
k1lgparted alignes already23:37
GudduI know for sure that it reads ext2 and ext323:37
k1lGuddu: i would not use anything below ext4 on a ssd23:37
GudduOk. Thanks k1123:37
Jordan_UGuddu: Why do you need a 128 byte inode size?23:37
k1lyou need trim support.23:37
Jordan_Uk1l: Well, if their cinema projector can't read ext4 then using ext3 is better than throwing the drive away and switching to spinning rust.23:38
Gudduk11 Jordan_U looks like i cannot use ext4. . . look at this spec http://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc3-Disk-Drive-Recommendations-20140226v1.pdf23:38
k1lif ext4 really will not work (i would test it, since support is in the kernel since a long time) i would go for ext223:39
GudduJordan_U, It only says "the inode size shall be set to 128 bytes." Does not say why.23:40
GudduI will take 2 disks. One with ext4 and one with ext2 format.23:40
GudduQuestion though. When i connect to a ubuntu system how do i get the exact device name? like /dev/sdX . . . How do i get the exact value of X that corresponds to my device?23:41
mcphailGuddu: interesting paper. Best go for ext3 with the requested inode size, then, if that is the spec23:42
k1lGuddu: see "dmesg" or better "sudo parted -l" or "gparted"(this is a gui program)23:42
knobJordan_U, I installed gvfs-mount... yet... throwing an error.  Error mounting location: volume doesn't implement mount23:42
GudduThanks mcphail . . .23:42
k1lext3 without proper ssd support and trim will just wear out the ssd.23:42
knobI am ... at odds of how Nautilus is able to browse the samba share, yet if I am going to mount it with mount.cifs, I have to provide a username/password23:43
Jordan_Uk1l: Using ext3 doesn't preclude you from using TRIM.23:43
knobI mean, it's *right there*...  I can't mount it.23:43
GudduDoes gparted allow me to set inode size?23:43
mcphailk1l:doesn't look like there is an option to use ext4, according to tthat spec23:44
UbuntuUserI have a boat load of udp 185 traffic on my machine going to .. it is  a fresh ubuntu 15.10 install.23:44
UbuntuUserDoes anyone know what that is?23:44
UbuntuUser192.168.0.17 ->  UDP 185 Source port: 58601  Destination port: 5499723:45
k1lmcphail: that is why i suggest ext2. no journaling23:45
mcphailGuddu: reading the mkfs.ext3 man page, it looks as if Inode size of 256 is default, so you'd need to select 12823:46
Guddumcphail, Does gparted allow changing it? Or will it use 256 by default and then i later need to use commmand line to make the change?23:47
K1rkUbuntuUser, I don't think that is a routable IP? lol23:47
mcphailGuddu: don't know about what gparted does, as I just use mkfs from command line to format drives23:47
UbuntuUserit is not it is multicast from what I googled... but why is it being generated ?23:47
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ChibaPetUbuntuUser: lsof and/or netstat -nap might help23:47
UbuntuUseror what process is generating ..23:47
UbuntuUserok.. looking at that ..t hankyou.23:48
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Guddumcphail, k1l Look at the latest spec. http://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc3-Disk-Drive-Recommendations-20140226v1.pdf it does talk about Journaling23:48
Guddumcphail, I am not good at commmand lines. I wil do some research.23:48
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mcphailGuddu: yes - it recommends ext3 but tolerates ext2, I think23:48
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GillesMhello I have created a mo  localization for a C program .. where do I have to install it ?23:49
Guddumcphail, How do i achieve this "Distribution disks shall contain a standard “MBR” partition table. This is meant23:50
Gudduto specifically exclude “GPT”, “BSD”, and other partition table types. The MBR23:50
Guddupartition table shall contain one and only one partition record. The single partition23:50
Guddurecord shall be the first Primary partition record. The partition identifier shall be23:50
Guddu0x83, indicating a Linux native partition. "23:50
K1rkGuddu, http://linux.die.net/man/8/mkfs.ext323:50
GudduI am so sorry for the line break. Won't happen again.23:50
mcphailGuddu: If I was you, I'd create the partition in gparted (selecting the MBR type) then format the partition from the command line23:51
^KingI have a problem installing a new package on my updated OS.23:51
K1rkGuddu, should be something like: mkfs.ext3 -I 128 /dev/sd#23:51
GudduThanks K1rk  mcphail23:51
K1rkGuddu, mcphail is right making the partition in gparted may be easier for you than doing it in, say, fsck.23:52
K1rkIt's ok if gparted formats it, you will format it again when you run the mkfs command.23:52
K1rkJust make sure you choose your /dev/sdX# correctly so you don't wipe the wrong drive :)23:52
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GudduK1rk, Is there a way to check the current inode size on a device FS?23:59

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